Reiki The Five Principles

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The key takeaways are the five principles or precepts of Reiki - don't get angry, don't worry, be grateful, work hard, be kind to others.

The five principles or precepts of Reiki are: don't get angry, don't worry, be grateful, work hard, be kind to others.

The five principles are seen as an important core of Usui Reiki Ryoho. They provide preventative strategies for health and are keys to applying Reiki in daily life.

The Reiki Principles

- the Gokai


James Deacon

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[Version 1.05] Copyright 2006-12 James Deacon

The Gokai: The Five 'Principles', 'Precepts' or 'Ideals' of Usui Reiki

[Copyright 2006 James Deacon]

"The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses (Shfuku no hih, Manbyo no rey yaku) Just for today (Kyo dake wa): Don't get angry (Okoru *na) Don't worry (Shinpai su na) Be grateful (Kansha shite) Work hard (Gyo [w]o hage me) Be kind to others (Hito ni shinsetsu ni) Mornings and evenings sit in the gassho position and repeat these words out loud and in your heart (Asa you gassho shite kokoro ni neji kuchi ni tonaeyo) For the improvement of mind and body (Shin shin kaizen) Usui Spiritual Healing Method (Usui Reiki Ryoho) The founder, Mikao Usui (Choss, Usui Mikao)" _____
NOTE: * The Japanese characters pronounced as okoru can also be pronounced as ikaru - so we can say 'okoru na' or alternatively 'ikaru na'

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The Significance of the Gokai Many people believe that the gokai - the Five Principles or Precepts - are an important key to the system that is Usui Reiki Ryoho. Perhaps it is that they are not just 'important' but rather 'VITAL' - that they are the very CORE of Usui-sensei's system - that the Precepts themselves are: "The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses" spoken of in the introductory statement which comes directly before the Precepts themselves. The Precepts themselves are 'keys' or strategies to apply to life. In fact, at least two of the Precepts clearly fall in the category of straight-forward, direct 'preventative medicine'. [See section below: Just For Today.. ] Different versions of the gokai? As you will be seen below, there are numerous slightly different paraphrased translations of each of the five principles. In a couple of renditions of the principles, no's 3 and 4 are merged together [1] (and in one case, principles 1 and 2 are also combined into a single principle [2] ), yet whatever the version, these differently-worded translations still essentially all deal of the same five concepts: anger, worry, gratitude, work, kindness "Honour your parents..." Some people have commented why one version of the principles has 'Honour your parents, teachers and elders' where the majority of others have the 'gratitude' principle On several occasions Takata-sensei expressed the principles in slightly different wording - in an attempt to clarify the core sentiment for the students present at the time - and this is partly why different people use slightly variant wordings. It was common for Takata sensei to state the 'gratitude' principle as "We will count our blessings" or "... be grateful for our many blessings" and to qualify this by explaining gratitude included honouring our fathers and mothers, teachers and neighbours - and even our food. To Takata sensei, the greatest of the five was Gratitude. _____
NOTES: [1] eg: Do not anger, Do not worry, Do your work with gratitude, Be kind to others [2] Today only, anger not - worry not, Do your work with appreciation, Be kind to people

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"Mornings and evenings..." The 'user instructions' presented with the formal Japanese version of the principles (at the top of this page) tell us: "Mornings and evenings sit in the gassho position and repeat these words out loud and in your heart" And as a result, many people seem to consider the gokai as being something to only use in this way - seeing them simply as a set of 'positive-thinking' affirmations - or alternatively, as some form of, as it were, 'magic incantation'. Yes, we may practice gokai sansho (repeating the five principles three times) both on rising and on going to bed - and this can help to imprint them on our subconscious - but I feel too much emphasis is placed on chanting them, and possibly not enough on living by them.

Stronger feeling when recited in English or Japanese? Some people claim to get a stronger feeling whilst reciting one paraphrased English (or other language) version of the principles; yet others, while reciting the 'formal' Japanese version; but in my opinion, the real power of the gokai only truly manifests in the instances of their application in the midst of daily life.

Examples of some of the slightly different paraphrased translations of each of the five principles. Just for today [i.e. focus in the here-and-now]:

Principle 1 has been variously stated as: Do not anger Don't get angry Thou shall not anger I will not be angry I will let go of anger Principle 2 has been variously stated as: Do not worry Don't be anxious Thou shall not worry I will not worry I will let go of worry

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Principle 3 has been variously stated as: Be grateful Show appreciation Thou shall be grateful for the many blessings I will give thanks for my many blessings I will count my many blessings Express your thanks Show gratitude to every living thing Honor your parents, teachers and elders Principle 4 has been variously stated as: Work hard Study diligently Devote yourself to your work Earn thy livelihood with honest labor I will do my work honestly Be diligent in your business Principle 5 has been variously stated as: Be kind to people Be kind to others Be kind to thy neighbors I will be kind to every living thing I will be kind to every living creature Show compassion to every living thing


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A personal phrasing of the gokai - from my Ajari-yuga Empowerment-Deepening Reiki Meditation: [ ]

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Origins of the Reiki gokai (Five Principles / Precepts)

Copyright 2002/5 James Deacon

Emperor Meiji and the Reiki Principles? It is commonly claimed that the Five Principles are (or are directly derived from) the words of the Emperor Meiji. However there is no clear evidence to support this claim. It is possible that this belief that the principles came from the Emperor may have something to do with the following sentence which appears on the Usui Memorial stone in the Saihoji Temple graveyard in Tokyo: "So, when it comes to teaching, first let the student understand the Emperor Meiji's admonitions; and let them chant the gokai mornings and evenings, and keep them in mind." Due to the particular wording used in some translations of the original Japanese, a number of people have been led to believe that the gokai are the Emperor's admonitions - when in fact this sentence speaks of the Emperors admonitions and also of the Reiki Principles - there is distinction between the two. And similarly, in the Q&A section of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Hikkei, where Usui-sensei is quoted as saying: "Gratefully we have received the Emperor Meiji's precepts. That humanity may discover its proper path, we must live according to these precepts." This has also apparently added weight to the erroneous belief that the Reiki Precepts and the Emperor's Precepts were one and the same. The Emperor Meiji's 'admonitions' ? So just what are the Emperor Meiji's 'admonitions' or 'precepts' mentioned here? We know the Emperor wrote a large number of poems intended to be of moral guidance for his people, however, it seems, what is being referred to here is most likely something called the kyiku [ni kansuru] chokugo. The kyiku chokugo or Imperial Rescript on Education (1890) is generally acknowledged as being the most important Imperial pronouncement on moral education (shushin) to be made throughout the entire period from the start of the Meiji era to the end of WWII. It sets out the Moral Principles/Precepts that all Imperial subjects should follow:

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"Know ye, Our subjects: Our lmperial Ancestors have founded Our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting and have deeply and firmly implanted virtue; Our subjects ever united in loyalty and filial piety have from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory of the fundamental character of Our Empire, and herein also lies the source of Our education. Ye, Our Subjects, be filial to your parents, affectionate to your brothers and sisters; as husbands and wives be harmonious, as friends true; bear yourselves in modesty and moderation; extend your benevolence to all; pursue learning and cultivate arts, and thereby develop intellectual faculties and perfect moral powers; furthermore advance public good and promote common interests; always respect the Constitution and observe the laws; should emergency arise, offer yourselves courageously to the State; and thus guard and maintain the prosperity of Our Imperial Throne coeval with heaven and earth. So shall ye not only be Our good and faithful subjects, but render illustrious the best traditions of your forefathers. The Way here set forth is indeed the teaching bequeathed by Our Imperial Ancestors, to be observed. alike by Their Descendants and the subjects, infallible for all ages and true in all places. lt is Our wish to lay it to heart in all reverence, in common with you, Our Subjects, that we may all thus attain to the same virtue. The 30th day of the 10th month of the 23rd year of Meiji. (Imperial Signature + Seal.)" [English version from the "Junior High School Morals & Manners Textbook Vol.V Revised
Edition", 1914.]

So, why might Usui-sensei make reference to the Emperor Meiji's 'admonitions' in his teachings? Some people feel that this suggests that Usui-sensei held the Emperor Meiji in great esteem, and this may indeed have been the case. However, there is another possibility. Even though Meiji had died in 1912 and a new Emperor ruled Japan during the time Usui-sensei was expounding his Reiki Ryoho, it would have - in the political climate of the time - been considered prudent for anyone publicly proposing their own set of guiding principles to make due reference to this particular Imperial decree - in a sense acknowledging that their own principles were meant as an adjunct to rather than a substitute for the Imperial ones, which were still viewed as the core moral guidelines for the nation. [It is important to note that, although an Imperial proclamation, and as such treated with great reverence, the Imperial Rescript on Education was not composed by the Meiji Emperor himself. The initial draft of the document was written by Education Minister Inoue Kowashi (18431895) and this was revised with recommendations made by Confucian scholar Motoda Nagazane (1818-1891)]

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The Reiki Gokai and Buddhist Precepts? Some Reiki masters have claimed that the Reiki Gokai or Precepts are simply a rewording of the Buddhist Precepts (or Admonitions) known as the Juuzen Kai - however these particular Precepts are ten in number, not five. The Ten Precepts or Juuzen Kai admonish the individual to refrain from: Killing / Harming Stealing Lying Sexual Misconduct Exaggeration / Boasting / Flattery / Irresponsible speech Slander / Faultfinding / Defamation Hypocracy / Duplicity / Equivocacy Greed / Miserliness Anger / Hatred Holding erroneous views / Losing sight of the truth [Now, admittedly the first Reiki Principle and the ninth of the Juuzen Kai are indeed the same - the admonition to refrain from anger. But here the similarity ends.] Other Reiki Masters, on learning that in Buddhism there is also a set of five Precepts/Principles (and that in Japan, these are actually referred to as the gokai ), have claimed that the Reiki Gokai are actually based on these. However, the Buddhist gokai are specifically admonitions against: Killing Stealing Lying Sexual Misconduct Intoxication A direct source for the Reiki Gokai? So just where might Usui-sensei have gotten the inspiration for the Reiki Gokai from? A book entitled Kenzen no Genri (Health Principles), written by a Dr. Bizan (or: Miyama?) Suzuki and published in March 1915, (though there may have been an earlier edition published in Dec.1914) includes the following admonition: "Just for today, do not anger (others), do not fear, work hard, be honest, and be kind to others." This, rather than the words of the Emperor (or his Ministers), or the various sets of Buddhist Precepts, is almost certainly the direct source of Usui Sensei's Five Reiki Principles.

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Copyright 2005 James Deacon

While the 'gokai' - the Five Reiki Principles - do indeed constitute a set of Moral Admonitions, many people, it seems, tend to overlook the fact that at least two of the Five Principles also - on a far more immediate, practical/material level - present as guidelines which are intended to be applied as basic 'preventative medicine'.... Do not anger (- and do not anger others) Anger is essentially a function of our primitive, inherent self-preservation mechanisms the confrontational aspect of what is commonly referred to as the 'fight-flight' response. Anger triggers a series of hormonal (endocrinal) changes intended to ready our body and senses for overt physical response to a potentially life-threatening situation: When someone becomes angry, their heart rate usually increases; as does their rate of respiration - which also becomes more laboured. Blood pressure rises, the digestive processes are suspended; and as blood is drawn away from the liver, stomach and intestines to flow to the central nervous system and the muscles, the individual's surface temperature rises and they may feel flushed. Their muscles tense, they become agitated, restless - to varying degrees, hyperactive. They may find they are grinding their teeth, clenching their fists, they raise their voices, feel like their are 'fit to burst' - but also they can feel (in true Incredible Hulk style) that they are somehow stronger than normal, and full of energy. This build up of tension, if not released (i.e. as rage/violence - be it physical or verbal) can have serious physiological impact on the body. However, it also seems that 'letting it all out' - be it by ranting and raving, punching pillows, or verbally/physically attacking others - also has a detrimental impact on the individual's own body systems (aside, that is, from any damage caused when you miss the pillow and hit the wall, or when the individual you are venting your anger on retaliates). As we will see below, anger - whether expressed or suppressed - can make you sick. An up side to anger? However, modern psychology would have us believe that anger isn't all bad. Anger can (temporarily) give the individual a sense of confidence, and the motivation to take action in an attempt to resolve the problem seen to be the cause of the anger. (But anger tends to impede an individual's clarity of thought, so while they may indeed be motivated to take action, the action they take may not always be either appropriate or effective). Admittedly, some people do respect - even admire - what they perceive to be 'righteous anger' in others - viewing it as a mark of 'backbone', confidence and determination. Anger can often get you what you want, but usually at the cost of alienating others.

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Intimidated people may be obliging, but as an old Oriental proverb has it: "Winning with the Heart is the best way" A Buddhist Perception of Anger In Buddhist thought, anger is perceived to be an 'unskillful' mental state, and categorized as a 'poison'. The concept of 'Righteous Anger' is contrary to Buddhist belief - anger is not considered to be justifiable under any circumstances. The 'poison' that is anger causes the individual to lose perspective - they are unable to think clearly. Also, one who acts from anger will most likely trigger an anger-response in others. Where anger is seen as a 'poison' - an 'unskillful' state of mind, the 'antidote' to anger is seen to be the 'skillful' state of mind that is Loving-kindness. (Is it mere coincidence then, that the gokai (the Reiki Principles) begin with 'do not anger' and end with 'be kind to others'?) Anger can make you sick: the physiological effects of Anger While tensions arising as a result of isolated, and relatively short bouts of anger can manifest as parietal headaches, backache, or other aches throughout the body, frequently recurring bouts of anger can lead to physical symptoms ranging from dizziness and tinnitus, to hemorrhoids, to high blood-pressure, digestive disorders, and ulcers. More intense, prolonged bouts of anger can cause far more serious problems as well as impacting badly on illnesses/diseases the individual may already be suffering from. The Gall Bladder and Liver are particularly vulnerable to the effects of anger and can be severely weakened by it. During anger episodes, the body increases production of Cortisol, which has the effect of suppressing the immune system, and likewise there is an increase in Adrenaline levels (both Cortisol and Adrenaline can apparently adversely affect the cardiovascular system); thus frequently recurring or prolonged bouts of anger can result in potentially irrevocable overload and breakdown of various bodily systems. The cardiovascular system is particularly susceptible to the negative effects of anger which include: an increase in heart rate rise in blood pressure constriction in blood vessels (including coronary arteries) thickening of the blood (which means the heart has to work harder to circulate it) Chronic exposure to the effects of anger can ultimately result in the destruction of the heart muscle.

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In a seven-year study, undertaken by Dr. Ichiro Kawachi (from the Harvard School of Public Health) involving approximately 1,300 men with an average age of 62 - results showed that the likelihood of developing coronary disease was about three times greater for those in the study-group exhibiting the highest levels of anger than for those who were prone to the lowest anger levels. In a 1995 article from the American Journal of Cardiology entitled "Prognostic implications of stress-induced silent left ventricular dysfunction in patients with stable angina pectoris." the authors (D. Jain, M. Burg & BL Zaret) state: "Anger is the effective state most commonly associated with myocardial ischemia and life-threatening arrhythmias. The scope of the problem is sizable-at least 36,000...heart attacks are precipitated annually in the United States by anger" And according to the chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Leo Maddow: "Someone who stays angry long after the particular incident that caused the anger may be committing slow suicide." Apparently, cerebral hemorrhages are commonly the result of a combination of arteriosclerosis and hypertension, and according to Dr. Maddow, anger can frequently produce the hypertension, which causes the diseased cerebral artery to burst, in turn causing a stroke... *** The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses: Just for today: Don't get angry ...

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Do not worry OK, so I haven't actually gotten round to writing the main body of this particular article yet... But hey - don't worry about it! For now, here are some other people's thoughts on worry:

"Overcoming fear and worry can be accomplished by living a day at a time or even a moment at a time. Your worries will be cut down to nothing." - Robert Anthony "There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry... Yesterday and Tomorrow." - Robert Jones Burdette "If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it." George Burns "Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." - Leo F. Buscaglia "As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can." Julius Caesar "There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." - Epictetus "The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work." - Robert Frost "If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system." - William James "There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever" - Mohandas K. Gandhi

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"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything." Mary Hemingway "We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic." - Cullen Hightower "Worry compounds the futility of being trapped on a dead-end street. Thinking opens new avenues." - Cullen Hightower "Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey!" - Barbara Hoffman "Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation." - Charles Evans Hughes "The man who is always worrying whether or not his soul would be damned generally has a soul that isn't worth a damn." - Oliver Wendell Holmes "Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due." - William R. Inge "A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work." - John Lubbock "It only seems as if you're doing something when you worry." - Lucy Maud Montgomery "Worry is a form of fear, and all forms of fear produce fatigue." - Bertrand Russell "If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?" - Shantideva "There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem." - Harold Stephens "Worry gives a small thing a big shadow". - Swedish Proverb "We are, perhaps, uniquely among the earth's creatures, the worrying animal. We worry away our lives." - Lewis Thomas "Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere." - Glenn Turner "Worry is just about the worst form of mental activity there is." - Neale Donald Walsch "Worry is pointless. It is wasted mental energy. It also creates bio-chemical reactions which harm the body, producing everything from indigestion to coronary arrest, and a multitude of things in between." - Neale Donald Walsch "Health will improve almost at once when worrying ends." - Neale Donald Walsch "Worry is a misuse of imagination." - Dan Zadra

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"Worry is today's mice nibbling on tomorrow's cheese" - Author Unknown "Worry is a think stream of fear which, if encouraged, becomes a wide channel into which all other thoughts flow" - Author Unknown "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday." - Author Unknown "Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed" - Author Unknown *** The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses: Just for today: Don't worry ...

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Of the Five Principles, Takata-sensei held Gratitude to be the most important... ***** SOME OF MY FAVOURITE QUOTES ON GRATITUDE: (Just for today, I am Grateful that others have phrased their feelings and thoughts on Gratitude so eloquently.)

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melodie Beattie "You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you." - Sarah Ban Breathnach Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. - Brian Tracy "Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life." - Christiane Northrup "Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot." - traditional Hausa (West African) saying "To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude." - Albert Schweitzer When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears - Anthony Robbins "We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder "Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives." - Terry Lynn Taylor

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"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy." - Albert Clarke "We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." - Cynthia Ozick "If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice." Meister Eckhart "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you'?" William A. Ward Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melodie Beattie "Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." - Margaret Cousins Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you. - Eileen Caddy "When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude." - Elie Wiesel "There is a calmness to a life lived in Gratitude, a quiet joy." - Ralph H. Blum "For today and its blessings, I owe the world an attitude of gratitude." - Clarence E. Hodges "Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality." - Alfred Painter "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy "The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" - Henry Ward Beecher "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." - Cicero "Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" - Aesop "Let the man, who would be grateful, think of repaying a kindness, even while receiving it" - Seneca The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." - Eric Hoffer

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"There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance." Joseph Addison "Whenever we are appreciative, we are filled with a sense of well-being and swept up by the feeling of joy". - M.J. Ryan "To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven." - Johannes A. Gaertner "When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present - love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure - the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth. - Sarah Ban Breathnach "Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road." - John Henry Jowett "Gratitude is a virtue disposing the mind to an inward sense and an outward acknowledgment of a benefit received, together with a readiness to return the same, or the like, as occasions of the doer of it shall require, and the abilities of the receiver extend to. He who receives a good turn, should never forget it: he who does one, should never remember it." - Pierre Charron "A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most complete prayer." - Gotthold Lessing "Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted - a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul." - Rabbi Harold Kushner"

Be Grateful Be grateful that you don't already have everything you desire, If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be grateful when you don't know something For it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be grateful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be grateful for your limitations Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

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Be grateful for each new challenge Because it will build your strength and character. Be grateful for your mistakes They will teach you valuable lessons. Be grateful when you're tired and weary Because it means you've made a difference. It is easy to be grateful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. - Unknown

and finally: "If you can't be thankful for what you receive, be thankful for what you escape." - Unknown

*** The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses: Just for today: Be Grateful ...

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Copyright 2009 James Deacon

A number of people have commented how a commonly-taught English version of this particular principle/precept i.e."do your work honestly" (or "I will do my work honestly") is quite different in meaning from the basic direct translation: "work hard"

We must remember that on one level, the Gokai are a 'mnemonic device' - an aid to

mindful remembrance. In the simple statements of the gokai are to be found a distillation Usui-sensei's teachings - the very essence of his Reiho - his 'Spiritual Method' And as such they will of necessity allow for many levels of interpretation Perhaps it is also important to be mindful that much can be lost in literal translation. In Japanese, this particular Principle is "Gyo [w]o hage me" While this is commonly translated as: "Work Hard", it can also mean 'Study Hard' And in a broader sense, it can imply: "Strive to improve yourself" (on any and all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, ethically, morally, spiritually; your skills and abilities, your relationships, your standard of living your quality of living) The general sentiment behind the principle would seem to be: "Be diligent in your endeavours" - don't be lazy Yet another way of expressing the sentiment is: "Put your Heart and Soul into all that you do" It can also have a sense of "Dedication to the task at hand" In yet another sense, "Gyo [w]o hage me" can tie in with the Japanese concept of giri duty or (moral/ethical) obligation. So, it can also speak to a sense of duty/obligation to, for example. our teachers

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and also, to those who give us employment. Takata-sensei often phrased this principle along the lines of: "Earn thy living by honest labor" which perhaps has as much, if not more, to do with the old adage: "An honest day's work for an honest day's pay - An honest day's pay for an honest day's work"* as it does with "earn your living honestly" which, IMO, speaks more to earning your living without deceiving others.

____ * 'honest' and 'fair' being seen as interchangeable here

*** The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses: Just for today: Work hard ...

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Copyright 2002 James Deacon

This poem is a personal take on the Reiki Principles and what they mean to me.

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To break the poem down [At one with Reiki] What is 'The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings, The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses' - surely it is to be at one with/in harmony with Reiki (Ai-Reiki)? [My mind - a Crystal Pool] When my mind is clear, there is no place for anger. [Reflects my Confidence of Spirit] When my spirit shines through, there is no worry [In Gratitude. I am Present in my Work. Integrity prevails] When I feel grateful for what I have, I focus on my work am one with what I'm doing, and my motivations are 'pure' [Compassion flows Forth As Reiki from my Hands and Heart.] Calm, confident, grateful, focussed with integrity, in the momentin the state that is 'Reiki-consciousness' (even if it is 'just for today' or even 'just for a moment'), how can I not feel loving kindness to all that lives?

I start with holding this feeling of kindness/compassion 'just for a moment' -that's all it takes. I don't have to think about trying to hold the feeling for anything more than the moment - there IS only This Moment

* * * * * * *

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