Sean Griffin Julia Heavey Jennifer Ngo Steven Nolan Kat Klein Emmanuel Rabkin

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Sean Griffin Julia Heavey Jennifer Ngo Steven Nolan Kat Klein Emmanuel Rabkin

this is Pinkberry.

Pinkberry is home to

Swirly Goodness we serve up the premium frozen yogurt that has been reinventing the US frozen yogurt category since 2005.

take a peek into Pinkberry.

Pinkberry is home to unique flavors not
available anywhere else.

Being a yogurt company, Pinkberry is

thrilled to bring Greek yogurt into their stores and expose people to different ways to enjoy yogurt into stores and incorporate it into their daily routine. frozen yogurt into peoples everyday routines, making it as common as regular yogurt at lunch.

Its the company mission to incorporate

company insight

our mission
To emphasize the Pinkberry brand and
build an awareness campaign in the Northeast/Boston region to get the buzz rolling about the perfect product we serve up.

heres the swirl.

Price of

Pinkberry prides itself

on having a fresh, light, and healthy decadent product thats made with care. excited to be home to the original tart frozen yogurt for people on the go.

They have a passion for quality, and are The world is confident in Pinkberry.

Starbucks Maverick has invested $27.5 million in us, and Zagat has given the company a #1 rating.

company insight // relevant positioning

product insight
Premium ingredients from around the globe
are used to create a one-of-a-kind craveable taste

Hormone free-milk is the only dairy used. Yogurt is abundant in live active cultures
cut daily. certified by the National Yogurt Association.

Toppings are super fresh, with fruit hand Original flavor is always non-fat, with 100
calories per half cup.

Recipe is top secret individuals can only

get the Pinkberry experience if they come to a real Pinkberry.

product insight

categorizing frozen yogurt

Frozen yogurt falls in the frozen novelties Other things that fall into the frozen
category, and is perceived as a lower calorie, healthier alternative to ice cream. novelties category include ice cream, smoothies, and popsicles. greatest percent increase in sales in this category.

From 2010-2012, frozen yogurt showed the This is due in part to how frozen yogurt is

consumed: unlike the other varieties in the frozen novelties category, frozen yogurt is consumed as a between-meal snack as opposed to a dessert or sweet after-meal treat.

category insight

consumer trends in the market

Economic: Trend: In 2011, the market

category insight

emerged from 2 years of struggling sales to reach retail sales of 10.7 billion an increase of 4.1%, despite the poor economic downturn. Implication: This is due in part because consumers are sick of being broke so theyre taking their money to treat themselves. High prices are alright as long as the consumer feels theyre getting something good for themselves in it.

consumer trends in the market

Social: Trend: People dont like to indulge

by themselves. Implication: Frozen novelties are a shared experience. Loyalty to a frozen novelty brand comes not only from the individual, but is influenced by the individuals friends and family. This may be why engaged people have the highest index (113) in regards to frozen yogurt customers.

Category insight

consumer trends in the market

Consumer: Trend: According to a survey run by
Mintel, 69% of survey respondents who buy frozen treats especially those aged 18-24 were more likely to eat the product right away directly after purchasing it. Implication: Looks matter. The ambiance of the selling store has a major role in this rapid consumption.

Category insight

customer feedback

word on the street is

Pinkberry is perceived as a healthy snack
and treat, not a fatty dessert. overindulgent slow their roll.

Topping control is fantastic. Helps the Attractive because it is a recognizable

brand that is seen as prestigious

Has many healthy connotations Taste matters most over price.

customer insight

at the same time

Some people find Pinkberry too

The staff

can be stingy with toppings.

The price point may be perceived as

ridiculously expensive

Seen as a tourist trap thats impossible

to navigate in the summer. worth it.

The wait can be so long that its just not

customer insight

the competition
Frozen yogurt competitors:

Ice cream competitors:

Supermarket frozen treats.

competitive insight

strengths & weaknesses

Strengths: Product is aesthetically pleasing and functional for day to day enjoyment. Strong social media presence and online customer interaction Execute upon multiple product micro-categories // variety of Pinkberry products include: smoothies, fruit bowls, cones, waffle cookies, take home cartons, etc. Delivery available in some locations, mainly New York Weaknesses: Pinkberry lacks self serve. This is problematic because customers crave being in charge and having control. Higher price point than competitors Less variety of flavors in comparison to other frozen yogurt venues.

category insight // company insight // product insight

threats & opportunities

Threats: Competitive pricing from private labels in the category (Edys, Breyers, Ben and Jerrys) Economic unstable and economic prosperity uncertain

Greatest sale within the market category occurs in supermarkets Nut and coconut alternatives, which are generally perceived as healthier (ie: almond milk) rapidly emerging


Introducing product into supermarkets Adding more customer involvement in flavor variety Emphasize the non-self-serve option as an opportunity to emphasize our health benefits with a main focus on portion control Emphasize the seasonal flavors in conjunction with geographical location. (ie: a take on the Boston Crme doughnut) Children are also looking for healthier snack alternatives given the health trend thats been occurring over the past decade.

category insight // company insight // product insight

heres who were targeting.

According to MRI+, college educated
women aged 18-34 that are in professional or related occupations have the highest index in the frozen novelty consumption category. (Index of 118) income of $60,000-$74,999 and generally live in the Northeast. (Index of 125)

These women on average have a household Engaged women are also a demographic we

will be engaging. (Index of 113) Making Pinkberry appeal to their potential children (aged 1-5) is also an area of opportunity to market to considering the substantial index. (index of 154-177)

target audience

meet Betsy:

Betsy is a 24 year old young professional in the finance industry that recently graduated from Northeastern University. She currently lives in an apartment in the Back Bay with her serious boyfriend, Matt. With her job, Betsy is always on the go, and often takes part in working lunches. In her free time, Betsy likes to hang out with her friends and take part in group activities such as shopping, dining, and watching movies. Betsi is a chronic tweeter, texter, and facebook muploader. Ever since she ditched her Blackberry back in 2010, shes had some trouble unplugging from the internet.

target audience

the gameplan
Weve got $600,000 to build a campaign
that will generate sufficient buzz that will get people running to a Pinkberry store or franchise in their area.

Well be doing this by hitting the

consumer when theyre least expecting it: Winter.

marketing strategy

advertising objective
Generate enough buzz and brand
awareness to make the consumer crave our frozen treat in the Winter in order to strengthen sales in the months where it matters most: Summer.

marketing strategy

how well hit them:

According to MRI, our target audience is: Reading magazines (115/115) Listening to radio (120/106) Surfing the Internet (143/126) Goin outdoors (103/101) With this in mind, well be utilizing the
following mediums:

New age radio Guerrilla tactics Social media (free) /online ads (paid) Billboards
marketing strategy

when well hit them:

Well be implementing a high reach/high
frequency ad campaign in the Boston area in the February April months.

These months are cold. If

we can get them excited now, theres a strong chance that theyll be coming back in the summer, thereby making the most effective use of our advertising dollars.

money matters:
The campaign will run continuously
through February-April, with approximately $200,000 allotted for each month of the campaign. a high frequency, high reach approach.

Well be paying our specific mediums for

marketing strategy

media breakdown: magazines

Boston Weddings: $1500 Boston Magazine: $3832 Improper Bostonian $8650 Metro $27,580

media breakdown: online

Pandora/Spotify - $25,065 Impressions on mediums such as
Facebook: $5000

we get social.
Pinkberry gets their image across
through one of the most effective social media content campaigns to date.

marketing strategy

how social?
Instagram: 24,991 Twitter: 43,376 followers Facebook: 407,496 likes Pinkberrys strong following will cause
for a free medium to push our buzz content to, in addition to paying for online ad space and impressions. marketing strategy

media breakdown: guerrilla

Fruit vending: $91,666 Outdoor/Ambassador work: $16,666 Buffer for spontaneous product
giveaways: $5000

creative strategy
Pinkberry provides high quality, healthy
frozen yogurt. Each frozen yogurt is made with care, allowing the consumer to guiltlessly indulge. quality products real nonfat milk, fresh daily chopped fruit and our dedication to customer service. snack on healthy high quality alternative desserts during the off-season. It will use the same lingo as our target demographic.

In our creative, well be focusing on our

Were aiming to inspire young women to

The creative work will be youthful and lively.

creative strategy

creative strategy statement Pinkberry is the healthy snack alternative passionate about perfection.

creative strategy statement

getting artsy

Guerilla Marketing Invade local, highly populated areas of Boston once at the end of each month. Locations in mind include Kenmore, Copley, and Arlington. Bring in fresh fruit vendors offering free fruit toppings. Hide a pink berry in one of fruit vendors produce, and the person to find this berry will receive 3 months worth of free Pinkberry (so long as they bring at least one friend with them.) This promotional event will encourage participation while positioning Pinkberry as a frozen yogurt vendor that incorporates fresh ingredients into their product. This event also takes advantage of the consumer trend of togetherness individuals will come share with their friends.

creative strategy

really artsy

To help promote our brand image of perfection as well as get people talking about frozen yogurt during the colder months, well be running advertisements that tell it like it is. Enjoy Pinkberry now, look great then. Spring is coming, taste the freshness, Pinkberry. Snow isnt the only awesome frosty thing around this winter. Its never too cold to get your swirl on. Were passionate about perfection. Stay cool.

creative strategy

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