Master of Business Administration: A Summer Internship Project Report

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The document is a summer internship project report on changing scenario of recruitment and selection. It covers various aspects of recruitment and selection process.

The purpose of the document is to fulfill the partial requirements for awarding MBA degree. It contains certificates, declarations, table of contents, literature review, research methodology etc.

The different chapters covered in the document are introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis and interpretation, findings and suggestions, conclusion and bibliography.




For the partial fulfilment of the requirement

For the award of the degree of








This is to certify that MISS POOJA SONI University Roll No. 1815270079 is a regular student of MBA 2nd
year, full time degree course at out institute. Her Project Report work titled, ‘CHANGING SCENARIO OF
RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION’ submitted as part of the curriculum for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration from DR. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY,
LUCKNOW, is an original work done by him/her. This work has not been submitted earlier in any form
partially or fully to this or any other Institute/University for any degree or diploma.

(Dr. Amit Gupta)

Supervisor Head of Department

I am POOJA SONI bearing University Roll No 1815270079 of APJ ABDUL KALAM UNIVERSITY,
TECHNOLOGY, GREATER NOIDA, solemnly declare that the project report titled, ‘CHANGING
SCENARIO OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION’ embodies the results of original research work
carried out by me and the same has not been submitted in any form partially or fully for award of any diploma
or degree of this or any other University/Institute.

It is designed by such a way that students can grasp maximum knowledge and can get practical exposure to the
corporate world in minimum possible time. Business schools of today realize the importance of practical
knowledge over the theoretical base. The research report is necessary as it provide an excellent opportunity to
researcher in understanding the industry with special emphasis on development of skills in analyzing practical
problems through the applications of management theories and techniques. It is a new platform of learning
through practical experience.









I owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during the writing of this

My deepest thanks to Lecturer, POOJA KAPOOR the Guide of the project for guiding and correcting various
documents of mine with attention and care. She has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary
correction as and when needed.

I am especially thankful to Mr. AMIT GUPTA, The Head of the Department of MANGALMAY INSTITUTE
OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Studies for the kind assistance in the successful completion of
our project work.

I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to Mr. Dr. TUSHAR KANTI the Director of our

My deep sense of gratitude to Mr.Neelabh .Recruitment Support and guidance. Thanks and appreciation to the
helpful people at Network keyword consulting , for their support.

I would also thank my Institution and my faculty members without whom this project would have been a
distant reality. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my family and well-wishers.




Nowadays, it has been found that some of corporate feels that in view of future scenario, the recruitment firms
will no longer be required due to emergence of new tools and techniques with potential of replacing the present
recruitment system in vogue.

We had two hr conversation with few senior HR professional working in top echelons on pertinent HR issues
wherein lot of ideas and thoughts were discussed. Few of the ideas that came out after prolonged discussion are
as follows:

1 It was brought out by an HR executive that on posting for job vacancy on internet more than 500 responses was
received in next 24 hrs. With this kind of direct responses he was wondering as to how long the recruitment firms
will continue to exist.

Suddenly my voice breaks the ice  as I brought to his notice that  the recruitment firms are not postal services
and then I asked him as to with how many persons you communicated thereafter regarding the job, how many
responses were potential candidatures and were you really able to close your position???

As expected, I found him with no answers to my queries and then very mildly he brought out that it is not
humanly possible to communicate with 500 responses in a couple of days. I smiled and told him that in a
country like India which has such abundant talent and workforce there are more than 10 million people who are
actively looking for a job or a change/transition. Here in lies the actual employability of recruitment firms to
separate the wheat from the chaff and provide best suitable candidate. 

2 Now a day’s referral schemes are in culture for immediate hiring, which is so far good for entry and
middle level hiring but once you are hiring for critical position it could be extremely harmful for the
company in the long run.
I would strongly recommended utilising services of a recruitment firm (third party) to get independent
candidate because I have undergone similar situation when such referrals creates overwhelming influence for
people who refer them especially when the referee also has a direct or indirect role to play in the hiring
decision due to various undercurrents in the organisation and at times can also be attributed to office politics.

3 As per the challenges and competition, companies have to concentrate on core competencies and must
outsource non-core activities like recruitment. Recruitment firms not only have more competency but
also have a wide experience base by making use of latest and upgraded tools and techniques with best
practices to find “Right Man for Right Job”.

4 If companies start calling candidates directly, it might create negative impact on prospective candidates
that this company is not so big and even if a selected candidate do not join the organization, he never
tells the exact reason to company executives but with an consultant he shares his motive for not
accepting the offer and provides truthful feedback which is crucial for any firm as it’s an improvement
in process.

5 Recruitment agencies play a mediator role like scheduling the interview as per the company and
candidate availability, strong negotiation with both etc. If salary negotiations take directly by company
then neither candidate nor company want to initiate as none of them wants to give up first. This never
let down the prestige of a company.

6 For urgent hiring, recruitment firm will able to provide prompt solution rather than your own team. As
recruitment firm always come across such kind of opening and have strong database along with standby
relevant candidates.

7 The recruitment agencies can only sustain in market if they are upgraded using best practices and have
expertise in the same domain. So there is a continuous improvement in process but for company
recruitment team they have other routine work at hand and a company will never earn from that team
even it is an expenses for the company to upgrade them on latest technology.
8 A lot of talent attraction is aimed at attracting applicants, whether they are responding to an advert,
applying on spec, or through your website. A lot of these people may not be good matches for the role
hence a lot of time will be invested in filtering, assessing, matching and communicating with them.
Using a recruitment agency should mean that you see only candidates – job seekers who have been pre-
selected to match all the criteria that you are looking for and who are worthy of consideration and

9 It is also find that 45% candidates are not always active in internet or they are quite busy and such
candidates are hard to find. They may be passive or may be selective. If someone is not able to respond
on advertisement doesn’t meant that they are not a talent pool.

Finding such kind of talent pool is very tricky which is made possible by employing recruitment agency as they
have both macro and micro knowledge of market scenario and possess sound network built on trust and
reputation amongst these potential candidates.


Indian start up ecosystem is going through changes swinging between extremes. Only a few months ago,
everything was hunky dory; nobody was asking difficult questions and then chaos followed with over
projection done in certain business segments resulting in sacking of their staff. There is a saying we follow in
HR – “There is never a dull day“. On most days, a large portion of HR managers’ time goes into going
through numerous CVs sent to them by either the agencies or candidates directly for various openings in their
companies. As much as 80% of their time, goes into recruiting function of the HR while it’s possible to use this
time to launch employee friendly policies to retain them, incentive programs to motivate achievers in an

Good news is, there is a shift happening in the minds of some of leading HR and staffing companies. We are
seeing that recruitment companies are increasingly moving towards tech to reduce dependency on their
recruitment managers so that they can make better utilization of their time.

We, at Core Integra, are working on an automated recruitment platform, which will be designed to engage with
active job seekers only. Our software will track people across social media who are actively looking out for a
job or a career shift. The software will draw up a list of such people and they will be contacted through an
automated system with details about an open position in any of our clients’ companies. Once the candidate is
shortlisted, he will have to appear for a psychometric test, a video interview in addition to their regular format
CV. This data will be used to analyse a candidate’s’ strong and weak areas and accordingly, he/she will be
shortlisted for a job from our end. After this first round of filtering, this data will sit on client’s server who can
then call a candidate for either a video interview or in person. Using technology up to this level will ensure
optimization of time and will also enable our recruitment managers to reach out to more candidates. This will
also eliminate any margin of error. Once the hiring decision is arrived, Core Integra’s automated
background/legal screening software will throw up results of any legal cases pending against the prospective
candidate. This functionality is first of its kind in the country and shall help organisations to hire the right kind
of resources. Normally background screening process is done post facto.

Human Resources are the biggest assets for any organization today. Thus, it is extremely critical to hire people
with not only the right skill set but also the right attitude towards the job, management and the team they will
work with. Many large corporates have engaged specialist background check companies whose mandate is to
prepare a social media profile of a shortlisted candidate. The profile gives a detailed account of the candidates’
social media presence, quality of posts written by him/her, type of articles he/she reads online and shares them
further. This comes in handy to form an opinion about candidate’s personality. There have been instances
where some good candidates with an impressive CV have been rejected on the basis of their social media
profile. Of Course, such incidents don’t get publicized. So next time you put a social media status talking about
‘Monday Blues’, remember, this may cost you your next job as nobody wants to hire a person who doesn’t like
to come to work every Monday.

The face of HR has changed, many employees look at HR service delivery as a portal. This has also made HR
professionals view and revise their roles, where they can put in their efforts and time into overlooking
greater inquiries than using up their energy in documentation. As tech solutions are gearing up to become a
game changer in HR management, HR tech tools if adopted by companies can help them perform better. The
key message is that faster a company or a recruitment agency adopts tech in their way of life, higher are their
chance to stay relevant to their partners.

Some may argue that though technology may hold answers to most of their problems but they are costly to
deploy. Start-ups’, specially, can’t build such software in house or license them due to cost constraints. To
them, I would say it is true we can’t expect start-up’s to spend on empowering their HR departments with
advanced tech tools for recruitment as they already spend on HRM to maintain employee records,
compensation details etc. However, they can still attract the best talent through tech-enabled recruitment
companies. That will turn out cost effective for start-ups’.

At Core Integra, we strive to find the right talent for the companies we work with. We have built a Cloud
platform connecting our 800 partners across the country. This has given us pan India presence. Our partners
have access to the Cloud platform via a username and password. They can view various job postings on the
platform and can source talent matching the skill sets and other criteria mentioned in the job description.
However, to ensure no overlap, our partners can view job postings of their region or city or taluka only. It’s
deliberately kept this way to ensure there is no duplication of effort.

As someone who has seen HR go through different avatars in the last three decades or so, I can foresee HR
services becoming a strategic function which will be looked upon by the CXOs for providing supporting
analytics for putting together a team even internally for certain crucial projects or even hiring a fresh talent.
2016 will be the year of HR transforming into a customer focused responsive function.

Recruitment should be about saving time for both the person seeking a job and the employer looking to hire,
facilitating an effective process and getting the best deal for both parties. I’ve always maintained the opinion
that our key aim as recruiters is to help individuals improve their lives by helping them find a job which
enables them to progress, be it technical development, managerial progression or an enhanced financial
position, and, most importantly, makes them happy.

With this in mind, here are five reasons why you should consider using a specialist recruitment agency to help
you find your next position:


A good consultant should be in-the-know when it comes to companies. They should be able to tell you who is
expanding, what key projects they’re working on now and have planned for the future, why you might want to
work with them and what it’s actually like to work there. After all, with the average person spending a third of
their life working it’s important that you find a job which you love and an environment which you really enjoy
working in.

All these points provide a much bigger picture than a job advert with a salary, location and a job role can. The
aim of a consultant should be to partner with their client, so they can fully appreciate what the business has to
offer you; being a cultural fit for a business is just as important as having the right skills.

1) Let us promote you more than your CV can

Your CV is a great tool to showcase your education, experience and to some degree, your personality. But it is
two dimensional and no matter how well you write it, it can never sell your strengths as well as a person who
knows you can. As the middle ‘men’ between employers and those seeking work, recruiters know the role as
well as the client does and will get to know you so they can really promote you to the end client. Your
experience may not be an identical match to the job specification but if we know more about your other
strengths and attributes then we can confidently fight your case to secure an interview. This is where choosing
to work with a specialist recruiter can really help as you will be speaking to a consultant who truly understands
the technical aspect of your skills and experience and can effectively sell the benefits of your background and
personality on to the client.

 Help with interview preparation

As Benjamin Franklin once said “failing to plan is planning to fail”. You may also be familiar with the more
trivial 7 Ps (Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance). Either way, both demonstrate
the importance of planning ahead. Part of a recruitment consultant’s role is to make sure that you shine at an
interview. Not only do they want to help you get the right role for you but also the agency is only paid if you
are successful in getting the job. If you’ve worked with agencies in the past and entered an interview unsure
about what to expect, then the consultant hasn’t done their job properly. Some interviewers have odd habits,
likes/dislikes, hobbies or set questions that they usually ask and if your consultant can share insight on these
things it will put you at an advantage from the outset.
 Let someone else negotiate a good deal for you

To put this into context, think of yourself as a professional footballer – your aim may be to play for one
particular club (Leeds united, probably) or you’re happy to play for a number of clubs. You, personally,
wouldn’t have time to approach and negotiate a contract with all of your preferred options, which is why you’d
use an agent. Give them the pain of those discussions and focus your time on your strengths – in this case
football. They may also know of a club ready to invest heavily that you wouldn’t have considered beforehand.
Think of Roman ABRAMOVICH wanting to spend his life savings winning the Champions League.

I’ve heard feedback of “but they’re taking from my pocket” but this isn’t the case - most agents agree a fixed
percentage up front with a client. Generally speaking the more you end up getting, the bigger the fee the agent
will charge, albeit working in conjunction within the end client’s budgetary constraints. A good recruiter will
strive to get you the best rate or salary they can.

2) Establish the working relationship

Establishing a working relationship with a recruitment consultant can help you not only find current
opportunities but also future opportunities when the time comes to move jobs or when your circumstances

By having a good relationship with a recruiter and keeping in touch with them even when you’re not actively
looking for work, you will be the person they think of when a new, specific role comes up. You can get the
heads up on roles before they are publically advertised.


The following is a brief overview of the revisions to the recruitment and selection process enacted by 2015
Wisconsin Act 150 (Act 150), and a summary of how the recruitment and selection process is currently being
implemented across the State of Wisconsin.


Wisconsin State Service must have merit-based and competitive processes that are timely and responsive to
recruit, assess, and hire job applicants.

“It is the policy of this state to recruit, select, and promote employees base on their relative skills, abilities,
competencies, and knowledge, including using open processes to consider qualified applicants for initial
employment.” s. 230.01(2)(bm), Wis. Stats.

Act 150 revised certain aspects of the state civil service laws for classified employees, including revisions to
the hiring process, affecting application format and timelines in the application process. The Department of
Administration, Division of Personnel Management, Bureau of Merit Recruitment and Selection (BMRS) is
responsible for the monitoring and oversight of the merit recruitment and selection process under Chapter 230,
Wis. Stats.

Under the former law, subject to certain exceptions, appointments and promotions were to be made according
to merit and fitness, which must be ascertained so far as practicable by competitive examinations. Following
Act 150, the merit and fitness requirements remain, but competitive examinations are replaced with what are
referred to as “competitive procedures” and applications for employment in classified service now require the
submission of a resume.

“The selection process for a position in the civil service shall be free and open to all applicants who have
fulfilled the preliminary requirements stated in the position announcement. To assure that all applicants have a
fair opportunity to compete, competitive procedures shall be scheduled in a manner that most nearly meet the
convenience of applicants and needs of the service, as determined by the director.” s. 230.16(2), Wis. Stats.

Requirements for the use of appropriate job-related validation standards and scientific techniques and
procedures in administering the selection process also remain.

“In the interest of sound personnel management, consideration of applicants, and service to agencies, the
director may set a standard for proceeding to subsequent steps in the selection process, provided that all
applicants are fairly treated and due notice has been given. The director shall utilize appropriate scientific
techniques and procedures in administering the selection process, in rating the results of any evaluations used
in the selection process, and in determining the relative ratings of the competitors.” s. 230.16(5), Wis. Stats

Pursuant to the changes introduced by Act 150, the timeline for filling a classified vacancy was effectively
reduced from 105 days to 60 days. By statutory provision, the number of days permitted from the date an
appointing authority submits a request for certification to BMRS until the date the certification list is generated
has been reduced from 45 days to 30 days.

“The director shall use techniques and procedures designed to certify eligible applicants to any vacant
permanent position within 30 days after the filing of an appropriate request by an appointing authority.” s.
230.05(7), Wis. Stats

The number of days permitted from the date the certification list is generated to the date an appointment is
made by the appointing authority has been reduced from 60 days to 30 days

“Unless otherwise provided in this subchapter or the rules of the director, appointments shall be made by
appointing authorities to all positions in the classified service from among those certified to them in accordance
with this section. Appointments shall be made within 30 days after the date of certification unless an exception
3 is made by the director. If an appointing authority does not make an appointment within 30 days after
certification, he or she shall immediately report in writing to the director the reasons therefor. If the director
determines that the failure to make an appointment is not justified under the merit system, the director shall
issue an order directing that an appointment be made.” s. 230.25(2) (b), Wis. Stats

Since implementation of Act 150, BMRS has worked with agencies to transition from the civil service "exam"
to more efficient competitive procedures. There are a wide variety of position types in state service, variation in
the quality and size of applicant pools, and different assessment strategies available for use by human resources
professionals and hiring managers. While traditional assessment strategies may still be a valuable tool in some
instances, it has been established by BMRS that the resume screen is the preferred method of assessment.



Research points to the importance of good recruitment systems in the organizations. The 1980s brought
downsizing, organizations were becoming too effective for their numbers of employees employed by them.
Most problems concerning Human resources commences when recruitment is not handled properly.
Resignations, low motivation, poor performance may be due to incorrect procedures in the recruitment process.

This research discusses the importance of good recruitment at technical and managerial levels and the
implications that are encountered as a result of ad hoc recruitment processes. Recruitment is a responsibility of
every manager in the Organization.
 Definition of Recruitment

According to Edvin Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching for the prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.”

The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and recruitment process
is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and the strategic advantage for the organizations.
Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting
the interviews and requires many resources and time. Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening,
and selecting people for a job or vacancy within an organization. Though individuals can undertake individual
components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations generally retain professional


Recruitment Process
Identifying the vacancy the recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving
requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company.

Fig: Recruitment process

1. Identify vacancy

2. Prepare job description and person specification

3. Advertising the vacancy

4. Managing the response

5. Short-listing

6. Arrange interviews

7. Conducting interview and decision making

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final interviews and the
decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities.

 Sourcing

Sourcing involves:

1) Advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often encompassing multiple media, such as the
Internet, general newspapers, job ad newspapers, professional publications, window advertisements, job
centers, and campus graduate recruitment programs;

2) Recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of relevant talent who may not respond to job
postings and other recruitment advertising methods done in #1. This initial research for so-called passive
prospects, also called name-generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be contacted to solicit
interest, obtain a resume/CV, and be screened.

 Screening

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication, typing, and computer skills.
Qualifications may be shown through résumés, job applications, interviews, educational or professional
experience, the testimony of references, or in-house testing, such as for software knowledge, typing skills,
numeracy, and literacy, through psychological tests or employment testing In some countries, employers are
legally mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring.

On boarding

A well-planned introduction helps new employees become fully operational quickly and is often integrated
with the recruitment process.

1. What are your primary goals? (Why hire?)

The first element of recruiting strategy is to determine "why" you are hiring outside people. First, you must
determine your firm's business goals and then what recruiting can do to contribute.
Some of the more common business reasons for hiring include:

•Replacements for turnover

•Current or future business expansion
•Upsizing the caliber of talent because top talent has become available
• Limiting the talent available in the market in order to hurt a competitor's ability to staff adequately
•Learning from other firms
•Increasing the capability of your firm by adding new skill sets

Which of these focus areas you select is important because each requires that you direct your recruiting
efforts in a different way. For example, if you are hiring for geographic expansion, you will need to
implement a strategy that allows you to enter new geographic regions -- as opposed to hiring to hurt, where
you need to focus on hiring away key talent directly from competitors.

2 Prioritization of jobs

No recruiting function has enough resources to fill every position immediately with the top quality hire. As
a result, your recruiting strategy needs to include a prioritization element.
Priority can be assigned in the following ways:

• Hire all jobs equally with the same priority

• Focus on key strategic business units
• Focus on key jobs
• Focus on key or powerful managers

3. Performance level to target

Recruiting top performers require a different strategy and set of tools than recruiting average performers.
As a result, you must first determine what level of performance you are primarily targeting before you
determine the other elements of your recruiting strategy.

Performance targets include:

• "Butts in chairs" (hire the cheapest candidates with adequate skills in all jobs)
• Focus on average performers in all jobs
• Focus on top performers in all jobs
• Focus on top performers just in key jobs

4. Experience level to target

Some employment strategies require you to take the long-term approach and develop your own talent,
while other approaches target bringing in experienced talent for immediate help or to bring in new skills.

Experience target ranges include:

• Inexperienced talent that can be trained
• Temporary and contract labor that can be converted
• Hire at the bottom and promote within
• Undergraduate college hires (interns, Internet and on-campus hires)
• Postgraduate hires
• Experienced hires

5. Category of candidate to target

Whether you have target active or passive candidates has a tremendous impact on both the quality of hire
and the difficulty of getting an acceptance.

Active candidates (the easiest candidates to attract):

• Unemployed candidates
• currently employed but frustrated in their current job
Passive candidates (These are individuals who are currently employed and not actively seeking
employment. They represent over 80% of potential candidates, but they are the hardest to attract.):
• Focus on currently employed average or above average performers
• Focus on currently employed top performers Diverse candidates:
• Diverse candidates defined by using EEOC standards
• Diverse "thinkers" using a global standard Magnet hires (Target magnet hires who are well-known
individuals who, because of their notoriety, by themselves help to attract others.):
• Magnet hires from within the industry
• Magnet hires from outside the industry

6. When to begin searching for candidates

most firms begin a search once a requisition has been created. But there are a multitude of approaches
• Begin recruiting when an opening occurs
• Continuous search (evergreen jobs where there is a constant need)
• Begin before an opening occurs (pre-need hiring can be done to build a talent pool or to build a relationship
over time, in order to increase applications and offer acceptance rates from employed individuals and top
performer candidates)

7. Where to look for candidates

There are three sub-categories within the "where" element. They include:
Internal versus external:

•Focus on all internal candidates (laterals or promotions)

•Settle on a fixed ratio of internal to external hires
•Hire primarily from college campuses
•Hire primarily from external sources

Inside or outside the industry:

•Target within the industry only
•A fixed proportion outside the industry
Geographic focus:
• Local commuting area only
• within the region
• Within the U.S.
• A truly global search

8. Who does the recruiting?

There are two sub-categories under this element. They include: Internally, who is responsible for

• Generalists do most recruiting.

• Primarily internal recruiters working in HR
• Separate sourcing and recruiting efforts within a centralized recruiting function
• A mix of corporate and contract recruiters that work internally
• Line managers do most recruiting.
• Employees contribute significantly to recruiting through a heavy emphasis on employee referrals.

Utilizing external recruiters:

• Utilize external recruiting agencies mostly at the very top or bottom jobs
• Third-party recruiters are utilized only for hard-to-fill or key jobs
• primarily utilize external recruiting agencies
• Outsource the entire recruiting function

9. Primary sourcing tools

Identifying candidates and convincing them to apply is essential to great recruiting. Some of the possible
sourcing focus areas include:
• Traditional media (newspapers, walk-ins)
• Sourcing using events (job fairs and industry events)
• Traditional Internet sourcing (large and niche job boards)
• Nontraditional Internet sourcing (Google-type name search for passives; chat rooms)
• Employment branding (a long-term sourcing strategy to build a steady long-term supply of candidates)
• Acquiring intact teams and a large amount of talent through mergers and acquisitions (buy firms for
10. What skills should you prioritize when selecting candidates?
When selecting the most appropriate candidates from the candidate pool organizations can use a variety of
approaches. Those target skills or competencies could include:
• Hiring brains or intelligence
• Selecting based primarily on personality
• Selecting based on the technical skills required for this job
• Selecting based on skills (technical and people) required for this and "the next" job
• Selecting primarily based on pre-identified, company-wide competency needs (present and future)
• Selecting primarily based on the candidate's experience (industry or job)
• Selecting primarily based on the candidate's contacts and network
• Selecting the "best athlete" available at the time (hire and then find the best job for them)
• Selecting primarily based on cultural fit

11. How to assess candidates

An essential part of any recruiting strategy is the process you will utilize to assess the candidates. Common
choices include:
• Interviews
• Personality tests
• Skills tests
• References (business, personal or educational)
• Grades or academic performance (primarily for college hires)
• Drug screening
• Job simulations
• On-the-job assessment (primarily for temp-to-permanent conversions)
• Hire more than you need and intentionally "wash out" the poor performers

12. Primary sales approach

Candidates can be "sold" on a job and company based on a variety of strategies. They often include:
• Compensation

13. • Opportunities for promotion

• Benefits
• A great team and manager
• An excellent culture and values
• Bonus and stock option opportunities
• Challenge, growth, and learning opportunities
• The firm's employment brand and image


Selection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool of job applicants) with requisite
qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization.

 Definition: - “It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those
with a greater likelihood of success in a job.”

Selection Process Overview

The job analysis is the first step in the recruitment and selection process when a State agency has a vacancy
ready to fill. Job analysis is essential to identify the minimum duties, knowledge, skills and abilities needed for
the position to be successfully performed. This step establishes the foundation for the selection process, and
promotes a merit-based selection process. The process involves the hiring manager, or identified job experts,
reviewing the position description with human resources to identify job related criteria appropriate to assess
applicants throughout the entire competitive selection process. After job analysis is complete, the type of
assessment to be used is determined and then developed. Appendix B provides a detailed description of the
various types of assessments.

State agencies are required to post their available classified positions on Wisc.Jobs for a minimum of seven
calendar days (10 days prior to Act 150). Interested applicants apply to the positions by providing their
personal information and completed application materials including a resume and any additionally required
assessment materials. Application materials, resumes, and assessments are evaluated by Subject Matter Experts
(SMEs) and applicants are determined to be eligible or not eligible. All applicants found to be minimally
qualified for a position are included on an employment register and the agency creates a certification list. This
group of applicants moves directly to interviews or other secondary screening prior to the interview.

Recruitment and assessment begins with the publication of the job announcement and ends with
the creation of a list of individuals who may be considered for selection. Once this list is created, the selection
process begins and concludes on the effective date of hire for the person selected.

This report presents recruitment and selection trends, including volume of job announcements, applicant
interest, and assessment type utilization, and the time to fill positions, before and after the implementation of
Act 150. This report is the first edition in a series of annual reports. The purpose of this report is to provide an
overview of recruitment and selection data both pre- and post-Act 150, with a focus on the extent to which
established goals of Act 150 have been met. The data extraction and analysis methodology for this report were
highly sophisticated due to the complexity in design of Wise .Jobs. The Division of Personnel Management
(DPM) made every effort to provide analysis of the recruitment and hiring data in a manner representative of
the Wisconsin permanent classified workforce and consistent with the standard competitive recruitment and
selection procedures for permanent classified employees. As such, DPM reserves the right to modify the
methodology used in this report in the future as new, better methods of extraction and analysis become
available. Appendix B provides a detailed description of the methodology used to analyze the data extracted.

It is observed that, 40% of the respondents are motivated to work for the salaries they get, 30% of them are
motivated by the promotions, and 20% of them for benefits and 10% of them are motivated by the incentive
provided by the company


Recruitment plays a very important role in an organization as new people with new innovative ideas can be brought into the
organization so that they add value to the company.

The benefits of the study for the research is that it helped to gain knowledge and experience and also
provided the opportunity to study and understand the prevalent recruitment and selection procedure. This Study
shows the importance of the new tools of Recruitment and selection in the current scenario and also helps to analysis
the ability of individuals to set the right personnel at the right place.

The key points of my research study are:-

1) To study the facts about the NYC as a group

2) To understand and analyze various H.R factors including recruitment and selection procedure at NYC consultancy

3) To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of the recruit procedure.

4) To compare the tools of recruitment and selection with their old tools.

5) To know the corporate growth/development.


Objectives are pre-determined goals to which individual or group activity in an organization is directed.
Objectives of personnel management are influenced by social objectives, functional objectives and individual

The objective of Recruitment is to

 To study the effectiveness of Recruitment in an organization.

 Deficiencies and Problem in Recruitment.

 Causes of problems in Recruitment.

 To check the ability of individuals according to the requirements

 To avoid the errors/mistakes.

 To understand the process of recruitment & selection

 To know the sources of recruitment at various levels and various jobs

 To critically analyze the functioning of recruitment procedures

 To identify the probable area of improvement to make recruitment & selection procedure more

 To know the managerial satisfaction level as well as to know the yield ratio

 To search or headhunt people whose, skill fits into the company’s values
Advantages of Technical Development for Recruiters

Recruiters can use HR tools and technology to increase productivity and stay competitive. Here’s how you can
use current technology and tools to boost your recruitment efforts:

Mobile recruiting
Create a mobile hiring process
The data proves that candidates apply to jobs on their phones. Twenty-eight percent of Americans use their
smartphone in their job search, and half of them have used their smartphone to fill out a job application,
according to a Pew Research Centre survey. Create a mobile-friendly hiring process by optimizing the
following for mobile:

 Job ads
 Recruiting emails
 Careers pages
 Job applications

Make these elements of your hiring process easily accessible from any device to appeal to a broader base of
potential candidates.

Use your ATS app to recruit

You can source and manage candidates through your smartphone by using a mobile Applicant Tracking
System. Mobile recruiting facilitates team collaboration and quick access to important data from everywhere.
In her blog post, Worktable’s VP of Sales Rachel Bates explains how she hired twenty new employees for her
team using Workable on her smartphone.

Looking for a mobile recruiting app? Take a look at how Worktable’s industry-leading  iOS and Android apps
can improve your hiring process.
Video interviewing
Video calls are a convenient alternative to traditional in-person interviews, especially when candidates and
interviewers are in different locations. The rise of live streaming via social networks (see Facebook
Live and Periscope broadcasts on Twitter) is an indicator that live, unfiltered video sessions are a growing

Screen candidates using video tools like Skype, Hangouts, Spark Hire or HI revue before inviting them to your
offices. You could also ask them to record and send a quick video so that you can evaluate their  presentation
skills, if they’re relevant to the role you’re hiring for. Or, save time by recording your interview questions once
and prompting candidates to submit their answers in their own time.

Webinars and podcasts

Participate in webinars and podcasts to get ideas on how to boost your recruitment without leaving your office.
Consider learning about topics such as new sourcing tools, Boolean search tips, HR software and social
recruiting guides. Try hiring webinars from:

 LinkedIn
 Recruiting Daily
 Eremedia
 Glassdoor

If you prefer recruiting podcasts, tune into:

 HR Happy Hour
 Recruiting Future

Online courses
Take online courses to brush up on HR-related topics or delve into a new field of study. Consider courses from
well-known HR institutions and online training programs. Here are some options:

 Lynda
 Coursera
 Harvard
 Oxford

Consider online courses that will help you understand the skills you should be looking for in candidates and
how specific teams work. For example, if you’re a technical recruiter, coding courses may explain basic
technical terms for you so that you can ask pointed interview questions. If you’re hiring salespeople, take a
course on sales and marketing techniques to prepare simulation activities for your candidates.

Productivity tools
New HR product launches and regular upgrades and integrations to your favourite tools can make your life
easier. You can find out about software news in places like Product Hunt and Flipboard. Here are some tools
that can help you work more efficiently:

Time management

 Zippier performs back-office tasks for specific triggers that you set, e.g. if your ATS integrates with
Zapier, you can schedule to send a customized email to each new applicant.
 Rescue Time tracks how much time you spend on daily tasks to help you create a more productive
Email management

 Boomerang is a Gmail integration that sends you follow-up reminders, lets you schedule messages and
snoozes low-priority emails.
 Cleanly helps you reduce back-and-forth emails with your team members; set your availability
preferences, share your calendar with your team and quickly book meetings.


 People Search will automatically search millions of online profiles and multiple data sources in real
time. The result is a single, unified candidate profile.
 Hired connects employers with developers, designers and product managers who’re looking for job
opportunities. You can advertise your open roles, browse candidate profiles and schedule interviews.

Social media groups

Social media can help you network with human resources professionals you’ve never met. Here are a few
groups to consider joining on social media:

Facebook groups for recruiters

 Recruiters Online
 The Facebook Corporate Recruiters Network

LinkedIn groups for recruiters

 HR Professionals
 The Undercover Recruiter

Slack communities for recruiters

 #People

 Benefits:

Health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement benefits, vacation, sick leave,
paid holidays, section 125 plan, donor  program, educational incentive, uniform allowance, and others.

 Compensation:

Salary and benefit surveys, job evaluation, job descriptions evaluation, job descriptions

 Employee relations:

Disciplinary processes, incident investigations, complaint/grievance procedures, labor management relations.

 Employee services:

Enrollment in benefits, employee discounts for recreational spots, resolution of enrollment or claim
problems, employee newsletter. Educational assistance, employee service awards

 Health and safety:

Employee assistance, workers compensation claims, drug testing, safety compliance and training.

 Leaves of absence:
State and/or Federal Family and Medical Leave rights, County approved leaves of absence, rights upon return
to work, light duty assignments for temporary periods

 Performance appraisal:

Employee files, litigation files, payroll records, safety records and other administrative files

 Record-keeping:
Job posting, advertising, testing administration, employment interviews, background investigations,
post-offer employment testing

 Separations and terminations:

Rights upon termination of employment, severance benefits, unemployment compensation, exit


 Training and development:

County-wide needs assessment, development of supervisory and management skills, employee training
and workshops. Benefits orientation for new and transferring employees, Supervisory newsletter.

 Salary and benefits:

Salary/wage plans, employee benefits

Importance of Human Resource Management

1: Attract highly qualified and competent people

2: Ensure that’s the selected candidate stays longer with the company.

3: Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit.

4: Helps the organization to create more culturally diverse workforce whereas, the poor quality of selection
means extra cost on training and supervision. Furthering more, when recruitment fails to meet organizational
needs for talent, atypically response is to raise entry level pay scales. This can distort traditional wage and
salary relationship in organization, resulting in unavoidable consequences. Thus the effectiveness of the
recruitment process can play a major role in determining there sources that must be expended on other HR
activates and their ultimate success.
1. Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.

2. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation.

3. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning
and job analysis activities.

4. Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

5. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

6. Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or
overqualified job applicants.

7. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only
after a short period of time.

8. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.

9. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

10. Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types
of job applicants

The following trends are being seen in recruitment:


In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may draw
required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organisation by the initial
screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organisation and creating a suitable pool of talent
for the final selection by the organisation. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by
employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn,
the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organisations for their services. Advantages of
outsourcing are:

 Company need not plan for human resources much in advance.

 Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage turning the

Management’s focus to strategic level processes of HR

 Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates

 Company can save a lot of its resources and time


“Buying talent” (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organisations
today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another
reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry.
A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and
conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not
openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of
poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it
weakens the competitive strength of the firm


Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- Recruitment is the use of technology
to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers
send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job
seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon
their requirements.


The working profile in the organization includes following roles:

 Identifying and evaluating client’s recruitment needs.

 Negotiating terms of employment.

 Searching for the potential candidates.

 Providing candidates all the information required for the vacancy.

 Cold Calling employers in order to establish new contacts and their requirements.

 Documenting client’s details and vacancy requirements in brief.

 Clarifying and negotiating salary and benefits relating to vacancies.

 Negotiating fees relating to work that the consultant will undertake for the clients.

 Advertising, head hunting, reviewing applications, interviews and short listing of candidates
 Monitoring candidates after placed and collecting feedback.

 Acting as a mentor and advising the junior trainees.

 Indian recruiters will be facing significant pressure in attracting and retaining top talent. In fact, Aon Hewitt
and People Matters found that 79% of Indian organisations project increased hiring for 2016-17. This
seems to be a critical time for Indian recruiters to evolve and be as innovative and nimble as possible. So we
decided to break down the 5 key recruitment trends happening in India right now and some key actions Indian
recruiters can take in this new landscape.

Trend #1. Increasing Gap between Hiring Volume and Budget After a positive year with the gap between
hiring volume and recruitment budget getting narrower, 2015 saw this gap get significantly wider. This means
Indian recruiting leaders must do more with less and invest wisely. This finding from LinkedIn’s India
Recruiting Trends 2016 report makes it all the more difficult for recruitment teams to overcome the obstacles
associated with attracting top quality candidates from high-demand talent pools.

The disparity between volume and budget means recruitment teams need to use creative and cost-efficient
ways to meet their goals. Some of the trends that follow are evidence of this, with more companies focusing on
less costly channels such as employer branding and employee referrals so as to not break the bank.

Trend #2. Quality of Hire

One of the key priorities for Indian recruiters for the foreseeable future is optimising ‘quality of hire’.
According to LinkedIn, talent leaders believe ‘quality of hire’ is the most valuable performance metric to track
hiring effectiveness. While the urgency to fill open positions led to ‘time to fill’ getting the biggest increase in
attention over the past year, ‘quality of hire’ remains the most valuable key performance indicator for

A common challenge recruiters face is finding the best way to measure this metric. And there seems to be no
unified way to measure this, with Indian recruiters tracking ‘quality of hire’ in various different ways. Time to
productivity, new hire performance evaluation and early attrition are all used to determine this success metric.
Aligned with this, hiring manager effectiveness in identifying the best talent is a key enabler in optimising this
metric. This means employers need to build the interviewing capabilities of hiring managers.

Trend #3. Employer Branding

With the increased demand for talent for many economic sectors in India, recruiters are beginning to realise the
positive impact a well-defined and consistently communicated employer brand can have in attracting top
candidates. With senior leadership starting to take a keen interest in their companies’ employer brands, this is
starting to grow as a big priority.

What recruiters need to do is start building cross-functional relationships, specifically with marketing, in order
to build attractive employer brands and gain a competitive edge. According to LinkedIn’s report, social media
is on the biggest upward trend when it comes to employer branding tools, with traditional channels like
LinkedIn and websites falling in popularity. Also becoming more popular is using employees as brand
ambassadors who can help communicate a distinguished employer brand.

Trend #4. Employee Referrals

Using employees as brand ambassadors is the perfect segue into the next big Indian trend: employee referrals.
Employee referrals as a source of hire in India has grown in size and importance, especially in the last year.
Reasons for this include the need to reduce cost per hire and getting access to passive talent that would be
otherwise not available for recruiters. A big finding in the LinkedIn study was that India is leveraging
employee referrals extremely well and that they actually lead usage in this across the world.
If you are not using employee referrals as one of your main sources of hire, you need start experimenting with
this immediately as it is fast becoming a key trend in the Indian recruitment market. Recruiters may face some
challenges in getting internal buy in as well as developing one that incorporates current technology (we’re
talking digital and mobile) but these programmes can drastically improve candidate quality, quality of hire and
employee retention. Be sure to communicate to employees what they can expect from your employee referral
programme and make sure to incentivise them with rewards.

Trend #5. Analytics

Given that Big Data has swept into every industry and has become the key basis of competition and growth for
enterprises of all sizes, it comes as no surprise that the integration of talent analytics and key hiring decisions is
becoming a top priority. According to Aon Hewitt and People Matters, 65% of Indian companies now have
dedicated team members for talent assessments, data analytics and technology.

That being said, many companies lack the ability to effectively crunch the data, with Glen Cathey, SVP
of Talent Acquisition Strategy and Innovation at Kforce, stating that “the vast majority of companies have yet
to fully embrace data as a strategic asset in talent acquisition”. Recruitment teams need to start building an in-
house capability to drive data-based hiring by educating themselves on best practices, tools and techniques, as
well as selecting the metrics that really matter. Glassdoor recommend some key metrics you can measure
around quality of hires, influence over hires, and retention, which should serve as a good starting point.
1.4 Limitations of the study

The employees were busy with their daily schedule and it was very much difficult for them to give


Time and money was also an important constraint



History of Human Resource Management

The History of Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an

organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the

achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human

resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes

involved in managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human

resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and

practical techniques of managing a workforce.

Human resource management has it roots in the late and early 1900's. When there are less labor then there are

more working with machinery. The scientific management movement began. This movement was started by

Frederick Taylor when he wrote about it a book titled ‘The Principles of Scientific Management’. The book

stated, "The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer,

coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.” Taylor believed that the management should use

the techniques used by scientist to research and test work skills to improve the efficiency of the workforce.
Also around the same time came the industrial welfare movement This was usually a voluntary effort by

employers to improve the conditions in their factories. The effort also extended into the employee’s life outside

of the work place. The employer would try to provide assistance to employees to purchase a home, medical

care, or assistance for education. The human relations movement is the major influence of the modern human

resource management. The movement focused on how employees group behavior and how employee feelings.

This movement was influenced by the Hawthorne Studies.

Functional area of HRM

• Human resource auditing

• Human resource strategic planning

• Human resource planning

• Manpower panning

• Recruitment / selection
• Induction

• Orientation

• Training

• Management development

• Compensation development
• Performance appraisals

• Performance management

• Career planning / development

• Coaching

• Counseling's

• Staff amenities planning

• Event management

• Succession planning

• Talent management

• Safety management

• Staff communication

• Reward

In sourcing:

Companies recruit the candidates and, employ them, train and develop them and utilize the human

resources of these candidates. This strategy is called In-sourcing. Companies formulate and implement this

strategy when the corporate strategy is stable.

Out sourcing:

Some sendee companies depend for their human resources on such external organization whose core

business is to provide human resources. This strategy is called Out-sourcing. Outsourcing strategy is more

suitable for both the fast growing and diversifying companies.

> To search for talent global ly and not just within the company.

> To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum

> To anticipate and final people for positions tliat do not exists >et.

Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists a number of activities. Employee selection is

the process of putting right men on the right job.

Recruitment and selection in NYC


Recruitment techniques are the means or media by which the management contacts prospective

employees or provides necessary information or exchange of ideas order to stimulate them to apply

for jobs.

1. Direct method:

Under direct recruitment scouting, employees contacts, and waiting lists are used. In scouting,

representatives of the organisation are sent to educational and training institutions. These travelling

recruiters exchange information with students, clarify their doubts, simulate them to apply for jobs

conduct campus interviews and short list candidates for further screening.

2. Indirect method:
Advertisement in newspaper, journals, on the radio and television are used to publicise vacancies.

3. Third party method:

Various agencies can be used to recruit personnel. Public employment exchanges, management

consulting firms, professional societies, temporary help societies, trade unions, labour contractors

are the main agencies.

4. Internet recruitment:

Various job sites are now available on the internet. The organisation can create profile on such sites

so that various resumes of applicants can be viewed and matched with the requirements of the job

and as much as applicants can be called because almost 25% of net users in India search for jobs

through internet.


RESEARCH is a ‘careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of


The project is a systematic presentation consisting of the enunciated problem, formulated hypothesis,

collected facts of data, analyzed facts and proposed conclusions in form of recommendations.

The data has been collected from both the sources primary and secondary sources.


research done by

Exploratory Research

This kind of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies the

main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.

Sample Design

A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees of NYC was not possible so a sample was

chosen that consisted of 25 employees


The data for the survey will be conducted from both the Primaries as well as secondary sources.
Primary Data

Primary data was collected using interviews technique the survey data will collect by using questionnaire.

The primary data collection for his purpose is supposed to be done by judgment sampling conversation

sampling. The questionnaire has been formatted with both open and close structure questions.
Secondary Data

• Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the organisation, etc.

• It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose

of other than those of our particular research study.


A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the information needed to

structure or to solve problems. It is the overall operation pattern or framework of the project that stipulates

what information is to be collected from which source and be what procedures.

“A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that

aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure”

Design Decision happen.

1 What is study about?

2 What is study being made?
3 Where will the study be carried out?
4 What type of data is required?
5 Where can the required data be found?
6 What will be the sample design?
7 Technique of data collection.
8 How will data be analysed?

Data Interpretation
A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from employees
and manager regarding “Recruitment & Selection" of their Company. 20 employees
are selected from different department and were distributing questionnaire from the
purpose of the study.

Analysis of data

The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The percentage of the

people opinion were analyzed and expressed in the form of chart and have been

placed in the next few pages’

Question 1: The hiring process helps in identifying the competence both visible (like

Knowledge, Skill) and Hidden aspects (like behavioral, social role, Self Image, Trait)?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 100%





90% of respondents thinks that hiring process helps in identifying the competence
both visible (like Knowledge, Skill) and Hidden aspects (like behavioral, social role.

Self Image, Trait).

Question 2: E-Recruitment (like portals, social websites) have become must to survive

in the competitive market?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 17 3 20
Percentage 85 15 100%


Question 3: Is there any provision recruitment of summer trainees?

Options Yes No Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%


Question 3: Is there any contract (bond) signed by employees while joining the

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 90 100%



90% employees are made to sign bond by employees before joining the organization.

Question 4: Employer branding plays key role in more successful recruitment and retention of top talent?

Options Yes No Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%


100% respondents think that employer branding plays key role in more

successful recruitment and retention of top talent

Question 5: Do you give special treatment to employees in order to give them

comfortable work envi ron ment?


Options Yes NO Total

Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%


80% of respondents think that employees are given special treatment in order to give

them comfortable work environment.

Question 5: Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to attraction of employees towards the company?

Options Yes NO Total

Responses 20 0 20
Percentage 100 0 100%

INTERPRETATION Corporate Social Responsibility can lead to attraction of

employees towards the company.



After the data analysis and interpretation the findings are:

> According to the Survey, Recruitment differs from company to company for each


> According to the Survey, the company do utilize internet sites for the recruitment
process and for finding the talent candidate

> According to survey it is observed that the company are utilizing the job

description in order to make screening process more efficient



On the basis of detailed analysis of the data collected and interactions with HRs of
the organization, it has been observed that the recruitment methodologies/ process
carried out is more specific and based on the need of the organization. The
changing scenario of recruitment and the selection is planned and deeply
examined by the research analysts which is actually helpful in putting the right
resources in the right place. In today’s developing world where everyone is
educating and knowledgeable it’s hard to find out the best resources for the
organization and in order to remove the errors and conflicts there should be some
new tools to make the recruitment process meaning full.  Most of
the recruitment is done by the consultancy.

 Telephone is considered the most suitable way to contact the candidate.

 About 95% of the candidates accept the offer and are turned into appointments.

 The recruitment system in the organizations good.

 The organization implements control measures to ensure effective recruitment and


 Salary is the motivational factor that influence work performance.

Here are my observations: -

 Hiring a quality resource at a right time is the biggest challenge to the

organization. NYC has its Recruitment and Selection process Philosophy in place.

 At NYC , Recruitment strategies are set before beginning active recruitment. The
Recruitment and Selection process costs are communicated to the Senior
Management, HR & Finance.

 The costs involved in the process of Recruitment and Selection process are
accounted for in the budget.

 Suggestions regarding improvement of the recruitment and selection process:

 If HR persons go by professionalism, the candidates should be informed in time

whether they have been selected or not. There should not be delay in informing
the candidates.

 For a good recruitment to happen the relationship building with the eligible
candidates is very much required.

 Management may ask the candidates who have attended the interview and got
selected to give suggestions to improve their Recruitment and selection process.

 Management should try to make induction program lively to build a strong,

cordial relationship with the inductees.

 Various ratings should be given to experience domain, education, company

background, supplementary skills; soft skills along with technical skills and
overall profile are created of the candidates.

 Interview process can be improved by introducing an interview panel for different

levels and positions, also standard questions should be set to both fresher and as
well as experienced candidates. Candidates’ information should be used to judge
the authenticity of the candidates, also an improved questionnaire gives a quality
input that in turn improve the recruitment and selection process.

After being a part of entire survey i.e. from preparation of questionnaire to the
preparation of final report, I was able to identify the benefits from the survey conducted
and also recognized some of the areas where Employees showed dissatisfaction, which
are as follows:

 Most of the recruitment is done by the consultancy.

 Telephone is considered the most suitable way to contact the candidate.

 About 95% of the candidates accept the offer and are turned into appointments.

 The recruitment system in the organization is good.

 The organization implements control measures to ensure effective recruitment and


 Salary is the motivational factor that influence work performance.


Interview process can be improved by introducing an interview panel for different

levels and positions

Standard questions should be set to both fresher and as well as experienced

 Candidates’ information should be used to judge the authenticity of the candidates,
also an improved

Management may ask suggestions from the candidatesto give suggestions to

improve their Recruitment and selection process.

If HR persons go by professionalism, the candidates should be informed in time

about selection result.

The relationship building with the eligible candidates is very much required.

Management should try to make induction program lively to build a strong, cordial
relationship with the inductees.

The study tries to understand the process of recruitment & selection process in
NYC Human Capital Solutions.
It is an attempt to identify the need for recruitment and selection and the method of
recruitment used.

 It was possible to cover all the issues and several aspects may have been ignored
which may be important from other point of view.

 As the study is confined to a limited period of time. So, only selective sample was

 Accuracy of the study is purely based on the information as given by the


 While studying the applicability of the best practices in NetworkYard consulting ,

conclusion has been drawn from the sample through questionnaires.


This presents the summary of the study and survey done in relation to the Recruitment
and Selection in NYC PVT. LTD. The conclusion is drawn from the study and survey of
the company regarding the Recruitment and Selection process carried out there.
The recruitment process at NYC PVT. LTD. to some extent is not done objectively and
therefore lot of bias hampers the future of the employees. That is why the search or
headhunt of people should be of those whose skill fits into the company‟s values.

Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing
scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the working of the company as a
fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.

Selection process is good but it should also be modified according to the requirements
and should job profile so that main objective of selecting the candidate could be



 Biswajeet Pattanayak, “Human resourcece management”.

 Ashwathapa K., Human Resource Management (third edition), Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publication Company Ltd

 Rao Subba P., Essential of HRM & Industrial Relationships

 V.S.P. Rao, Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, Excel Books
Publications Pvt. Ltd.,

 C.R Kothari Research Methodology

Search engines








1. What is the share of sources of recruitment?

A) Consultancy B) Employee referrals C) Job portals D) Walk ins

2. What is the most suitable way to contact candidates?

A) Telephone call B) E-Mail C) Post D) Any Other

3. In the history of NYC , how many offers are accepted and converted into

A) Report B) Abscond

4. How would you rate the recruitment performance of your organization with the

Rate from 1 to 10.

5. How is the existing recruitment and system in your organization?

A) Good B) Fair C) Poor D) Very Poor

6. Does your organization implement control measure to ensure effective recruitment

and selection procedures?

A) Yes B) No C) Sometimes

7. What are the motivational factors that influence your work performance?

A) Salary B) Incentives C) Benefits D) Promotions


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