Carr 509 Final 2

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Carr Summer I 2011 991628323 CIMT 509 Final 2

Final Exam, Version 2Selection of Library Materials Friday, July 8, 3:00-4:30 p.m. EST
Summer I 2011Dr. Davis Kelli Carr

PART ONE--For the following items, DELETE all except the BEST response: (4 pts. each) 1. That government many not restrict childrens access to ideas and sources of information is part of the legal right to b. freedom of access Bishop p. 161 Access to information involves both intellectual and physical accessrights to hear, read, view information, receive ideas. 2. School library media specialists professional duty to protect childrens rights is based on the tenets of c. intellectual freedom 3. Library media specialists tend to take one of two positions in response to the intellectual rights of children. They are b. advocate or protector

4. Censorship can involve d. all of these 5. The organization that ultimately oversees the process of managing Internet domains, including new TLD extensions, is d. ICANN

Carr Summer I 2011 991628323 CIMT 509 Final 2 6. Censors usually state that their reason for challenging school library materials has to do with e. a. and b. only 7. The CDA is/was c. designed to legislate safe internet use 8. The first time the U.S. Supreme Court declared a government action unconstitutional because it violated minors rights to free of expression was argued in b. Tinker vs. Des Moines

9. The notion that minority students may have less computer access and experience is a. the crux of the information divide 10. Barriers to information access include d. all of the above

PART TWO--For the following items, indicate your response by replacing the X with either a T (True) or an F (False): (4 pts. each) 1. F The right to an education is among the moral rights of children 2. F According to the text, girls are less computer literate than boys. (More girls than boys are computer-aliteratemeaning that they have the ability but are unwilling) 3. F TLD is the abbreviation for Technical Level Domain. 4. T In Bicknell vs. Vergennes Union High School Board the school board was deemed the final policy making authority. This was true in 1979, but in 1980 it was upheld by a Second Circuit in a Court of Appeals. 5. F That which is unethical and immoral is, by definition, illegal. 6. F Intellectual freedom is based on the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. 7. T Software is generally designed to appeal to boys, not girls.

Carr Summer I 2011 991628323 CIMT 509 Final 2 8. F The domain extension for credible resource web sites is .cred. 9. F The gap between rich and poor schools is slowly diminishing. 10. F Political correctness is typically limited to language and conduct. PART THREEAnswer the following (10 pts each.): 1. The text addresses the handling of complaints of materials in a school library collection and identifies a number of sequential steps that could/should be followed. Identify each of these steps in logical order, elaborating on each. Listen calmly and with courtesy to the complainant. We are professionals who have written/followed a policy for selecting materials and have committed to keep our own beliefs separate from our working environment. We should ask if they have read the material in its entirety or what parts they have read and who they are representing. Explain to the complainant the selection criteria used for materials that are in the media center and try to resolve the issue informally. We should explain to them that we have selected materials that are relevant to the curriculum and that are in accordance with the ALA Bill of Rights. We should share some characteristics of our policy with them, and maybe show them if necessary. If the complainant wants to proceed with a formal request for reconsideration, provide a copy of the policies and procedures related to the handling of challenged materials. Instruct the complainant that the form must be completed before a formal complaint proceeds. We should explain to them the procedures for filling out the form completely including which parts of the material/book need to be reconsidered including examples. Inform the principal of the challenge and the identity of the complainant unless they have agreed to resolve informally. We should keep the identity of the complainant confidential in cases we are able to resolve ourselves. The principal should inform the superintendent of schools once the completed form is returned completed Form a reconsideration committee to include a building administrator, a classroom teacher from an appropriate grade level or subject area, the media specialist, an objective member of the community, and a student if at the secondary level. Appoint a chairperson for the committee. Have the chairperson arrange a meeting of the committee to be held within ten working days after the form is returned to the school. I think this is a reasonable time frame. I was reading a policy where the complainant had to wait 30 days to

Carr Summer I 2011 991628323 CIMT 509 Final 2 give the committee a chance to come together. That just seems a long time to wait. At the first meeting the committee members should get a copy of the Reconsideration form completed by the complainant. Everyone should also be able to read, view, or listen to the material that is up for reconsideration. The media specialist should arrange for multiple copies of the material if necessary. At the second meeting when all of the members have had a chance to look at the challenged material, a discussion, lead by the chairperson should take place. The committee should be instructed to discuss the material as a whole not concentrating on specific passages or selections. This would go along the lines of choosing materials because of their ability to add intellectual development of the students, not deselecting because of the author, a specific passage, or a few misused words. Have the committee make a decision, using majority rules, to retain or remove the item. The chairperson should make sure that everyone is in agreement with the decision that is made so that when the meeting adjourns no one leaves feeling that they were not heard. This would lead to them finding someone else who will listen and may lead to other problems. Have the chairperson complete a report of the committees procedures and their decision regarding the challenged material and submit the report to the principal. If the principal is not part of the committee, it is necessary that while the committee is conducting its meetings, the media specialist makes sure that the principal is aware of his/her selection policies and procedures. Keeping him/her in the loop will save leg work on their part and save the committee and complainant time. Instruct the principal to send a copy of the report to the complainant and discuss it with the complainant if so requested. A copy also needs to be sent to the superintendent. It is important, again, that the principal is aware of the media centers policy and procedures so that he/she has something to refer to if necessary. If the complainant is still unhappy, they should be informed that they may appeal the decision to the superintendent and the school board. Keep challenged materials in circulation until the process is complete. It is still the right of others to be allowed to view the material in question.

2. What is the difference between misinformation and disinformation? Give specific examples of each. Disinformation is deliberately giving false information on a topic to intentionally misuse information. It is also known as black propaganda. Misinformation is the giving of false information unintentionally. Disinformation is usually used in espionage or war tactics to deliberately mislead people. Misinformation is information given in error with no motivation behind the deliverance.
7/2011 HSD

Carr Summer I 2011 991628323 CIMT 509 Final 2

Submit your completed exam to the instructor as an email attachment no later than 4:30 p.m. EST.

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