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Lesson Plan

Course Name: Honors Algebra 3-4

Unit: Polynomials
Date: 10/21/14
Lesson: Polynomial Roller Coaster
Learning Target: As a result of todays class, students will be able to:
Apply the skills they have learned for polynomials so far to a real world application of a roller coaster.
Create an equation to model a roller coaster given specific parameters.
Formative Assessment:
Students will work with graphs and functions to determine key features of a polynomial with their group.
Students will create a graph on their own that has certain zero requirements that need to be met.
An exit slip where students explain the easiest thing they have answered so far and the hardest thing they have seen so far.
Probing Questions for Differentiation on Mathematical Tasks
Assessing Questions
Advancing Questions
How would you graph a polynomial?
How could you create a polynomial that has a set number of zeros and a
How could you find the increasing and decreasing intervals of a
given y-intercept?
What are the major factors that we need to look at while graphing or
Whats the difference between a factor and a zero?
creating polynomial equations?
Why dont these equations work forever? Is there a logical stopping point
How does the multiplicity of a polynomial deal with the number of zeros
for them?
that a given function has? How can we use this information when
sketching a graph? How can we use it when writing the equation of a
Mathematical Practice: Which student mathematical practice(s) will be targeted for proficiency development during this lesson?


Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Lesson Plan

Beginning of class routines: Students will
quietly read the directions on the front page of
their sheet and highlight the important
information so they can quickly refer back to it.

Course Name: Honors Algebra 3-4

What will the teacher be doing?

Take attendance. Once that is taken walk around
room and make sure students highlight the
important information. After that is done, go
over directions with the students and ask if there
are any question pertaining to them.

What will the students be doing? How will

students be actively engaged in each part of the
Highlight the important directions on the
first page.

5 minutes

Activity/Task 1: Roller Coaster packet.

45 minutes

Closure: Exit slip. Project exit slip questions on

the board.
1. What was the easiest question that your
group answered on the worksheet? Why
do you think this is?
2. What was the hardest question that your
group answered on the worksheet? Why
do you think this is?
3. What can you do to help you remember

Remind the students that this is a group project

and that they should work with their groups.
They all need to write down their answers on
their own sheet but they should work together to
get to the correct answers. Teacher will be
walking around the room helping students out if
the entire group is stuck. If one member doesnt
seem to be working teacher will talk to the
student and get them involved.

Walk around classroom making sure students are

on task. If not ask them where they are stuck and
how I can help them get started.

Work with group on answering the

questions in the packet.
Should have pervious notes out to refer
Packet goes over multiple things we
have done in class such as rational zeros,
increasing and decreasing intervals,
evaluating a graph, graphing a
polynomial, synthetic division, and end
Answer the questions on the exit slip.
If they get lost they can work together
on it.

Lesson Plan

Course Name: Honors Algebra 3-4

how to solve that type of question?

5 minutes
Materials Needed:
Polynomial Roller Coaster packet
Blank computer paper

Technology Tips:
Project due date on the board to remind students

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