On - Fuzzy Prime Ideals of - Rings: Key Words

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On -fuzzy Prime I deals Of -rings

, V. M. MARY
Department of Mathematics,
St. Alberts College, Kochi-682018, Kerala (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics,
Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, Aarakunnam-682313, Kerala (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics,
Maharajas College, Ernakulam-682011, Kerala (INDIA)
Department of Mathematics,
Fatima Mata National College, Kollam-691001, Kerala (INDIA)
(Acceptance Date 19th J une, 2012)
The notion of



-prime ideals and their fuzzy
counterparts are introduced and analyzed. We also give a charac-
terization of

-fuzzy prime ideals of a fuzzy ring.
Key words:


-fuzzy ring,

-fuzzy ideal,

-fuzzy prime
Ultra Scientist Vol. 24(2)A, 355-360 (2012).
1. I ntroduction
Fuzzy Gamma rings were studied by
Jun and Lee
. Dutta and Chanda
continued this
investigation and obtained a characterization
of fuzzy ideals of a Gamma ring. Later Shaoquan
introduced the notions of fuzzy rings with
operators, their ideals and quotient rings.
In this paper, as a continuation of
these works, we introduce and analyze the
notions of



-prime ideals
and their fuzzy counterparts. We also give a
characterization of

-fuzzy prime ideals of a

-ring. Throughout this paper

] denote
the set of all rational [real, complex] numbers
and R denotes a general ring (R, +,

) unless
otherwise stated. Algebraic terms and
notations used in this work are as in Fraleigh

-Rings and

-Ideals :
2.1. Definition. Let R be a ring and

be the set of all rational numbers. We say
that R is a

-ring if for any aeR and qe

there exists a product qa, called the action of
356 Souriar Sebastian, et al.
q on a such that for every a,beR and qe

(i) qa e R
(ii) q(a+b) =qa +qb, and
(iii) q(ab) =(qa)b =a(qb).
The above multiplication is referred
to as the left action of

on R. In a similar
way, we can define the right action of

R. In this paper, we shall consider only left
action. First we shall give some examples of

2.2. Example. The rings
[, ]
all complex [real, rational] numbers;
n x n
n x n

n x n
] of all nxn square matrices of
complex [real, rational] numbers; and [x],

[x] ] of all polynomials in x with
coefficients from [

] are all Q-rings with
respect to the usual multiplication.
Now we proceed to give some examples
of rings which are not Q-rings. In all these
examples, the action of Q on the rings is the
usual multiplication.
2.3. Example. The ring of integers ;
the ring of even integers E; and n are not

2.4. Example. Let n
={0, 1, 2, 3,
, n-1} and

and +
respectively denote
multiplication modulo n and addition modulo n.
Then ( n
, +
) is a ring; but it is not a

2.5. Example. Let I[\2] ={a+b\2 :
a, b are integers}. Then I[\2] is a commutative
ring with identity with respect to usual addition
and multiplication. But it is not a

Recall that if R is a general ring and I
c R then I is said to be a left ideal of R if
(i) a-b e I and (ii) ra e I, a,b e I and r e R.
I is called right ideal of R if a-beI
and areI. We say that I is an ideal of R if it is
both a left ideal and a right ideal. For any ring
R, {0} and R itself are ideals. They are called
the trivial ideals. Any ideal different from
these two are called non-trivial (or proper)
ideal. Now we turn to ideals in

2.6. Definition. Let R be a

and I be a [left, right] ideal of R. Then I is said
to be a [left, right]

-ideal of R if qaeI,

and aeI.
In any

-ring R, the trivial ideals {0}
and R itself are

-ideals. In

-rings ,

, there are only the trivial Q-ideals. But there
are !-rings possessing non-trivial

-ideals. The
following is an example.
2.7. Example. Let R = [x], the ring
of polynomials in x with complex coefficients
and let I =(x
+1) be the ideal generated by
the polynomial x
+1. Then every element of I
has the form f(x)(x
+1), where f(x)e [x].
Obviously, q f(x)e [x], qe

, and so q f(x)
+1)eI . Hence I is a

-ideal of R.
Note that for A, B c R, AB ={ab : aeA,
2.8. Definition. Let P be a proper

-ideal of a

-ring R. Then P is said to be a

-prime ideal if for every pair of

-ideals A A
and B of R
AB c P either A c P or B c P
On -fuzzy Prime Ideals Of -rings. 357
or equivalently
abeP either aeP or beP.
2.9. Example. Consider the

[x] of all polynomials in x with real coeffi-
cients. Let P =(x+1), be the ideal generated
by x+1 so that every element r(x)eP has the
form r(x) =f(x) (x+1), where f(x)e
Suppose abeP. Then ab =f(x) (x+1),
for some f(x)e
[x]. This implies that either a
or b is a polynomial multiple of (x+1). That is,
either aeP or beP. Hence P is a

-prime ideal

-Fuzzy rings and ideals :
Let R be a ring and A be a fuzzy set
on R (i.e. A is a function fromR to the closed
interval [0,1]). Then A is called a fuzzy ring
on R if for every x, y e R :
A(x-y) > min{A(x), A(y)} and
A(xy) > min{A(x), A(y)}.
For any o e [0,1] the set

={xeR :A(x) > o}
Is called the -level set (or -cut) of A. It is
well known that a non-constant fuzzy set A on
R is a fuzzy ring if, and only if, o
is a subring
of R, oeIm(A).
A fuzzy ring A on R is called a fuzzy
left ideal of R if
A(xy) > A(y), x, y e R
and a fuzzy right ideal if
A(xy) > A(x), x, y e R.
We say that A is a fuzzy ideal of R if it is both
a fuzzy left ideal and a fuzzy right ideal. In
other words, a fuzzy set A on R is a fuzzy
ideal of R if x, y e R
(i) A(x-y) > min{A(x), A(y)} and
(ii) A(xy) > max{A(x), A(y)}.
3.1. Definition. Let R be a

-ring and
A be a fuzzy ring on R. Then A is said to be a

-fuzzy ring on R if
A(qx) > A(x), x e R and q e

3.2. Example. Consider the

[x] of all polynomials in x having complex
coefficients. Define A : [x] [0, 1] by
A[f(x)] =1, if x+1 divides f(x)
=0.4, otherwise.
Then A is a fuzzy ring on [x]. Now
for any q e

and f(x) e [x], x+1 divides q
f(x) if, and only if, x+1 divides f(x). Hence
A[q f(x)] has the same value as A[f(x)],
Therefore, we can write
A[q f(x)] > A[f(x)], q e

and f(x) e [x].
Hence A is a

-fuzzy ring on [x].
It may be recalled that if A and B are
fuzzy sets on R, then A B and A B are
defined by
(A B)(x) =max{A(x), B(x)} and
(A B)(x) =min{A(x), B(x)}, x e R.
Further if A and B are fuzzy rings on
R, then A B is a fuzzy ring on R, but A B
need not be a fuzzy ring. This extends to

-fuzzy rings also. The case of A A B is trivial,
since it fails to be even a fuzzy ring. In the
following proposition we prove the case of A
3.3. Proposition. Let A and B be

-fuzzy rings on a

-ring R. Then A A B is a

-fuzzy ring on R.
Proof: Since A and B are fuzzy rings
on R, A B also is a fuzzy ring on R. Now let
q e

and x e R. Since A and B are

rings on R, we have
A(qx)> A(x) and B(qx) > B(x)
min{A(qx), B(qx)} > min{A(x), B(x)}
(A B)(qx) > (A B)(x).
Hence A B is a

-fuzzy ring on R
If {A
: i e I} is an arbitrary collection of fuzzy
sets on R, then their intersection
defined by

)(x) =inf
(x), x e R.
The arguments in the above proof
extends to arbitrary intersection also. Hence
we get the following as a corollary to the last
Corollary. Any intersection of

fuzzy rings is a

-fuzzy ring
3.4. Proposition. Let R be a

and A be a fuzzy ring on R. Then A is a

ring on R if, and only if, A

is a

-subring of R,
t e [0, 1] for which A
= .
Proof : Suppose A is a

-fuzzy ring
on R. Let t e [0, 1] such that A
= . Since A is
a fuzzy ring on R, A
is a subring of R. Now
let q e

and x e A
. Then A(x) > t. Since A is

-fuzzy ring, A(qx) > A(x).Hence A(qx) > t.
Therefore, qx e A
. This proves that A
is a
subring of R.
Conversely, suppose A
is a

of R, t e [0, 1] for which A
= . Then A
a subring of R for every such t. Therefore A
is a fuzzy subring of R. Further, q e

and x
e R, since each A
is a

-subring of R,
x e A
qx e A
, q e

A(x) > t A(qx) > t, t.
This is possible only if
A(qx) > A(x), q e

and x e R.
Therefore A is a fuzzy subring of R
3.5. Definition. Let R be a

-ring A A
be a

-fuzzy ring on R. Then A is called a

-fuzzy [left, right] ideal of R if A is also a
fuzzy [left, right] ideal of R.
3.6. Example. Consider the

ring A on [x] given in example 3.2. It is also
a fuzzy ideal of [x]. Hence A is a

ideal of [x].
We give below two propositions

-fuzzy ideals, omitting their proofs
which are similar to the proofs of proposition
3.3 and 3.4.
3.7. Proposition. Let R be a

and A, B be

-fuzzy [left, right] ideals of R.
Then A B is a

-fuzzy ]left, right] ideal
of R
Corollary. Any intersection of

[left, right] ideals is a

-fuzzy [left, right] ideal
3.8. Proposition. Let R be a

and A be a fuzzy set on R. Then A is a

[left, right] ideal of R if, and only if, A
is a
[left, right]

-ideal of R, t e [0, 1] for which
358 Souriar Sebastian, et al.

-Fuzzy prime ideals :
4.1. Definition. If A, B are fuzzy sets
on R, Then their product AB is defined as
follows: x e R
(AB)(x) =sup

{min[A(y), B(z)]}
=0, if x is not expressible as x =yz.
4.2. Definition. Let R be a

and A be a non-constant

-fuzzy ideal of R.
Then A is said to be a

-fuzzy prime ideal if
for any two

-fuzzy ideals B and C of R
BC c A either B c A or C c A.
4.3. Example. The

-fuzzy ideal A A
of [x] given in example 3.2 is

-fuzzy prime
4.4. Example. Consider the

of all polynomials in x having real coefficients.
Define the fuzzy set F on
[x] by
F[f(x)] =1, if (x
+1) divides f(x)
=0.2, otherwise.
Then F is a

-fuzzy prime ideal of
We now give below a characterization

-fuzzy prime ideals of a general

-ring R.
4.5. Theorem. Let I be a

-ideal of a

-ring R, o e [0, 1) and F be a fuzzy set on R
defined by
F(x) =1, if x e I
=o, otherwise.
Then F is a

-fuzzy prime ideal of R if, and
only if, I is a

-prime ideal of R.
Proof: Suppose I is a

-prime ideal
of R. We have to prove that F is a

prime ideal of R. Obviously, F is non-constant.
First we will prove that F(a-b) > min{F(a),
F(b)}, a, b e R.
Case (i): If min{F(a), F(b)} =o, then
by the definition of F
F(a-b) =1 or o > min{F(a), F(b)}.
Case (ii): If min{F(a), F(b)} =1, then
F(a) =F(b) =1. Therefore a, b e I. Since I is
an ideal a-b e I. Hence F(a-b) =1 =min{F(a),
Thus in both cases, F(a-b) > min{F(a), F(b)}.In
a similar way we get
F(ab) > F(a) and F(ab) > F(b)
and hence
F(ab) > max{F(a), F(b)}.
Therefore F is a fuzzy ideal of R. Also since I
is a

-ideal of R, F is a

-fuzzy ring on R, and
hence is a

-fuzzy ideal of R.
Now, suppose that there exist two

-fuzzy ideals A and B of R such that AB c
F, A . F and B . F. Then there exist x, y e R
such that A(x) >F(x) and B(y) >F(y). Since
AB c F, this implies that F(x) =F(y) =o.
Hence x, y, xy e I. Therefore by the definition
of F, F(x) =F(y) =F(xy) =o. Now,
(AB)(xy) =sup{min[A(x), B(y)]}
> min[A(x), B(y)]
>min[F(x), F(y)], since A(x) >F(x)
and B(y) >F(y)
=o =F(xy)
Thus there exist x, y e R such that (AB)(xy)
>F(xy). This contradicts the hypothesis that
AB c F. Hence
AB c F either A c F or B c F.
Therefore F is a

-fuzzy prime ideal of R.
Conversely, suppose F is a

On -fuzzy Prime Ideals Of -rings. 359
prime ideal of R. We have to prove that I is a

-prime ideal of R. If not, we can find two

-ideals A and B of R such that AB c I, but AA
. I and B . I. Hence there exist elements p, q
e R such that p e A, but p e I and q e B, but
q e I. Define fuzzy sets F
and F
on R by
(x) =1, if x e A and F
(x) =o, if x e A
(x) =1, if x e B and F
(x) =o, if x e B.
Then F
and F

-fuzzy ideals of R such
that F
c F. Also, F
(p) =1 >o =F
Therefore, F
. F. Similarly we get F
. F.
This is a contradiction, since F is a

prime ideal of R. Hence I is a

-prime ideal
of R
Corollary. The characteristic function
of a

-ideal I of a

-ring R is a

prime ideal if, and only if, I is a

-prime ideal
of R.
Proof: This follows fromlast theorem
by taking o =0
4.6. Remark.

-fuzzy prime ideals
can be formed only as in the above theorem.
Hence if is a

-fuzzy prime ideal of R, then
Im() ={1, o}, for some o e [0, 1).
5. References
1. Dutta. T. K and Chanda. T., Structures Of
Fuzzy Ideals Of Gamma Rings, Bull.
Malaysian Math. Soc., 28, 9-18 (2005).
2. Fraleigh. J . B., A First Course In Abstract
Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi (1998).
3. J un. Y. B. and Lee. C. Y., Fuzzy Gamma
Rings, PusomKyongnan. Math. J , 8, 63-
170 (1992).
4. Shaoquan Sun, Fuzzy Rings With Operators,
Internet J ournal (2011).
360 Ultra Scientist Vol.24(2)A, (2012).

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