Exit Interview

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The key takeaways are that exit interviews help organizations understand why employees are leaving, identify issues to address, and improve retention. Feedback from exit interviews can also be used to enhance selection, training, and supervision practices.

The primary purpose of conducting exit interviews is to understand the reasons for an employee's departure and gain insights that can help improve working conditions.

Exit interviews can provide valuable information about problems and issues causing employees to leave, as well as feedback on benefits, compensation, career opportunities, management, and other aspects of the working environment.

CHAPTER-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE STUDY 1.2Exit interview:An exit interview is an interview conducted by an employer of a departing employee.

They are generally conducted by a relatively neutral party, such as a human resources and other staff members. It is an interview between a staff member of the organization and an employee who is leaving, to ascertain the reasons for the employee leaving the organization. Final formal between the management and an employee leaving the firm. It is used as a learning opportunity for the executive concerned who seeks candid views on work places related problems .The formal conversation that takes place between an employee and an HR or other manager to determine the reason(s) the employee is leaving. Exit interviews are prime opportunities to figure out why someone is leaving your organization. (If you're firing someone, of course you dont need to know why they're leaving, so exit interviews aren't necessary in this case.)Effective exit interviews can help improve your bottom line by reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new employees. You may get some important tips about the problems and issues that are causing your employees to leave. To help you prepare for the exit interview, give a questionnaire to the people who are resigning to be completed before their final day on the job. You can also give a form to the employee on their way out and ask them to complete and mail it back. Finally, have a face-to-face or phone meeting the final day. You can ask following type of questions: What is the reason of leaving the company? What was your favorite part about being an employee here? Have you had complaints? Were they handled fairly?Do you feel you had a clear career path here?

What could we do better?

What, if anything, would convince you to continue here? When you've had a few people quit, analyze the results of your exit interviews. Try to figure out trends, such as the main reasons they give for leaving, the typical length of time a person works for departments or groups associated with particular managers. The idea is to identify changes you can you before quitting, the type of jobs that have the most turnover, and patterns of resignation in make to keep people from leaving. So the most important advice of all about exit interview is that we have to make sure you're really listening and that you actually do something, including making changes in your company, with the insights you gain.

Exit interviews are interviews conducted with departing employees, just before they leave. From the employer's perspective, the primary aim of the exit interview is to learn reasons for the person's departure, on the basis that criticism is a helpful driver for organizational improvement. Exit interviews(and prior) are also an opportunity for the organization to enable transfer of knowledge and experience from the departing employee to a successor or replacement, or even to brief a team on current projects, issues and contacts. Good exit interviews should also yield useful information about the employer organization, to assess and improve all aspects of the working environment, culture, processes and systems, management and development, etc.; Exit interviews are interactions employers hold with employees who have submitted their resignation. The basic purpose of these interviews is to f i n d o u t t h e r e a s o n f o r a n e m p l o y e e ' s d e p a r t u r e a n d i m p r o v e w o r k i n g conditions, if that is what triggered the action. Exit interviews also act as a medium of knowledge transfer from the departing employee to the replacement or the management. Such interviews are more valuable when the departing employee has spent long time with the an organization.

1.3 Purpose of exit interview1. To retain the outgoing employee or analyzing the factors for which he/she is going and try to overcome these for existing employees. 2. On What time this interview be scheduled at the final day of outgoing employee or when he/she serves his notice period? 3. It is used to obtain information that will result in better selection. Placement, development and training practice as well as improved supervision .4. It assures that district property is either returned or accounted for or the financial responsibilities are resolved before leaving the job site. 5. A hidden purpose is to help employers avoid costly litigation down the road, caused by "disgruntled" employees .6. The interview is an opportunity for the employer to end the employee's time with the company on a positive note. 7. Valuable feedback concerning training and development can be obtained during the exit interview. 8. Using the exit interview effectively can also provide the company with valuable feedback concerning benefits and compensation. This can be both negative and positive .9. Understanding why people voluntarily leave the company can provide an opportunity for the firm to make changes to reduce turnover rates -- and reduce the associated costs.

1.4 Objective of Exit interview: Retain the outgoing employee or analyzing the factors for which he/she is going and try to overcome these for existing employees. It is helpful to know negative and positive aspects about the organization by the view of the employee who is leaving The objective of an exit interview is usually to gather data for improving working conditions and retaining employees. Exit interviews provide valuable information as to how to improve recruitment and induction of new employees.

1.5 Scope Exit interview 1.Gathering and collating the data in a structured manner. 2.Aggregating the results for the organization as a whole .
3.Analyzing the findings to identify consistent trends, patterns and themes. 4. Using the results to determine and implement strategies to increase retention and

reduce turnover. An exit interview is an interview conducted by an e m p l o ye r o f a d e p a r t i n g e m p l o ye e . T h e y a r e g e n e r a l l y c o n d u c t e d b y a re latively neutral party, such as a human resources staff member, so that the employee will be more inclined to be candid, as opposed to worrying about burning bridges. For this reason, some companies opt to employ a third party t o c o n d u c t t h e i n t e r v i e w s and provide feedback. The purpose of an exit interview is usually to gather data for improving working conditions and retaining employees. Common Questions include reasons for leaving, job sa t i s f a c t i o n , f r u s t r a t i o n s a n d f e e d b a c k c o n c e r n i n g c o m p a n y p o l i c i e s procedures.


As the project requires interviewing the candidates on telephone it requires a lot of time with a sense of seriousness so it becomes difficult for me to convince them to answer the question instantly because many of them were very busy and dont easily give time for these things

2.1 Company profile Roots Industries India Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of HORNS in India and the 11th largest Horn Manufacturing Company in the world. Headquartered in Coimbatore - India, ROOTS has been a dominant player in the manufacture of Horns and other products like Castings and Industrial Cleaning Machines. Since its establishment in 1970, ROOTS has had a vision and commitment to produce and deliver quality products adhering to International Standards. With a strong innovative base and commitment to Quality, Roots Industries India Ltd has occupied a key position in both international and domestic market as suppliers to leading OEMs and after market. Similar to products, Roots has leading edge over competitors on strong quality system base. Now, RIL is the first Indian Company and first horn manufacturing company in the world to get ISO/TS 16949 certification based on effective implementation of QS 9000 and VDA 6.1 system requirement earlier. Roots' vision is to become a world class company manufacturing world class product, excelling in human relation. 2.2VISION

We will stand technologically ahead of others to deliver world-class innovative products useful to our customers. We will rather lose our business than our customers' satisfaction. It is our aim that the customer should get the best value for his money. Every member of our company will have decent living standards. We care deeply for our families, for our environment and our society. We promise to pay back in full measure to the society by way of selfless and unstinted service.

2.3QUALITY POLICY: We are committed to provide world-class products and services with due concern for the environment and safety of the society. This will be achieved through total employee involvement, technology up gradation, cost reduction and continual improvement in * Quality of the products and services * Quality Management system * Compliance to QMS requirements

Quality will reflect in everything we do and think * Quality in behavior * Quality in governance * Quality in human relation ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY With due concern towards maintaining and improving the Quality of Life, Roots is committed for sustainable development by minimizing pollution and conserving resources. This will be achieved through continual improvement in Environmental Awareness of all employees & associates, Legal Compliance and Objective towards Environmental Protection. HRD Roots has a strong people-oriented work culture that can be seen and felt across all its member concerns. Whether they work in group or in isolation, their effort is well appreciated and achievements well rewarded. Roots as a learning organization systematically trains its employees at all levels. Conducted in-house, the training programmers equip them to meet new challenges head on. Employees are encouraged to voice their feelings, ideas and opinions. There is a successful suggestion scheme in operation and best suggestions are rewarded. Lasting relationship will evolve only when people know that their work is valued and that they contribute meaningfully to the growth of the organization. At Roots, people across the

group companies, through interactions at workshops and seminars, get to know each other individually, share their common experiences and learn something about life. Personal Culture The management has been encouraging and promoting a very informal culture, "Personal touch", sense of belonging, enabling employees to become involved and contribute to the success of the company. The top management also conscientiously inculcates values in the people

Work Environment Special and conscious efforts are directed towards house keeping of the highest order. Renovation and modernization of office premises and office support systems are carried out on an on going basis.

Training Roots believes in systematic training for employees at all levels. As a part of the Organizational Development efforts, training programmes are being conducted in-house, for employees at all levels. In addition, staff are also sponsored for need based training programmes at leading Management Development Institutes Total Quality Management Customer Focus is not merely a buzzword but it has become an important factor of every day work and has got internalized into the work environment. There is an equal emphasis on internal customer focus leading to greater team efforts and better cross-functional relationship. Quality Circle Movement To ensure worker participation and team work on the shop-floor, Roots Industries India Ltd has a very effective Quality Circle Movement in the organization. As on today Roots

Industries India Ltd has 3 operating Quality Circles having 24 members and some of them have won awards at different conventions and competitions. Through interaction with workmen in these sessions, a process of 2-way communication has been initiated and valuable feedback has been received on worker feelings, perception, problems and attitudes. Simultaneously management has communicated the problems faced by them and the plans to overcome these problems. Good Morning Assembly The management aims in operator's mental & physical fitness and it is ensured through the GMA. The operators and shift supervisor, assemble before the I shift beginning and do occupation of fitness exercise, discuss about the Quality Safety & Production aspects of the Previous shifts and take Quality / Safety oath. Through interaction with workmen in these sessions, a process of 2 way communication has been initiated and valuable feedback has been received on worker feelings, perception, problems and attitudes. Simultaneously management has communicated the problems faced by them and the plans to overcome these problems 2.4 ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTRE ; The Engineering Research Centre (ERC) is involved in the continuous improvement and enhancement of design to increase performance and reliability. The ERC functioning under three distinct heads cater to the needs of Roots Industries, Roots Multiclean and Roots Auto Products.

Though there is a three-pronged operational ethos, the ERC is integrated and meshed seamlessly with one single objective: that of design research and performance monitoring. Through extensive product engineering, the ERC cell of ROOTS achieves the following:

Designing and developing new products with customer focus. Conducting required tests to ensure product reliability. Initiating necessary corrective and preventive action for ensuring peak performance

Fine-tuning products with available components to satisfy customer requirements The ERC consists of the best talent that includes engineering graduates, ITI brains and design engineers. The team works with top-notch tools like

Proe2000i2 - for solid modeling AutoCAD 2000 - for Drafting CorelDraw V 8.0 - for Graphical Application

Milestones 1970 1972 1984 Promotes American Auto Service for manufacture of Electric Horns. First to manufacture Servo Brakes for Light Motor Vehicles. Roots Auto Products Private Limited was established to manufacture Air Horns. Die Casting Unit commences commercial operations. 1988 1990 1992 1992 1994 Polycraft, a unit for Plastic Injection Moulding was established. Roots Industries India Ltd takes over Electric Horn business. RMCL enters into Techno-Financial collaboration with M/s. Hako Werke GmbH, Germany. Roots Industries India Ltd obtains the National Certification - ISI mark of quality. Production of floor cleaning equipment commences. Roots Industries India Ltd wins American International Quality Award. 1999 2000 Becomes the first horn manufacturer in Asia to obtain QS 9000 Becomes the first horn manufacturer in Asia to obtain VDA 6.1 and the first in the world to win ISO / TS 16949 2000 The first to introduce digitally controlled air horns and low frequency, low decibel irritation free Jumbo Air Horns. 2003 2003 2004 Roots Industries India Ltd., Horn Division is accredited with ISO 14001 : 1996 Roots Industries India Ltd., upgraded its ISO / TS 16949 from 1999 version to 2002 version Roots Industries India Ltd (RIL) opens its 100% exclusive Export Oriented Unit at their Horn Division, Thoppampatti, Coimbatore to cater the needs of Ford North America.

2004 2004 2004 2004 2005

RIL's EOU commences its supplies to Ford, North America Roots Cast Private Limited (RCPL) inaugurates its Unit II at Arugampalayam, Coimbatore RIL successfully launches its Malaysian Plant The group company American Auto Service is accredited with ISO 9001 : 2000 Roots Industries India Ltd., is certified with MS 9000, a pre-requisite for Q1 award for Ford Automotive Operations Suppliers. Focus on Systems and Processes


Roots Metrology & Testing Laboratory has been accredited by National Accreditation Board for testing & calibration in the field of Mechanical Linear & Angular

2005 2005

Roots Industries India Ltd., is awarded Q1 by Ford Motor Company

Roots Industries India Ltd., Horn Division upgraded its ISO : 14001 from 1996 version to 2004 version

2.5 NETWORK ROOTS SPREAD BEYOND BORDERS Roots products have successfully made their presence heard loud and clear in the global market. Roots horns are exported to over 15 countries worldwide. A major share of the exports goes to USA, Japan, Middle East and South America. Roots is the only Indian company that meets the demanding standards of the Japanese markets. Roots cleaning equipment and die cast parts, etc. are exported to USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, Far East, South America and several other advanced countries.



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research refers to search fro knowledge. It is a scientific way to solve the problem. Research is an art of scientific investigation. Its a careful investigation or inquiry through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research comprising defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions. Research refers to systematic methods consisting of enunciating problem formulating a hypothesis, collecting fats or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion. The purpose of research is to discover answer of questions According to Clifford woody research is defining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions. The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the applications of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovering as yet. Research study may has its own specific purposes in the form of objectives like To portray accurately the characteristic of a particular individual, situations or a group , (descriptive research) To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables, (hypothesis testing research) D.Slesinger and M.Stephenson in the encyclopedia of social science define research as the manipulations of thing, concept, and symbol. For the purpose of generalizing to extend correct or verify knowledge whether the knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art. Research is thus n original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuits of truth with the help of studies, observation and comparison and experiments. In short the search for knowledge thorough objectives and systematic method of finding solutions to a problem is research.


3.1 REVIEW OF CONCERNED LITERATURE: During my training period when I was searching for the concerned literature I went through many books referred on topics relating to Exit Interview. I was helped by my seniors to understand the purpose behind conducting this special kind of interview, in the initial stages I was guided by sum higher officials to understand Exit Interview from journals and magazines. 3.2 OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH METHODLOGY: 1.It assures that district property is either returned or accounted for or the financial responsibilities are resolved before leaving the job site. 2.The interview is an opportunity for the employer to end the employees time with the company on a positive note. A new relationship with the departing employee may be created. 3.Valuable feedback concerning training and development can be obtained during the exit interview 4.using the exit effectively can also provide the company with valuable feedback concering benefits and conpensation. This can be both negative and positive. 5.understanding why people voluntarily leave the company can provide an opportunity for the firm to make changes to reduce turnover rates- and reduce the associated cost. 6.it is used to obtain information that will result in better selection, placement, development and training practice as well as improved supervision. 7.it assures that distinct property is either returned or accounted for or the financial responsibilities are resolved before leaving the job site. These objectives are very important by conductive an exit interview. Effective exit interviews can help improve your bottom line by reducing turnover and the associated costs of hiring and training new employees. You may get some important tips about the problems and issues that are causing your employees to leave.


RESEARCH DESIGN A plan for collecting and utilizing data so that desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision or so that an hypothesis can be tested properly. A plan outlining how information is to be gathered for an assessment or evaluation that includes identifying the data gathering method, the instruments to be used /created , how the instruments will be administered, and how the information will be organized and analyzed. Such statements can be termed as Research Design There are different types of research design and depending on the purpose we need to select the particular Research Design For my project 1 following Descriptive Research Design Descriptive research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. It should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Descriptive research is a type of research conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined. Descriptive research helps determine the est research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Given its fundamental nature, descriptive research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist. The research is used to measures what impact a specific change will have on existing norms and allows market researchers to predict hypothetical scenarious upon which a company can base its business plan. Sample Size; The sample size which I have taken or followed is 50 Sampling Design; Convenience sampling (sometimes known as grab or opportunity sampling

) is a type of non probability sampling which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population which is close to hand. That is a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient. So for this reason I had selected CONVENIENCE SMPLING TECHNIQUE.


3.3 DATA SOURCES 1.PRIMARY SOURCE Primary data is collected interview of HR head, senior personnel of Technical staff, Administration, Accounts, Library and documents, store and purchase and IT department. Primary data is collecting through interviews of responsible of various departments. Observation for this research instruments used by were questionnaires. Discussion & observation plays important role in primary source of data collection 2.SECONDARY SOURCE Its collected from the selection and recruitment records of this organization. HR magazines, newspaper, companys literature magazines journals and legal documents also from management books related to recruiting methods DATA COLLECTION METHOD In this project both the primary methods of data collection were applied. In primary method, 1.primary method Interview Discussion Observation

INTERVIEW By interviewing candidates through exit interview one can ask the questions systematically and step by step. Due to this one can easily get positive as well as response from the employees. In exit interview, telephonic interviews of candidates are taken by the employee. In exit interview, this means the leveraging techniques (primarily the phone) to identity candidates with limited to no presence of these individuals in any easily accessible public


forum (the internet, published means of calling directly into organizations to uncover data on people , their role , title and responsibilities.


Observation in ordinary language means the formulation of certain believes on the basis of the impression ie gathered by looking or observing certain person object or process, it records the behavior as it occurs. While conducting exit interview I observed that mostly people doesnt want to join the insurance sector. TIPS An employee should smile when he/she talk on the phone. An employee should makes his speech quick and to the point. An employee should never ever talk back to a candidate if he/she is being rude to him. It isnt the time to teach them manners. An employee should convey the right message to the candidates. An employee should have complete knowledge about the job profile offered. An employee should not make use of any harsh language or wrong words with the candidate. DATA ANALYSIS Data collected, f not subjected to analysis is meaningless. For the purpose, date after collection has to be presented in the form of tables, diagram and graphs. It is only presentation, that date can be analyzed, interpreted and inferences can be drawn. The data has been analyzed through pie diagram, shows the percentage of the people interested in working for Bajaj Alliances.



Age 18-25 25-35 35-45 45 & Above Total

No. of Respondents 8 12 13 17 50

Percentage 16 24 26 34 100

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 34% of respondents fall the category of 45& above years, 26 % of respondents are in the age category of 35-45 years, 24% of respondents fall in the category of 25-35 years and 16% of respondents fall in the category of 18-25 years.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 25-35 35-45 45 & Above Series1 Series2



male female total

40 10 50

80 20 100

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 80% of respondents are the male,20% of respondents are female workers.
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 No. of Respondents Percentage female male


TABLE 4.3 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER MARTIAL STATUS Martial status single married toal No. of Respondents 20 30 50 Percentage 40 60 100

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 40% of respondents are the single,60% of respondents are married.
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 No. of Respondents Percentage married single


TABLE 4.4 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER EDUCATION QUALIFICATION Qualification Schooling Hss Graduate Post Graduate Total No. of Respondents 4 8 25 13 50 Percentage 8 16 50 26 100

INFERENCE: The above table shows that 26% of the respondents have done their post graduate, 50% of the respondents are graduates , and 8% of the respondents have completed their schooling.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Schooling Hss Graduate Post Graduate Percentage No. of Respondents


TABLE 4.5 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER DEPARTMENT Department marketing finance hr production Total No. of Respondents 8 12 6 24 50 Percentage 16 24 12 48 100

INFERENCE: . From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 16% of respondents are the department of marketing , 24% of respondents are in the department of finance, 12% of respondents are in the department of hr and 48% of respondents are in the department of production.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 marketing finance hr production Percentage No. of Respondents



Qualification Yes No total

No. of Respondents 30 20 50

Percentage 60 40 100

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 60% of respondents are the qualified for related job,40% of respondents are the not qualified for related job.


No. of Respondents Percentage


TABLE 4.7 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER SERVICES IN ORGANIZATION Service below 3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years above 10 years Total No. of Respondents 5 9 16 20 50 Percentage 10 18 32 40 100

INFERENCE: The above data deals with service of the respondents. 10% of the respondents have the service of below 3 yrs, 18% of the respondents have service of 3 to 5 yrs, 32% of the respondents have service of 5 to 10 yrs, 40% of the respondents have service of above 10 yrs
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 below 3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years above 10 yeats Percentage No. of Respondents


TABLE 4.8 CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENT AS WORKING ENVIRONMENT a. co-operation you have received from your peers

Sl. No

satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied

frequency 12 16 4 5 13 50

Weight 5 4 3 2 1

frequency*weight 60 64 12 10 13 159

total Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 159 50 = 3.18 Weighted average No of weights = 3.18 5 = 63.6% * 100 * 100

Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 63.6% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company.


b. co-operation you have received from superior; Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 total satisfaction level highly satisfied satisfied netural highly dissatisfied dissatisfied frequency 15 12 5 8 10 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 75 48 15 16 10 164

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 164 50 = 3.28 Weighted average No of weights = 3.28 5 = 65.6% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 65.6% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company. * 100 * 100


c. company performance review system; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 satisfied 3 netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 dissatisfied total frequency 16 14 4 6 10 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 80 56 12 12 10 170

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 170 50 = 3.4 Weighted average No of weights = 3.4 5 = 68% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 68% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company. * 100 * 100


d. physical condition of work,canteen&commutation facilities ; Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 total satisfaction level highly satisfied satisfied netural highly dissatisfied dissatisfied frequency 14 19 4 6 7 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 70 76 12 12 7 177

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 177 50 = 3.54 Weighted average No of weights = 3.54 5 = 70.8% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 70.8% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company. * 100 * 100


e. opportunity for implementing /experimenting new ideas; Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 total satisfaction level highly satisfied Satisfied Netural highly dissatisfied Dissatisfied frequency 15 14 5 7 9 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 75 56 15 14 9 169

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 169 50 = 3.38 Weighted average No of weights = 3.38 5 = 67.6% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 67.6% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company. * 100 * 100

f. over all work-place relationship among employees in your unit;


Sl. No

satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied

frequency 16 13 6 6 9 50

Weight 5 4 3 2 1

frequency*weight 80 52 18 12 9 171


Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 171 50 = 3.42 Weighted average No of weights = 3.42 5 = 68.4% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 68.4% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company. * 100 * 100


g. training&development opportunity ; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied total frequency 14 19 3 5 9 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 70 76 9 10 9 174

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 174 50 = 3.48 Weighted average No of weights = 3.48 5 = 69.6% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 69.6% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company * 100 * 100


h. system and work flow processes; Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 total satisfaction level highly satisfied Satisfied Netural highly dissatisfied Dissatisfied frequency 12 16 5 6 11 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 60 64 15 12 11 162

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 162 50 = 3.24 Weighted average No of weights = 3.24 5 = 64.8% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 64.8% of the respondents satisfied with the facilities in the company * 100 * 100


i. salary package; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied total frequency 16 14 4 3 13 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 80 56 12 6 13 167

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 167 50 = 3.34 Weighted average No of weights = 3.34 5 = 66.8% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 66.8% of the respondents satisfied with the facilities in the company * 100 * 100


j . Extent of team work; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied total frequency 14 18 5 3 10 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 70 72 15 6 10 173

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 173 50 = 3.46 Weighted average No of weights = 3.46 5 = 69.2% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 69.2% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company * 100 * 100


k. Medical facilities; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 satisfied 3 netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 dissatisfied total frequency 12 18 3 7 10 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 60 72 9 14 10 165

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 165 50 = 3.3 Weighted average No of weights = 3.3 5 = 66% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 66% of the respondents satisfied with the facilities in the company * 100 * 100


l. Present performance appraisal system; Sl. No satisfaction level 1 highly satisfied 2 Satisfied 3 Netural 4 highly dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied total frequency 12 17 6 7 8 50 Weight 5 4 3 2 1 frequency*weight 60 68 18 14 8 168

Source: primary data Weighted average= wx w = 168 50 = 3.36 Weighted average No of weights = 3.36 5 = 68% Inference: The above table shows out of 50 respondents, 68% of the respondents satisfied with the facilites in the company * 100 * 100


TABLE 4.9 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER GRIEVANCE Grievance Yes No Toal No. of Respondents 27 23 50 Percentage 54 46 100


No. of Respondents Percentage

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 54% of respondents are satisfied with grievance,46% of respondents are not satisfied with the grievance.


TABLE 4.10 CLASSIFACATION OF RESPONDENTS AS PER EXIT Exit family problems workload sickness work condition Total No. of Respondents 14 17 5 14 50 Percentage 28 34 10 28 100

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 family problems workload sickness work condition Percentage No. of Respondents

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 34% of respondents are exit from the company because of work load reaming 28% of the respondent exit from the organization because of family problem .



Environment heavy fair sufficient insufficient Total

No. of Respondents 12 13 11 14 50

Percentage 24 26 22 28 100

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 heavy fair sufficient insufficient Percentage No. of Respondents

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 28% of respondent insufficient with the company work load ,26% of respondents are fair with the company work load

TABLE 4.12


Co-workers Friendly Helpful Moderate Total

No. of Respondents 20 22 8 50

Percentage 40 44 16 100

70 60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0 friendly helpful moderate No. of Respondents

INFERENCE: From the above table it was inferred that out of 50 employees, 44% of respondents are helpful as per co workers, 40% of respondents are friendly with the co workers

FACTS AND FINDINGS 34% of the respondents being to the age group of above 45&above years. 80% of the respondent being male and reaming 20% being female

40% of the respondent being single (not married) Majority of the respondents have completed their diploma and graduate 40% of the respondents are having experience of above 10 years. 63% of the respondents said that the working environment is satisfied 65.6% of the respondents said that the co-operation received from superior is satisfied 68% of the respondent satisfied with company performance review system 70.5% of the respondent satisfied with physical condition of work 67.6% of the respondent said that the opportunity implementing /experimenting new ideas is satisfied 68.4 % of respondent satisfied with work place relation among employees 69.6% of respondent satisfied with training and development facility 64.8% of respondent satisfied with system and work flow processes 66.8% of the respondent satisfied with salary packages 69.2% of the respondent satisfied with team building activities 66% of the respondent satisfied with medical facilities 24% of the respondent said the work load system was heavy




1.EMPLOYEE RETENTION A. Superiors, especially the reporting authorities should behave in calm and a polite way with their subordinates. They should not use harsh words and abusive language while dealing with subordinates. B.Subordinates should be given proper time to settle in their new role and new work culture after their induction training is over. They should not be pressurized to show the best performance as soon as the training is over. I would recommend that around 15 days time should be provided after inductor training to settle in the new role and new work culture environment.

2.HR FUNCTIONING A. Around 10 percent respondents believed that HR department functioning is slow and needs to be increased . HR department do not respondents to the grievances of departed employees properly and in timely manner. B. Some employees faced a problem of untimely remuneration

3.Recognition and reward system A. Proper career opportunities needed to be provided and quick promotions of the employees who have performed well should be their so that they will be kept motivated for performing well and stay in the job. B. If quick promotions could not be provide that other reward system should be introduced such as Best Performer Certificate and Employee of the month award etc.



Exit interview should be done in every organization. Exit interview was conducted to gather data for improving conditions and retaining employees. The information from each exit interview is used to provide feedback on why employees are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas of the company need improvement. To gather relevant information , there are a few things to keep in mind when structuning the exit interview process. It is an interview between a staff member of the organization and an employee who is leaving to ascertain the reasons for the employee leaving the organization Effective exit interviews can help improve your bottom line by reducing turnover and the associates costs of hiring and t raining new employees. You may get some important about the problems and issues that are causing your employees to leave. Its used to obtain information that will result in better selection. Placement, development and training practice as well as improved supervision. Using the exit interview effectively can also provide the company with valuable feedback concerning benefits and compensation. This can be both negative and positive. Its helpful to know negative and positive aspects about the organizations by the view of the employee who is leaving



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