01-Experiment 1 - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Flexure
01-Experiment 1 - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Flexure
01-Experiment 1 - Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Flexure
Aim: To study the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams Details of test specimen: Provide a neat sketch of the test specimen along with its dimensions and geometric properties
Reinforcement Details for Flexure Test Apparatus used: List the apparatus used in the experiment and describe them briefly Background: Brief description of the response of the reinforced concrete in flexure o Behavior of singly reinforced beams Under reinforced, Over reinforced, Balanced sections o Behavior of doubly reinforced beams Assumptions in the flexure theory for reinforced concrete beams and its implications Brief derivation of the cracking and ultimate moment for singly reinforced sections o Cracking moment, M cr = 0.12 * bD 2 f ck kNm, f ck in MPa, b, D in mm is the width and depth of the beam respectively o Ultimate moment for under reinforced beam, M ur = 0.54f ck bx u (d 0.42x u ), x u = f y A st /(0.54f ck b) o Ultimate moment for the over reinforced beam, M ur = 0.54f ck bx u (d 0.42x u ), x u = ( ( Ast Es ) 212 * 106 + 7.56 * 103 Ast Es dbf ck -0.0035A st E s )/ (1.08bf ck ) Obtain the ultimate moment capacity for doubly reinforced section Obtain an equation for the deflected shape of a simply supported beam subjected to two-point loading assuming linear elastic behavior
Sketch of experimental setup: Neat sketch of the setup showing the location of the steel pellets, dial gauge, point of application of the loads, support condition
Dial gauges
Secondary compression failure Mu Yield of tension steel(at yielding moment) Moment (M)
First crack(at cracking moment) Curvature () Moment Curvature relation for under-reinforced section
Compression Failure Mu
Moment (M)
Curvature ()
Procedure: List the procedure followed to collect the required data Observation: 1. Table 1: Readings from the DEMEC gauge at various locations Under reinforced beam Load, DEMEC gauge reading, mm kg 1 2 3 4 5 2. Table 2: Readings from the dial gauge and crack width Under reinforced beam Load, Crack Raw Dial Gauge Reading, (mm) kg width, 1 2 3 (mm) Main Vern Main Vern Main Vern 3. Table 3: Readings from the DEMEC gauge at various locations Over reinforced beam Load, DEMEC gauge reading, mm kg 1 2 3 4 5
4. Table 4: Readings from the dial gauge and crack width Over reinforced beam Load, Crack Raw Dial Gauge Reading, (mm) kg width, 1 2 3 (mm) Main Vern Main Vern Main Vern
Detailed Calculations: 1. Table 5: The value of the strains at various locations Under reinforced beam Load, kg Strain, (10-6) 2 3 4
2. Table 6: Deflections at various locations Under reinforced beam Load, kg Observed Deflection, (mm) 1 2 3 Theoretical Deflection, (mm) 1 2 3
3. Table 7: The value of the strains at various locations Over reinforced beam Load, kg Strain, (10-6) 2 3 4
4. Table 8: Deflections at various locations Over reinforced beam Load, kg Observed Deflection, (mm) 1 2 3 Theoretical Deflection, (mm) 1 2 3
5. Table 9: Various quantities computed from strains tabulated in Table 5 and 7. Under reinforced beam Load, Moment, Curvature, Depth kg Nm of NA, mm Over reinforced beam Moment, Curvature, Depth Nm of NA, mm
Load, kg
6. Figure 3: Plot of depth vs. strain for various loads 7. Figure 4: Plot of load vs. deflection (3 curves, compare theoretical predictions with experimentally obtained values) 8. Figure 5: Plot of moment vs. curvature 9. Figure 6: Plot of moment vs. depth of neutral axis 10. Figure 7: Plot of load vs. crack width 11. Compare the response of under reinforced vs. over reinforced beams in the above plots and describe the qualitative difference in their response 12. Compare the predicted and observed ultimate capacity and cracking moment. Discussion: Comment on the results obtained and the observed vs. expected behavior