Appayya Dikshitendra Chidambaram Days

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Sri Appayya Dikshitendral His days at Chidambaram:

In a small book I have with me (book is in Tamil), there is a very interesting narration of how the Great Dikshitendral attained Siva-Sayuja and merged with Sri Ananda Nataraja of Kanaka Sabai, the Dikshitendrals chosen deity of worship. I am giving that below, translated into English. In some places, I have retained the Tamil original from the book. Shri Dikshitendral was staying in Chidambaram during his last days and was having regular Darshan of Sri Nataraja and was enjoying the Bliss. Side by side, he was also engaged in Yogic pursuits, again and again enjoying Advaitic Bliss, through Samadhic states. With all this, until his last day, without any break, he was performing his regular Siva Pooja and the whole array of Vedic Anushtanas, as prescribed. As he completed his 72nd year and entered the 73rd year, in his divine wisdom, he started feeling that the time for his Moksha was approaching. He welcomed this coming event and prepared a Darbhasana and sat thereon. His younger brothers grand-son Sri Nilakanta ( who was to become later Mahakavi Sri Nilakanta Dikshithar,ardent devotee of Madurai Meenakshi and Minister of the Naik king, at Madurai ) was just a 12-year old boy, at that time. Most affectionately, Sri Dikshithendra blessed Nilakanta. At that time, the sons of Dikshitendral requested their father, in their own humble way, to share what kind of thoughts are glowing in his mind. Sri Appayya Dikshitar gave his reply in a Sanskrit Sloka --- which reads as:

This Chidambara Sthalam is a very well-known Punya Kshetram. You people, my sons, shine with your obedience and respect for elders. I too have written, so to say, a few good Granthas (works). My age is now beyond seventy. I do not have any desire for any earthly pleasures. Hence, I do not pray for anything. I only want to see the Great Beatitude of Siva Pada. Dikshitendral, who is reputed to have written, in all, 104 Granthas or Works, all of outstanding merit, on various subjects (Advaita, Bhakti, Vyakarana, Kavya, Alankara, Philosophy etc.,) refers to himself, with great humility, as one who had also written a few granthas. Having just said this Sloka, Dikshitendral saw before his eyes, an wonderful and blinding light. In the centre of this Light, he saw the the Lifted Paadam ( ) of Sri Ananda Nataraja, in all its grandeur. In his great ecstasy, the following half-sloka came out of his lips, in grand style

ukunuk usuupuyuilh unuTunmh ueucyhimh unuTuruujph ueupiumuunuinh utuiiuvith utuumuuruyuinh uupueuruuLuiuyuuni uUutuy iiuynh uupuul uEnh umunutuilh phurukuucuikhukuiuri uEnhupi uInhut 1/2 shuuluukthutuinh ueupuiuLuimhi Saying this half-sloka, the Great Dikshitendral shuffled off his mortal coils and merged into the Infinite. Sri Nilakanta Dikshithar, Dikshitendrals brothers grand-son and 12 year old boy at that time sitting by his side, immediately understood what great event he had witnessed. Sri Nilakanta had great poetic talents, even at that age of 12. He immediately completed the other half of the Sloka, in the most appropriate way, in great style, couching the words in the same Sanskrit Meter, which Dikshitendral had used for the half-sloka. This is how, Sri Nilakanta had completed the other half of the Sloka.

uukuiuvuiThuTupiuyulh, upuiurphi, uIurphi, inhupmh uukuiuy upuiucuiukuLulh iuLLphupThuT ucmhucuurumuukuiur uInhut uIuri unuichucuyumuuk iinhi uvuiThuTi(uAutuuvi, iutuiiuutnhutuiurrh usushuvutumuun ucuiuvuputthuut uAuuTnhi uvuiThuTurhukLh) uEnhi ueupuiLh uviukuiur umuutuiiuyuuk i unuulukNhuT utuiutrh, utnh ueupiuy ututhutu uurmhupuithut shuuluukthuutph irhthutui ueucyhuturhi uIuutuuy ukrhuNumnhutuiurumuukkh ueukuNhi ujupuithuturhukLh uEnhi ueuculhulphupiukuiurii uInhut umuutuii uIlhulthutuilh unuiukLLhnhut uAuut ucumuythutuilh iunuTuruujph ueupiumunh ucnhunuiutuiuyuilh, uAnhi ucuithuru irhuNuiumu ukuul iutlh iuhurhthututuilh ucuithusuupusiuuTuy ukrhiurunuuruujun


ucumuythutuilh, uAhuuk iumth uAphupyhuy utuiuturuvrhukLh ucnhunuiutuikhiLh iuuLLuvuutph iuuj ueucyhimh utuiutrhukLh ukNhi, uAuvikhi utiucunmh ueucyhi uuvkhuk ukrhiurmh iutiuy ueupuiLhukuL uucukithikh ueukuNhiikhuukuyuilh, utuiuutnhutuiurrh uphucuiurph upiukuLuilh ui ucnhunuiutuiiLh ueucnhi, iunuTuruujph ueupiumuiuTnh uIurNhuTurkhukulnhuturhi usrhuvumhukuLiupuiimh, utumh uuruutuithi uvnhutiumuun ucuithusuupuciuuTuy uAmhucuuvutuuriumuun uInhut umuhunh un us iunuruuvrhthutuut, un us iunuruuvrhthutuut uEnhi uUupunuiuTuthukuLuilh iiuyupi umrhiNhi uvuuruueuniuyuukuiuy ucuiuvusuijhuymh uAuuTnhut uIphuupurutuiucuymh unukueurhimh upuruvuiuyii -------------------------------------------------------------Typed : K Kalyanaraman CHENNAI : 23rd April 2011

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