Verilog Tut

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Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary

The Verilog Language

Aleksandar Milenkovic
E-mail: Web: [email protected]



The Verilog Language

Originally a modeling language for a very efficient event-driven digital logic simulator Later pushed into use as a specification language for logic synthesis Now, one of the two most commonly-used languages in digital hardware design (VHDL is the other) Combines structural and behavioral modeling styles

Multiplexer Built From Primitives

module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; and or not g1(f1, a, nsel), g2(f2, b, sel); g3(f, f1, f2); g4(nsel, sel); Verilog programs built from modules Each module has an interface Module may contain structure: instances of primitives and other modules


a g4 b sel


g1 g2

f1 g3 f2



Multiplexer Built From Primitives

module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; and or not g1(f1, a, nsel), g2(f2, b, sel); g3(f, f1, f2); g4(nsel, sel); Identifiers not explicitly defined default to wires

Multiplexer Built With Always

module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; reg f; always @(a or b or sel) if (sel) f = b; else f = a; endmodule Modules may contain one or more always blocks Sensitivity list contains signals whose change triggers the execution of the block


a g4 b sel


g1 g2

f1 g3 f2

a f b sel



Multiplexer Built With Always

module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; reg f; always @(a or b or sel) if (sel) f = a; else f = b; endmodule A reg behaves like memory: holds its value until imperatively assigned otherwise Body of an always block contains traditional imperative code

Mux with Continuous Assignment

module mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; assign f = sel ? a : b; endmodule LHS is always set to the value on the RHS Any change on the right causes reevaluation

a f b sel

a f b sel



Mux with User-Defined Primitive

primitive mux(f, a, b, sel); output f; input a, b, sel; table 1?0 : 1; 0?0 : 0; ?11 : 1; ?01 : 0; 11? : 1; 00? : 0; endtable endprimitive

How Are Simulators Used?

Testbench generates stimulus and checks response Coupled to model of the system Pair is run simultaneously

Behavior defined using a truth table that includes dont cares This is a less pessimistic than others: when a & b match, sel is ignored (others produce X)

Stimulus Testbench System Model Response

a f b sel

Result checker




Structural - instantiation of primitives and modules RTL/Dataflow - continuous assignments Behavioral - procedural assignments

Structural Modeling
When Verilog was first developed (1984) most logic simulators operated on netlists Netlist: list of gates and how theyre connected A natural representation of a digital logic circuit Not the most convenient way to express test benches





Behavioral Modeling
A much easier way to write testbenches Also good for more abstract models of circuits
Easier to write Simulates faster

Style Example - Structural

module full_add (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; wire N1, N2, N3; half_add HA1 (N1, N2, A, B), HA2 (S, N3, N1, CI); or P1 (CO, N3, N2); endmodule module half_add (S, C, X, Y); output S, C ; input X, Y ; xor (S, X, Y) ; and (C, X, Y) ; endmodule

More flexible Provides sequencing Verilog succeeded in part because it allowed both the model and the testbench to be described together





Style Example Dataflow/RTL

module fa_rtl (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; assign S = A ^ B ^ CI; assign CO = A & B | A & CI | B & CI; endmodule //continuous assignment //continuous assignment

Style Example Behavioral

module fa_bhv (S, CO, A, B, CI) ; output S, CO ; input A, B, CI ; reg S, CO; // required to hold values between events. //; // procedural assignment // procedural assignment

always@(A or B or CI) begin S <= A ^ B ^ CI; CO <= A & B | A & CI | B & CI; end endmodule





How Verilog Is Used

Virtually every ASIC is designed using either Verilog or VHDL (a similar language) Behavioral modeling with some structural elements Synthesis subset
Can be translated using Synopsys Design Compiler or others into a netlist

An Example: Counter
`timescale 1ns/1ns module counter; reg clock; // declare reg data type for the clock integer count; // declare integer data type for the count initial // initialize things - this executes once at start begin clock = 0; count = 0; // initialize signals #340 $finish; // finish after 340 time ticks end /* an always statement to generate the clock, only one statement follows the always so we don't need a begin and an end */ always #10 clock = ~ clock; // delay is set to half the clock cycle /* an always statement to do the counting, runs at the same time (concurrently) as the other always statement */ always begin // wait here until the clock goes from 1 to 0 @ (negedge clock); // now handle the counting if (count == 7) count = 0; else count = count + 1; $display("time = ",$time," count = ", count); end endmodule

Design written in Verilog Simulated to death to check functionality Synthesized (netlist generated) Static timing analysis to check timing



An Example: Counter (contd)

Verilog using ModelSim
Assume working directory: cpe626/VlogExamples/Counter Invoke ModelSim Change Directory to cpe626/VlogExamples/Counter Copy file counter.v to the working directory Create a design library: vlib work Compile counter.v: vlog counter.v Start the simulator: vsim counter Run the simulation: e.g., run 200ns
> # # # # # # # # # # run 200 time = time = time = time = time = time = time = time = time = time = 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 count count count count count count count count count count = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2



Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary

Basics of the Verilog Language

Language Conventions Logic Values Data Types Wire Types Numbers Negative Numbers Strings

Language Conventions
Case-sensitivity Verilog is case-sensitive. Some simulators are case-insensitive Advice: - Dont use case-sensitive feature! Keywords are lower case Different names must be used for different items within the same scope Identifier alphabet: Upper and lower case alphabeticals decimal digits underscore

Basics of the Verilog


Language Conventions (contd)

Basics of the Verilog

Four-valued Logic
Verilogs nets and registers hold four-valued data 0, 1
Logical Zero, Logical One

Basics of the Verilog

Maximum of 1024 characters in identifier First character not a digit Statement terminated by ; Free format within statement except for within quotes Comments: All characters after // in a line are treated as a comment Multi-line comments begin with /* and end with */ Compiler directives begin with // synopsys Built-in system tasks or functions begin with $ Strings enclosed in double quotes and must be on a single line

Output of an undriven tri-state driver high-impedance value Models case where nothing is setting a wires value

Models when the simulator cant decide the value uninitialized or unknown logic value
o Initial state of registers o When a wire is being driven to 0 and 1 simultaneously o Output of a gate with z inputs

Four-valued Logic (contd)

Logical operators work on three-valued logic

Basics of the Verilog

Two Main Data Types

Nets represent connections between things
Do not hold their value Take their value from a driver such as a gate or other module Cannot be assigned in an initial or always block

Basics of the Verilog

0 0 1 X Z 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 X X

X 0 X X X

Z 0 X X X Output X if both inputs are gibberish Output 0 if one input is 0

Regs represent data storage

Behave exactly like memory in a computer Hold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial or always block Never connected to something Can be used to model latches, flip-flops, etc., but do not correspond exactly Shared variables with all their attendant problems
25 26

Data Types
nets are further divided into several net types
wire, tri, supply0, ...

Basics of the Verilog

Nets and Registers (contd)

Basics of the Verilog

registers - stores a logic value - reg integer - supports computation time - stores time 64-bit unsigned real - stores values as real num realtime - stores time values as real numbers event an event data type

Wires and registers can be bits, vectors, and arrays

module declarations_4; wire Data; // a scalar net of type wire wire [31:0] ABus, DBus; // two 32-bit wide vector wires... // DBus[31] = left-most = most-significant bit = msb // DBus[0] = right-most = least-significant bit = lsb // Notice the size declaration precedes the names // wire [31:0] TheBus, [15:0] BigBus; // illegal reg [3:0] vector; // a 4-bit vector register reg [4:7] nibble; // msb index < lsb index integer i; initial begin i = 1; vector = 'b1010; // vector without an index nibble = vector; // this is OK too #1; $display("T=%0g",$time," vector=", vector," nibble=", nibble); #2; $display("T=%0g",$time," Bus=%b",DBus[15:0]); end assign DBus [1] = 1; // this is a bit-select assign DBus [3:0] = 'b1111; // this is a part-select // assign DBus [0:3] = 'b1111; // illegal - wrong direction endmodule



Nets and Registers (contd)

integer imem[0:1023]; reg [31:0] dcache[0:63]; time time_log[1:1000]; // real Illegal[1:10]; // // // // Array of 1024 integers A 64-word by 32-bit wide memory as an array of regs Illegal. There are no real arrays.

Basics of the Verilog

Net Types

Basics of the Verilog

module declarations_5; reg [31:0] VideoRam [7:0]; // a 8-word by 32-bit wide memory initial begin VideoRam[1] = 'bxz; // must specify an index for a memory VideoRam[2] = 1; VideoRam[7] = VideoRam[VideoRam[2]]; // need 2 clock cycles for this VideoRam[8] = 1; // careful! the compiler won't complain! // Verify what we entered: $display("VideoRam[0] is %b",VideoRam[0]); $display("VideoRam[1] is %b",VideoRam[1]); $display("VideoRam[2] is %b",VideoRam[2]); $display("VideoRam[7] is %b",VideoRam[7]); end endmodule

wire - connectivity only tri - same as wire, but will be 3-stated in hardware wand - multiple drivers - wired and wor - multiple drivers - wired or triand - same as wand, but 3-state trior - same as wor but 3-state supply0 - Global net GND supply1 - Global Net VCC (VDD) tri0, tri1 model resistive connections to VSS and VDD trireg like wire but associates some capacitance with the net, so it can model charge storage


Declarations: An Example
module declarations_1; wire pwr_good,pwr_on,pwr_stable; integer i; time t; event e; real r; // // // // // Explicitly declare wires 32-bit, signed (2's complement) 64-bit, unsigned, behaves like a 64-bit reg Declare an event data type Real data type of implementation defined size

Register Assignment
A register may be assigned value only within:
a a a a procedural statement user-defined sequential primitive task, or function.

Basics of the Verilog

// assign statement continuously drives a wire... assign pwr_stable = 1'b1; assign pwr_on = 1; // 1 or 1'b1 assign pwr_good = pwr_on & pwr_stable; initial begin $display("pwr_on=",pwr_on); i = 123.456; // There must be a digit on either side r = 123456e-3; // of the decimal point if it is present. t = 123456e-3; // Time is rounded to 1 second by default. $display("i=%0g",i," t=%6.2f",t," r=%f",r); #2 $display("TIME=%0d",$time," ON=",pwr_on, " STABLE=",pwr_stable," GOOD=",pwr_good); end endmodule # pwr_on=x # i=123 t=123.00 r=123.456000 # TIME=2 ON=1 STABLE=1 GOOD=1

A reg object may never be assigned value by:

a primitive gate output or a continuous assignment

reg a, b, c; reg [15:0] counter, shift_reg; integer sum, difference;
31 32

Constants & Strings


Basics of the Verilog

Number Representation
Format: <size><base_format><number>
<size> - decimal specification of number of bits

Basics of the Verilog

parameter A = 2b00, B = 2b01, C = 2b10; parameter regsize = 8; reg [regsize - 1:0]; /* illustrates use of parameter regsize */

o default is unsized and machine-dependent but at least 32 bits

<base format> - ' followed by arithmetic base of number

o o o o <d> <D> - decimal - default base if no <base_format> given <h> <H> - hexadecimal <o> <O> - octal <b> <B> - binary

No explicit data type Must be stored in reg (or array)
reg [255:0] buffer; parameter Tab = "\t"; parameter NewLine = "\n"; parameter BackSlash = "\\"; //stores 32 characters // tab character // newline character // back slash

<number> - value given in base of <base_format>

o _ can be used for reading clarity o If first character of sized, binary number 0, 1, x or z, will extend 0, 1, x or z (defined later!)



Number Representation
6b010_111 8'b0110 4'bx01 16'H3AB 24 5'O36 16'Hx 8'hz gives 010111 gives 00000110 gives xx01 gives 0000001110101011 gives 00011000 gives 11100 gives xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gives zzzzzzzz

Basics of the Verilog

Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary




Arithmetic (pair of operands, binary word) [binary: +, -,*,/,%*]; [unary: +, -] Bitwise (pair of operands, binary word) [~, &,|,^,~^,^~] Reduction (single operand, bit) [&,~&,|,~|,^,~^,^~] Logical (pair of operands, boolean value) [!,&&,||,==,!=,===,!==] Relational (pair of operands, boolean value) [<,<=,>,>=] Shift (single operand, binary word) [>>,<<] Conditional ? : (three operands, expression) Concatenation and Replications {,} {int{ }}
* unsupported for variables

Operators (contd)

+ (addition), initial begin #1 Seven = 7; #1 - (subtraction), Seven = Seven * (multiplication), #1 end / (division), endmodule % (modulus) Before=7
After =0

module modulo; reg [2:0] Seven; $display("Before=", Seven); + 1; #1 $display("After =", Seven);

~ (negation), & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), ~^ (xnor) Reduction E.g.: &(0101) = 0 & (and), ~& (nand), | (or), ~| (nor), ^ (or), ~^ (xnor) Logical ! (negation), && (and), || (or), == (equality), != (inequality), === (case equality), !== (case inequality) === : determines whether two words match identically on a bit-by-bit basis, including bits that have values x and z



Operators (contd)
Relational < (lt), <= (lte), > (gt), >= (gte) Shift
<< (left shift), >> (right shift) Conditional E.g.: Y = (A==B) ? A: B wire[15:0] bus_a = drive_bus_a ? data : 16bz; Concatenation {4{a}} = {a, a, a, a}

Operators (contd)
module operators; parameter A10xz = {1'b1,1'b0,1'bx,1'bz}; // concatenation parameter A01010101 = {4{2'b01}}; // replication // arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, and modulus % parameter A1 = (3+2) %2; // result of % takes sign of argument #1 // logical shift operators: << (left), >> (right) parameter A2 = 4 >> 1; parameter A4 = 1 << 2; // zero fill // relational operators: <, <=, >, >= initial if (1 > 2) $stop; // logical operators: ! (negation), && (and), || (or) parameter B0 = !12; parameter B1 = 1 && 2; reg [2:0] A00x; initial begin A00x = 'b111; A00x = !2'bx1; end parameter C1 = 1 || (1/0); /* this may or may not cause an error: the short-circuit behavior of && and || is undefined. An evaluation including && or || may stop when an expression is known to be true or false */ // == (logical equality), != (logical inequality) parameter Ax = (1==1'bx); parameter Bx = (1'bx!=1'bz); parameter D0 = (1==0); parameter D1 = (1==1); ...





Operators (contd)
... parameter D0 = (1==0); parameter D1 = (1==1); // === case equality, !== (case inequality) // case operators only return true or false parameter E0 = (1===1'bx); parameter E1 = 4'b01xz === 4'b01xz; parameter F1 = (4'bxxxx === 4'bxxxx); // bitwise logical: // ~ (negation), & (and), | (inclusive or), // ^ (exclusive or), ~^ or ^~ (equivalence) parameter A00 = 2'b01 & 2'b10; // unary logical reduction: // & (and), ~& (nand), | (or), ~| (nor), // ^ (xor), ~^ or ^~ (xnor) parameter G1= & 4'b1111; // conditional expression x = a ? b : c // if (a) then x = b else x = c reg H0, a, b, c; initial begin a=1; b=0; c=1; H0=a?b:c; end reg[2:0] J01x, Jxxx, J01z, J011; initial begin Jxxx = 3'bxxx; J01z = 3'b01z; J011 = 3'b011; J01x = Jxxx ? J01z : J011; end // bitwise result ....

Expression Bit Widths

Depends on: widths of operands and types of operators Verilog fills in smaller-width operands by using zero extension. Final or intermediate result width may increase expression width Unsized constant number - same as integer (usually 32bit) Sized constant number - as specified x op y where op is +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, ^~:
Arithmetic binary and bitwise Bit width = max (width(x), width(y))
41 42



Expression Bit Widths (continued)

op x where op is +, Arithmetic unary Bit width = width(x)

Expression Bit Widths (continued)

Conditional Bit width = max(width(y), width(z))

op x where op is ~
Bitwise negation Bit width = width(x)

{x, , y}
Concatenation Bit width = width(x) + + width(y)

x op y where op is ==, !==, ===, !===, &&, ||, >, >=, <, <= or op y where op is !, &, |, ^, ~&, ~|, ~^
Logical, relational and reduction Bit width = 1

{x{y, , z}}
Replication Bit width = x * (width(y) + + width(z))

x op y where op is <<, >>

Shift Bit width = width(x)
43 44

Expressions with Operands Containing x or z

If any bit is x or z, result is all xs. Divide by 0 produces all xs.


Expressions with Operands Containing x or z (contd)

Defined by tables for 0, 1, x, z operands.


Defined by tables as for bitwise operators.

If any bit is x or z, result is x.

z changed to x. Vacated positions zero filled.

== and != If any bit is x or z, result is x. === and !== All bits including x and z values must match for equality

If conditional expression is ambiguous (e.g., x or z), both expressions are evaluated and bitwise combined as follows: f(1,1) = 1, f(0,0) = 0, otherwise x.




Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary

Basic design units

Verilog program build from modules with I/O interfaces

Modules are:

Declared Instantiated
Module interface is defined using ports

each port must be explicitly declared as one of

o input (wire or other net) o output (reg or wire; can be read inside the module) o inout (wire or other net)

Modules declarations cannot be nested Modules may contain instances of other modules Modules contain local signals, etc. Module configuration is static and all run concurrently



Module Declaration
Basic structure of a Verilog module:
module mymod(output1, output2, input1, input2); output output1; output [3:0] output2; input input1; input [2:0] input2; endmodule

Module Declaration (contd)

/* module_keyword module_identifier (list of ports) */ module C24DecoderWithEnable (A, E, D); input [1:0] A; // input_declaration input E; // input_declaration output [3:0] D; // output_declaration assign D = {4{E}} & ((A == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (A == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (A == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : (A == 2'b11) ? 4'b1000 : 4'bxxxx) ; // continuous_assign endmodule





Module Declaration (contd)

Identifiers - must not be keywords! Ports
First example of signals Scalar: e. g., E Vector: e. g., A[1:0], A[0:1], D[3:0], and D[0:3] o Range is MSB to LSB o Can refer to partial ranges - D[2:1] Type: defined by keywords
o input o output o inout (bi-directional)

Module Instantiation
Instances of
module mymod(y, a, b);

look like
mymod mm1(y1, a1, b1); // Connect-by-position mymod (y2, a1, b1), (y3, a2, b2); // Instance names omitted mymod mm2(.a(a2), .b(b2), .y(c2)); // Connect-by-name





Module Instantiation (contd)

Example: 4/16 decoder using 2/4 decoders
module C416DecoderWithEnable (A, input [3:0] A ; input E; output [15:0] D ; wire [3:0] S; C24DecoderWithEnable C24DecoderWithEnable C24DecoderWithEnable C24DecoderWithEnable C24DecoderWithEnable endmodule DE D0 D1 D2 D3 (A[3:2], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], E, S); S[0], D[3:0]); S[1], D[7:4]); S[2], D[11:8]); S[3], D[15:12]); E, D);

Module Instantiation (contd)

Single module instantiation for five module instances
... C24DecoderWithEnable DE D0 D1 D2 D3 ... (A[3:2], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], (A[1:0], E, S), S_n[0], S_n[1], S_n[2], S_n[3],

D[3:0]), D[7:4]), D[11:8]), D[15:12]);





Position association
C24DecoderWithEnable DE (A[3:2], E, S);
... C24DecoderWithEnable DE (A[3:2], // A = A[3:2], E = E, S = S ... E, S);

Connections (contd)
Empty Port Connections
... // E is at high impedance state (z) C24DecoderWithEnable DE (A[3:2],,S); // Outputs S[3:0] are unused C24DecoderWithEnable DE (A[3:2],E,);

Name association
C24DecoderWithEnable DE (.E(E), .A(A[3:2]), .D(S));
... C24DecoderWithEnable DE (.E (E), .A (A[3:2]) .D (S)); // Note order in list no longer important // (E and A interchanged). // A = A[3:2], E = E, D = S ...
55 56


Array of Instances
{ , } is concatenate Example
module add_array (A, B, CIN, S, COUT) ; input [7:0] A, B ; input CIN ; output [7:0] S ; output COUT ; wire [7:1] carry; full_add FA[7:0] (A,B,{carry, CIN},S,{COUT, carry}); // full_add is a module endmodule



Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary



Procedures and Assignments

Verilog procedures
initial and always statements tasks functions

Continuous assignment
module holiday_1(sat, sun, weekend); input sat, sun; output weekend; assign weekend = sat | sun; // outside a procedure endmodule

Sequential block: a group of statements that appear between a begin and an end
executed sequentially considered as a statement can be nested

Procedural assignment
module holiday_2(sat, sun, weekend); input sat, sun; output weekend; reg weekend; always #1 weekend = sat | sun; // inside a procedure endmodule
module assignments // continuous assignments go here always begin // procedural assignments go here end endmodule 59 60

Procedures execute concurrently with other procedures Assignment statements

continuous assignments: appear outside procedures procedural assignments: appear inside procedures



Continuous Assignments
Convenient for logical or datapath specifications
Define bus widths Continuous assignment: permanently sets the value of sum to be a+b+carryin Recomputed when a, b, or carryin changes

Continuous Assignment (contd)

module assignment_1(); wire pwr_good, pwr_on, pwr_stable; reg Ok, Fire; assign pwr_stable = Ok & (!Fire); assign pwr_on = 1; assign pwr_good = pwr_on & pwr_stable; initial begin Ok = 0; Fire = 0; #1 Ok = 1; #5 Fire = 1; end initial begin $monitor("TIME=%0d",$time," ON=",pwr_on, " STABLE=", pwr_stable," OK=",Ok," FIRE=",Fire," GOOD=",pwr_good); #10 $finish; end endmodule >>> TIME=0 ON=1 STABLE=0 OK=0 FIRE=0 GOOD=0 TIME=1 ON=1 STABLE=1 OK=1 FIRE=0 GOOD=1 TIME=6 ON=1 STABLE=0 OK=1 FIRE=1 GOOD=0

wire [8:0] sum; wire [7:0] a, b; wire carryin; assign sum = a + b + carryin;





Sequential Block
Sequential block may appear in an always or initial statement
initial begin imperative statements end Runs when simulation starts Terminates when control reaches the end (one time sequential activity flow) Good for providing stimulus (testbenches); not synthesizable always begin imperative statements end Runs when simulation starts Restarts when control reaches the end (cycle sequential activity flow) Good for modeling/specifying hardware

Initial and Always

Run until they encounter a delay
initial begin #10 a = 1; b = 0; #10 a = 0; b = 1; end

or a wait for an event

always @(posedge clk) q = d; // edge-sensitive ff always begin wait(i); a = 0; wait(~i); a = 1; end
63 64



Initial and Always (contd)

module always_1; reg Y, Clk; always // Statements in an always statement execute repeatedly: begin: my_block // Start of sequential block. @(posedge Clk) #5 Y = 1; // At +ve edge set Y=1, @(posedge Clk) #5 Y = 0; // at the NEXT +ve edge set Y=0. end // End of sequential block. always #10 Clk = ~ Clk; // We need a clock. initial Y = 0; // These initial statements execute initial Clk = 0; // only once, but first. initial $monitor("T=%2g",$time," Clk=",Clk," Y=",Y); initial #70 $finish; endmodule

Procedural Assignment
Inside an initial or always block: sum = a + b + cin; Just like in C: RHS evaluated and assigned to LHS before next statement executes
Clk=0 Clk=1 Clk=1 Clk=0 Clk=1 Clk=1 Clk=0 Clk=1 Clk=1 Clk=0 Y=0 Y=0 Y=1 Y=1 Y=1 Y=0 Y=0 Y=0 Y=1 Y=1

>>>> T= 0 T=10 T=15 T=20 T=30 T=35 T=40 T=50 T=55 T=60

RHS may contain wires and regs

Two possible sources for data

LHS must be a reg

Primitives or cont. assignment may set wire values
65 66

Timing Control

Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Control and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary

Timing Control
Statements within a sequential block are executed in order In absence of any delay they will execute at the same simulation time the current time stamp Timing control
Delay control Event control

Delay control delays an assignment by a specified amount of time Event control delays an assignment until a specified event occur


Timing Control

Timing Control

Delay control
Timescale compiler directive
`timescale 1ns/10ps // Units of time are ns. Round times to 10 ps. // Allowed unit/precision values: {1 | 10 | 100, s | ms | us | ns | ps}

Event control
posedge 0 => 1, 0 => x, x => 1 negedge 1 => 0, 1 => x, x => 0
event_control ::= @ event_identifier | @ (event_expression) event_expression ::= expression | event_identifier | posedge expression | negedge expression | event_expression or event_expression
module show_event; reg clock; event event_1, event_2; // Declare two named events. always @(posedge clock) -> event_1; // Trigger event_1. always @ event_1 begin $display("Strike 1!!"); -> event_2; end // Trigger event_2. always @ event_2 begin $display("Strike 2!!"); $finish; end // Stop on detection of event_2. always #10 clock = ~ clock; // We need a clock. initial clock = 0; endmodule Strike 1!! Strike 2!!

Intra-assignment delay vs. delayed assignment

x = #1 y; // intra-assignment delay // Equivalent to intra-assignment delay. begin hold = y; // Sample and hold y immediately. #1; // Delay. x = hold; // Assignment to x. Overall same as x = #1 y. end #1 x = y; // delayed assignment // Equivalent to delayed assignment. begin #1; // Delay. x = y; // Assign y to x. Overall same as #1 x = y. end 69


Timing Control

Timing Control

Event control (contd)

module delay_controls; reg X, Y, Clk, Dummy; always #1 Dummy=!Dummy; // Dummy clock, just for graphics. // Examples of delay controls: always begin #25 X=1;#10 X=0;#5; end // An event control: always @(posedge Clk) Y=X; // Wait for +ve clock edge. always #10 Clk = !Clk; // The real clock. initial begin Clk = 0; $display("T Clk X Y"); $monitor("%2g",$time,,,Clk,,,,X,,Y); $dumpvars;#100 $finish; end endmodule T 0 10 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 90 Clk 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 X x x x 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Y x x x x 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Data Slip Problem

module data_slip_1 (); reg Clk, D, Q1, Q2; /************* bad sequential logic below ***************/ always @(posedge Clk) Q1 = D; always @(posedge Clk) Q2 = Q1; // Data slips here! /************* bad sequential logic above ***************/ initial begin Clk = 0; D = 1; end always #50 Clk = ~Clk; initial begin $display("t Clk D Q1 Q2"); $monitor("%3g",$time,,Clk,,,,D,,Q1,,,Q2); end initial #400 $finish; // Run for 8 cycles. initial $dumpvars; endmodule always @(posedge Clk) always @(posedge Clk) Q1 = #1 D; // The delays in the assgn. Q2 = #1 Q1;// fix the data slip. t 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 t 0 50 51 100 150 151 200 250 300 350 Clk 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Clk 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 x x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q2 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q2 x x x x x 1 1 1 1 1



Timing Control

Timing Control

Wait Statement
Suspends a procedure until a condition becomes true
there must be another concurrent procedure that alters the condition otherwise we have an infinite hold
module test_dff_wait; reg D, Clock, Reset; dff_wait u1(D, Q, Clock, Reset); initial begin D=1; Clock=0;Reset=1'b1; #15 Reset=1'b0; #20 D=0; end always #10 Clock = !Clock; initial begin $display("T Clk D Q Reset"); $monitor("%2g",$time,,Clock,,,,D,,Q,,Reset); #50 $finish; end endmodule module dff_wait(D, Q, Clock, Reset); output Q; input D, Clock, Reset; reg Q; wire D; always @(posedge Clock) if (Reset !== 1) Q = D; always begin wait (Reset == 1) Q = 0; wait (Reset !== 1); end endmodule 73 T 0 10 15 20 30 35 40 Clk 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 D 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Blocking and Nonblocking Assignments

Fundamental problem:
In a synchronous system, all flip-flops sample simultaneously In Verilog, always @(posedge clk) blocks run in some undefined sequence
Blocking: assignments are evaluated in some order, but we do not know in what
reg d1, d2, d3, d4; always @(posedge clk) d2 = d1; always @(posedge clk) d3 = d2; always @(posedge clk) d4 = d3;

Nonblocking: RHS evaluated when assignment runs

reg d1, d2, d3, d4; always @(posedge clk) d2 <= d1; always @(posedge clk) d3 <= d2; always @(posedge clk) d4 <= d3;

LHS updated only after all events for the current instant have run

Timing Control

Timing Control

Blocking and Nonblocking Assignments

A sequence of nonblocking assignments dont communicate
a = 1; b = a; c = b; Blocking assignment: a=b=c=1 a <= 1; b <= a; c <= b; Nonblocking assignment: a=1 b = old value of a c = old value of b

Nonblocking Looks Like Latches

RHS of nonblocking taken from latches RHS of blocking taken from wires
a = 1; b = a; c = b; 1 a <= 1; b <= a; c <= b; c
75 76

a 1

a b

Task and Functions

has inputs and outputs but does not return a value may call other tasks and functions may contain timing controls

Tasks and functions

Control statements

Control Statements
If statement
if (select == 1) else y = a; y = b;

Task type of a procedure called from another procedure

Casex statement handles x and z as dont care

casex (opcode) 3b??1: y = a + b; 3b?1?: y = a - b; endcase

Function procedure used in any expression

has at least one input, no outputs, and return a single value may not call a task may not contain timing controls

Case statement
case (op) 2b00: y 2b01: y 2b10: y default: endcase = = = y a a a = + b; b; ^ b; hxxxx;

Casez statement handles only z bits as dont care



Control statements

Control statements

Control Statements (contd)

Loop statements: for, while, repeat, forever
integer i; reg [15:0] Dbus; initial Dbus = 0; // for loop for (i = 0 ; i <= 15 ; i = i + 1) begin Dbus[i] = 1; end // while loop i = 0; while (i <= 15) begin Dbus[i] = 1; i = i + 1; end ... // repeat loop i = 0; repeat (16) begin Dbus[i] = 1; i = i + 1; end // forever loop i = 0; forever begin: my_loop Dbus[i] = 1; if (i == 15) #1 disable my_loop // let time advance to exit i = i + 1; end

Control Statements (contd)

Disable statement - stops the execution of a labeled sequential block and skips to the end of the block
forever begin: cpu_block // Labeled sequential block. @(posedge clock) if (reset) disable cpu_block; // Skip to end of block. else Execute_code; end

Fork statement and join statement allows execution of two or more parallel threads in a parallel block
module fork_1 event eat_breakfast, read_paper; initial begin fork @eat_breakfast; @read_paper; join end endmodule


Gate level modeling

Gate level modeling

Gate Level Modeling

Verilog provides the following primitives:
and, nand or, nor xor, xnor buf, not bufif0, notif0 bifif1, notif1 logical AND/NAND logical OR/NOR logical XOR/XNOR buffer/inverter Tristate with low enable Tristate with high enable

Gate-level Modeling (contd)

and and N25(Z, A, B, C); //instance name #10 (Z, A, B, X); // delay (X, C, D, E); //delay /*Usually better to provide instance name for debugging.*/ or N30(SET, Q1, AB, N5), N41(N25, ABC, R1); buf b1(a, b); // Zero delay buf #3 b2(c, d); // Delay of 3 buf #(4,5) b3(e, f); // Rise=4, fall=5 buf #(3:4:5) b4(g, h); // Min-typ-max

No declaration; can only be instantiated All output ports appear in list before any input ports Optional drive strength, delay, name of instance



Gate level modeling

Gate level modeling

User-Defined Primitives (UDPs)

Way to define gates and sequential elements using a truth table Often simulate faster than using expressions, collections of primitive gates, etc. Gives more control over behavior with x inputs Most often used for specifying custom gate libraries

A Carry Primitive
primitive carry(out, a, b, c); output out; input a, b, c; table 00? : 0; 0?0 : 0; ?00 : 0; 11? : 1; 1?1 : 1; ?11 : 1; endtable endprimitive

Always have exactly one output Truth table may include dont-care (?) entries



Gate level modeling

Gate level modeling

A Sequential Primitive
Primitive dff(q, clk, data); output q; reg q; input clk, data; table // clk data q new-q (01) 0 : ? : 0; (01) 1 : ? : 1; (0x) 1 : 1 : 1; (0x) 0 : 0 : 0; (?0) ? : ? : -; ? (??) : ? : -; endtable endprimitive
Shorthand notations: - * is (??) - r is (01) - f is (10) - n is (10), (1x), (x0)

Switch-level Primitives (FIO)

Verilog also provides mechanisms for modeling CMOS transistors that behave like switches A more detailed modeling scheme that can catch some additional electrical problems when transistors are used in this way Now, little-used because circuits generally arent built this way More seriously, model is not detailed enough to catch many of the problems These circuits are usually simulated using SPICE-like simulators based on nonlinear differential equation solvers Switch Level

// // // // // //

Latch a 0 Latch a 1 Hold when Hold when Hold when Hold when

d and q both 1 d and q both 0 clk falls clk stable

*mos where * is p, c, rn, rp, rc; pullup, pulldown;

*tran+ where * is (null), r and * and + not (null)

(null), if0, if1 with both

- p is (01), (0x), or (x1)


Modeling delay

Modeling delay

Delay Uses and Types

Ignored by synthesizers; may be useful for simulation Uses
Behavioral (Pre-synthesis) Timing Simulation Testbenches Gate Level (Post-synthesis and Pre-Layout) Timing Simulation Post-Layout Timing Simulation

Transport and Inertial Delay

Transport delay - pure time delay Inertial delay
Multiple events cannot occur on the output in a time less than the delay.

Example AND with delay = 2 A B C C Transport Delay Inertial Delay


1 ns

Gate Delay (Inertial Delay) Net Delay (Transport Delay) Module Path Delay

Modeling delay

Modeling delay

Gate Delay - Examples

nand #3.0 nd01(c, a, b); nand #(2.6:3.0:3.4) nd02(d, a, b); // min:typ:max nand #(2.8:3.2:3.4, 2.6:2.8:2.9) nd03(e, a, b); // #(rising, falling) delay

Net Delay (Transport)

#(1.1:1.3:1.7) assign delay_a = a; // min:typ:max wire #(1.1:1.3:1.7) a_delay; // min:typ:max wire #(1.1:1.3:1.7) a_delay = a; // min:typ:max

nd01 has a delay of 3 ns (assuming ns timescale) for both falling and rising delays nd02 has a triplet for the delay (min is 2.6 ns, typ is 3.0 ns, max is 3.4) nd03 has two triplets for the delay
first triplet specifies min/typ/max for rising delay second triplet specifies min/typ/max for falling delay

Example - Continuous Assignment

For rising output from x1 to N25, 200 + 40 = 240 ps
`timescale 10ps /1ps wire #4 N25;// transport delay assign #(20,30) N25 = ~ (x1 | x2); // inertial delay

Example - Implicit Continuous Assignment

For rising output from x1 to N25, 240 ps
timescale 10ps /1ps wire #(24,34) N25 = ~ (x1 | x2);//inertial delay only
89 90

For primitives which can produce high-impedance output we can specify turn-off triplet

Modeling delay

Module Delay
Example: norf201 3-input nor gate from a 1.2um CMOS
module norf201(o, a1, b1); output o; input a1, b1; nor(o, a1, b1); specify // module paths (a1, b1 *> o) = (0.179:0.349:0.883, 0:084:0.169:0.466); endspecify; endmodule;

Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary


Altering Parameters
Use parameter
module Vector_And(Z, A, B); parameter CARDINALITY = 1; input [CARDINALITY-1:0] A, B; output [CARDINALITY-1:0] Z; wire [CARDINALITY-1:0] Z = A & B; endmodule

Other Verilog features

Modeling FSMs Behaviorally

There are many ways to do it: Define the next-state logic combinationally and define the state-holding latches explicitly

Other Verilog features

Override the parameter in instantiation

module Four_And_Gates(OutBus, InBusA, InBusB); input [3:0] InBusA, InBusB; output [3:0] OutBus; Vector_And #(4) My_AND(OutBus, InBusA, InBusB); // 4 AND gates endmodule

Define the behavior in a single always @(posedge clk) block Variations on these themes

Or using defparam
module And_Gates(OutBus, InBusA, InBusB); parameter WIDTH = 1; input [WIDTH-1:0] InBusA, InBusB; output [WIDTH-1:0] OutBus; Vector_And #(WIDTH) My_And(OutBus, InBusA, InBusB); endmodule module Super_Size; defparam And_Gates.WIDTH = 4; endmodule 93


FSM with Combinational Logic

module FSM(o, a, b, reset); output o; reg o; input a, b, reset; reg [1:0] state, nextState;

Other Verilog features

FSM with Combinational Logic

module FSM(o, a, b, reset); always @(posedge clk or reset) if (reset) state <= 2b00; else state <= nextState;

Other Verilog features

Output o is declared a reg because it is assigned procedurally, not because it holds state

always @(a or b or state) case (state) 2b00: begin nextState = a ? 2b00 : 2b01; (Implies state-holding o = a & b; elements otherwise) end 2b01: begin nextState = 2b10; o = 0; end endcase

Combinational block must be sensitive to any change on any of its inputs

Latch implied by sensitivity to the clock or reset only



FSM from Combinational Logic

Other Verilog features

FSM from a Single Always Block

module FSM(o, a, b); output o; reg o; input a, b; reg [1:0] state; always @(posedge clk or reset) if (reset) state <= 2b00; else case (state) 2b00: begin state <= a ? 2b00 : 2b01; o <= a & b; end 2b01: begin state <= 2b10; o <= 0; endcase

Other Verilog features

always @(a or b or state) This is a Mealy machine case (state) because the output is directly affected by any 2b00: begin change on the input nextState = a ? 2b00 : 2b01; o = a & b; end 2b01: begin nextState = 2b10; o = 0; end endcase always @(posedge clk or reset) if (reset) state <= 2b00; else state <= nextState;

Expresses Moore machine behavior: Outputs are latched Inputs only sampled at clock edges Nonblocking assignments used throughout to ensure coherency. RHS refers to values calculated in previous
end clock cycle



Writing Testbenches
module test; reg a, b, sel; mux m(y, a, b, sel);

Other Verilog features

Simulation Behavior
Scheduled using an event queue Non-preemptive, no priorities A process must explicitly request a context switch Events at a particular time unordered

Other Verilog features

Inputs to device under test Device under test $monitor is a built-in event driven printf

initial begin $monitor($time,, a = %b b=%b sel=%b y=%b, a, b, sel, y); a = 0; b= 0; sel = 0; #10 a = 1; Stimulus generated by #10 sel = 1; sequence of assignments #10 b = 1; and delays end

Scheduler runs each event at the current time, possibly scheduling more as a result



Two Types of Events

Other Verilog features

Simulation Behavior

Other Verilog features

Evaluation events compute functions of inputs Update events change outputs Split necessary for delays, nonblocking assignments, etc.
Evaluation event reads values of b and c, adds them, and schedules an update event

Concurrent processes (initial, always) run until they stop at one of the following #42
Schedule process to resume 42 time units from now

wait(cf & of)

Resume when expression cf & of becomes true

Update event writes new value of a and schedules any evaluation events that are sensitive to a change on a

a <= b + c

@(a or b or y)
Resume when a, b, or y changes

@(posedge clk)
Resume when clk changes from 0 to 1



Simulation Behavior (contd)

Infinite loops are possible and the simulator does not check for them This runs forever: no context switch allowed, so ready can never change while (~ready) count = count + 1; Instead, use wait(ready);

Other Verilog features

Simulation Behavior (contd)

Race conditions abound in Verilog These can execute in either order final value of a undefined: always @(posedge clk) a = 0; always @(posedge clk) a = 1;

Other Verilog features



Compiled-Code Discrete-Event Sim.

Other Verilog features

Verilog and Logic Synthesis

Verilog is used in two ways
Model for discrete-event simulation Specification for a logic synthesis system

Other Verilog features

Most modern simulators use this approach Verilog program compiled into C Each concurrent process (e.g., continuous assignment, always block) becomes one or more C functions Initial and always blocks split into multiple functions, one per segment of code between a delay, a wait, or event control (@) Central, dynamic event queue invokes these functions and advances simulation time

Logic synthesis converts a subset of the Verilog language into an efficient netlist One of the major breakthroughs in designing logic chips in the last 20 years Most chips are designed using at least some logic synthesis



Logic Synthesis
Takes place in two stages: Translation of Verilog (or VHDL) source to a netlist
Register inference

Other Verilog features

Logic Optimization

Other Verilog features

Netlist optimization the critical enabling technology Takes a slow or large netlist and transforms it into one that implements the same function more cheaply Typical operations

Optimization of the resulting netlist to improve speed and area

Most critical part of the process Algorithms very complicated and beyond the scope of this class

Constant propagation Common subexpression elimination Function factoring

Time-consuming operation
Can take hours for large chips



Translating Verilog into Gates

Parts of the language easy to translate
Structural descriptions with primitives
o Already a netlist

Other Verilog features

What Can Be Translated

Structural definitions

Other Verilog features

Continuous assignment
o Expressions turn into little datapaths

Behavioral blocks
Depends on sensitivity list Only when they have reasonable interpretation as combinational logic, edge, or level-sensitive latches Blocks sensitive to both edges of the clock, changes on unrelated signals, changing sensitivity lists, etc. cannot be synthesized

Behavioral statements the bigger challenge

User-defined primitives
Primitives defined with truth tables Some sequential UDPs cant be translated (not latches or flip-flops)
109 110

What Isnt Translated

Initial blocks

Other Verilog features

Register Inference
The main trick
reg does not always equal latch

Other Verilog features

Used to set up initial state or describe finite testbench stimuli Dont have obvious hardware component

May be in the Verilog source, but are simply ignored

A variety of other obscure language features In general, things heavily dependent on discrete-event simulation semantics
Certain disable statements Pure events

Rule: Combinational if outputs always depend exclusively on sensitivity list Sequential if outputs may also depend on previous values



Register Inference
reg y; always @(a or b or sel) if (sel) y = a; else y = b;

Other Verilog features

Register Inference

Other Verilog features

Sensitive to changes on all of the variables it reads Y is always assigned

A common mistake is not completely specifying a case statement This implies a latch:
always @(a or case ({a, b}) 2b00 : f = 2b01 : f = 2b10 : f = endcase b) 0; 1; 1; f is not assigned when {a,b} = 2b11

reg q; always @(d or clk) if (clk) q = d;

q only assigned when clk is 1



Register Inference
The solution is to always have a default case
always @(a or b) case ({a, b}) 2b00: f = 0; 2b01: f = 1; 2b10: f = 1; default: f = 0; endcase

Other Verilog features

Inferring Latches with Reset

Latches and Flip-flops often have reset inputs Can be synchronous or asynchronous Asynchronous positive reset:

Other Verilog features

f is always assigned

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) q <= 0; else q <= d;



Simulation-synthesis Mismatches
Many possible sources of conflict

Other Verilog features

Introduction Basics of the Verilog Language Operators Hierarchy/Modules Procedures and Assignments Timing Controls and Delay Control Statement Logic-Gate Modeling Modeling Delay Other Verilog Features Summary

Synthesis ignores delays (e.g., #10), but simulation behavior can be affected by them Simulator models X explicitly, synthesis doesnt Behaviors resulting from shared-variable-like behavior of regs is not synthesized
always @(posedge clk) a = 1; New value of a may be seen by other @(posedge clk) statements in simulation, never in synthesis




Summary of Verilog
Systems described hierarchically
Modules with interfaces Modules contain instances of primitives, other modules Modules contain initial and always blocks

Modeling Tools
Switch-level primitives
CMOS transistors as switches that move around charge

Gate-level primitives
Boolean logic gates

Based on discrete-event simulation semantics

Concurrent processes with sensitivity lists Scheduler runs parts of these processes in response to changes

User-defined primitives
Gates and sequential elements defined with truth tables

Continuous assignment
Modeling combinational logic with expressions

Initial and always blocks

Procedural modeling of behavior





Language Features
Nets (wires) for modeling interconnection
Non state-holding Values set continuously

Language Uses
Event-driven simulation
Event queue containing things to do at particular simulated times Evaluate and update events Compiled-code event-driven simulation for speed

Regs for behavioral modeling

Behave exactly like memory for imperative modeling Do not always correspond to memory elements in synthesized netlist

Logic synthesis
Translating Verilog (structural and behavioral) into netlists Register inference: whether output is always updated Logic optimization for cleaning up the result

Blocking vs. nonblocking assignment

Blocking behaves like normal C-like assignment Nonblocking updates later for modeling synchronous behavior




Little-used Language Features

Switch-level modeling
Much slower than gate or behavioral-level models Insufficient detail for modeling most electrical problems Delicate electrical problems simulated with a SPICE-like differential equation simulator

Compared to VHDL
Verilog and VHDL are comparable languages VHDL has a slightly wider scope
System-level modeling Exposes even more discrete-event machinery

VHDL is better-behaved
Fewer sources of nondeterminism (e.g., no shared variables ???)

Simulating circuits with delays does not improve confidence enough Hard to get timing models accurate enough Never sure youve simulated the worst case Static timing analysis has taken its place

VHDL is harder to simulate quickly VHDL has fewer built-in facilities for hardware modeling VHDL is a much more verbose language
Most examples dont fit on slides


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