Compression Research Project - Advanced Music Technology January 2002

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Danielle Weld

Compression Research Project – Advanced Music Technology

January 2002

Compression is the reduction in size of data in order to save space or transmission time.
There are numerous goals when compressing data, many of which are especially relevant to audio.
Among these goals is reducing the required storage space, which in turn also acts to reduce the cost
of storage. Another goal in compression of audio is reducing the bandwidth required to transfer the
content. This aspect is especially relevant when applied to the Internet and commercial television
both of which require streaming audio and video. Compression generally is presented in two different
forms known as lossy and non-lossy or lossless. Lossless compression uses formulas to look for
redundancy within data and represent that redundancy by using less information. By reversing the
process the data can be reproduced in an exact form mirroring the original bit for bit. Lossy
compression schemes throw away part of the data to get a smaller size. Using formulas, a description
of the useful components of the data is recorded, and any excess information is left out. When
reconstructed during decompression the reproduced data is often substantially different from the
original, but since only the least perceptually relevant portions of the signal are prone to disposal due
to the psycho acoustic complexity of the compression methods, the removed data can be very hard
to detect. Lossy compression results in vast improvements in final storage requirements, which
makes the often-imperfect output quite acceptable. One of the biggest drawbacks with lossy
schemes is that the effect is additive in that successive iterations of saving the data will begin to
show greater data loss. For this reason, they should never be used in the studio and are only of use
for final output.

Audio compression is very similar to data compression, but due to the complex nature and
mathematical randomness of digital audio, the formulas used have to understand a number of
principals. These principals involve understanding how the human hearing system works and using
this information to selectively decide which portions of data are worth saving and which will go
unmissed when absent. There are two main methods used in order to achieve this result. The first of
these processes is known as Psychoacoustics and works by understanding what the ear is capable of
hearing. The sensitivity of the ear varies with frequency. Being most sensitive in the area of 4Khz. A
sound that can only just be heard around the 4Khz area would be inaudible if played at the same
volume at another frequency, such as 1Khz or 15Khz. Using this knowledge we can create a graph
that shows the sensitivity of the ear curve plotting audible volume against frequency. The process in
recording this data would be to play a tone of a specific frequency to an individual and increase the
volume until it can be heard. This process is repeated with many alternative frequencies. If this is
repeated through the whole range under test and plotted onto a graph of Volume (in decibels) against
Frequency (in Hz) you get a graph similar to that which follows:

This information is of use because it suggests that since the ear is more sensitive at some
frequencies than others that distortion at these insensitive frequencies will be less apparent.

Masking is another important factor. Masking can be broken down into the two most
commonly accepted types, which are auditory and temporal. Auditory masking is primarily based on
the relationship between frequencies and their volumes. “The simultaneous masking effect
(sometimes referred to as "auditory masking") may be best described by analogy. Think of a bird
flying in front of the sun. You see the bird flying in from the left, then it seems to disappear, because
the sun's light is so strong in contrast. As it moves past the sun to the right, it becomes visible again.
In more concrete audio terms, recall how you can sometimes hear an acoustic guitarist's fingers
sliding over the ridged spirals of the guitar strings during quiet passages. Of course, you seldom if
ever hear this effect during a full-on rock anthem, because the wall of sound surrounding the guitar
all but completely drowns these subtle effects.” (1) Temporal masking is based on time, rather than
frequency like with auditory masking. With temporal masking the idea is that it is difficult to hear
distinct sounds that are too close to each other in time. If there was a loud and quiet sound
happening too closely together, most people could not make the distinction between one and the
other, and simply assume they are the same sound. There is a masking threshold, which determines
the distance between sounds which humans can recognize as being separate. The distance is
somewhere around five milliseconds, plus or minus depending on the tones used.

There are many utilities available to compress audio with. One of the most common forms of
audio compression found on the Internet is MP3 or MPEG1 Layer III. MP3s provide excellent quality
for the file size, however requires a large amount of processing power to encode and decode. MP2, or
MPEG1 Layer II, is the predecessor of MP3 and is not quite as hefty from a processing point of view.
MP2 is less compressed than MP3, which means that at low bitrates the quality of the sound is pretty
poor. The ability of MP3 to carry high quality audio at very low bitrates is the reason it is so popular
over the Internet where bandwidth is generally limited. MP3 uses both lossy and lossless
compression. First it uses the perceptual encoding, which is lossy, and then Huffman encoding, which
is non lossy. This is the same type of compression as used in zip files. Another commonly used
compression form is minidisc, which is a very lossy process. It is more lossy than MP3 in that it does
not have a layer of non lossy compression. AC3 is becoming more popular, however it is considerably
larger in size than MP3.
A few new audio compression formats are being introduced commercially. Ogg Vorbis is not
available to the public yet, however its concept is a format for mid to high quality audio and music at
fixed and variable bitrates from 16 to 128 kbps / channel. It is said to be placed in a similar class as
other audio compression formats such as MPEG 4 and similar to, but higher performance than MP3.
Dolby labs Advanced Audio Coding, or AAC, is one of the latest advancements in audio compression
and is standardized as part of the MPEG 2 specification. AAC provides a higher quality audio
reproduction compared to MP3 audio compression and it requires nearly a third less data.

In my own research I have created compressed examples of three songs taken directly from
commercial CDs at the usual 44.1 KHz – 16 bit standard. The first song is Beethoven’s Symphony No.
9, second movement. The second song is Collective Soul’s Smashing Young Man. The last song is
Johnny Lang’s recording of Wander This World. I then downloaded a few of the compression tools
available on the Internet in order to compare the compressed audio formats. I kept all of the
compression bitrates to 96 Kb/s in order to have a constant for comparison, not to mention 96 Kb/s is
closest to the compression ratio of 10:1. I compressed the .WAV files to .MP2, .MP3, .RM, .WMA and
minidisc. The minidisc is not 96 Kb/s, however I wanted to compare the format. Here are my findings
from a listening comparison:


Beethoven – predominant mid to mid-high range with lack of low frequency dynamics
Collective Soul – absolutely the worst! No high range at all.
Johnny Lang – all high range muffled and obvious compressed sound


Beethoven – more open and closer to original .WAV
Collective Soul – clearest and most dynamic
Johnny Lang – best dynamics and low range / high range balance. Cymbal sounds natural.


Beethoven – same open feeling as MP3, sharp edged strings high loud
Collective Soul – somewhat tinny, not as bad as minidisc stereo
Johnny Lang – again sharp sound, especially cymbal


Beethoven – the strings sound specifically tinny
Collective Soul – over emphasized mid range with strange extra sounds in the mid range?
Johnny Lang – better cymbals than all but MP3


Beethoven – horrible predominant mid range
Collective Soul – A very tinny sound and enclosed. Not a wide spectrum dynamically.
Johnny Lang – Only better since the style is not as dynamic, but still cut in high and low

Overall I would have to say that from my given compression examples the MP3 format is far superior
to the other formats. However, the listening process is an objective thing that varies from person to
person, within reason. This means that different compression methods may sound better to some
people than others. With this, and in conclusion, I would recommend using an MP3 format to achieve
a decent 10:1 ration audio compression.

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