ACD Seminar Report

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A Seminar On ANTI COLLISION DEVICE Submitted In Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Degree Of Bachelor of Technology In Mechanical Engineering



March, 2012-13

First of all I thank Mr. RANJEET SINGH RATHORE for giving me the opportunity to prepare a seminar on ANTI COLLISION DEVICES. I would also like to thank Mr. J.P. Bhamu and all the staff of Mechanical department for their help and support. It is my pleasure to acknowledge the invaluable assistance received from Indian railways which provided information regarding ACDs on internet. I am also thankful to the rail journals published on the topic. My sincere thanks to Patent Design and Trademark department of India for providing information regarding patent of ACDs. There are some newspapers and other sources from where I have taken help, So, I would also like to thank them. Thank is also due to Mr. Rajaram Bojji, Inventor of this path-breaking technology for design and developing of such a system. Last but not the least I want to thank my guide Mr. HAMID ALI for his great help and continuous support.

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I, ABHINAV BARTHWAL, a student of B.Tech. of Mechanical Engineering Department of Government Engineering College Bikaner, hereby declare that I own full responsibility for the information, results, conclusions, etc provided in Seminar report titled ANTI COLLISION DEVICE submitted to RTU, Kota, Rajasthan, INDIA for the award of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) degree. I have completely taken care in acknowledging the contribution of others in this academic work. I further declare that in case of any violation of intellectual property rights or copyrights found at any stage, I, as the candidate will be solely responsible for the same.

Place: BIKANER Date:


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This is to certify that Seminar report entitled ANTI COLLISION DEVICE submitted by ABHINAV BARTHWAL in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering of RTU Kota, Rajasthan, INDIA is a record of students own work carried out under our supervision and guidance. It is understood that by this certificate the undersigned do not endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein but approve the report only for the purpose for which it is submitted.


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This seminar report deals with the design and development of Anti Collision Devices. This device is developed by Konkan railways for the prevention of train collisions in India. ACDs are being developed and tested for the last ten years. An advanced version i.e. ACD version II also known as Train Collision Avoidance System has been developed which is also considered and explained in this report. This device is a path-breaking system and one of its kind all over the globe. The installation of this system in railways will decrease the accidents to a considerable level. Also with few adjustments and advancements, this system can be used on other transportation modes for safety. This device seems to have a vast area of application in the future from being a tracking system all the way to unmanned transportation.

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The ACD Network is a Train Collision prevention system designed, developed and patented by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (A Public Sector Undertaking of Ministry of Railways, Government of India). Its concept was first proposed by the former chairman of Konkan railways Mr. B raja ram in the 90s.Its patent was filed in the sept 1999 and the patent was granted in the year 2005. It is a self-acting microprocessor-based data communication device which when installed on locomotives (along with an auto-braking unit - ABU), guard vans, stations and level-crossing gates (both manned and unmanned), prevents high-speed collisions in mid-sections, station areas and at level-crossing gates. The ACD uses both radio frequency and Global Positioning System (GPS) through satellites, whereby a train is automatically brought to a halt if the track ahead is not clear. The train starts braking 3 kms ahead of a blockade. The Anti-Collision Device (ACD), also called `Raksha Kavach,' envisages setting up a network of "self-acting" micro-processor based communication devices which automatically apply brakes on trains that are unknowingly getting into a "collision-like situation," including before stations and at mid-sections. "At the mid-sections, where neither the protection of signals nor guidance is available to the driver, the ACD makes the loco intelligent and extends its capability to detect any collision-like situations in a range of 3 km, which the driver cannot detect on his own. Situations like collision between two approaching trains or between a derailed train on one track and an approaching train on the adjacent tract can thus be prevented, according to the KRCL official. The "silent" network of ACD systems can be installed on the locomotives, guard vans and at stations, which could ensure that trains do not collide at while travelling at high speeds. Further, if the ACD systems are provided at the level crossing gates (both manned as well as un-manned), the project could provide protection to the lives of road users also. "We have tested the commercial prototypes of ACD system, which has been developed indigenously for the first time in the world. It has been technically proven during joint field trials with Research Design and Standards Organization, nominated by the Railways," the official said. The ACDs are capable of multi functions. For example, while approaching a station, the Loco ACD gives the "station approach" warning to the driver about 2 km in rear of the first STOP signal of the station and in case the driver ignores the warning it will automatically regulate the train speed. The pilot project implementation of ACD was successfully commissioned on the North-East Frontier Railway this year. Survey for expanding the system to another 10,000 km falling on the critical and busy sections of the network is almost complete.

The installation of this device will go a long way in preventing collision accidents. The application of this device has been refined to not only prevent mid-section collisions but also to pre-empt their occurrence in station yards. The newly engineered solution is integrated with the signaling systems and interlocking to react appropriately in case collision-like conditions are perceived at the time of reception and dispatch of trains from a station. The design of crash-worthy coaches and tight lock couplers with anti climbing features has been finalized and all future coaches are being made as per the new design.

Indian railways are the world's second-largest railway, with 6,853 stations, 63,028 kilometres of track, 37,840 passenger coaches and 222,147 freight cars. Annually it carries some 4.83 billion passengers and 492 million tons of freight. Of the 11 million passengers who climb aboard one of 8,520 trains each day, about 550,000 have reserved accommodations. Railways is an EcoFriendly and Popular mode of Transport in almost all cities of the INDIA. It provides vital connectivity between major commercial system at low cost. It is also the most used method of long distance transportation in India. But with the increase in number of passengers and traffic during the last 10-15 years the frequency of train accidents has also increased rapidly. Out of total accidents around the world approximately 15% occur in India. These accidents take hundreds of lives, disable many people and causes high financial losses to the Indian Railways. The number of accidents in the recent years are as follows YEAR 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 No. Of Accidents 193 177 165 139 131

As the number of passengers is increasing day by day, the rail routes are getting busier. This increase in the traffic also increases the chances of accidents. In Mumbai during the peak hours trains reach at stations with an average time interval of 3-5 min. With this much close interval between the arrival of trains there are high chances of collisions between the trains. As these trains carry 6.94 million passengers per day, even small accidents will have catastrophic effect on the people of Mumbai. Although an Auxiliary Warning System (AWS), has been operational in Mumbais Central and Western Railways for the past 15 years and there have been very few major accidents. But a more advance and efficient systems was always needed. These factors encouraged Raja ram Bojji to invent ACD in the year 1999. Since then this device has been developed and tested in different traffic and environmental conditions by installing 552

ACDs along a 1736 Km long section of Northeast Frontier Railway and 785 mobile ACDs are also installed in the locomotives and guard vans costing total of Rs 158.67 crore. Reacting on the kasara train collision occurred on July 19,2012 resulting one death and 13 injured people, Former Konkan Railway (KR) chairman and inventor of ACDs B Raja ram said No other country in this world has the ACD and it is our own patent. Had our railways fitted the device in all trains, the mishap could have been averted, The sensors on the device would have alerted the speeding Vidarbha Express train driver and brought the train to a halt before it collided with the derailed local train. There is no other technology that could have saved the accident, he added.

Fig-1. TRAIN ACCIDENTS IN INDIA The device developed by Indian railways can be of divergent use and has great potential to be used in other form of transportation. It not only prevents the collision between trains but also helps to maintain their speed and provide information about the location of trains.ACDs also tells the driver about other trains on same and nearby tracks, any blockade on the track and also the situation at unmanned railway crossings. So it can be used as a security system as well as tracking device. With few advancements this same technology can also be used in road transportation reducing the chances of accidents to a great extent and also provide the location via GPS reducing the chances of theft.

The heart of the ACD is an Intel 80386 processor that uses the DM&P M617 Intel chipset. It [ACD] has an integrated digital radio modem and works on the VxWorks Real Time Operating System (RTOS). Raja ram adds, VxWorks, as a platform, is most suitable for real-time applications. The main modules of the ACD includes a GPS (Global Positioning System), which picks up signals from the constellation of GPS satellites that are being exclusively used for this purpose. The GPS submits the data to the Command and Control Unit (CCU) to extract the parameters related to the movement of locomotive like latitude, longitude, speed, angle, date and time. The antenna of the GPS receiver is fitted outside on the roof of the locomotive. The user-friendly device helps the driver to know the various positions in the form of audiovisual indications, like Station Approach, SOS (for head-on, rear-end and side collision situations) and Gate Open. Another module is the radio trans-receiver, which transmits the information and commands generated by the CCU and receives the information being sent by other ACDs when the two systems are within the radio-range of 3 km. The final module in the system is the braking mechanism, which envisages the CCU to take a decision for applying either the normal brake or the emergency brake on the locomotive as the situation required. "The electro-pneumatic braking is then applied through suitable solenoid interface installed for this purpose in the cab of the locomotive," the official explained. ACD is an intelligent friend to the engine driver, which can act on its own without any human intervention. It comprises a Command and Control Unit (CCU), a GPS Receiver, Radio Transmitter and Crew Interface. The CCU, which is the heart of the ACD, is a microprocessorbased module which processes the data and generates commands. The GPS Receiver picks up signals from GPS satellites and submits the same to the CCU to extract parameters related to the movement of the locomotive such as latitude, longitude, speed, angle, date and time.


ACD prevents the head-on collision of two speeding trains, which accidentally happen to be on the same track. An ACD mounted on a train constantly looks out for signals from another ACD in a 3-km range. The moment both the trains are within the required breaking distance, the ACDs, after analyzing the data from the GPS, deduce that they are on the same track and are

heading for a collision. Then the ACDs automatically apply the brakes, bringing both the trains to a halt without the intervention of the driver. The ACD can be used not only for avoiding head-on collisions but also to detect if a train has accidentally stopped on the same track as another, preventing a following train telescoping into its rear. Also, if two trains are moving on the same track but the separation distance is less than 2 km, the ACD will automatically regulate the following train's speed. It can also detect when the bogies of a train from an adjacent track derail on to a train's path. Konkan Railways has tested out 11 accident scenarios with the ACD. The ACD can be mounted not only on trains but also be installed at railway stations, level crossing gates (both manned and unmanned), and on guard vans. If a station is equipped with an ACD, the driver will receive the ``station approach'' warning as the train approaches the station. Also, the ACD can sense whether a level crossing gate is open or damaged and warn the driver, besides regulating the train's speed.

An anti collision device system for trains and the like transportation system consist of a network of ACDs one each at locomotives engine (LOCO ACD), guard van (GUARD ACD), station (STATION ACD) and at level crossing gate (GATE ACD) wherein the said locomotive engine and guard van ACD comprising of a microprocessor based central control unit CCU and other devices as shown in the flow diagram below where:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Central Control Unit (CCU) Radio Transceiver Global Positioning System (GPS) Power Converter Data Entry Key Pad Automatic Braking Unit Whip antenna (Radio Transceiver) Hard Mount Antenna (GPS Receiver) Crew Interface

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I/O Sub System Battery Message Display.

Fig-3. FLOW DIAGRAM OF LOCO ACD The above figure shows the layout of a Loco ACD which is installed on locomotives, guard vans also have a similar unit (Guard ACD) and both can be shown and explained using the above diagram. In these ACDs

-The CCU is connected to GPS receiver (3), Radio transceiver(2) and console to process input and take decision the processed output is sent to the radio transceiver(2), crew interface(9) through I/O sub system(10) to take necessary actions. -GPS receiver is connected to hard mount antenna through cable to give data to CCU regarding its location, speed, and angle etc. -The radio transceiver is connected to whip antenna through cable to transmit and recieve data from/ to CCU(1). -The power supply is taken from battery and transferred to CCU through power converter. -The crew interface is connected to CCU through a cable for man-machine interfacing. The keypad is connected to CCU through an interfacing cable to feed the data required for working of device. -Additionally the Loco ACDs are provided with automatic braking unit, which is connected in series to braking mechanism of locomotive to control the speed as per command received from CCU and the message display connected to I/O sub system The STATION and GATE ACDs comprising of a microprocessor based central control unit CCU(1),radio transceiver(2), power converter(4),data entry keypad(5), whip antenna(7) for radio transceiver and a crew interface(9). The GPS unit with its hard mount antenna is missing in these ACDs. A schematic diagram of ACDs used on stations and level crossing gates is shown below. All the connections and working is similar to Loco ACDs the only difference being the absence of GPS unit in Station ACDs.

Fixed inside station building



The loco A.C.D is the heart of A.C.D network. In the A.C.D the radio single from the consolation of Global Positioning satellite (G.P.S) System are received by GPS receiver through antenna. This signal is sent to the command and control unit that is C.C.U. of the ACD. The C.C.U is micro processor based module. And is like a brain of the A.C.D system. The GPS submits the data to the Command and Control Unit (CCU) to extract the parameters related to the movement of locomotive like v v v v v Latitude. Longitude. Speed. Angle. Date and time.

It processes the data and generates the command from the A.C.D. Apart from the GPS receiver there is a radio Trans- receiver inside the ACD which transmits information such as: v Identification no. v Speed v Location in terms of Latitude, Longitude, and status of its working with the help of sprats radio antenna.

Fig-5. UNIT FOR LOCOMOTIVE (L:- 435 X, W:- 203 X, H:- 342 MM) It also receives the information being sent by other ACD within range of 3 Km. This information is also sent to the C.C.U. for processing all received information from the other ACD and the data from the GPS receiver. The C.C.U unit takes a decision for applying either a normal & emergency break or the locomotive break as the case may be. This is activated with the help of the auto breaking unit of the loco.Onboard mobile loco ACD and guard room ACD have both a GPS receiver and radio trans- receiver. The GPS receiver


receives the data from the satellite and radio trans receiver communicate with the other GPS Within a range of 3 Km. The tracks side and states nearby module. Such as :- station ACD, level crossing ACD, and loco ACD. Both mobile and stationary ACD exchange information and take decision based on trans working rule and embedded software to apply breaks automatically without any input from users. All the ACDs work on the principle of distributed control system which is very simply. If two ACD on locomotive are within pre define distance and proceeding towards each other and there is risks of collision the system automatically activates the breaking of the train and prevents collision.



The principal object of the present invention is to overcome the disadvantages and provide an anticollision safety device for vehicles travelling on tracks, without any driving personnel, that is to say, a device which itself can estimate risks and react in consequence. More generally, the invention is intended to provide a device comprising means of observation and making decisions for safe operation, using in particular the principle of deformable movable blocks. To this end, the present invention relates to an anti-collision safety device of the type indicated above, characterized in that it comprises means for detecting and counting reference points provided along the track, means for calculating the distance of a vehicle from a given zero point, and means for converting this distance into a time reference constituted by a synchronization pulse received by all the vehicles. The device further comprises means for generating a series of position pulses, emitted by all the vehicles and received by all the vehicles, the distance between a vehicle and the vehicle immediately preceding it being determined by comparing the position pulses; further, the safety device of each vehicle compares this relative distance with its stopping distance and causes the vehicle to stop when the relative distance is smaller than the stopping distance. According to another characteristic feature of the invention, the stopping distance is determined from the actual speed of the vehicle, which may be obtained by a tachometer (e.g., a phonic wheel) supplying speed signals to a function generator which is initialized by the position pulse and which furnishes an output signal as soon as the function generator has reached the actual vehicle speed, the vehicle being caused to stop if the signal from the function generator does not lie within the distance between the vehicle and the vehicle immediately preceding it (relative distance window). According to another characteristic feature of the invention, an alarm is given by a position alarm device set off separately or in combination by a breakdown of the reference point detector, a breakdown of the reference point counter, or a transmission breakdown. This alarm is transmitted to the central control station (PCC) by the emission of a pulse characteristic of a vehicle, and the central station PCC then distributes a general brake or line emergency stop signal that stops all vehicles on the line. According to another characteristic feature of the invention, the safe operation of the loop functions (calculation of position, calculation of stopping distance) is controlled by the signals supplied by duplicate breakdown detecting circuits, the output signals from the means checking for intrinsic safety the coincidence of the output signals of the duplicate circuits, the absence of coincidence characterizing a breakdown or a risk of collision and causing stopping.


7. FUNCTIONS OF ACD:v Continues communication: - All ACDs within a radius of three kilometers continuously communicate among themselves giving their ID, status, location, speed, etc. v Detection and Prevention of Head-on, Rear-end and Side Collisions: It is the only system in the world to provide these UNIQUE features even when a train is not protected by a signal, as in a block section. v Detection of fouling and prevention of collision due to fouling:- When a Train on main line overshoots the Fouling Mark, this system activates and prevents collision due to fouling. v Detection & generation of Train parting / Jumbling: - Consequently bringing any approaching train on the adjoining line to a dead stop. v Station Approach Warning to Drivers: - Can result in saving of Manpower for deployment of detonators during foggy weather, provided 100% coverage of ACD fitted trains is available on the concerned ACD route. v Speed limit imposition:- It limits the train speed to 30 kmph near stations and unmanned level crossing if the gate is detected as open. Mostly the speed limit is based on preset conditions in FRS of ACD. v Train Approach Warning for road users :-It provide warning at both manned and unmanned level crossings. In addition, at manned non-interlocked level crossings, reducing the train speed to 30 Kmph in case the gate is detected in open condition through Gate ACD. v Manual SOS functionality available for Drivers, Guards and Station Masters: - To bring all trains to a halt within a radial distance of 3 Kms, in emergencies.

v Auto Brake Test:- Generating braking characteristics for a Train without manual feeding of data of coaches / load - A UNIQUE feature as train characteristics are required to be fed manually in all other systems in the world.


8. NON-PREVENTABLE ACCIDENTS EVEN WITH ACDS:An analysis of preventable and non-preventable accidents by Safety Directorate of Railway Board of a total of 128 train collisions on Indian Railways during the five years period namely, from April 1997 to January 2002, indicated that 82% of these collisions were preventable by ACD. The balance 18% of the collisions were non-preventable in any case due to various reasons like failure of brake power of train, inadequate reaction time, insufficient braking distance, etc. Various collisions/situations which are not preventable in any case, with or without ACD network, are enumerated below: v Other train is a NON ACD Train ACD functions by reacting to another ACD, as such if one of the two trains is a non-ACD train, the protection against collision will be missing. v Adequate braking distance at that speed is not available when a dangerous collisionlike situation arises suddenly However, severity of the collision would be reduced as a function of the reaction time. v Train derails and its wagons/coaches dash with another Train, already on adjacent track In situations like this there is no reaction time and the damage has already been done before the train reaches a halt. These situations are known as Zero reaction time situation. v Presence of Cracks on track This technology has not yet been developed to detect cracks on railway tracks. So, ACDs wont be functional or provide assistance in this situation. v Failure of brake power of the Locomotive/train Its a very rare situation but if brakes of a loco fails due to reason like air leakage then even if an emergency occurs the ACDs will not be able to stop the train. v Rolling backward/forward of a Stabled load.


The ACD system is based on GPS based positioning and track detection. This had its inherent problems as with the GPS- Standard Positioning GPS service or Coarse acquisition ( Precision positioning is only available in US for military use )the best possible horizontal accuracy is 10m. This is inadequate for detection of rail tracks separated by a distance of 1015 feet. ACD does not even have DGPS (Differential GPS that gives an accuracy close to 2.5m ) and hence had errors in track detection using their patented Deviation Count Theory that worked in block sections but failed in station sections. The result was erratic breaking that disrupted train movements and proved to be ineffective. Railways has been unable to develop a robust and reliable anti-collision device to prevent train mishaps despite carrying out field trials for over a decade, the Comptroller and Auditor General has observed in its latest report. The device's field trials are being carried out since 2000-01 and site acceptance tests and modifications are being done since November, 2006 in the 1,736 km-long Katihar-GuwahatiLedo/Dibrugarh section of Northeast Frontier Railway at a cost of Rs 158.67 crore. "But despite the long trial, a reliable anti-collision device (ACD) is yet to be developed so far. The ACD was not in a position to judge whether the inputs derived from the signalling systems were dependable," the report pointed out. It also noted out that there was no system to detect whether the ACD installed in locomotives and guard vans were defective or not. Similarly, the CAG has found despite commissioning of the train protection warning system (TPWS) in Southern Railway as a measure to prevent accident in May 2009 at a cost of Rs 49.49 crore, the trial reports indicated various failures of the equipment requiring modifications in the software. "The performance efficiency recorded during trials was between 77 and 90 per cent as against the acceptable level of 99.9 per cent...The TPWS work commenced in 2005 in North Central Railway had not yet been completed despite incurrence of expenditure of Rs 41.54 crore," the report said. The CAG has found that out of total 552 ACD installed at stations and level crossings both manned and unmanned, 188 were either defective or were not working in account of theft of solar panel provided for charging the batteries of the devices.


Besides, 37 mobile ACDs out of 785 provided in the locomotives and guard vans were also lying defective. The total expenditure incurred on supply and installation of ACDs as well as actual operation and maintenance incurred up to June 30 last year was Rs 158.67 crore, out of which the annual maintenance costs accounted for was Rs 66.08 crore. The Audit found that as actual ACD coverage was not available to two-third of the passenger trains and more than 50 per cent of freight carrying trains, the risk of averting collision was more or less the same even after incurrence of expenditure of Rs 158.67 crore. Referring to the decision for extension of ACD coverage to other zones including Southern , South Central, South Western, Eastern, East Central, East Coast and South Eastern Railway, the Audit found that there was negligible progress in the installation and commissioning of works in these zones.


Anti Collision Device (ACD), which is an on-board train protection device and also the first ever device in the world indigenously developed by Konkan Railway with their Technical Partner Kernex Microsystems (I) Ltd, will be in place by 2013 on the entire Indian Railway network so as to reduce chances of Train collisions. A new ACD Version-II [now called Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)] is under development by the Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO). Unlike ACD which is more of a distributed system which acts independently, the TCAS will be more of a centralized system where in Station TCAS controls communication between locos and with locos with TDMA protocol. The TCAS under development is meant to be a vital safety system meaning TCAS have a deep coupling with Railway's signalling system whereas ACD systems does not depend on Railway's signalling system. The design ruled out GPS as it was a 3rd party system (US based) and suggested track based sensors similar to RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) or Balise (similar to the EuroBalise). After 78 years of problems with the ACD system, RDSO, Lucknow drafted the TCAS (Train Collision Avoidance System) specs. With amendments that followed and finally in 2012, the Ver3.1.1 spec. has been released (after joint consultation with companies manufacturing signaling equipment for the Indian Railways). TCAS being developed by qualified companies (RDSO approved and manufacturing railway safety systems that includes, Medha Servo Drives Hyderabad, Invensys Bangalore, Siemens, HBL Power Systems Ltd Hyderabad and others) in India selected by RDSO through an Expression of Interest (EOI), shall be an Indian Train Protection System offering collision avoidance and also offer many functionalities of the European Train Control System that includes prevention of Signal Passing at Danger(SPAD), Movement Authority and Control, Critical Train Data Recorder, advance in cab display of signals, advance alerts and warnings from Station sections, uploading of running train data to a Central Train Management System over GSM-GPRS,etc.


On 16th Oct 2012 this system was successfully tested about 150 km from Hyderabad. A host of railway officials led by Chairman of the Railway Board Vinay Mittal, Member (Electrical) Kul Bhushan and Director General of the Research Designs & Standards Organization (RDSO), Lucknow, V. Ramachandran watched the successful trial of the TCAS. The test was conducted by running two trains, fitted with modified and most advanced TCAS technology equipment, in the opposite directions on the same track at 60 kmph and with a train coming from behind into a stationary one between Mantatti and Navandgi stations. Both the trains screeched to a halt at a distance of about 200 meters as the officials watched the moment with bated breath. Interestingly, all the senior railway officials were sitting in the moving train which approached the stationary one from behind. Mr. Mittal said: It is a path-breaking technology and we will complete all the trials within a year. The TCAS has more capabilities than the technologies being used in many advanced countries. The test was absolutely successful, he added. Mr. Ramachandran said the technology with some limited options would be introduced in some sections within six months.

Fig-7. WORKING OF TCAS The approximate size of Station TCAS would be two 19rakes of about 5-6height. TCAS would not only help avoid collisions due to human errors in signaling and invisibility of signals due to


heavy rain or fog, but alerts about fire on trains and warns about damage to the tracks during natural calamities or sabotage. The proposed design of TCAS has a data logger in which all the data will be saved. The storage capacity of this data logger will be minimum 90 days for Loco TCAS and 30 days for Station TCAS. Information to be logged in data logger is mentioned below: (a) LOCO TCAS: Event, date& time, Loco Id, speed, location, last RFID tag passed, direction, block or station section, type of brake application, brake release, emergency message, any other. (b)STATION TCAS: Event, date, time, status of all signalling inputs, signalling information packet, station emergency message, Locos emergency message(redirected),message to adjacent stationary TCAS, any other. This information will be logged in each record in every 1 second and will trigger on occurrence of following events: (a) LOCO TCAS: Initiation of braking application, change of type of brake application, removal of brake application, change in mode, acknowledgement by driver, SPAD, passing of RFID tag, change in TIN, one RFID missing out of two, data mismatch between duplicate RFID tag, change of signal aspect, passing of signal, permission of emergency messages, reception of emergency message, collision like situation, any other event. (b) STATION TCAS: Entry of new train, change in input to station TCAS from interlocking, emergency messages received from Loco TCAS, transmission of emergency message either generated by station itself or retransmission of such messages received from Loco TCAS, Block entry, block exit, any other event. In the description of TCAS the method to calculate the distance available for stopping of trains is also described which differ for Head on and Rear end collision. (a) FOR HEAD ON COLLISION: Let S1 be the speed &L1 be the location of Loco-1 and S2 be the speed & L2 be the location of Loco-2. The direction is opposite to each other and the TIN is same as they are approaching head on. The distance b/w the two Locos, D= |L1-L2|


& D shall be divided b/w them such that D = D1 + D2 + 200m (200m is the safety margin when two trains have stopped) (D1/D2) = (S1/S2)2 Where D1 is the distance available for Loco-1 to stop & D2 is same for Loco-2. (b) FOR REAR END COLLISION: Assuming Loco-1 is the train ahead & Loco-2 is following it from behind. Let TL1 is the train length of Loco-1. There shall be no target to stop for Loco-1 on account of Loco-2 coming from behind. The distance available for Loco-2 to stop, D2 may be as under: D2 = |L1-L2|-TL1-200m. The distances D1 & D2 shall be calculated and speed profile calculated/ updated dynamically & the braking shall be initiated or changed to higher level by Loco-1 or Loco-2 trains according to dynamically updated speed profile/ brake curve.


v v v v v v v v v Very economical and cost effective. Easily adaptable and expandable. Acts automatically to prevent collisions if an eventuality arises. Does not degrade the existing safety level. Employs state-of-art hardware and software technology. No way had side equipment required, hence no requirement of Power. No cabling on the track required (which is more expensive and cumbersome) . Less susceptible to Vandalism. It does not require any inputs to be fed by the crew at the start of journey, thus human error is eliminated.

12. APPLICATIONS:v ACDs can be implemented in railways to prevent collisions and to increase the tolerance v v v v
between two consecutive trains running one after another. Development of high speed trains with high safety measures. It can be used in heavy vehicles like cranes, earthmovers etc to prevent accidents and for their safe working in public places. With few developments can also be used in automobiles for prevention of road accidents. ACDs can be used as a tracking device.


The ACD is a path- breaking technology which has high potential for development and can be transformed to be used in almost all modes of transportation. With its trials for the last ten years the problems or faults are discovered and being removed out. The recent trial phase has shown satisfactory results with the development of ACD version II also known as Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). This new system seems to be very promising as far as trails are concerned. TCAS not only have better efficiency but also have some advance features like speed and signal warning to the driver, improved train length calculation, improved state of the art hardware and software, continuous communication between locos etc. TCAS would not only help avoid collisions due to human errors in signaling and invisibility of signals due to heavy rain or fog, but alerts about fire on trains and warns about damage to the tracks during natural calamities or sabotage. This system designed by Indian railways is the only system of its kind which prevents collisions, provide warnings, location, speed of loco to driver while simultaneously communication with other systems. The trials of TCAS will be completed this year and if the results of trails are as desired then the installation of TCAS will start at full scale.


v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v (Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks) (Report on Disaster Management in Indian Railways) (IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology) (Research Design and Standards Organization) Indian Railways Annual Report and accounts.


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