Boosternews 1011

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October 2011 Next Meeting October 25 Potrero Hill Neighborhood House 953 DeHaro Street (at Southern Heights)

6:45 pm 7:00 pm Social Business Meeting Introductions / Welcome to New Members Police Report Neighborhood News and Updates Potrero Terrace/Annex Rebuild Update with Bridge Housing Supervisor Malia Cohen Q&A
As I wrote here last month: The new condominium projects that the Boosters have seen in recent months reveal the consequences of the Eastern Neighborhoods rezoningthousands of condos (and thousands more residents) coming to the neighborhood, with very few opportunities for children or families, and not much planning from the City for alternatives to automobiles. We cannot have urban density in our part of this City with suburban ways of getting around, and yet, that is what we have right now. As
neighborhood leaders, we at the Boosters have to plan (and take action) to create transit choices, and not simply rely on what the MTA manages to give us.

time. Potrero Hill needs the Boosters as much as ever these days to advocate for the Hills residents within the neighborhood and at City Hall. The Boosters have always been the first line of defense on land use issues; well need to continue that, with the beginnings of a return of big-condo-project developments to the Hill. And in the months to come, well be discussing the future plans for McKinley Square Park 2012s redrawing of supervisorial districts new ideas for underground wiring of our utilities strategies for getting more support for our local parks and

7:25 pm

and a lot more.

8:00 pm

Coming This Month

Thats true for transit, and a host of other issues in our neighborhood. But we cant lead unless we are united! Join us! Use the membership form on the other side of this newsletter, or sign up at
Yards to Gardens

Potrero Hill History Night Saturday, October 22, 2011

5.30 - 9 pm International Studies Academy, DeHaro & 18th Streets

Farleys Pet Parade Saturday, October 29, 2011

12.30 pm From 18th & Arkansas to 18th & Texas

Zach Bogoshian of Yards to Gardens writes: Yards to Gardens is a non-profit organization focused on creating community connections around gardening. In the urban setting, gardening space is at a premium, however it does exist: in the yards of your loving, caring neighbors! We want to empower neighborhoods to become more healthy, connected and beautiful by creating new localized food systems out of their yards. is a free website to find or post yard space, willing gardeners, extra tools, or organic matter. Yards to Gardens has been a great success in Minneapolis, MN, and now we have recently brought it to the San Francisco Bay Area. We need you to use it so can become a complete and essential tool for all residents (gardeners or otherwise). You can share veggies, tools, and knowledge too! So, If you or someone you know needs a space to garden, has extra yard to share, or some tools sitting around collecting dust, then Y2G is for you. Our goal is to have 300 new listings up in the San Francisco Bay Area by the end of October - so tell your friends, and put up a listing today! It takes 5 minutes tops!
(continued on back)

Presidents Message
Supervisor Cohen at Tuesdays Boosters meeting

The main event of Tuesdays Boosters meeting, October 25 at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, is Supervisor Malia Cohens first visit to the Boosters. Supervisor Sophie Maxwell started the custom of visiting the Boosters in October of each year, with election recommendations and an open Q&A session; were very happy to see the new Supervisor continuing the practice. Bring your questions! Well also have an update on the planned rebuild of Potrero Terrace and Annex as the public housing development winds its way through the Citys environmental review process.
Time to renew (or start) your Boosters membership


Ray Bright
1931 - 2011

Its time to start reminding folks to renew their Boosters membership for 2012, OR recruiting our many interested neighbors to join the Boosters for the first

Former Boosters President

City Hall Web site: Mayor Ed Lee 1 Goodlett Place Rm 200 SF Ca 94102 ph: 554-6141 fax 554-6160 [email protected]

Supervisor Malia Cohen / District 10 (which includes Potrero Hill): ph: 554-7670 fax 554-7674 [email protected] Bayview Police Station SFPD Web site: Capt. Paul Chignell Anonymous Tips Community Liaison Quality of Life Liaison Abandoned autos Potrero Terrace/Annex 201 Williams St, SF 94124 ph: 671-2300 fax 671-2345 [email protected] 822-8147 voicemail, 575-4444 live 671-2302 (Sergeant Garrick) 671-2333 (Officer McConico) 850-9737 (Officer Rodriguez) 509-1408 (Officers Rodatos & Sanders) 987-6389 (Officers Fowlie & Ferraez)

Figuring out this land and garden-share concept is an ever-evolving process. Theres a growing movement of innovation and sharing in the gardening community, and we want to be a part of it. So, even if you dont use our website, we still want your feedback so we can provide the community with the best possible public garden-sharing service. So please, check out the site, use it, post on it, share it, write about it or shoot us some tips on how to make it better (or even some compliments...) using either the feedback tab at the site or by email ([email protected]). -Zach Bogoshian Yards to Gardens A project of Earth Island Institute

Renew Your Potrero Boosters Membership! Now is the time to pay your dues and renew your membership through 2012, if you havent done so already! Just fill out the form below and send it in . . .


Potrero Boosters Executive Committee President Tony Kelly 341-8040 [email protected] First Vice President Dick Millet 861-0345 [email protected] Second Vice President Monisha Mustapha [email protected] Recording Secretary Keith Goldstein [email protected] Corresponding Sec. DeWitt Lacy [email protected] Treasurer Daphne Magnawa [email protected] Sergeant-at-Arms Ellen Kernaghan 824-5065 Auditors Robin Talmadge Joe Boss 826-2515 Member-at-Large David Glober [email protected] Webmaster: [email protected]

The Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association is devoted to issues of importance to the communities of Potrero Hill. Our goals are to act as a forum for concerned Potrero residents and to participate in policy and development decisions that affect the quality of life here on the Hill. Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month (7:00 p.m. at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House) and are open to everyone, members and non-members. Dues: Individual $25, Household (couple) $30, Senior $20. (Make checks out to: Potrero Boosters.) Mail check to Potrero Boosters, 1459 18th St., #133, San Francisco, CA 94107, or sign up at
Enclosed is $______ for ___ membership(s). New __ Renewal __ Prefer e-mail newsltr (Y/N)? ____

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone, Daytime Phone _____________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Interests/Concerns _____________________________________________________________________________

The Potrero Community Voice Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 1459 18th St. PMB 133 San Francisco, CA 94107

Does your mailing label say DEC 10 or earlier? Renew your membership now!! Fill out the form above and send it in, or pay online at! Let us know if youd rather get this newsletter by email!

First Class

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