Econ 242 Problem Set 4: U (C (T) ) e DT

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Econ 242 Problem Set 4

Prof. Gustavo Ventura 1. Consider the following simple intertemporal optimization problem. Time is continuous. An individual lives for t [0, T ]. He/she solves max

c(t)[0,T ] 0

u(c(t)) et dt

subject to (t) = rk (t) c(t) k k (T ) = 0 k (0) > 0 where k stand for individual assets, c for consumption. The rate of return on assets (r) and the rate of time preference () are both positive. The utility function u(.) belongs to the constant elasticity of intertemporal substitution class: u(c) = c1 , 1 > 0, = 1

1. Derive the conditions that characterize the solution of the individual problem. What is the growth rate of consumption over time?

2. Describe the eects of an increase in on the optimal path for consumption. How does consumption at the start of life change with . Explain. 2. Consider the following simple intertemporal optimization problem. Time is continuous. An individual lives t [0, T ] and is endowed with one unit of time, that can be used for leisure (h) or market work (l) at any age (l + h 1). If he/she works, he/she receives the (constant) wage w per unit of time worked. The problem of the individual is thus max

c(t)[0,T ] 0

u(c(t), h(t)) et dt

subject to (t) = rk (t) + wl(t) c(t) k k (T ) = 0 where k are the assets of the individual and r is the (constant) rate of return on assets. Preferences for consumption and leisure are represented by the utility function u(c, h) = log(c) + log(h). For simplicity, assume that the initial amount of assets is zero, and that parameter values are such that the individual always work (l(t) > 0 for all t [0, T ]). 1. Derive the conditions that characterize the solution of the individual problem. What are the growth rates of consumption and leisure over time? (Hint: notice that this is a problem with two control variables and one state variable). 2. If r > , will the individual work more or less hours at the start of his economic life relative to the end? 3. In the context of the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, analyze the dynamic eects of: 1. a permanent decrease in the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (increase in ). 2. a permanent increase in TFP. 2

4. Consider the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model. Technology is represented by a Cobb-Douglas production function with capital share . Population grows at the rate n and the eciency of labor grows at the rate g . 1. Suppose that n increases. What are the eects on the steady state capital to output ratio? Explain. 2. Suppose that g increases. What are the eects on the steady state capital to output ratio? Explain. 3. Discuss the following statement: Everything else equal, higher rates of labor augmenting technical progress imply higher aggregate saving rates, whereas higher rates of population growth imply lower aggregate saving rates.

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