GEAS Review Guide

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REVIEW GUIDE GEAS QUESTION 1. What is the charge of a hydrogen atom? 2.

What is the coefficient of restitution for an elastic collision? 3. Broadcast station log to kept by NTSC is how many year? 4. What is generally the accepted nominal mass of a proton? 5. What is the charge of an electron? 6. What is the charge of a proton? 7. 1 amu is equal to? 8. What is the mass (in grams) of a proton? 9. What is the mass (in grams) of a neutron? 10.To become a member of the board of electronics, he/she must be in active practice of the electronics engineering profession for at least ___ continuous years. 11.What is the approximate radius of an atom? 12.What is the diameter of the atomic nucleus? 13.The threshold of hearing in watts/cm2 14.1 Joule 15.Relative permittivity of Silicon. 16.Nichrome is an alloy of nickel that has high electrical and corrosion resistance and high strength at red heat temperature and contain __________ % chromium. 17.Nichrome is mainly composed of Nickel and what? 18. 19.The member of the Board of Electronics Engineer shall hold office for a term of how many years? 20.One horsepower is equivalent to how many watts? 21.1 kWh = ___ MJ 22.Constantan, with the other percentage being Nickel 23.Under RA 9292, Electronics technicians may apply for registration without examination within ___ years after the effectivity of the republic act. 24.Under RA9292, one qualification to become a member of Board is being a citizen and resident of the Philippines of at least how many years? 25.When an ECE is to appear as an expert witness in Court arbitration hearings, the minimum fee chargeable to the client should not be less than ___ per hour. 26.The maximum continuous term of office of members of the Board of Electronic Engineers is ___ years. 27.Elementary colors where _______ colors contains sunlight colors 28.How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in the carbon isotope 14C6? 29.A licensed and registered ECE may apply for Professional Electronic Engineer, if he/she registered for at least how many years after the effectivity of RA 9292 30.What is the pH of a neutral solution? 31.One mole of electron has a charge equal to ____ C. 32.What is the mass (in grams) of an electron? ANSWER 0 1 1 1 amu -1.60210-19 Coulombs -1.60210-19 Coulombs 1.66010-27 kg 1.672 10-24 1.675 10-24 10 10-14 m 10-15 10-16 m 10-16 107 ergs 11.7 15-20 15-20% Chromium 2% 3 33, 000 3.6 40-60% Copper 5 5 500 Php 6 6 6 protons, 6 electrons and 8 neutrons 7 7 96,500 9.10910-28

33.Mass of water vapor per unit volume of air 34.Ratio of speed of light through empty space and speed of light through a medium 35. 36.Ration of quick asset and current liabilities 37.The elements of the seventh period are known as ___. 38.When catalyst is added to a system at equilibrium, a decrease occurs in the _____ 39.The attraction between unlike molecules. 40.Involves no transfer of energy to or from another material or system 41.A process in which there is neither gain nor loss of heat from the system is called a/an __. 42.Loses energy in work but not thru heating or cooling 43.remove offensive odor and taste 44.In hydrocarbons, the type that has no ring of carbon atoms are ________ hydrocarbons. 45.Hydrocarbons without benzene rings 46.Softest among metals 47.Elements in Group IA are known as ___. 48.Highly reactive 49.Loses one electron 50.Elements in Group IIA are known as ___. 51.Elements in center gap 52.It is a metal combined with one or more elements 53.What is the only decay that has a mass? 54.What decay decreases the number of both protons and neutrons by two and may result in a stable nucleus? 55.Which material that has a permiability slightly greater than 1. 56.Most abundant metal 57.Solution of metals in mercury 58.The compounds which join together in long chains to make proteins. 59.What is known as building blocks of protein? 60.The simplest combination/compound of nitrogen and hydrogen 61.What solid material which most of the atoms or ions are randomly placed? 62.The maximum displacement of a body in harmonic motion on either sides is the __________ of the motion. 63.Lenses designed to correct astigmatism, chromatic and spherical aberration 64.The __________ of a rotational body is the product of its moment of inertia and angular speed. 65.A controlled process of heating and cooling to modify the characteristics of a material. 66.Slow cooling of a metal from high temperature to room temperature 67.Process that thickens and toughens the naturally occurring protective oxide 68.What is the extension of the concept of the antiparticle to

Absolute Humidity Absolute Index of Refraction Acceleration Acid Test Ratio Actinides Activation Energy Adhesion Adiabatic Change Adiabatic Process Adiabatic Process Aeration Alipathic Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Alkali Metals Alkali Metals Alkali Metals Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals All Metals Alloy Alpha Decay Alpha Decay Aluminum Aluminum Amalgam Amino Acids Amino Acids Ammonia Amorphous Amplitude Anastigmatic Lens Angular Momentum Annealing Annealing Anodizing Antimatter

matter, where it is composed of antiparticles in the same way that normal matter is composed of particles. 69.Silicon becomes an extrinsic semiconductor with electrons as the majority carrier when doped with what material? 70.Buoyant Force exerted by a fluid on a body is equal to the weight of fluid the body displaces. 71.Most abundant inert gas 72.Upon disassociation in water, acids yield hydrogen ions while gases yield hydroxide ions 73.Rarerest halogen 74.An eye disorder that occurs when the lens, the cornea or both are not perfectly symmetric. Light from a point source produces a line image on the retina. 75.Oxidation in electrochemical cell takes place 76.What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of that element? 77.What are considered as the building blocks for engineering materials? 78.Conversion from liquid to gas 79.What gives an element its identity? 80.States that orbitals with lower energy are filled before those with higher energy 81.What is the reciprocal of atomic mass unit in grams? 82.One mole of any perfect gas contains the same number of molecules. This is known as: 83.Pushing or pulling that is perpendicular to section 84.A solution that forms a vapor with the same concentration as the solution, distilling without a change in concentration 85.A solution that when vaporizes, results in the same composition as the liquid form 86.Analytical technique used when the reaction between the standard solution and the substance to be analyzed is low. 87.What are the particles that include the proton and the neutron? 88.Substance that acquire protons 89.When two sound with a little difference combined together 90.Two signals from an outburst sound and followed by comparative silence 91.What is the reason why alkali metals are protected from water, air and most other substances? 92.___ is equivalent to 1 nuclear disintegration per second. 93.Who discovered radioactivity? 94.Provides the essential control and measure feedback loop necessary for quality improvement 95.In a flowing fluid through a pipe, the sum of the pressure and the kinetic energy per unit volume of fluid is constant 96.Device that accelerate electrons 97.What is the diameter of the atomic nucleus? 98.What is the difference between the kinetic energy of the electron and the electrostatic potential energy of the electron-nucleus combination?

Antimony Archimedes Principle Argon Arrhenius Principle Astatine Astigmatism At the Anode Atom Atom Atomization Atomic Number Aufbau Principle Avogadros Number Avogadros Principle Axial Force Azeotropic Mixture Azeotropic Solution Back Titration Baryons Base Beat Beat Because Alkali Metals are Extremely Reactive Becquerel Becquerel Benchmarking Bernoullis Principle Betatron Between 1015 to 1016 m Binding Energy

99.Holds the nucleus of the particle of an atom in a bond 100. What is considered as a perfect absorber of radiation and an ideal radiator 101. The ratio of the universal gas constant to Avogadros number is called ____. 102. The angle formed by an atom with its neighboring atoms 103. Elements in Group III A are known as ___. 104. In which gas law do the mass and temperature in equilibrium state are constant? 105. ___ are motions of small particles that are bombarded by molecules. 106. 107. molecular formula of monosaccharide 108. SI unit for thermal conductivity 109. The unit of light intensity used to measure areas of a blackbody at the temperature of freezing platinum. 110. What is the unit of intensity of a light source, which is also defined in terms of the blackbody radiation emitted at the temperature of freezing platinum? 111. Unit of luminous intensity 112. Movements in a small diameter tubes 113. Elevation or depression of fluids in a tube 114. Element in Group IV A are known as ____. 115. Reversible cycle with hot reservoir and cold reservoir 116. A substance which changes the rate of a reaction without taking part in the chemical reaction itself. 117. Increases rate of reaction but itself is unchanged after the reaction 118. The principal structure in plant cell and fibers 119. Point through which the weight of a rigid body acts is called its____ 120. Without producing a struck 121. Force opposite but equal to centripetal force 122. What is a combination of one or more metals with a nonmetallic element? 123. At constant pressure, the volume of a sample of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. This is known as: 124. 125. What halogen is greenish-yellow gas? 126. Alkali metals react with what element to form salts? 127. Kills bacteria in water by using what substance 128. Diatomic scale when added five half tones 129. What material has a body-centered cubic crystalline structure? 130. Ratio of relative velocity after collision to relative velocity before collision 131. The attraction between like molecules. 132. Property of light related to wavelength 133. Eye condition wherein colors can be mistaken for another.

Binding Energy Blackbody Boltzmann Constant Bond Angle Boron Group Boyles Law Brownian Movement Bulk Modulus C6H12O6 cal/cm2/s Candela Candle Candle Capillarity Capillarity Carbon Group Carnot Cycle Catalyst Catalyst Cellulose Center of Gravity Center of Oscillation Centrifugal Ceramic Charles Law Chemical Energy Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chromatic Scale Chromium Coefficient of Restitution Cohesion Color Color Blindness

134. Science that deals with human color perception 135. When added, produces white light 136. What is the combination of two or more materials that has properties that the component materials do not have by themselves? 137. Force that makes --- closer 138. The lens that diverges parallel rays of light 139. The mirror that creates real image 140. The mirror that converges parallel rays of light 141. What is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between particles? 142. Constant linear momentum when vectors are zero 143. Gravitational force is a___ 144. Phase change 145. What alloy of nickel with 40-60% copper used in thermocouple? 146. What is the transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid that is in motion and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion? 147. The transfer of heat that takes place because of density difference of fluid is ___. 148. Lens where middle part is thicker than its edge 149. Mirror that diverges incident light to its parallel surface is ____ mirror 150. The lens that creates real image. 151. The lens that converges parallel rays of light 152. The force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. 153. Used to measure electric charges in Coulomb 154. The moral values of philosophy which constitutes in the foundation of ethics are Honesty, Integrity and ___? 155. Type of bonding that refers to sharing of electrons. 156. What mechanical property of a material which is time-dependent permanent strain under stress? 157. What does CPM mean? 158. The state beyond which there is no distinct vaporization process is called: 159. A branch of physics which is concerned with low temperature phenomena. (Study at very low temperature.) 160. What material has atoms or ions of known position and repetitive structure? 161. What is the unit or radioactivity? 162. Physical property/temperature at which a ferromagnetic or a ferrimagnetic material becomes paramagnetic on heating. 163. An apparatus used to accelerate elementary particles 164. In __________ oscillator, the frequency reduces..

Colorimetry Complementary Color Composite Compression Concave Concave Mirror Concave Mirror Conduction Conservation of Linear Momentum Conservative Force Constant Temperature Constantan Convection

Convection Converging Lens Convex Convex Lens Convex Lens Coulombs Law of Electrostatics Coulombmeter Courtesy Covalent Bonding Creep Critical Path Method Critical Point Cryogenics Crystalline Curie Curie Point Cyclotron Damped Harmonic

165. Discover the duality principle of light and then later applies to electron. 166. Unit of sound intensity 167. What is sometimes referred to as the heart of all the management functions? 168. In a mole of a substance under constant volume, if temperature is decreased the pressure will. 169. If the volume available to the gas is increased, the pressure exerted by one mole of gas molecules will ____. 170. Who came up with the idea that matter can be broken down into smaller particles. 171. Mass per unit volume 172. What refers to the act of conceptualizing, planning and projecting scheme, system and facility using the arts and science of electronics along with social, economic, financial and technical consideration? 173. What refers to the property of a substance to be repelled by a magnet due to the presence of paired electrons? 174. What is produced by electron spins in antiparallel pairs in closed electronics shells? 175. What physical property of a material refers to the highest potential difference (voltage) that an insulating material of given thickness can withstand for a specified time without occurrence of electrical breakdown through its bulk? 176. Spreading of waves behind an obstruction. 177. What device is used to increase the pressure of a fluid by slowing it down? 178. The acceleration of an electron is __________ to the produce of electric field and charge. 179. Combination of 2 musical tone that strike the ears harshly 180. Crystal imperfection where atoms are not properly aligned with its neighbor atoms 181. Non-conservative force is also known as _____ 182. Water is hard when it contains: 183. Lens that is thicker at the edges than in the middle is called ____ lens 184. Ratio of failure stress to yielding strain 185. ______ is 95 percent aluminum with some copper and manganese mixed in. 186. Unit of surface tension 187. Cgs unit for force 188. Force that will give a mass of 1 gram an acceleration of 1 centimeter per second 189. What government regulation in telecommunication provides the policy to improve the provision of local exchange carrier service? 190. What law that regulates the operation of CATV system in the Philippines? 191. What law governs the operation of CATV in the

De Broglie Decibel Decision Making Decrease Decrease Democritus Density Design Service

Diamagnetic Diamagnetism Dielectric Strength

Diffraction Diffuser Directly Proportional Discord Dislocation Dissipative Force Dissolve Salts Diverging Ductility Duralumin Dyne Dyne Dynes E.O. 109 E.O. 205 E.O. 436

Philippines? 192. Policy guidelines for compulsory interconnection of authorized public telecomms carriers (for universal access) 193. Law created NITC 194. Compounding interest annually 195. What theory states that matter can be converted into energy and vice versa? 196. When a body is under stress it experience ______. 197. Smallest stress can cause distortion in a material is _____ 198. Twisting of a spring 199. Process of charging or removing electrons 200. Reduction is a gain of _______. 201. The willingness of an atom to receive electrons is measured by its ____. 202. Represents valence electron 203. Formed through covalent bonds 204. The instrument used to detect the presence of electrostatic charge is ___________ 205. A chemical bond in which 1 atom losses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion. 206. The ___ is one that will act upon a similar change with a force of 1 dyne when the charges are 1 cm apart, in empty space. 207. Study of phenomenon that results from slow moving or stationary electrical charges 208. What is a substance which cannot be reduced to simpler substance by chemical means? 209. Spectrum where light travels from an incandescent solids, liquid and gas 210. Spectrum of light diffusion in solids, liquids, and gases 211. What refers to the act of giving advice and information to a client in the area of electronics engineering and its related fields in line with current international accepted standards and practice? 212. Is the unit of work in the cgs system 213. What alloy possesses practically constant resistance at all temperatures? 214. The greater the thermal conductivity the ____ the heat transfer 215. What type of materials behaves like iron when placed in a magnetic field? 216. "If no net force acts on it, an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at constant velocity." 217. What law asserts that energy is a thermodynamic property? 218. Less dense poured off. 219. The molecular weight in grams per liter of solution 220. What is the most electronegative number?

E.O. 59 E.O. 692 Effective Rate Einsteins Theory Elastic (Depression) Elastic Stress Elasticity of Torsion Electrification Electron Electron Affinity Electron Dot Electron Pair Electroscope Electrostatic Bonding Electrostatic unit of charge (statcoulomb) Electrostatics Element Emission Emission Spectrum Engineering Consultation

Erg Eureka Faster Ferromagnetic First Law of Motion First Law of Thermodynamics Floatation Formality Flourine

221. Invented mass spectrograph in 1919, enunciation of whole number rule 222. What organizational structure is considered to be the most effective in small firms or single business forms? 223. Change of state from solid to liquid and vice-versa 224. When Hydrogen melts in the sun, it is converted to Helium and produces light in the sun 225. Erg 226. Electromagnetic radiation with very short wavelength emitted at the nucleus 227. Rays that produces electrons with highest energy. 228. A device used to detect and measure the presence of radioactivity. 229. What is found on dextrose and sugar? 230. What element is the third best conductor of electricity? 231. All halogens will form compound with what group of metals? 232. Elements in Group VIIA belong in the ____ family 233. Elements in Group VII A are known as ____. 234. What material is used by permanent magnet as the magnetic material? 235. Mechanical property of material refers to the resistance to the plastic deformation 236. Resistance of a material to indentation by penetrator 237. It is the mechanical property of a material that has a resistance to plastic deformation 238. Combination of 2 musical tone that is pleasant 239. Difference in temperature is known as ____ 240. A device that converts heat into mechanical energy or work. 241. A device where two moving fluid streams exchange heat without mixing. 242. The ___ of a substance is the amount of heat needed to turn 1 kg of the substance at its melting point from the solid to the liquid state. 243. the heat per unit mass where there's a phase change from solid to liquid at melting pt. is_____ 244. Van der Waals 245. A solution when it is stirred is become _____ 246. Color due to the variation of wavelength and intensities, 247. every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the same spin 248. When electrons enter a sublevel containing more than one orbital, they will spread out over the available orbitals with their spins in the same direction before they pair up with opposite spins. 249. Every point on a propagating wavefront serves as

Francis Aston Functional Organization Fusion Fusion g-cm2/s Gamma Rays Gamma Rays Geiger Counter Glucose Gold Group 1A and Group 2A Halogen Halogen Group Hardened Steel Hardness Hardness Hardness Harmony Heat Heat Engine Heat Exchanger Heat of Fusion Heat of Fusion Hold the molecule of a crystalline structure together Homogenous Mixture Hue Hunds Rule Hunds Rule of Multiplicity

Huygens Principle

source of spherical secondary wave 250. Alkali metals react strongly with water to form ___. 251. Ratio of input distance to output distance 252. Luminous flux per unit area. 253. The reproduction of an object 254. What is the property of matter which is the reluctance to change its state of rest or of uniform motion? 255. What is the keystone of professional conduct? 256. The contribution of subunits in an allocated resources 257. What alloy of nickel used in thermostats with low or zero thermal expansion? 258. What halogen is bluish-black solid that gives off purple fumes? 259. What is an atom with more or less than its normal number of electrons? 260. Atom that losses or gain electrons. 261. What is the process of gaining or losing electrons? 262. Energy needed to remove an electron from an atom 263. What process is during which a system remains under constant pressure? 264. A line that passes through the earth's surface at points of equal magnetic declination 265. Same number of protons but different number of nuetrons. 266. What do you call nuclei that has same number of Atomic number but has different Atomic weight? 267. What type of production occurring in small products which are process at storage before proceeding to the next step? 268. What is the SI unit of heat? 269. Temperature scale which is equivalent to centrigrade scale 270. SI unit of momentum 271. The first law of thermodynamics is the: 272. Unit of slug 273. In an organization or corporation, a person who occupies a higher position has what type of power over persons in lower positions? 274. Transparent material with a curved surface 275. What particles include the electron, the mu particle and the neutrino? 276. Coefficient of kinetic force is always ____ than coefficient of static force 277. Three protons in the nucleus 278. What is called a natural magnet? 279. Sensation in the ear which depends on the energy in the sound waves 280. The measure of the perceived power of light 281. 282. Instrument measuring pressure in gas

Hydrogen Gas Ideal Mechanical Advantage Illumination Image Inertia Integrity Intermediate Planning Invar Iodine Ion Ion Ionization Ionization Energy Isobaric Isogonic Line Isotope Isotope Job Production Joule Kelvin Scale kg-m/s Law of Conservation of Energy Lbs-s2 /ft Legitimate Power Lens Leptons Less Lithium Lodestone Loudness Luminous Flux Maintainance Manometer

283. Process of producing, forming or creating electronic equipment and/or components, parts, devices and etc. 284. Slug is a unit of __. 285. Measure of inertia of body at rest 286. chemistry is primarily focused at the composition and change in ___ 287. Universe is composed of two main parts. 288. What states that the electrical resistivity is the sum of the thermal resistivity and the residual resistivity? 289. Effectivity of R.A. 9292? 290. Energy transmitted by rotary motion 291. What physical property of a material that refers to the point at which a material liquefies on heating or solidifies on cooling? 292. Periodic Table 293. What metal has the lowest boiling temperature 294. What particles have rest masses ranging to about 0.1 amu? 295. What is a combination of one or more metals reinforced by ceramics or other materials, usually in fiber form? 296. A chemical bond in which electrons are shared over many nuclei and electronic conduction occurs. 297. Refraction of light from the sun in a hot surface 298. What is a measure of rigidity? 299. 300. What refers to the number of nuclei (atoms) per unit volume? 301. Smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical properties of a substance 302. What is a combination of two or more atoms? 303. Shape, size, distance 304. The __________ of a body about a given axis is the rotational analog of mass of the body is distributed about the axis. 305. Sound pleasant to the hear 306. The change in identity of atoms 307. The shell that has the most no. of electron is the ___ shell. 308. What is the other term for negative electron? 309. What is an elementary particle that has no charge, has zero rest mass and travels at the speed of light? 310. What particle consists of two down and one up quarks? 311. The law of inertia-"there is no change in motion of the body unless a force acts on it" 312. When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts to the first a force of the same magnitude in the opposite direction. This statement is known as _____. 313. What is the least conductor of electricity? 314. What alloy of nickel has 15 to 20 % chromium and

Manufacturing Mass Mass Matter Matter and Energy Matthiessens Rule May 27, 2004 Mechanical Energy Melting Point Mendeleev Mercury Mesons Metal Matrix Composites Metallic Bonding Mirage Modulus of Elasticity Mohrs Circle Molecular Density Molecule Molecules Moment of Inertia Moment of Inertia Musical Tone Mutations N Negatron Neutrino Neutron Newtons First Law of Motion Newtons Third Law of Motion Nichrome Nichrome

has high electrical resistance? 315. Elements in Group VA are known as ____. 316. The atomic weight of an element equal to__ in the nucleus. 317. Elements in Group VIII A or Group 0 are known as ___. 318. There is a change in the identity of the Atom. [google] A change that shows a stimulation of the nucleus of an atom that mostly leads to a change on the atomic structure. 319. What determines the valence of an atom? 320. What determines whether the substance is a conductor or an insulator? 321. The interval of a given musical tone to the half.. 322. _____ room temperature ____ 323. With ___, there is interchange of matter between system and surroundings 324. There is flow of matter and energy across the boundary 325. Interchange between system and surroundings 326. What is the other term for azimuthal quantum number? 327. 4 signatories of RA 9292, Franklin Drillon, Jose de Venecia, Roberto Nazareno, ____ 328. ____ is one-way diffusion through a semipermeable membrane. 329. A process in which chemical substance loses electrons 330. What is the most abundant element on earth? 331. Elements in Group VI A are known as ____. 332. Formed when sunlight hits automobile 333. SI unit of pressure 334. Force applied by a liquid on the surface of container 335. No two same electrons in the same atom can have the same set of quantum number. 336. What is a reference sheet for the elements that can be used to form engineering materials? 337. An electron released from a substance through the photoelectric effect 338. Instrument that can be used to measure illuminating power of two surfaces. 339. An instrument used to compare the luminous intensity of two signals 340. Science of measuring light 341. What is emitted when an electron changes from a higher energy orbit to a lower energy orbit? 342. Quantum of light energy 343. The concept which states that a body can absorb or radiate energy in whole number multiples of a quantum 344. What is the unit of the coefficient of kinematic viscosity?

Nitrogen Group No. of Protons + No. of Neutrons Noble Gases Nuclear Change

Number of Electrons in the Outer Shell Number of Valence Electrons Octave Oil Open System Open System Operating System Orbital Quantum Number Oscar Yabes Osmosis Oxidation Oxygen Oxygen Group Ozone Pascal Pascals Principle Paulis Exclusion Principle Periodic Table Photoelectron Photometer Photometer Photometry Photon Photon Plancks Theory of Radiation Poise

345. Inversely proportional to the viscosity of turbulent flow 346. Absolute value of the ration of the transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain in a body subjected to uniaxial stress 347. A bond that contains two hydrogen atoms 348. Bond that forms HCl. [google] Bond between two non-metals Cl and H. It has intermolecular bonds called London Dispersion Forces and Dipole-Dipole bonds 349. Anode to primary cell 350. Light waves in which the vibrations occur in a plane perpendicular to the ray 351. The engineering materials known as plastics are more correctly called: 352. Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its _____. 353. What is the characteristic sign of the magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic material? 354. "PH" stands for 355. What is the mass in pounds equal to the molecular weight? 356. Change in the orientation of the axis of rotation of a rotating body 357. What is the partly illuminated part of a shadow called? 358. Properties of thermodynamics 359. Complement of primary colors 360. Focal length is the distance between ___ and the focal center 361. What defines the total energy of the electron? 362. What specifies the shell in which an electron is located? 363. In thermodynamics, any change that the system may undergo is called ___. 364. What does PERT mean? 365. The greatest stress which a material is capable of withstanding without a deviation from acceptable of stress to strain is called ___. 366. What particle consists of two up and one down quarks? 367. Glass bottle used to determine the specific gravity of liquid 368. What is the term used to describe the amount of energy that is given off when an electron moves from one orbit to a lower orbit. 369. Elemental unit of energy 370. What is a set of numbers that describes the quantum state of a particle such as an electron in an atom? 371. MTRCB 372. The basic law providing for the regulation of radio

Poisuelles Poissons Ratio Polar Bond Polar Covalent Polarization Polarized Light Polymers Position Positive Positive Hydrogen Ions Pound Mol Precession Prenumbra Pressure, Temperature, Volume Primary Pigments Principal Focus Principal Quantum Number Principal Quantum Number Process Program Evaluation Review Technique Proportional Limit Proton Pycnometer Quantum Quantum Quantum Number R.A. 1986 R. A. 3846

station, communications in the Philippines and other purposes. 373. What is otherwise known as Electronic Commerce Act or E-commerce act of the Philippines? 374. Angular frequency is measured in _____ 375. Unit of angular speed. 376. Frequency of microwave communication 377. Which of the following is considered the first instance of government regulation of radio technology? 378. Enthalpy change associated with condensation of gaseous ion 379. The lanthanides were once called ___. 380. Alkali metals are protected from water, air, and most other substances because they are extremely 381. Bi-concave lens cannot produce ___ image. 382. What is formed if the rays actually pass through the image after refraction? 383. 384. Specific gravity 385. Ratio of relative vapor and saturated vapor 386. The rbe dose is expressed in ____. 387. In periodic table, Groups IA through VIIA or Group A are classified as ___. 388. failure of one set of receptors in the eye 389. Shear modulus is the measure of material's ___. 390. Unit used to measure dosage made of x-ray radiation from x-ray is ___. 391. When the net torque acting on an object is zero, the object is in __________ equilibrium. 392. Discovered protons 393. What is a neutral defect of ionic lattices consisting of two vacancies (one cation and one anion)? 394. A statement that summarizes observed facts 395. Correctly predicts the outcome of experiments 396. A force sliding perpendicular 397. The type of oscillation that is produced when the restoring force is applied in opposite of the motion 398. Unit of mass 399. What refers to the mass w/c is accelerate at the rate of one foot per second when acted on by a force of one pound? 400. Cations are __ their parent atoms. 401. Sublimation 402. Mass of water vapor per unit mass of air 403. ___ is a combination of a prism and achromatic lenses used to segregate the various wavelengths in a beam of light and thus to permit examination of its spectrum. 404. What is the number which is used to describe the intrinsic spin angular momentum of the electron? 405. What specifies the direction of spin of an electron on its own axis?

R.A. 8792 Radians Per Second Radians Per Second Radio Radio Act of 1910 Raolts Law Rare Earths Reactive Real Real Image Refractive Index Relative Density Relative Humidity Rems or Rebs Representative Elements Retinal Fatigue Rigidity Roentgen per hour Rotational Rutherford Schottky Defect Scientific Law Scientific Theory Shear Force Simple Harmonic Motion Slug Slug Smaller than Solid to Gaseous Specific Humidity Spectroscope

Spin Quantum Number Spin Quantum Number

406. Unit of electrostatic potential difference 407. What mechanical property of a material refers to the nominal stress at fracture in a tension test at constant load and constant temperature? 408. The process of directly changing from solid to vapor state or vice versa is called ___. 409. Corrodes metal, destroys living tissue, and building electrolyte is a solution of water and ______. 410. Causes liquid film to be elastic____ 411. The tendency of the surface of a liquid to shrink. This property varies with different liquids and is caused by a net molecular force directed inward from the surface. 412. Tendency of liquid to contract. 413. Resist external force on water 414. In thermodynamics, ___ is the external part of the system 415. In thermodynamics, it is the area within a prescribed loop 416. ___________ is the temperature difference per unit distance at the temperature flow direction 417. What is the measure of the materials ability to conduct heat? 418. What is the most notable property of actinides 419. Discovered thermionic emission 420. Discovered electron 421. 422. What is the disadvantage of the participative style of leadership? 423. Measure of resistance of twisting 424. A wrongful act, whether intentional of accidental from which may injury 425. When light travels from less speed to greater speed 426. What occurs when the angle of incidence of a less dense material is greater than the critical angle? 427. Elements in the central gap of the periodic table are called ___. 428. When the forces that act on an object have a vector sum of zero, the object is said to be in __________ equilibrium. 429. A change in the identity of a nucleus because of a change in its number of protons is called ___. 430. Elements with higher element number than uranium 431. Some things looks homogeneous unless it passes through rays of light. This demonstrates what physical effect? 432. Frequency used in sterilizing food 433. The part of the shadow where all light rays are excluded 434. When a solid has a crystalline structure the atoms arranged in repeating structure is called ____. 435. What is a loss due to valence electron?

Statvolt Stress Rupture Strength Sublimation Sulfuric Acid Surface Tension Surface Tension Surface Tension Surface Tension Surroundings System Temperature Gradient Thermal Conductivity They Are All Radioactive Thomas A. Edison Thomson Threshold of Hearing Time Consuming Torque Tort Total Internal Reflection (TIR) Total Internal Refraction Transition Metals Tranlational Transmutation Transuranium Tyndall Effect Ultraviolet Umbra Unit Cell UV Absorption

436. Hold molecules 437. What bonding occurs when molecules are formed, giving each atom an outer shell of eight atoms? 438. Ray of light through a material that have an image after refraction 439. Mks unit of potential difference 440. What will happen to the volume of gas when temp is constant 441. Unit of intensity 442. 443. The complementary color, which is two colors, combined. 444. What refers to the ratio of thermal conductivity of a material to the product of electrical conductivity and temperature? 445. Point which appreciable elongation without corresponding increase of load 446. The stress at which material exhibits a specified deviation from proportionality of stress and strain. 447. For an object in harmonic motion. To obtain maximum speed, the displacement of the object from the equilibrium point must be _________. 448. The coefficient of restitution of a completely inelastic collision 449. Work done Adiabatic system 450. What is the most common alloying ingredient in copper? 451. What material as a hexagonal closed-packed crystalline structure?

Van der Waals Forces Van Waals Bonding Virtual Image Volt Volume will decrease W/m2 Water Absorption White Light Wiedemann-Frantz Ratio Yield Point Yield Strength Zero Zero Zero Zinc Zinc

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