Country Parks Risk Assess

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WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL RISK ASSESSMENT For Education Activities in Warwickshires Country Parks

Name of Assessor: NEIL WILSON Assessors Signature: ------------------------------------------------- Date DECEMBER 2009 Activity/ Process/ Operation Pre-visit organisation What are the Hazards to Health and Safety? Misunderstanding of the events and activities that have been booked. What Risks do they pose and to whom? Personal safety of children Risk Level H/M/L M What precautions have been taken to reduce the risk? Pre-visit information sent out to all schools and organisations, giving details of ratios and activities. Communication with teachers by telephone or faceto-face on a pre-visit to venue. Discussion of their requirements Information as above Risk Level Achieved H/M/L L What further action is needed to reduce the risk?

Ratio of adults to children insufficient Arrival of bus amongst other traffic and children disembarking.

Personal safety of children Personal injury to children and helpers.

Schools are told to report to reception, from where their bus will be let through the entrance barrier. Disembarkation can then take place in the safety of a car park. Leader of event to meet children at bus and take them to indoor classroom to give introduction.

On-site instruction before the start of activity.

Lack of knowledge and understanding of the park and the activity to be undertaken.

Personal safety. Personal injury. Children may become lost.

Staff must explain the activity and what to be careful of. Staff should walk the area of the park that will be used before the event starts, to check for hazards.

L Ratio of adults to Children not children insufficient. supervised well enough. M Staff leading the event must ensure that there are sufficient adults to accompany the children in the park ratio of 1 adult to 6 children. Need a list of childrens names in case any go missing. Disease risk and health hazards sheet given out to schools. Schools Water Activity sheet given out. On site instruction On site main checks/inspection Selection of route and activity area; change of route if necessary. On site instruction and supervision. Radio, mobile phone to summon help if required.

Outdoor activities

Biological hazards eg Weils disease, Tetanus

Risk to health of children and helpers.

Slips, trips and falls.

Personal injury, particularly sprains, strains, fractures, cuts and grazes.

Toxicara infection from dog mess. Ingestion of poisonous plants

Possible risk to health of children. Possible risk to health

Site inspection; on site instruction and supervision. Site inspection and on site instruction and supervision. Leaders to be made aware of which plants in the park are dangerous. Radio or mobile phone to summon help. On site instruction and supervision. Quarterly inspection of all structures near water. Life belts available. Radio, mobile phone available to summon help. Leaders guidance notes. Appropriate supervision ratios. All leaders are police checked. Appropriate supervision levels. Leaders guidance notes. On site inspection. Removal of any hazards using thick gloves. Appropriate supervision levels.

Water may fall in

Personal injury/risk of drowning.

Children or helpers may get lost. Violence/sexual assault

Personal safety. Distress Personal safety, injury or distress

Needle stick injuries

Infection and personal health.

Educational equipment

Personal injury

On site instruction on use of equipment. Keep equipment stored tidily when in use and not in use. On site inspection, instruction and supervision. Mobile phone or radio to summon help or first aid provision. Take first aid kit out on activities at all times. Information to parents or guardians about need for suitable clothing, footwear. suncream and insect repellent. Leader to advise teacher to take child into shade and give water if gets heat exhaustion All staff transporting people should undergo minibus driver training. Cables not to trail across room; if no alternative, they must be covered with rubber cable protector strips. Chairs to be pushed in neatly under the tables. Store any flammable substances out of reach of visitors.

Nettle and thistle Allergic reaction. stings & insect bites Distress. Personal injury.

Extreme weather

Getting wet, cold or sun burnt.

Transporting groups by vehicle.

Accident causing personal injury.

Indoor activities and use of the classroom

Cables, tables and chairs causing a trip hazard.

Personal injury


May be trapped in building; personal injury.

Fire (cont)

Two fire extinguishers (foam and water) to be kept in classrooms. Both doors to classrooms to be kept unlocked while visitors are in the classroom. Teachers and children to be shown fire exits and emergency meeting point. Personal injury if swallowed or fluid gets on skin. M All cleaning materials to be locked in an area not used by visitors (store cupboard). Supervision All sockets not in use to be covered with socket guards. Supervision.

Ingestion of cleaning materials

Electrical sockets could be tampered with or something pushed into them. Kettle or hot water urn could topple over if located near edge of work surface.

Electric shock causing personal injury or fatality.

Scalding, personal injury

Kettles and hot water urn to be stored away from edge of work surface and not to be used when children are in room. High worktops. Supervision.

Use of hammers and nails in woodcrafts.

Personal injury

Adequate supervision and instruction before start of activity. First Aid kit to hand.

Use of aerosol paint or glitter sprays.

May inhale fumes causing personal injury/illness.

Activities using aerosols should take place outside where there is plenty of ventilation. Supervision and instruction. Use only child friendly glue, with adequate supervision and instruction.

Use of glue

May inhale fumes causing personal injury/illness


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