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Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes


General notes
Operation 5.03.00 Properties 5.03.00 Installation 5.03.00 Circuit recommendations 5.04.00 Application examples 5.05.00


Operation 5.06.00 Properties 5.06.00 Installation 5.06.00 Circuit recommendations 5.07.00 Application examples 5.08.00

Clutch/brake combined units

Operation 5.09.00 Properties, areas of application 5.09.00 Installation 5.10.00 Circuit recommendations 5.10.00 Application examples 5.11.00

Product data sheets

Torque ratings Clutch/brake combined units Multi-plate clutches Multi-plate brakes Brake for Servo-Presses Series Multi-plate clutches for wet-running, standard version Multi-plate clutches, with shoulder housing, version for high torques Multi-plate clutches, with flange housing, version for high thermal loading Multi-plate clutches, with shoulder housing, version for high thermal loading Spring-applied multi-plate brakes, non-centering version Spring-applied multi-plate brakes, centering version Spring-applied multi-plate brakes, version with two different internal centerings HydroSec safety multi-plate brake

Series Series Series Series Series Series

0023, 0123 5.13.00 0023, 0123 5.14.00 0127 5.19.00 0128 5.23.00 0170 5.27.00 0021-007 5.29.00

Series 0021-3.3 5.31.00 Series 0002-8.1 5.33.00 Series 0002-8.3 5.34.00 Series 0022-..0/..9 5.36.00 Series 0022-..1 5.39.00 Series 0022-320/620 5.42.00 Series 0022-601 5.45.00


Rotary inlets for pressure oil, single channel Rotary inlets for pressure oil, two- and three-channel Cover Hydraulic press safety valve

for series 0023, 0123 5.47.00 for series 0023, 0123 5.48.00 for series 0023, 0123, 0127 5.51.00 for series 0023, 0123, 0127, 0128 5.53.00


EN 5.01.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes


Installation In order to avoid oil leakage, the h6/H7 shaft tolerance that is recommended should be maintained. In order that engagement is carried out without delay, it is important that - amongst other things - the oil inlet holes in the shaft are of an adequate size. The volume of oil required by the clutch for engagement and the length of the piping should be taken into account when selecting the cross sections of the pressure oil pipes. Return-flow pipes are to be designed in such a way that the resistance is as low as possible. In order to prevent subsequent faults and failure of the hydraulic system, absolute cleanliness must be maintained during installation. Pressure oil supply The piston seals are metal rings with a rectangular section. There is only a limited amount of butt clearance but this nevertheless permits a small amount of oil to leak out, the amount of leakage being a function of the clutch size. For this reason care must be taken that the output of the pump is adequate for the size and number of clutches. The amount of oil required by the clutches should cover engagement and leakage under all operating conditions. It is essential that the full operating pressure is available at the end of each engagement process. Where large quantities of oil are required for clutch engagement and where the frequency of engagement is low, consideration should be given to the use of an automatic double pump. When the clutch is engaged, only the small pump is in operation and circulates just the amount of oil that is required to maintain the oil pressure. Under certain circumstances the fitting of an accumulator upstream of the clutch fulfils the same purpose. The design (size) and position of the oil tank should be selected in such a way that the heat generated during engagement and absorbed by the oil can be dissipated freely into the environment.

Clutch engagement Pressure oil is led into the cylinder space of the clutch via the oil inlet (5). The piston (3) compresses the plates (2) against the stop plate (1), so that the clutch is frictionally engaged. Disengagement When the pressure oil is depressurized, the return springs (4) push the piston (3) back to its initial position so that the clutch is disengaged. Important: In the case of clutches with a single piston, there is the risk that the clutch will be engaged unintentionally through the centrifugal force acting on the oil in the cylinder. Reliable disengagement of the clutch can only be ensured at speeds below the nmax cylinder stated. Properties Thanks to the large piston forces produced by the hydraulic actuation, hydraulically actuated multi-plate clutches can provide high torques from small dimensions. The oil-cooled plates with the friction combination steel/sinter are effectively wear-free; the small amount of running-in wear is compensated for automatically by the piston so that readjustment is not required.

General notes

EN 5.03.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Rotary inlets for pressure oil A rotary inlet, the design of which is appropriate for each particular application, is required for introducing the pressure oil into the clutch shaft. You will find information on single-channel rotary inlets on page 5.43.00. Catalogue section 9 "Rotary inlets" provides details on a wider selection of different rotary inlets. In our technical product information for hydraulic clutches you will find comprehensive notes on the installation and maintenance of clutch systems.

Circuit recommendations
a b c d e f

Suction filter Pump Electric motor Pressure relief valve Directional control valve Variable flow restrictor

h Restrictor non-return valve i Internal lubrication line K1 K2 Clutch cylinders l Accumulator

Standard circuit The suction pipe with filter (a) of a precision gear pump (b) is immersed in the oil bath of the machine. This pump delivers the oil to the directional control valve (e). When the clutch is engaged, the excess quantity of oil that is delivered flows via a pressure relief valve (d) into the internal lubrication line (i). The amount of cooling oil can be regulated with the variable restrictor (f).

Standard circuit for clutches requiring intensive internal oiling If, as the result of the high level of friction work or the high frequency of engagement, the amount of heat generated by the clutch is high, an adequate amount of cooling oil is required to dissipate this heat. The circuit differs from the standard circuit in that it has a separate internal oil supply from a second pump.

General notes

EN 5.04.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Circuit for delayed engagement A throttle non-return valve (h) and a spring accumulator (l) are positioned downstream of the directional control valve. When the clutch is engaged, the restrictor and the volume of the accumulator, which has to be filled, roduce a delayed build-up of the clutch pressure and hence the clutch torque. The oil can flow rapidly out of the clutch when it is disengaged, via the non-return valve.

Circuit for smooth engagement This circuit contains, as additional items, a spring accumulator (l) and an adjustable restrictor (f1). When the clutch is engaged, the volume of oil in (l) brings the piston rapidly into contact with the plate stack. Restrictor (f1) determines the rate of the torque increase. The sizes of the spring accumulator and restrictor must be selected in accordance with the particular application.

Application example

Hydraulically actuated Ortlinghaus Sinus multi-plate clutch, friction combination steel/sintered lining, fitted in a machine tool gearbox.

General notes

EN 5.05.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

standard; further components can be protected against rust on request. The pressure to release the brakes lies between 10 and 50 bar; in addition they can be pressurised to a maximum of 320 bar for short periods of time. As a result of the springapplied braking process which occurs automatically when either the oil is depressurised or the pressure oil supply fails, they can be used as safety brakes, in particular in lifting gear. In cases where the pressure oil supply fails, the brake can be released manually with the aid of the jacking screws (7).


The oil feed pipes and the return lines must be of adequate dimensions if a delay-free application/ releasing of the brake is to be ensured. The return lines should offer the least possible resistance to flow. If manual release of the brake is required using the jacking screws (7), the brake must be installed in such a way that there is sufficient space to access them. In order to prevent faults in the hydraulic system, it is important that absolute cleanliness is maintained during installation. Different versions are available to suit different installation situations. These are shown in the following examples. Non-centering version, series 0022-..0/..9

Braking The brake is applied when it is in its de-energized state. The axial force of the springs (5) pushes the piston (6) which in turn compresses the plate stack (2) against the stop plate (1) so that a frictional connection is produced. Releasing of the brake The pressure oil is fed into the brake through the non-rotating cylinder (4). The piston (6) moves against the pressure of the springs; the brake is released.


Hydraulically released, spring-applied multi-plate brakes are characterised by the low amount of space they require, the low moment of inertia of the rotating parts and by the high application frequencies that can be permitted. To a large extent they require no maintenance. Cylinder and piston are protected against rust as

This closed version can be fitted on an extended shaft journal outside the gearbox.

With the open flange as above, the brake can be fitted on a continuous shaft, e.g. inside a gearbox.

General notes

EN 5.06.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Centering version, series 0022-..1 Circuit proposals for hydraulically released, spring-applied multi-plate brakes on hydraulic motors a = Suction filter Pump b, b1, b2 = c, c1, c2 = Electric motor d = Pressure relief valve e, e1, e2 = Directional control valve g = Restrictor (for damping pressure shocks) h = Non-return valve l = Brake m = Hydraulic motor

In this solid version with identical outer and inner centering, the forces generated by spring tension and piston pressure are supported within the brake. Bolts serve for fastening only, e.g. between hydraulic motor and gearbox. Perfect centering is guaranteed. All types of hydraulic motor can be fitted with the aid of an intermediate flange.

Version with two different inner centerings, series 0022-320/620

Closed circuit of hydraulic pump and motor. When the hydraulic motor is started with the aid of valve (e1), the auxiliary valve (e2) for releasing the brake, is also energised.

This split version with two different inner centerings is used mainly when the input and output flanges are supplied by the customer.

In our technical product information on hydraulically released, spring-applied brakes, you will find detailed information on the installation and maintenance of brake systems". Pressure oil supply The brakes, piston and cylinder are sealed relative to one another in such a way that there is no eakage. As a result, the pressure oil supply only has to provide the volume of oil required for the disengagement operation. The quantity of oil necessary is determined by the size of the brake and the frequency with which the brake is to be released.

Open circuit for the hydraulic motor. The brake is kept released while the pump is being operated; the brake is applied when the system pressure falls.

General notes

EN 5.07.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Application examples

Installation of a hydraulically released, spring-applied multiplate brake, series 0022-601, in the travel gearbox of a crawler-mounted excavator

Installation of a brake, series 0022-320, in the drive of a hoisting winch.

General notes

EN 5.08.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Clutch/brake combined units
With these clutch/brake combined units, the clutch is engaged hydraulically and the brake is applied by spring pressure.

Properties, areas of application

Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units work exclusively with "wet-running", oilcooled plates with the friction combination steel/sintered lining. The advantages of the actuation system with pressure oil at 60 bar, a multiplate form of construction and oil-cooled friction combination steel/high performance sinter, lead to an extremely compact design with high output. These combined units provide high torques at low moments of inertia, permit high switching frequencies and require very little maintenance. These clutch/brake combined units represent an alternative to the dry-running combined units. They have proved themselves over many years in applications where the pneumatic clutch/brake is not satisfactory. Since they run in a sealed housing, no particles can escape into the environment. In addition the operating noise level is very low. With the help of these advantages, the hydraulic clutch/brake combined units have won for themselves a wide spectrum of applications in press and guillotine engineering, especially in the area of large presses. They are also to be found in embossing presses, deep-drawing presses and in other similar applications. The international rules on safety for presses were taken into account during their design. The clutch/ brake combined units have been recognized as safe by the German Employers Liability Insurance Association and have been type-tested by the Swedish Industrial Safety Authority. Braking In the de-energized state, the piston (4), which lies between the plates (3/5) of the clutch and the brake, pushes - under the action of the springs (6) - the brake plates (3) against the stop plate (2); as a result frictional connection is given and the brake is applied. Engagement of the clutch The piston (4) is subjected to pressure with pressure oil via the pressure oil inlet (1) (normally via the shaft and the clutch hub). It is moved away from the brake plates (3) until it makes contact on the clutch side, thus engaging the clutch. In the clutch/brake combined units, there is no overlap between the clutch and brake.

Notes on installation

The clutch/brake combined units are normally enclosed in a housing which does not rotate. The pressure oil is fed in through the shaft and the clutch hub; the recommended shaft tolerance h6/H7 should be maintained in order to avoid oil losses. Due to the very high demands placed on clutch/brake combined units in terms of operating speed, precise repeatable braking angle and thermal capacity, great care must be taken when determining the size and design of the oil circuit. For this reason we strongly recommend that you make use of our many years of experience in optimizing the performance of press drives and ask our engineers for advice. Page
EN 5.09.00

General notes


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Pressure oil and cooling oil supply A hydraulic power pack is required to supply clutch/ brake combined units with oil for actuation and cooling purposes. The size and design of this unit must be matched exactly to each particular application. In addition to the pressure and cooling oil pumps, Ortlinghaus hydraulic power packs contain all the actuation and safety elements that are needed for disruption-free operating (see section "Accessories"). The pressure oil under the operating pressure of 60 bar is introduced via a rotary inlet into the clutch shaft, from where it is led through the clutch hub into the cylinder; a part of the oil is used for lubricating and cooling the plates. Since the piston seals (metal rings of rectangular section) permit oil to pass around them, there is a continuous flow of leakage and cooling oil. This oil is collected in the housing and should be allowed to drain back to the tank without restriction. Where the thermal load is extremely high, it is often necessary to pass an additional flow of cooling oil through the housing; in this case a check should also be made as to whether a cooler should be provided to cool this volume of oil externally. When designing the pressure and cooling oil supply circuits, particular attention must be paid to the thermal capacity of the complete drive, in order to ensure that a satisfactory equilibrium is established between the frictional heat developed and the dissipation of this heat. Rotary coupling This design of rotary joint can be fitted onto the end of the shaft to take as many pipe connections as required. Sealing is by means of a floating bronze bush which is secured from turning, in the fixed housing, by a screw. This design allows the oil supply pipes to be connected directly into the inlet bores. With regard to this please also study the sections which follow on "Rotary inlets" and "Application examples". Accessories For the operating and actuating of hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes Ortlinghaus can supply an extensive range of accessories. We can supply: - rotary inlets - press safety valves - modular clutch-brake control systems - complete installations for mounting - complete hydraulic units, in particular for the actuation of clutch/brake combined units. These units also undertake the dissipation of frictional heat and are designed in thermal terms for each particular application. - cooling units for the dissipation of frictional heat from the cooling oil, either oil/air or oil/ water coolers - housings for enclosing clutch/brake combined units oil-tight.

Actuation systems for clutch/brake combined units

Many different hydraulic controls designs exist at Ortlinghaus for clutch-brake combined units. In particular is the use of these on high performance presses. Since it is not possible to represent these within the framework of this catalogue, please consult us about your particular requirement.

General notes

EN 5.10.00


Hydraulically actuated clutches and brakes

Application examples

Ways of installing hydraulic clutch/brake combined units

1 Clutch/brake combined unit 2 Housing 3 Rotary inlet 4 Flexible hose 5 Throttle 6 Press safety valve 7 Check valve 8 Accumulator 9 Pressure gauge 10 Stopcock 11 Hydraulic unit Principle of installing a hydraulic clutch/brake combined unit with control on an eccentric press

General notes

EN 5.11.00


Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units

Torque variations for clutch and brake

Series 0023-0../0123-0.. Spring pressure 24/27 bar *

Series 0023-1../0123-1.. Spring pressure 20/23 bar *

Series Size Clutch Brake Clutch Brake RF 1) Mstat[Nm] RF 1) Mdyn [Nm] RF 1) Mstat [Nm] RF 1) Mdyn[Nm] 2500 10 4000 16 6000 12 9000 18 12000 12 18000 18 24000 12 36000 18 48000 12 72000 18 110000 14 160000 20 225000 14 325000 20 315000 10 630000 20 1000 10 1600 16 2400 12 3600 18 4800 12 7200 18 9600 12 14400 18 22000 12 33000 18 80000 14 116000 20 150000 14 215000 20 120000 10 240000 20 2600 10 4100 16 6500 12 9750 18 12600 12 18900 18 25700 12 38550 18 54000 12 81000 18 135000 14 190000 20 265000 14 380000 20 350000 10 700000 20 830 1330 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 12000 18500 28000 68000 97000 125000 180000 100000 200000 0023-...- 63 standard 10 0023-...- 63 reinforced 16 0123-...- 75 standard 12 0123-...- 75 reinforced 18 0123-...- 80 standard 12 0123-... 80 reinforced 18 0123-...- 86 standard 12 0123-...- 86 reinforced 18 0123-...- 90 standard 12 0123-... 90 reinforced 18 0123-...- 94 standard 14 0123-...- 94 reinforced 20 0123-...- 96 standard 14 0123-...- 96 reinforced 20 0023-...- 98 standard 10 0023-...- 98 reinforced 20

Series 0023-2../0123-2.. Spring pressure 17 bar *

Series 0023-3../0123-3.. Spring pressure 13 bar *

Series Size Clutch Brake Clutch Brake RF 1) Mstat [Nm] RF 1) Mdyn [Nm] RF 1) Mstat [Nm] RF 1) Mdyn [Nm] 2900 10 4600 16 7250 12 10900 18 14100 12 21100 18 28700 12 43000 18 60000 12 90000 18 140000 14 200000 20 280000 14 400000 20 375000 10 750000 20 670 10 1070 16 1600 12 2400 18 3200 12 4800 18 6400 12 9600 18 14500 12 21500 18 54500 14 77000 20 100000 14 145000 20 80000 10 160000 20 3150 10 5000 16 8000 12 12000 18 15600 12 23400 18 31700 12 47500 18 66000 12 99000 18 140000 14 200000 20 280000 14 400000 20 400000 10 800000 20 500 800 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 7200 10400 15500 41000 58000 75000 105000 60000 120000 0023-...- 63 standard 10 0023-...- 63 reinforced 16 0123-...- 75 standard 12 0123-...- 75 reinforced 18 0123-...- 80 standard 12 0123-... 80 reinforced 18 0123-...- 86 standard 12 0123-...- 86 reinforced 18 0123-...- 90 standard 12 0123-... 90 reinforced 18 0123-...- 94 standard 14 0123-...- 94 reinforced 20 0123-...- 96 standard 14 0123-...- 96 reinforced 20 0023-...- 98 standard 10 0023-...- 98 reinforced 20

RF = frictional surfaces

*differs by sizes 94, 96 and 98

Standard and reinforced torques of clutch and brake can be combined with one another as required (see pages 5.14.00 to 5.19.00).

Series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.13.00


Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units

Brake with reinforced torque

Brake, reinforced


Important! Max. permissible peripheral speed of the seal 10 m/s

M: fitting space necessary for Ringfeder RfN 7012 locking assembly

Provide dowel pins! G flange housing only sizes 94 to 98 Series Size Mstat clutch Mdyn brake Frictional surface clutch/brake Operating pressure Spring return pressure n max 0023 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0023 63 75 80 86 90 94 96 98 Nm 2500 6000 12000 24000 48000 110000 225000 315000 Nm 1600 3600 7200 14400 33000 116000 215000 240000 10/16 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 14/20 14/20 10/20 bar 60+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 87+3 86+3 60+5 bar 24 27 27 27 27 47 45 24

min-1 1700 1300 1000 850 700 500 415 350 Sroke volume dm3 0,014 0,029 0,047 0,083 0,147 0,186 0,340 0,84 J internal Weight Locking assembly RfN7012 kgm2 0,129 0,3333 1,1 2,85 7,55 35,4 107,2 255 kg 37 70 138 239 450 2720

- 95x135 130x180 160x210 200x260 - - A prebored 45 60 70 100 115 150 180 220 A max H7 75 95 130 160 200 250 310 375 Keyway 20x4,9 25x5,4 32x7,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 70x14,4 80x15,4 B 260 330 425 500 630 800 990 1180 C 245 310 400 470 590 750 930 1115 D 230 290 380 440 560 710 - E 215 275 350 415 530 670 830 1000 Diameters F 195 250 318 380 490 630 778 930 G (12x30) 9 11 14 18 22 30 33 36 H - 135 180 210 260 - - K 6 7 10 12 15 19 24 28 L 152 184 226 272 307 443 - L1 171 206 251 302 342 488 - L2 - - - - - 408 496 552 M - 11,5 14 14 16 - - N - 8 12 15 18 - - O 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 Length dimensions P 11 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 T - 28 38 38 52 - - U 131 161 205 237 267 398 - V 126 156 196 237 266 398 476 532 W 47 57 74 92 102 160 159 125 X 16 18 20 25 30 35 - X1 35 40 45 55 65 80 - Dimensions L/X narrow cup housing Dimensions L1/X1 wide cup housing Dimensions L2 clutch and brake with flange housing Diameter G brake 12 x 30, clutch 24 x 15 For further torque variations see page 5.13.00 For rotary inlets for pressure oil see page 5.45.00

Series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.14.00


Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units

Brake Clutch

Important! Max. permissible peripheral speed of the seal 10 m/s

Provide dowel pins! Series Size Mstat clutch Mdyn brake Frictional surface clutch/brake Operating pressure Spring return pressure n max

G flange housing only sizes 94 to 98 0023 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0023 63 75 80 86 90 94 96 98 Nm 2500 6000 12000 24000 48000 110000 225000 315000 Nm 1000 2400 4800 9600 22000 80000 150000 120000 10/10 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 14/14 14/14 10/10 bar 60+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 87+3 86+3 60+5 bar 24 27 27 27 27 47 45 24

min-1 1700 1300 1000 850 700 500 415 350 Sroke volume dm3 0,01 0,021 0,034 0,059 0,108 0,141 0,260 0,542 J internal Weight Locking assembly RfN7012 kgm2 0,12 0,3 1 2,55 6,75 31,8 96,4 210 kg 33 62 120 212 400 2245

- 95x135 130x180 160x210 200x260 - - A prebored 45 60 70 100 115 150 180 220 A max H7 75 95 130 160 200 250 310 375 Keyway 20x4,9 25x5,4 32x7,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 70x14,4 80x15,4 B 260 330 425 500 630 800 990 1180 C 245 310 400 470 590 750 930 1115 D 230 290 380 440 560 710 - E 215 275 350 415 530 670 830 1000 Diameters F 195 250 318 380 490 630 778 930 G (12x30) 9 11 14 18 22 30 33 36 H - 135 180 210 260 - - K 6 7 10 12 15 19 24 28 L 136 163 200 240 270 397 - L1 155 185 225 270 305 442 - L2 - - - - - 362 442 445 M - 11,5 14 14 16 - - N - 8 12 15 18 - - O 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 Length dimensions P 11 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 T - 28 38 38 52 - - U 115 140 180 205 230 352 - V 110 135 170 205 230 352 422 425 W 31 36 48 60 65 113 139 125 X 16 18 20 25 30 35 - X1 35 40 45 55 65 80 - Dimensions L/X narrow cup housing Dimensions L1/X1 wide cup housing Dimensions L2 clutch and brake with flange housing Diameter G brake 12 x 30, clutch 24 x 15 For further torque variations see page 5.13.00 For rotary inlets for pressure oil see page 5.45.00

Series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.15.00


Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units

Clutch with reinforced torque


Clutch, reinforced

Important! Max. permissible peripheral speed of the seal 10 m/s

Provide dowel pins! G flange housing only sizes 94 to 98 Series Size Mstat clutch Mdyn brake Frictional surface clutch/brake Operating pressure Spring return pressure n max 0023 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0023 63 75 80 86 90 94 96 98 Nm 4000 9000 18000 36000 72000 160000 325000 630000 Nm 1000 2400 4800 9600 22000 80000 150000 120000 16/10 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 20/14 20/14 20/10 bar 60+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 87+3 86+3 60+5 bar 24 27 27 27 27 47 45 24

min-1 1700 1300 1000 850 700 500 415 350 Sroke volume dm3 0,014 0,029 0,047 0,083 0,147 0,186 0,340 0,84 J 1,1 2,85 7,55 35,4 107,2 255 kg 37 70 138 239 450 2720 A prebored 45 60 70 100 115 150 180 220 A max H7 75 95 130 160 200 250 310 375 Keyway 20x4,9 25x5,4 32x7,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 70x14,4 80x15,4 B 260 330 425 500 630 800 990 1180 C 245 310 400 470 590 750 930 1115 D 230 290 380 440 560 710 - Diameters E 215 275 350 415 530 670 830 1000 F 195 250 318 380 490 630 778 930 G (12x30) 9 11 14 18 22 30 33 36 K 6 7 10 12 15 19 24 28 L 152 184 226 272 306 444 - L1 171 206 251 302 341 489 - L2 - - - - - 409 496 552 O 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 P 11 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 Length dimensions S 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 U 131 161 205 237 266 399 - V 126 156 196 237 266 399 476 532 W 31 36 48 60 65 113 139 125 X 16 18 20 25 30 35 - X1 35 40 45 55 65 80 - Weight Dimensions L/X narrow cup housing Dimensions L1/X1 wide cup housing Dimensions L2 clutch and brake with flange housing Diameter G brake 12 x 30, clutch 24 x 15 For further torque variations see page 5.13.00 For rotary inlets for pressure oil see page 5.45.00 internal kgm2 0,129 0,333

Series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.16.00


Hydraulically actuated clutch/brake combined units

Clutch and brake with reinforced torque

Brake, reinforced

Clutch, reinforced

Important! Max. permissible peripheral speed of the seal 10 m/s

Provide dowel pins! Series Size Mstat clutch Mdyn brake Frictional surface clutch/brake Operating pressure Spring return pressure n max

G flange housing only sizes 94 to 98 0023 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0023 63 75 80 86 90 94 96 98 Nm 4000 9000 18000 36000 72000 160000 325000 630000 Nm 1600 3600 7200 14400 33000 116000 215000 240000 16/16 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 20/20 20/20 20/20 bar 60+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 63+5 87+3 86+3 60+5 bar 24 27 27 27 27 47 45 24

min-1 1700 1300 1000 850 700 500 415 350 Sroke volume dm3 0,0014 0,029 0,047 0,083 0,147 0,186 0,340 0,84 kgm2 0,138 0,366 1,2 3,11 8,35 39 118 300 Weight kg 44 78 156 266 500 - - A prebored 45 60 70 100 115 150 180 220 J internal A max H7 Keyway B C D Diameters E F G (12x30) K L L1 L2 O P Length dimensions S U V W X X1

75 95 130 160 200 250 310 375 20x4,9 25x5,4 32x7,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 70x14,4 80x15,4 260 330 425 500 630 800 990 1180 245 310 400 470 590 750 930 1115 230 290 380 440 560 710 - 215 275 350 415 530 670 - 195 250 318 380 490 630 830 1000 9 11 14 18 22 30 33 36 6 7 10 12 15 19 24 28 168 205 252 304 343 490 - 187 227 277 334 378 535 - - - - - - 455 550 650 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 11 12 16 20 25 30 40 50 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 152 185 235 275 310 445 - 142 177 222 269 303 445 530 640 47 57 74 92 102 159 193 232 16 18 20 25 30 35 - 35 40 45 55 65 80 - Diameter G brake 12 x 30, clutch 24 x 15 For further torque variations see page 5.13.00 For rotary inlets for pressure oil see page 5.45.00

Dimensions L/X narrow cup housing Dimensions L1/X1 wide cup housing Dimensions L2 clutch and brake with flange housing

Series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.17.00


Hydraulically actuated multi-plate clutches

Numbering table for design variations 0127- . 0 . -Size-010100

0 1 2 3

12 Friction surfaces with oil inlet 16 Friction surfaces with oil inlet 20 Friction surfaces with oil inlet 24 Friction surfaces with oil inlet 20 Friction surfaces, oil inlet with proximity switch

0 Hub with annular groove for tension sets 1 Hub with keyway 5 Hub prebored

Series 0127

EN 5.19.00


Hydraulically actuated multi-plate clutches

Bl. 1926

Schwungrag = flywheel Druckloser Rcklauf = pressure free drain Druckl = pressure oil Messanschlsse = measuring ports Schmierung = cooling oil Welle = shaft

Series Size Friction surface

0127-...-Size-010100 000-80 100-80 200-80 000-86 100-86 200-86 000-90 100-90 200-90 000-94 100-94 200-94 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20

100000 136000 170000 M Nm 15000 20000 25000 24000 32000 40000 50000 68000 85000 100000 Ms Nm 10000 13000 16000 14000 19000 24000 30000 40000 50000 60000 80000 1000 830 640 500 n max min-1 80+5 80+5 80+5 90+5 Operating pressure bar ~12 ~12 ~11 ~13 Back pressure bar 19 26 32 27 36 45 52 69 86 90 120 150 cm3 2 0,27 0,35 0,43 0,73 0,94 1,14 2,35 3,00 3,66 8,4 10,8 13,3 J internal kgm Stroke volume approx. kg 113 127 141 196 221 244 319 360 402 651 747 843 60 100 115 150 A prebored 140 190 250 320 A max H7 190 245 310 390 B max 255 311 405 520 C 450 520 640 800 Diameters D 13 18 22 30 24 x *D 475 550 680 850 E g7 410 488 600 750 F Weight K L N Length P dimensions Q S T U W 180 260 260 308 63,5 71 71 93 122 138 154 142 162 181,5 168 190 212 223 255 287 40 55 55 66 16 20 22 30 10 10 10 12 2 2 3 4 48 64 80 60 80 99,5 67 89 111 97 129 161 80 96 112 102 122 141,5 120 142 164 161 193 225

Series 0127

EN 5.20.00


Hydraulically actuated multi-plate clutches

Bl. 1926

Schwungrag = flywheel Druckloser Rcklauf = pressure free drain Druckl = pressure oil Messanschlsse = measuring ports Schmierung = cooling oil Welle = shaft

Series Size Friction surface



0127-...-Size-010100 200-96 000-98



20 M Nm 200000 270000 340000 360000 480000 600000 Ms Nm 120000 160000 200000 210000 290000 360000 n max min-1 537 448 Operating pressure Back pressure Stroke volume bar 90+5 90+5 bar ~21 ~15 cm3 175 233 292 270 360 450 109,0 2560

12 16 20 12 16

J internal kgm2 28 36,3 44,5 69,0 89,0 Weight approx. kg 1200 1375 1550 2140 2350 A prebored A max H7 B max C Diameters D 24 x *D E g7 F K L N Length P dimensions Q S T U W

180 220 310 375 500 600 645 765 1000 1165 31 39 1060 1230 940 1100 470 470 92 103 276 313 350 320 362 404 50 50 40 50 16 20 4 4 113 150 187 142 184 226 178 215 252 236 278 320

Series 0127

EN 5.21.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Numbering table for design variations 0128- . 0 . -Size-010100

0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8

12 friction surfaces 16 friction surfaces 20 friction surfaces 24 friction surfaces 12 friction surfaces, with incremental encodes 16 friction surfaces, with incremental encodes 20 friction surfaces, with incremental encodes 24 friction surfaces, with incremental encodes

0 Hub with annular groove for tension sets 1 Hub with keyway 5 Hub prebored

Series 0128

EN 5.23.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

torque by max. Spring-applied

Schmierung = cooling oil Druckl = pressure oil Inkrementaler Drehgeber = incremental encodes lrcklauf = oil drain Maschinenstnder = machine frame Welle = shaft Bl. 1927

Series Size Friction surface

0128-...-Size-010100 000- 80 100-80 200-80 000-86 100-86 200-86 000-90 100-90 200-90 000-94 100-94 200-94 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 16 20

M Nm 9000 12000 15000 16500 22000 27500 33000 44000 55000 68000 90000 110000 Ms Nm 5600 7500 9300 10000 13500 17000 20000 27000 34000 40000 55000 68000 n max min-1 1000 830 ~45 640 500 Operating pressure bar 80+5 80+5 80+5 90+5 Spring return press. bar ~36 Stroke volume Weight cm3 ~43 ~47 19 26 32 27 36 45 52 69 86 90 120 150

J internal kgm2 0,27 0,35 0,43 0,73 0,94 1,14 2,35 3,00 3,66 8,4 10,8 13,3 approx. kg 99 114 128 163 188 211 290 331 372 599 694 790 60 100 115 150 140 190 250 320 190 245 310 390 255 311 405 520 450 520 640 800 13 18 22 30 475 550 680 850 410 488 600 750 122 138 154 142 162 181,5 168 190 212 223 255 287 16 20 22 30 10 10 10 12 2 2 3 4 48 64 80 60 80 99,5 67 89 111 97 129 161 80 96 112 102 122 141,5 120 142 164 161 193 225 A prebored A max H7 B max C Diameters D 16 x *D E g7 F N Q Length R dimensions T U W

Series 0128

EN 5.24.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

torque by max. Spring-applied

Schmierung = cooling oil Druckl = pressure oil Inkrementaler Drehgeber = incremental encodes lrcklauf = oil drain Maschinenstnder = machine frame Welle = shaft Bl. 1927

20 M Nm 134000 178000 220000 250000 340000 425000 Ms Nm 80000 110000 136000 150000 200000 250000 n max min-1 Operating pressure Spring return press. Stroke volume bar 90+5 90+5 bar ~45 ~52 cm3 175 233 292 270 360

Series Size Friction surface

000- 96


0128-...-Size-010100 200-96 000-98



12 16 20 12 16

450 J internal kgm2 28 36,3 44,5 69 89 109 Weight approx. kg 1133 1308 1484 1766 2062 2334 A prebored A max H7 B max Diameters C D 16 x *D E g7 F N Q Length R dimensions T U W 180 220 310 375 500 600 645 765 1000 1165 31 39 1060 1230 940 1100 269 306 343 316 358 40 50 16 20 4 4 113 150 187 142 184 178 215 252 236 278 400

226 320

Series 0128

EN 5.25.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

for Servo-Presses

Series Size friction surfaces n max



0170 84



2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4

Tstat Nm 1875 3750 3750 7500 7500 15000 15000 30000 30000 60000 min-1

operating pressure bar 60 60 60 60 60 backpressure bar 52 52 52 50 50 stroke volume cm3 12 20 31 45 91 J innen kgm2 0,09 0,16 0,18 0,33 0,34 0,58 0,7 1,2 1,4 2,5 weight kg 42 47 66 76 123 141 215 247 485 565 A max H7 B max C D E F G diameters Hg6 K L M N O P Q R S lengths T dimensions U V W 65 80 100 130 160 95 120 145 180 210 109 141 173 217 260 124 157 193 239 290 6xM5 6xM5 6xM6 6xM6 6XM8 172 138 229 184 270 217 340 273 400 325 182 234 287 362 440 248 312 380 480 670 263 330 404 508 710 12xM10 12xM14 12xM16 12xM20 12xM24 284 358 438 548 762 G1/8 G1/8 G1/8 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 G1/8 G3/8 G3/8 direct connection PSV, direct connection PSV, direct connection
alternativ G1/2 alternativ G1/2 PSV

88 105 109 129 136 161 158 189 182 220 4 5 5 6 7 94 111 117 137 147 172 172 203 202 240 17 20 27 27 29 25 39 38 43 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 4 5 6 7 10 38 64 60 78 70 100 79 116 79 116

* subjekt to modifications

Series 0170

EN 5.27.00


Hydraulically actuated Sinus multi-plate clutches

Standard version for wet-running

Oil inlet

<- X
View X Up to size 23 one keyway offset by 180 relative to the oil inlet; from size 27 two keyways offset as shown relative to oil inlet. Series Size Operating pressure Back pressure n max cylinder1) n rel. max2) Stroke volume J

0021-007-Size-000000 15 23 27 32 39 43 47 55 bar bar 18 20

Mdyn Nm 200 280 400 560 800 1250 2000 4000 2 2,6 3 4 4,7 4,5 4,8 5

min-1 min-1 cm3 cm3

5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 4300 3900 3100 8700 7400 6700 5800 5200 4500 4100 3200 6 8 11 14 23 33 54 108 10 17 21 30 46 64 102 215 18,1 35,6 51,1 102,2 186,1 320,4 621,6 1951,9 10,8 27,2 48,2 80,4 168,7 270,8 468,2 1472,3 2,4 3,6 4,7 6,7 10,2 13,7 20,3 41,3

new condition with max. wear

internal kgcm2 external kgcm2 approx. kg


A prebored A1 prebored A max H7 Keyway DIN 6885 D Diameters F J K L M N m Length dimensions P U V W Z

1) 2)

18 25 25 25 32 32 32 40 18 20 20 20 25 28 28 30 38 45 48 60 65 70 75 82 10x2,4 14x2,1 14x2,1 18x2,3 18x2,3 20x2,7 20x2,7 22x3,1 95 112 125 140 160 180 200 252 48 55 63 72 80 85 95 115 90 104 110 125 140 155 185 230 4 4,5 4,5 5,5 6 7 7 8 58 66 70 80 93 98 110 137 34 41 44 50 60 64 70 88 12 12 12 15 21 24 24 36 10 12 12 14 14 12 15 15 5 9 9 9 12 12 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 52 56 60 70 80 85 95 120 9 10 11 12 14,5 15 18 21 6 6,5 7,5 8 9 9 12 15 Friction combination steel/sintered lining only for wet-running Tolerances for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information

Account must be taken of the possible back pressure Maximum relative speed of the inner and outer clutch parts taking into account the direction of rotation

Versions with radial introduction of the oil available on request Further housing versions on request

Series 0021-007

EN 5.29.00


Hydraulically actuated Sinus-multi-plate clutches

Version for high torques with shoulder housing

Series 0021-303: without emergency engagement facility, standard version Series 0021-333: with emergency engagement facility, available on request For version for high thermal loading, see series 0002 Bores: provide additional straight pins! Emergency engagement, series 0021-333: should the hydraulics fail, remove the plug screws and press the piston against the plate stack by screwing in the emergency engagement screws provided to the recommended torque. Oil inlet

<- X
View X Series Size Mdyn Operating pressure Back pressure n rel. max2) Stroke volume 0021-3.3-Size-000000 55 59 63 66 72 75 78 Nm 7000 11200 16000 22500 32000 45000 63000 bar 20 25 bar 4,7 2,7 2,61 2,78 2,95 3,04 3

n max cylinder1) min-1 3100 2250 2000 1800 1600 1400 1250 3200 3070 2725 2450 2095 1930 1710 min-1 0,177 0,186 0,261 0,342 0,466 0,67 0,881 new condition dm3 0,225 0,309 0,423 0,583 0,809 1,116 1,493 with max. wear dm3

5,8 7 8 10 14 16 21 Internal min l/min 17,5 20 25 31 41 50 62 oiling max l/min J Weight A 0,25 0,29 0,52 0,85 1,62 2,7 5 internal kgm2 0,23 0,27 0,45 0,82 1,41 2,3 3,9 external kgm2 approx. prebored 50 55 75 125 140 210 275 kg 40 50 50 70 80 80 100 82 100 110 125 150 165 190 H7 22x3,1 28x6,4 28x6,4 32x7,4 36x8,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 DIN 6885 285 300 330 365 415 455 505 260 280 310 340 390 430 480 260 280 310 345 395 430 485 245 260 290 320 370 405 455 115 130 145 165 200 220 250 12xM10 12xM10 12xM12 12xM14 18xM12 18xM14 18xM16 170 178 200 220 265 290 330 230 240 270 300 340 380 428 8 8 10 12 12 14 16 173 171 186 203 228 254 284 117 117 125 134 150 165 188 34 30 34 36 42 45 53 79 76 83 88 100 110 127 12 12 12 15 15 20 20 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 18 18 20 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 157 155 170 185 210 235 265 21 19 23 27 29 32 36 15 12 15 18 20 21 24 Friction combination steel/sintered lining only for wet-running Tolerances for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information"

A max Keyway B C D E H7 Diameters F G H J K L M N1 N2 m Length dimensions n O T V W Z

1) 2)

Account must be taken of the possible back pressure Maximum relative speed of the inner and outer clutch parts taking into account the direction of rotation

Series 0021-3.3

EN 5.30.00


Hydraulically actuated Sinus-multi-plate clutches

Version for high torques with shoulder housing

Series 0021-303: without emergency engagement facility, standard version Series 0021-333: with emergency engagement facility, available on request For version for high thermal loading, see series 0002 Bores: provide additional straight pins! Emergency engagement, series 0021-333: should the hydraulics fail, remove the plug screws and press the piston against the plate stack by screwing in the emergency engagement screws provided to the recommended torque. Oil inlet

<- X
View X Series Size Mdyn Operating pressure Back pressure n n rel. max2) Stroke volume new condition with max. wear 0021-3.3-Size-000000 79 81 85 89 91 94 96 90000 125000 180000 250000 315000 450000 630000 Nm 25 bar 2,84 2,6 2,6 2,8 3,1 2,73 2,83 bar 1555 1400 1245 1125 1000 890 815 min-1 1,22 1,7 2,02 2,757 3,354 4,6 6,202 dm3 2 2,88 3,88 5,31 6,709 9,2 12,403 dm3 26 34 43 56 63 86 105 l/min 78 100 128 167 190 260 315 l/min

1150 1000 900 900 750 700 600 max cylinder1) min-1

Internal min oiling max

8,1 14 25 37 69,5 117,5 204,8 J internal kgm2 6 9,5 18,5 26,5 48 70 104 external kgm2 Weight A approx. prebored 360 480 650 900 1250 1650 2210 kg 100 120 120 120 150 150 200 210 235 265 285 315 370 400 H7 50x11,4 56x12,4 63x12,4 63x12,4 70x14,4 80x15,4 90x17,4 DIN 6885 560 620 700 785 860 970 1050 530 585 660 740 820 920 1000 530 585 660 740 820 920 1000 500 550 620 695 780 870 955 280 300 340 370 430 500 530 18xM20 18xM24 18xM24 24xM24 24xM24 24xM27 24xM30 365 405 460 500 560 675 725 473 525 592 665 740 835 920 17 18 20 20 22 24 28 309 334 369 394 431 481 531 208 224 245 250 264 294 320 62 69 78 80 85 96 109 144 157 174 176 188 212 237 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 30 36 36 36 40 45 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 290 315 350 375 400 450 500 42 44 51 53 55 62 69 15 31 37 38 40 45 50 Friction combination Tolerances steel/sintered lining only for wet-running for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information"

A max Keyway B C D E H7 Diameters F G H J K L M N1 N2 m Length dimensions n O T V W Z

1) 2)

Account must be taken of the possible back pressure Maximum relative speed of the inner and outer clutch parts taking into account the direction of rotation

Series 0021-3.3

EN 5.31.00


Hydraulically actuated Sinus-multi-plate clutches

Version for high thermal loading with flange housing

Series 0002-871: without emergency engagement facility, standard version Series 0002-881: with emergency engagement facility, available on request For version for higher torques and larger bores see series 0021 Provide oil exit grooves! Bores: provide additional straight pins! Emergency engagement, series 0002-881: should the hydraulics fail, remove the plug screws and press the piston against the plate stack by screwing in the emergency engagement screws provided to the recommended torque. View X Oil inlet

<- X

Series Size Operating pressure

63-000 69-000 69-001 75-000 78-000 81-000 81-003 81-004 84-001 87-000 87-001


9000 12000 17000 24000 37000 45000 60000 75000 102000 140000 175000 Mdyn Nm 24 bar

Back pressure bar 2,8 2,2 2,2 2,6 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,5 1,7 1,6 n max cylinder1) min-1 2200 1800 1800 1500 1200 1000 1000 1000 800 750 750 n rel. max2) min-1 2900 2500 2500 2000 1800 1500 1500 1500 1300 1150 1150 Stroke new condition dm3 0,173 0,211 0,288 0,352 0,51 0,625 0,865 1,057 1,409 1,772 2,303 0,38 0,538 0,653 0,812 1,148 1,537 1,826 2,018 3,003 3,898 4,784 volume with max. wear dm3 J Weight A prebored internal kgm2 0,366 0,744 0,844 1,787 3,254 6,728 7,443 8,199 14,87 33,58 35,8 external kgm2 0,348 0,821 1,043 1,677 3,391 5,919 7,139 8,29 12,83 25,79 30,06 88,1 105,3 136,2 210 292 334 372 481 810 895 approx. kg 54,8 50 50 50 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100

90 110 110 150 165 180 180 180 245 260 260 A max H7 25x5,4 28x6,4 28x6,4 36x8,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 45x10,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 56x12,4 56x12,4 Keyway DIN 6885 370 430 430 500 550 680 680 680 750 850 850 B 340 400 400 470 520 632 632 632 705 800 800 C 315 370 370 435 490 580 580 580 650 750 750 D 295H7 345H7 345H7 410H7 465H7 560+0,2 560+0,2 560+0,2 620+0,2 710+0,2 710+0,2 E +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 125 142 142 200 210 240 240 240 300 330 330 Diameters F 15 17 17 17 17 26 26 26 26 26 26 G 23,5 25,5 25,5 25,5 25,5 H 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 Number of holes 270 290 290 350 380 460 460 460 535 630 630 J 10 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 20 20 20 K L M N1/N2 mxn O P Length R dimensions S T U V W Z

146 180 205 203 245 234 261 289 320 378 413 75 85 115 105 145 115 145 170 160 172 205 35/ 35/ 35/75 50/ 62/ 48/ 40/85 45/125 70/135 120/ 80/180 15x3 18x3 18x3 18x3 18x3 25x3 25x3 25x3 25x4 30x5 30x5 15 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 25 35 35 15 15 13 15 15 15 15 15 38 38 38 7,5 10 10 10 10 20 20 18 20 20 20 20 20 43 53 53 9,5 10 8 10 11 12,5 11 11 13 13 13 20 25 23 23 25 25 25 25 13 13 13 115 150 177 173 213 200 227 255 290 365 400 27 32 32 32 34 43 43 43 50 60 60 18 18 18 19 20 26 26 26 30 40 40 Friction combination Tolerances steel/sintered lining only for wet-running for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information"

1) 2)

Account must be taken of the possible back pressure Maximum relative speed of the inner and outer clutch parts taking into account the direction of rotation

Series 0002-8.1

EN 5.33.00


Hydraulically actuated Sinus-multi-plate clutches

Version for high thermal loading with shoulder housing

Series 0002-873: without emergency engagement facility, standard version Series 0002-883: with emergency engagement facility, available on request For version for higher torques and larger bores see series 0021 Provide oil exit grooves! Bores: provide additional straight pins! Emergency engagement, series 0002-883: should the hydraulics fail, remove the plug screws and press the piston against the plate stack by screwing in the emergency engagement screws provided to the recommended torque.

View X

Oil inlet

<- X

Series Size Operating pressure

63-000 69-000 69-001 75-000 78-000 81-000 81-003 81-004 84-001 87-000 87-001


Mdyn Nm 9000 12000 17000 24000 37000 45000 60000 75000 102000 140000 175000 bar 24 Back pressure bar 2,8 2,2 2,2 2,6 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,5 1,7 1,6 n max cylinder1) min-1 2200 1800 1800 1500 1200 1000 1000 1000 800 750 750 n rel. max2) min-1 Stroke volume J Weight A prebored
new condition dm3 with max. wear dm3

2900 2500 2500 2000 1800 1500 1500 1500 1300 1150 1150 0,173 0,211 0,288 0,352 0,51 0,625 0,865 1,057 1,409 1,772 2,303 0,38 0,538 0,653 0,812 1,148 1,537 1,826 2,018 3,003 5,898 4,784

internal kgm2 0,366 0,744 0,844 1,787 3,254 6,728 7,443 8,199 14,87 33,58 35,8 external kgm2 0,312 0,746 1,013 1,533 3,337 4,936 6,247 7,363 12,96 24,91 29,41 approx. kg 53,8 86,6 105,1 134,1 210 282 327 363 484 807 894

50 50 50 80 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 A max H7 90 110 110 150 165 180 180 180 245 260 260 Keyway DIN 6885 25x5,4 28x6,4 28x6,4 36x8,4 40x9,4 45x10,4 45x10,4 45x10,4 56x12,4 56x12,4 56x12,4 B 335 395 395 460 515 610 610 610 700 800 800 C 310 365 365 430 485 580 580 580 655 750 750 D 315 370 370 435 490 580 580 580 650 750 750 E 295H7 345H7 345H7 410H7 465H7 555+0,2 555+0,2 555+0,2 620+0,2 710+0,2 710+0,2 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 Diameters F 125 142 142 200 210 240 240 240 300 330 330 G 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 12x 16x 20x 20x M12 M14 M14 M14 M16 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24 J 270 290 290 350 380 460 460 460 535 630 630 K 10 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 20 20 20 L 146 180 205 203 245 234 261 289 320 378 413 M 75 85 115 105 145 115 145 170 160 172 205 N1/N2 35/- 35/- 35/75 50/- 62/- 48/- 40/85 45/125 70/135 120/- 80/180 mxn 15x3 18x3 18x3 18x3 18x3 25x3 25x3 25x3 25x4 30x5 30x5 O 28 35 35 35 45 30 30 30 45 50 50 Length P 15 15 13 15 15 15 15 15 38 38 38 dimensions S 20 20 18 20 20 20 20 20 43 53 53 T 9,5 10 8 10 11 12,5 11 11 13 13 13 U 20 25 23 23 25 25 25 25 13 13 13 V 115 150 177 173 213 200 227 255 290 365 400 W 27 32 32 32 34 43 43 43 50 60 60 Z 18 18 18 19 20 26 26 26 30 40 40
1) 2)

Account must be taken of the possible back pressure Maximum relative speed of the inner and outer clutch parts taking into account the direction of rotation

Friction combination Tolerances

steel/sintered lining only for wet-running for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information"

Series 0002-8.3

EN 5.34.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Non-centering version

Numbering table for design variation 0 - 022 - . . . -Size- 00. .00 dry-running .08 wet-running

0 1 2 3 5 6

Closed version with thrust plate Open version Closed version Open version without thrust plate

Torque standard

Closed version with thrust plate Open version Closed version without thrust plate Open version Pipe connection with metric thread Pipe connection with inch thread Pipe connection with metric thread Pipe connection with inch thread without flange with flange

Torque strengthened and maximum with hub without hub

7 8 0 1 2 3 0 9

Series 0022-..0/..9

EN 5.35.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Non-centering version

Centering length

Flange Emergency disengagement: should the hydraulic pump fail, remove the plugs and release the piston with screws (not applicable with size 07)

<- X

Hub Thrust plate Leakage oil plug offset 0 or 180 relative to oil inlet (standard version: 180)

Form X as per DIN 3852 (with size 07 use a tapered thread)

View X Size A B C 60 30 60 15

07 6x60

1115 6x60

2378 12x30 30 15 84 16 / / 90 20 / /

Series 0022-..0/..9

EN 5.36.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Non-centering version

90 Mdyn dry Nm 50 60 120 170 250 400 650 1100 1800 3000 standard Mstat 70 80 165 240 350 550 900 1500 2500 4100 Mdyn wet Nm 33 40 70 115 155 270 430 760 1165 1980 Mstat 50 60 120 175 230 400 645 1135 1750 2970 Pressure2)m in bar 15 19 19 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Mdyn dry Nm 65 100 180 270 350 600 1000 1600 2600 4500 7150 13000 19300 33000 60000 stengthened Mstat 90 140 250 370 480 820 1350 2200 3600 6200 9820 17900 26600 46000 81500 Mdyn wet Nm 45 65 110 180 230 395 670 1100 1755 2880 4775 8650 12850 21870 39320 Mstat 65 100 160 270 345 590 1000 1650 2635 4325 7180 13000 19330 32890 59130 Pressure2) min bar 20 28 28 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 27 23 18 22 Series Size Mdyn maximum Mstat
dry Nm

Series Size

0022-...-Size-002001) 07 11 15 23 25 31 39 47 55 63 69 75 78 84

0022-...-Size-003.001) 07 11 15 23 25 31 39 47 55 63 69 75 78 84


85 160 260 320 550 970 1320 2660 4300 6300 12110 20000 30000 55000 87500 120 220 360 450 760 1330 1810 3700 5900 8600 16660 27000 40500 75000 120000

Mdyn wet Nm 60 110 170 210 365 640 875 1750 2840 4165 7710 13080 19000 35470 58000 Mstat 90 170 255 320 550 965 1315 2630 4270 6265 11590 19670 28570 53342 87250 2) Pressure min bar 22 40 50 25 34 30 25 32 34 32 38 38 32 30 32 Operating pressure max bar 300 320 Speed max Stroke volume J * min-1 6570 4800 4300 4100 3370 2800 2300 1900 1520 1250 1100 860 770 560 450
new condition cm3 with max. wear cm3 internal kgcm2

2,6 2,5 3,3 7,1 8 12 19 32 46 76 112 154 280 415 682 5,2 4 6,3 15,7 17 28 41 61 91 137 204 308 559 890 1365 0,6 1,5 3,25 7 14,25 25 65 175 550 1150 2600 7246 14079 50500 150000 810

Weight approx. kg 2,2 3,5 6,5 7,8 11 16 21,5 30 45,5 66,5 130 234 319 550 A prebored

- - - 20 - - - 60 70 80 90 100 150 200

A max H7 18 30 30 40 45 55 65 90 110 140 150 190 220 300 350 Keyway DIN 6885 6x 8x 8x 12x 14x 16x 18x 25x 28x 36x 36x 45x 50x 70x 80x 2,8 3,3 3,3 2,2 3,8 4,3 4,4 5,4 6,4 8,4 8,4 10,4 11,4 14,4 15,4 H7 25 25 35 40 50 60 8x 8x 10x 12x 14x 18x 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,8 4,4

A Keyway DIN 6885 Bores3)

A H7 30 35 45 50 Keyway DIN 6885 8x 10x 14x 14x 3,3 3,3 3,8 3,8 A H7 30/25 30 Keyway DIN 6885 8x 8x 3,3 3,3 33 49,6 51,6 60 70 81,4 100 127 148 184 216 280 310 430 508 35 52 54 62 72 85 102 132 155 188 220 285 315 435 520 55 69 80 82,2 112 126 144 182 228 279 328 392 440 590 758 73 90 100 115 135 160 185 220 265 315 370 440 510 665 860 83 105 120 135 155 180 205 245 290 345 400 480 555 710 910 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M14 M16 M16 M20 M24 M24 M27 27 45 45 52 65 80 95 120 140 180 205 240 270 390 520 57 60 66 88 103 118 152 180 220 280 265 300 425 570 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M10 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 M10x1 M12x1,5 M16x1,5 M22x1,5 G1/8 G1/4 G3/8 G1/2 59 67 77 81 90 95 100 110 135 145 165 195 220 255 300 11 13 13 14 20 15 20 20 25 25 25 25 40 45 60 54 61 69 73 82 86 91 99 122 130 148 173 198 233 268 7 8 10 10 10 11 11 14 16 18 20 25 25 25 35 21 22 24 25 32 33 38 40 58 59 70 77 97 105 130 35 38 44 45 52 55 60 68 90 95 110 127 147 155 200 8 9 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 18 18 - 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 16 18 20 25 25 30 35 21 24 27 30 32 34 34 38 41 46 53 62 66 88 95

B d9 C D H8 E F f7 Diameters G H H7 L N M4) O P R S Length- T dimensions U V W X Y Z

1) Friction combination for wet-running -.08 2) Min. disengaging pressure 3) Bore diameters shown in bold print available from 4) Tube thread G.... as per ISO 228/1 and/or BS 2779


Friction combination s  teel/sintered lining for wet- or dry-running Tolerances  for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information" It is essential that you contact us before using brake fluids that are flame-resistant

*) Higher speed on request

Series 0022-..0/..9

EN 5.37.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Centering version

Numbering table for design variation

0 - 022 - . . 1 -Size- 00. .00 dry-running .08 wet-running

Open version

Torque standard Torque stengthened and maximum

Open version 6 0 with hub 2 without hub

Series 0022-..1

EN 5.39.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Centering version

Version for identical external and internal centering

Emergency disengagement: should the hydraulic pump fail, release the piston with the screws!


6 x 60, shown displaced by 30

Series 0022-..1

EN 5.40.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Centering version

Series Size Mdyn dry-running Nm standard Mstat Mdyn wet-running N m Mstat 2) Pressure min. bar Mdyn dry-running Nm stengthened Mstat Mdyn wet-running N m Mstat 2) Pressure min. bar Series Size Mdyn dry-running Nm maximum Mstat Mdyn wet-running N m Mstat 2) Pressure min bar Operating pressure max bar Speed max * min-1 cm3 cm3 kgcm2 kg Stroke new condition volume with max. wear J Weight A internal approx. prebored

0022-..1-Size-000001) 25 31 39 47 55 250 400 650 1100 1800 350 550 900 1500 2500 155 270 430 760 1165 230 400 645 1135 1750 12 12 12 12 12 350 600 1000 1600 2600 480 820 1350 2200 3600 230 395 670 1100 1755 345 590 1000 1650 2635 18 18 18 18 18 0022-..1-Size-001.001) 25 31 39 47 55 550 970 1320 2660 4300 760 1330 1810 3700 5900 365 640 875 1750 2840 550 965 1315 2630 4270 34 30 25 32 34 320 3370 2800 2300 1900 1520 8 12 19 32 46 17 28 41 61 91 14,25 25 65 175 550 11 14 18,5 27 51

20 - - - 60 A max H7 45 55 65 90 110 Keyway DIN 6885 14x3,8 16x4,3 18x4,4 25x5,4 28x6,4 Recommended A H7 40 50 60 bores3) Keyway DIN 6885 12x3,3 14x3,8 18x4,4 A H7 35 45 50 Keyway DIN 6885 10x3,3 14x3,8 14x3,8 B d9 70 81,4 100 127 148 C 72 85 102 132 155 D g7 130 145 170 205 250 E 155 170 195 230 290 F 170 190 215 250 315 Diameters G 136 149 172 210 265 K 65 80 95 120 140 J1 M8 M10 M10 M10 M12 J2 9 11 11 11 13 L 88 103 118 152 180 L1 H7 130 145 170 205 250 N M8 M8 M8 M10 M12 O 100 104 112 122 150 P 49 52 53 58 63 R 11 12 13 13 15 S 10 11 11 14 16 Length T 32 33 38 40 58 dimensions U 52 55 60 68 90 Vmax 5 5 6 6 6 W 38 40 42 46 50 X 4 3 4 4 6 Z 20 20 20 20 20


2) Min. disengaging pressure 3) Bore diameters shown in bold

Friction combination for wet-running -.08 print available from stock

*) Higher speed on request

Friction combination steel/sintered lining for wet- or dry-running Tolerances for bore and keyway see section 1 "Technical information" It is essential that you contact us before using brake fluids that are flame-resistant

Series 0022-..1

EN 5.41.00


Hydraulically released spring-applied multi-plate brakes

Version with two different internal centerings

This version is used in applications where special dimensions and centering of the adjacent parts are necessary.

<- X

View X (shown turned through 180)

tief = depth Series Size

6 x 60 Size 15 12 x 30 Size 23 and larger

0022-320-Size-005050 15 23 25 31 39 47 55 63 Mdyn dry-running Nm 70 170 210 405 650 1140 1650 3090 standard Mstat 93 240 280 550 890 1570 2260 4250 Mdyn wet-running Nm 50 115 140 280 440 760 1100 2060 Mstat 70 170 210 405 650 1140 1650 3090 Disengaging pressure min .bar 11,5 12,5 15 12,5 13 17 12,5 13,5 Series 0022-620-Size-005050 Size 15 23 25 31 39 47 55 63 Mdyn dry-running Nm 135 270 310 690 920 1660 2490 4480 strengthened Mstat 185 370 430 940 1265 2280 3420 6160 Mdyn wet-running Nm 90 180 210 460 610 1100 1660 2990 Mstat 135 270 310 690 920 1660 2490 4480 Disengaging pressure min .bar 20 19 22,5 21 18 24,5 18 19 Operating pressure max. Speed max.* Stroke volume J Weight 320 bar 4300 4100 3370 2800 2300 1900 1520 1250 min-1 3 2,95 7,14 6,59 14,6 17,5 20 62,5 68,7 new condition cm 3 7,38 15,7 14,5 27,8 35 43,8 91 137,4 with max. wear cm internal approx.
2 1 1,9 4,2 13,4 38,9 96,9 296,7 623,9 kgcm 3,9 4,8 6,3 10,2 12,6 17,5 34 51 kg

A H7 B -0,1 C D H7 E F Diameters G H L N W R T Length dimensions X Z S Reference profile DIN Number of teeth z Tooth Module m system Addendum modification xm Base tangent length W-0,1 Measurement over teeth k Root diameter df

86 100 115 142 163 192 242 290 56 60 76 89 108 119 140 164 57 62 78 92 110 132 155 189 72,2 82,2 100,2 132 147,2 180,5 231,5 279,5 100 115 130 160 180 210 265 315 120 135 150 180 200 230 290 345 9 9 9 11 11 13 13 17 45 52 65 80 95 120 140 180 57 66 82 103 118 152 180 220 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 M12 M12 M10 x 1 M12 x 1,5 63 65 70 78 84 90 111 115 24 24,5 28 30 36,5 37 54 54 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 21 22 21,5 24 26 27 28 31 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 5480 5480 5480 867 5480 867 867 867 27 29 37 35 35 39 46 54 2 2 2 2,5 3 3 3 3 +0,1 +0,1 +0,1 +0,15 26,84 27,11 38,75 34,24 49,74 41,18 50,33 59,53 5 5 7 5 6 5 6 7 51,4 55,7 71,5 81,1 101,3 109,1 130,1 154,1 It is essential that you contact us before using brake fluids that are flame-resistant

Friction combination  steel/sintered lining for wet- or dry-running *) Higher speed on request

Series 0022-.20

EN 5.43.00


HydroSec Safety multi-plate brake

for hydraulic motors

This hydraulically released, spring-applied multi-plate brake is suitable for fitting to hydraulic motors of various makes.

* additional connections for wet-running - variants 0022-601-20-...908

tief = depth Nut = keyway fr Welle = for shaft 1) Other dimensions on request


0022-601-20-...900 012 011 013 dry-running Nm Nm bar bar 420 260 320 200 31 220 135

0022-601-20-...908 014 015 016 wet-running 420 260 320 200 31 220 135

Mstat Mdyn Disengaging pressure min Operating pressure max Stroke volume J

new condition cm3 with max. wear cm3 internal kgcm2 approx. kg

220 3,5 8 3 6,3

220 3,5 8 3 6,3


Friction combination Max. permissible temperature

steel/sintered lining 100 C at the seals

Series 0022-601-20

EN 5.45.00


HydroSec Safety multi-plate brake

for hydraulic motors

Shaft loading

Max. permissible axial loading as thrust or pull: 4450 N

Max. permissible radial shaft loading

Max. permissible radial loading F R in N

Speed in min-1

Series 0022-601-20

EN 5.46.00


Rotary inlets for pressure oil

Single channel

Retaining plate Important! Take account of the axial forces produced by the operating pressure!

Hole for socket wrench (installation notes)

Max. running tolerance of the end face and the thread 0.03 mm This limit must be maintained! O-ring and elbow are part of the equipment supplied. pmax = 70 bar nmax = 1500 min-1

Care should be taken that the max. permissible pressure and the max. permissible speed are not present at the same time.

Series A1) B1) C C1 C2 L1 L2 L3 E F f G H J K M X Rotor h8 F9 h11 Rotor moun- hole thread Hole hole SW ted nom.dia. 0086-010-01-160 G3/8A G3/8A 42 42 18 93 119 54,5 26 16 12 9,5 19 93 32 25 4 40/42 0086-010-02-160 G1/2A G1/2A 55 55 22 109 138 60,5 34 19 14 12,7 24 107 45 28 6 52/55 0086-010-03-160 G3/4A G3/4A 63 63 28 122 158 71,5 34 19 16 17,5 30 124 53 33 6 58/62 0086-010-04-160 G1A G1A 80 80 35 140 183 78,5 43 22 18 22,2 36 142 70 38 6 80/90

Tube thread G ... A as per ISO 228/1 and/or BS 2779

Installation notes: Clamp hose or elbow in a vice, screw in and tighten up the inlet with a socket wrench; then screw rotor into the shaft. X = only for mounting type No. 2.

for series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.47.00


Rotary inlets for pressure oil

Two- channel


Shoulder only on size 22

Bore M8 as transport aid

Leakage oil Measuring ports

Series Size n max min-1 p max bar

0088-226-size-010040 22 27 35 1500 1500 1500

The following form part of the equipment supplied: hexagonal screw DIN 933 O-rings

100 100 100 1) Screw-in plug holes G ... shape X to Weight approx. kg 6 19 30 DIN 3852 T2 (for cylindrical screwed plugs) A 120 160 180 B g7 81 130 150 The split seal system used is prone to B1 85 - leakage. Arrange the leakage pipe so C 68 100 120 that it points vertically downwards C1 34 53 78 and allows unpressurised drainage. C2 80 130 155 Diameters D 6,2 8 10,1 E 13 21 30 E1 17 29 52,6 E2 56,6 79 104 G M8 M10 M12 G1 M6 M8 M10 F1) G1/2 G3/4 G1 J 8 13 15 H 15 16 17 H1 13 13 20 L 165 248 288 Length L1 10 14 18 dimensions L2 33 50 53 L3 88 136 153 L4 33 52 64 L5 5 - -

for series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.48.00


Rotary inlets for pressure oil



Bore M8 as transport aid

Measuring ports

Leakage oil

Series Size n max min-1 p max bar Weight approx. kg A B g7 C C1 C2 D Diameters E E1 E2 F1) G G1 J H H1 L Length L1 dimensions L2 L3 L4 L5 Angle n

0088-326-Size-010040 27 1500 100 19 160 130 110 62 130 11 21 26 24 G3/4 M10 M8 13 15 13 301 15 50 137 52 52

35 1500 100 30 180 150 130 75 11 30 36 27 G1 M10 15 18 355 17 57 156 64 64

The following form part of the equipment supplied: hexagonal screw DIN 933 O-rings
1) Screw-in plug holes G ... shape X to DIN 3852 T2 (for cylindrical screwed plugs)

The split seal system used is prone to leakage. Arrange the leakage pipe so that it points vertically downwards and allows unpressurised drainage.

6 x 60 8 x 45 30 25

for series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.49.00


Rotary inlets for pressure oil

Two-channel with incremental encodes

Shoulder only on size 22

Bore M8 as transport aid

Leakage oil 2 x 180

12 pin plug Measuring ports

Series Size n max min-1 p max bar Encodes Voltage Weight A B g7 B1 C C1 Diameters D E E1 E2 F2) G J H L L1 Length L2 dimensions L3 L4 L5 pulse per turn1) V DC ca. kg

0088-226-size-...041 22 27 35 1500 1500 1500 70 70 70 2048 24 8,5 22 34 120 160 180 81 130 150 85 - 68 100 120 34 53 78 6,2 8 10,1 13 21 30 17 29 52,6 56,6 83 104 G1/2 G3/4 G1 M8 M10 M12 8 13 15 15 16 17 264 344 386 10 14 18 33 50 53 88 136 153 33 52 64 5 - -

The following form part of the equipment supplied: hexagonal screw DIN 933 O-rings 12-pin plug

Other nombers of pulse on request

2) Screw-in plug holes G ... shape X to DIN 3852 T2 (for cylindrical screwed plugs)

The split seal system used is prone to leakage. Arrange the leakage pipe so that it points vertically downwards and allows unpressurised drainage.

Three-channel version on request

for series 0023/ 0123

EN 5.50.00



Kupplung = clutch Bremse = brake Lecklanschlu = leakage port Series Size n max *) min-1 A B H7 C Diameters D G H Number of holes L M N O Length P1 dimensions P 2 P 3 U1 U2 U3 Angle V Seal dimension 2023-152-Size-1731)/1832)/1743) 52 63 75 80 86 90 94 1000 830 660 500 430 340 275 190 230 290 380 440 560 710 220 260 330 425 500 630 800 260 305 385 480 555 685 865 275 325 410 505 580 710 895 250 292 367 464 522 655 812 6,6 9 11 11 11 11 13 8 x 45 8 x 45 8 x 45 8 x 45 12 x 30 12 x 30 12 x 30 G 3/4 G 3/4 G 1 G 1 G 11/4 G 11/4 G2 26 30 30 30 38 45 68 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 45 52 60 65 80 85 110 117 130 155 195 220 245 305 131 146 176 220 252 281 380 150 167 200 250 290 325 102 115 140 180 205 230 290 116 131 161 205 237 266 365 135 152 185 235 275 310 35 35 36 36 30 30 30 190 x 230 x 220 x 15 260 x 15 290 x 330 x 18 380 x 420 x 20 440 x 480 x 20 560 x 610 x 20 710 x 760 x 20

*) max. permissable peripheral speed at seal 10 m/s


Clutch with 10/12/14 friction surface, brake with 10/12/14 friction surface with 16/18/20 friction surface, brake with 10/12/14 friction surface with 16/18/20 friction surface, brake with 16/18/20 friction surface

2) Clutch 3) Clutch

for series 0023/ 0123/ 0127

EN 5.51.00


Press Safety Valves (PSV)

Hydraulic pilot operated

Equipment socket DIN 43650

Connections: G1/2 P = Pressure port A = Working port T = Tank port

Range 0086-076-01-. . . . . . -100000 -101000 -107000 Voltage 24V, DC PSV Operating data Rated pressure Min. pressure Max. recommended flow approx. weight bar bar l/min kg 220/230 V 50/60 Hz 100 20 60 7,8 110/115 V 50/60 Hz

-114000 205 DC

Solenoids DC AC Power consumption Pull in W Holding W Switching frequency Sw/hr 33 33 8000 128 45 3600

Relative operating time 100 % (continuous) Enclosure Class IP 65 Limit switches to show valve position 220 V, 10 A

Description The PSV is used to actuate a hydraulic clutch or clutch/brake combined unit. It contains two 3/2 way valves switched in parallel whose main stages can by dynamically monitored by electrical limit switches. If monitoring of the valve is specified (UVV.6G, etc.)then the machine control unit should monitor whether both contacts respond within 100 ms of each other, during each operation.

If the delay in response is greater than this then no further operation must be allowed. The pertinent regulations by the BG must be compiled with (e.g. Bg-ZH 1/457). Pressure is only applied to the A port when both main valves have switched. If the valve fails to switch a build up of pressure in the A port is not possible. Page
EN 5.52.00

for series 0023/ 0123/ 0127/ 0128


Press Safety Valves (PSV)

Hydraulic pilot operated

Plug connector for "Balluft" proximity switch: with screwed angled plug BSK S 8-4 connections or straight plug BSK S 10-4 (not supplied by Ortlinghaus)

1) 2)

DC version AC version

Connections: A, T = G3/4 P = G1/2 MA = G1/4 *) *) N.B.! The PSV is shipped with a 2.5 mm orifice fitted. Before putting the clutch/ brake combined unit into operation the orifice in the PSV should be changed over to the orifice supplied separately (to determine the size see the calculation). *) Solenoid can be turned through 90 Range 0086-096-12-. . . . . . -010000 -070000 -080000 110/115 V 50/60 Hz 100 20 60 9 220/230 V 50/60 Hz

Voltage 24V, DC PSV Operating data: Rated pressure: Min. Pressure: Max. recommended flow approx weight bar bar l/min kg

Connection circuit diagramm for inductive proximity switches

Solenoids Power consumption Pull in Holding Switching frequency W W Sw/hr

DC AC 33 33 18000 128 45 18000

Relative operating time Enclosure Class Inductive limit switches to show valve position Working voltage

100 % (continuous) IP 65 PNP normally open 10-30 V, DC Check valve (max. 1 bar) required Bl. 1893

Description The PSV is used to actuate a hydraulic clutch or clutch/brake combined unit. It contains two 3/2 way valves switched in parallel whose main stages can by dynamically monitored by proximity switches. If monitoring of the valve is specified (UVV.6G, etc.)then the machine control unit should monitor whether both contracts respond within 100 ms of each other, during each operation.

If the delay in response is greater than this then no further operation must be allowed. The pertinent regulations by the BG must be compiled with (e.g. Bg-ZH 1/457). Pressure is only applied to the A port when both main valves have switched. If the valve fails to switch a build up of pressure in the A port is not possible. Page
EN 5.53.00

for series 0023/ 0123/ 0127/ 0128


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