3191-CS-01 Rev A-009-011

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CLIENT eTEC Arabian Limited Co. Tag No.



PROJECT: YANSAB EG DBN Project Client / End User doc. No. -
DOCUMENT TILE: Evaporator Feed Tank(TK-7737) ODICO REV. No. A

5.0 Self Supported Dome Roof

5.1 Inputs
Material Type CS

Material A 516M, Grade 70

Inside dia. Of tank Di = 8.0 m

Thickness of thinnest shell course t tc = 6 mm

see calculation below for
Angle of cone element to horizontal ϴ = 30.12 deg

Nominal dia. of tank D = 8.03 m

Height of shell Hs = 11.00 m

Design liquid level Hd = 10.70 m

Outside radius of roof plates R = 4.02 m

Roof live load Lr = 1.2 kPa

Design internal pressure Pi = 2.0 kPa.g

Design external pressure Pe = 0.40 kPa.g

Yield Strength of Roof Plate Fy = 260.00 Mpa

Product Design Stress/ least allowable tensile stress Sd = 173.00 MPa

Hydro test Test Stress St = 195.00 MPa

Density of material(steel) ρ = 7,850 kg/m3

Corrosion allowance for Roof C.A = 0.0 mm

Corrosion allowance for Shell C.A = 0.0 mm

Corrosion allowance for wetted structure C.A = 0.0 mm

Minimum permissible roof radius rmin = 0.8 x D Ref: API 650
Maximum permissible roof radius rmax = 1.2 x D Ref: API 650
Actual Roof radius (For Dome & Umbrella type) rr = 1.0 x D
rr = 8.000 m

5.2 Roof Thickness

Nomiminal thickness not less than the greatest of t roof_min = Ref: API 650

= And not less than 5 mm and greater than 13 mm

Calculated thickness t roof_min = 3.37 mm

Gravity load B1 = D L + (L r or S) +0.4P e Ref: API 650 5.2.2.e.1
= 2.24 kPa
Gravity load B2 = D L + P e + 0.4(L r or S) Ref: API 650 5.2.2.e.2
= 1.76 kPa
Maximum gravity load, Greater of B 1 and B 2 B = 2.24 kPa

Temperature factor as per M.5.1 1.0

Temperature corected thickness t' roof_min = 3.37 mm

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CLIENT eTEC Arabian Limited Co. Tag No. TK-7737


PROJECT: YANSAB EG DBN Project Client / End User doc. No. -
DOCUMENT TILE: Evaporator Feed Tank(TK-7737) ODICO REV. No. A

Appendix M not applicable

Appendix V applicable

Calculated thickness as per Appendix V t' roof_v = 3.79 mm See Appendix V

calculation for detail
Required minimum thickness of roof plate t cal = Maximum of t'cal and t''cal

= 3.79 mm
Minimum Roof Thickness t used = 6 mm
Thickness O.K
roof plates to be stiffened NO
5.3 Compression Ring at Shell-Roof Junction
Seleted detail of compression ring: Detail d

Ref: Annex F, API 650

Selected size of angle 70 x 70 x 6

Horozontal Length of curb angle Hz.lenght = 70 mm

vertical length of curb angle V.lenght = 70 mm

Thickness of selected curb angle leg (corroded) ta = 6.0 mm

Area of selected curb angle A' a = 804.00 mm2

Minimum Size required for curb angle is, = 50 X 50 X 5 Ref: API 650
Minimum area required for curb angle = 475 mm
Selected curb angle O.K
Neutral axis of angle C = 19.3 mm
B is not exceeding C,
Roof location on the angle B = 18 mm
therefore O.K
Material of angle CS A 36M
Yield strenght of angle @ design temp Fy = 250.00 MPa

Minimum Yield Strenght at Roof Shell Joint Fy = 250.00 Mpa

Thickness of thinnest shell course (corroded) tc = 6 mm
Thickness of roof plate (corroded) th = 6 mm

Inside radius of tank shell Rc = 4,000 mm Ref: API 650 fig F-2

Length of the normal to the roof, R2 = (Rc / sinϴ)

= 7,970 mm
Maximum width of participating shell W c.calculated = 0.6(R c X t) Ref: API 650 fig F-2
Where, t = tc = 93.0 mm
Actual width of participating shell W c.actual = 70.00 mm
Participating area of shell As = 0.0 mm2
When curb angle is used, Wc is considered to be equal to V.lenght, therefor A S(Wc.actual - V.lenght]*tc) will be zero.
Maximum width of participating roof, Wh = lesser of 0.3 (X R2 X th)1/2 or 300 mm
` 65.60 mm Ref: API 650 fig F-2
Actual width of participating roof Wh = 65.6 mm
Participating area of roof A r = W h* t h = 393.6 mm2
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CLIENT eTEC Arabian Limited Co. Tag No. TK-7737


PROJECT: YANSAB EG DBN Project Client / End User doc. No. -
DOCUMENT TILE: Evaporator Feed Tank(TK-7737) ODICO REV. No. A
Maximum Unstiffened length Le = 250 x t / (Fy)1/2 Ref: API 650 fig F-2

where t = ta = 94.9 mm

Actual Unstiffened length Le = 70 mm enter Hz.lenght of angle here

length of selected angle is less than Le, therfore selection of angle O.K, Note that Unstiffened area is NOT used, instead use area of angle

Participating area of unstiffened length Ae = 0 mm2

Provided compression area (A'a + As + Ar + Ae) A provided = 1197.6 mm2

Minimum required compression area Arequired = 207.77 mm2

Minimum required participating compression area A1 𝑃𝑥 2

= Ref: API 650
8 𝑥 𝐹𝑎 𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃
A1 2
= 207.77 mm
Where, P=T = 2.24 kPa

and F a = 0.6 x F y = 150.00 MPa

Minimum required roof-shell compression area A required = Greater of A1 and A2 see section 5.4 for A2

A required 2
= 207.77 mm
A_Provided >= A_required ==> Provided Compression Area is O.K
5.4 Applicable Scope of Appendix F
Tank has internal pressure: YES

Appendix F applicable
Horizontal projected Area of roof AR = 𝑥 2
AR = 50.64 m2
Total upward lifting force, due to internal pressure, FR = Pi xAR

acting on roof FR = 101.29 KN

Total weight of coroded roof plates W'RT = 44.75 KN

Since, FR > W'RT (Roof weight)
Internal pressure exceeds the weight of corroded roof plates, therefore, As per Fig-1 of Annex-F, Annex-F is applicable
Weight of coroded shell and roof plus attached weight WT = 204.74 KN
Since, FR < WT(Total weight)
Internal pressure does not exceed the weight of corroded roof plates shell and attached structure.
Anchorage against internal pressure is not required.
Use basic design plus App F.1 through F.6.
𝐴 𝑥 𝐹𝑦 𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 127 𝑥 𝐿𝑅
Establishing internal pressure Ref: API 650 F.4.1 P = +
2 𝑥 2 2

= 14.89 kPa
Design pressure is LESS than P(MAWP) hence condition SATISFIED
A = Provided compression area
Fy = Temperature corrected specified yield strenght
D LR = Corroded weight of roof plates plus any structural member
746 𝑥 𝐿𝑅
Calculated Failure pressure Ref: API 650 F.7 Pf = 16𝑥𝑃 2

= 23.31 kPa
Design pressure is LESS than Pf hence condition SATISFIED

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Ref: API 650 F.4.4 Pt = 2.000 kPa

127 𝐿𝑅
2 2 𝑃𝑖 2
Minimum required participating compression area A2 = Ref: API 650 F.5.1
𝐹𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃
against internal pressure A2 = 95.62 mm2
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