Reflective Lesson Plan 6 - Dr. Jenkins

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Claflin University School of Education

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Arthea D. Simmons PART I: PLANNING Dot Plots and Graphs Title of Lesson
Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson?

Date: April 8, 2013

Source Subject Area (s)

This lesson was originally the idea of my mentor teacher. However, I made some revisions. Math 3rd

Grade Level 3- 4. 2: Organize (arrange) data in tables, bar graphs, and dot (line) plots. Curriculum Standards
Describe the lessons activities and content.

Description and Background Information

In this lesson, my anticipatory set will include showing a YouTube video. The YouTube video is an educational video on graphs. During this time, I will also pre-assess my students by questioning them to see what information they may know about tables, graphs, and dot plots. After the video and pre-assessment, I will then proceed with instruction by using a power point presentation. Throughout the instruction, students will see and interpret more tables, dot plots, and graphs. For guided practice, the students and I will create a bar and line plot using flavored Jolly Ranchers. Students will count the number of Jolly Ranchers per flavor. We will then create a table and draw a graph and dot plot together as a class using the specific amount of flavored Jolly Ranchers. I will also ask the students various questions about the dot plot and graphs to check for understanding. After the guided practice, students will complete a worksheet entitled Reading Bar Graphs. This worksheet (assessment) will serve as the independent practice and it will be graded.
What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson?

Lesson Objectives

95% of students will be able to organize and arrange data in tables, bar graphs, and dot (line) plots after the

twenty five minute lesson.

How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material? How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept?

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

I will vary objectives by only covering small portions of the objective each day. Ex. The student will be able to organize and arrange data in tables. Next, I will cover another small portion of the objective on the following day. Ex. The student will be able to organize and arrange data in bar graphs. Then, I will cover another small portion of the objective on the following day. Ex. The student will be able to organize and arrange data in dot (line) plots.
Why is it important for the students to learn this content?

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this lesson is to help students organize and arrange data in tables, bar graphs, and dot plots.
What materials and supplies are needed to help your students achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need? What will the students need? What other resources are needed?

Materials and Resources

SMART board, graph paper, Jolly Ranchers, white board, and dry erase markers
What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention? What is the hook that will serve as a focus for the lessons activities?

Anticipatory Set

The anticipatory set would be to show an educational video about graphs and dot plots from YouTube. This will grasp the attention of students while allowing them to have fun while learning. Part II: IMPLEMENTATION
How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


I will find out what my students already know by asking them relevant questions about graphs. 1.) What are graphs? 2.) What do graphs show?
What will I do to show students what is expected?

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

I will conduct modeling within my guided practice by creating tables, bar graphs, and line plots using Jolly Ranchers to show how information and data are collected and used.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?

Guided Practice

For guided practice, students and I will create a bar graph and dot plot using Jolly Ranchers. We will first separate the Jolly Ranchers according to their flavors, and we will count them. As we count the different flavors we will add a bar to the graph according to the specific number of Jolly Ranchers/flavor. We will then use those say numbers to create a dot plot together. After completing the bar graph and dot plot, I will ask them questions about the graphs to guide their practice. 1.) How many blue raspberry jolly ranchers are

shown in the graph? 2.) How many more blue raspberry jolly ranchers do we have than cherry? 3.) Are there more watermelon jolly ranchers than green apple? 4.) How many grape favored jolly rancher do we have? 5.) Are there more cherry jolly ranchers than watermelon? Checking for Understanding
What questions will you ask to determine if students understand so far? What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far?

To check for understanding, I will ask my students questions about the lesson and randomly choose their names from a cup of popsicle sticks to answer the questions. 1.) What is a graph? 2.) What does a graph consist of or show? 3.) What do tables show? 4.) What is another word for data?
What will students do by themselves to show that they have internalized the knowledge?

Independent Practice

For independent practice, students will complete a worksheet entitled Reading a Bar Graph. This independent practice will consist of ten questions.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught during the lesson?


I will conclude the lesson by reinforcing and asking questions. 1.) What is a graph? 2.) What does a graph consist of or show? 3.) What do tables show? 4.) What is another word for data?
What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?

Assessment (attach to lesson plan) Extension Activities

Students will complete an assessment to show what they have learned. (Assessment attached)
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance?

Students will go home and record the temperatures of each day of the week. (5 day forecast). On Friday, students will create a graph using the temperatures that they collect throughout the week.


How will you use technology to assist students with learning the concepts? What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and comprehension of your content?

Technology will be used to assist students with learning by using the SMART Board to show a power point presentation and video from YouTube. Pictures and examples of tables and graphs will also be shown using the smart and white board. This will help to enhance delivery and comprehension by allowing students to

visually see examples of tables and graphs.

How will you connect this lesson with other content areas across the curriculum?

Connection Across the Curriculum

I will connect this lesson with ELA by referring to the table of contents when talking about tables. I plan to make it known that a table of contents in a book shows someone what page number (data) a particular story may start on. This will connect with the tables shown in math as they show numbers and data for particular objects or items.


Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the strengths of student engagement.


The strength of my lesson would be student engagement. Students were excited about creating graphs using Jolly Ranchers. Most importantly, they were eager to learn more about tables and graphs. The implementation of accurate content throughout the lesson was a strength as well.
Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.


There were about two students who were off task throughout the lesson. Although I brought attention to those students, I do believe that this was a weakness.
What would you change when teaching this lesson again?

Suggestions for Improvement

If I was to teach this lesson again, I would probably pair my students up and allow them to create their very own graphs together. This will not only enhance knowledge, but this will allow students to be creative and promote a healthy learning environment with peer interaction/teaching.
Revised 1-2012

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