Boosters Newsletter 1110

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2010 Membership Renewal Time Next Meeting November 30 Potrero Hill Neighborhood House 953 DeHaro Street (at Southern Heights) 6:45 pm Social
Its that time of the year again. Your Potrero Booster membership expires at the end of the year. Please renew now through 2011. Go to to renew via PayPal, or send a check. See the back of this newsletter for details. Thank you for your membership. It allows us to do the work thats so vital to the character of our neighborhood!

7:00 pm Business Meeting Introductions / Welcome New Members 7:10 pm Police Captains Report Review of Last Meeting Treasurers Report Other Meeting Reports

The Annual Holiday Party is here!

We are delighted to announce the Boosters Holiday Party this year will be a potluck on Sunday, Dec. 19, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 323 Gallery, 323 Potrero Ave., between 16th and 17th Streets. Well have a grill and grill master, so bring something to grill and a side dish to share. Come share a cup of holiday cheer with your friends and neighbors. Well have drinks and plenty of Dolce Bella chocolates made by the gallery owners sister to taste. Happy holidays to all!

7:25 pm Merchant Spotlight: David Gentry Fundraiser for the Nabe 7:30 pm 8:10 pm 8:25 pm Malia Cohen 8:50 pm 9 pm California High Speed Rail AT&Ts Street Furniture Meet your new Supervisor: Photo Slide Show of Mirant Adjourn Novembers Meeting
This is going to be an issue-packed meeting! We will finally hear from the California High Speed Rail Authority and the current status of their project. This is one of the biggest issues facing our neighborhood, and we want to build the best high-speed rail project possible one that will be good for both our region and our neighborhood. We will hear from our new Supervisor, Malia Cohen, and meet some of her staff. Congratulations, Malia! We will hear from AT&T about where they plan to put their big box street furniture in our neighborhood. You will want to attend this meeting, and give the presents your opinion, too. We also have two fun and unique events: David Gentry, our Merchant Spotlight of the month, is generously donating some of his work as a fundraiser for the Nabe, and hes also donating a portrait of the Nabe. You can see some of his work at the meeting, at the party in December, and at the end of Januarys meeting well announce the raffle winner. Please buy lots of raffle tickets to help the Nabe and get a custom portrait of your house (or car or pet) by a talented local artist. Peter Linenthal from the Potrero Archives will be showing a slide show of photos that several Hill photographers took from the Mirant power plant. These are images you wont see every day, and were delighted to be the first place you can see these shots.

District 10s New Supevisor, Malia Cohen

It took a few extra weeks, but Potrero Hill finally has its next supervisor. On Nov. 17, public affairs, media and policy consultant Malia Cohen was certified as the next supervisor of District 10, the district that encompasses Potrero Hill, Bayview and much of southeast San Francisco. The race, which never had a clear front-runner, was close to the finish. After 20 rounds of voting, Cohen finished with 4,321 votes, or 52.7% of the vote. Theater director, activist and former Potrero Boosters President Tony Kelly was the second-highest vote getter with 3,879 votes. The race, which featured 21 candidates and no clear front-runner, exemplified the power of San Franciscos new ranked-choice voting system for supervisorial elections. After initial votes were cast, five candidates were within 200 votes of the leader, BART Board Member Lynette Sweet, who had 2,150 votes. With ranked-choice voting, though, the lowest vote-getters votes are eliminated in successive rounds, with their votes being reassigned to the voters 2nd and 3rd-choice candidates, until someone gets more than 50 percent of the available votes. In the 20th round of vote distribution, third-highest vote getter Marlene Trans votes were redistributed, putting Cohen over the top. Cohen will take over the Board of Supervisors position from Sophie Maxwell, who has been serving on the board since 2000. Maxwell was termed out, after serving two full, four-year terms in office, as well as a shorter two- year term.

EXEMPTION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, Case #2010.0040E; 1214-1263 CONNECTICUT /25th, Missouri & Cesar Chavez Sts. Propose to construct 3-2 story ,30 ft high, commercial non-hazardous storage bldgs, 27,880 sq ft, on 3 adjacent vacant lots with no parking. Project has a Catagorical Exemption from Environmental Review.Contact: J.Battis, ph: 575-9022,<[email protected]> BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2010.08098401, 1165 KANSAS/22nd Sts. Propose to construct a 8 x 15 2-story rear addition, including 2 balconies to single family house in an RH-2/40-X zone. Contact: Corey Teague, Planner, ph: 575-9081. BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2010.07086213, 1125 MARIPOSA/Texas Sts. Proposed to add 1,500 sq.ft. coffee bar (retail) to the Ecco Roasting facility (light manufactur- ing), previously permitted by Permit #2010.06033738 in an UMU/40-X zone. Contact: Corey Teague, Planner; ph: 575-9081. BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2010.03087767, & Variance Application #2010.0599V, at 863 DE HARO/20th Sts. Propose to construct a 2-story vertical rear addition with a 2-story rear deck and alter the facade. The existing bldg is legal non-conforming, extending 6 ft, the decks will encroach 14 ft into the reqd rear yard requiring the Variance heard Weds. Oct. 27. Contact: Pilar LaValley, Planner, ph: 575-9084. BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2010.04301452: 518 PENNSYLVANIA/20th Sts. Propose to add a 3rd flr with a 15 ft front setback and a 3-story rear addition to an existing single family house in an RH-1/40X zone. Contact: Corey Teague, Planner, ph: 575-9081.

BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2010.09140824: 1510 25th/Texas Sts. Propose to build a 2-story single family house with 1 parking space within the front setback of a lot currently w/2 dwelling units. A variance from the front setback was granted. Contact: D. Sanchez, Planner, ph: 575-9082. * * * * * *

City Hall Web site: Mayor Gavin Newsom 1 Goodlett Place Rm 200 SF Ca 94102 ph: 554-6141 fax 554-6160 [email protected]

Supervisor Sophie Maxwell / District 10 (includes Potrero Hill): ph: 554-7670 fax 554-7674 [email protected] Bayview Police Station SFPD Website: Capt.Gregory Suhr [email protected] Anonymous Tips Community Liaison Quality of Life Liaison Abandoned autos Potrero Terrace/Annex 201Williams St, SF 94124 ph: 671-2300 fax 671-2345 822-8147 voicemail,575-4444 live 671-2302 (Sergeant Garrick) 671-2333 (Officer McConico) 850-9737(Officer Rodriguez) 509-1408 (Officers Rodatos & Sanders) 987-6389 (Officers Fowlie & Ferraez)


The Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association is devoted to issues of importance to the communities of Potrero Hill. Our goals are to act as a forum for concerned Potrero residents and to participate in policy and development decisions that affect the quality of life here on the Hill. Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month (7:00 p.m. at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House) and are open to everyone, members and non-members. Dues: Individual $25, Household/Couple $30, Senior $20. (Make checks out to: Potrero Boosters.) Mail check to Potrero Boosters, 1459 18th St., #133, San Francisco, CA 94107, or sign up via PayPal online. Enclosed is $______ for ___ membership(s). New __ Renewal __ Prefer e-mail newsletter (Y/N)? ____ Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone, Daytime Phone ______________________________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interests/Concerns ________________________________________________________________________________________

The Potrero Community Voice Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 1459 18th St. PMB 133 San Francisco, CA 94107

Does your mailing label say DEC 09 or earlier? Renew your membership now! Fill out the form above and send it in or pay online at Let us know if you prefer to receive this newsletter via email!

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