Easter Upper Intermediate

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EASTER: PAST AND PRESENT 1. What do you know about the history of Easter? Read this text quickly to find out more about its origins.
Easter'soriginsare pagan,Hebrewand Christian.(1) (2) Ittook place on the day of the in the 2nd century. Easter became a holy celebration spring equinox,March 21st. Many traditionsassociatedwith the pagan festivalsurvivetoday in the Easter egg, which symbolisessunlight, and the colourful which is a symbolof fertility Easter rabbit, springand new life. the deliverance Other Easter customscome fromthe Jewish Passover feast,which commemorates festival This important (3) Book of Exodus. in the recounted Egypt as from of the Jews Christ that Jesus believe Most Christians was celebratedat the firstfull moon afterthe springequinox. (4)of Passoveron Fridaymorning. and buriedjust beforethe beginning was crucified spread it was very common for the missionariesto adopt and modifynon-Christian As Christianity forgotten. originswere gradually ln such a way non-Christian festivals.(5) For Christians,Easter Sunday remembersthe Resurrectionof Christ. lt is celebratedon the first March 21st.(6) Sunday afterthefirstfullmoon on, orafter,the springequinox, preparation, symbolising period fasting and spiritual of Eastercomes at the end of Lent,a 40-day when ashes are usedto marka cross Jesus'40-dayfastin the dese. Lentbeginson Ash Wednesday, be ash. Holy Week, the last to remindthem that man too will ultimately on the foreheadof believers intoJerusalemwhen the Jesus'entry week of Lent,beginson Palm Sunday,which commemorates 'God's has its name from which probably Good Friday, crowds laid palms at His feet. (7) believe The name'Good Friday'isused becauseChristians Jesus'crucifixion. Friday', commemorates 'make peace'withGod. Easter Sunday to it them as allows that Jesus' death should be celebrated symbolof renewaland the Christian Jesus' Resurrection, marksthe end of HolvWeek and celebrates rebirth. 2" Read the text again and put the missing sentences(A-G) into the correct spaces in the text (1-7). A. Maundy Thursday remembers the Last Supper (in Britain the Queen attends a Maundy Thursday seruiceand distributesgifts of money to the same number of people as her age, a traditionstartedin l36l with Edward III). B. Therefore it can fall on any Sunday betweenMarch 22nd andApril 25th. the festivalof Eostre,the ancientSaxon goddessof C. Befor then it was a purely paganfeastcelebrating fertility and springtime,who symbolised renewal and rebirth. D. The Easter celebrationas we know it today has elementsfrom each of theseand, while for religious the beginningof spring people it is a time to renew their faith. for the secularit is a time to celebrate and the new life that comes with this. E. Many early Christianswere of Jewish origin and saw Easteras a new featureof the Passoverfestival. 'passedover' the homes of Jews who had markedtheir doors with F. This tells how the Angel of Death sacrificialblood, while killing the first-bomof every famiiy whose door was not markd. G. This was a safe way of spreadingthe Christian messageas it allowd people to continuecelebrating their non-Christian feasts.but in a more and more Christian manner. 3. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as those in the box below (a-h). a) the rising of Jesus from the tomb d) told e) change slightly b) religious c) killed by being nailedto a cross g) freeing t) period of going without certainkinds of food

h) time in the year when the sun crossesthe equatorand day and night are of equal length

EASTER SYMBOLS 4. Look at the picturesand namethe symbols.

Easter Egg Lily E,aster Easter Bunny Cross Lamb Eastr Basket


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5. Read the text and decide which Easter symbol each passagedescribes. They believe that it comes in the night and hides a basketof 1. It is childrn's favouriteEaster character. chocolateeggs for them to find. Its origins are pagan.It was the earthly symbol of the Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre, and symbolised fertility and new life. Originally it was a hare. Early Europeans believed the hare symbolisedthe moon as legend says the animal never closed its eyes,but watched all the other animals during the night. It makes it a very appropriatesymbol for Easter becausethe is determinedby the moon. date of E,astr 2. This beautiful white flower was originalLy a symbol of spring in Ancint Greece. The species was broughtto America in the late 1800s and, for Christians,came to symbolise the purity of Christ. 3. This symbol, decoratingthe hot cross buns traditionally eatenfor breakfaston Good Friday, stands for the Crucifixion and Christianity.Apparently,these sweetrolls also have pagan origins as Anglo.christianise' thse cakes, the Saxons ate cakes during their spring celebrations and, in order to missionariesdrew this sign on them and blessedthem' Jesus 4. We can't forget the traditionalmeat for dinner on Easter Sunday.For Christians, it represents to Christ, who is often referredto as the Lamb of God. Th Jews sacrificedthis animal as an offering God and Christians believe that Jesus sacrificedhimself to save mankind. rebirth. 5. It is the most popular Easter symbol that, even before Christianity, symbolised new life and were They resurrection. of Christians later took it to representthe tomb that Jsuscam out of' a symbol a forbidden food during Lent in the Middle Ages so people gave them as presentson Easter Sunday' the aristocracywrappedthem in a gold leaf and peasantsdecorated Masters gave them to ir SetYants, spring them by boiling them with leaves and petals.They were always brightly colouredto represent and sunlight. for the priest to 6. This symbol originatesfrom the ancient Catholic tradition of taking food to Mass Bunny and they can't wait to find it filled bless.For many .hitd."n it symbolisesthe nest of the E,aster with chocolateeggs on Easter morning'

6. Easter symbols quiz. How much do you rememrer?

Team name:

1. What is all children's favourite Easter symbol? 2. What does the Easter Rabbit do? 3. What did the Easter Rabbit symbolize? 4. Why did the Europeansbeiieve that the hare symbolised the moon? 5. What determinesthe date of Easter? 6. What were lilies originally a symbol ofl 8. What do Easter Lilies representfor Christians? 9. What food is served for Good Friday breakfast? 10. What ar hot cross buns? 11. What does the Cross stand for? .christianise,caks? 12. How did missionaries 13. What mat is traditionally served for Easter dinner? 14. How is Christ often refened to? 15. What do Christians believ that Christ did? 16.What does the Easter Egg symbolise? 17.When were eggs a forbidden food? 18. How did the aristocracyand peasantsdecorateeggs? 19.Where does the Easter Basket originatefrom? 20. What does the Easter Basket representfor children?

7. Whenwerelilies broushtto America?

EASTER WORD HUNT 7. Use the cluesto help you find 12 words relating to Easter.The words may go in any direction: horizontally,vertically,diagonally,forwards and backwards.
1. A festival celebratingChrist's Resurrection 2. A sweet roll marked with a cross and eatenon the Friday before Easter 3. A day or time of rest 4. Associated with God or religion 5. We like to eat eggs made of this sweet substance 6. The day which commemoratesthe crucifixion of Christ 7. Th Easter Bunny hides eggs in this for children to find 8. A symbol of new life 9. Jesus 10.A small furry animal with long ears that hides presents and representsfertility 11.The first seasonof the year.It startson March 21st 12. Th Sunday before Easter


FORBIDDEN WORDS 8. Define the words in bold without using the forbidden words on the card. TUp^\




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EGG IDIOMS 9. Choosethe correctmeaningfor eachof theseidioms.

1. If you 'egg someoneon', do you _ a) encouragethem to do somthing? b) urge them to drive faster? c) politely ask them to leave? a) a stupid idea? b) a dishonestperson? c) bad news? a) carrying a bag that is too heavy? b) risking all on the succssof one thing? c) a clever person? a) avery intellectualperson? b) an uneducated person? c) a foolish person? a) need a wash? b) look bored? c) look foolish?

2 . I s a ' b a d e g g '_

3. If you 'put all your eggs in one basket', are you _

4. Isan 'egg-head'_

5. Ifyou 'have egg on your face', do you _

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