Metroparks Magazine, Spring-Summer 2013

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The document provides an overview of the Metroparks magazine including winning nature photographs, details about the historic Wildwood Manor House, and information about volunteering and event opportunities.

The Manor House was a lavish estate constructed in the 1930s and is now a historic site within Wildwood Preserve. It welcomes visitors for tours, events, and its annual Holidays in the Manor House display.

The Blanding's turtle is a threatened species found in wetland habitats in the region. It faces predation threats and is a focus of a research project to study the impact on its reproduction. Its distinctive yellow chin makes it easily identifiable.



Spring/Summer 2013 Metroparks of the Toledo Area

How Did They Get That Shot?

Winning Nature Photos 4

Prairies Being Restored At Wildwood Preserve


Spring/SummeR 2013 Vol. 20, No. 1 published by

Metroparks of the Toledo Area

5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2100 419.407.9700

Board of Park Commissioners

Scott J. Savage, President Fritz Byers, Vice President Lera Doneghy, Vice President Staff: Stephen W. Madewell, Executive Director [email protected] Denise Johnson, Director, Visitor Services [email protected] Patty Morgenstern, Membership/Customer Service Supervisor [email protected] Scott Carpenter, Public Relations Director/Editor [email protected] Valerie Juhasz, Production Manager [email protected] Amy Cieply, Designer
Metroparks of the Toledo Area 2013

On the cover: Gabor Balazs photo, Ballerina, won second place in the Local Fauna category in the latest Metroparks nature photography contest. More winning photos begin on page 4. Opposite page: The Manor House today and during its heyday as a busy residence (inset.)

n eason I S
Happy Anniversary to Stranleigh!

Toledo Icon Turns 75

obert A. Stranahan and his wife, Page, completed the construction of a lavish estate on W. Central Avenue, on the outskirts of Toledo, in 1938. They named their home Stranleigh better known today as the Wildwood Manor House.

Constructed over three years during the heart of the Great Depression, the 30,000-square-foot dream home was surrounded by 750 acres of forest, orchards and farmland. The residence served as a venue for Mr. Stranahans business, Champion Spark Plug, as well as an elegant backdrop for social gatherings and a retreat for the large family. The couple spared no expense, spending around $350,000 to build the Georgian Colonial-style mansion of concrete framed with steel beams. About 100 local workers erected the structure. In 1974, Lucas County voters approved a tax levy that enabled Metroparks to acquire the house and much of the estate grounds to establish Wildwood Preserve. Today, the house welcomes visitors for tours, weddings, concerts and other special events. Each December, 15,000 to 20,000 people visit the stately home in just over a week to view the decorations at Holidays in the Manor House. The servants' quarters are now the park districts headquarters. Watch for special events this year to commemorate the completion of one of Toledos most iconic residences.

How Did They Get That Shot?


Contest Winners Share Stories Behind the Photos

ometimes, its not what you see, but how you see it that makes the difference between just another picture and a first place winner in a nature photography contest with more than 500 entries.

One of the 300 photos he made that day, titled The Water Droplet, was a close-up of a gull with a small fish clenched in its beak, a single drop of water falling from the fish. He was happy with the image, but undecided about entering a photo of such a ubiquitous bird in the contest. I would never think that a seagull could win a photo contest unless it could juggle or something, Balazs laughed. But it did win first place in the Local Fauna category and Balazs became the first person in the contests nine-year history to be awarded first, second and third places in the category. Many of the amateur photographers who entered the contest had similar stories of being in the right place at the right time. Maggi Dandars photo of deer walking in the Maumee River at sunrise, entitled Crossing Over,

was also captured at Side Cut, and just as spontaneously. I was driving home from Whitehouse along the river when I just got the urge to pull over by a shelter house, she said. The weather was cold and very foggy, the sun was coming up. I came over the rise and there they were about nine or 10 deer along the bank getting ready to cross. At first I just watched, so surprised by it all, and then realized I wasn't shooting. The image Dandar captured that day of three deer in the water won the Peoples Choice Award as well as third place in the Local Scenic category. A devout Christian, Dandar credits more than luck for the many beautiful images she has made. I have been shooting for at least 20 years. I might take the photograph, but God creates the inspiration, she said.
Sally Lightfoot Crab, by Lou McLove, taken while on vacation in the Galapagos Islands in March 2010. Honorable mention, Open Fauna category.

It was an October afternoon, the day before the deadline to enter last falls Celebrating Nature Through Photography contest, sponsored by Metroparks National Center for Nature Photography. Gabor Balazs was visiting Side Cut Metropark in Maumee, one of his favorite places to shoot photos, when he saw a flock of gulls on the Maumee River. Always looking for a good shot from a different angle, Balazs lay prone on the shore, zoomed in and started pressing the shutter button.

Balazs said his second place photo of a great egret taking flight in a pose that resembles the photos title, Ballerina, was captured when he and his fianc happened to stop at Side Cut to eat their lunch. His third place photo, Gone Fishing, depicting a great blue heron catching a meal, was the result of a last minute trip to the park before leaving for a flight to visit his native Hungary. One of the most revealing insights to come from the 2012 edition of the competition is the status of Side Cut Metropark as a true nature photographers haven, said Art Weber, director of nature photography at the Photography Center, located in Secor Metropark. There were an overwhelming number of excellent images from Side Cut in this years competition, Weber said. It is an incredible place for nature and wildlife. That Metropark is well-known for its handsome and accessible deer herd, but what we saw this year wasnt so much deer as extraordinary landscapes

Catch of the Day, by Lou McLove. Third place, Open Fauna category.

and bird life including herons, egrets and owls. Its a strong statement that even in a heavily urban/suburban area, a wisely preserved natural area cannot just survive, but thrive. The story of Luke Hertzfelds Best of Show photo, Final Moments, taken at the Trona Pinnacles

landform in Death Valley National Park, is another example of a photo that almost didnt happen. Following GPS coordinates for the shortest route to the Pinnacles, he found himself on a lonely road in the middle of the California desert surrounded by four U.S. Navy security vehicles. He had

inadvertently wandered onto a restricted road. Satisfied that he meant no harm, the officers let him continue on his way. At this point my nerves were shot and I contemplated finishing my drive to my hotel near Death Valley, Hertzfeld said. Instead I continued with my plan of shooting the Pinnacles. When I arrived at the park I only had 10 minutes before the sun ducked below the horizon and backlighting disappeared. What followed in those last 10 minutes was simply incredible. The clouds overhead began turning to the most amazing colors and the landscape in front of me had wonderful hues of goldI grabbed my gear and ran up the closest pinnacle to get a higher perspective. I set up my brand new tripod and began shooting. The shot that I entered was one of only a few I managed to get before the light slipped away. Closer to home, timing also played a critical role in George Sydlowski captured a foggy landscape at the Kitty Todd Preserve in western Lucas County, owned by The Nature Conservancy. His photo, Sunrise on Kitty Todd, won second place in the Local Scenic category. A warm day with a cool clear night can create some nice fog in the fall, Sydlowski said. I like the contrast of the brightness from the sun and the shadow of the trees. The fog adds a sense of peacefulness. This only lasted for a few minutes so if you didnt get up before sunrise you wouldnt get to see this. Nature continuously changes.
photo on left: Crossing Over, by Maggi Dandar. Peoples Choice Award and third place, Local Scenic category.

Gabor Balazs and his photo, Gone Fishing. Third place, Local Fauna category.

Balazs Photography Connects Toledo, Hungarian Sister City

hen Gabor Balazs came to Toledo from Szeged, Hungary, as a college student in 1997, one of the things he appreciated was the nature that he found here in Szegeds sister city.

There was a national park near the small town of Pahi where he grew up, but in the ancient cities of Hungary there was nothing like the vast Metroparks he found in northwest Ohio. I really love the U.S. park systems, especially here in Toledo, he said. I cant believe how you can go to Wildwood and youre still inside the city. In the last 16 years, while earning a BA in history from Lourdes University and an ME in educational technology from the University of Toledo, Balazs, 39, has also acquired a deeper appreciation for the nature of the area. The multi-media designer, musician and real estate photographer became serious about nature photography about four years ago. Since then, he has spent many hours photographing the scenes and wildlife in the Metroparks, particularly at Side Cut. Those hours paid off last fall when his photos won first, second and third place, plus six honorable mentions, in the Local Fauna category of Metroparks Celebrating Nature Through Photography Contest. He also won honorable mentions in the Local Scenic and Open Scenic categories. It was an unprecedented showing in the annual contest. If there is a theme to Balazs photography, its that the beauty of nature can be found anywhere, whether at the Grand Canyon or in his backyard. Many of his winning photos in the contest were images of common sights, such as a sea gull catching a fish at Side Cut or a sleepy hummingbird on a branch. It doesnt have to be an eagle it can be anything, he said. Its all about how you capture the moment. His nature photography achievements include having a photo of a storm over the Grand Canyon selected as a finalist in a Popular Photography magazine readers contest. In 2011, an exhibit of 80 of Balazs photos entitled Nature of Our Sister City, Toledo, Ohio, opened in Szeged, a city on the Great Plain in southern Hungary that has been a Toledo Sister City since 1990. An example of the Szeged-Toledo connection surfaced during the exhibit when Balazs fianc, Gabriella Baki, secretly invited Gyula Molnr, a musician and one of Hungarys best known nature photographers, to be a guest speaker at an opening reception. Balazs, who is active in the Toledo Hungarian community, had previously seen Molnr performing Dixieland jazz back in Toledo at Tony Packos Caf. 7

Contest Entries, Quality Have Grown Over Last Nine Years

ince the National Center for Nature Photography opened its doors 10 years ago in a former nature center at Secor Metropark, it has showcased the work of some of the nations best-known nature photographers. But an important part of the Centers purpose is to also feature the work of amateurs here at home.

photographer, it isnt about winning but seeing how your work sizes up against that of others. Its a wonderful chance to evaluate what you like and dont like, get ideas on how to improve, and then set out into the field refreshed with new insights and goals, Weber added. In the end its not about whether youve pleased the judges, but whether youve pleased yourself. Karen Pugh, gallery manager, said that the all-entries exhibit also gives budding photographers the satisfaction of seeing their work displayed, and sharing it with others. The idea that everyone who enters gets their prints displayed in the beautiful gallery setting that the NCNP provides contributes to what makes the contest extra

special, she said. The excitement we see, especially from first time entrants, when they come into the Photo Center and see their photos spotlighted on the gallery walls is gratifying. In the nine contests held so far at the center, the number of entries has grown to more than 500 a year, filling the gallery to capacity for the fall exhibit. The quality of the entries, too, has increased, Weber said. "There hasnt been a contest yet that I dont look at the entries and wish Id taken quite a few of them, he said. New For 2013 This fall, the Nature Photography Center and the Photo Arts Club of Toledo will team up on their annual contests to host one, joint competition. Details coming soon.

The annual Celebrating Nature Through Photography Contest is one way the Center inspires and educates photographers at all levels of skill and experience. Most of us are built with a competitive spirit, and on the surface this contest as the very word implies is about competition, said Art Weber, director of nature photography at the center whose work is familiar to readers of Metroparks Magazine. But, especially for the beginning

Luke Hertzfelds photo, Final Moments, depicting the Trona Pinnacles in California, won Best of Show.

Aster with Dew, by George Sydlowski. Second place, Local Flora category. Sunrise on Kitty Todd, by George Sydlowski. Second place, Local Scenic category.

Galens Tree, by Tom Roper. First place, Open Flora category.

Early Frost, by Lou McLove. Honorable mention, Local Flora category.

Prairies Being Restored At Wildwood Preserve

Wildwood prairie before

The logo tree, a huge oak on which the Metroparks logo is based, is a focal point of the prairie at Wildwood Preserve.

rairie areas in Wildwood Preserve are undergoing intensive restoration work that will result in improved Oak Openings habitat for numerous species, including birds, more than 50 types of butterflies and several types of rare, native plants.

The three-year project will be done in stages, leaving vegetation for wildlife to use as the mowed areas reestablish themselves. Crews began by targeting an area known to regular park visitors as Susans Meadow, visible from the Yellow Trail. A portion of the area is also known to some as logo tree prairie because of a large oak tree that dominates the landscape and is featured in the Metroparks logo. Mowing was done at night, after the park closed. Prairies in other areas of the park will also be restored. The project is being funded with support from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Partners for Clean Streams.

Prairies (sometimes called meadows), are one of the distinctive natural features of the Oak Openings Region, which includes Wildwood. They are important because of the diversity of plant and animal life they support. Acre for acre, the diversity in a prairie is going to be much more than in a woodland, said Schetter. He added that the openness of a prairie allows sunlight to reach plants on the ground, unlike in a shady, wooded area. But, invasive, non-native species are taking over prairies, reproducing rapidly without any natural controls and threatening the survival of native species. Mowing, herbicides and prescribed fires have been used successfully to restore

Mowing began in February to cut existing vegetation to the ground. Later this spring, when the plants emerge, herbicides will be used selectively to weed out non-native invasive, species, allowing native plants to thrive. The result will be a very scenic prairie that is home to a wide variety of plants and animals, said Tim Schetter, director of natural resources.


prairies elsewhere in the Oak Openings Region, including at Oak Openings Preserve and Secor Metroparks. Results have been dramatic. A variety of native plants and animals have benefitted, including the Karner blue butterfly, a federally endangered species that was once extirpated from the region but was reintroduced at sites within the region. At the beginning of the project, the mowed areas will look very different from the overgrown field that park visitors are used to seeing. Signs will be posted and fact sheets will be available to inform visitors about the project. During the restoration work, Metroparks staff may be seen in the prairie areas applying herbicides using backpack sprayers. All herbicide used on Metroparks lands are registered with the Environmental Protection agency, and members of the land management team are trained in state and federal pesticide laws.

The restoration will benefit not only sunloving plants, but approximately 50 species of butterflies, as well as breeding birds such as field sparrows, chipping sparrows, song sparrows, indigo buntings and woodcocks, according to Karen Menard, stewardship services supervisor. Reptiles and amphibians, as well as bats and other mammals will also benefit from the habitat improvements, she added. Schetter and Menard said visitors to Wildwood can expect to see results within three years as the prairie grows. In a separate but related project, Metroparks crews cut invasive, woody plants at Wildwood along Central Avenue. Like the nearby prairie project, the work is being done to stop the spread of invasive, non-native species. Landscaping will be added as a buffer between the preserve and the busy road.

Endangered Karner blue

Prairie management began with nighttime mowing. Example of a restored prairie at Oak Opening Preserve Background photo: The over-grown Susans Meadow at Wildwood was one of the areas mowed as part of a project to restore prairies in the preserve.


Award-winning Photos Depict Conservation

Forty of the winning photographs from the 2012 International Conservation Photography Awardsa traveling exhibit from the Burke Museum, University of Washingtonwill be displayed at the National Center for Nature Photography in Secor Metropark. The exhibit opens with a free public reception from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 4 and will continue through Sunday, September 1. Hours are Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. Admission is free. Taken by amateur and professional photographers from across the globe, the awe-inspiring photos capture beautiful moments in the natural world. The exhibit features winning photographs from 10 categories such as Wildlife, Landscape, Underwater, and Community at Risk, which focuses on environmental threats to urban areas. The ICP Awards and its awardwinning photos educate and encourage people to consider our impacts on the worlds natural resources. The photos are part of the full 2012 ICP Awards exhibit, created by the Burke Museum and the International Conservation Photography Awards. This is the first time in the competitions 15-year history that winning photographs are traveling the country. The International Conservation Photography Awards is a biennial juried competition initiated in 1997 by Art Wolfe, acclaimed nature photographer.

Field Notes

dra Frisch, superintendent of the Educational Service Center, adding that he placed students in various government and non-profit agencies to gain work experience. He loved them, he cared about their futures and he worked hard to make a difference for them. For the past six years, he placed 10 to 12 students per year in Metroparks summer Conservation Program, Fausnaugh said. Each student would work at least 10 weeks. Three of those students were hired as seasonal employees: one of them has since moved on to pursue higher education and to continue to work for the park system. It was rare to catch him mad or sad because he always kept everyone laughing, recalled former student Jermaine Chambers. I learned from Howard that the more education you have the more success is bound to come in your life. He got me my first real job that Im currently working for now as a seasonal for Metroparks for the past three years. I thank him for giving me the chance he gave me to prove to myself that I can succeed. He was more than just a Work Experience Program Manager, added Julian

"Shoal of Life," by Cristobal Serrano, taken in the Sea of Cortez, Baja California (Mexico), is one of the photos on exhibit this spring at the Nature Photography Center.

The 2012 International Conservation Photography Awards is a traveling exhibit organized by the Burke Museum Traveling Exhibits Service, University of Washington, in partnership with the ICP Awards.

Devoted To Youth: Howard Mabel Remembered

Howard Mabel, who died in mid-January, is remembered as a caring man whose dedication to placing young people in summer jobs made a lasting impression on those who benefited from his passion and guidance. He was 68. 12

A retired administrator for Toledo Public Schools, Mabel worked until September as work experience coordinator for the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West, guiding young people to attain a GED, drivers license and a job. Its hard to put into words the impact that Howard had, said Joe Fausnaugh, Metroparks chief of operations. You could tell when talking with him that he really put a lot into what he did and to helping young people. Howard was certainly an asset to our program, said San-

Howard Mabel

The project began in the fall and will improve the biological and chemical water quality, expand or enhance wetlands, improve the lakes and create a sustainable system. Other elements of the project included installing rock riffles that create a babbling brook sound and bendway weirs that help channel the water. The features will be beneficial to fish and create a more natural, healthy system.
Talented students from Bowling Green State University music programs performed a weekly music series this winter in the Wildwood Manor House.

Kelson, another former student who now works on Metroparks seasonal staff. He made it his job to interact and relate to every individual in his or her own way. He was a true life changer and a friend a friend who worked very hard for us, Kelson added. Fausnaugh said that the summer program continues and has evolved recently to a one-on-one experience, with students being paired with a member of the staff. He said the park system is discussing renaming the program the Howard Mabel Youth Corps.

estimated 28,000 cubic yards of sediment. Many areas of both lakes have filled in, banks have eroded, islands have formed and invasive plant species have become established. TBG, an affiliate of Metroparks, received an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency grant to implement the Crosby Lakes and Hill

Ditch Restoration Project. "This project has completely transformed the visitor experience of Crosby Lake, said Karen Ranney Wolkins, executive director of TBG. Not only are the aesthetics greatly improved, but everyone will be able to enjoy the reintroduction of diverse fish and wildlife that comes with healthier water.

The major construction is now complete, and new vegetation is being planted. TBG plans to host at least one large planting event where volunteers can lend a hand. We appreciate everyone's patience with the temporary closing of that portion of the garden, Ranney Wolkins said. We anxiously await the opportunity to invite everyone back when it is safe."

Work is nearing completion on Crosby Lakes.

TBG Restoring Stream, Removing Two Dams

A major project nearing completion at Toledo Botanical Garden will result in the restoration of a natural stream channel and the removal of two dams. Hill Ditch, an Ottawa River tributary, runs through the 60-acre garden in West Toledo, where two dams were built in 1988 to create Crosby Lakes. Over the past 24 years, the lakes have trapped an


Facilities Updated; More Construction Coming This Year

Coming this spring: a new 1,700-square-foot building at Pearson North, Seaman Road entrance. The building, near the Johlin Cabin, will house restrooms and a shelter available for reservation. The structure was designed to resemble a farm building to compliment the Great Black Swamp cabin. The new building is the latest in a series of facility improvements at Pearson and other Metroparks. The Packer-Hammersmith Center at Pearson now has a serving kitchen and a fresh interior. It is connected to a recently-renovated Window on Wildlife. The Buehner Center at the Mallard Lake Area at Oak Openings Preserve, formerly used for office space, has also been renovated. It too has a serving kitchen. Both facilities are now available for rent for group functions. Macomber Lodge at Pearson, the Yager Center at Swan Creek Preserve and a farmhouse at Wildwood Preserve also were renovated recently and are available for reservations.

Mr. Gallon was an attorney for 55 years, an athlete at the University of Michigan, a businessman and champion of many social justice causes. He devoted most of his life to advancing parks and recreation at the local, state and national level, starting as a playground leader for Toledo City Parks as a teen in the 1940s. From 1989 to 2009, he served on the Metroparks Board of Park Commissioners and as president for much of that. One of his major accomplishments was the creation of the University/Parks Trail, one of the first multi-jurisdictional trail partnerships in Ohio. With Mr. Gallons leadership on the board, Metroparks later added the WabashCannonball Trail. He was also instrumental in starting the Volunteer Trail Patrol, which his law firm has supported financially. The Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Blue Creek Conservation Area were acquired under his Board leadership, and a land levy was approved by voters, leading to 10 years

of unprecedented growth for the park district. Among Mr. Gallons many passions were improving the effectiveness of boards, providing educational opportunities and forums for citizenboard members to interact. That leadership extended beyond Metroparks to the state, regional and national levels through the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association and the National Recreation and Park Association. Upon his retirement from the Metroparks board in 2009, the Red Trail at Wildwood was named the Jack Gallon Trail.

Photography at Secor Metropark featured an exhibit of his 25 favorite designs. Many of those designs are now on permanent display on the third floor of the park districts administrative office.

Board Recognizes Three Retirees

The Board of Park Commissioners in January recognized Jesse and two other longtime members of the Metroparks team who retired: Ranger Tyrone Tyson, a familiar friendly face to Wildwood Preserve visitors; and Marge Dembowski, who formerly managed the Manor House at Wildwood before changing roles to work with donors and special events. Marge produced the Happy Trails 5K, MetroBarks and numerous other annual and special events.

Designer Leaves Many Marks at Metroparks

You are familiar with Jesse Mireles work if for no other reason than you are holding this magazine. The imprints Jesse has left on the park district in his 27 years as graphic designer are everywhere, from publications to the logo on park entrance signs. Television and newspaper ads, maps and brochures, websites you name it, Jesse designed it. At the end of November, Jesse retired from Metroparks to pursue other design and fine art pursuits. But he leaves many marks across the park district, including designs that have won a slew of awards. Several of his logos have been included in Logo Lounge, an annual publication featuring the best examples of logo design from around the world. On the occasion of Jesses 25th anniversary with the park district in 2010, the National Center for Nature

Longtime Legal Counsel Honored

The Board of Park Commissioners in December honored Gary McBride, a partner in the law firm of Spengler Nathanson who has represented Metroparks and other public agencies in a wide variety of legal matters for more than three decades. As McBride made plans to scale back his role in the law firm, the board used the opportunity of the Commissioners Preview Party before the opening of Holidays in the Manor House to thank him for his service to the community. Board members Scott Savage, Lera Doneghy and Fritz Byers presented him with gifts, including a book of Metroparks photographs. McBrides involvement in Metroparks has gone beyond serving as the park districts

Jack Gallon Was Long-time Board President

Jack Gallon, a Metroparks Board member for 20 years who was inducted into the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association Hall of Fame in 2010, died in March. He was 82.

Jack Gallon


legal advisor. Through his involvement with organizations such as the France Stone Foundation and the Rotary Club of Toledo, he has helped make possible large projects such as the Middlegrounds and the pedestrian/ bike bridge over the Anthony Wayne Trail.

40 Years At Metroparks
Art Weber, whose photography has appeared in Metroparks Magazine and other publications for many years, celebrated his 40th anniversary with the park district last year. Art is director of photography at the National Center for Nature Photography, located in Secor Metropark. Previously the park districts public information manager for 30 years, Art has gained a national reputation as an outdoors photographer and writer. Last spring, he received nine awards from the Outdoor Writers of Ohio for his work, including photos that appeared in this magazine. Congratulations to Art on his awards, and for joining a very small club of people who have served Metroparks for over four decades.

A wetland rich with birds and other wildlife is located on the new one-mile trail now open at Blue Creek.

The Metroparks Members Grant Program was awarded second place in the contests Management Innovation Category. The program annually awards grants from money raised through the membership program to fund projects proposed by members of the park districts staff. The awards were presented at the OPRA annual Conference and Trade Show, held in Columbus in February.

Schadel. It has a parking area and a quarry pond, which is open for fishing. A one-mile trail loop leads to a wetland along the creek. A temporary restroom is located in the parking lot. Blue Creek is a multi-use facility operated by several partners. One of the newest additions to the Metroparks is steeped in history, dating to the late 1700s when the Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandot and Potawatomi people lived, hunted and farmed in the area. The property was the site of limestone quarries in the mid- to late-1800s. In 1917, the city of Toledo bought the land to build a prison farm. The Toledo House of Corrections operated from 1918 until early 1991. Metroparks began acquiring the property in 2000 from the 15

City of Toledo, later acquiring additional portions from Lucas County in 2002 and 2004.Located on the edge of the Oak Openings region, Blue Creek has glacial grooves, a pond, a wetland and an oak savanna. A 20,873-square-foot barn built in the late 1920s is located on a portion of the property that is not yet open for daily use, but is used for programming and special events. Blue Creek is operated in partnership with the Village of Whitehouse, Nature's Nursery and the Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District. In addition to the small park area, Blue Creek is home to a wildlife rehabilitation center, a youth recreation complex, the Nona France quarry, demonstration farm fields and the Metroparks native seed nursery.

Park District Work Receives Awards

Week of Caring a Metroparks volunteer project in conjunction with the United Way received a first place award in the Urban Programs Category of the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association 2012 awards program. The program was coordinated by the park systems Volunteer Services Department.

Part Of Blue Creek Now Open Daily

A 61-acre section of the Blue Creek Conservation Area in Whitehouse is now open to the public for daily use from 7 a.m. until dark. Blue Creek is located at the corner of WatervilleNeapolis and Schadel roads in Whitehouse. The section that opened to the public in March is on the south side of

July 2012 through January 2013 The Andersons, Inc. Powers Programs A generous contribution from The Andersons, Inc., Maumee, will again bring numerous public programs to the Metroparks. The Andersons gift helped make possible the following recent and upcoming events: Smores and More Valentines Passion Make a Difference Day Nature Photography Contest MetroBarks Happy Trails 5K Nature Camp Holidays in the Manor House The Andersons also sponsors coupons used by park rangers as rewards for catching young Metroparks visitors modeling safe behaviors, such as wearing helmets when bicycling. Other Recent Donations Toledo Veterinary Medical Association made a donation for the dog waste program. Matt Welker donated a portable projector screen. The Alfred Wagener Foundation made a donation

Giving Tree

General Funds The following made donations to support current expenditures at Metroparks: Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Backoff Robert and Sarah Brown Paul Chad Richard and Alice Edwards Nancie H. Entenmann Fund, Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Christine Turnbull Kurt and Lynn Franck Ted and Patricia Gillespie Bruce and Joan Hankins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hills Victoria Kavalick Brooke Lauber-Cobb Benjamin and Martha Marsh Donald and Marian Mulligan David A. Payne Toledo Area Bicyclists, Inc. Marjorie Z. Kaplin Gifts for Land Acquisitions Barkan & Robon LTD The Jane M. Rose Trust made a donation for capital improvements and land acquisitions. Gifts for Providence Marilee McSweeny donated nesting pottery crocks and a pottery jug. Holland Arbor of Gleaners Association donated a gift certificate to purchase supplies for the Ludwig Mill. The following gave donations to support the Pearson Playground Project Eastern Maumee Bay Chamber of Commerce France Stone Foundation BP-Husky Refining

New landscaping around a gazebo on the Manor House lawn used for weddings and concerts was installed thanks to a generous contribution by the Carson Family Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. The Carson Family Fund is responsible for many improvements to the Manor House garden and grounds over the last several years.

from its annual golf outing to support the Wagener winter recreation area at Side Cut. Ohio Historical Society made a donation to support the Fallen Timbers Monument.

A grant from employees at Johnson Controls was used to purchase land management supplies. The John and Virginia Hankison Foundation made donations to the John and Virginia Hankison Fund. Philip and Sally Lenhart made a donation for the Boy Scout Merit Badge program. A grant from Dorothy MacKenzie Fallen Timbers Education Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation was given to support Fort Miamis Education and Interpretation.

The Andersons was the sponsor of this winters second annual Smores and More event at Side Cut.


The following gave donations to support the Wildwood Playground Project Munger Munger Architecture Foundation Fund, Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Volunteers In Parks Gifts for Oak Openings Fulton County, Ohio Horsemens Council donated ten posts for a new horse trail loop Gifts for Pearson Jon Cross donated 10 bird images John and Yolanda Szuch Gifts for Wildwood Trail entrance upgrades were funded in part by a grant from the Tiffany Elise Staelin Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. David Neufel Memorial Foundation Gifts for Side Cut Friends of Side Cut made a donation to paint the Side Cut Explorer Nature Photography Center Support American Frame donated gift certificates for prizes at the National Center of Nature Photographys photo contest. Philip and Sally Lenhart Wild Iris Publishing donated 17 Curious Critters exhibit prints. Matching Gifts Donations by an individual may be matched by the donors business or employer. Owens-Illinois Charities Foundation Harmony J. Bryan

Special Tours for Members

etroparks Members are invited to attend one of these upcoming park tours for a special, behind-the-scenes experience.

Explore Blue Creek April 27, 10 a.m.

A private tour of the Blue Creek Conservation Area's seed nursery and historic barn. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy at your leisure following the tour. Good walking shoes are recommended.

Middlegrounds Walk July 27, 10 a.m.

Make the most of your opportunity to explore the newest and only downtown Metropark.The Middlegrounds, on the Maumee River, greatly influenced Toledos development.The walk will highlight the natural and historical importance of the property.

Canoes & Campfires October 12, 1 to 2 p.m.

Spend a leisurely afternoon at the Angola-Frankfort Sedge Meadow, a primitive parkland in the Oak Openings Corridor.All the wonders of nature will surround you as you paddle a Metroparks canoe around the scenic pond.Take time to refuel with hotdogs roasted over a campfire, chips, dessert, and water. Bring your picnic blanket and dress for a fantastic time outdoors.Directions provided upon registration. To make reservations, please call 419-407-9723.


Welcome ...
14th O.V.I.-3rd Arkansas Kimberli Allan Peggy Amey William Antoszewski Lisa Arend Susan Assi Carolyn and Tim Austin Barbara Bachar Sharon Bailey Dennis and Denise Balduff Marjorie S. Baril Mr. and Mrs. William I. Barkan Rick J. Barricklow Lisa Behrendt Robert Beilhart Matthew A. and Linda E. Bennett Angela Pizza Best Kay Black Leslie Black Bishop Leonard P. Blair Chris and Julie Blakely and Family Dr. and Mrs. G. Barton Blossom John and Ruth Board Mike Bodnar Christine Bohland Fred Borck Johnathan and Tina Bossenbroek Erica Braun Larry Brechbill Mable A. Bridgman Susan L. Brotje Jerry Brown Gary Bryan Harmony Bryan Erika Buri Richard T. Burke James and Diana Burkhardt Anne Burnham Donald and Susanna Cadaret Joan Campbell Janis Chamberlin Emmett Beavers and Sylvia Clark Felica Clark Gregory Claud Marsha Clere Joy Collins Jack and Susan Conner Thomas J. and Barbara J. Contos Darlene Cook Stuart Cubbon Janice E. Darah Lawrence and Marla David Thomas and Jean Davis Michelle and Steven Detmer Jonathan Detrick Mary Dick Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Diehl Robert W. and Judith E. Dilworth Charles and Lera Doneghy Anthony Imagie Douglas Donald W. Dyer


Patricia Dymarkowski Todd Dzyak Janice Edelstein Jimmie Edwards Dustin Ellinwood Marie Emery Victoria Erickson Dale and Robin Evearitt Alexandra Fetter Mary Figgins Richard and Rebecca Finch Lara Fish Heather Fisher Terry and Carol Fleischman Linda Franklin John and Cynthia Finn Galbraith Kent Gardam Linda S. Garrison Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gordon Penny Greenlese Josephine and John Grosjean William E. Gruss Annemarie Hainen

William and Vickie Halsey Claire S. Harrington Fred and Juanita Harrington Joan A. Harris Leroy and Kathleen Hartsing Kevin Heintschel John and Kathy Heisinger William L. Henning, Jr. Mary Alice Herkel Paul Hewitt Glenn and Lora Holmes Joanne Horen Ryan and Melissa Householder Diane Huss Elisa Huss-Hage Charles Ide Glen A. and Helen H. Iossi Robert Jender Stanley W. Joehlin Jerry Johnson Ralph H. Johnson Scott Johnson Elizabeth Jones

Zella Jones-Leventhal Terri Kaczor Teresa Rose Keller Andrea Kelly Jerry Kerr Maria Khristov-Riveron Sanford and Sharon Kimmell Harold and Linda Kinker Amy Komisarek Terrence Korczyk Walter Kosydar Richard and Shelley Kotz Lawrence W. and Susan M. Kowalski Anna Krause Marvin Miller and Kathleen Kress Katherine L. Kuhn Maria Kwiatkowski Larry Leahe David Lechner Katalyn R. Lemle Linda Lemle Bobbi Linn Sandy Luetke Paul and Sandra Lunn Mark and Rose Makulinski Bonnie Markley David Matthews Kenneth E. and Carlene A. McCartney Linda Mcgath Michael and Nancy McKelvey George F. and Sharon McKisson, Jr. Dennis Metzger Linda Meyer Janet Miller Jeanne K. Miller Julie A. Miller Patricia Miller Robert Miller William Miller Leah Mokri Al and Mary Mollenkamp Paul J. Molnar Steven and Linda Moore Sue Morgenroth Barbara Muir Nicholas F. and Susan Hartman Muska Troy and Andrea Musselman Joseph and Katherine Myers Jodi Nagy John Nahm Mary L. Neidhardt Michael Nester Carol J. Neuber Leslie Nikolakos Brian J. and Heather R. Norris George Nowels Mary Oberrecht-Tyler Charles J. and Brigitte Norton Odenthal James and Mara Oess Nancy Okuley Kendra Ondrus


John R. and Mary Clarke Ostberg Ken Overholt David A. and Nancy A. Parker Mr. and Mrs. John Paskowski Roger and Margaret Passuello Kristen Paul Linda Pawlecki Shirley Pawlowski Rebecca Pena Deborah Perlmutter Kevin A. and Kristel Phelps Richard and Colleen Pivoriunas Susan Pohlod Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Poll Harvey and Beatriz Popovich Lester G. Powell Janet Pratt Gregory Prince Dr. and Mrs. James Ravin Margot M. Reichert Dr. and Mrs. David Reid Robert Reifert Laurie Retzlaff Joan H. Rife Roz Rober Nancy Robinson Timothy Romano Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Romanoff William Roper Beth and Paul Rouda Clair Ruckman Sara Russell Angela Saldivar Dorothy M. Saloff John C. and Marilyn Scarlett Peter Schaal and Family James Schaller Jenny Schramm Julie Schwartz Jennifer Selmek Sharon Serres Scott Shaw Sara J. Sherick Dianne Shetley Rosalie Shine Marsha Siglow Mark Skolnicki Janet L. Smith Jason Smith Lewis O. and Peggy Smith, III Nick Smith Beth Snook Robert and Sharon Squire Ann Steck Wilma Steele Mary Ann and Cyril Steinhauser Timothy Stevens Robin Stone Robert T. Strawman Paul and Laurie Syring Louise A. Teske Gary and Susan Thompson Katy Thompson Toni Thompson Robert and Renee Timbrook Robert and Laurie Towles

Kathleen Trumbull Richard and Mary Twining Greg and Cornelia Wagener Rose Mary and Robert Wagner Joseph M. and Linda Klein Walsh Tanna Walsh Barbara Walters Karen Walters Kay and Bob Weprin Robert Werth Gary Westrick Samantha Wiczynski Jessica Wilbarger Sara Wilgus Adolf and Anita Witt Gregory and Cari Wood Jane Woolace Wesley Wright N.T.H. Yoas Jacquelyn Zakeri Emily Ziegler Cheryl Zimmerman Laura and Tom Zitzelberger Mark Zydel

Joseph and Glenda Kane, Jackie Sharon Lowry, Sasha, Sofia Mary Ellen Mercer, Maddie, Oliver Bruce Osborn, Bennie Cassandra Passalacqua and Family, Bella, Speedy, Koala Tammy Saunders, Griffin Thomas and Janis Schaffer, Daisy, Murphy David Webb, Izzy

Renewals ...
June 16, 2012 through February 19, 2013 Omar and Eman Abu-Yasein Ronald and Judie Alessi Pam Alspach Juanita J. Alt Jim and Kathy Anderson Mary Jo Anderson Janice and Charles E. Antal Kyle Armstrong Bruce Arnold Ruth M. Arnot Dr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Assenmacher Jean E. Atkin Charles H. and Nancy Lee Atkins Linda and Nick Augustyniak Gayle J. Austin Leonard and Joan Bacon Dalynn and Sharon Badenhop John R. Badhorn, Sr.

MetroBarks Members
June 16, 2012 through February 19, 2013 Allison and Tomas Arnekrans Brandon Bruno, Ellie Terry Deye, Rocky Bruce Hammond, Oliver

Joseph Bagrowski Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Baker Terry and Cynthia Baker Sophia Balasz and Jim Kralik William A. and GeorgeAnne Baldridge Catherine Baldwin Donna Jean Bardis Rose Barnes Naomi Baron Ronald and Anthony Baum Ruth Baumann Albert M. and Barbara J. Baumgartner Gerald and Ellen Bazer Carole Beamer Terry L. Beaver Lowell V. Beaverson Michael and Juliann Beazley Allan Sacks and June Bechthold Willis L. Beck Louise E. Bedee David and Cynthia Beekley Nancy Beeman Marilyn Bennett John E. and Mary Berger James and Maryam Berta Tom and Joyce Bettinger Thomas and Janet Biblewski Thomas C. Biebesheimer Robert E. and Jana M. Bishop Curtis D. and Marilyn C. Black Thomas C. and Anne Marie Blank Russell A. and Amy Bless Suzanne E. Blevins Margaret M. Blood Gerald A. and Linda Bloomer

Thank You! Projects Made Possible By Member Grants

Each year, some of the funds raised from the generous support of Metroparks Members are awarded in the form of grants to projects requested by the park districts staff. Among other things, your membership helped make possible the following projects in 2012. Electric cart to be used for customer service and patrol at Wildwood Outdoor Window on Wildlife feeding station at Farnsworth Stretch station for trail users at Oak Openings Bat Habitat at Oak Openings Kaivic no-touch cleaning system for use at Side Cut, Farnsworth and Providence Upgrades to the Window on Wildlife at Side Cut


Morton and Susan Bobowick Mary E. Boellner John W. and Sally O. Boening Rey and Rosemary Boezi Annette L. Boice Delbert E. and Frieda Fern Bordner Diane R. Bouillon Sandra L. Bowdle Janice E. Bowman Herbert W. Boyer Cambell and Cynthia Ann Brady Daniel and Anne Brahier Diane Braker Joanne Branks Donald and Margaret Bray John M. and Barbara J. Brennan Mary and Terry Breymaier Suzanne M. Brickey Donald J. and Anne W. Britt Mary Elizabeth Brown Susan Brown Eleanor F. Brunner Cindy Bruns Gerald A. and Kathryn T. Bryant Carl and Laraine Brywczynski Michael R. Buchele James and Lee Buerk Linda Buford

Charles Bunner Jean Burgbacher Roger and Heather E. Burke Dale S. and Robert W. Burnett Janet and John Burtch Nancy and Mark Burton Keith and Susan Burwell Myrna Bush Waldo Bush Dr. Candilee Butler Frank J. Butwin Dorothy Byers Craig Cairns Donald R. and Alice U. Calabrese Archie D. and Cheryl L. Call Constance C. Calmes John C. and Carol Campbell Jan and Michael Caron Scott and Beth Carpenter Martha J. Carver Andrea L. Caverly Deanna F. Cedargren Karen Centers Richard and Tomlyn Chambers Barb Chappell and Ace Acebedo Laurie and Mark Cherry Dr. Leo and Mrs. Linda Clark Rita and Bob Clark Virginia Clifford

Michael P. Clover James E. and Sandra K. Coe Angie Cole Cherie Collier Susan L. Conda Heidi Conklin Cheryl J. Conley David and Rhoda Cook David F. and Candace C. Cooper Richard B. and Nathalie Corado John and Martha Corcoran Alvina R. Costilla Geraldine Cottey Camp Ellen S. Cramer Wallen and Suzanne Crane Richard and Mary Crayon Francis L. and Nina M. Crinks The Crots Family Richard P. and Lola Crouse Frank W. and Barbara Cubbon, Jr. Darla Culberson Terry and Linda Dachenhaus Thomas M. Daley Alfred S. and Carri Dannhauser Harriet and Martin Davis Roger B. and Marilyn P. Dean Editha Dehm Marge Dembowski David Bodner and Beth Dennis Rose Marie and Donald Detlef Hazel Marie Deuble Thomas Burkstrand and Michele Devereaux Diane Dickinson Jan Dixon Jo Ann Dixon Deborah Dobrak Eleanor Dombrowski Paula Domitio James and Joyce Donaldson Michael Doria Michael Draheim Terese I. and Timothy G. Drewyor David P. Drlik Shirley and Delbert Duckins Susan Duff Michael and Barbara Duffey Tim Duffey Thomas Dunn Thomas and Nancy Durnford Jean L. Duston Rosemarie Duszynski Susan D. Earl Philip Myers and Martha Early Rose Edson Barbara Eikost Dr. and Mrs. M. El-Shafie David G. and Kathryn Ellis Nathan Ellis Clair and Sally Emerson Michael J. and Judith A. Encheff David and Phebe Engel Kurt Erichsen John H. and Martha P. Esbin Mike and Kathy Essi Norman Fairman

Michael Fall Rick and Martha Fansler Bernard Fegan Julia Ann Fellhauer Yvonne Fey Irene H. Fink Cheryl Fischer Allison S. Fisher Richard A. and Mary F. Flasck Mary Jane Flores John Foley Nancy L. Foley and Jim Harris Paula B. Follis Elizabeth S. Ford Gladys I. Ford Julie Ford John and Carole A. Forte Jack and Susan Fortney Steve and Janet Foster Darrell H. Fox John and Kim Frautschi Diane E. Frazen William N. and Anne C. Free Dr. Robert C. Friess Alan and Deborah Fritz Jim and Florence Fuerst Frank and Susan Fulkerson Stephan and Nancy Gabalac Lynda C. Gallant Jarvis and Marsha Gamble Ronald Gamble Wilbur and Terry Garner Mary J. Garrison Denise H. Gehring Annette Gernheuser Robert E. and Paulette Giaimo Eleanor Gibbs Charles and Patricia Gibson Edgar C and Rita F. Gibson Sherrie and Jay Gilchrist Ted C. and Patricia R. Gillespie Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Glassberg Richard J. and Sandra J. Glasson Kent A. and Dolores A. Glauser Phyllis Gogel Darrell K. and Joanne R. Goins Edward and Mary Goldberger Barbara Gonsowski Lucy and Kenneth Goodenday Donald W. and Barbara L. Gorrell Judith Gorun Dr. James and Mrs. Mary Ellen Gosman Paul Graham John and Kelly Granger Roger H. and Sharon L. Grant Mary C. Greisiger Brian and Judith Gribble John and Lena Grigore Dorothy A. Grove Tom and Betsy Gschwind Joan Haigh Marilyn Halker Brian Hall Ron and Kitty Hall Susan Hamen Anne Hampton


Paul W. and Marilyn A. Hankins Richard L. and Gail J. Hanson Dick and Pat Hanusz Randolph R. and Sue J. Harms Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hartwig Danny M. and Denise M. Harvey LeAnna D. and Cris E. Hastin, Jr. Steve and Linda Haubert C. P. and Paula Hauck Kathleen Hausknecht Jill Hawkins Richard Hayes Michael D. Haynes John and Jeanie Hayward Earl C. and Dolores M. Heath Donna Heer Christopher R. and Judith A. Helm Albert and Jean Henderson Warren E. and Leann R. Henry Jon and Kathryn Herdman Gregory and Beverly J. Herig Charles and Margaret Herman Robert Herman Brenda Hill Julia Hoch Kenneth J. and Phyllis J. Hoepfl John and Alice Hoff Bill and Marie Hoover Robert J. and Margaret E. Hopperton Timothy and Pamela Horne Kathleen R. Horrigan Esther A. Horst and Family Bill and Sue Horvath Donald J. and Carole P. Housholder Dallas and Linda Howard Gene and Ellen Hubbard

Martha L. Huepenbecker Dave and Becky Huey Robert Hull Marjorie M. Hutton Ann C. Jarvela Denise and William Johnson Eric W. and Cynthia A. Johnson Larry W. and Sharon E. Johnson Bradley Johnson and Family T. Scott Johnston Sandra U. Jones Sakari T. and Shirley Anne Jutila John and Eileen Juvinall Clarence H. Kalmbach Andy and Rose Kandik Jane Karau Kathy Kasprzak Cheryl Kazmierczak Jim and Joan Keeler Jacqueline D. Keim William and Joan Keister Daniel C. and Marilyn J. Keller Steven E. and Virginia F. Keller Don and Carime Kellermeier Anita E. Kelly Rita F. Kelly James L. and Hilde M. Kennedy Dale and Marcia Kern Helene M. Kilcorse Gretchen and Thomas Kirk Helen and Phil Kirk and Family Carole R. Kiroff Charles Kiskaddon Nancy C. and Albert W. Kleine, Jr. Jennifer and Philip Klempner Barb and John Klopfenstein Joe and April Klosowski Mary and Paul Knake Paul B. and Judith A. Knapinski

John and Vivian Knapp William T. and Carol Koback Donna J. Koester Brian Koevenig Marjorie M. Kohler Zale S. and Shirley A. Kohler Bernard A. Kokocinski Joseph and Jannette Komorowski Don and Laurie Kowalski Edward and Sandra Kraine Thomas J. and Catherine A. Krall Gary and Bonnie Kramer Joseph O. and Donna J. Kramer David and Susan Krantz John P. and Ana M. Kraus George F. Kreft William and Helen S. Kreutz Dr. Venkatesan Krishnan William and Arlene Krosky Fred and Kathy Krout Martha and Dick Kudner Jan Kusowski Ronald P. Kustra Paulette and Melvin Kwiatkowski Sandra Laas Gerald E. and Jennifer L. Lagger Lillian Lagger Jeanne Pritchard and Ray Lambert Thomas Lane Ronald and Susan Lang Ted Lang Nancy A. and James W. Lapp Bob and LuAnne Larson Steve Latsch Steven A. and Paula Lauer Wanda Lawrence

Mary Leinaweaver Jerald and Lydia Lenning Laura Leventhal Vivian J. Lijewski William R. and Barbara A. Lindeman Cheryl Linke Stanley Linver Gregory Lipps Robert S. and Imelda D. Loeb Mark Lohman Marilyn C. Long Kristine Ludwig Kathleen P. Lundberg Carl and Andrea Lundgren Paul A. and Carolyn L. Lutz Richard Maas Richard S. and Laura L. MacMillan Constance J. Maguire Thomas F. and Ann A. Maidment Stephen and Megan Malczewski Barbara Malkoski Richard R. and Kathryn C. Malone Stanley and Patricia Mann Dorothy J. Manning Tom Marek Paul and Kathryn Marion Glen D. Marquis David and Pam Marsh Kevin and Diane McEwen Martin DiAnne Masztak Howard A. Matuszewski Kenneth J. and Patricia D. Mauer Clinton and Pat Mauk Kenneth R. Mauss


Arthur and Pat Maust Jack L. and Mary A. Mayer Patricia A. McCauley David and Diane McClellan Mark McCoyne Pat McGlauchlin Beth J. McGowan Paul E. Mechling S. Thomas and Laura Megeath Thomas and Maureen Menacher Debbie Metcalf Florence M. Metzger Tom, Therese and Sam Metzger Linda Meyer Richard and Mary Meyers Carmela A. Micallef David K. Miller Joan Miller Joyce Miller Mariellen and James Miller Robert C. and Pamela P. Miller Roger and Jan Miller Keith E. Miller and Bernice G. Schwartz Keith and Nancy Millinger Nancy Minns Josephine Minogue Jay H. and Gail S. Mirrow Michelle Mizell Susan and Bruce Modarai James and Ellen Moeller Betty Moharter David T. Mohler Mildred L. Mohr Jonathan and Andrea Monheim Hugh L. Montgomery Robert F. Monti Joseph and Ruth Montion Ralph K. and Betty L. Moore Harry W. Morgan

Patty A. Morgenstern Nancy Moriarty Marilyn Mossing Mohamad Moussa Susan Muenzer and Craig W. Nilsson Joan Mulheisen Carol L. and James P. Murray Ralph E. Mussehl David and Mary Mutchler Robert A. and Patricia Ann Myers Virginia and John J. Myers Elsa Nadler Gene and Patty Naujock Joan A. Neeley Susan Nelson and Family John C. and Janet A. Neundorfer Bob and Barbara Nichols, Sr. Elisabeth Nigrovic Fred D. and Hope Nofziger Nancy Norman Laura Novotny Chet and Nora Nowak Cynthia J. Nowak Joseph T. and Ann P. O'Leary John Ozancin Beverly A. Pangle Mary Ann Parker Paul Parrick Jon F. and Helen M. Patton Diann Paulin Walter B. Pauly George A. Pavuk David Payne Michael and Kathy Peace Rodney and Patti Pearson Donald G. Pennell Robert O. and Mary Jean Perry Charles T. and Luann J. Perzynski

James and Phyllis Petty Marilyn J. Picknell Ken and Debbie Piel Milton R. and Patricia M. Pommeranz Tom and Karen Porter Lee Post Judge John W. Potter William J. Potvin and Linda Myers Robin L. Prettyman Charlotte A. Price Reid and Claire A. Proctor Jeffrey and Cheryl Pryor John and Pamela Pullella Charles and Carol Quick Jeff Rader Walter and Sharon Rager Joseph and Linda Rakowski Hydie Ralston Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Ramnath Sara Ramsey Bob and Judy Rank Doug and Kristina Rasik Norman and Nancy Rasmusson Jane F. Rayman Samuel and Robin Rayner Patrick A. and Lori J. Reddington Richard and Penelope Reder Jane Reebel Jeanne Reed Timothy and Susan Reichard Carol S. Repass Alice Robie Resnick Korki and Don Ressler Donald R. and Barbara A. Rettig Jack G. and Denise S. Rex Richard I. and Gloria D. Reynolds Robert G. Rice

David B. and Polly M. Richardson Glenn and Mary Richter Joseph A. and Beverly Rideout Donna Riley Todd and Vicki Riley Chris and Natalie Rilling Warren C. and Martha L. Risher Sally A. Ritter Linda L. Roberts Brian and Laura Robinson Beau Rochte Harold D. and Marilyn A. Roesti Marcia Romstadt John and Elizabeth Roth Rebecca S. Roth Kenneth and Joan MyersRothrock Rheo D. and Sally O. Rouillard Joette M. Rozanski Gerald D. Runkle Louella L. Rupp John, Sally and Hannah Russ Robert L. and Joanna Russ Frank, Carole and Kerry Ryan John Ryan Richard and Anderia Ryley Jay and Sue Ryno Gary R. and Jeannette C. Samples Charles G. and Nancy A. Sattler Marvin J. Savage Ann B. Sawyer Kay T. Saxby Patrick and Barbara Fox Schad Elizabeth C. Schaefer Fred and Claire Schaefer Jim and Sue Scheib Mary S. Schlatter William C. and Bette T. Schmidlin Bernard Schneider, Sr. Bob Schneider Terry and Jane Schuessler Jack Schultz Marlene Schultz Russell G. and Judith A. Schultz Frederick W. and Priscilla L. Schwier Timothy W. and Janice Harroun Scovic William H. Searles Robert F. Seyfang and Susan Del Vecchio Stephen B. and Joyce P. Shawaker Michael P. and Sandra K. Sheehy Marilyn Shefferly Chalane and Charles Sheldon Dr. Dorinda Shelley Cynthia and Thomas Sheperak Kay E. Showman David and Sandra Shutt Jim and Becky Sillery Sharon F. Simmons and Ron Coffman Mary Simon Jean Sites


Joy D. Skeel Doug and Carol Smith Janet L. Smith Michael J. and Pat Smith Ronald R. and Betty Howard Smith Victoria Smith David J. Sobczak John and Christy Soncrant Michel J. and Karen A. Soubeyrand Michelle A. Soviar Sarah Speer and Family Matthew Spies Dr. and Mrs. John Spiess Steve and Vickie Sprow Richard L. and Patricia R. Squibb Raymond J. and Patricia L. Squire Dr. Richard A. and Mrs. Lauretta A St. John Donald and Nancy Stawowy Lydia B. Steensen Rebecca Steingass Rosetta Bessinger Steinmiller William R. and Mary E. Steitz, Jr. Janet Sternfeld Charles A. and Carol M. Stocking Michael L. and Denise M. Stokes Laura J. Stone John H. Strand Steven Straub and Family Wayne and Barb Strayer Roger Streiffert David A. and Ann Strickler

Edward and Mary Ann Stuart Cinda Stutzman Keith and Rori Mason Suhr Rick Sullivan Sally Sussman Elizabeth Sutherland Patricia Swy Marilyn L. Szabo Gerald F. and Iris E. Szelagowski Camilla Roth Szirotnyak Guy and Joan C. Szuberla John and Yolanda Szuch and Family Deborah S. Tassie Howard and Teresa Teifke Sam and Carol Thomas Rose Thomson Rudolph L. Thoreson Michael A. and Lisa Tietje Tom and Lynnette Titus Robert E. and Helen J. Tobian John R. Toelken Toledo Area Bicyclists Dr. Richard T. Torchia Elliot Tramer and Chris Manzey Gregory and Lori Troemner Diana and Charles Ujvagi Greta Ullman Anton and Tamara Urbas Mark A. and Karen L. V'Soske John F. Valduga Joan Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Van Scoy Nicholas K. and Mitzie A. Vance Barbara Vanderkelen

Bobbi J. Vaughan Roger and Sharon Veitch Tom and Nancy Verner Joanne Vick Christine L. Vischer Dr. David L. Waggoner Steven Wagner Elizabeth Wagoner Dr. and Mrs. Aron Wajskol Richard and Shelley Walinski Frank and Barb Wallace Dennis Walsh Foster V. and Marcia Ann Waltz Harry Ward Mrs. J. Jean Ward Paul E. Ward William and Norma Warejko Jeffery A. Watts Donald E. and Barbara Weber John and Lucy Jane Webster David and Judy Weinberg Richard and Christine Weisfelder Steve and Mary Weiss Jerome and Kathleen Welenc Elbert J. Weller L. Jack and Carolyn C. Wells Karen Welter Faye E. Wenzlick Kathy Werner Anne Marie Westmeyer David and Nancy Westrick Mary Ann Whipple Dr. and Mrs. Peter White Lois A. White

Paul Wibbeler Gisela L. Wicher Melvyn E. and Annette W. Wicks Carol Wiemken Christine and Thomas Wierman, Jr. Charles E. Williams George and Kristi Skeel Williams Leon and Ellie Williams Michael D. and Diane L. Williams Susan E. Wilson Dee Winkel George L. Winkle James and Janice Wisniewski Chris and Cheri Witt and Family Ernie Woeller William and Katharin Mason Wolf Christine Wood Marge and Roger Woodbury William Woodruff Virginia L. Wysong Carolyn B. Jabs and David Zamichow Frank Zbierajewski Keith Zeisloft Nickolas Zientara Kurt Zimmerman Al and Jane Zohn Dr. Joel P. and Mrs. Nancy J. Zrull Sam Zyndorf


MetroBarks Member Renewals

June 16, 2012 through February 19, 2013 Paul Adams and Family Paul and Kathleen Barber, Daphne Molly Bopp, Quinn Kim Eckles, Steve, Bailey Ken and Jill Falls, Princess, Zeke Jan Gibson, Dandy David O. and Linda M. Hart, Libby Scott and Ann Mary Jaskela, Rex Gerald L. Lohman, Bari, Lady Tom and Kay C. McArdle Michael and Alissa Meyer, Moe Jill and Daryl Moreau, Mardi, Rudy Tom and Kathy Page, Morgan, Lili Larry and Sandra Rock, Ruby Nancy Ann Segan, Kadji Stuart W. Stearns, Copper, Sammy Sanford Taylor, Jr., Annie Constance J. Winslow, Roxy

Eleanor Sonntag gave a donation in memory of Raymond Butz to support the National Center for Nature Photography. Raymond and Kathleen Chamberlain gave a donation in memory of Donald Leonhardt to support the Pearson playground project. Samuel Carson, Jr. gave a donation in memory of Sam and Alice Carson to support the general fund. Arthur and Arlene Geiger gave a donation in memory of James Fuerst to support Wildwood Metropark. Karen Ackerman Patricia Marie Karcsak Elaine MacKinnon Linda L. Schlachter Jack Armitage Cliff Armitage Richard and Kathleen Brunt Sallie Chovan Laura Craig Ruth Ermish Norma Groh Nancy Hamman Donald Krebs Jim and Carol Smith Cindy Topel Jeane Barnum Dale and Marilynn Blanchard Center for Conscious Living Dave White Chevrolet William Cosgrove and Kimberlee Collins Joel and Davie Epstein Experimental Aircraft Association Margaret J. Hiett Victor and Sue Jones Drs. Richard and Elizabeth Ruppert

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Staelin Olivia and Eric Summons Stephen H. Swigart Greg and Constance UrschelAlexander Scott and Margaret Upton Trumbull Weber & Sterling, LLC Whalen Realty & Auction, LTD James and Susan White Ibtissam M. Bejaige Chad and Jennifer Tuschman James Fuerst Jacquelyn I. Graumlich Keith and Jayme Koegler Mason and Marjorie McQueary Robert C. Glass, Sr. Capital Tire, Inc. Richard Haberstock Karin Jacobson Robert Seeman Henry A. Mika Dorothy M. Stang Kenneth (Ray) Mysinger Douglas and Barbara Breese Burkett Restaurant Equipment Marge Damas Gayle and Sandy Duty Kristen and Tim Duty John and Kay Falk Don and Teri Gentry Greg and Virginia Hill Keith and Jamie Krobath Charles and Dora Michael Perrysburg Municipal Employees Association Jeff and Laura Short James and Judy Stewart Bryon Quandt Robert Bell Jeffrey and Sally DePerro Nicholas and Judy Dye Buzz and Carol Flannigan

Robert and Barbara Gatchel James and Barbara Grill Michael and Kathleen Hanley Kristin and Jim Jeffery Patrick and Jean Johnson Charles and Nancy McDowell Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Murtagh Robert and Mary Pigott Sylvania Country Club James and Wilma Ulrich John and Valerie Wiley Dr. and Mrs. William Willis Jack Treuhaft Karen Jacobson Robert Seeman Patrick Sheehy Esther J. Neff Mary Johnell Wagoner The Childrens Theatre of Mason, Board of Directors Jean Ward Dale Marilynn Blanchard Terry and Mary Breymaier Irene Fink Dr. Joelle Floriana James and Anne Kimble Dr. Melissa K. Lanza Dr. Andrew Martin Gary and Beverly McBride Deborah Metcalf Betty Metz Park District Foundation of Allen City Frederick and Priscilla Lamb Schwier Shrimp Club Toledo Spengler Nathanson, P.L.L. Richard Wolff Elaine Elizabeth Wood Cathy Diane Jennie Mary Beth Sheri Sue

he following honorarium and memorial donations were made to support initiatives.

Don Jeff Kish Kenneth R. Dickson

The following memorials were made in memory of Byron Quandt to benefit Metroparks Nature Express Childrens Environment Education Fund. Katherine L. Heitmann Judith Miller Valerie and Terry Tyler The following memorials were made in memory of Byron Quandt to purchase Dogwood trees at the Visitors Center at Wildwood Metropark. Joan P. Durgin Thomas and Nancy Kabat Kathleen Magliochetti William and Mary Munn Elizabeth Simonds Dr. and Mrs. Richard Westmeyer


Thank You, Rotary Sponsors

etroparks and the Rotary Club of Toledo thank the following sponsors for helping to make last years 100th anniversary of Rotary in Toledo a memorable celebration. To mark the historical occasion, Rotary made a major gift to Metroparks in support of the Middlegrounds park development in downtown Toledo.

On behalf of the Toledo-area community, Metroparks thanks the Rotary members for their generosity and congratulates the club on a century of service.

The Andersons, Inc. Hollywood Casino KeyBank Metzgers 2-Scale Brennan Industrial Truck Co. Brooks Insurance Findley Davies Oregon Clinic

Healthcare REIT Impact Employment Nemsys, LLC Owens Corning PNC Bank TMS HCR ManorCare V&A Risk Rudolph/Libbe GEM


Weddings in Beautiful Settings

Make a difference... become a volunteer!

Learn more about how to get involved. call 419-407-9703.

elp preserve and protect the natural heritage of northwest Ohio a rewarding way to contribute to the community. What youll get in return is a greater understanding of the areas nature, history and culture. The view is pretty good, too!

Consider Metroparks For Your Special Occasion

Outdoor wedding sites

Indoor and outdoor facilities for weddings, receptions, showers Choose your own caterer For reservations, call 419-407-9710 or visit

Administrative Opportunities | Volunteer Trail Patrol | Manor House | History | Nature Programming | Special Events | Stewardship & Beautification

Now available: Weddings in the stately Wildwood Manor House


Creature Feature
Blandings Turtle
Description: Medium-sized turtle, 7 to 9 inches long; distinctive yellow chin, high-domed shell. Found in: Marshes, shallow ponds, wetlands, floodplains. Status in Ohio: Threatened. Breeding: April-November; 6-21 eggs. Young leave the nest 28-35 days after hatching. Foods: Insects, leeches, snails, small fish, frogs, occasionally plants.

f you have walked the boardwalk at the Magee Marsh State Wildlife Area, chances are youve seen Blandings turtles basking on logs. They are also found in floodplains, such as along the Ottawa River at Wildwood Preserve, and in wetlands in the Oak Openings Region.

High. You cant miss a Blandings turtle because of that obvious, glowing yellow throat. You know it when you see it. The Blandings turtle is a priority species used to assess the overall health of the Oak Openings Region. It is currently the subject of a research project at Oak Openings to study the impact of raccoon predation on Blandings reproduction success.

Their sun-basking behavior and distinctive coloration make the turtles easy to identify, said Metroparks naturalist Kim


Metroparks of the Toledo Area 5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2106

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Your Clean, Safe, Natural Places To Be

Members Make a Difference

Become a member. Call 419-407-9723.
Join Today! By becoming a member, you place yourself in the fields and forests protecting wildlife; help restore natural areas; assist naturalists in classrooms and workshops to educate children and teachers. Memberships make great gifts. Metroparks members receive two issues per year of Metroparks Magazine and four issues of the Program Guide mailed to their home, plus discounts on facility and program reservation fees and invitations to special members-only events.

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