Maternal & Child Care Nursing Table of Contents

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Human sexuality 1 Nonstress test

Sexual anatomy and physiology Recommended nutrient requirement
Stages of pubic hair development that increases curing pregnancy 17

Three parts of the uterus 2 Sexual activity 18

Male and female homologues 3
Childbirth preparation 19
Basic knowledge in genetics and obstetrics 4 Bradley method
Menstrual cycle Grandly Dick Read Method
Different methods of delivery
Stages of sexual responses 5 Intrapartal notes

Stages of fetal growth & development 6 Theories of the onset of labor 20

3 processes of implantation The 4 P’s of labor
diagnostic test for amniotic fluid 7 Passageway
Important measurements 21
Trimester 8 Power
Torch 9 Pre-eminent signs of labor
Physiological adaptation of the mother to pregnancy Premature rupture of membrane
Pathogenic anemia Cord prolapse

Edema 10 Difference between true labor & false labor 22

Varicosities Duration of labor
Vulbar varicosities First stage: onset of true contractions
Thrombophlebitis Effacement
Morning sickness Dilation
Constipation Nsg interventions in each stage of labor
Flatulence Latent phase
Heartburn Active phase
Transitional phase
Hemorrhoids 11
Local changes Pelvic exam 23
Problems related to the change of vaginal environment Station
Vaginititis Presentation
Moniliasis or candidiasis Two types
Monitoring the contractions and fetal heart tone
Breast self exam 12 Parts of contractions
Test to determine breast cancer
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy Health teachings 24
Placental gradin Second stage: fetal stage
Psychological adaptation of pregnancy Modified Ritgens maneuver
Mechanism of labor
Pre natal visit 13 Three parts of pelvis
Nagele’s rule Two major division of pelvis

McDonald’s rule 14 Linea terminals 25

Bartholomew’s rule Third stage: birth to expulsion of placenta
Haases rule Signs of placental separation
Physical examination Types of placental delivery
Brandt Andrews Maneuver
Pap smear 15 Fourth stage: after delivery of placenta
Stages of cervical cancer
Leopold’s maneuver Complications of labor 26
Precipitate labor
Assessment of fetal well-being 16 Uterine rupture
Cardiff count to 10 method Amniotic fluid embolism
Trial labor

Pre-term labor 27 Intrapartal complications 36

Postpartal period Cesarean delivery
Principles underlying puerperium Infertility
Physiologic changes 2 types of infertility
Lochia 28 Tubal occlusion
Psychological response
Preventing complications

Late postpartum hemorrhage 29

General signs of inflammation
Motivate the use of family planning
Natural method
Social method

Ovulation 30
Origoknause formula
Alerts on oral contraceptives
Signs of hypertension
Mechanism and chemical barriers

IUD 31
Cervical cap
Foams, jellies, creams
Surgical method
High risk pregnancy
Hemorrhagic disorders

First trimester bleeding 32

Classifications of abortions
Ectopic pregnancy
Second trimester bleeding
Hydatidiform mole

Third trimester bleeding 33

Placenta previa
Abruptio placenta

Hypersensitive disorders 34
Pregnancy induce hypertension
Transitional hypertension
Mild preeclampsia
Severe preeclampsia

Diabetes Mellitus 35
Maternal effect
Fetal effect
Newborn defect
Heart disease

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