Lighting Management System: Software

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Lighting Management System

The WDM Lighting Management System (LMS) has been designed to provide a complete solution for managing both planned and unplanned maintenance operations using the latest map based techniques. The system incorporates all Client and Contractor stages of the process and a comprehensive Security Manager ensures that users have the exact privileges required to full their role in the process. The system covers: Management of scouting routes and inspection surveys Management, analysis and reporting of outages generated from inspections and public notication Generate and manage routine maintenance works orders Plan, estimate and generate works orders for Major Maintenance Support Contractor Claim and Valuation Process Collect and manage lighting inventory - Including on site data collection software. Calculation of Column Condition Indicators Generate and Monitor Energy Consumption Monitor performance and expenditure against Best Value Comprehensive mapping tools included with export to GIS as MIF/ MID or Shape File Formats Electronic Night Scouting and Routine Maintenance Using Handheld data collection

Determining the location of faults can often be difcult. The System allows faults to be located either by clicking on the appropriate inventory items from any of the map types, or by using one of the many text based search facilities (e.g. street name, postcode, coordinate etc.). Once the job is located it can be assigned to specic works orders and submitted to the Contractor(s) along with any supporting documents and photographs etc.

Ordnance Survey Mapping Crown Copyright 2003

The system can cope with multiple contracts and Bills of Quantities (supporting various rates and VOPs for each item). Non-cyclic jobs are constructed using the BOQ search tools and the maps can be used to estimate lengths and areas. Dates of last lamp changes etc. are stored and can be used to automatically generate instructions for replacement, or for Performance Indicators. Many parts of the process can be automated using the Scheduler tool. Urgent faults are dened by the user and are Fast Tracked through the system to reach the Contractor with the minimum of delay. Interfaces to other systems can be adapted to provide a solution tailored to each users requirements. Inventory is a central part of the LMS. All inventory item types and their attributes are user dened and are managed using Item Manager. When faults are referenced as an item the inventory is automatically updated (e.g. replacement lamp) on the completion of the job. Inventory is also used to generate the energy report using the Elexon charge codes. Column Condition Indicators are calculated in accordance with the Institute of Lighting Engineers Technical Report TR22 - Lighting columns and sign posts: planned inspection regime.

Ordnance Survey Mapping Crown Copyright 2003

Scouting and Routine Maintenance can either by collected using conventional pen and pre-printed pro-formas produced from the LMS. Alternatively, the contractor can record the defects directly into hand held data capture devices eliminating the need to double enter the work. Large Fonts, Simple Pick Lists and Pop Up keyboards controlled by the software are all designed to aid the Operative. Both Scouting and Routine Maintenance are GPS enabled, making map based data collection quick and easy.

W.D.M. Limited, North View, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 4NX T: +44 (0)117 9567233 F: +44 (0)117 9570351

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