Potential Rock Fall Hazards

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................ i 1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Project Considerations............................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................... 4 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Study Objective.......................................................................................... 6 2.2 Hillslope Inventory and Preliminary Rating Method of Study ..................... 6 2.2.1 Hillslopes Applicable to the RHRS .................................................. 7 2.2.2 Hillslope Conditions Excluded from the RHRS................................ 8 2.2.3 Methods of Preliminary Hillslope Evaluation and Rating ................. 8 2.2.4 Preliminary Hillslope Rating ............................................................ 9 2.2.5 Hillslope Site Identification ............................................................ 10 GEOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Regional Geology .................................................................................... 11 3.2 Geology and Rockfall............................................................................... 12 3.2.1 Saprolite/Mixed Rock Hillslopes .................................................... 13 3.3 Geography and Rockfall Distribution ....................................................... 14 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................... 16 4.1 Findings ................................................................................................... 16 4.1.1 Slope Evaluation and Rating ......................................................... 17 4.1.2 Rockfall Incident Reports by Maintenance Division....................... 18 4.1.3 Hillslope Ownership Assessment .................................................. 19 4.2 Recommendations ................................................................................... 20 LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................... 22





CLOSURE..................................................................................................................... 24

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PLATES Island of Oahu Key Map .............................................................................. Plate 1 Area Maps ............................................................................... Plates 2.1 thru 2.22 Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification ......................... Plates 3.1 thru 3.7 Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment .............................. Plates 4.1 thru 4.9 Summary of Preliminary Slope Property Ownership................ Plates 5.1 thru 5.13 APPENDIX Summary A Slope Detail Rating ................................................... Pages 1 and 2

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A Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) program was initially established in 2002 at various locations adjacent to City streets on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. A total of 256 hillslope sites (rockfall sections) within 122 City streets were identified and rated as Class A (High), Class B (Moderate), or Class C (Low) with respect to the level of hazard associated with the potential for rockfall to encroach on the public right-of-way. There were 56 rockfall sections that were assessed an A classification, 93 rockfall sections with a B classification, and 107 rockfall sections with a C classification. According to the RHRS program guidelines, the hillslope inventory and database information should be updated periodically to reflect possible changes in slope conditions, recent construction and/or maintenance activities, recent rockfall and rock slide events, escalated construction cost, and other pertinent factors. This report covers updates to the slope inventory (Stage 1) and preliminary rating (Stage 2). Stage 1 involved the revision of the existing inventory of rock hillslopes that have the potential to produce falling rock and could affect the public road right-of-way. Stage 2 involved subjective geological evaluation and preliminary rating of the inventoried hillslopes for the purpose of classifying the slopes with respect to the level of potential rockfall hazard. The preliminary slope ratings for many of the hillslope sites are either upgraded from lower rank to higher rank, or downgraded from higher rank to lower rank. There are 59 rockfall sections that have been assessed an A classification, 93 rockfall sections with a B classification, and 104 rockfall sections with a C classification. The updated preliminary ratings will result in changes to the rockfall remediation prioritization. We believe that the efforts of these updates will assist in effectively and efficiently managing the rockfall remediation planning with respect to the relative level of potential hazard on public right-of-way. Additional information such as slope ownership assessment for each hillslope is also included in the update program. We believe that the ownership assessment may be useful for prioritization of rockfall remediation with respect to legal and constructability issues. W.O. 4683-20 GEOLABS, INC.
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The text and appendix of this report should be referred to for detailed discussion and the slope inventory and preliminary slope classification.

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SECTION 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction This revised report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering evaluation performed for the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) rock slide potential inspections update No. 1 project for the City streets located on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. The general location and vicinity of the various hillslope sites that were

inspected for this project are shown on the Island of Oahu Key Map, Plate 1. This report summarizes our work efforts and presents our findings in general accordance with the RHRS program and initial study conducted in 2002. The findings presented in this report are based on research, field evaluation, and analyses conducted for this rock slide potential inspections update project. The findings and recommendations are intended to form the basis for rockfall remediation prioritization. The findings and recommendations presented herein are subject to the limitations noted at the end of this report. 1.2 Project Considerations The project study area only encompasses the public streets under the jurisdiction of the City and County of Honolulu on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. The City streets considered by this study are those listed in the Street Index for the Island of Oahu, dated January 1996. Many of the streets owned and/or maintained by the City traverse steep hillslope areas in and around the ridge and valley regions of the Island of Oahu. Due to the steep terrain and location of development in these areas, many of the City streets on Oahu are below steep natural slopes and man-made cut slopes that are composed of rock and weathered rock materials. With the passage of time, erosional forces that work to alter and denude the slope faces continually affect these slopes. As a result,

the hillslopes are essentially in a slow but constant state of geologic evolution that may generate potential hazards such as falling rock, landslide activity, and slope erosion. These potential hazards can have an adverse effect on development and the public right-of-ways located below the hillslopes.

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The rocky hillslopes, which are located adjacent to existing public right-of-way (City streets), have the potential to generate falling earth material such as boulders and rock fragments that could potentially inundate the bounding sidewalk and roadway areas. There are a number of locations on the Island of Oahu where rockfall have occurred along City streets and where public complaints have been received regarding potentially hazardous falling rock conditions. In addition, there are also many rock

slopes adjacent to City streets where the existing rock hillslope conditions are presently generally stable but may be subject to future erosion and potential rockfall hazard. Thus, it is desired to develop and maintain an inventory of rock hillslope sites adjacent to City streets that may require remedial improvements. In addition to maintaining the inventory of rock hillslope sites, it is desired to prioritize the stabilization of the more hazardous rockfall sites to reduce the potential hazards. It is necessary to develop a system to classify and rank the potential rockfall hazard sites in order to establish a rational way to categorize and prioritize remedial work. The RHRS was originally developed in 1984 by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and is now widely recommended by the National Highway Institute (NHI) as a means for transportation agencies to address their rockfall hazards proactively. The RHRS is a method to prioritize the use of limited construction funds by numerically differentiating the apparent risks at rockfall sites. The RHRS is a process that allows responsible agencies to actively manage the rock slopes adjacent to their roadway system. In general, the RHRS process consists of six stages that build upon each other to achieve the ultimate objective of assisting the prioritization and planning of remedial construction work. The six stages of the program are outlined as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Inventory Preliminary Rating Detailed Rating Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate Project Identification and Development Review and Database Update

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In 2002, Geolabs, Inc. implemented the first four stages of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) for the City and County of Honolulu. The rock slide potential database was then developed in 2005 containing the initial stages of the RHRS program, including inventory, preliminary rating, detailed rating, preliminary design, and cost estimate. The RHRS program recommends conducting periodic inspection at

intervals of about 2 to 4 years in order to update the ratings and reflect the changes of slope conditions, recent construction/maintenance activities, and escalated construction cost. This report encompasses the first two stages of this update, including the inventory and preliminary rating of the potentially hazardous hillslopes identified in 2002. A more detailed description of the inventory and preliminary rating stages are provided later in this report.

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Purpose and Scope The purpose of this rock slide potential inspections project is to update the

existing inventory database and preliminary rating of potentially hazardous rock slopes to form the basis for future stages of rockfall evaluation and analyses for remedial construction planning. Our work was performed in general accordance with our fee proposal dated March 7, 2007. The general scope of work for this geotechnical

engineering evaluation included the following tasks and work efforts: 1. 2. Research and review of available City records pertaining to past rockfall activity, public complaints, and reports of rockfall clean-up activity. Research and review of available map data including the Citys Geographic Information System (GIS), United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (USDASCS) Soil Survey, United States Geological Survey (USGS), Tax Map Key maps, and other in-house resources. Conversion of the Citys GIS map information to AutoCAD 2004 format in support of the preparation of the maps and site plans for the project. Research and review of available City and BWS construction as-built drawings to assess the location of the City property boundary for each hillslope site identified in support of the determination of probable slope ownership. Geotechnical and geological engineering evaluation of the field data to assess preliminary slope rating for each hillslope site identified. Preparation of monthly memorandum to update the project progress. Preparation of this report summarizing our work on the project and presenting our findings. Coordination of our overall work on the project by our senior project engineer. Quality assurance of our work and client consultation by our principal engineer. Miscellaneous work efforts such as drafting, word processing, and clerical support.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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This report provides some background information and summarizes our work performed for the project. This report also includes a discussion of our findings and recommendations, the updated hillslope inventory and the preliminary slope ratings for the project. The Island of Oahu Key Map and a set of Area Maps are also included for reference of the hillslope locations.


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In 2002, Geolabs, Inc. implemented the first four stages of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) for the City and County of Honolulu. The rock slide potential database was then developed in 2005 containing the initial stages of the RHRS program, including inventory, preliminary rating, detailed rating, preliminary design, and cost estimate. The RHRS program recommends conducting periodic inspection at

intervals of about 2 to 4 years in order to update the ratings and reflect the changes of slope conditions, recent construction/maintenance activities, and escalated construction cost. This report encompasses the first two stages of this update, including the inventory and preliminary rating of the potentially hazardous hillslopes identified in 2002. A more detailed description of the inventory and preliminary rating stages are provided later in this report. 1.3 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this rock slide potential inspections project is to update the existing inventory database and preliminary rating of potentially hazardous rock slopes to form the basis for future stages of rockfall evaluation and analyses for remedial construction planning. Our work was performed in general accordance with our fee proposal dated March 7, 2007. The general scope of work for this geotechnical

engineering evaluation included the following tasks and work efforts: 1. 2. Research and review of available City records pertaining to past rockfall activity, public complaints, and reports of rockfall clean-up activity. Research and review of available map data including the Citys Geographic Information System (GIS), United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (USDASCS) Soil Survey, United States Geological Survey (USGS), Tax Map Key maps, and other in-house resources. Conversion of the Citys GIS map information to AutoCAD 2004 format in support of the preparation of the maps and site plans for the project. Research and review of available City and BWS construction as-built drawings to assess the location of the City property boundary for each hillslope site identified in support of the determination of probable slope ownership.

3. 4.

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Geotechnical and geological engineering evaluation of the field data to assess preliminary slope rating for each hillslope site identified. Preparation of monthly memorandum to update the project progress. Preparation of this report summarizing our work on the project and presenting our findings. Coordination of our overall work on the project by our senior project engineer. Quality assurance of our work and client consultation by our principal engineer. Miscellaneous work efforts such as drafting, word processing, and clerical support.

This report provides some background information and summarizes our work performed for the project. This report also includes a discussion of our findings and recommendations, the updated hillslope inventory and the preliminary slope ratings for the project. The Island of Oahu Key Map and a set of Area Maps are also included for reference of the hillslope locations.


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SECTION 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Study Objective The objective of this Rock Slide Potential Inspections study is to update the initial two stages of the RHRS established in 2002. The initial two stages of the RHRS are to: 1. 2. Review and update the existing inventory of rock hillslopes that are located adjacent to City streets; and, Conduct a preliminary evaluation and rating update assessment of the hillslopes contained in the inventory for classification into three broad categories of potential rockfall hazard (Class A, B, or C).

The updates reflect geological evolution changes, recent landslide events, and recent construction/maintenance activities. The updated rock hillslope inventory and preliminary rating information (Stages 1 and 2) will be used to conduct site-specific study, including a detailed evaluation and rating of the most potentially hazardous hillslopes based on the geologic character of the hillslope and the existing roadway conditions. For example, we anticipate that the detailed site assessments should

progress first with the Class A (high) rockfall potential sites and then be followed by the Class B (moderate) rockfall potential sites. Class C (low) rockfall potential sites usually do not need further evaluation. Once the potentially hazardous sites have been prioritized, additional stages of the RHRS will be implemented to move forward with the detailed slope rating, the development of preliminary remedial conceptual designs and construction cost estimates, and project level identification and development. The slope ownership may be used to prioritize the rockfall sites in addition to the numeric ratings by addressing legal and constructability issues. 2.2 Hillslope Inventory and Preliminary Rating Method of Study The updates were conducted by re-visiting the individual slope sites and evaluating, confirming/revising the RHRS classification on the basis of the current hillslope condition. During the field reconnaissance, new rock hillslopes may be

identified, while old rock hillslopes may be removed.

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2.2.1 Hillslopes Applicable to the RHRS Each hillslope site considered by this RHRS study was subjectively evaluated and judged whether the existing slope conditions fit some general slope condition criteria. Based on our review of the overall requirements of the RHRS, the general slope criteria were established in such a manner that hillslopes with very low potential rockfall hazard would not be included in the database. The general slope criteria that hillslopes should possess in order to be included in the RHRS consist of the following: x x x x x x x the hillslope should have at least some potential to produce falling rock that could possibly reach the roadway; the hillslope should be composed of rock and weathered rock materials; the hillslope should contain a minimum of about 25 to 50 percent rock material; the hillslope must be located adjacent to a City and County roadway; the hillslope should be greater than about 6 feet in vertical height; the hillslope segment should be longer than about 30 feet in length; and, the hillslope should be steeper than about 1H:1V.

Some of the general slope condition criteria were overruled to allow the hillslope in the RHRS, if one or more of the following situations were noted: x the hillslope site had been reported by the City maintenance division to present a hazardous rockfall condition or maintenance clean-up problem; the hillslope site had been reported by public complaint as a potential hazardous condition or problem area; or, the hillslope was evaluated and judged to present a potentially hazardous falling rock condition despite not meeting the criteria set forth for inclusion in the study.

x x

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2.2.2 Hillslope Conditions Excluded from the RHRS Some of the hillslope conditions encountered in the field that suggested the removal of the slope from further consideration by the RHRS study include: x x x x x x rock slopes not adjacent to City and County roadway; rock slopes adjacent to City and County roadway where there was no potential for falling rock to affect the public right-of-way; soil slopes containing fewer than about 25 percent rock materials; soil slopes (such as residual soil and alluvium) that experience surface soil erosion; documented landslide and earth movement problem areas; and, reported drainage and surface erosion problems involving soil and rock debris not directly related to a hillslope rockfall condition.

To properly utilize the RHRS methods, future slopes added to the slope inventory should be carefully reviewed for general adherence to the established general slope condition criteria. The slope condition criteria used to determine whether a hillslope should be included in the RHRS database are outlined in Section 2.2.1. Surface soil erosion from slopes including the deposition of hillslope debris resulting from poor drainage should be addressed by a separate study and database utilizing appropriate rating system specifically developed to classify erosion and drainage problems. 2.2.3 Methods of Preliminary Hillslope Evaluation and Rating The preliminary hillslope evaluation and rating effort consisted of documenting each rock hillslope site (rockfall section) that fit the general slope condition criteria for inclusion in the RHRS database. During the site evaluation, a standardized

evaluation form describing the general site conditions pertaining to rockfall and adjacent roadway condition was completed. General measurements of the slope geometry, GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) at the beginning and ending of each hillslope site, and digital photographs of the site were also recorded. Finally, the slope was assessed a preliminary subjective rating of either Class A, B, or W.O. 4683-20 GEOLABS, INC.
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C, which corresponds to the perceived level of potential hazard for rockfall on the adjacent roadway based on the estimated potential for future rockfall to encroach on the roadway and historical rockfall accounts. It should be noted that assessment for the slope ownership was conducted based on the available as-built construction drawings and Tax Map Key (TMK) records. The information consisting of approximate location of property boundary and distance in relation to top of slope or toe of slope were included in the standardized evaluation form. If no useable construction as-built drawing is available, additional field surveying activities will be performed for the boundary location and slope ownership. The purpose of the preliminary slope rating was to group the rockfall sections into one of three broad, manageable sized classes (A, B, or C). Without performing the preliminary rating, additional time would be spent applying the detailed rating at sites with only a low-to-moderate potential for a hazardous condition. The preliminary rating assessment is a subjective evaluation of rockfall potential that requires experienced and qualified personnel to make valid judgments based on facts, observations, and relative comparisons. Qualified personnel may include those with civil/geotechnical engineering and geological background. 2.2.4 Preliminary Hillslope Rating We implemented the following RHRS criteria for use in the preliminary rating of rockfall sections. The RHRS is a proactive system, which is primarily aimed at the rockfall potential at a site. Therefore, the primary controlling element of the

preliminary rating is evaluating the estimated potential for rockfall on the roadway. Secondarily, the historical rockfall activity element is used to supplement the preliminary rating, where clarification is needed. As previously mentioned, the slope ownership, sometimes, plays a role in prioritizing remedial work. For example, it is easier to design and construct It is our

remedial work on City owned versus privately owned property.

understanding that public funds can not be utilized for private matter. The slope W.O. 4683-20 GEOLABS, INC.
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ownership information, where there were as-built drawings available, was included in the database. However, the slope ownership information was not used to govern the preliminary rating in the study. The primary controlling element was evaluated on the basis of field reconnaissance of the hillslope. The secondary controlling element was evaluated on the basis of a review of public complaint records and maintenance records. The following table summarizes the two criteria used to assess the preliminary slope rating. CRITERIA 1. Estimated Potential for Rockfall on Roadway 2. Historical Rockfall and Maintenance Activity 2.2.5 Hillslope Site Identification Each City street that contains a rockfall section was assigned a distinct identification number. The street identification numbers range from 001 through 122 and correspond to the number of streets with rock hillslopes addressed by the study. For streets with only one hillslope location, the Slope Identification No. (Slope I.D. No.) corresponds to that particular street identification number. For streets containing more than one hillslope location (multiple rockfall sections), an alphabetical suffix was added to the street number to define the site specific Slope Identification Number. For example, a hillslope located on a street containing only one slope segment is identified as Slope I.D. No. 003. For three separate hillslope sites on the same street, the Slope I.D. Nos. would be 004-A, 004-B, and 004-C.

A High High

CLASS B Moderate Moderate

C Low Low

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SECTION 3. GEOLOGY 3.1 Regional Geology The Island of Oahu encompasses approximately 604 square miles of land area that may be divided into four major geographic provinces. The geographic provinces include the following: 1) Koolau Mountain Range, 2) Waianae Mountain Range, 3) Schofield Plateau, and 4) Coastal Plain. The majority of the Island of Oahu was built by the extrusion of basaltic lava from two primary shield volcanoes known as Waianae and Koolau. The older Waianae Volcano is estimated to be middle to late Pliocene in geochronologic age and forms the bulk of the western third of the island. The younger Koolau Volcano is estimated to be late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (Ice Age) in age and forms the majority of the eastern two-thirds of the island. Waianae became extinct while Koolau remained active; therefore, the westward flowing lava from the Koolau Volcano continued to bank against the weathered products of the Waianae Volcano to create the elevated area known as the Schofield Plateau, situated between the two volcanoes. Therefore, the Island of Oahu was formed by coalescence of the two volcanoes. Following the eruption of the bulk of the lavas, the coastal areas of Oahu were partially submerged and emerged cyclically due to large-scale sea-level fluctuations in response to periods of worldwide glaciation. In addition to the sea level fluctuations, the island mass was undergoing a gradual subsidence due to the islands mass and isostatic adjustment of the earths crust beneath the island. As a result of the cyclic sea level fluctuations and the gradual subsidence of the island, the erosional baseline likewise, fluctuated, and major streams were drowned and buried and later emerged to renew their incision. The lowering of base level results in an increased stream gradient and consequently an increased rate of stream down cutting. The effect of changes in erosional baseline impact the evolution of landforms by influencing the rate of stream down cutting and sediment deposition in addition to changing the coastal exposure to ocean wave erosion. The combined effects are evidenced by the evolution of steepwalled amphitheater-shaped valleys; filling of valleys to form broad, gently sloping alluvial floors; and, the initiation of renewed stream dissection into the older alluvial W.O. 4683-20 GEOLABS, INC.
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deposits to form terraces at the bottom of the valley floors. This cyclic activity during the Pleistocene Age partially accounts for the present topography of today including the Ewa, Honolulu, and Kahuku sedimentary coastal plains and the coastal perimeter of the Island of Oahu. Today, both the Waianae and Koolau Mountains have lost most of their original shield volcano outline and exist as elongated mountain ranges that are evolving largely by erosional processes. The Koolau Range, with its highest peak of about 3,105 feet above sea level, is approximately 37 miles in length and is deeply incised by active stream cutting and mass wasting processes. In contrast, the Waianae Range with its highest peak of about 4,025 feet above sea level at Mount Kaala is about 22 miles in length. The Waianae Range has been carved into large valleys separated with steep ridgelines by a long history of stream erosion, mass wasting, and island-wide submergence and re-emergence. 3.2 Geology and Rockfall Volcanic rock and related weathered volcanic rock products underlie the bulk of the interior of the Island of Oahu. Steep hillsides and cut slopes composed of rock and weathered rock materials occur most commonly at the developed interior portions of the Island of Oahu. Based on our findings, potentially hazardous rock slopes that produce falling rock are primarily composed of layered volcanic products such as basalt rock with clinker interbeds and volcanic tuff and cinder deposits. Other rock slopes may be composed of calcareous sandstone, coral reef and limestone deposits, which are generally at scattered locations around the perimeter of the Island of Oahu. Rockfall is largely

dependent on the rock quality, which includes the fracture width, fracture spacing, and other irregularities between the physical and chemical rock components composing the slope. In general, rockfall may be generated by relatively unweathered rock material as well as highly weathered rock material. Extremely weathered volcanic rock, often

referred to as saprolite, is soft, decomposed rock material that retains some remnant rock texture but is very friable and may be crushed to basic soil and rock fragment components. W.O. 4683-20 Saprolite may be referred to as a combined soil/rock material and GEOLABS, INC.
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experienced judgment must be exercised to estimate whether such a slope is capable of producing rock fall. 3.2.1 Saprolite/Mixed Rock Hillslopes Under some conditions, slopes composed of saprolitic material experience earth movements such as landslide activity, which may involve a localized block of earth material or a portion of the hillslope mass. Because there are some indistinctness between the potential hazard associated with individual falling rocks and larger landslide earth movements, some saprolitic slopes that contain a relatively low proportion of rock materials were included in the slope inventory despite not exhibiting pure rock slope characteristics. Some of these mixed saprolitic/rock slopes included in the slope inventory were observed to have experienced some significant earth movement that appeared to have potentially affected the public right-of-way. In addition, some saprolitic slopes were observed to contain remnant boulders, localized zones of hard rock outcropping, or other earth material having both soil and rock-like properties. These slopes were included in the slope inventory since the potential fall of these materials could be categorized as a rockfall hazard. The saprolitic slopes that exhibit landslide scars or contain rock-like components were encountered mainly on the windward side of the Island of Oahu. Based on our findings, Windward Oahu has a greater number of slopes that are composed of saprolitic material mixed with rock. Windward Oahu generally

receives greater rainfall, which tends to accelerate the physical and chemical weathering processes that are responsible for the decomposition of rock to saprolitic materials. Thus, a greater number of slopes in Windward Oahu required inspection to evaluate the rock/soil materials and associated potential rockfall hazard. A few slopes included in the inventory are composed of semi-consolidated older colluvial and alluvial materials. These soil/rock deposits consist of weathered rock material (cobbles, boulders, and gravel) partially consolidated in a clayey soil

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Despite not being composed entirely of rock material, the on-going

weathering and erosion of these slopes has the potential to produce some falling rock. Based on our findings, the slopes with the greater potential hazard for significant rockfall are those that are composed of layered basalt rock which contain significant thickness of highly fractured clinker interbedded with thick layers of dense basalt rock. In this condition, there exists a wide disparity in the stability of the materials in the exposed slope face. The rubbly clinker layers tend to erode faster than the bounding dense basalt layers thus producing potential instability in the overhanging blocks of dense rock. The large blocks of dense basalt rock then have greater capability to fall and roll without breaking into smaller pieces. 3.3 Geography and Rockfall Distribution Based on our review of the geographic spread of potential rockfall sites on the Island of Oahu, some generalizations may be made regarding the location of rockfall sites. The overall spread of inventoried hillslopes is shown on the Island of Oahu Key Map, Plate 1. In general, basalt rock hillslope exposures with lesser amounts of surface soil were observed to be predominant in the areas of East Oahu (Hawaii Kai to about Manoa) and West Oahu. In general, these areas have a drier climate that supports a slower rate of physical and chemical weathering. Thus, there is generally greater Furthermore, the slopes

exposure of intact rock material at the ground surface.

encountered in these drier climate areas have generally thinner surface soil deposits covering the basalt rock formation. Where new development occurs in hilly terrain of the drier climate areas, the likelihood of encountering rock material in slope excavations is generally higher. In contrast, the wetter climate areas of Oahu, such as Windward Oahu (Kahuku to Waimanalo), and Central Oahu (Wahiawa) generally have greater surface soil cover and deeper rock weathering profiles. Therefore, hard rock hillslopes are less commonly encountered in these areas except in the gulches and valleys where stream erosion has

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dissected the landscape. Relatively thick horizons of residual soil and saprolitic soils are more commonly encountered due to the greater depth of rock weathering and faster erosion rates. Due to the typically flatter terrain and topographic relief of Central Oahu, slope excavation for land development is not as widespread as other hilly areas of the Island of Oahu. It is noteworthy that a number of potential rockfall sites located in the District of Honolulu are located in older neighborhoods where some of the existing roadway corridors are narrower and steep cut hillslopes extend closer to the public right-of-way. In addition, many of the older rock cut slopes were excavated to stand at near-vertical inclinations, which may tend to decrease slope stability where the slope face may consist of significant clinker and weak rock layers that are more susceptible to erosion. Some examples of these particular conditions include St. Louis Heights and Wilhelmina Rise areas of Honolulu. In general, the region of Oahu with the highest concentration of inventoried rock hillslopes is the Honolulu District due to the high density of development in areas of high topographic relief, which require significant earthwork and grading. Other regions of relatively high-density development and high topographic relief are the Kailua and Kaneohe areas of Windward Oahu. However, fewer rock hillslopes were inventoried due to the predominance of soil deposits composing the slopes in these areas. Other regions of Oahu have a lower concentration of inventoried slopes due to the lower density of development, lower topographic relief requiring less intensive earthwork and grading, and a greater predominance of slopes composed of soil materials. The general regions of Oahu where a lower number of inventoried hillslopes exist are: x x x Central Oahu lower relief topography and thicker soil horizons West Oahu limited development in rocky areas North Shore limited development in rocky areas

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SECTION 4. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Findings This report provides some background information, summary of our work, discussion of our findings, and recommendations for the project. This report also

contains the Island of Oahu Key Map (Plate 1) and the various Area Maps (Plates 2.1 through 2.22) showing the general location of the hillslopes as well as summary of the inventory database and the preliminary slope ratings (Plates 3.1 through 3.7), and summary of slope ownership assessment and surveying (Plates 4.1 through 4.9). To further categorize the slope ownership impact, the results of the slope ownership are divided into four categories as below, and presented on Plates 5.1 through 5.13. A list of the various plates that comprise this report submittal is provided in the Closure section of this report. x x x x Case 1 Slope within City ROW (property line at or near top of slope) Case 2 Slope partially within City ROW (property line in middle of slope) Case 3 Slope outside City ROW (property line at or near toe of slope) Case 4 Combination of Case 1, 2 and/or 3, due to property line varying across slope site)

Based on the results of the rockslide potential inspections for the RSRH database update No. 1 for City streets on the Island of Oahu, one new slope site was identified and added into the database, while one slope site initially identified in 2002 was removed from the database due to a private roadway along the toe of slope. A total of 256 slope sites (rockfall sections) within 122 City streets were observed to have rocky hillslopes that have the potential to produce falling rock that could encroach on the public right-of-way. The 256 rockfall sections were then evaluated and rated as A, or B, or C, and are summarized in the following table. RHRS Classification A B Initial Database (2002) 56 93 Update No. 1 (2008) 59 93

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RHRS Classification C Total

Initial Database (2002) 107 256

Update No. 1 (2008) 104 256

The general distribution of the hillslope sites is shown on the Island of Oahu Key Map, Plate 1. The oversize plan sheets (Area Maps) show the location of the hillslope sites with respect to the neighborhood areas located on the Island of Oahu. Furthermore, the Island of Oahu Key Map shows the boundary delineation of the various neighborhoods that the Area Maps depict. The locations of the hillslope sites are identified on the various Area Maps for the Island of Oahu. The Area Maps are presented on Plates 2.1 through 2.22 of this report. The Area Maps show a more detailed view of the hillslope site location that is intermediate between the Island of Oahu Key Map and the individual Site Plans. The inventory updates are presented on Plates 3.1 through 3.7, which contain Street Name, Slope I.D. No., Neighborhood Area, updated and original preliminary ratings, and remarks reflecting changes made in the database. The inventory updates shown on Plates 3.1 through 3.7 are sorted by the updated Preliminary Slope Rating and progresses from the Class A slopes to Class C slopes. 4.1.1 Slope Evaluation and Rating The findings presented in this report are based on field observations conducted of the existing conditions observed and measured at the hillslope sites at the time of our field reconnaissance. The observations were recorded by qualified personnel who have experience in the systematic evaluation of geologic conditions pertaining to potential falling rock hazards and hillslope stability in general accordance with the RHRS program. It should be noted that only qualified and experienced personnel using a standardized form for recording observations should conduct the slope evaluation and rating. The person(s) conducting future slope evaluation and rating work should be thoroughly familiar with the Method of Study criteria outlined in Section 2.2 and Section 4.1 of this report.

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As mentioned previously, the key to assessing whether a hillslope should be classified as Class A, B, or C resides with evaluating the primary controlling element of the estimated potential for rockfall on the roadway. Secondarily, the historical rockfall activity element is used to supplement the preliminary rating where additional clarification may be needed. The slope ratings are based in part on our geological interpretation of the existing site conditions observed at the time of our site visit. In order to conduct the

preliminary slope ratings, some professional judgments were made pertaining to the geologic conditions and possible path of falling rock with respect to the public right-of-way. The same personnel conducted the slope evaluations in an effort to maintain objectivity and consistency. The preliminary slope evaluation and rating considered the subjects of observation and measurement noted on the standardized evaluation form and also included an overall judgment of the relation of each slope condition to the context of the study as a whole. 4.1.2 Rockfall Incident Reports by Maintenance Division During the initial development of the RHRS inventory, public complaints and reports by the maintenance division were gathered. The list of existing trouble areas

(frequent clean-up of debris) and potential trouble areas (appearance of unstable slope conditions) were generated and included in the original RHRS database report, dated March 14, 2002. To standardize the records of landslide/rockfall events and maintenance activities, a Rockfall Hazard Incident Report form was developed during the initial RHRS database development and distributed to the Department of Maintenance. A total of four incident reports were received and summarized as the following. Date of Report 9/15/06 11/8/06 Location of Incident Beach Road Auloa Road Approx. Slope ID No. 054 112-B Preliminary Rating A A Classification of Incident Rockfall Shallow Landslide

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Date of Report 12/31/07 5/23/08

Location of Incident Pupukea Road Moanalua Loop

Approx. Slope ID No. 099 085

Preliminary Rating A A

Classification of Incident Rockfall Rockfall

Information from the above rockfall incident reports was used in this project and considered in the preliminary slope rating evaluation. The information should also be used in the detailed rating stage to quantify the potential rockfall volume and to assist with prioritizing hazardous rockfall potential. 4.1.3 Hillslope Ownership Assessment To address the Citys legal and constructability issues, additional research for the slope ownership was conducted. The research was based on available City and BWS construction as-built topographic survey drawings. ControlPoint Surveying, Inc. performed the study. The research results are summarized on Plates 4.1 through 4.7 for each hillslope site evaluated. Useable construction as-built drawings were located for 183 hillslope sites, however, no useable as-built information were found for 73 remaining hillslope sites (19 A slopes, 31 B slopes and 23 C slopes). Actual field surveying was further performed for 19 A and 31 B slope sites where useable construction as-built drawings were not available, to assess the City streets right-of-way boundary in relation to the hillslope sites. The field surveying results are also summarized on Plates 4.1 through 4.7. Field surveying may be performed for the remaining 23 C slopes, for which no useable as-built drawings are available, to complete the hillslope ownership assessment, when additional funding becomes available. To assist prioritization of rockfall mitigation project solicitation, the results of the slope ownership assessment and field surveying are also presented in the order of the slope ownership categories (Case 1 through Case 4) in conjunction with the

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slope ratings (A, B and C) on Plates 5.1 through 5.13, and summarized in the table below. BREAKDOWN OF SLOPE OWNERSHIP Slope Ownership Category Slope within City ROW Slope partially within City ROW Slope outside City ROW Inconclusive 4.2 Recommendations As mentioned previously, the purpose of this report is to present the inventory update of hillslopes and the results of the preliminary slope evaluation and rating revision. The information will be utilized to support Stages 3 and 4 of the RHRS Case 1 Case 2 Combinations Case 3 A 8 10 20 20 1 B 10 13 30 37 3 C 8 9 5 60 22

program updates. Stages 3 and 4 of the RHRS program consist of the updates of the detailed slope evaluation and rating (Stage 3) and the preliminary conceptual designs and cost estimates (Stage 4). At Stages 3 and 4, a large amount of detailed numeric information is generated about the location and condition of rockfall sites. We believe that the inventoried hillslopes assessed a Class A rating (estimated high potential for rockfall on the roadway) should be advanced to at least Stages 3 and 4 of the RHRS, similar to the evaluation conducted in 2003 as shown in Appendix Summary A Slope Detail Rating for reference. We understand that some of the A slopes rated in 2002 are in the process of rockfall remedial design, which may be classified as Stage 5 of the RHRS - Project Identification and Development. We

anticipate that additional A slopes may be identified for rockfall remedial design after completion of this update, when additional funding becomes available. This current database update for rockslide potential inspection is considered Stage 6 of the RHRS. Based on the results of the updates, the preliminary slope ratings

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for some of the hillslope sites were either upgraded from lower rank to higher rank, or downgraded from higher rank to lower rank. These updates will result in changes of rockfall remediation prioritization. We believe that the efforts of these updates will assist in the planning of the rockfall remediation project effectively and efficiently with respect to the relative hazardous potential on public right-of-way. We believe that it is important to continue the update program at intervals between about 2 to 4 years to incorporate and reflect changes that may have affected the subject hillslopes with the passage of time. New slope construction should be

added to the database and existing site modifications should be reviewed to evaluate whether changes in the current ratings or slope designs are warranted. Furthermore, cost estimates may be revised to reflect possible changes in unit bid prices. Conditions in nature may change unexpectedly and without warning or develop slowly with the passage of time. Thus, the effects of severe weather events, seismic activity, and new development may cause changes in the slope conditions. The

potential for rockfall may either increase or decrease in response to environmental and man-made changes. Not all changes that affect a hillslope are pronounced. Reviewing earlier photographs of the site may best identify subtle changes that occur over the passage of time. In any case, the review process should be on-going to protect the initial investment made in the RHRS.


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SECTION 5. LIMITATIONS The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon information obtained from research and use of available information and site visual observations. Variations of hillslope conditions between and beyond our

observations may occur, and the nature and extent of these variations may not become evident until additional site evaluation or construction is underway. If variations then appear evident, Geolabs should be contacted to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report. The locations of the hillslope sites (rockfall sections) are approximate, having been estimated by taping from property corner reference points and visible features shown on the available Tax Key Maps obtained from the Citys GIS information database. The physical locations of the hillslope sites should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used. The site visual observations, which form the basis of the preliminary slope evaluations and ratings shown on the Preliminary Slope Evaluation and Rating Form, depict the general surface slope conditions observed at the time of our site visit; thus, some difference in site observations may be anticipated during site visits made at other times. The preliminary field slope evaluation and rating was performed using subjective observations by experienced personnel. In addition, professional judgment was used to evaluate the existing site conditions and erosional processes observed. The field data has been reviewed and interpretations made in the formulation of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction for specific application to the Rock Slide Potential Inspections project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. No warranty is expressed or implied. This report has been prepared solely for the purpose of developing a hillslope inventory and preliminary slope classification in general accordance with the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) for the preliminary evaluation of rockfall hazards for City streets on the Island of Oahu. Therefore, this report may not contain sufficient data, or W.O. 4683-20 GEOLABS, INC.
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the proper information, to serve as the basis for preparation of construction cost estimates nor for bidding purposes. A contractor wishing to bid on this project should retain a competent geotechnical engineer to assist in the interpretation of this report and/or in the performance of additional site-specific exploration for bid estimating purposes. The owner/client should be aware that unanticipated soil/rock conditions are commonly encountered. Unforeseen conditions, such as hillslope evolution, inactive

landslides, variable groundwater conditions, soft deposits, hard layers or cavities, may occur in localized areas and may require additional evaluation or corrections in the field.


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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original A A A A A A B A A A B B Private Private Private Private Private Private Ownership of Abutting Property Line Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kalihiwai Place Kamookoa Place Anolani Street

014-A 014-E 014-F 015 016-A 031-A

Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Niu Valley

Preliminary rating updated to reflect inclusion of natural rock slope above the cut slope. CRM retaining wall at slope toe was extended approximately 15 feet to south. 014-E-1 and 014-E-2 are now combined to comprise 014-E. 014-F-1 and 014-F-2 are now combined to comprise 014-F. Slope length is reduced from 270 to 230 feet due to new retaining wall construction. Updated site plan. Preliminary rating updated to reflect observed loose boulders at top half of slope. Preliminary rating updated to reflect inclusion of natural rock slope above the cut slope. Slope length increased from 150 to 275 feet due to active rockfall. New slope was observed and assessed as a high potential hazard due to site condition and history of rockfall events. High upper natural slopes above cut slope contributed to potential hazard.

Active rockfall and stone/cobble rolled across street in driveway. Slope length increased from 1,150 feet to 1,630 feet including portion of Slope ID 053-F. Updated site plan. Deep slope undercut actively failing with high potential for blocks to reach roadway.

Slope length increased from 325 feet to365 feet. Updated site plan. Updated site plan. Slope length of about 1,500 feet. Collapsed driveway of 1416 Roundtop Dr. on downslope side of road was observed. Active rockfall was evident by rock slabs and boulders at slope toe. Upgraded from "B" to "A" due to active rockfall and loose rock hanging by tree roots.

Upgraded from "B" to "A" due to active rockfall and loose rock hanging by tree roots. Upgraded from "B" to "A" due to active rockfall and curve with sloping roadway conditions. Recent rockfall activities visible from debris and fresh scars. Increased slope length from 140 feet to 235 feet.

Resident of Parcel 066 reported rolling rock hitting the fence and upper slope cleaning efforts last year. Upgraded from "C" to "A" due to substantial active rockslide within Parcel 106. Reduced slope length to 187 feet due to recent roadway improvements project. Updated site plan.

Anolani Street Poola Street Poola Street Laukahi Street Halekoa Drive Koko Drive Sierra Drive Poka Place Diamond Head Road Beach Road Alencastre Street Dole Street Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Tantalus Drive Makiki Heights Drive Prospect Street Puowaina Drive Puowaina Drive Hookui Street Auwaiolimu Street Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Alewa Drive Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Lani Street Hulakui Drive Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Aiea Heights Drive Aiea Heights Drive A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A New A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A B B A A A A A A C A A A A A A Private Private Private City / Private Private Private Private State Federal State Private Private State State State Private / State State State Federal Private / State Private State State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

031-B 036-B 036-C 037-A 045-B 048-A 050 052 053-E 054 058 061-A 062-K 062-N 062-P 062-Q 062-T 064-B 066-B 067-A 067-C 068 069-B 070-D 070-G 072-C 073 075-E 078 080-D 081-B 081-D 081-E 083-A 083-B

Niu Valley Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Nui Wilhemina Rise Wilhemina Rise Diamond Head Diamond Head Diamond Head St. Louis Heights Manoa Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Nuuanu Alewa Heights Moanalua Moanalua Valley Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Aiea Heights Aiea Heights

Landslide scars on downslope side of road (opposite slope segments) exposed existing guardrail posts.

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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Updated length of slope to 1795 feet. Updated site plan. Few trees nearly lost bottom support due to active erosion/rockfall. Few trees nearly lost bottom support due to active erosion/rockfall.

Updated slope length to 960 feet. Updated site plan. Recent landslide visible. Recent landslide visible. Recent landslide visible. Most of slope was covered by grass and trees compared to bare slope in 2001. The recent landslide failure wedge needed an immediate attention. Updated slope length to 380 feet. Updated site plan.

Naupaka hedge planted along slope toe may be a less-costly and effective mitigation. Space available for planting slope toe hedge. Preliminary rating updated due to observed active rock erosion.

Moanalua Loop Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Waihona Street Waihona Street Waihona Street Pupukea Road Maunawili Road Maunawili Road Maunawili Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Alala Road Mokuhano Street Hawaii Kai Drive Kamehame Drive Hoahana Place Waihili Place Hanohano Place Hanauma Bay Road Polihale Place Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kamoi Place Kaahue Street Uwao Street

085 088-A 088-C 089-A 089-C 089-D 099 111-A 111-C 111-D 112-A 112-B 112-D 114-A 114-B 114-C 114-E 121 001 004-D 005-B 006 007 008 011 012 014-B 014-C 014-G 014-H 022 023 030

Aiea Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Waiawa Waiawa Waiawa Pupukea Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Olomana Olomana Olomana Olomana Lanikai Kalama Valley Hawaii Kai Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Hawaii Kai Portlock Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Hahaione Valley



Private Private Private State State Private Private / State Private Private Private Private Private Private State / Private Private Private Private State / Private Private City / Private Private Private Private Private City Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Many fallen cobbles along sidewalk and slope toe. Vegetation was maturing and providing more buffer to erosion and control of falling rock. Series of CRM walls were observed on upper slope, while lower cut slope with thick seasonal vegetation and greenwaste disposal.

Slope length was reduced from 130 to 120 feet due to upper retaining wall repair and new lower retaining wall construction covering old landslide site. Updated site plan. Preliminary rating updated to reflect loose stacked boulders and separating blocks from cut slope face.

Kainoa Place Kamole Street Luinakoa Street Halekoa Drive Halekoa Drive Wahinekoa Place Malu Place Koko Drive

033 038-B 044 045-A 045-C 046 047 048-C

Wailupe Valley Waialae Iki Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Wilhemina Rise



Private Private Private Private Private Private Private City

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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line Preliminary rating updated due to many loose cobbles with no catchment. Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Preliminary rating updated due to instability on high portion of slope. Preliminary rating updated due to active rockfall from upper slope.

Slope length increased from 116 to 176 feet including parcel 095. Updated site plan.

Slope length increased from 355 to 555 feet. Updated site plan.

Iwi Way - Short Lane Iwi Way Koko Head Avenue Koko Head Avenue Diamond Head Road Diamond Head Road Diamond Head Road Lai Road Lai Road St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive Robert Place Dole Street Dole Street Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Slope length increased from 950 to 1,630 feet. Updated site plan.

049-A 049-B 051-A 051-B 053-A 053-C 053-D 056-A 056-B 057-A 057-C 057-D 057-E 060 061-B 061-C 062-A 062-C 062-D 062-E 062-F 062-G

Maunalani Heights Maunalani Heights Kaimuki Kaimuki Diamond Head Diamond Head Diamond Head Palolo Valley Palolo Valley St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights Manoa Manoa Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus



Private Private Private Private Private Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private State / City State Private Private Private State State State

Preliminary rating updated due to talus accumulation taking away shoulder and length reduced from 800 to 292 feet due to recent construction. Updated site plan. Updated site plan. Updated site plan. Revised slope length from 1,500 to 2,200 feet including continuous slope segments. Updated site plan.

Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Tantalus Drive Tantalus Drive Prospect Street Prospect Street Puowaina Drive Auwaiolimu Street

062-I 062-M 062-O 062-R 062-S 066-A 066-E 067-B 069-A

Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl



Upgraded from "C" to "B" due to active rockfall, but existing swale as catchment. Increased slope length from 150 to 290 feet. Reduced slope length from 410 to 290 feet. Upgraded from "C" to "B" due to visible loose rocks and overhanging block. Increased slope length from 120 to 150 feet. Updated site plan.

Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road B B B B B B B B B B B B B Private Private Private Private C B B B C

070-A 070-B 070-C 070-F 070-H

Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights

State State State State / Private State Private Private Private Private (south) State (north) Private Private Private Private Private

Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Nuuanu Pali Drive Anuu Place

070-J 072-A 072-B 074

Pacific Heights Nuuanu Nuuanu Kalihi Valley

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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Reduced slope length from 320 to 218 feet due to recent development. Updated site plan.

Increased slope length to 282 feet to include flatter but less catchment slope. Updated site plan.

Increased slope length from 250 to 280 feet. Updated site plan. Downgraded to "B" due to recently installed chain link fence retaining most of debris. Downgraded to "B" due to reduced slope length only including portion along C&C roadway, lower slope height and available catch areas. Updated site plan. Downgraded to "B" due to low hazard potential from smaller size of rockfall.

Ala Mahamoe Street Mahiole Street Ala Napuanani Street Hulakui Drive Hulakui Drive Halawa Heights Road Kilinoe Street Komo Mai Drive Waihona Street Kaukama Road Mailiilii Road Waianae Valley Road Haleahi Road Wainihi Street Alapio Road Pulama Road

075-C 077 079 080-B 080-C 082-B 086 088-B 089-B 092 093 095-B 096 098 100 103-B

Moanalua Maonalua Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Halawa Heights Pearlridge Pearl City Uplands Waiawa Maili Maili Waianae Waianae Valley Wahiawa Pupukea Kahaluu



Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private State Private State Private Private / State Private Private Private

Updated slope length to 870 feet. Updated site plan. Decreased slope length from 1000 to 800 feet due to recent development. Updated site plan. Few trees nearly lost bottom support due to active erosion/rockfall. Slope is nearly completely covered by grass and trees compared to only some cover in 2001. More talus accumulation at slope toe compared to wider catchment in 2001. Upgraded from "C" to "B" due to constant landslide/erosion and catchment deficiency. Overgrown grass and talus accumulation encroached into sidewalk. Updated slope length to 755 feet. Updated site plan. Updated slope length to 110 feet. Updated site plan.

Ahilama Road Ahilama Road Kamehameha Highway Kamehameha Highway Lilipuna Road Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe Bay Drive Maunawili Road Auloa Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Auwaiku Street Lapa Place Honokahua Street Oilipuu Place Hawaii Kai Drive Hawaii Kai Drive Hawaii Kai Drive Kamehame Drive Hoolako Place Koko Head Park Road Lumahai Place Kaluanui Road Kamookoa Place B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C A B B B B B B B B B B C B B C C C C C B C C C C C Private Private Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private City / Private Private Private City Private Private Private

104-A 104-B 106-B 106-D 108-A 110-A 110-B 111-B 112-C 114-D 114-F 114-H 117 122 002 003 004-A 004-B 004-C 005-A 009 010 013 014-D 016-B

Kahaluu Kahaluu Heeia Kea Heeia Kea Heeia Keaalu Keaalu Maunawili Maunawili Olomana Olomana Olomana Keolu Hills Lanikai Kalama Valley Kalama Valley Hawaii Kai Hawaii Kai Hawaii Kai Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Hawaii Kai Portlock Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge

Slope length reduced due to house lot developments. Updated site plan. Slope length reduced due to observed rock catchment areas. Updated site plan. Preliminary rating updated due to permanent landscape planting with irrigation.

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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Some failure of GRP facing caused by small tree growth protruding through GRP. Minimal potential for rockfall encroachment at road because of low slope height. Minimal potential for rockfall encroachment at roadway due to landscape planting and available roadside catchment. Added a slope segment at Parcel 051 measuring about 58 feet long, previously obscured by vegetation. Updated site plan. Accumulation of debris in catchment zone reduced catchment effectiveness. Increased slope length from 215 to 300 feet. Updated site plan. Landscape area needed cleaning to remove sloping soil/rock debris accumulation.

Slope length reduced from 220 to 140 feet due to new house and retaining wall construction. Updated site plan. Slope length reduced from 80 to 55 feet due to new house developments. Updated site plan. Slope site was under remedial development. Final slope conditions were unknown.

Slope length increased from 55 to 103 feet including Parcel 054. Updated site plan.

Preliminary rating updated due to limited visible loose rock.

Slope length reduced from 880 to 525 feet. Updated site plan.

Slope length reduced from 150 to 100' feet excluding Parcel 014. Updated site plan.

Kamookoa Place Kaloaloa Street Kawaiki Place Kauku Place Kapoho Place Kapapala Place Kakiwa Place Kaipuhaa Place Kahuwai Place Kahauloa Place Kaluanui Place Hokulani Street Hoana Place Mona Street Ahuwale Street Poola Street Poola Street Poola Street Laukahi Street Laukahi Street Kamole Street Ehupua Place Ohialoke Street Hoaaina Place Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Kihi Street Koko Drive Diamond Head Road Diamond Head Road Narcissus Place St. Louis Drive Oswald Street Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Aina Lani Place/Way Makiki Heights Drive Makiki Heights Drive Mott-Smith Drive Increased slope length from 420 to 540 feet including Parcel 002. Updated site plan. Reduced slope length from 90 to 42 feet excluding Parcel 009. Updated site plan.

016-C 017 018 019 020 021 024 025 026 027 028 029 032 034 035 036-A 036-D 036-E 037-B 037-C 038-A 039 040 041 042-A 042-B 042-C 043 048-B 053-B 053-F 055 057-B 059 062-B 062-H 062-J 062-L 063 064-A 064-C 065

Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Hahaione Valley Wailupe Valley Wailupe Valley Wailupe Valley Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Wilhemina Rise Diamond Head Diamond Head Palolo Valley St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Makiki Tantalus Tantalus Makiki



Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private City Private Private Private Private Private Private City Private Private Private City Private Private Private N/A N/A State / Private City Private Private N/A N/A N/A N/A Private N/A N/A N/A

Slope length reduced from 80 to 74 feet. Updated site plan. Combine Aina Lani Place and Aina Lani Way including two short segments with increasing slope length from 580 to 670 feet. Updated site plan.

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Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Increased slope length from 170 to 185 feet. Updated site plan. Increased slope length from 370 to 400 feet. Updated site plan. Increased slope length from 550 to 660 feet. Updated site plan.

Increased slope length consisting of 212 feet western side and 140 feet eastern side due to recent roadway widening project. Updated site plan.

Recent slope erosion control implementation with installing irrigation system and removal of small trees Downgraded to "C" due to recent rockfall mitigation project including installation of draped wire mesh and chain link barrier. Recent rockfall mitigation project installing draped wire mesh and chain link barrier. Downgraded to "C" due to recent rockfall mitigation project including installation of draped wire mesh and chain link barrier. Downgraded to "C" due to available catchment areas and boulder stacking barrier. Increased slope length from 610 to 640 feet. Updated site plan. Decreased slope length from 460 to 320 feet. Updated site plan. Updated length of slope to 525 feet. Updated site plan. Reduced slope length to 118 feet due to recent development. Updated site plan. Updated length of slope to 120 feet. Updated site plan. Updated length of slope to 360 feet. Updated site plan. Downgraded to "C" due to recently constructed concrete toe wall along slope toe. Deceased slope length to 245 feet. Updated site plan.

Prospect Street Prospect Street Auwaiolimu Street Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Von Hamm Place Nuuanu Pali Drive Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Haku Street Hulakui Drive Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Halawa Heights Road Moanalua Road Kaahele Street Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Waipahu Street Lumipolu Street Lualualei Hmstd. Road Waianae Valley Road Kaneaki Street Anemoku Street Hauula Homestead Road Hauula Homestead Road Hauula Homestead Road Ahuimanu Road Kamehameha Highway Kamehameha Highway C C C C C C Private Private Private

066-C 066-D 069-C 070-E 070-I 070-K 071 072-D 075-A 075-B 075-D 075-F 076 080-A 081-A 081-C 081-F 081-G 081-H 081-I 082-A 084 087 088-D 088-E 088-F 090 091 094 095-A 097 101 102-A 102-B 102-C 105 106-A 106-C

Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Nuuanu Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Halawa Heights Aiea Waiau Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Waipahu Waipio Waianae Waianae Waianae Valley Laie Hauula Hauula Hauula Kahaluu Heeia Kea Heeia Kea



Private Private N/A N/A N/A N/A Private N/A Private Private Private Private Private Private N/A Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal N/A City / Private City State / Private State State N/A Private N/A Private State Private Private Private Private Private N/A Private

Lulani Street Lulani Street Lilipuna Road

107-A 107-B 108-B

Heeia Kea Heeia Kea Heeia

Updated slope length to 463 feet. Updated site plan.

W.O. 4683-20




Slope Inventory and Preliminary Classification Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Preliminary Slope Rating Update No. 1 Original Ownership of Abutting Property Line N/A Private N/A Private N/A Private Private Private Private Private Updated slope length to 516 feet. Updated site plan. Updated slope length to 420 feet. Updated site plan. Removed from database due to being in private roadway. Remarks

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No. C C C C C C C C C C B C C C C C C C C C B

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Kokokahi Place Auloa Road Ulukahiki Street Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Akiohala Street Aupapaohe Street Kuuna Street Apokula Street Apokula Place

109 112-E 113 114-G 114-I 115 116 118 119 120

Kokokahi Maunawili Pohakupu Olomana Olomana Enchanted Lake Keolu Hills Keolu Hills Keolu Hills Keolu Hills

Updated slope length to 310 feet. Updated site plan. Updated slope length to 367 feet. Updated site plan. Updated slope length to 40 feet. Updated site plan. Illegal disposal construction material encroached into cul-de-sac road. Updated slope length to 70 feet. Updated site plan. Downgraded to "C" due to graded rock slope, available catchment and cut slope benches. Updated slope length to 35 feet. Updated site plan.

Pulama Road



W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) 3-9-010: 001 (Pvt) (C-06358 Shts 3, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) 3-9-104: 004 (Pvt) (85-024P Shts 8A, 3 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) 3-9-010: 001 (Pvt) (C-07128 Shts 14, 6 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) 3-9-010: 001 (Pvt) (18-15-3-47 & -45 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-9-101: 092 (Pvt) through 095 (Pvt) (18-15-3-46) 3-9-012: 001 (City); 3-9-005:001 (Pvt) (18-15-3-46 & -47; File Plan 1341) B C C C C C
built plan documentation)

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key

Mokuhano Street Honokahua Street Oilipuu Place Hawaii Kai Drive Hawaii Kai Drive Hawaii Kai Drive B C Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond NA NA Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond 0' 2' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 2' 2' 0' 0' B B B B C C B B C A B B C A A B B A A C C C C C C C B B C C C C C C B A A 2' 2' 2' 2' 2' 2' 2'

001 002 003 004-A 004-B 004-C

Kalama Valley Kalama Valley Kalama Valley Hawaii Kai Hawaii Kai Hawaii Kai

Ownership of Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe 2' Private 2'+ Private 1'+ Private Private 2'+ 2'+ Private Varies (No useable asCity/Private

Hawaii Kai Drive Kamehame Drive

004-D 005-A

Hawaii Kai Kamehame Ridge

Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond

Kamehame Drive Hoahana Place Waihili Place Hanohano Place Hoolako Place Koko Head Park Road Hanauma Bay Road Polihale Place Lumahai Place Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kalihiwai Place Kamookoa Place Kamookoa Place Kamookoa Place Kaloaloa Street Kawaiki Place Kauku Place Kapoho Place Kapapala Place Kamoi Place Kaahue Street Kakiwa Place Kaipuhaa Place Kahuwai Place Kahauloa Place Kaluanui Place Hokulani Street Uwao Street Anolani Street Anolani Street

005-B 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014-A 014-B 014-C 014-D 014-E 014-F 014-G 014-H 015 016-A 016-B 016-C 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031A 031B

Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Kamehame Ridge Hawaii Kai Hawaii Kai Portlock Portlock Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Mariners Ridge Hahaione Valley Hahaione Valley Niu Valley Niu Valley

City/ Private 3-9-063: 001 (City) & 3-9-101: 098 (Pvt) (18-6-2-20 & -21 (Typ Rd Sec)) Private 3-9-106: 001 (Pvt), 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt), 004 (Pvt), 005 (Pvt), 006 (Pvt), 007 (Pvt) (90-33P Sht 8, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-107: 076 (Pvt), 077 (Pvt), 078 (Pvt), 080 (Pvt) (90-79P Shts 10, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-107: 060 (Pvt) (90-79P Sht 12) Private 3-9-106: 107 (Pvt) (90-79P Sht 11) Private 3-9-106: 066 (Pvt) ,067 (Pvt), 068 (Pvt), 069 (Pvt) (90-33P Sht 10) Private 3-9-106: 082 (Pvt), 081 (Pvt) ,080 (Pvt), 059 (Pvt), 058 (Pvt) (90-33P Sht 12) City 3-9-012: 010, 001 (Back road access to Koko Head Regional Park) (Prelim Topo) City Park - Main Access Road (Prelim Topo) Private 3-9-023: 074 (Pvt), 075 (Pvt) (H-09289 Sht 5; 13-6-1-15 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) Private 3-9-069: 013 (Pvt), 014 (Pvt) (E-02733 Sht 5; 17-13-1-5 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) Private 3-9-008: 013 (Pvt) (663W Shts 4, 5, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-008: 013 (Pvt) (663W Sht 6) Private 3-9-073: 014 (Pvt), 015 (Pvt), 016 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) and 3-9-008: 041 (Pvt) (663W Sht 6) Private 3-9-073: 033 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt) (B-04109 Shts 5, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-075: 056, 057,058 (Pvt) (C-05401 Shts 9, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-076: 093 (Pvt) (C-05401 Sht 10) Private 3-9-076: 113 (Pvt), 091(Pvt), 093 (Pvt) (C-05401 Sht 10, 11) Private 3-9-076: 088 (Pvt) (C-05401 Sht 11) Private 3-9-088: 031 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt), 033 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt) (78-006P Shts 10, 2 (Typ Rdwy Sec), 3 (Gen Layout)) Private 3-9-088: 052 (Pvt),053 (Pvt), 054 (Pvt), 055 (Pvt), 056 (Pvt) (78-006P Sht 8) Private 3-9-076: 053 (Pvt) (78-006P Sht 8) Private 3-9-076: 052 (Pvt) (78-006P Sht 8) Private 3-9-074: 086 (Pvt), 087 (Pvt), 088 (Pvt),089 (Pvt), 090 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 16) Private 3-9-074: 061 (Pvt), 062 (Pvt), 063 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 15) Private 3-9-074: 056 (Pvt), 057 (Pvt), 058 (Pvt),059 (Pvt), 060 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 14) Private 3-9-074: 053 (Pvt), 054 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 14) Private 3-9-074: 031 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt), 033 (Pvt) ,034 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 13) Private 3-9-073: 040 (Pvt), 041 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 12) Private 3-9-073: 028 (Pvt), 029 (Pvt), 030 (Pvt), 031 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 7) Private 3-9-074: 036 (Pvt), 037 (Pvt), 038 (Pvt), 039 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 12) Private 3-9-074:067 (Pvt), 068 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 11) Private 3-9-074: 022 (Pvt),023 (Pvt), 024 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 10) Private 3-9-073:038 (Pvt), 039(Pvt), 034 (Pvt), 035 (Pvt), 036 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 10) Private 3-9-073: 009 (Pvt), 010 (Pvt), 011 (Pvt) (B-04109 Sht 9) Private 3-9-083: 016 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) (C-05507 Sht 19; 19-5-1-22 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) Private 3-9-083: 049 (Pvt) (C-05507 Sht 15)) Private 3-7-015: 065 (Pvt) (74-040P Sht 6; 17-8-3-2 (Typ Rd Sec)) Private 3-7-015: 065 (Pvt) (74-040P Sht 7; 17-8-3-2 (Typ Rd Sec))

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope 0' to 20' 36' to 46' 2' to 15' 0' to 2.5' 1' to 2.5' 0' to 2' 0' 2' to 5' City Private Private Private Private Private State Private 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 12' to 15' Private Private City Private Private Private Private City Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private 0' 10' 0' 0' Private Private Private City/Private C B C C C A A C C A C C C B C C C C C C C B B A B B B A C B B B A B B A B C Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Hoana Place Kainoa Place Mona Street Ahuwale Street Poola Street Poola Street

032 033 034 035 036-A 036-B

Wailupe Valley Wailupe Valley Wailupe Valley Wailupe Valley Waialae Iki Waialae Iki

Ownership of Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe 0' Private 0' Private 0' City 0' Private 0' Private 0' Private

Poola Street Poola Street Poola Street Laukahi Street

036-C 036-D 036-E 037-A

Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki

Laukahi Street Laukahi Street Kamole Street Kamole Street Ehupua Place Ohialoke Street Hoaaina Place Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Kihi Street Luinakoa Street Halekoa Drive Halekoa Drive Halekoa Drive Wahinekoa Place Malu Place Koko Drive Koko Drive Koko Drive

037-B 037-C 038-A 038-B 039 040 041 042-A 042-B 042-C 043 044 045-A 045-B 045-C 046 047 048-A 048-B 048-C

Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Iki Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Waialae Nui Wilhemina Rise Wilhemina Rise Wilhemina Rise

3-6-004: 017 (Pvt) (04-023 Sht 13) 3-6-019: 042 (Pvt) (10-7-2-31 & -42 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-6-004: 001 (City) (272 W-P Sht 6; 14-10-1-58b (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-6-022: 026 (Pvt) (13-5-3-20 & -31 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-5-073: 035 (Pvt) , 036 (Pvt) (K-02782 Sht 6, 2 (Gen Plan)) 3-6-023: 056 (Pvt), 057 (Pvt), 058 (Pvt), 059 (Pvt), 060 (Pvt) and 3-6-025: 001 (Pvt) (K-02782 Shts 3 (w/ Typ Rdwy Sec), 4) 3-5-024: 006 (Pvt) (K-02782 Sht 3) 3-6-023: 078 (Pvt), 079 (Pvt) (K-02782 Sht 3 and 16-3-2-9 (Typ Channel Sec)) 3-5-053: 078 (Pvt) (K-02782 Sht 3) 3-5-051: 025 (Pvt), 024 (Pvt), 023 (Pvt), 022 (Pvt), 082 (Pvt), 019 (Pvt) and 3-5-047: 001 (City) (241W-P Shts 5, 2 (Gen Layout) and 13-2-3-30 (Typ St Sec)) 3-5-054: 053 (Pvt) (241W-P Sht 7) 3-5-054: 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt) (241W-P Sht 6) 3-5-054:025 (City) (241W-P Shts 9, 11) 3-5-051: 001 (Pvt) (241W-P Sht 6) 3-5-067: 003 (Pvt), 007 (Pvt) (241W-P Sht 1) 3-5-067: 002 (Pvt) (558W-C Shts 11, 1 (Gen Layout) and 16-12-1-33 (Typ St Sec)) 3-5-066: 041 (Pvt), 042 (Pvt), 044 (Pvt) (558W-C Shts 9, 10) 3-5-065: 005 (City) (558W-C Sht 6) 3-5-067: 015 (Pvt) (558W-C Shts 7, 8) 3-5-066: 022 (Pvt) (558W-C Sht 8) 3-5-068: 028 (Pvt) (558W-C Sht 12) 3-5-024: 001 (Pvt) (131W-P Shts 12, 2 (Gen Layout) and 10-4-3-88 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-5-039: 082 (Pvt) (131W-P Sht 14) 3-5-039: 079 (Pvt), 077 (Pvt) (131W-P Sht 14) 3-5-039: 073 (Pvt), 072 (Pvt), 069 (Pvt), 068 (Pvt) (131W-P Sht 13) 3-5-038: 068 (Pvt) and 3-5-039: 025 (Pvt) (131W-P Shts 3 (Typ Rd Sec), 4) 3-5-024: 001 (Pvt) (E-07252 Shts 5, 6 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) 3-3-019: 004 (Pvt), 057 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 3-3-019: 057,056,023,052,053 3-3-019: 005 (City) (Preliminary Topo Map) 3-3-018: 075 (Pvt), 083 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 3-3-023: 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt) and 3-3-024: 082 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 3-3-006: 031 (Pvt), 033 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt), 035 (Pvt), 036 (Pvt), 037 (Pvt) (01-22 Shts 8, 9) 3-3-007: 016 (Pvt) (01-022 Sht 15) 3-3-007: 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt) (01-022 Sht 17) 3-1-042: 017 (State) (10-10-2-34, -37 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-1-035: 008 (Pvt), 009 (Pvt), 006 (Pvt) (WS 1-2-3-77) 3-1-035: 003,005 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation)

Iwi Way - Short Lane


Maunalani Heights

Iwi Way Sierra Drive

049-B 050

Maunalani Heights Wilhemina Rise

Koko Head Avenue



Koko Head Avenue



Poka Place Diamond Head Road Diamond Head Road

052 053-A 053-B

Diamond Head Diamond Head Diamond Head

Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Middle of slope Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) B

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Diamond Head Road


Diamond Head

Diamond Head Road B A C


Diamond Head

Diamond Head Road


Diamond Head

Diamond Head Road


Diamond Head

Beach Road
(Portion where info is available)

054 C B B B C B B B A C B 0' 4' to 1' Private Private 1' 1' 0' to 5' 0' 0' to 4' 6' Private Private Private Private Private Private 0' to 5' Private 20' + 0' to 7' City Private 3-4-020: 003 (City) (2-18-2-29) 3-4-019: 051 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 3-4-019: 051 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Diamond Head

Ownership of Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe Top of slope or 0' to 13' State, Private 3-1-042: 014 (State) and 3-1-035: 002 (Pvt), 001 (City) (Preliminary Topo Map) beyond to Slope toe and City or beyond Middle of slope to 0' to 15' State 3-1-042: 014 (State) (89-011 Shts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to 0' to 15' State 3-1-042: 014 (State) (89-011 Shts 8, 9, 10; WS 1-2-3-79) Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond 0' (For portion State/Private 3-1-047: 048 (Pvt), 046 (Pvt) (10-10-2-34, -37 (Typ Rd Sec)) and 3-1-042: 014 (State) (No as-built info available for this (For portion fronting fronting Pvt 650' section) Pvt Property) Property) 0' to 4' State 3-1-042: 005 (State), 004 (State) ( 89-011 Sht 4, As-built documentation for only 125' of 600') Middle of slope

Narcissus Place Lai Road

055 056-A

Palolo Valley Palolo Valley

Lai Road


Palolo Valley

St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive Alencastre Street

057-A 057-B 057-C 057-D 057-E 058

St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights

3-3-001: 007 (Pvt) (03-014C Sht W-4) 3-3-001: 007 (Pvt) (03-014C Shts W-4, -5) 3-3-060: 097 (Pvt), 096 (Pvt) (03-014C Sht W-5) 3-3-058: 038 (Pvt), 039 (Pvt) (76-W Sht 5 & 8-1-2-24 (Typ Rd Sec)) 3-3-053: 032 (Pvt) (03-014C Shts W-6, -7) 3-3-053: 051 (Pvt), 049 (Pvt) (01-005C Sht 5) 3-3-058: 012 (Pvt), 013 (Pvt), 014 (Pvt) (76-W Sht 8) 3-3-054: 073 (Pvt) (03-014C Sht W-15)

Oswald Street Robert Place

059 060

St. Louis Heights St. Louis Heights

Dole Street B B B C B B 2' to 13' 0' to 22' 0' to 20' na na 9' to 18' B B B C B Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond na na Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope 0' 2' 0' to 30' State/City State Private





3-3-055: 010 (Pvt), 004 (Pvt), 057 (Pvt), 002 (Pvt), 031 (Pvt) (184W-C Sht 2) 3-3-056: 001 (State), 003 (City) 3-3-056: 001 (State) (30-52 Sht 3) 2-5-007: 041 (Pvt), 018 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Dole Street Dole Street Round Top Drive

061-B 061-C 062-A

Manoa Manoa Tantalus

Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Private Private State State State State

Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive

062-B 062-C 062-D

Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus

2-5-024: 024 and 2-5-020: 006 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-5-006: 001 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-005: 040 (Pvt) ,039 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-020: 006 (State); 2-5-019: 008 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-019: 008 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-019: 008 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-019: 003 and 2-5-019: 008 (Mitigated by recently completed project) 2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Round Top Drive



Round Top Drive* Round Top Drive* Round Top Drive Round Top Drive

062-F 062-G 062-H 062-I

Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) C A Top of slope or beyond 0 to 12 0' to 10' State 2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) State 2-5-019: 003 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 7' to 30' State C B A 2-5-019: 003 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) Ownership of Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Round Top Drive Round Top Drive

062-J 062-K

Tantalus Tantalus

Round Top Drive Round Top Drive

062-L 062-M

Tantalus Tantalus

Round Top Drive



Round Top Drive A A 0' to 78' 0' to 8' State 2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map)



0 to 16


2-5-019: 003 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Round Top Drive



Round Top Drive*



Private / State Long slope segment betw. 2-5-016: 004 (Pvt), 002 (Pvt), 022 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt), 001 (Pvt), 031 (Pvt), 030 (Pvt); 2-5-019: 005 (State) and 2-5-013: 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt), 005 (Pvt), 004 (Pvt); 2-5-019: 009 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) State / Private 2-5-012: 004 (State), 003 (Pvt) and 2-5-019: 009 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Tantalus Drive
Section only) (for 280' Section only)



Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond 0' to 10' (for 280' na Middle of slope Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond 0' Private na 4' to 14' 0' State State (HHL) Private

Tantalus Drive* Tantalus Drive Aina Lani Place C

062-S 062-T 063

Tantalus Tantalus Makiki


Aina Lani Way



Makiki Heights Drive Makiki Heights Drive** Makiki Heights Drive Mott-Smith Drive Prospect Street Prospect Street ** ** State C C B

064-A 064-B 064-C 065 066-A 066-B

Tantalus Tantalus Tantalus Makiki Punchbowl Punchbowl


2-5-012: 004 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-019: 016 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-5-005: 001 (Pvt), 016 (Pvt), 029 (Pvt), 031 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt) (Aina Lani Tract/ Rd Grade Map and Water System Sht 2; E06726 Sht 1; 8-11-1-35 Typ Rd Sec) 2-5-005: 001 (Pvt), 016 (Pvt) (E-06726 Sht 1 Unable to find Typ Rd Sec as-built for this section of the subdivision that was built after Aina Lani Place) 2-5-020: 002 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-5-020: 002 (State) 2-5-008: 004,001,003 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-4-036: 009,010 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-2-004: 009 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt) (02-025 Shts 7, 8) 2-2-005: 001 (Federal) (139W Shts 5 and 6) 2-2-006: 007 (Pvt) (139W Sht 4) 2-2-006: 010 (Pvt) (139W Sht 4) 2-2-006: 044 (Pvt), 050 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Prospect Street Prospect Street Prospect Street

066-C 066-D 066-E

Punchbowl Punchbowl Punchbowl

Puowaina Drive
topo available)



Middle of slope 1' to 2' Private Middle of slope to 0' to 95' Federal Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope 6' to 9' Private Middle of slope 25' to 35' Private Top of slope or 0' to 18' Private beyond to Slope toe or beyond 26' to 31' (portion Private / State Top of slope or beyond (portion where where topo available) 2' to 5' (For slope fronting Parcel :037) 0' to 7' Private

2-2-006: 023 (Pvt) through 032 (Pvt), 2-2-006: 025 (State) (Documentation for only 200' of 550')

Puowaina Drive



2-2-006: 036 (Is the slope in front of this parcel?), 037 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Puowaina Drive A



Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope


2-2-005: 015 (Pvt), 016 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) A

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Hookui Street



Ownership of Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe 0' to 9' State (HHL) 2-2-014: 024 (State), 015 (State) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Auwaiolimu Street A 0' to 34'



0' to 10'

Auwaiolimu Street



Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond 1' to 10' 1' to 8' 4' to 11' Private Private Private

Private / State 2-4-014: 016 (Pvt) ,029 (Pvt) ,027 (Pvt), 23 (State); 2-4-014: 020 (Pvt) and 2-2-015: 067 (HHL), 068 (HHL), Drainage Ditch Reserve (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) State (HHL) / 2-2-015: 066 (HHL) ; 2-4-041: 015 (HHL), 014 (HHL), 013 (HHL), 033 (HHL), 032 (HHL) , and 2-2-005: 005 (State), 035 State (HHL), Drainage Ditch Reserve (State) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-4-041: 028 thru 032 and 2-2-005: 005 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-2-023: 038 (Pvt) (Prel. Topo Plan) 2-2-023: 035 (Pvt), 122 (Pvt) (Prel. Topo Plan) 2-2-023: 089 (Pvt), 088 (Pvt), 087 (Pvt), 109 (Pvt), 068 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Auwaiolimu Street Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road

069-C 070-A 070-B 070-C

Punchbowl Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Pacific Heights


Pacific Heights Road C B 8' to 12' 0' to 15' Private Private A


Pacific Heights

Middle of slope Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond 4' to 11' Private

2-2-023: 109 (Pvt), 108 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-2-023: 002, 056 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-2-023: 055 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-2-023: 100 (Pvt), 101 (Pvt), 102 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road

070-E 070-F

Pacific Heights Pacific Heights

Pacific Heights Road


Pacific Heights

Pacific Heights Road B


Pacific Heights

Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond 0' to 9' Private Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond 0' 6' to 8' 6' to 35' Private Private Private 0' to 6' Private

2-2-023: 006 (Pvt), 008 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road C C B B

070-I 070-J

Pacific Heights Pacific Heights


2-2-021: 006,005,004 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-2-020: 011 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-2-020: 018 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 2-2-030: 027 (Pvt) (16-1-3-16 A, -17 and 18-8-2-22) 1-9-010: 037 (Pvt), 036 (Pvt) (193W Sht 2 & 10-9-1-2) Between 1-9-004: 013 (Pvt) and 1-9-004: 039 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Pacific Heights Road Von Hamm Place Nuuanu Pali Drive

070-K 071 072-A

Pacific Heights Pacific Heights Nuuanu

Nuuanu Pali Drive



Nuuanu Pali Drive C A B C C B C A C Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond



Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond 7' to 16' Private 0' to 14' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

1-9-004: 004 (Pvt), 021 (Pvt), 022 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 2-2-054: 001 and 1-9-007: 002 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 1-8-023: 003 (Pvt) (06-006 Sht 15) 1-4-005: 002 (Pvt) (2-3-1-37) 1-1-032: 029 (Pvt),030 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt), 033 (Pvt) (176 W-P Shts 9 & 10-12-3-35 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (176 W-P Sht 8) 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (176 W-P Sht 8) 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (176 W-P Sht 8) 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (176 W-P Sht 8) 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (176 W-P Sht 8)

Nuuanu Pali Drive Alewa Drive

072-D 073

Nuuanu Alewa Heights

Anuu Place Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street

074 075-A 075-B 075-C 075-D 075-E 075-F

Kalihi Valley Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua Moanalua

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) C B A B C B B A C A

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Haku Street



Mahiole Street



Ala Lani Street Ala Napuanani Street Hulakui Drive

078 079 080-A

Moanalua Valley Salt Lake Salt Lake

Hulakui Drive Hulakui Drive Hulakui Drive Salt Lake Boulevard

080-B 080-C 080-D 081-A

Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard


Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard A A C C C C C B


Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard


Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard


Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard


Salt Lake

Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Halawa Heights Road Halawa Heights Road

081-G 081-H 081-I 082-A 082-B

Salt Lake Salt Lake Salt Lake Halawa Heights Halawa Heights

Aiea Heights Drive Aiea Heights Drive

083-A 083-B

Aiea Heights Aiea Heights


Ownership of Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-012: 015 (Pvt) (378 W-P Sht 14) (It is appears that the Developer had plans to continue the street in the future; therefore, the toe of slope may not be as shown on theTyp Rd Sec) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private Downslope of: 1-1-028: 049 (Pvt), 048 (Pvt) and 1-1-027: 064 (Pvt), 065 (Pvt); Slope may be in 1-1-034: 045 (Pvt) (176 WP Sht 11) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-045: 107 (Pvt) (14-4-3-34 & -45 (Typ Rd Sec)) Slope toe or beyond 2' to 3' Private 1-1-074: 046 (Pvt) (13-7-3-10, -5 (Grading Plan), -26 (Typ Rd Sec)) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-021: 116 (Pvt), 1-1-020: 022 (Pvt), 023 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt), 026 (Pvt), 028 (Pvt), 029 (Pvt), 030 (Pvt) (10-3-3-61, -52 (Gen Layout Map), -83 (Typ Rd Sec)) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-020: 031 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt) (10-3-3-61) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-020: 036 (Pvt) thru 046 (Pvt) and 1-1-021: 061 (Pvt) (10-3-3-61, -62) Slope toe or beyond 0' Private 1-1-021: 058 (Pvt), 059 (Pvt) 060 (Pvt), 061 (Pvt) (10-3-3-62) 1-1-010: 011 (Mitigated by C&C Job 21-01 (Sht 30); Sht 30 Revised; Land Court Application 1074 Map 715 attached for limits of Slope Easement 1145 In Favor of C&C of Honolulu) Top of slope or ? Private 1-1-021: 018,019,020 (Section fronting Parcels 019 and 020 Mitigated by C&C Job 21-01 (Sht 30). Section fronting beyond Parcel 020 Remains Unmitigated (Job 21-02, Sht 30 Revised & Sht 158). As-built plans for wall & grading transition still unavailable from C&C) Top of slope or 25' to 30' Federal 1-1-010: 012 (Fed) (20-15-3-13) beyond Top of slope or 28' to 30' Private 1-1-021: 001 (Pvt), 002 (Pvt), 003 (Pvt), 004 (Pvt), 005 (Pvt), 006 (Pvt) (20-15-3-13) beyond Top of slope or 20' Private 1-1-017: 001 (Pvt) (20-15-3-15) beyond Top of slope or 35' Federal 1-1-010: 004 (Fed) (20-15-3-15) beyond Slope toe or beyond 2' Federal 1-1-010: 004 (Fed) (22-2-3-9, -10, -3 (Typ Rd Sec)) Slope toe or beyond 2' Federal 1-1-010: 004 (Fed) ( 22-2-3-11) Slope toe or beyond 2' Federal 1-1-010: 017 (Fed) (22-1-3-8, -2 (Typ Rd Sec)) 9-9-032: 042,043,045 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) Top of slope or 25' to 29' Private 9-9-033: 009 (Pvt), 010 (Pvt) ,059 (Pvt), 058 (Pvt), 057 (Pvt), 053 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope 13' to 27' Private 9-9-007: 001 (Pvt) ( 02-14B Sht 27) Middle of slope to 2' to 12' Private 9-9-012: 024 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt), 026 (Pvt) (02-14B Sht 28) Slope Toe or beyond 20' to 160' 0' to 15'

Moanalua Road A



Moanalua Loop



City / Private 9-8-013: 027 (City ) and 9-8-013: 022 (Pvt), 026 (Pvt), 030 (Pvt) (557 W-RC Shts 6 & 2 (Typ Rd Sec);15-8-3-55 (Moanalua Rd/ Parcel Map)) (Per 557 W-RC Sht 2, All slopes appear to be w/in the Moanalua Rd ROW) Private / State 9-8-013: 026 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Kilinoe Street Kaahele Street Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive

086 087 088-A 088-B 088-C 088-D 088-E

Pearlridge Waiau Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands Pearl City Uplands


Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond 2' 2' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0'

Private City Private Private Private State / Private State

9-8-002: 047 (Pvt) (19-9-2-16) 9-8-060: 006 (City) (19-14-3-24, 25) 9-7-075: 033 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt), 035 (Pvt), 036 (Pvt),081(Pvt) (13-6-3-8, 9) 9-7-075: 095 (Pvt) (13-6-3-9) 9-7-075: 095 (Pvt), 096 (Pvt), 097 (Pvt), 082 (Pvt), 083 (Pvt), 084 (Pvt), 085 (Pvt) (13-6-3-10) 9-7-025: 028 (Pvt), 010 (State) (13-6-3-12) 9-7-025: 010 (State) (13-6-3-12)

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope 1' 1' 3' to 25' 2' 2' 3' to 7' C A B A A C C B B C C B B Ownership of Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe 0' State 2' State 2' State 2' State 2' Private Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Komo Mai Drive Waihona Street Waihona Street Waihona Street Waihona Street Waipahu Street Lumipolu Street Kaukama Road Mailiilii Road Lualualei Hmstd. Road Waianae Valley Road Waianae Valley Road Haleahi Road

088-F 089-A 089-B 089-C 089-D 090 091 092 093 094 095-A 095-B 096

Pearl City Uplands Waiawa Waiawa Waiawa Waiawa Waipahu Waipio Maili Maili Waianae Waianae Waianae Waianae Valley

9-7-025: 010 (State) (13-6-3-12) 9-7-024: 050 (State) (13-6-1-29) 9-7-024: 050 (State) (13-6-1-29, 30) 9-7-024: 050 (State) (13-6-1-31) 9-6-007: 013 (Pvt), 012 (Pvt) (13-6-1-34) 9-4-161: 006 and 9-4-002: 029 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) Private 9-4-007: 019 (Pvt), 043 (Pvt) (91-085P Shts 5, 3 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) Private 8-7-006: 002 (Pvt) (18-9-1-3, -4, -10 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) State 8-6-001: 003 (State) (632 W-R Sht 2, CSF 15007, CSF 22218) 8-6-023: 002 thru 012 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) Private 8-5-019: 007 (Pvt) (22-6-1-7, -3 (Typ Rd Sec)) Private 8-5-019: 007 (Pvt) (22-6-1-7, -3 (Typ Rd Sec)) Private / State 8-5-004: 057 (Pvt), 113 (State) (Carlos Dairy Subd Plans/ Shts 5, 3 (Gen Plan) Note: Site may have been mitigated to some extent by this project )

Kaneaki Street Wainihi Street Pupukea Road

097 098 099

Waianae Valley Wahiawa Pupukea


2' 0' 0' to 40'

State 8-5-029: 020 (State) (20-2-3-5, -15 (Grading Plan)) Private 9-5-006: 015 (Pvt) (14-5-3-13, 14 (Typ Rdwy Sec)) State / Private 5-9-011: 061 (State) , 062 (State), 5-9-018: 025 (Pvt) thru 032 (Pvt) and 038 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map, Shts 1 & 2)

Alapio Road Anemoku Street Hauula Homestead Road

100 101 102-A

Pupukea Laie Hauula


10' to 17' 4'+ 2' to 32'

Private Private Private

5-9-018: 023 (Pvt), 019 (Pvt), 018 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) (90-019 Shts 4, 5) 5-5-011: 012 (Pvt) thru 016 (Pvt) and 046 (Pvt) thru 049 (Pvt) (8-3-3-38) 5-4-005: 031 (Pvt), 006 (Pvt) (90-020 Sht 5)

Hauula Homestead Road C 2' to 10' Private



0' to 10'


5-4-005: 023 (Pvt), 024 (Pvt) (90-020 Sht 5) 5-4-005: 010 (Pvt) (90-020 Sht 6)

Hauula Homestead Road



Pulama Road



Removed from Database

2' to 20'


4-7-007: 015 (Pvt) (25-7-1-45, -46, -47)

Pulama Road B



8' to 15'


4-7-007: 015 (Pvt), 025 (Pvt) (25-7-1-47)

Ahilama Road B B



0' to 9' 0 to 18

Private Private

4-7-013: 034 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map) 4-7-006: 012 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Ahilama Road



Ahuimanu Road Kamehameha Highway Kamehameha Highway Middle of slope


105 106-A 106-B C Middle of slope

Kahaluu Heeia Kea Heeia Kea


Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Slope toe or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope 3' to 10' 6' to 12' (Partial) 5' to 8' Private Private Private

4-7-032: 037 (Pvt) (96-025 Sht 6) 4-7-023: 018 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 4-7-023: 021 (Pvt) thru 024 (Pvt), 037 (Pvt) thru 042 (Pvt) (Prelim Topo (Prelim Topo documentation for 450' of 600') 4-7-022: 015 (Pvt), 016 (Pvt) (06-003S Sht 6)

Kamehameha Highway


Heeia Kea

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) B

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Kamehameha Highway


Heeia Kea

Ownership of Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe 10' to 18' State 4-6-016: 001 (State) (Prelim Topo Shts 1 & 2)

Lulani Street Lulani Street Lilipuna Road

107-A 107-B 108-A

Heeia Kea Heeia Kea Heeia


Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope to Slope Toe or beyond 1' to 5' 1' to 5' 2' to 30' Private Private Private Top of slope or beyond 1' to 10' Private 25' to 35' Private 4-6-001: 064 (Pvt) ( 88-016 Sht 7)

4-7-023: 026 (Pvt), 027 (Pvt) (02-059M Sht 7) 4-7-023: 001 (Pvt), 002 (Pvt) and 4-7-045: 025 (Pvt), 052 (Pvt), 038 (Pvt) (02-059M Shts 7, 8) 4-6-001: 002 (Pvt), 064 (Pvt) and 4-5-001: 054 (Pvt) (88-016 Shts 5, 6, 7, 8)

Lilipuna Road C B



Kokokahi Place Kaneohe Bay Drive

109 110-A

Kokokahi Keaalu

4-5-031: 127,075 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 4-4-013: 026 (Pvt) thru 023 (Pvt), 086 (Pvt) and 4-4-016: 006 (Pvt) thru 009 (Pvt) (75-020C Shts 8, 9) (Ownership info for 4-4-013: 25 & 26 not listed in Public Access website) 4-4-037: 002 (Pvt), 001 (Pvt) and 4-4-022: 035 (Pvt) (Job 32-72 Sht 11)

Kaneohe Bay Drive



10' to 13'


Maunawili Road



2' to 16'


4-2-067: 033 (Pvt), 034 (Pvt), 035 (Pvt), 036 (Pvt), 037 (Pvt), 039 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

Maunawili Road



Maunawili Road Maunawili Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Ulukahiki Street Old Kalanianaole Road 2' to 13'

111-C 111-D 112-A 112-B 112-C 112-D 112-E 113 114-A

Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Maunawili Pohakupu Olomana


Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope 5' to 14' Private 1' to 15' 1' to 9' 1' to 17' 1' to 19' 1' to 9' 1' to 7' 3' to 9' Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

4-2-067: 028 (Pvt), 029 (Pvt), 030 (Pvt), 031 (Pvt), 032 (Pvt), 033 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

4-2-062: 023 (Pvt), 4-2-011: 001 (Pvt), 4-2-008: 001 (Pvt) (03-030 Sht 17) 4-2-011: 025 (Pvt) ,027 (Pvt) and 4-2-074: 011 (Pvt), 010 (Pvt), and 4-2-011: 001 (Pvt) (03-030 Shts 14, 15, 17) 4-2-011: 020 (Pvt) and 4-2-014: 001(Pvt) (99-39 Shs 6, 7, 5 (Gen Site)) 4-2-011: 020 (Pvt) and 4-2-011: 001 (Pvt) and 4-2-014: 001 (Pvt) (99-39 Shts 7, 8) 4-2-011: 001 (Pvt) (99-39 Sht 9) 4-2-011: 001 (Pvt) and 4-2-012: 010 (Pvt) (99-39 Shts 9, 10, 11) 4-2-012: 010 (Pvt) , 009 (Pvt), 017 (Pvt) (99-39 Shts 11, 12) 4-2-006: 004 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) State / Private 4-2-005: 004 (Pvt) and 4-2-098: 046 (Pvt), 047 (State), 4-2-006: 002 (State) (04-003C Shts 2, 3)

Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road

114-B 114-C

Olomana Olomana


1' to 8' 5' to 15'

Private Private

4-2-005: 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Sht 1) 4-2-005: 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Shts 1, 2)

Old Kalanianaole Road





4-2-005: 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Sht 2)

Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road


114-E 114-F 114-G

Olomana Olomana Olomana


Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Top of slope or beyond to Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope Middle of slope to Slope Toe or beyond 8' to 12' 2' to 7' 5'+ (Partial) Middle of slope 5' to 13'

Private Private Private

4-2-005: 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Shts 2, 3) 4-2-005: 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Shts 3, 4) 4-2-005: 006 (Pvt), 007 (Pvt) (Prel Topo Sht 4 (Prel Topo documentation for 75' of 120' ))

Old Kalanianaole Road B




4-2-005: 006 (Pvt) (Preliminary Topo Map)

W.O. 4683-20




Summary of Slope Ownership Assessment Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Updated Preliminary Rating Property Line Location (P/L) C C 1' 2' 0' 0' 0' 2' 30' to 45' Private 4-2-002: 041 (Pvt) (H-04092 Shts 6 & 2 (Typ Rd Sec)) Private 4-2-002: 041 (Pvt) (77-36P Sht 1) Private Private Private C B C C C A 4-2-005: 006 and 4-1-008: 013 (Unable to find useable as-built plan documentation) 4-2-004: 045 (Pvt) (80-014P Sht 2) 4-2-030: 064 (Pvt) thru 068 (Pvt) (74-021P Shts 41 & 2 (Typ Rd Sec)) 4-2-096: 065 (Pvt), 041 (Pvt), 042 (Pvt), 043 (Pvt) and 4-2-002: 049 (Pvt) (79-001P Shts 7 & 2 (Typ Sec)) Ownership of Approx. Abutting Horizontal Distance from Property Line P/L to Slope Toe Slope Location Reference by Tax Map Key

City Street Name

Slope I.D. No.

Neighborhood Area of Oahu

Old Kalanianaole Road Akiohala Street

114-I 115

Olomana Enchanted Lake

Aupapaohe Street Auwaiku Street

116 117

Keolu Hills Keolu Hills

Kuuna Street


Keolu Hills

Apokula Street


Keolu Hills

Apokula Place Alala Road

120 121

Keolu Hills Lanikai

Private 4-2-002: 047 (Pvt) (19-15-1-29 & -30 (Typ Rd Sec)) State / Private 4-3-009: 002 (State) and 4-3-008: 087 (Pvt), 010 (Pvt) (04-018 Shts 6, 7)

Lapa Place



Top of slope or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond Top of slope or beyond Slope toe or beyond Top of slope or beyond to Slope toe or beyond Middle of slope to Slope toe or beyond 0' to 2.5' Private 4-3-002: 003 (Pvt), 004 (Pvt) (96-055A Sht 14)

Remarks: Horizontal distance from P/L to slope toe

Property line (P/L)

Top of slope or beyond

Top of slope

Middle of slope

Slope toe or beyond

* - Sites 062-F, G, Q, S ** - Site 064-B

All of, or sections of, the site is in an area where the road ROW has not been determined; therefore, there are sections of the site with no property lines to determine the approximate horizontal distance to slope toe. Existing road was not subdivided out of parcel 2-5-020:2 (State); therefore, further review may be required by the City through the City Corporation Counsel to determine the ownership of the road.

W.O. 4683-20

Slope toe




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 058 061-A 062-K 070-D 072-C 081-B 081-D 081-E 049-A 051-A 051-B 062-A 062-D 062-O 070-F 072-A 117 081-C 081-F 084 A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B C C C As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private State Private Private Private Federal Federal City / Private

Alencastre Street Dole Street Round Top Drive Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Iwi Way - Short Lane Koko Head Avenue Koko Head Avenue Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Auwaiku Street Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Moanalua Road

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 108-B 115 118 119 067-C 070-G 111-A 114-A 114-C 060 062-I 067-B 070-C 082-B 096 103-B 106-D 110-A 110-B 111-B C C C C A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Property Line Location (P/L) Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private Private Private Private Private State / Private Private Private State Private Private Private Private / State Private State Private Private Private

Lilipuna Road Akiohala Street Kuuna Street Apokula Street Puowaina Drive Pacific Heights Road Maunawili Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Robert Place Round Top Drive Puowaina Drive Pacific Heights Road Halawa Heights Road Haleahi Road Pulama Road Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe Bay Drive Maunawili Road

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 114-D 102-C 067-A 048-A 062-T 083-A 111-C 111-D 112-A 112-B 112-D 114-B 114-E 049-B 057-A 057-C 057-E 062-C 066-A 070-A B C A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Case 2 Case 1 & Limited information available Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private / State Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Old Kalanianaole Road Hauula Homestead Road Puowaina Drive Koko Drive Tantalus Drive Aiea Heights Drive Maunawili Road Maunawili Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Auloa Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road Iwi Way St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive St. Louis Drive Round Top Drive Prospect Street Pacific Heights Road

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 070-B 093 100 112-C 114-F 114-H 057-B 066-C 066-D 101 105 106-C 107-A 107-B 112-E 050 053-E 062-P 066-B 073 B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C A A A A A As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Federal State Federal Private

Pacific Heights Road Mailiilii Road Alapio Road Auloa Road Old Kalanianaole Road Old Kalanianaole Road St. Louis Drive Prospect Street Prospect Street Anemoku Street Ahuimanu Road Kamehameha Highway Lulani Street Lulani Street Auloa Road Sierra Drive Diamond Head Road Round Top Drive Prospect Street Alewa Drive

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 083-B 048-C 053-D 056-A 056-B 062-E 062-M 069-A 070-J 104-A 108-A 122 004-C 102-B 114-G 062-R 054 106-B 014-A 014-E A B B B B B B B B B B B C C C B A B A A As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 Case 2 & Case 3 & Limited information available Case 2 & Case 3 & Not Determined by City Case 2 & Limited information available Case 2 & Limited information available Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private City State Private Private State State Private (south) State (north) Private Private Private Private City / Private Private Private State and Private State Private Private Private

Aiea Heights Drive Koko Drive Diamond Head Road Lai Road Lai Road Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Auwaiolimu Street Pacific Heights Road Ahilama Road Lilipuna Road Lapa Place Hawaii Kai Drive Hauula Homestead Road Old Kalanianaole Road Tantalus Drive Beach Road Kamehameha Highway Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 014-F 015 016-A 031-A 031-B 036-B 036-C 037-A 045-B 052 075-E 078 080-D 088-A 088-C 089-A 089-C 089-D 001 004-D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private Private Private Private Private City / Private Private State Private Private Private Private Private State State Private Private City / Private

Kaluanui Road Kalihiwai Place Kamookoa Place Anolani Street Anolani Street Poola Street Poola Street Laukahi Street Halekoa Drive Poka Place Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Lani Street Hulakui Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Waihona Street Waihona Street Waihona Street Mokuhano Street Hawaii Kai Drive

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 005-B 006 007 008 012 014-B 014-C 014-G 014-H 022 023 030 033 038-B 044 045-A 045-C 046 047 053-A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Kamehame Drive Hoahana Place Waihili Place Hanohano Place Polihale Place Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kaluanui Road Kamoi Place Kaahue Street Uwao Street Kainoa Place Kamole Street Luinakoa Street Halekoa Drive Halekoa Drive Wahinekoa Place Malu Place Diamond Head Road

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 057-D 061-B 061-C 074 075-C 077 079 080-B 080-C 086 088-B 089-B 092 095-B 098 002 003 004-A 004-B 005-A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private State / City State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private State Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

St. Louis Drive Dole Street Dole Street Anuu Place Ala Mahamoe Street Mahiole Street Ala Napuanani Street Hulakui Drive Hulakui Drive Kilinoe Street Komo Mai Drive Waihona Street Kaukama Road Waianae Valley Road Wainihi Street Honokahua Street Oilipuu Place Hawaii Kai Drive Hawaii Kai Drive Kamehame Drive

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 009 013 014-D 016-B 016-C 017 018 019 020 021 024 025 026 027 028 029 032 034 035 036-A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private City Private Private

Hoolako Place Lumahai Place Kaluanui Road Kamookoa Place Kamookoa Place Kaloaloa Street Kawaiki Place Kauku Place Kapoho Place Kapapala Place Kakiwa Place Kaipuhaa Place Kahuwai Place Kahauloa Place Kaluanui Place Hokulani Street Hoana Place Mona Street Ahuwale Street Poola Street

W.O. 4683-20




SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 036-D 036-E 037-B 037-C 038-A 039 040 041 042-A 042-B 042-C 043 055 059 063 071 075-A 075-B 075-D 075-F C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Private Private City Private Private Private City Private Private Private City Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Poola Street Poola Street Laukahi Street Laukahi Street Kamole Street Ehupua Place Ohialoke Street Hoaaina Place Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Ihiloa Loop Kihi Street Narcissus Place Oswald Street Aina Lani Place/Way Von Hamm Place Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street Ala Mahamoe Street

W.O. 4683-20



PLATE 5.10

SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 076 080-A 081-G 081-H 081-I 087 088-D 088-E 088-F 091 095-A 097 116 120 053-F 062-N 068 069-B 085 099 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A A A As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Property Line Location (P/L) Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 Case 3 & Limited information available Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Ownership of Abutting Property Line Private Private Federal Federal Federal City State / Private State State Private Private State Private Private State / Private State State State Private Private and State

Haku Street Hulakui Drive Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Salt Lake Boulevard Kaahele Street Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Komo Mai Drive Lumipolu Street Waianae Valley Road Kaneaki Street Aupapaohe Street Apokula Place Diamond Head Road Round Top Drive Hookui Street Auwaiolimu Street Moanalua Loop Pupukea Road

W.O. 4683-20



PLATE 5.11

SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 121 053-C 066-E 070-H 072-B 104-B 102-A 062-Q 011 010 048-B 053-B 062-B 062-H 062-J 062-L 064-A 064-C 065 069-C A B B B B B C A B C C C C C C C C C C C As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking As-Built Drawings Field Staking As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Property Line Location (P/L) Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 Case 4 & Not Determined by City Likely Owned by City Likely Owned by City No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Ownership of Abutting Property Line State / Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private and State City City N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Alala Road Diamond Head Road Prospect Street Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Ahilama Road Hauula Homestead Road Round Top Drive Hanauma Bay Road Koko Head Park Road Koko Drive Diamond Head Road Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Makiki Heights Drive Makiki Heights Drive Mott-Smith Drive Auwaiolimu Street

W.O. 4683-20



PLATE 5.12

SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY SLOPE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Phase III - Rock Slide Potential Inspections Rockfall Hazard Rating System Database Update No. 1 Project No. 01154 Island of Oahu, Hawaii
City Street Name Slope I.D. Updated Slope Source of Slope No. Rating Property Ownership 070-E 070-I 070-K 072-D 081-A 082-A 090 094 106-A 109 113 114-I 064-B 062-F 062-G 062-S C C C C C C C C C C C C A B B B As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings As-Built Drawings Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Field Staking Property Line Location (P/L) No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Not Determined by City Not Determined by City Not Determined by City Not Determined by City Ownership of Abutting Property Line N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A State State State State

Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Pacific Heights Road Nuuanu Pali Drive Salt Lake Boulevard Halawa Heights Road Waipahu Street Lualualei Hmstd. Road Kamehameha Highway Kokokahi Place Ulukahiki Street Old Kalanianaole Road Makiki Heights Drive Round Top Drive Round Top Drive Tantalus Drive


Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

Slope within City ROW (property line at/near top of slope); Slope partially within City ROW (property line somewhere on the slope); Slope outside City ROW (property line at/near toe of slope); Combination of Case 1 , 2, and 3, depending on location along the slope segment (property line varies across the site).

W.O. 4683-20



PLATE 5.13



Rock Slide Potential Inspections, Project No. 01154 Various Locations, Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Category-10 Block Size Quantity Score Score 100 100 100 100 100 2 81 27 81 100 100 81 100 9 100 100 9 27 27 27 100 100 100 100 100 9 100 5 81 27 3 27 3 9 3 9 27 3 3 27 2 100 3 100 27 3 27 9 27 3 4 39 100 100 39 6 4 4 19 2 19 3 100 9 3 39 2 3 4 2 6 100 2 100 39 4 39 2 6 2 39 2 39 1 2 2 2 2 39 3 3 19 4 39 4 1 39 2 2 1 9 9 3 9 9 81 27 9 27 9 3 9 9 27 9 27 3 9 9 27 9 3 27 3 9 3 3 3 9 27 27 9 27 3 3 27 9 27 27 27 27 9 27 9 9 27 9 3 9 27 Category-11 Category-12 Climate History Score Score 27 27 9 27 27 27 27 81 27 9 9 27 9 27 3 9 27 81 27 9 27 9 3 9 27 9 9 27 27 9 27 27 27 9 27 9 9 9 9 27 27 27 27 27 27 3 9 9 9 9 Total RHRS Score 647 618 585 556 524 516 502 486 451 450 444 444 443 424 414 413 407 407 406 405 396 392 391 388 384 383 383 377 374 372 372 372 369 363 359 356 355 348 340 322 322 319 315 305 293 293 287 277 266 252

"A" Slope ID

Street Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Preliminary Category-1 Category-2 Category-3 Category-4 Category-5 Category-6 Category-7 Category-8 Category-9 Slope ID Ditch Score Sight Average Road Width Case 1 Score of Case 1 Score of Case 2 Score of Case 2 Score of Slope Height Distance Vehicle Risk Score Structural Rock Friction Structural Difference in Score Score Score Condition Condition Erosion Rates Prospect Street 066-B 100 81 70 28 71 81 81 3 9 Pupukea Road 099 12 81 100 100 81 81 27 27 27 Sierra Drive 050 3 81 100 100 81 81 27 27 27 Waihona Street 089-D 44 81 40 100 47 81 27 27 27 Puowaina Drive 067-A 3 81 52 70 21 81 81 3 3 Round Top Drive 062-Q 4 81 100 100 81 3 3 27 9 Round Top Drive 062-P 2 81 100 2 93 81 3 81 9 Wainihi Street 098 7 81 100 12 62 9 3 81 27 Round Top Drive 062-N 3 81 52 2 71 81 27 27 9 Komo Mai Drive 088-C 51 81 1 100 9 81 9 27 27 Poka Place 052 8 81 34 1 100 81 27 3 3 Komo Mai Drive 088-D 18 9 83 100 9 9 27 27 81 Moanalua Loop 085 5 27 24 100 62 81 27 27 81 Maunawili Road 111-A 3 81 67 2 100 27 81 9 9 Dole Street 061-A 3 81 94 89 24 9 3 3 3 Round Top Drive 062-K 4 27 1 2 81 81 81 3 9 Hulakui Drive 080-D 3 81 75 1 100 81 27 3 3 Auwaiolimu Street 069-B 10 9 51 100 12 81 27 9 9 Old Kalanianaole Road 114-B 2 81 42 2 54 81 81 9 27 Maunawili Road 111-D 4 81 46 100 81 3 3 27 3 Poola Street 036-C 100 27 1 3 21 81 27 9 9 Waihona Street 089-C 36 27 4 100 5 81 27 3 3 Nuuanu Pali Drive 072-C 2 81 100 1 41 9 9 9 27 Waihona Street 089-A 12 27 23 100 5 27 27 27 81 Komo Mai Drive 088-F 11 9 10 100 9 27 81 27 27 Salt Lake Boulevard 081-B 3 27 29 100 41 81 81 3 3 Diamond Head Road 053-E 14 27 6 100 16 81 27 3 3 Koko Drive 048-A 4 81 100 2 100 9 27 27 27 Old Kalanianaole Road 114-C 10 81 40 2 71 27 27 27 27 Pacific Heights Road 070-G 2 81 81 10 81 27 27 3 3 Auloa Road 112-A 6 27 81 4 71 3 3 81 9 Alewa Drive 073 6 81 39 100 47 27 9 9 9 Auloa Road 112-D 8 27 32 49 71 3 3 81 9 Salt Lake Boulevard 081-E 2 81 39 100 12 81 27 9 9 Salt Lake Boulevard 081-D 3 27 19 100 16 81 81 9 9 Aiea Heights Drive 083-B 4 81 63 8 100 9 9 27 27 Alencastre Street 058 4 81 70 1 47 81 27 9 9 Pulama Road 103-B 3 81 82 7 100 9 27 27 9 Auloa Road 112-B 14 27 87 31 71 9 27 27 9 Pacific Heights Road 070-D 4 27 6 15 81 81 27 9 27 Aiea Heights Drive 083-A 6 81 2 5 81 3 3 81 9 Halekoa Drive 045-B 4 27 49 3 47 27 27 9 9 Old Kalanianaole Road 114-A 5 81 9 1 71 3 3 81 9 Laukahi Street 037-A 7 27 23 14 8 81 9 9 9 Tantalus Drive 062-T 9 27 43 3 41 81 27 9 27 Ahilama Road 104-A 1 81 100 1 71 3 3 3 3 Komo Mai Drive 088-A 9 27 31 100 9 3 9 27 27 Alala Road 121 2 81 24 100 31 9 3 9 9 Ala Mahamoe 075-E 5 27 70 2 9 9 3 27 81 Maunawili Road 111-C 3 81 28 2 81 3 3 9 9

W.O. 4683-10





Rock Slide Potential Inspections, Project No. 01154 Various Locations, Island of Oahu, Hawaii
Category-10 Block Size Quantity Score Score 3 81 3 27 9 9 3 100 4 1 6 3 3 9 9 3 3 9 Category-11 Category-12 Climate History Score Score 3 9 9 9 9 27 Total RHRS Score 247 242 239 236 172 153

"A" Slope ID

Street Name

51 52 53 54 55 56

Preliminary Category-1 Category-2 Category-3 Category-4 Category-5 Category-6 Category-7 Category-8 Category-9 Slope ID Ditch Score Sight Average Road Width Case 1 Score of Case 1 Score of Case 2 Score of Case 2 Score of Slope Height Distance Vehicle Risk Score Structural Rock Friction Structural Difference in Score Score Score Condition Condition Erosion Rates Beach Road 054 15 81 3 3 100 27 9 9 3 Poola Street 036-B 9 27 15 9 47 9 3 9 9 Old Kalanianaole Road 114-E 3 81 7 1 71 3 3 27 27 Kalihiwai Place 015 4 27 100 1 47 9 3 9 9 Kaluanui Road 014-E-1 4 27 1 2 9 9 3 81 27 Kaluanui Road 014-F-1 5 27 30 2 8 9 3 27 9

W.O. 4683-10




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