BiFilar Coil As Capacitor

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Current is the charges contained in the material. The electrostatic voltage must be present for current or charges to move.

Charges that are moving is called current and can and will have a magnetic or sympathetic movement of charges outside the body(magnetic). This is exactly what is happening and why we are missing part of the puzzle. we have ignored the electric and only concentrated on the magnetic. In most of our traditional circuits we have to complete the path or close loop the device to get it to work. But my example of what is going on completely explains this young mans experiment with the bifilar coil and load. again replicate this yourself and see.

Now even in his description he mistakenly says they are magnetically coupled which they are not because there is zero current flow in the bifilar coil. This is an electrostatic capacitance coupling. A very different beast all together. But as you have seen it can and will drive a magnetic load (wire closed looped plus magnetic ferrite core closed looped to a load). If there is no current in the bifilar coil then there is zero magnetic field. If we take this one step further we could put the open coils into a toroid and drive this to infinity if one wanted. No current would be used from the source and yet I believe it can power larger loads. I will be working on this concept since it already shows OU type action and a perfect separation of the source to load.

@JBigness : Highly interesting video. I had tried bifilar coils connected this way also, but at way lower frequencies basically during the muller motor experiments. So the injected frequency was never equal to the natural resonance frequency of the coil and at that time unfortunately showed no effect.. Luckily YT-user lyudkasvk had better luck. This would indeed be a proof of concept of the ideas you have been presenting.

If this effect is of a pure capacitive nature, i wonder if the ferrite could be omitted and you would get the same effect. The ferrite's function would be merely to increase the inductance of the pickup coil and increase the magnetic coupling. But exactly that should be negligible in a capacitive transformer. Except of course for some reason there is a magnetic field formed anyway. I hope you will be able to shed light on this in your experiments and wish you good luck with it.

Edit: The issue with the DC amp-meter on an AC signal-gen lead is a weak spot in the presentation, but it still does not refute that there is a seemingly anomalous transformation going on.

@Collapsingfield also has a good point just looking at it as an AC cap that is charged an discharged while exhibiting an inductance being coiled. A proper AC current measurement will show if there is something to it eventually.

I agree That there is magnetic interaction but only after the electric field has been established. As for the inductance and capacitance they are moot because they cancel each other out. Hence why there is zero current flowing in the bifilar coil. I also agree that current will flow but it seems to be it is negligible current to fill that capacitor and probably is compensated for by the inductance before it is canceled out by the capacitance. It's funny but I think this new type of capacitor only needs a potential difference that is oscillating to setup a oscillation within the cap coil. The points about the ferrite rod could be explained by the conversion of the bifilar coil into the electric field. This is the very same concept I think that should run the Tesla Motor/generator. Somehow this concept is used in that design. I am starting tests atm so time will tell and it should bring about a much different style of motor generator as well. As for the discharging of the cap portion I'm not to sure that it does discharge at all. It seems to me they are swapping the charges back and forth in the manner I stated by the electrostatic laws. Only the ends change polarity and that is compounded by the coiling of the bifilar and enhanced by the capacitance.

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