Midterm Trip Reports

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Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez

Trip Reports
What is a Trip Report?
Trip reports are a common part of organizational communication. They generally follow the format of a memorandum, addressed toone or more members of a group of associates. They should include the reason for the trip, whatwas found, and one or more conclusions. (McGraw-Hill Higher Education)

Parts of a Trip Report

Memo heading - identifies the recipients of the memo, the sender, the date the memo was sent, and the subject (or purpose) of the memo. In the heading, determine to whom you are going to send the letter (that is, your audience). Include all those who really need to receive the information, but don't include anyone who doesn'tdoing so just wastes their time and your money. Make sure to spell names correctly and to include the complete name and correct titles of recipients. The subject line should be specific enough to convey the main purpose of the memo. The heading generally looks like this: To: Name and position of the reader From: Name and position of the writer Subject: A phrase that focuses the reader's attention on the subject of the memo Date: Date the memo is sent Purpose statementis a declarative sentence which summarizes the specific topic and goals of a document. It is typically included in the introduction to give the reader an accurate, concrete understanding what the document will cover and what he/she can gain from reading it. To be effective, a statement of purpose should be: Specific and precise - not general, broad or obscure Concise - one or two sentences Clear - not vague, ambiguous or confusing Goal-oriented - stated in terms of desired outcomes

Some common introductory phrases for purpose statements include: "The purpose of this paper/letter/document is to..." "In this paper, I will describe/explain/review/etc. the..." "My reason for writing is to..." "This paper will discuss the..." "The purpose of this paper is twofold: to ___ and ___"

Topics- subject of the report Header - text that is separated from the main body of text and appears at the top of a printed page; When a memo exceeds one page, all subsequent pages should begin with a header in the top left corner:

Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez
Type of report (Date) Senders last name page number Recommendations - include appropriate and specific recommendations as a separate section preceding the conclusion. Distribution list- list of names to whom a communication should be sent

How to make a Trip Report?

Know the Objective The prime objective in writing trip reports is to generate a profusion of details describing the locations of a certain place. We are not looking for just another "me too" report about individual experiences or your latest "fun for all" trip. Include the reason of the trip.

Follow the Basic Format In writing trip reports the Memoranda format is generally used. It should be two or more pages of text in length.

Develop Style To keep the report light and informative, the writer should give details of what is actually experienced, so the readers will know what to expect. We can include anything as long as the report is well-supported mainly with facts.

Length of the Report Two to three pages of text would be greatly appreciated. Though shorter or longer reports will not be rejected.

What to Include in the Content Where exactly did you go? How did you get there? What was the transport like and how good are communications there? When did you go? Is there a particularly good reason for going at that time? Who went on the trip? What was their level of experience and was the location suitable? Explain the major features Were there any difficulties or local hazards to note? What diving facilities were available and did you use (boats, equipment, gases etc)? How much did the trip cost? Have you got any cost saving tips?

Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez
At the end of the report please give full details of any contact names of tour operators, advisers, accommodation, dive centres, etc. Please also give your own contact details, such as an e-mail address, and your dive qualification or experience

According to Pearson Learning content must include: USE MEMO FORMAT: Include your boss name and title in the to line, your name and title in the from line, todays date in the date line, and a clear subject in the subject line (avoid vagueness on one hand or overexplanation on the other). PROVIDE AN INTRODUCTION: You can either use a header titled Purpose or simply explain the purpose of the report in the first paragraph of the report. Although Mark knows the purpose, he may need to locate the report by title later, or it may be forwarded to someone else, someone who will need the context. PROVIDE A BODY: Break down the information any way you want, so long as the information in the body is relevant and is organized clearly. Provide a table that incorporates the statistics from the notes. Your notes are organized by date, but you need not organize the report by date. In fact, the report would probably be more effective if organized in some more meaningful way, for instance into categories of probable causes of the incidents and possible resolutions. ACCOUNT FOR NAMES, TIMES, AND LOCATIONS: Without providing excessive information Mark doesnt need, make sure you provide the full names and job titles of the people you met with, along with times and locations so that Mark can see how you utilized your time. BE COMPLETE AND OBJECTIVE: Describe the relevant information you learned in a sufficient level of detail without overdoing it, and avoid interpreting the information unless the situation calls for your opinion PROVIDE A CONCLUSION: Offer some form of conclusion, even if its just a note to say Im available for follow up if you have questions or some other statement that provides your reader with a sense of completion. In this case, you might want to offer possible resolutions to the problem at hand, if you think Mark would want that.

Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez

Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez

Technical Writing: TRIP REPORT

English 104 Reporting Sumatra * Bidiones * Samillano * Abutas * Gollocino * Montao * Fernandez

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