Pedia Nursing - Questions

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“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: _________


1. A nurse from the surgical department is reassigned to the pediatric unit. The
charge nurse should recognize that the child at highest risk for cardiac arrest
and is the least likely to be assigned to this nurse is which child?
A) Congenital cardiac defects
B) An acute febrile illness
C) Prolonged hypoxemia
D) Severe multiple trauma

2. The nurse is assessing a 2 year-old client with a possible diagnosis of

congenital heart disease. Which of these is most likely to be seen with this
A) Several otitis media episodes in the last year
B) Weight and height in 10th percentile since birth
C) Takes frequent rest periods while playing
D) Changing food preferences and dislikes

3. The nurse is reassigned to work at the Poison Control Center telephone hotline.
In which of these cases of childhood poisoning would the nurse suggest that
parents have the child drink orange juice?
A) An 18 month-old who ate an undetermined amount of crystal drain cleaner
B) A 14 month-old who chewed 2 leaves of a philodendron plant
C) A 20 month-old who is found sitting on the bathroom floor beside an empty
bottle of diazepam (Valium)
D) A 30 month-old who has swallowed a mouthful of charcoal lighter fluid

4. Upon examining the mouth of a 3 year-old child, the nurse discovers that the
teeth have chalky white-to-yellowish staining with pitting of the enamel. Which of
the following conditions would most likely explain these findings?
A) Ingestion of tetracycline
B) Excessive fluoride intake
C) Oral iron therapy
D) Poor dental hygiene

5. The nurse is discussing dietary intake with an adolescent who has acne. The most
appropriate statement for the nurse is
A) "Eat a balanced diet for your age."
B) "Increase your intake of protein and Vitamin A."
C) "Decrease fatty foods from your diet."
D) "Do not use caffeine in any form, including chocolate."

6. The nurse is caring for a child who has just returned from surgery following a
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Which action by the nurse is appropriate?
A) Offer ice cream every 2 hours
B) Place the child in a supine position
C) Allow the child to drink through a straw
D) Observe swallowing patterns

7. The nurse in a well-child clinic examines many children on a daily basis. Which
of the following toddlers requires further follow up?
A) A 13 month-old unable to walk
B) A 20 month-old only using 2 and 3 word sentences
C) A 24 month-old who cries during examination
D) A 30 month-old only drinking from a sippy cup

8. A 15 year-old client with a lengthy confining illness is at risk for altered

growth and development of which task?
A) Loss of control

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B) Insecurity
C) Dependence
D) Lack of trust

9. In providing care to a 14-year-old adolescent with scoliosis, which of the

following will be most difficult for this client?
A) Compliance with treatment regimens
B) Looking different from their peers
C) Lacking independence in activities
D) Reliance on family for their social support

10. The nurse is preparing to perform a physical examination on an 8 month-old who

is sitting contentedly on his mother's lap. Which of the following should the
nurse do first?
A) Elicit reflexes
B) Measure height and weight
C) Auscultate heart and lungs
D) Examine the ears

11. Which of these principles should the nurse apply when performing a nutritional
assessment on a 2 year-old client?
A) An accurate measurement of intake is not reliable
B) The food pyramid is not used in this age group
C) A serving size at this age is about 2 tablespoons
D) Total intake varies greatly each day

12. The nurse measures the head and chest circumferences of a 20-month-old infant.
After comparing the measurements, the nurse finds that they are approximately the
same. What action should the nurse take?
A) Notify the health care provider
B) Palpate the anterior fontanel
C) Feel the posterior fontanel
D) Record these normal findings

13. At a routine clinic visit, parents express concern that their 4-year-old is
wetting the bed several times a month. What is the nurse's best response?
A) "This is normal at this time of day."
B) "How long has this been occurring?"
C) "Do you offer fluids at night?"
D) "Have you tried waking her to urinate?"

14. The nurse is teaching parents of an infant about introduction of solid food to
their baby. What is the first food they can add to the diet?
A) Vegetables
B) Cereal
C) Fruit
D) Meats

15. When counseling parents of a child who has recently been diagnosed with
hemophilia, what must the nurse know about the offspring of a normal father and a
carrier mother?
A) It is likely that all sons are affected
B) There is a 50% probability that sons will have the disease
C) Every daughter is likely to be a carrier
D) There is a 25% chance a daughter will be a carrier

16. A 7 year-old child is hospitalized following a major burn to the lower

extremities. A diet high in protein and carbohydrates is recommended. The nurse
informs the child and family that the most important reason for this diet is to
A) Promote healing and strengthen the immune system
B) Provide a well balanced nutritional intake
C) Stimulate increased peristalsis absorption
D) Spare protein catabolism to meet metabolic needs

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17. The parents of a 7 year-old tell the nurse their child has started to "tattle"
on siblings. In interpreting this new behavior, how should the nurse explain the
child's actions to the parents?
A) The ethical sense and feelings of justice are developing
B) Attempts to control the family use new coping styles
C) Insecurity and attention getting are common motives
D) Complex thought processes help to resolve conflicts

18. The nurse is caring for a 7 year-old child who is being discharged following a
tonsillectomy. Which of the following instructions is appropriate for the nurse to
teach the parents?
A) Report a persistent cough to the health care provider
B) The child can return to school in 4 days
C) Administer chewable aspirin for pain
D) The child may gargle with saline as necessary for discomfort

19. The nurse is caring for a 14 month-old just diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. The
parents state this is the first child in either family with this disease, and ask
about the risk to future children. What is the best response by the nurse?
A) 1 in 4 chance for each child to carry that trait
B) 1 in 4 risk for each child to have the disease
C) 1 in 2 chance of avoiding the trait and disease
D) 1 in 2 chance that each child will have the disease

20. Which of the following statements describes what the nurse must know in order
to provide anticipatory guidance to parents of a toddler about readiness for
toilet training?
A) The child learns voluntary sphincter control through repetition
B) Myelination of the spinal cord is completed by this age
C) Neuronal impulses are interrupted at the base of the ganglia
D) The toddler can understand cause and effect

21. An anxious parent of a 4-year-old consults the nurse for guidance in how to
answer the child's question, "Where do babies come from?" What is the nurse's best
response to the parent?
A) "When a child asks a question, give a simple answer."
B) "Children ask many questions, but are not looking for answers."
C) "This question indicates interest in sex beyond this age."
D) "Full and detailed answers should be given to all questions."

22. A 3-year-old child is treated in the emergency department after ingestion of 1

ounce of a liquid narcotic. What action should the nurse do first?
A) Provide the ordered humidified oxygen via mask
B) Suction the mouth and the nose
C) Check the mouth and radial pulse
D) Start the ordered intravenous fluids

23. In teaching parents to associate prevention with the lifestyle of their child
with sickle cell disease, the nurse should emphasize that a priority for their
child is to
A) Avoid overheating during physical activities
B) Maintain normal activity with some restrictions
C) Be cautious of others with viruses or temperatures
D) Maintain routine immunizations

24. A parent has numerous questions regarding normal growth and development of a 10
month-old infant. Which of the following parameters is of most concern to the
A) 50% increase in birth weight
B) Head circumference greater than chest
C) Crying when the parents leave
D) Able to stand up briefly in play pen

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25. The nurse is assessing a 4 year-old for possible developmental dysplasia of the
right hip. Which finding would the nurse expect?
A) Pelvic tip downward
B) Right leg lengthening
C) Ortolani sign
D) Characteristic limp

26. A 2 year-old child has recently been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The nurse
is teaching the parents about home care for the child. Which of the following
information is appropriate for the nurse to include?
A) Allow the child to continue normal activities
B) Schedule frequent rest periods
C) Limit exposure to other children
D) Restrict activities to inside the house

27. Parents of a 7 year-old child call the clinic nurse because their daughter was
sent home from school because of a rash. The child had been seen the day before by
the health care provider and diagnosed with Fifth Disease (erythema infectiosum).
What is the most appropriate action by the nurse?
A) Tell the parents to bring the child to the clinic for further evaluation
B) Refer the school officials to printed materials about this viral illness
C) Inform the teacher that the child is receiving antibiotics for the rash
D) Explain that this rash is not contagious and does not require isolation

28. The nurse is caring for a 12 year-old with an acute illness. Which of the
following indicates the nurse understands common sibling reactions to
A) Younger siblings adapt very well
B) Visitation is helpful for both
C) The siblings may enjoy privacy
D) Those cared for at home cope better

29. What is the best way for the nurse to accomplish a health history on a 14-year-
old client?
A) Have the mother present to verify information
B) Allow an opportunity for the teen to express feelings
C) Use the same type of language as the adolescent
D) Focus the discussion of risk factors in the peer group

30. A 2 year-old child is being treated with Amoxicillin suspension, 200 milligrams
per dose, for acute otitis media. The child weighs 30 lb. (15 kg) and the daily
dose range is 20-40 mg/kg of body weight, in three divided doses every 8 hours.
Using principles of safe drug administration, what should the nurse do next?
A) Give the medication as ordered
B) Call the health care provider to clarify the dose
C) Recognize that antibiotics are over-prescribed
D) Hold the medication as the dosage is too low

31. The nurse is performing a developmental assessment on an 8-month-old. Which

finding should be reported to the health care provider?
A) Lifts head from the prone position
B) Rolls from abdomen to back
C) Responds to parents' voices
D) Falls forward when sitting

32. The nurse caring for a 14 year-old boy with severe Hemophilia A, who was
admitted after a fall while playing basketball. In understanding his behavior and
in planning care for this client, what must the nurse understand about adolescents
with hemophilia?
A) Must have structured activities
B) Often take part in active sports
C) Explain limitations to peer groups
D) Avoid risks after bleeding episodes

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33. The nurse is caring for a newborn who has just been diagnosed with hypospadias.
After discussing the defect with the parents, the nurse should expect that
A) Circumcision can be performed at any time
B) Initial repair is delayed until ages 6-8
C) Post-operative appearance will be normal
D) Surgery will be performed in stages

34. A neonate born 12 hours ago to a methadone maintained woman is exhibiting a

hyperactive MORO reflex and slight tremors. The newborn passed one loose, watery
stool. Which of these is a nursing priority?
A) Hold the infant at frequent intervals.
B) Assess for neonatal withdrawal syndrome
C) Offer fluids to prevent dehydration
D) Administer paregoric to stop diarrhea

35. While planning care for a preschool aged child, the nurse understands
developmental needs. Which of the following would be of the most concern to the
A) Playing imaginatively
B) Expressing shame
C) Identifying with family
D) Exploring the playroom

36. The nurse is caring for 2 children who have had surgical repair of congenital
heart defects. For which defect is it a priority to assess for findings of heart
conduction disturbance?
A) Artrial septal defect
B) Patent ductus arteriosus
C) Aortic stenosis
D) Ventricular septal defect

37. In a child with suspected coarctation of the aorta, the nurse would expect to
A) Strong pedal pulses
B) Diminishing carotid pulses
C) Normal femoral pulses
D) Bounding pulses in the arms

38. The nurse is caring for a child receiving chest physiotherapy (CPT). Which of
the following actions by the nurse would be appropriate?
A) Schedule the therapy thirty minutes after meals
B) Teach the child not to cough during the treatment
C) Confine the percussion to the rib cage area
D) Place the child in a prone position for the therapy

39. The nurse is talking to parents about nutrition in school aged children. Which
of the following is the most common nutritional disorder in this age group?
A) Bulimia
B) Anorexia
C) Obesity
D) Malnutrition

40. At a well baby clinic the nurse is assigned to assess an 8 month-old child.
Which of these developmental achievements would the nurse anticipate that the
child would be able to perform?
A) Say 2 words
B) Pull up to stand
C) Sit without support
D) Drink from a cup

41. First-time parents bring their 5 day-old infant to the pediatrician's office
because they are extremely concerned about its breathing pattern. The nurse
assesses the baby and finds that the breath sounds are clear with equal chest
expansion. The respiratory rate is 38-42 breaths per minute with occasional
periods of apnea lasting 10 seconds in length. What is the correct analysis of
these findings?
A) The pediatrician must examine the baby

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B) Emergency equipment should be available
C) This breathing pattern is normal
D) A future referral may be indicated

42. A 30 month-old child is admitted to the hospital unit. Which of the following
toys would be appropriate for the nurse to select from the toy room for this
A) Cartoon stickers
B) Large wooden puzzle
C) Blunt scissors and paper
D) Beach ball

43. A 2 year-old child has just been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The child's
father asks the nurse "What is our major concern now, and what will we have to
deal with in the future?" Which of the following is the best response?
A) "There is a probability of life-long complications."
B) "Cystic fibrosis results in nutritional concerns that can be dealt with."
C) "Thin, tenacious secretions from the lungs are a constant struggle in cystic
D) "You will work with a team of experts and also have access to a support group
that the family can attend."

44. A mother asks the nurse if she should be concerned about the tendency of her
child to stutter. What assessment data will be most useful in counseling the
A) Age of the child
B) Sibling position in family
C) Stressful family events
D) Parental discipline strategies

45. During an examination of a 2 year-old child with a tentative diagnosis of

Wilm's tumor, the nurse would be most concerned about which statement by the
A) My child has lost 3 pounds in the last month.
B) Urinary output seemed to be less over the past 2 days.
C) All the pants have become tight around the waist.
D) The child prefers some salty foods more than others.

46. Which type of accidental poisoning would the nurse expect to occur in children
under age 6?
A) Oral ingestion
B) Topical contact
C) Inhalation
D) Eye splashes

47. A mother wants to switch her 9 month-old infant from an iron-fortified formula
to whole milk because of the expense. Upon further assessment, the nurse finds
that the baby eats table foods well, but drinks less milk than before. What is the
best advice by the nurse?
A) Change the baby to whole milk
B) Add chocolate syrup to the bottle
C) Continue with the present formula
D) Offer fruit juice frequently

48. A nurse is conducting a community wide seminar on childhood safety issues.

Which of these children is at the highest risk for poisoning?
A) 9 month-old who stays with a sitter 5 days a week
B) 20 month-old who has just learned to climb stairs
C) 10 year-old who occasionally stays at home unattended
D) 15 year-old who likes to repair bicycles

49. The nurse assesses delayed gross motor development in a 3 year-old child. The
inability of the child to do which action confirms this finding?
A) Stand on one foot
B) Catch a ball
C) Skip on alternate feet

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D) Ride a bicycle

50. A pre-term newborn is to be fed breast milk through nasogastric tube. Why is
breast milk preferred over formula for premature infants?
A) Contains less lactose
B) Is higher in calories/ounce
C) Provides antibodies
D) Has less fatty acid

51. Which of the following nursing assessments in an infant is most valuable in

identifying serious visual defects?
A) Red reflex test
B) Visual acuity
C) Pupil response to light
D) Cover test

52. Which nursing action is a priority as the plan of care is developed for a 7
year-old child hospitalized for acute glomerulonephritis?
A) Assess for generalized edema
B) Monitor for increased urinary output
C) Encourage rest during hyperactive periods
D) Note patterns of increased blood pressure

53. The nurse is preparing a 5 year-old for a scheduled tonsillectomy and

adenoidectomy. The parents are anxious and concerned about the child's reaction to
impending surgery. Which nursing intervention would be best to prepare the child?
A) Introduce the child to all staff the day before surgery
B) Explain the surgery 1 week prior to the procedure
C) Arrange a tour of the operating and recovery rooms
D) Encourage the child to bring a favorite toy to the hospital

54. The nurse is assessing a child for clinical manifestations of iron deficiency
anemia. Which factor would the nurse recognize as cause for the findings?
A) Decreased cardiac output
B) Tissue hypoxia
C) Cerebral edema
D) Reduced oxygen saturation

55. In planning care for a child diagnosed with minimal change nephrotic syndrome,
the nurse should understand the relationship between edema formation and
A) Increased retention of albumin in the vascular system
B) Decreased colloidal osmotic pressure in the capillaries
C) Fluid shift from interstitial spaces into the vascular space
D) Reduced tubular reabsorption of sodium and water

56. Which of the actions suggested to the RN by the PN during a planning conference
for a 10 month-old infant admitted 2 hours ago with bacterial meningitis would be
acceptable to add to the plan of care?
A) Measure head circumference
B) Place in airborne isolation
C) Provide passive range of motion
D) Provide an over-the-crib protective top

57. The nurse would expect the cystic fibrosis client to receive supplemental
pancreatic enzymes along with a diet
A) High in carbohydrates and proteins
B) Low in carbohydrates and proteins
C) High in carbohydrates, low in proteins
D) Low in carbohydrates, high in proteins

58. The nurse is discussing nutritional requirements with the parents of an 18

month-old child. Which of these statements about milk consumption is correct?
A) May drink as much milk as desired
B) Can have milk mixed with other foods
C) Will benefit from fat-free cow's milk
D) Should be limited to 3-4 cups of milk daily

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59. An eighteen month-old has been brought to the emergency room with irritability,
lethargy over 2 days, dry skin and increased pulse. Based upon the evaluation of
these initial findings, the nurse would assess the child for additional findings
A) Septicemia
B) Dehydration
C) Hypokalemia
D) Hypercalcemia

60. The nurse is performing an assessment on a child with severe airway

obstruction. Which finding would the nurse anticipate finding?
A) Retractions in the intercostal tissues of the thorax
B) Chest pain aggravated by respiratory movement
C) Cyanosis and mottling of the skin
D) Rapid, shallow respirations

61. The father of an 8 month-old infant asks the nurse if his infant's
vocalizations are normal for his age. Which of the following would the nurse
expect at this age?
A) Cooing
B) Imitation of sounds
C) Throaty sounds
D) Laughter

62. The nurse is planning to give a 3 year-old child oral digoxin. Which of the
following is the best approach by the nurse?
A) "Do you want to take this pretty red medicine?"
B) "You will feel better if you take your medicine."
C) "This is your medicine, and you must take it all right now."
D) "Would you like to take your medicine from a spoon or a cup?"

63. Which of these parents’ comment for a newborn would most likely reveal an
initial finding of a suspected pyloric stenosis?
A) I noticed a little lump a little above the belly button.
B) The baby seems hungry all the time.
C) Mild vomiting that progressed to vomiting shooting across the room.
D) Irritation and spitting up immediately after feedings.

64. The nurse prepares for a Denver Screening test with a 3 year-old child in the
clinic. The mother asks the nurse to explain the purpose of the test. What is the
nurse’s best response about the purpose of the Denver?
A) It measures a child’s intelligence.
B) It assesses a child's development.
C) It evaluates psychological responses.
D) It helps to determine problems.

65. The nurse is caring for a toddler with atopic dermatitis. The nurse should
instruct the parents to
A) Dress the child warmly to avoid chilling
B) Keep the child away from other children for the duration of the rash
C) Clean the affected areas with tepid water and detergent
D) Wrap the child's hand in mittens or socks to prevent scratching

66. In evaluating the growth of a 12 month-old child, which of these findings would
the nurse expect to be present in the infant?
A) Increased 10% in height
B) 2 deciduous teeth
C) Tripled the birth weight
D) Head > chest circumference

67. The nurse enters a 2 year-old child's hospital room in order to administer an
oral medication. When the child is asked if he is ready to take his medicine, he
immediately says, "No!". What would be the most appropriate next action?
A) Leave the room and return five minutes later and give the medicine
B) Explain to the child that the medicine must be taken now
C) Give the medication to the father and ask him to give it
D) Mix the medication with ice cream or applesauce

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68. A mother asks about expected motor skills for a 3 year-old child. Which of the
following would the nurse emphasize as normal at this age?
A) Jumping rope
B) Tying shoelaces
C) Riding a tricycle
D) Playing hopscotch

69. A 4 year-old child is recovering from chicken pox (varicella). The parents
would like to have the child return to day care as soon as possible. In order to
ensure that the illness is no longer communicable, what should the nurse assess
for in this child?
A) All lesions crusted
B) Elevated temperature
C) Rhinorrhea and coryza
D) Presence of vesicles

70. The nurse is planning care for a 2 year-old hospitalized child. Which of the
following will produces the most stress at this age?
A) Separation anxiety
B) Fear of pain
C) Loss of control
D) Bodily injury

71. A 9 year-old is taken to the emergency room with right lower quadrant pain and
vomiting. When preparing the child for an emergency appendectomy, what must the
nurse expect to be the child's greatest fear?
A) Change in body image
B) An unfamiliar environment
C) Perceived loss of control
D) Guilt over being hospitalized

72. A nurse aide is taking care of a 2 year-old child with Wilm's tumor. The nurse
aide asks the nurse why there is a sign above the bed that says DO NOT PALPATE THE
ABDOMEN? The best response by the nurse would be which of these statements?
A) "Touching the abdomen could cause cancer cells to spread."
B) "Examining the area would cause difficulty to the child."
C) "Pushing on the stomach might lead to the spread of infection."
D) "Placing any pressure on the abdomen may cause an abnormal experience."

73. The nurse will administer liquid medicine to a 9 month-old child. Which of the
following methods is appropriate?
A) Allow the infant to drink the liquid from a medicine cup
B) Administer the medication with a syringe next to the tongue
C) Mix the medication with the infant's formula in the bottle
D) Hold the child upright and administer the medicine by spoon

74. The most common reason for an Apgar score of 8 and 9 in a newborn is an
abnormality of what parameter?
A) Heart rate
B) Muscle tone
C) Cry
D) Color

75. A newborn’s failure to pass meconium within 24 hours after birth may
indicate which of the following?
a. Aganglionic Mega colon
b. Celiac disease
c. Intussusception
d. Abdominal wall defect

“The PESSIMIST will see the glass filled to the halfway mark with water
as being half EMPTY, the OPTIMIST is being half FULL.”
A promise to yourself...

9 (11/16/2009)
Prepared by:

Robert C. Reña, BSN

10 (11/16/2009)

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