Corona: Visual

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If the alternating voltage on a line conductor is gradually raised, it will reach a value known as the visual critical voltage. Vv, at which a faint violet glow known as CORONA appears, together with a slight hissing and smell of ozone (O3). Let Vo to be the voltage level just before. Vv, when the corona occurs, an additional power loss at that level begins to occur in the system, and is given by the following empirical formula for corona power loss: Po = K (VL Vo)2 neutral OR
Po = 242

{ K as constant for given conductor arrangements VL is the rms operating voltage line to

( f + 25)

r (VL Vo ) 2 . 10 5 kW / km / Ph Dm

is air density factor, at the system frequency is conductor radius

Dm is the GMD

Thus CORONA can be defined as a partial discharge or incomplete failure of the air dielectric.

Corona occurs when the local electric field near the conductor surface is sufficiently high to give enough energy to free electrons. Thus more electrons and positive ions appear which in turn are accelerated by the electric field and cause further ionizing collisions. For long uniform round wire of radius r and charge Q c/m, the electric field at its surface is

Er =

Q 2 Eo r

V /m

For a very large diameter smooth conductors in air at normal temperature and pressure, corona power loss begins at the critical disruptive stress when: Eo = 30 kV peak/cm OR Eo = 3000 kV peak/m Eo is also called the peak voltage gradient If the conductor is placed at long d distance from another conductor such that the effect from the another conductor is negligible. If V is the p.d. between the two conductors.


Q d ln Eo r
d r

d 2r


V = 2r Er ln

since Q =2 Eo r Er


Vo 2 r ln

d r

In three phase line with r.m.s phase voltage VL, then from the transmission line formulas:

VL =

D Q ln m 2 Eo r

VL = r Er ln
30 2

Dm r
Dm r KVrms

Vo =

r M ln

And the visual critical voltage is given by

Vv =

30 0. 3 D r M [1 + ] ln m r 2 r


Where Dm r is the GMD is the conductor radius is the air density factor where

3 . 86 p 273 + t

Where {P is an mm mercury & t in oC

M is the roughness factor or irregularity factor M = 1 for smooth, polished cylindrical conductor M = 0.93 - .98 for weathered cylindrical conductor M = 0.87 weathered cond. Having more than 7 strands The above equation says that the air around the conductor will be ionized at a distance = 1 & M = 1 the distance = r+0.3 1. rain, 2. mist, 3. fog,

r M [1 +

0 .3

] or for r

The Factors that reduce the break down strength of air are

4. humidity 5. temperature 6. pressure 7. pollution and, 8. thunder storms which may reduce it to about 80%, 9. conductor dimensions and conditions.

The disruptive critical voltage Vo of the phase voltage is given by:

H.W#3 Design a conductor which has no coron

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