Vocal Anatomy Lesson Plan
Vocal Anatomy Lesson Plan
Vocal Anatomy Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: 10-12 Foundations III Russ Sumens Lesson Title: Vocal Anatomy Subject/Content: Theater
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need differentiation in instruction and assessment. This diverse class will need a level of sensitivity to gender and ethnic variations, as well as demonstrating tolerance for the artistic mind (noise level, creative exploration, etc).
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Content Walk-Away: The students will understand the three things needed to create sound. The students will know five vocal techniques that will help produce a beautiful tone.
Reading/Language Walk-Away: Students will correctly label a chart showing the relevant anatomy of the throat and mouth.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) The class will correctly label a chart showing the anatomy of the mouth and throat. Each group will learn a vocal technique and teach it to the rest of class. (if they have already been split into five groups from the history of musical theater lesson then keep them in the same groups, otherwise you will need to separate them into 5 groups)
Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences Play excerpts from good singers. Ella Fitzgerald; Pavarotti; John Mayer; Christina Aguilera; Rent Explain that these singers all have a good vocal technique, even if their style of music is different. Have you ever lost your voice at a game? Learning to sing properly will also help you to project properly. Focus Lesson (I do it) Go over vocal mechanism, introduce the vocal diagram and help them understand how the voice creates sound using energy, air and amplification. Energy (air) Vibration (vocal chords) Amplification (throat, mouth) Guided Instruction (We do it) Show them exercises for: Breathing Posture Resonance Dictation Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) Split into four groups and practice the above exercises. Have them discuss how these exercises help develop breathing, posture, resonance, or diction. Independent (You do it alone) Homework: Find or create a vocal exercise that will support/enhance breathing, posture, resonance, or diction. Summarization/Closure Explain the good vocal technique helps you control your vocal output instead of it being a happy accident.