18 Tanks Calculo

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18: Tanks

Charts give vapor loss from internal floating-roof tanks

Estimating the contents of horizontal cylindrical tanks How to gauge a horizontal cylindrical tank Use nomograph to find tank capacity Correct the volume of light fuels from actual temperature to a base of 600F Volume of liquid in vertical cylindrical tanks Chart gives tank's vapor formation rate Hand-held calculator program simplifies dike computations

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Charts give vapor loss from internal floating-roof tanks

S. Sivaraman, Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Florham Park, N J . Nomographs, based on the guidelines presented in American Petroleum Institute (API) Publication No. 2519, have been constructed to estimate the average evaporation loss from internal floating-roof tanks.1 Loss determined from the charts can be used to evaluate the economics of seal conversion and to reconcile refinery, petrochemical plant, and storage terminal losses. The losses represent average standing losses only. They do not cover losses associated with the movement of product into or out of the tank. The average standing evaporation loss from an internal floating-roof tank depends on: Vapor pressure of the product Type and condition of roof seal Tank diameter Type of fixed roof support have been used in the preparation of these nomographs. In addition, for the calculations of the evaporation loss for the bolted deck design, a typical deck seam loss factor value of 0.2 has been assumed. Table 1 gives the proper axis to use for various seal designs and fits.
Table 1 Selection of seal axis Seal axis Seal type Vapor-mounted primary Liquid-mounted primary Vapor-mounted primary secondary seal Liquid-mounted primary secondary seal seal only seal only seal plus seal plus B A Average fit H F D Tight fit G E C

The nomographs (Figures 1-4) can estimate evaporation loss for product true vapor pressures (TVP) ranging from 1.5 to 14 psia, the most commonly used seals for average and tight fit conditions, tank diameters ranging from 50-250 ft, welded and bolted designs, and both self-supporting and columnsupported fixed roof designs. The charts are purposely limited to tank diameters 250 ft and less, because internal floating-roof tanks are generally below this diameter. Typical values of the deck fitting loss factors presented as a function of tank diameters in the API Publication 2519

Use of these nomographs is illustrated by the following example. Example. Determine the evaporation loss for an internal floating roof tank given the following: Tank diameter 200 ft

Evaporation loss, bbl/year (x 1 for refined stocks, x 0.4 for crude oil)

Figure 1. Loss from welded deck, self-supporting fixed roofs.


Reference AxIt

Evaporation loss, bbl/year ( x 1 for refined stocks, x 0.4 for crude oil)

Figure 2. Welded deck, column-supported fixed roofs.


Figure 3. Bolted deck, self-supporting fixed roofs.

Evaporation loss, bbl/year (x 1 for refined stocks, x 0.4 for crude oil)

Liquid-mounted primary seal only and an average seal fit Product true vapor pressure of 10 psia Welded deck with self-supporting fixed roof

Solution 1. Use Figure 1 for the welded deck and self-supporting fixed roof.


Evaporation loss, bbl/year (x 1 for refined stocks, x 0.4 for crude oil)

Figure 4. Bolted deck, fixed roofs.


2. From Table 1 select the seal axis. The seal axis for the example problem is F. 3. Locate the point of intersection F l between the seal axis F and the tank diameter contour for the 200-ft diameter tank. 4. From the point F l traverse horizontally to intersect the reference axis R at Rl. 5. Locate the true vapor pressure point Pl corresponding to lOpsia on the pressure axis P. 6. Connect the point Rl on the reference axis R and the point Pl on the pressure axis P and extend in to intersect the evaporation loss axis L at Ll.

Read the evaporation loss in bbl/year at Ll. The average evaporation loss is 188 bbl/year for this example. The same example is shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4 for other deck designs and roof supports. Source Oil & Gas Journal, March 9, 1987. Reference 1. "Evaporation Loss from Internal Floating-Roof Tanks," American Petroleum Institute Publication No. 2519.

Estimating the contents of horizontal cylindrical tanks

Horizontal cylindrical tanks are frequently used for water and fuel storage, and in many cases it is important to be able to gauge these vessels to determine the volume of liquid contained in them. However, it is normally much more difficult to establish a volume-per-inch scale for a horizontal tank than for one in a vertical position. The accompanying nomograph simplifies this problem. To use the nomograph, it is necessary to gauge the tank and determine the ratio of the depth of liquid in the tank to the tank diameter. After this is found, draw a straight line from the point on the "ratio" scale through the known point on the "diameter of tank" scale and read the intercept on the "gallons per ft of length" scale. From this point, draw a second line through the known point on the "length of tank" scale and read the intercept on the "gallons (or barrels) in total length" scale. Example. Find the volume of liquid contained in a horizontal cylindrical tank 7 ft in diameter and 20 ft long when the depth of the liquid is 4 ft, 10.8 in. The ratio of depth of liquid to tank diameter is: 58.8/84 = 0.70 Connect 0.70 on the ratio scale with 7 ft on the diameter scale and continue the straight line to obtain the intercept 215 on the gallons per ft of length scale. Draw a second line

Ratio- Depth Of Liquid To Diameter

Barrels Per Foot Of Length

Gallons Per Foot Of Length

Barrels In Total Length

How to gauge a horizontal cylindrical tank

Express the depth in % of the diameter; then the result will be given in % of total capacity of the tank. Rule 1. For depth up to 30; multiply the square root of the depth by the depth, and then by 0.155. Example. Liquid depth is 16% of tank diameter 16 x 16 x 0.155 = 4 x 16 x 0.155 = 9.9% The correct answer is 10.3%; error is about .4%. Rule 2. For depth between 30 and 50; subtract 10 from the depth, multiply by 1.25. Example. Liquid depth is 44% of tank diameter (44 - 10) x 1.25 = 34 x 1.25 = 42.5% The correct answer is 42.4%. The maximum error for depths less than 5% may be as great as 10%; gauging in this range is always difficult, and a very small slope can introduce a much larger error than this. When the depth is greater than 50%, apply the same rule to get the volume of the empty space above the fluid, and subtract.

Use nomograph to find tank capacity

This simple nomograph can be used to find the capacity of your vertical cylindrical tanks. Here's how it works: Draw a straight line from the "height" scale through the "diameter" scale and to the first "capacity, barrels" scale.

Gallons In Total Length

Read directly the capacity of the tank in barrels. (Note: The "height" scale may be used to indicate the overall height of the tank or the depth of liquid in the tank.) Draw a second straight line connecting the two "capacity, barrels" scales at the same reading on each scale. Read the capacity of the tank in gallons and cubic ft on the proper scales. The nomograph was constructed as follows: 1. The "height" scale is based on two log cycles per 10 in. with a range of 1-60 ft. 2. The "capacity, barrels" scale is based on four log cycles per 10 in. with a range of 20-150,000 barrels. 3. The "diameter" scale is based on three log cycles per 10 in. with a range of 4-150 ft. 4. The distance between the height and diameter scales is exactly two-thirds the distance between the height and "capacity, barrels" scale. 5. Determine points to locate the diameter scale from the following equation:

Capacity, barrels = 0.1399 (diameter)2 (height), units in ft 6. The "capacity, gallons" scale is based on four log cycles per 10 in. The initial point on the scale is determined as follows: 20 barrels x 42 gallons per barrel 840 gallons The range of the scale is 900 to 6 million gal. 7. The "capacity, cubic feet" scale is based on four log cycles per 10 in. The initial point on the scale is determined as follows: 20 barrels x 5.6146 cu. ft per barrel = 112.292 cu. ft The range of the scale is 120 to 800,000 cu. ft.


CAPACITY, Cubic Feet




CAPACfTY, Barrels

Correct the volume of light fuels from actual temperature to a base of 600F
To approximate quickly the volume of gasoline or other light liquid fuel at 60 0 F from a known volume at any temperature in the atmospheric range, use the formula: V a - V 6 0 = 0.0006(T-6O)V 60 where: Va = Volume at actual temperature V60 = Volume corrected to 60 0 F Ta = Actual temperature of fuel Example. A tank contains 5,500 gallons of gasoline at 46F. Correct the volume to a base of 60 0 F. (5,500-V 60 ) = 0.0006(46-6O)V60 (5,500-V 60 ) = 0.0006(-14)V60 5,500 = V 60 -0.0084V 60 5,500 = 0.9916V60 Volume at 60 0 F = 5,546.6 gallons To approximate the shrinkage or expansion, obtain the difference between the actual volume measured and the corrected volume. In this case: Shrinkage = 5,546.6 - 5,500 = 46.6 gallons


Volume of liquid in vertical cylindrical tanks

Measure the depth of the liquid and either the diameter or circumference of the tank, then the volume in: Gallons Barrels Gallons Barrels = 0.0034 d2h or 0.00034 c2h = 0.000081 d2h or 0.00082 c2h =5.88 D 2 H or 0.595C 2 H = 0.140 D 2 H or 0.0142 C 2 H Diameter, inches Circumference, inches Depth, inches Diameter, feet Circumference, feet Depth, feet supplant the results of accurate tank strapping, which take many other factors into account. Example. How many gallons will a tank 12 ft in diameter and 16 ft high hold when full? Gallons =5.88 D 2 H = (5.88)(144)(16) = 13,548 gallons Example. How many barrels will a tank 8 ft in diameter and 16 ft high hold when full? Barrels = 0.140 D 2 H = (0.140)(64)(16) = 143 barrels

where: d = c= h= D= C= H=

If the circumference is measured on the outside, then three times the thickness of the tank wall should be subtracted before using the formula. Naturally, these rules cannot

Chart gives tank's vapor formation rate

When sizing the vapor piping for a manifolded expansionroof tank system, the rate of vapor formation must be known. While the rate of vapor formation can be computed by longhand methods, the calculation is tedious and takes much valuable time. Example. Determine the rate of formation of vapor in a 140,000 barrel capacity tank when it is filled at the rate of 8,000 barrels per hour. Solution. Enter the chart on the left at a capacity of 140,000 barrels and draw a straight line through the filling rate of 8,000 barrels per hour on the right. At the intersection

T A N K C A P A C I T Y , 1000's


with the central scale read the vapor formation rate as 55,000 cu. ft per hour. The vapor piping for this tank would have to be designed for this formation rate if the maximum filling rate anticipated were 8,000 barrels per hour. But if a great filling rate were expected, the vapor formed would have to be computed for the higher rate. The chart could, of course, also be used for this computation.

This chart is based on the following equation:

where V = vapor formed, cubic feet per hour

Hand-held calculator program simplifies dike computations

Calculating height of earthen dikes around above-ground storage can be done easily with a program for a portable calculator environment and to reduce the likelihood of fire spreading Frank E. Hangs, Sovereign Engineering Co., Houston from one tank to another. Sizing dikes by conventional methods is a time-consuming, Earthen dikes are widely used all over the world to contain trial-and-error process. A complete assessment of the flammable volumes of above-ground storage. They perform problem involves: applicable codes and regulations; land two vital functions: to prevent loss of fluid into the





DD, S, LS or SS. Tank DWT DWT Top base Dike volume DH

Grade DHX run

Lower base DWB

Figure 1. Cross section of a typical dike.

area available; topography of the area; soil characteristics; and the stipulated volume contained by dike and other dimensions of the dike section. The following program for the HP-41CV hand-held calculator enables one to enter required data at a prompt and to calculate the height of the dike to retain the required volume of fluid, cross section of dike, width of the base, and the cubic yards of earth required, quickly. When a printer is available, a record of the input and output (results) is made. Without a printer, the input and output items (all identified) can be displayed one at a time and advanced at will. Many "what if" questions can be answered readily, and different configurations compared as desirable. This is explained in detail in text and examples. The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, as promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA No. 30, is used as a basis for this program. Important stipulations are: Volume contained in dike area shall not be less than the full tank. (We have taken one tank per dike.) For crude petroleum with boilover characteristics, stored in fixed roof tanks, the contained volume above shall be calculated by deducting the volume of the tank below the height of the dike. Earthen dikes 3 ft or more in height shall have a flat section at the top not less than 2 ft wide. The slope of the earth wall shall be consistent with the natural angle of repose of the material of construction. The walls of the diked area shall be restricted to an average height of 6 ft above interior grade. Dikes are constructed in circular, square, or rectangular configurations. For the purposes of this program, the volumes contained in the dikes are calculated as invented frustums of a cone or pyramid. The dike volume (converted to barrels) is compared to the total volume



Figure 2. Examples of the dike computation program for the HP-41CV hand-held calculator.

Legend and storage registers TV = Tank vol. (bbl) TOT BBL = Total bbl TV + boilover (if needed) TD = Tank dia (ft) TH = Tank height (ft) Run = For angle of repose of dike earth expressed as bevel Rise/Run = 1/Run, 1/1.5 is widely used DWT = Dike width topft Min. 2 ft for dikes 3 ft and higher NFPA No. 30. DH INCR = Dike height increment Suggest 0.10 ft for prelim, run; Use 0.05 ft (0.60-in.) to finalize TRIAL DH = Trial dike height (ft) Try 3 ft for tanks 10,000 bbl and larger DD = Dike dia (ft) EARTH YD3 = Dike vol. (cu yd) SQ = Square side (ft) LS = Long side (rectangle) ft SS = Short side (rectangle) ft BO BBL = Boilover barrels Registers 8, 9, 13 and 17 not used. Registers 11, 12, 14 and 15 scratch. REG. 00 01 02 03 a. Subroutine for calculating boilover volume, b. Sets flag 00 for boilover calculations. DV = Dike vol. (bbl) 16 X-SECT = Cross sect, dike (sq ft) 18 DWB = Dike width base (ft) 19 FORMULA: For right truncated cone or pyramid: V =-(A+ VABTB) larger volume.) Press "A," re-enter DD (330). Results: DH = 4.25 ft. larger X-SECT, MORE EARTH, a boilover volume is shown and included in total volume. Example 3: Same tank, no boilover, what is DD for 4.5 ft. dike? CF 00 (Notice it appears in annunciator when set). SF 01 (This is not a looping routine!) RCL 00 STO 01, 0.00 STD 24. STO 4.5 in 07. Press "A"; put some value for DD less than 330 (as above). Try 300 key in and R/S. One calculation will be made. Compare total volume and dike volume. Press "A" and key new DD. Repeat until satisfactory convergence is achieved. The following table shows convergence for Example 3: Total vol 54,200 bbl Trial DD ft 300 305 302 302.5 302.3 DH = 4.5 ft. DV bbl 53,406.62 55,255.73 54,142.48 54,727.24 54,253.30

04 Dia SS) Dia SS)

H = Height; A = Area of larger base, B = Area of smaller base. (See Fig. 1.)


or side of top base = (DD, S, LS or - DWT or side of lower base = (DD, S, LS or - DWT -2(DH x Run.)


07 10 20 21 22 23 24

1) 2) 3) 4)

FLAGS 00Boilover calculation 01Single calculation 02Circular dike 03Square dike 04Rectangular dike 21Printer enables following: Allows data and results to be displayed one by one without printer. (Must be set each time calculator is turned on.) Note: Flags 01 and 21 must be manually set. Flag 01Clear manuallyother flags set and cleared in program. See Example 3 for "short cut" exceptions. PRINCIPAL LABELS 01Calculates X-SECT and DWB; directs program to proper EARTH VOLUME routine, i.e., SQ ? etc. 03, 11 and 13 Bypass incrementation in a loop for a single calculation 06, 07 and 08 Calculates EARTH VOLUME for A, B, and C, respectively. 09 Summarizes data and results for display or printout. A, B and C Subroutines for circular, square and rectangular dikes, respectively, calculating dike volumes for DH increments to converge dike volume and total volume.

USER INSTRUCTIONS Put dike program in calculator. XEQ size 25 and set User Mode. XEQ "Dike." Key in data according to prompts and R/S. Notice Run = 1.5? and DWT = 2? If these values are acceptable, key in and R/S. DH INCR = ? Can be 0.10 ft for preliminary runs, otherwise, use 0.05 ft (0.60-in.). Trial DH = ? Try 3 ft. If this is too much, machine will stop, STO smaller value in R07 and try again ("A," " B " or "C"). Likewise, if it is known that DH is much greater than 3try larger value: This saves iterations! A? Key in "A" for circular dikes (Be sure User Mode!) B? Key in " B " for square dikes. (Be sure User Mode!) C? Key in " C " for rectangular dikes. (Be sure User Mode!) Boilover? Y? N? This routine is available when needed. Usually answer is no. Press " N " and R/S. Whichever key A, B, or C is pressed, a dia or side(s) will be called for; key in appropriate data and calculator will converge DV with total barrels for solution of DH (See Fig. 2). Example 1: Illustrates a 54,200-bbl tank in a circular dike. Notice how data are entered according to prompts. A printer is a great convenience but is not indispensible. Without printer, SF 21 each time calculator is turned on, now data and results will be displayed one at time and advanced by pressing R/S key. Notice formating of data and resultszeros are shown for inactive dimensions or boilover volume. Example 2: Demonstrates an approach, where most input data do not change: Calculate DH for above tank for boilover crude. (This avoids going through entering routine XEQ Dike.) SF 00 and a new trial DH try 4, STO 07. (Result of Example 1 is DH = 3.75 ft. It is evident dike will be higher to contain

It is evident that with a few iterations, one can home-in on a precise solution. SUMMARY For a new tank size, one should XEQ "Dike" and enter data according to prompts. Subroutines " B " and " C " are similar to "A." One can build up a dike height for given center line distances (square or rectangle) with and without boilover. Consider same tank as Example 1. (Let 3 = Trial DH STO 07.) Square 300 ft (No B.O) Square 300 ft B.O. DH = 3.60 DV = 54,894.66 DH = 4.05 DV = 61,473.78 Total volume = 61,055.09 Rectangle LS 450: SS 200 (3.00 STO 07) LS 450: SS 200 B.O. H3.60 DV = 54,655.16 DH = 4.10 DV = 61,900.04 Total volume = 61,139.72 One can "free-wheel" with " B " and " C " as for "A" for a fixed dike height. SF 01 and try different dike centerline distances. Compare DV and TOT. VaI. and continue to desired convergence. Warning: Be sure Flag 00 is clear when boilover routine is not required. When clearing Flag 00 STD 0.00 in 24 to prevent extraneous volume from being involved in program. BO VOL should be 0.00 when there is no boilover. Flat 01 must be clear for incrementing routines. Always STO new trial DH in 07 each run. Note: XEQ 09 for printout or display of input and results in storage registers.


Example 3.

(volume of tank or volume of tank plus boilover, if applicable). The calculations begin with given dike centerline, dike width at top, repose angle of soil, and trial DH. As long as the dike volume is less than the total

volume the program loops, increment DH for the next calculation. When the two volumes converge, calculations stop and input data and results are displayed or printed. The DH value, when the volumes converge, is the solution.

In some cases, it will be required to ascertain dike diameter or sides for a fixed dike height (DH). This is accomplished by storing DH Value in 07, setting Flag Ol (for single calculation). Press "A," "B," or "C" key in trial centerline distances. The results of any calculation give one an opportunity to compare total barrels with dike volume. Then alter centerline distances to fit trend and continue. See Example 3.

This program is based on the site being essentially level.

Source Pipe Line Industry, August 1986.

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