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Living Light Academy 3 Quarterly Examination Biology


Name: _______________________________________________________ Year and Section: ______________________________________________ I. Solve the following genetic problems using any method:

Score: __________________ Date: ___________________

1. In human beings, a downward-pointed frontal hair-line (widows peak) is a heritable trait. A person with widows peak always has atleast one parent who also has this trait, whereas persons with a straight frontal hairline may occur in families in which one or even both parents have widows peaks. When both parents have a straight frontal hairline, all children also have a straight hairline. Using W and w to symbolize alleles for this trait, what is the genotype of an individual without widows peak? 2. Radishes may have any of three shapes: long, spherical and ovoid. Crosses of long x spherical always produce and F1 consisting only of ovoid radishes. If an ovoid radish crossed with spherical radish what will be the appearance of the offspring? 3. Determine the number of boys and girls in a family with 19 children 4. In summer squash, white fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow fruit color (w) and disk-shaped fruit (D) is dominant over sphere-shaped fruit (d). If a squash plant true-breeding for white, disk-shaped fruit is crossed with a plant true-breeding for yellow, sphere-shaped fruit, what will the phenotypic and genotypic ratios? 5. Cross a plant that is heterozygous tall and homozygous for green seeds with a plant that is short and is also homozygous for green seeds. 6. What will be the results of mating between a normal (non-carrier) female and a hemophilac male? 7. Clouded leopards are a medium sized, endangered species of cat, living in the very wet cloud forests of Central America. Assume that the normal spots (XN) are a dominant, sex-linked trait and that dark spots are the recessive counterpart. Suppose as a Conservation Biologist, you are involved in a clouded leopard breeding program. One year you cross a male with dark spots and a female with normal spots. 8. Analyze the chart. Pedigree Chart

Observations 1. How many generations are represented in the chart for sickle-cell anemia? ____________________________ 2. How many carriers of the sickle-cell trait are in each generation? ___________________________________ 3. How many people in the family were born with sickle-cell anemia? _________________________________ 4. From with parent did the second-generation children inherit the sickle-cell gene? ______________________ 5. In which generation did sickle-cell anemia first show? ____________________________________________ Conclusions 1. What can you determine about a family using a pedigree chart? (Be specific) __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Its not that Im so smart, its just that I stay with problems longer. ~ Albert Einstein Good luck and God bless!!! Sir Ronnel Franco Galvez Landrito

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