Bach Flower Therapy

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Bach Flower Reference Edition

Bradley R. Chappell

Innovative DIY therapy blending EFT and Bachs Healing Herbs


"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases." -- Gary Craig, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Founder

The real primary diseases of man are such defects as pride, cruelty, hate, self-love, ignorance, instability and greed; and each of these, if considered, will be found to be adverse to Unity. Such defects as these are the real diseases (using the word in the modem sense), and it is a continuation and persistence in such defects after we have reached that stage of development when we know them to be wrong, which precipitates in the body the injurious results which we know as illness. --Edward Bach

If you would have good health then you must imagine this as vividly as you fearfully imagine ill health. Seth

Seth said that not only do we form our own reality now, but we will continue to do so after physical death, so it is of the utmost importance that we understand the connection between thought and reality. Jane Roberts

Immediately begin to live in the present as much as possible. Refuse to worry. When your thoughts do touch upon your particular problem in that present moment, imagine the best possible solution to the dilemma.

fear of known things Mimulus fear or over-concern of others - Red Chestnut fear of mind giving way Cherry Plum terror - Rock Rose fears and worries of unknown origin - Aspen

resignation, apathy - Wild Rose proud, aloof - Water Violet

Uncertainty Monday morning feeling Hornbeam hopelessness and despair Gorse discouragement, despondency - Gentian uncertainty and indecision Scleranthus uncertainty as to correct path in life - Wild Oat seeks advice and confirmation from others - Cerato Insufficient interest in present circumstances lack of energy - Olive unwanted thoughts, mental arguments - White Chestnut lives in the past Honeysuckle failure to learn from past mistakes - Chestnut Bud dreaminess, lack of interest in present - Clematis self-centered, self-concern Heather impatience - Impatiens Loneliness deep gloom with no origin Mustard

Oversensitive to influences and ideas hatred, envy, jealousy - Holly weak willed and subservient Centaury mental torment behind a brave face - Agrimony protection from change and outside influences - Walnut Despondency or despair lack of confidence - Larch exhausted but struggles on Oak self hatred, sense of uncleanliness - Crab Apple after effects of shock - Star of Bethlehem resentment - Willow overwhelmed by responsibility - Elm self reproach, guilt - Pine extreme mental anguish Sweet Chestnut Over-care for the welfare of others domineering, inflexible - Vine over enthusiasm - Vervain intolerance - Beech selfish, possessive - Chicory self repression, self denial Rock Water

1. AGRIMONY (artificiality, dishonesty) Inner Peace-B 2. ASPEN (groundless, delusional timidity or anxiety) Trust-L 3. BEECH (excessive tolerance or generosity) Tolerance-R 4. CENTAURY (self-injurious cheerfulness) Inner Strength-L 5. CERATO (insecurity, uncertainty) Intuition-R 6. CHERRY PLUM (irrational, uncontrolled hysteria) Composure-L 7. CHESTNUT BUD (inattentiveness, learning difficulties) Wisdom-L 8. CHICORY (jealousy, excessive mothering and coddling) Selflessness-L 9. CLEMATIS (unrealistic fantasies) Grounded-L 10. CRAB APPLE (obsessive, compulsive cleanliness) Perspective-R 11. ELM (sudden feeling of stress and overwork) Self-assurance-R 12. GENTIAN (weak willed, easily discouraged) Perseverance-B 13. GORSE (hopelessness) Optimism-R 14. HEATHER (showing off, need for recognition) Empathy-R 15. HOLLY (unfriendliness, aggressiveness) Love-B 16. HONEYSUCKLE (homesickness, grieving) Letting Go-R 17. HORNBEAM (groundless feelings of stress) Vitality-L 18. IMPATIENS (impatience, restlessness) Patience-R 19. LARCH (feelings of inferiority) Self-confidence-L 20. MIMULUS (excessive timidity or anxiety, fear, shyness) Courage-R 21. MUSTARD (depression) Joy-L 22. OAK (uncompromising behavior, excessive ambition) Stability-R 23. OLIVE (general exhaustion) Rejuvenation-L 24. PINE (guilt complex) Gratitude/Self-acceptance-B 25. RED CHESTNUT (excessive worry and concern) Objectivity-L 26. ROCK ROSE (panic) Bravery-B 27. ROCK WATER (self-abuse, ascetic behavior) Flexibility-L 28. SCLERANTHUS (indecisiveness, flightiness) Resolution-R 29. STAR OF BETHLEHEM (easily insulted, oversensitive) Inner Healing-R 30. SWEET CHESTNUT (desperation) Liberation-R 31. VERVAIN (missionary zeal) Moderation-B 32. VINE (closed-mindedness, dogmatism) Humility-L 33. WALNUT (easily-influenced, self-alienation) Transitions-B 34. WATER VIOLET (human contact problems) Sharing-R 35. WHITE CHESTNUT (tyrannized by mental arguments) Tranquility-L 36. WILD OAT (restlessness, lack of goals) Certainty-B 37. WILD ROSE (resignation, lack of enthusiasm) Zest-B 38. WILLOW (bitter and unforgiving) Forgiveness-R

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies

"The action of the flower essences raises the vibration of the being.... They cure by flooding the body with the beautiful vibrations of the highest nature - in whose presence there is the opportunity for disease to melt away like snow in sunshine" - Dr. Edward Bach The Twelve Healers Bach Remedies are sometimes classified into three groups- 'The Twelve Healers', 'The Seven Helpers' and 'The Second 19'. The Twelve Healers hold a special place among the 38 remedies as each of the 12 remedies correspond to a particular personality type. The Seven Helpers "Resignation to faults in our character, or resignation to faults in our bodily health may be overcome if the wish is there to do so, and the (seven) helpers get us over this stage and bring us into the range of the Twelve Healers. Of course, in all healing there must be a desire in the patient to get well. There are (seven) types of people who have lost hope, although they are not all conscious that they have done so; not conscious because, as has just been said, the abnormal state of mind or body is regarded both by themselves and by others as part of their character.".... "If the patient does not improve when what seems the right one of the Healers has been given, there are seven more remedies to prepare the way; because, when an illness has become old, it has become more established and may require help before it responds easily, so that the seven remedies for such cases are called the seven helpers." - Dr. Edward Bach The Second Nineteen "There is no doubt these new remedies act in a different plane to the old. They are more spiritualized and help us to develop that inner great self in all of us which has the power to overcome all fears, all difficulties, all worries, and all diseases." - Edward Bach, 1935 Today, disease and death control us ever more strongly with a litany of viruses, cancers, and heart disorders. The causes may be vaccinations, environmental poisons, despoliation of food, or pollution of the elementsearth, water and air. For Bach the cause was clear and it is clear today: It is only because we have forsaken Natures way for mans way that we have suffered, and we have only to return to be released from our trials. In the presence of the way of Nature disease has no power; all fear, all depression, all hopelessness can be set aside. There is no disease of itself which is incurable. Julian Barnard

Right Brain Inventory Left Brain Inventory Visual, focusing on images, patterns Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers Intuitive, led by feelings Analytical, led by logic Processes ideas simultaneously Processes ideas sequentially, step by step 'Mind photos' used to remember things, writing Words used to remember things, remember things down or illustrating them helps you names rather than faces remember Make lateral connections from information Make logical deductions from information See the whole first, then the details Work up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organized Organization tends to be lacking Highly organized Free association Like making lists and planning Likes to know why you're doing something or Likely to follow rules without questioning them why rules exist (reasons) No sense of time Good at keeping track of time May have trouble with spelling and finding words Spelling and mathematical formula easily to express yourself memorized Enjoy touching and feeling actual objects Enjoy observing (sensory input) Trouble prioritizing, so often late, impulsive Plan ahead Unlikely to read instruction manual before trying Likely read an instruction manual before trying Listens to how something is being said Listens to what is being said Talk with your hands Rarely use gestures when talking Likely to think you're naturally creative, but need Likely to believe you're not creative, need to be to apply yourself to develop your potential willing to try and take risks to develop your potential

Over-sensitive to Influences and Ideas Sagittarius / Pisces 1. AGRIMONY (artificiality, dishonesty) Inner Peace

"The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to B give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humor and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate them and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: left eyebrow (B); inside either wrist (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). Alternate Points: stomach point halfway between sternum and navel (CV). (B) Futility / Hope (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (CV) Confusion / Certainty

"Agrimony is used as a basic treatment for fear of conflict, deception and artificiality, hidden inner discord and emotional anguish, psychic complexes, tendency to repress, glossing over of personal problems, tension, and an inclination toward alcoholism and drug abuse. Used to treat any conditions related to tension, inhibitions, fear of conflict, dishonesty, artificial behavior, or oversensitivity. In daily life, used to treat phoniness, playacting, the tears of a clown syndrome, insincerity, embarrassment, inhibitions, tension, inner restlessness, oversensitivity to pain, and dependence on barbiturates or alcohol." - G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to be at peace within myself." "...I acknowledge and accept my inner pain." "...I free myself to allow others to see me as I really am." Positive qualities

Mental peace Capacity for confrontation Genuine optimism toward worries Integration of difficulties

Carefree and cheerful Recognition of the shadow self Openness to that which is concealed

Agrimony Emotional Patterns ABSENTEEISM to avoid confrontation ACTING as a pretense ADDICTION used as a means of escape AGREES in order to keep peace fear of being ALONE ANXIOUS RESTLESSNESS avoids ARGUMENTS concealed sense of AKWARDNESS self BLAME poor sense of BODY IMAGE; tries to hide with joviality purposely BOISTEROUS as a means of hiding inadequacies BURDENED with mental torment; mental and nervous BREAKDOWN desires DEATH as means of escape denial/suppression of DESIRE avoids DISCUSSION due to refusal to confront DOMINATED HIDDEN DREAD EXCESSIVE EXCITABLE EXTROVERT as a mask FORGETFUL due to mental turmoil FRETFUL about future JUMPY longs for peace of mind PACIFISTIC tendencies avoids PEACE AND QUIET generally REPRESSED EMOTIONS RULED through lack of inner strength RUNS AWAY from problems SECRETIVE due to denial by nature sensitive to conflict, strife and controversy SLEEPLESSNESS due to restlessness and anxiety SUPERFICIAL unspoken fear of SYMPTOMS generally TALKATIVE cries in secret, alone UNRELIABLE because easily influenced VIVACIOUS unable to WEEP due to numbness (e.g. following serious news) WITHDRAWN by hiding from/ignoring existence of problems obsessed with YOUTHFULNESS due to fear of ageing

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

For Those Who Have Fear

External Influence Trust

2. ASPEN (groundless, delusional timidity or anxiety)

"Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. It is a terror that something awful is going to happen even though it is unclear what exactly. These vague inexplicable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers may often be afraid to tell their trouble others." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right eyebrow (B); chin (CV, LIV). Alternate Points: front of both shoulders (LU).


(B) Futility / Hope (CV) Confusion / Certainty (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness

"Aspen is used as the basic treatment for fears and phobias, general or unexplained anxiety, panic, horror, bizarre ideas, terrifying fantasies, and delusion in relationships. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to terrifying fantasies or unexplained fears. In daily life, used to treat general anxiety, strange feelings and premonitions, fear of the future and fearful worries." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to encounter what is unknown without fear." "...I release myself to have faith in life." "...I free myself to be filled with courage and inner strength." "...I allow myself to be guided." Positive qualities

Courage Intuition Inspiration Grounding in reality

Comprehension of the spiritual worlds, accompanied by trust and a sense of protection Fearlessness

Aspen Emotional Patterns ACCIDENT PRONE due to fearful nervousness feeling of having excess ADRENALINE (EMOTIONAL) AFRAID irrationally, due to unknown cause worried about AIR TRAVEL ANGST, ANXIETY, ANXIOUSNESS with vague anticipation ANTICIPATION, vague fears/foreboding AWKWARDNESS due to apprehension CAUTIOUS due to fear DELUSIONS generally, due to imagination apprehensive/terrifying, hidden DREAD DREAMS, night terrors excess of ENERGY nervousness prior to EXAMINATIONS unexplained feeling of EXCITEMENT FEAR - unknown cause, of darkness, of death, of fear, of future, of God, secret, vague, unreasoning FRANTIC with irrational fears suffers HAUNTING THOUGHTS HIGHLY STRUNG through anticipation/living on a knife-edge IRRATIONAL anxiety JUMPY, SKITTISH, SPOOKED hyperactive METABOLISM (OF MENTAL ENERGY) due to fear/anxiety PEACE OF MIND disturbed by fear afraid of PERSECUTION unknown/vague PHOBIAS fearfully PONDERS about what might happen generally QUIET by nature thoughts tend to RACE AHEAD RECLUSE, by preference, due to fear RELAXATION difficult due to fear/anxiety RETICENCE due to fear/apprehension SECRETIVE out of fear considers SUICIDE to escape from fear unspoken fear of SYMPTOMS unrealistic/irrational dread of THOUGHTS afraid of TOMORROW TORMENTED by fears TREMBLE for no reason

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

Over-care for Welfare of Others 3. BEECH (excessive tolerance or generosity)

Aquarius Tolerance

"For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own perfection." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: either left thumb and little finger OR inside left wrist (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI); gamut point left hand (TW). Alternate Points: upper left of forehead (GB).

"Beech is used as the basic treatment for excessive tolerance that serves as a compensation for and repression of a deep-seated intolerance; internalized, repressed intolerance (organic); allergies; denial of our own natural aversions and dislikes; and an inner conflict between emotional intolerance and intellectual tolerance. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to false, excessive tolerance, deeply rooted intolerance, or allergies. In daily life, used to treat allergies, a tendency to trivialize or gloss over problems, false empathy, exaggerated generosity, and aversions." G. Blome

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (GB) Rage / Tolerance

Affirmations: "...I allow myself to accept other peoples differences." "...I release all feelings of judgment and criticism." "...I choose to grow in love." Positive qualities

Tolerance, empathy Acceptance Compassion for others' imperfections and differences

Recognition of one's own boundaries Inner security Self-integration Understanding others

Beech Emotional Patterns aggressively certain of one's ABILITY ABRASIVE and critical ABRUPT intolerance with/accusation of ABSURDITY ABUSIVE due to critical intolerance ACCUSING as a "put-down" ACID-TONGUED irritated annoyance/intolerance AGGRAVATED, ANGER by the stupidity of others ANALYTICAL ANNOYANCE with others over trivial matters ARGUMENTATIVE, enjoys ARGUMENTS ARROGANCE AVOIDANCE of people BACK-CHAT, BIG-HEADEDNESS, BIGOTRY BITCHINESS,BLAMES, COMPLAINS about, CRITICAL of others BLOODY-MINDED BOSSY CONCEITED, EGOTISTICAL CONTEMPT for others, arrogantly inflicting RIDICULE CYNICAL, DEFIANT, DISAPPROVING DESPISES others lack of DIPLOMACY DISCONTENT with others generally DISDAINFUL EXACTITUDE, PRECISE FAULT-FINDING with others FIXED IDEAS & OPINIONS, IDEALISTIC, gives GUIDANCE through criticism irritated by HABITS and MANNERISMS HARD TASK-MASTERS to others HOSTILITY due to intolerance IMPUDENT, INDIGNANT, INSENSITIVE, INTOLERANT, PIOUS , OPINIONATED INDIFFERENCE toward needs of others IRRITABILITY with mannerisms and habits of others KNOW-IT-ALL, PRETENTIOUS, SANCTIMONIOUS LECTURES to expose stupidity, QUESTIONS out of arrogance finds people MADDENING generally METICULOUS by nature MOCKING, SARCASTIC, SCATHING, SMUG, SNOOTY, SNOBBISH, NAG, NARROW-MINDED intolerant of/annoyed with NOISE PATRONISING/condescending takes PLEASURE in converting others, PREACHY REFUSAL TO CONFORM due to own strength of character rebels against attempts to be RULED SCEPTICAL, SELF-ABSORBED, SELFOPINIONATED, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, SUPERIORITY COMPLEX , blames others for WRONG-DOING lack of SYMPATHY for others TACTLESSNESS irritated by TEDIUM, over-concerned with TIME

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

Over-sensitive to Influences and Ideas 4. CENTAURY (self-injurious cheerfulness)

Virgo Inner Strength

"Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavors. Their wish so grows upon L them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life" - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: gamut point (TW) and inside wrist (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI) of right hand. (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

"Centaury is used to treat weak personality, lack of self-assertiveness, servility, dependence, fretful selflessness, self-deception, or selfdeprivation. Used to treat all conditions related to pathological cheerfulness or servility. In daily life, used to treat shyness, excessive cheerfulness, or excessive willingness to accommodate the needs of others." - G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I am the master of my life." "...I choose to share from a place of inner strength." "...I serve others by being true to myself." "...I recognize I can give to others only when my own strength is secure." Positive qualities

Recognition of one's own identity Self-determination Self-actualization Strong Individuality Self-respect

Ability to stand for own opinions Knowledge (when to give / withhold) Assertiveness

Centaury Emotional Patterns generally ACQUIESCENT life controlled by ADDICTION (alcohol etc.) influenced by and follows ADVICE AFFECTIONATE does not protest when AGGRIEVED AGREES to keep peace avoids ARGUMENTS and CONFRONTATION AWKWARDNESS due to subservience; sense of awe self-blame succumb to/influenced by BRAINWASHING finds it hard to be BRAVE through fear BURDENED by work never COMPLAINS CRIES EASILY because highly sensitive too timid to DELEGATE not inclined to be DEMONSTRATIVE DEMURE DEPENDENT on people for support/strength DISDAINFUL of self submits to DOGMA DOMINATED/MANIPULATED DUTIFUL ENDURANCE EXHAUSTION through overwork, due to weak will desires FREEDOM/LIBERTY from duty does not complain of GRIEVANCES dutifully HELPFUL, eager to please HYPOCRISY lack of IDENTITY IMITATES because easily led IMPULSIVE, becoming a slave to impulses easily INTIMIDATED INTROVERTED comforted by KEEPSAKES; SENTIMENTAL over-concerned about accidental killing of insects MEEK, MODEST, TIMID, UNASSUMING MOTHERLY, gentle and selflessly PROTECTIVE PACIFIST/PASSIVE generally QUIET by nature RECEPTIVE to other peoples needs RECOIL through abusive verbal attack longs for RELEASE from servile work generally suffers from REPRESSED EMOTIONS affected by RIDICULE inclined to SELF-DENIAL by nature SELF-MARTYRDOM sensitivity to controversy/conflict/strife SINCERE influenced by TEMPTATION enjoys/needs TRANQUILITY by nature UNHAPPY with self UNRELIABLE because easily influenced feels USED by others VITALITY sapped by others

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 5. CERATO (insecurity, uncertainty)

Gemini Intuition

"Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided" - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: left side of eye (GB, TW); back of right wrist at middle finger (TW); underarm either side (SP).

(GB) Rage / Tolerance (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SP) Anxiety / Clarity

"Cerato is used for the basic treatment of underdeveloped self-confidence, insecurity, lack of independence, dependence, and lack of instinct. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to insecurity, helplessness, or a lack of self-confidence." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I free myself to listen to my own voice." "...I choose to trust my own inner guidance." "...I release myself to be confident to know what is right for me." Positive qualities

Ability to listen to the inner voice Inner certainty Faith in one's own inner knowledge

Coordination of abstract and concrete thinking Wisdom and Intuition

Cerato Emotional Patterns lack of belief/trust in self ABILITY ADDLED seeking and dependent on people for ADVICE and GUIDANCE AGGRAVATING due to indecision AGREES readily, against better judgment addiction to ALCOHOL AMBIVALENCE seeks APPROVAL for reassurance no sense of BELONGING due to uncertainty poor sense of BODY IMAGE due to uncertainty succumbs to/ influenced by BRAINWASHING finds it hard to be BRAVE through lack of confidence/uncertainty lack of CONCENTRATION through selfdistrust lack of CONFIDENCE seeks CONFIRMATION CONFUSION COPIES others, IMITATES due to lack of self-identity/certainty unable to make DECISION needs reassurance about DESIRABILITY avoids DISCUSSION due to uncertainty of opinion submits to DOGMA DOMINATED lacks FAITH in oneself FICKLE, FOOLISH, GULLIBLE FOLLOWS others due to uncertainty lack of IDENTITY IMPARTIALITY INADEQUACY through self-distrust INDECISION about one's judgment/instincts INFLUENCED away from path in life, by decision of others distrusts INSTINCTS, INTUITION, own JUDGMENTS INTERFERES by asking questions comforted by KEEPSAKES desires LOVE as reassurance MISTRUSTFUL of self loses OPPORTUNITY through doubt, lack of faith in intuition QUIZZICAL needs/seeks REASSURANCE due to uncertainty RULED due to susceptibility to influence influenced by TEMPTATION TENTATIVE UNRELIABLE because of self-distrust; easily influenced sense of USELESSNESS saps others VITALITY agrees with others against own natural instincts

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

For Those Who Have Fear


6. CHERRY PLUM (irrational, uncontrolled hysteria) Composure

"Fear of mind being over-strained, of reason giving away, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: inner wrist of both hands (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI); right underarm (SP).

"Cherry Plum is used for the treatment of mental or emotional pressure, obsessive behavior, hysteria, suicidal tendencies, and irrational actions. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to hysteria, obsession, or psychotic behavior. In daily life, used to treat hysterical conduct, being too tightly wound up, uncontrollable emotions, and emotional problems." G. Blome

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (SP) Anxiety / Clarity

Affirmations: "...I free what is tight and let it become light." "...I release all fear of loss of control and know the power of self-control is mine." "...I choose to remain balanced and strong under extreme stress." Positive qualities

The capacity to live here and now, trusting in life Tranquility Ability to Relax Calm, quiet courage

Openness to one's own evolutionary process Being oneself Harmony between positive and negative polarities within the Self

Cherry Plum Emotional Patterns fear of mental ABNORMALITY ABUSIVE due to uncontrolled rage ACCUSING due to irrational fears irrationally AFRAID, FRANTIC desperate/panic stricken BRAIN-STORM mental BREAK-DOWN, restlessness irrational fear of CONSPIRACY lack of mental CONTROL CRAZED, FIERY, INFURIATED, LIVID, uncontrolled OUTBURST, TANTRUMS desires DEATH with irrational desperation but fears SUICIDE DELIRIUM DELUSIONS, generally, due to imagination, of grandeur DEMENTED with irrational fears/ out of control DESPAIR of living DESPERATION DISTRAUGHT with irrational fears generally ENRAGED EXAGGERATES, FABRICATES due to over-active imagination EXCESSIVE FEAR of insanity, of mind giving way/loss of control yearning desire for FREEDOM (from torment) uncontrollable FRUSTRATION HALLUCINATES HYPERACTIVE HYSTERIA over-zealous, vivid IMAGINATION IMPETUOUS irrational/uncontrolled fear of being IMPULSIVE irrational desire to KILL uncontrollable LAUGHTER irrational desire to end LIFE LUNACY, MADNESS, uncontrolled/irrational RAGE MACABRE thoughts mental MASOCHISM NERVOUS-BREAKDOWN, NEUROSIS uncontrolled OVER-INDULGENCE PARANOIA with irrational thoughts PASSIONATE without control irrational PHOBIAS RELAXATION difficult due to fear/anxiety lack of SELF-CONTROL uncontrolled fear of the SUPERNATURAL over-enthusiastic/uncontrollably THEATRICAL

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Aquarius / Leo 7. CHESTNUT BUD (inattentiveness, learning difficulties) Wisdom
"For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer time than others to learn the lessons L of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for some, such people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learnt. Therefore, to their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different occasions when once would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them even that one fault." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right underarm (SP). Alternate Point; 4 finger widths above both kneecaps (ST, SP). (SP) Anxiety / Clarity (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility

"Chestnut Bud is used to treat learning difficulties, undeveloped awareness, and all pathological conditions related to carelessness, learning disabilities, or pathological distracted and absentminded behavior. In daily life, used to treat carelessness and absentmindedness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will recognize and be able to let go of old patterns." "...I choose to be open to new potential and possibility." "...I release the need to repeat the same patterns." "...I am learning something new from every experience." Positive qualities Capacity to process experience Clarity of vision before one's in a constructive way own errors and negative Acquires knowledge and experiences, in order to avoid wisdom from experience their repetition Learning from mistakes

Chestnut Bud Emotional Patterns to break HABITS, ADDICTIONS, ALCOHOL, repeated hangovers AVOIDANCE of confronting reality BLOCKAGE due to failure to learn recurring DREAMS does not learn from EXPERIENCE/mistakes lack of OBSERVATION RELAPSE into old unproductive habits needs to be REMINDED repeatedly REPEATS same mistakes SLOW in learning/correcting past mistakes STAGNATION due to inability to learn from experience VULNERABILITY lacks WISDOM helps learn WITHDRAWAL from drugs/alcohol/tobacco etc, from experience

Twelve Healers

Seven Helpers

Second Nineteen

Over-care for Welfare of Others


8. CHICORY (jealousy, excessive mothering and coddling) Selflessness

"Those who are very mindful of the needs of others they tend to be overfull of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something L that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them" - Dr. (B) Futility / Hope Edward Bach (GB) Rage / Tolerance EFT points: right eyebrow (B) and side of (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing eye (GB, TW); inside wrist on both hands (PC) Self-absorption / Love (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety ''Chicory is used as a basic treatment (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness for conditional love and attention, an excessive need for emotional relationships, egotism, excessive greed, selfish self-sacrifice, a tendency toward inflicting emotional tyranny and terror on others, and exaggerated sympathy and self-pity. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to an unusually strong need for love or self-pity. In daily life, used to treat excessive (insincere) caring for others, mothering, helpless child feelings, excessive devotion, selfish jealousy, readiness to take offense, and self-pity." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will respect the freedom and individuality of those I love." "...I resolve to give my love freely, without any demands." "...I choose to love and nurture myself." "...I live in unconditional, universal love." Positive qualities

Unconditional love Giving without any thought of return Archetypal motherhood

Protection and security to others Respect for others' freedom

Chicory Emotional Patterns ABRASIVE and critical with resentment, self pity self ABSORPTION ABUSIVE with selfish possessiveness eager to give ADVICE, hurt if not taken AFFECTIONATE ALIENATION due to suffocating possessiveness dislike of being ALONE malicious/spiteful sense of AMUSEMENT ARGUMENTATIVE, BITCHINESS , BITTERNESS no sense of BELONGING and feels bitter/pities self, feels unwanted/ostracized BLABBER for attentive company, COMPULSIVE talker BLAME others, CRITICAL of others BLOCKAGE of ability to give love BOISTEROUS as a means of seeking attention/showing off BOSSY, CHATTER-BOX, COVETOUS mental CONGESTION through selfish absorption enjoys and seeks CONSOLATION strong sense of CONVICTION wishes to CORRECT generally CRIES EASILY DEFIANT, DOMINATION generally DEMONSTRATIVE DEPENDENT on people to fuss over DIRECTS affairs of others DISAPPROVING , DISGRUNTLED EXAGGERATES for sympathy and attention powerful, intense EYE-CONTACT FABRICATION to get attention FAULT-FINDING with others FRETFUL, IMPUDENT, INDIGNANT, INQUISITIVE GREEDY for sympathy, others' possessions, power/ control and love allows GRIEVANCE to fester inwardly HOUSE-PROUD simulated ILLNESS high opinion of ones' own IMAGE tries to make IMPRESSION for sympathy INSECURITY and clings to others; needs to be loved/protected INSENSITIVE INVOKES ILLNESS to obtain sympathy, to manipulate others KNOWS BEST LECTURES to get own way MISERY with self pity MOAN, MOPES, MOODY self-pitying, selfish NERVY, NOSEY, OBSESSIVE with selfrighteousness takes OFFENSE easily with introspection OPINIONATED, OSTENTATIOUS , PETTY, SELF-PITY, POUTING, PLAYACT PRESUMPTUOUS, PRETENTIOUS, PRIDEFUL PROTECTIVE, PROUD, QUARRELSOME REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED yet manipulates consolation and sympathy through self-pity SARCASTIC , VAIN SELF-IMPORTANT, SELFINDULGENT, SELF-INTEREST, SELF MARTYRDOM TIRESOME due to nagging lack of TOLERANCE saps VITALITY of other

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances 9. CLEMATIS (unrealistic fantasies)



"Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, not really happy in their present circumstances, L living more in the future than in the present; living in hopes of happier times when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: under right eye (ST, LIV); under right arm (SP). Alternate Points: three fingers width above navel and to the right (ST). (SP) Anxiety / Clarity (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness "Clematis is used as a basic treatment for a disjointed relationship to reality, daydreaming, uncritical optimism, illusions and fantasies, deteriorating consciousness, a tendency to fainting or unconsciousness, or the wish to die. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to absentmindedness or unconsciousness. In daily life, used to treat inattentiveness, sleepiness, and a susceptibility to fainting." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will be inspired to manifest my ideals." "...I choose to be Present right now in this Beautiful World." "...I recognize the present is my point of power." Positive qualities

Grounded in life Sensitive to inspiration Concrete actualization Anchored in the present

Harmony of life in the present Expression of one's perceptions in the material world

Clematis Emotional Patterns creative (positive) ABILITY ABSENT MINDED due to drifting thoughts ABSTRACT ideas and fantasies ACCIDENT PRONE due to lack of concentration ADAPTABLE ADDICTION used as means of escape ADRIFT desire for ADVENTURE AIR-HEAD, SCATTER-BRAINED, SPACED-OUT bemused and distracted by AIR TRAVEL, jet lag generally APATHETIC avoids ARGUMENTS and confronting reality longing for one's own death BEWILDERED, BLASE, generally BORED succumb to/influenced by BRAINWASHING BROODY and DISTRACTED about future CARELESS due to boredom bad MEMORY due to lack of CONCENTRATION avoids CONFRONTATION DAY-DREAMING, DAZED, DETACHED, DISTANT, DROWSY EXAGGERATES due to imagination EXHAUSTION through lack of vitality EYE-CONTACT: stares dreamily/looks through subject FABRICATION due to over-active imagination FLOATING sensation FORGETFUL due to lack of concentration looks forward to FUTURE GULLIBLE, IMPARTIAL, INQUISITIVE can't wait for things to HAPPEN creative, vivid IMAGINATION IMPULSIVE: acts out imaginary fantasy INDIFFERENCE to life sense of INSANITY INTROVERTED due to dreaminess INVOKES ILLNESS to escape from reality no attachment to KEEPSAKES loss of interest in LIFE, looking forward to TOMORROW seeks LONELINESS as an escape as though lost in MAZE MEDITATIVE, PACIFISTIC, ROMANTIC METABOLISM (of mental energy) slow, dreamy aversion to/peace disturbed by NOISE desires OBLIVION no interest in PAST generally PHILOSOPHICAL by nature no sense of REALITY, ungrounded REFUSAL to conform due to unconventional ides RUNS AWAY from problems SPIRITLESS due to disinterest seeks companionship with SUPERNATURAL UNCONVENTIONAL due to creative, futuristic tendencies UNOBSERVANT, UNPREDICTABLE, VAGUE, VACANT EXPRESSION VITALITY sapped by others ZOMBIE-LIKE as in dream state

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For Despondency or Despair


10. CRAB APPLE (obsessive, compulsive cleanliness) Perspective

"This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they have something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of R apparently little importance: in others there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate. In both types they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: left eyebrow (B). (B) Futility / Hope

"Crab Apple is used for the basic treatment of compulsive cleanliness; compulsive obsession with character, morality, impurity, or poisoning; external or internal toxic damage; skin conditions; and chronic illness. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to a pathological need for cleanliness or order. In daily life, used to treat pettiness in matters of cleanliness, nausea, infections, and skin conditions." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I release myself to accept my imperfections." "...I accept the reality of an imperfect world." "...I cleanse myself of any toxicity or inharmonious energy. " Positive qualities

Purification Order Self acceptance Acceptance of the imperfect

Inner cleanliness The cleansing remedy for body and mind

Crab Apple Emotional Patterns ABHORRENCE, disgust ABNORMALITY, obsessed with personal defect, BLEMISH ABSORPTION with details sense of contamination by ABUSE no ADMIRATION or ADORATION for self dislike of look of self for AGEING AGITATED with detail obsessed with and feels unclean due to AILMENTS sickened by ALCOHOL AWKWARDNESS due to dislike of self no sense of BELONGING, feels unwanted/ostracized BLAMES self poor sense of BODY IMAGE due to selfdislike CLEANSER, obsessed with HYGIENE COMPULSIVE habits (eating) CONCERNED about details mental CONGESTION through concern over trivialities CONTAMINATION self-CONTEMPT CRITICAL, DISDAINFUL, DISLIKE, LOATHSOME of self repulsed by (sexual) DESIRE no sense of DESIRABILITY due to poor image of self DESPISES oneself DESTRUCTIVE dislike of EATING EMBARRASSMENT EXCESSIVE avoids EYE-CONTACT due to embarrassment FIXATION with self, with detail, with cleanliness FUSSINESS about detail, trivialities and cleanliness self-righteous fear of GOD obsessive HAND-WASHING due to sense of uncleanliness HOUSE-PROUD HYPOCHONDRIA feels unclean during ILLNESS INDULGENCE in food, then feels disgusted over influenced by/feels controlled by KARMA disgusted by OBESITY PAST regrets PEACE OF MIND disturbed by obsession PETTY PHOBIAS about dirt, contamination, looks PREOCCUPATION with self, cleanliness and detail/trivialities self condemnation/disgust as a result of REBIRTHING RECLUSIVE by preference due to fear of contamination from outside SECRETIVE due to shame generally SICKLY STRUGGLES to please self obsessed with details of SYMPTOMS fear and disgust of VOMIT

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For Despondency or Despair

External Influence

11. ELM (sudden feeling of stress and overwork) Self-assurance

"Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to do something of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: At shoulder below clavicle on both sides (LU); 4 finger widths above left kneecap (ST, SP).

(ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility (SP) Anxiety / Clarity (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited)

"Elm is used for the basic treatment of an acute crisis related to achievement and goals, uncontrollable ambition, inappropriate behavior due to stress, and acute illnesses. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to sudden fear of failure or acute feelings of stress and overwork. In daily life, used to treat work-related stress, sudden feelings of stress and overwork, impending breakdown, and acute illness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will have faith in my abilities." "...I am confident and capable of meeting my responsibilities." "...I choose to welcome the help I need." Positive qualities

Responsibility Self-confidence Leadership abilities Capacity to handle situations

Faith that help will come at the right moment A sense of being reliable, capable, efficient and intuitive

Elm Emotional Patterns ABILITY, lack of confidence, momentarily, due to pressure/responsibility ABSENTEEISM to avoid responsibilities mental BREAKDOWN due to overwork/burn-out BURDENED with responsibility, with mental pressure CAPABLE but doubtful when under pressure INADEQUACY through lack of CONFIDENCE COPES well until under pressure feels a failure if has to DELEGATE DESPONDENCY through feeling of inadequacy, through over-work DISCOURAGEMENT temporary feeling of FAILURE lacks FAITH in oneself desires FREEDOM from responsibility sense of being HARASSED due to responsibility OVERWHELMED by responsibility/pressure OVERWROUGHT with anxiety about how to cope RESPONSIBILITY: feels overwhelmed by, despondency due to and loss of confidence due to RUNS AWAY FROM responsibility lack of SELF-ESTEEM SHATTERED by stress SUICIDE considered due to being overburdened by responsibility or pressure

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For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 12. GENTIAN (weak willed, easily discouraged)


"Those who are easily discouraged. They may be progressing well in illness or in the affairs of their daily life, but any small delay or hindrance to progress causes doubt and soon disheartens them." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: Inside fold of both elbows (HT).

(HT) Anger / Forgiveness

"Gentian is used to treat weak will, lack of endurance, reactive depression, insufficient determination, and a tendency toward relapse. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to a weak will or a tendency to be easily discouraged. In daily life, used to treat discouragement, depression caused by failure and difficulties, giving up prematurely, pessimism, and relapses in the healing process." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to realize that everything has a deeper meaning." "...I will persevere in the face of difficulty, illuminating the darkened path before me." "...I will put profound trust in my potential." "...I choose to nurture the faith that lives inside me." Positive qualities

Perseverance Ability to overcome adversity Trust in life Optimism Confidence

Confidence in one's own actions Dissolution of doubts Not effected by setbacks Faith, an inward belief

Gentian Emotional Patterns depressed by ADVERSITY delayed/disappointed about AMBITION due to set-back ANTI-CLIMAX APPREHENSIVE and doubtful/despondent BROODY about future CAUTIOUS due to DOUBT DEPRESSION for known reason; due to set-back materialistic DESPAIR DISAPPOINTED, DISCOURAGED, DISHEARTENED, DOWNCAST despondent over EXAMINATIONS lost FAITH INFLUENCED by delay and hindrance negative about INTERVIEW LOW in spirits MISERY with pessimism/doubt loses OPPORTUNITY through doubt PESSIMISM set-back during RECOVERY depressed by RELAPSE/REGRESSION REMINDERS which cause set-back RETICENCE due to doubt despondency due to RIDICULE needs SOLACE after disappointment STAGNATION due to despondency lack of STAMINA pessimistic about SUCCESS UNCERTAINTY through lack of faith sense of USELESSNESS WANDER AIMLESSLY in life due to disappointing set-backs/hopelessness lack of ZEST through depression

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For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 13. GORSE (hopelessness)

External Influence Optimism

"Very great hopelessness, they have given up belief that more can be done for them. Under persuasion or to please others they may try different treatments, at the same time assuring those around that there is so little hope of relief." - Dr. Edward Bach

EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness Alternate Points: Left hand, little finger half way between wrist and first knuckle (SI): side of left neck between ear and shoulder (SI). "Gorse is used as the basic treatment for a pessimistic attitude, loss of hope, and serious illnesses with negative prognosis. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to hopelessness. In daily life, used to treat pessimism." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to have faith in life." "...I free Hope and joy to flow into me." "...I will recognize that every new day is a new opportunity." "...I choose to be born anew, willing to take on the struggles of life." Positive qualities

Hope and faith Renewed sense of possibility Rekindled desire to wrestle with life Balanced soul within the polarities of life

Restored life purpose Refusal to give up Perseverance through hardship Shielded from influence of opinions of others

Gorse Emotional Patterns depressed by ADVERSITY lack of AMBITION no sense of AMUSEMENT APATHY due to depression no sense of BELONGING, feels unwanted/ostracized BLOCKAGE of progression in life due to frustrated ambition CAPITULATION COMPLAINS when ill lack of CURIOSITY pessimistic, hopeless DEPRESSION, DESPAIR DISINCLINATION due to depression lacks emotional EXCITEMENT glum EXPRESSION, GLOOM lost FAITH disbelief in GOD pessimistic HOPELESSNESS lacks sense of HUMOR lacks IMAGINATION INFLUENCED by decision of others lack of INTEREST due to desperation LASSITUDE due to depression loss of interest in LIFE, seems a drudgery MISERY with pessimism/doubt MOANS, MONOTONE, MOPES OBESITY as crutch PESSIMISTIC, RESIGNATION, RETROSPECTION depressed RECOVERY, weepy during (if due to poor prognosis) sense of being in RUT SCEPTICAL prefers SCRUFFINESS lack of SELF-CONFIDENCE through feeling of hopelessness gives in to SET-BACKS SHRUGS with despondency finds it hard to SMILE (depressed) SPIRITLESS due to depression STAGNATION due to disinterest lack of STAMINA pessimistic about SUCCESS SULLEN miserable THOUGHTS UNCERTAINTY through lack of hope WANDER AIMLESSLY in life due to disappointing set-backs/hopelessness WITHDRAWN having lost all hope lack of ZEST through depression ZOMBIE-LIKE through depression

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Loneliness 14. HEATHER (showing off, need for recognition)

Capricorn Empathy

"Those who are always seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they find it necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter who it may be. They are very unhappy if they have to be alone for any length of time." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: left forehead between eyebrow and hairline (GB); just above right inner ankle (K).

(GB) Rage / Tolerance (K) Indecision / Confidence

"Heather is used as the basic treatment for egotism, vanity, pathological self-love, craving for recognition, an inferiority complex, and fear of being alone. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to severe egocentrism, talkativeness, or an abnormal need to be in the company of others, brought about by humiliation or rejection. In daily life, used to treat boasting, need for attention, fear of not being acknowledged, talkativeness, feeling left out, and loneliness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to be secure within myself "...I will identify with others and learn how to listen." "...I free myself to listen to the voice of my inner self." Positive qualities

Participation Identification with others Willing to listen and help others Tolerance

Less talkative w/ability to listen to others Empathy Ability to listen to the inner self

Heather Emotional Patterns self ABSORPTION self ADORATION self ADULATION desire to reverse AGING AGGRAVATING due to persistence obsessed with and enjoys talking in detail about AILMENTS ALIENATION due to over-talkativeness dislike of being ALONE seeks ATTENTION no sense of BELONGING due to loneliness talkative BORE BUBBLY, EXCITABLE, CHATTERBOX COMPULSIVE talker COMPULSIVE liar for attention CONCERNED about self mental CONGESTION through selfish absorption enjoys CONVERSATION DEMANDING, DOMINATING DEPENDENT on people to talk to EXAGGERATES for sympathy and attention seeks, desires, anxious for EXCITEMENT EXTROVERT by nature EYE-CONTACT - close to face, direct FEAR of losing friends FEAR for oneself if ill FIXATION with self GARRULOUS, GREGARIOUS HAUGHTY through vanity/self obsessed HYPOCHONDRIA simulated ILLNESS high opinion of one's own IMAGE INSECURE and clings to others lack of INTEREST due to self-absorption INTERFERENCE by talking of self INTROSPECTION INVOKES ILLNESS to obtain sympathy LUST MARTYR for affection/attention MISBEHAVIOR to gain attention NOSY OSTRASISED due to unrelenting talkativeness OVERANXIOUS for self OVER-INDULGENT generally PONDERS on self POSSESSIVENESS PRE-OCCUPATION with self REJECTION with overconcern/possessiveness REPEAT oneself verbally seeks (emotional) SECURITY SELF-CENTERED, SELFIMPORTANT, SELF-INDULGENT possesses STAMINA searches out STRANGERS wish for SYMPATHY generally TALKATIVE: about self, for attention TALKS QUICKLY THEATRICAL, self-indulgent/attention seeking saps others VITALITY

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Over-sensitive to Influences and Ideas 15. HOLLY (unfriendliness, aggressiveness)

"For those who are sometimes attacked by thoughts of such kind as jealousy, envy, revenge, suspicion. For the different forms of vexation. Within themselves they may suffer much, often when there is no real cause for their unhappiness." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: side of right eye (GB, TW); both wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI) and chin (CV).

Virgo Love

"Holly is used for the basic treatment of aggression, choleric or sanguine temperament, lovelessness, negative or destructive attitude, violence, and lust for revenge. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to irritability or aggression. In daily life, used to treat unfriendliness, rage, irritability, envy, hate, mistrust, and jealousy." G. Blome

(GB) Rage / Tolerance (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (CV) Confusion / Certainty

Affirmations: "...I will feel united with all life." "...I choose to explore and express all the potential resources of my love." "...I free myself to live in unity with the cosmos, participating freely and radiating joy." Positive qualities

Unconditional, disinterested, transpersonal love Feelings of connection Verbal and physical expression of empathy

Divine love Comprehension of the world of human feelings A generous mind. Ability to share

Holly Emotional Patterns abrasive, short tempered, angry, hateful, jealous, envious ABSORPTION with vengeance/jealous/hatred ABUSIVE due to vexation ACID-TONGUED due to spitefulness/hatred ADMIRATION with envy/jealousy AGGRESSION spiteful malicious/spiteful sense of AMUSEMENT ARGUMENTATIVE BITCHINESS BLOCKAGE of ability to give love CAUTIOUS due to suspicion COMPLAINS about others suspicious of CONSPIRACY COVETOUS CYNICISM DEFENSIVE generally DEMONSTRATIVE DESPISES others DESTRUCTIVE DEVIOUS lack of DIPLOMACY DISTRUSTFUL generally ENRAGED ENVIOUS malicious FABRICATION FAULT-FINDING with others anger/hatred of GOD INDIFFERENCE toward needs of others IRRITABILITY due to ill temper hateful desire to KILL LONGS FOR release from envy, jealousy lack of LOVE for others LOVE-STRUCK but jealous MALICIOUS tendencies MERCILESS PARANOIA with suspicion of PERSECUTION vengeful RESENTMENT spitefully inflicting RIDICULE SADISTIC SCEPTICAL SECRETIVE out of others' motives lack of SELF-CONTROL SMUG suspicious of STRANGERS TANTRUMS quick, fiery TEMPER THOUGHTS of revenge UNHAPPY due to jealousy VINDICTIVE satisfaction from being/desire to be VIOLENT WICKEDNESS

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances 16. HONEYSUCKLE (homesickness, grieving)


Letting Go

"Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had." - Dr. Edward Bach

EFT points: N/A; full sequence with (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility affirmation. Alternate Points: right abdominal zone between ribcage and navel (ST). "Honeysuckle is used for the basic treatment of disruption in the relationship to reality, flight from reality, lack of interest in the present, melancholia, and excessive nostalgia. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to melancholic memories. In daily life, used to treat memories, homesickness, and sadness caused by loss." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I let go of the past and embrace the present." "...I move forward in life with joy and ease." "...I will be self-aware in the present, conscious of the flow of time." Positive qualities

The past is an experience that can be laid to rest so that one can progress mentally and spiritually Ability to learn from past mistakes

Freedom in life from the bonds of the past Maturity Communion Inner softness Ability to relinquish what has been much beloved

Honeysuckle Emotional Patterns ABSORPTION with memories clings to ACQUISITIONS and (comforted by) KEEPSAKES due to sentimental attachment desire to reverse AGEING AVOIDANCE of confronting reality BEREAVEMENT thoughts filled with past memories DAY-DREAMING, recurring DREAMS EMPTY due to lack of interest mental ESCAPISM GRIEF with longing for the past suffers HAUNTING THOUGHTS HOME-SICKNESS INATTENTIVE lack of INTEREST due to distant thoughts LONGS FOR home and loved ones bad MEMORY due to lack of concentration MOURNING with memories/regrets NOSTALGIC, PINES, PONDERS on past PEACE OF MIND disturbed by grief PREOCCUPIED with past REGRESSION with thoughts of past REGRETS, REMINISCENCE, SENTIMENTAL, WISTFUL REMINDED and saddened by memories REMOTENESS due to absorption with past SLEEPLESSNESS through grief SORROWFUL remembering past/good old days, easily effected by sentiment SPIRITLESS due to disinterest STAGNATION due to disinterest rationally considers SUICIDE to join loved one TALKATIVE about the past TEARFULNESS through sentimentality UNHAPPY due to longing for past YEARNING for past, youthfulness

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For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 17. HORNBEAM (groundless feelings of stress)

Leo Vitality

"For those who feel that they have not sufficient strength, mentally or

physically, to carry the burden of life placed upon them; the affairs of L every day seem too much for them to accomplish, though they generally succeed in fulfilling their task. For those who believe that some part, of mind or body, needs to be strengthened before they can easily fulfill their work." Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: inner right arm below or above elbow (HT, PC). (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (PC) Self-absorption / Love

"Hornbeam is used as the basic treatment for fear of failure, a chronic feeling of being overwhelmed, groundless pessimism, and frustration. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to a constant feeling of overwork or exertion. In daily life, used to treat blue Mondays, morning frustration, lack of interest in work, weakness, and flight into illness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will perceive inner strength as an ocean of energy." "...I have the willpower to initiate projects and bring them to conclusion." "...I reintegrate my skills and abilities, bringing them into my point of power." Positive qualities

Vitality Strength and energy Inner vivacity Renewal of spiritual qualities Stress reduction Mental clarity

Mental energy Motivation Diminution of procrastination Certainty about own ability and strength to face problems

Hornbeam Emotional Patterns ABSENTEEISM due to lack of interest/escapism generally APATHETIC fatigue during CONVALESCENCE DEPLETED of energy lack of DESIRE DESPONDENCY through tiredness DISINCLINATION due to tiredness lack of EFFORT due to exhaustion lack of ENERGY lacks emotional EXCITEMENT EXHAUSTION, mental weariness/procrastination INERTIA, LAX, LAZY, generally LETHARGIC lack of INTEREST due to fatigue JADED work seems LABORIOUS lethargic METABOLISM (of mental energy) lack of MOTIVATION through listlessness RELAXATION easy due to apathy/lethargy lack of SATISFACTION with life prefers SCRUFFINESS SEDATE due to listlessness and drowsiness SHRUGS with disinterest unrefreshing SLEEP SLOW to get started lack of STAMINA life/work etc. seems full of TEDIUM generally TIRED UNCERTAINTY through lack of strength WEAKNESS, doubt of mental strength WEARINESS through listlessness WITHDRAWAL-helps strengthen will to resist lack of ZEST through listlessness

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Loneliness 18. IMPATIENS (impatience, restlessness)

Aries / Cancer Patience

"Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a R hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to be patient with people who are slow as they consider it wrong and a waste of time, and they will Endeavour to make such people quicker in all ways. They often prefer to work and think alone, so that they can do everything at their own speed." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: top of head (GV); side of left eye (GB, TW). Alternate Points: left forehead between eyebrow and hairline (GB, LIV). (GV) Shame / Self-empowerment (GB) Rage / Tolerance (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness

"Impatiens are used for the basic treatment of excessively driven behavior, restlessness, nervous temperament, sleeplessness, and overactive metabolism. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to restlessness or nervousness. In daily life, used to treat impatience, restlessness, excessive haste, superficiality, sleep disorders, itchiness, and fidgetiness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I free myself to accept the flow of life and the pace of others." ...I will allow the process of life to gently unfold." "...I choose to be calm and serene within myself." Positive qualities Patience Tolerance Considerate and thoughtful of Recognition of other people's others rhythms Acceptance of what is Freedom from tension

Impatiens Emotional Patterns ABRUPT, TACTLESS powerful, intense EYE-CONTACT, but ABUSIVE due to slowness agitated due to nervous energy ACCIDENT PRONE, CARELESS due to FAULT-FINDING with others impatience/nervous tension FIERY, FLIPPANT, IMPETUOUS, excessively ACTIVE due to INQUISITIVE impatience/hastiness feels claustrophobic without FREEDOM, feeling of having excess ADRENALINE INDEPENDENCE (emotional) can't wait for things to HAPPEN AGGRAVATING due to impatience HARD TASK-MASTER to others ANGERED, AGGRAVATED by the sense of being or irritated by slowness of others HARASSMENT ALIENATION due to irritation HIGHLY STRUNG , VIVACIOUS ALONE to work at own pace, aversion to HYPERACTIVE METABOLISM (of COMPANY mental energy) ANNOYANCE with others over trivial IDEALISTIC, high ideals matters demands IMMEDIACY, IMPATIENT ARGUMENTATIVE, AVOIDANCE of INDIFFERENCE towards needs of others people sense of INSANITY due to frustration nervous BLABBER , BOSSY, BUBBLY generally IRRITABLE BOISTEROUS due to excitement JUMPY, SKITTISH, LIVELY BOREDOM through impatient expectation irritated by KEEPSAKES mental BREAKDOWN due to mental high degree of MOTIVATION torment/restlessness intolerant of/agitated by NOISE, DISCONTENTMENT, CONTEMPT for NUISANCE others PASSIONATE with enthusiasm finds CONVERSATION difficult, REBELLIOUSNESS mundane/trivial chatter RELAXATION difficult due to finds it hard to DELEGATE, does job impatience/cannot slow down oneself irritated at being REMINDED of shortgenerally DEMONSTRATIVE comings excessive DESIRE REPEATS oneself repeatedly DESPISES others for slowness over-excited about SEX DETERMINATION, EAGERNESS, STRANGE SENSATION, as though on a HASTY knifes edge lack of DIPLOMACY TALKS QUICKLY by nature, because of DISSATISFACTION due to fear/anxiety frustration/restriction irritated by TEDIUM DISTRACTED with flitting thoughts impatient with and over concerned with over-EFFORT, excess of ENERGY TIME EXASPERATION, EXCESSIVE, TONGUE-TIED through .trying to talk too EXCITABLE, EXPECTANT, quickly EXTROVERT by nature Twelve Healers Seven Helpers Second Nineteen

For Despondency or Despair 19. LARCH (feelings of inferiority)

Root Issue Self-confidence

"For those who do not consider themselves as good or capable as those around them, who expect failure, who feel that they will never be a success, an so do not venture or make a strong enough attempt to succeed." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right wrist (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI), gamut point on right hand (TW).

"Larch is used as the basic treatment for lack of self-confidence and problems with self-worth, tendency toward unnecessary self-denial, and an inclination to give up hastily. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to a lack of self-confidence or feelings of inferiority. In daily life, used to treat shyness and timidity." G. Blome

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

Affirmations: "...I will accept challenges with boldness and courage." "...I choose to act with confidence and express myself creatively." "...I leave my limitations behind and proceed with certainty." Positive qualities

Confidence in one's own capacities Not fearful of failure or success Conviction in one's own actions

Stimulation of latent expressivity Courage Tenacity Perseverance

Larch Emotional Patterns lack of confidence/belief/trust in own ABILITY ABSENTEEISM due to fear ACCOMPLISHMENT: doubt of one's ability doubt of one's ability to ACHIEVE ACQUIESCENCE due to fear ALCOHOL used as a 'crutch', to provide courage ANTICIPATION of failure ANTI-SOCIAL due to lack of CONFIDENCE APPREHENSIVE about possible failure AWKWARDNESS due to lack of confidence no sense of BELONGING due to uncertainty BLUSHES EASILY CAPABLE but has no confidence aversion to COMPANY finds CONVERSATION difficult DESPONDENCY through lack of confidence DISDAIN of oneself submits to DOGMA DREAD of known event e.g., performing, attending interviews, entertaining EMBARRASSMENT avoids EYE-CONTACT due to embarrassment expects/fears FAILURE lacks FAITH in oneself FOLLOWS others due to lack of selfconfidence GIGGLES nervously Twelve Healers doesn't complain about GRIEVANCES HESITANCY through lack of confidence INADEQUACY through lack of confidence generally INSECURE INVOKES ILLNESS due to lack of confidence comforted by KEEPSAKES MEEK, MODEST, UNASSUMING takes OFFENSE easily due to uncertainty loses OPPORTUNITY through lack of confidence needs REASSURANCE to encourage REJECTION with no confidence and sense of vulnerability REMOTENESS suffered by sensitive people affected by RIDICULE lack of SELF-ESTEEM STAGE-FRIGHT due to lack of confidence fear of and pessimistic about SUCCESS SUICIDE considered due to being overburdened by responsibility or pressures TENTATIVE, TIMID seeks TRANQUILITY due to fear of others and forced situations UNCERTAINTY, WEAK-WILLED due to lack of confidence UNHAPPY with self VITALITY sapped by others

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Second Nineteen

For Those Who Have Fear


20. MIMULUS (excessive timidity or anxiety, fear, shyness) Courage

"Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely speak of it to others." - Dr. Edward Bach

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) EFT points: N/A; full sequence with (PC) Self-absorption / Love affirmation. Alternate Points: front of both shoulders where they meet with the pectoral muscles (LU); on or around inner fold of left elbow (PC). "Mimulus is used as the basic treatment for a tendency to fear excessively and too easily. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to fears and anxieties. In daily life, used to treat groundless fear, anxiety, timidity, and shyness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will recognize each problem as an opportunity for growth." "...I choose to see the universe as a safe place." "...I accept the manifestations of the world and open myself in the certitude of safety." Positive qualities

Courage Trust Security

Dissolution of anxiety Release from the phantom of fear

Mimulus Emotional Patterns fear of being ABANDONED ABSENTEEISM due to fear fear of ABUSE ACCIDENT PRONE due to fearful nervousness fear of AGING afraid of AILMENTS fear of AIR TRAVEL ALCOHOL used as a 'crutch', to provide courage fear of being ALONE APPREHENSIVE through fear AWKWARDNESS due to shyness no sense of BELONGING due to loneliness, feeling unwanted/ostracized BLABBER, nervous chatter aversion to COMPANY finds CONVERSATION difficult lack of COURAGE due to fear COY, DEMURE, DIFFIDENT, DOMINATED CRIES EASILY because highly sensitive fear of DEATH avoids DISCUSSION due to shyness DREAD of known event e.g. performing, attending interviews, entertaining EMBARRASSMENT FEAR, PHOBIAS: known causes (illness, poverty, pain etc.), of darkness, of death, of future, for oneself when ill/for ones health, of losing friends, of God, secret JUMPY, SKITTISH, INTIMIDATED, INTROVERTED INADEQUACY through fear/shyness/timidity INSECURITY through fear INVOKES ILLNESS to escape fear comforted by KEEPSAKES MEEK, MODEST, PASSIVE, NERVOUS NAUSEOUS with fear OBEDIENT out of fear OVERWHELMED by demands of others afraid of PERSECUTION fear of POLLUTION QUIET and SHY needs REASSURANCE to encourage RECLUSIVE, SQUEAMISH, STANDOFFISH RELAXATION difficult due to fear/anxiety generally SCARED SECRETIVE due to fear SELF-CONSCIOUS SPIRITLESS due to fear frightened of STRANGERS SUDDEN confrontation, causing fear considers SUICIDE to escape from fear defined fear of SUPERNATURAL generally SUPERSTITIOUS SYMPTOMS: obsessed with consequences of nervously TALKATIVE about fears TALKS QUICKLY because of fear/anxiety TENTATIVE, TIMID, UNASSUMING, UNNERVED enjoys/needs TRANQUILLITY TREMBLES with fear UNEASINESS in company of others UNRELIABLE because easily influenced VITALITY sapped by others

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Cancer / Capricorn 21. MUSTARD (depression) Joy

"Those who are liable to times of gloom or even despair, as though a cold dark cloud overshadowed them and hid the light and the joy of L life. It may not be possible to give any reason or explanation for such attacks. Under these conditions it is almost impossible to appear happy or cheerful." - Dr. Edward Bach (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing EFT points: inside both wrists (LU, LI, PC, (PC) Self-absorption / Love HT, TW, SI). (HT) Anger / Forgiveness Alternate Points: inner fold of either elbow (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (PC); four finger width above left kneecap (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (ST, SP). (PC) Self-absorption / Love (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility "Mustard is used for the basic treatment (SP) Anxiety / Clarity of endogenous depression, groundless depression, lack of joy and humor, melancholia, pessimism, and periodic worldweariness. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to sadness or depression. In daily life, used to treat lack of enthusiasm, bad moods of any kind, dejection, and sadness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I free myself to be filled with the joy of life." "...I will shine with the light and strength of the spirit." "...I open my heart to divine love." "...I choose for my heart to feel light and happy." Positive qualities

Joy and peace Illumination of sadness Inner serenity Emotional stability

Clarity in interior darkness Antidote to misery Gaiety

Mustard Emotional Patterns ABSENTEEISM due to lack of interest/escapism no desire for ADVENTURE BABY BLUES for no apparent reason believes one is a BURDEN to others undefined depression during CONVALESCENCE morbid obsession with DEATH unknown cause for DEPRESSION, descends suddenly, like dark cloud unknown cause for DESPAIR, DESPONDENCY DISINCLINATION due to depression DOWNCAST, GLOOMY lacks emotional EXCITEMENT lacks sense of HUMOR INDIFFERENCE to life INERTIA through depression lack of INTEREST due to desperation LASSITUDE due to depression no PLEASURE in LIFE LOW in spirits MACABRE thoughts MANIC depression MELANCHOLIA with no known reason slow METABOLISM (of mental energy) through depression MISERY with cloud of depression MONOTONE, MOPES, MORBID THOUGHTS MOODY (depression comes and goes) depressed/weepy during RECOVERY SADNESS finds it hard to SMILE (depressed) SORROWFUL for no known reason SPIRITLESS due to depression STAGNATION due to disinterest UNHAPPY for no reason VOLATILE lack of ZEST through disinterest ZOMBIE-LIKE through depression

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Second Nineteen

For Despondency or Despair


22. OAK (uncompromising behavior, excessive ambition) Stability

"For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairs of their daily life. They will go on trying one R thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless. They will fight on. They are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope of (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility effort." - Dr. Edward Bach (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) EFT points: under left eye (ST, LIV); both (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI); KC point (PC) Self-absorption / Love on left hand (SI). (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety "Oak is used for the basic treatment of (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness pigheadedness, excessive responsibility, uncompromising and unyielding behavior, a compulsive sense of obligation, a compulsive sense of self-sacrifice, and ambition. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to unyieldingness or a compulsion to achieve. In daily life, used to treat obstinacy, obsessiveness, strain, and long-term stress." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to experience renewed strength and stability." "...I accept that energy and strength are my spiritual inheritance." "...I will persevere with tenacity yet understand the desire for rest." Positive qualities

Strong, patient and full of common sense Tenacity Reliability Courage in the face of adversity

Reestablishment of equilibrium through rest Playful flexibility in work and commitments Perseverance

Oak Emotional Patterns struggles on in spite of or unaffected by ADVERSITY ALTRUISTIC ANNOYANCE due to physical restrictions of illness or frustration mental BREAKDOWN due to overwork/burn-out CAPABLE and reliable CAUTIOUS by nature good COMMUNICATOR never COMPLAINS COMPOSURE CONCEALMENT of emotions CONCERNED about others COPES well, even under pressure COURAGEOUS by nature no desire to DELEGATE DEPENDABLE, DETERMINED, DILIGENT DESPONDENCY through limitations of illness or over-work DISCONTENTMENT with self EFFICIENCY, ENDURANCE struggles on in spite of EXHAUSTION FEARLESS FIGHTING SPIRIT, FORTITUDE, TIRELESS calmly HELPFUL without question frustrated by ILLNESS INDEPENDENCE METHODICAL hidden MISERY NERVOUS BREAKDOWN tendency to OVERWORK PACIFIST, PLACID, PERSISTENT PHILOSOPHICAL by nature PLODDERS, WORKAHOLIC by nature PRAGMATIC unaffected by PRESSURE, takes it in stride PROTECTIVE firm sense of REALITY REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED, has innate courage to face adversity RELENTLESS, RESILIENT copes unflustered with RESPONSIBILITY ROCK-SOLID and dependable possesses SELF-CONTROL by nature SELF-DETERMINATION, SELFSUFFICIENT enjoys giving SERVICE SINCERE, WISE possesses STAMINA STEADFAST STRENGTH of character STRENGTH in illness/maintains against adversity SURE OF THEMSELVES controlled TEMPER but frustrated annoyance due to restriction or incapacity TOUGH WARY through reasonable caution WILL, strength of character

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances 23. OLIVE (general exhaustion)



"Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: forehead above outer half of right eyebrow (GB); center of sternum (CV).

(GB) Rage / Tolerance (CV) Confusion / Certainty

"Olive is used for the basic treatment of general weakness and impaired ability to perform, anemia and heart insufficiency. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to exhaustion. In daily life, used to treat physical and/or spiritual exhaustion, generally after a great exertion or serious illness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will tap into an unlimited energy source within me." "...I free myself to find the strength for self-regeneration within me." "...I choose to feel revitalized in mind and body." Positive qualities

Awareness of one's own limits Regeneration from the spiritual source Renewal Inner peace

To restore vitality, strength and interest Tranquility Balance Effective for convalescence

Olive Emotional Patterns ABSENT MINDED due to tiredness no desire for ADVENTURE exhausted/drained by AILMENTS exhausted by AIR TRAVEL, jet lag APATHY due to lack of energy/exhaustion BURN-OUT CARELESS due to tiredness fatigue during CONVALESCENCE DEPLETED of energy lack of DESIRE DESPONDENCY through tiredness DISINCLINATION due to tiredness DROWSINESS due to exhaustion lack of EFFORT due to exhaustion physical and mental EXHAUSTION lack of INTEREST due to fatigue JADED depletion of energy during RECOVERY easy RELAXATION, SEDATE due to drowsiness disinterested in SEX SLEEPLESSNESS through over-exhaustion lack of STAMINA TEARFULNESS through utter exhaustion UNHAPPY due to exhaustion drained of VITALITY, exhausted ZOMBIE-LIKE through exhaustion

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Second Nineteen

For Despondency or Despair 24. PINE (guilt complex)



"For those who blame themselves. Even when successful they think they could have done better, and are never satisfied with the decisions they make. Would this remedy help me to stop blaming myself for everything?" - Dr. Edward Bach

(CV) Confusion / Certainty EFT points: N/A; full sequence with (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing affirmation. (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) Alternate Points: three inches below (GV) Shame / Self-empowerment bottom of sternum (CV); anywhere on right shoulder (LI), front or back; just below outer, lower ridge of the clavicle (LU) on both sides of body, midline back of head (GV). "Pine is used for the basic treatment of guilt feelings, moralistic compulsions and drives, self-judgement, self-rejection, enslavement to authority, and pathological perfectionism. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to guilt. In daily life, used to treat unwarranted pangs of conscience and finickiness." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I release my shortcomings to be a part of me." "...I accept my mistakes as expressions of life on the spiritual path." "...I dissolve my sense of guilt with the light of love." Positive qualities

Dissolution of guilt Forgiveness Compassion True regret Relinquishment of remorse

Comprehension of error as life's greatest teacher Takes responsibility with fair and balanced attitude

Pine Emotional Patterns ABASHED with guilt or self-reproach no ADMIRATION for self AFFECTIONATE APOLOGETIC BEREAVEMENT with sense of guilt/selfreproach BLUSHES EASILY believes one is a BURDEN to others CONTEMPT for and CRITICAL of self DESPAIR through self-blame/guilt DESPISES oneself DISCONTENTMENT, DISLIKE and DISDAIN for oneself recurring DREAMS avoids EYE-CONTACT due to embarrassment FAILURE to others FAULT-FINDING with self readily FORGIVING of others as blames self fear of GOD due to guilt GUILT dislikes own IMAGE INADEQUACY through guilt INTROSPECTION through guilt over-concerned about accidental KILLING of insects blames self for MISTAKES of others feels under OBLIGATION due to sense of duty PANGS OF GUILT PEACE OF MIND disturbed by guilt REMORSE REPENTING REPRESSED EMOTIONS of guilt inclined to SELF-DENIAL by nature lack of SELF-ESTEEM SELF-INDULGENT, then feels guilty SENTIMENTAL believes one has committed SIN SORRY STRUGGLES to please self rationally considers SUICIDE for self reproach sense of USELESSNESS

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For Those Who Have Fear


25. RED CHESTNUT (excessive worry and concern) Objectivity*

"For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people. Often they have ceased to worry about themselves." - Dr. Edward Bach

EFT points: N/A; full sequence with (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) affirmation. Alternate Points: outer lower edges of collarbone on both sides (LU). "Red Chestnut is used as the treatment for pathological worrying over others and neurotic sympathy. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to altruistic concerns. In daily life, used to treat oppressive sympathy or pathogenic worry about others and excessive caring for others." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I trust in the unfolding of life." "...I will have a healthy detachment from the problems of others." "...I choose to remain calm despite my concern for others." Positive qualities

Devotion Service Neighborly help Supportive love Nourishment and support of others Healing through positive thought
* objectivity

Transmission of spiritual aid Profound connection with oneself Ability to care for others with compassion but without anxiety

ability to view things objectively: the ability to perceive or describe something without being influenced by personal emotions or prejudices

Red Chestnut Emotional Patterns AFFECTIONATE AFRAID for welfare of others ALTRUISTIC ANTICIPATION of trouble for others ANXIETY for welfare of others APPREHENSIVE for others BLAMES self mental CONGESTION through anxiousness for others DEMENTED with fear over others DISTRAUGHT with fear over others over concerned with FAMILY absence of FEAR for self FRANTIC with worry/anxiety over others FRETFUL over-concerned about slaughter of animals, accidental KILLING of insects LONGS FOR loved ones selflessly anxious MOTHER PEACE OF MIND disturbed by fear for others PITY for others agitated by POLLUTION for fear of harm to others PROTECTIVE RECEPTIVE to other peoples needs RELAXATION difficult due to fear for others SACRIFICE self SCARED for others inclined to SELF-DENIAL by nature SENTIMENTAL enjoys giving SERVICE SORROWFUL :easily affected by sentiment TEARFULNESS due to sensitivity TENSION through concerned fretfulness over others YEARNING for loved ones

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For Those Who Have Fear 26. ROCK ROSE (panic)

Scorpio Bravery

"The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident serious or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the condition is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: inside either wrist (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). Alternate Points: outer lower edges of collarbone on both sides (LU).

"Rock Rose is used as the basic treatment for a tendency toward panic, psychic instability, and latent anxiety. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to psychic shock or panic. In daily life, used for emergencies shocking experiences, fear blanking out during exams, loss of presence of mind, and losing one's head." G. Blome

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

Affirmations: "...I free myself to open to and accept the courage that lies deep within me." "...I will be calm and serene in the face of all terror and panic, knowing I am in control." "...I acknowledge I am immortal spirit and I am in Gods hands." Positive qualities

Transcendence of one's own small world Great courage Harmony Integration

Connection with the energies of nature Perseverance and bravery Dissolution of the sensations of terror and panic Tranquility and inner peace

Rock Rose Emotional Patterns ABSENTEEISM due to fear fear of ABUSE feeling of having excess ADRENALINE AFRAID desperate/panic stricken fear of AGING fear of AIR TRAVEL APPREHENSIVE through fear finds it hard to be BRAVE through fear lack of COURAGE due to fear fear of DEATH DESPAIR due to terror DITHER due to fear apprehensive/terrifying DREAD DREAMS: night terrors, nightmares FEAR: of death, of fear FRIGHT, HORRIFIED HALLUCINATE overzealous IMAGINATION afraid of JUDGEMENTS afraid of consequences of KARMA MISBEHAVIOR due to fear NAUSEOUS with fear NEUROSIS OBSESSIVE fear generally PANICKY PEACE OF MIND disturbed by fear PETRIFIED, SPOOKED, TERROR known PHOBIAS, generally RECLUSE due to fear RECOIL through fear, horror RELAXATION difficult due to fear/anxiety REPULSION through horror generally SCARED SECRETIVE due to fear SLEEPLESSNESS, UNREST through fear STAGE-FRIGHT due to panic SUDDEN terror/panic considers SUICIDE to escape from fear defined, uncontrolled fear of SUPERNATURAL generally SUPERSTITIOUS nervously TALKATIVE about fears TENSION through fear TREMBLE with fear

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Second Nineteen

Over-care for Welfare of Others 27. ROCK WATER (self-abuse, ascetic behavior)

Libra Flexibility

"Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might L interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: eyebrow (B) and side of right eye (GB, TW): side of left eye (GB, TW). (B) Futility / Hope (GB) Rage / Tolerance (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety

"Rock Water is used to treat ascetic, martyr like behavior, excessive self-discipline and self-control, self-abuse with lack of joy, self-torment, compulsive fanaticism and dogmatism, and fear of emotions. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to obsessive/compulsive behavior or self-abuse. In daily life, used to treat excessive self-discipline, excessive need for planning and control, fanatical dieting, selfimposed self-denial, and strictness with oneself." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I allow the joy of life to flow freely through me." "...I will dissolve perfectionism through inner elasticity." "...I am safe to be flexible and relaxed." "...I release my hardness to be transformed into tenderness." Positive qualities

Inner freedom Adaptability Dissolution of inner dogmatism Idealism with a flexible mind Flexibility

Moderation of discipline Renewal of playfulness Malleability Complete openness

Rock Water Emotional Patterns ABSTINENCE: self-righteous/extreme self control ACCUSING due to desire for perfection overly ACTIVE as HARD TASKMASTER to self ADORATION, ADULATION of self desire to reverse AGEING ANGER with self for failure BLUNT, straightforward excessively high regard for BODY IMAGE, imposing strict regime for living mental BREAKDOWN due to overwork/burnout COMPETITIVE, COMPOSURE, CONCEIT CONDESCENDING fond of CONVENTIONS (tradition) desire to CONVERT strong sense of CONVICTION DISCONTENT, CRITICAL of self DEFINITE sense of purpose feels it a failure if has to DELEGATE DELUSIONS of grandeur denial/suppression of DESIRE DETERMINED, DEVOUT, DISAGREEABLE, DISAPPROVING, PERFECTIONIST appearance of DISDAIN rigidly follows DOGMA, DOGMATIC great sense of DUTY ENDURANCE, EXACTITUDE would like to set EXAMPLE FIXED IDEAS AND OPINIONS FUSSINESS about correctness HIGH STRUNG, HOUSE-PROUD refrains from INDULGENCE through selfrestraint INTOLERANCE of inaccuracy KNOWS BEST MARTYR to own ideals, as an example to others mental MASOCHISM MEGALOMANIA, METHODICAL, METICULOUS MORALITY for self perfectionism religiously OBSESSIVE with selfrighteousness PATRONIZING/condescending PERSISTENT, PIOUS, PRECISE, PRIDEFUL, PURIST tendency to PREACH RECLUSE as mark of self-martyrdom/selfperfectionism RECTITUDE, REFORMER, RENUNCIATION REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED as shows sign of weakness RELAXATION difficult due to tension SANCTIMONIOUS, SMUG, SEVERE, STARCHY SUPERIORITY COMPLEX, SURE OF THEMSELVES overly concerned with TIME TIRELESS, UPTIGHT, VAIN UNHAPPY with self unable to WEEP due to self-denial WORKAHOLIC by nature

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Second Nineteen

For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 28. SCLERANTHUS (indecisiveness, flightiness)

Libra Resolution

"Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They are usually quiet people, and bear their difficulty alone, as they are not inclined to discuss it with others." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with affirmation. Alternate Points: left forehead between eyebrow and hairline (GB, LIV).

(GB) Rage / Tolerance (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness

"Scleranthus is used as the basic treatment for indecisiveness, inconsistency, instability, inner turmoil, erratic and unreliable behavior, lack of concentration, and illness with changeable symptoms. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to indecisiveness or mutability. In daily life, used to treat scatterbrained behavior, indecisiveness, absentmindedness, distracted behavior, moodiness, and lack of concentration." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I release myself to see what I must do with extreme clarity." "...I will feel the inward communion of body and spirit." "...I free myself to be decisive in thought and action." "...I choose to trust that each decision is a seed for the future." Positive qualities

Clarity Synthesis between thought and action Takes prompt action

Inner stability Keeps poise and balance on all occasions Concentration

Scleranthus Emotional Patterns ADDLED AGGRAVATING due to indecision AIRSICKNESS AMBIVALENCE ANGER with self for hesitancy/indecision AWKWARDNESS due to hesitancy/indecision no sense of BELONGING due to uncertainty finds it hard to be BRAVE through lack of confidence/uncertainty BROODY about making decisions CHANGEABLE, CONFUSION, DILEMMA lack of CONCENTRATION through indecision lack of CONFIDENCE CRIES EASILY due to mood changes unable to make DECISION DEMENTED with confusion/indecision avoids DISCUSSION due to uncertainty of opinion DISTRACTED by flitting thoughts DITHER due to uncertainty/indecision FICKLE, INDECISIVE, LAX HESITANCY through uncertainty HYPOCRISY, IMPARTIALITY INADEQUACY through self-distrust distrusts INSTINCTS INTROVERTED through indecision MANIC depressive as though lost in MAZE MOOD swings, VOLATILE NERVOUS BREAKDOWN loses OPPORTUNITY through indecision undecided when faced with OPTIONS doubtful of own mind PEACE OF MIND disturbed by indecision lack of POISE PROCRASTINATION through uncertainty generally QUIET by nature REPRESSED EMOTIONS of indecision RESTLESSNESS through indecision affected by RIDICULE SCATTERBRAINED, SKITTISH, TENTATIVE, VAGUE SECRETIVE due to indecision lack of SELF-CONFIDENCE through indecision TRAVEL SICKNESS unstable TEMPER seeks TRANQUILITY due to troubled thoughts UNRELIABLE because of UNCERTAINTY UNHAPPY with self VULNERABILITY

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For Despondency or Despair

External Influence

29. STAR OF BETHLEHEM (easily insulted, oversensitive) Inner-Healing

"For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. The shock of serious news, the loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, and such like. For those who for a time refuse to be consoled, this remedy brings comfort." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right eyebrow (B); left eyebrow (B), side of eye (GB, TW); both wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI).

"Star of Bethlehem is used for basic treatment of unprocessed or unresolved psychic or physical trauma, seemingly unbearable life situations, inability to forget or let go, neuroses, and consequences of accidents. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to injuries or psychic trauma and shock. In daily life, used to treat unhappiness, grief, nightmares, psychic shock, excessive need for comfort, and injuries." G. Blome

(B) Futility / Hope (GB) Rage / Tolerance (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

Affirmations: "...I release my stagnant energy and allow it to circulate freely." "...I release myself from the trauma of my past." " interior peace I reorient myself toward the light." "...I choose to remember who I am and my purpose in life." Positive qualities

Release from traumatic influences originating in the past Reorientation after shock Peace and serenity in the midst of chaos

Rebirth Inner healing Dissolution of pain linked to physical and psychic traumas

Star of Bethlehem Emotional Patterns shock of ABUSE AFTERSHOCK AGONY (emotional) of grief BAD NEWS initial shock/numbness of BEREAVEMENT DAZED, DEVASTATED DESPAIR due to shock DESPONDENCY from shock, bad news DISTRAUGHT due to shock/bad news DREAMS - nightmares FRIGHT sudden GRIEF, shock, heartache longs for HAPPINESS HORRIFIED heartbreaking LONELINESS sense of LOSS e.g. through grief MOURNING in grief PEACE OF MIND disturbed by grief REALIZATION (sudden) shock, as result of REBIRTHING; grief/sadness uncovered by RECOIL through shock shock to the system during RECOVERY REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED after shocking news shocked/saddened by REGRESSION REMINDERS which provoke sadness/grief REMOTENESS due to grief/shock SADNESS, SHOCK SHATTERED by news SLEEPLESSNESS through grief SORROWFUL due to grief/loss SPIRITLESS due to deep sadness SPOOKED, STARTLED, STUNNED SUDDEN alarm SUPPRESSED EMOTION due to shock TENSION due to shock TRANSFIXED after shock TRAUMA unable to WEEP due to numbness (e.g. following serious news) ZOMBIE-LIKE, mentally stunned, through shock

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For Despondency or Despair 30. SWEET CHESTNUT (desperation)

Sagittarius Liberation

"For those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to be unbearable. When the mind or body feels as if R it had borne to the uttermost limit of its endurance, and that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face." - Dr. Edward (B) Futility / Hope Bach (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing EFT points: left eyebrow (B); left wrist (PC) Self-absorption / Love toward forearm (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety "Sweet Chestnut is used for the basic (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness treatment of desperation, mental anguish, extreme depression, acute hopelessness, extreme spiritual suffering, and mental or physical breakdown. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to desperation. In daily life, Sweet Chestnut is seldom neededonly if we are at the end of our rope and don't know how to proceed." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I free myself to follow the light of spirit on my path." "...I choose to have faith that I will move through this experience." "...I can believe in myself, in others and in the Divine Principle." Positive qualities

Full control of emotions Certainty of success in difficult situations Enlivened faith and selfconfidence Liberation

Illumination on the path Emergence from utter despair Renewed joy in living Perception of one's bond with the Divine Inner clarity

Sweet Chestnut Emotional Patterns ABANDONED without hope AGONY (emotional) of grief ANGUISH, DEJECTION no sense of BELONGING due to loneliness; ostracized BEREAVEMENT, dejection, emptiness BLOCKAGE of progression in life due to frustrated ambition BROODY about misfortune DEMENTED with despair DEPLETED of energy DEPRESSION, utter dejection helpless, heartbroken, utter DESPAIR DESPONDENCY, complete anguish DESPERATION, DESTITUTE, DEVASTATED DISINCLINATION due to depression DISTRAUGHT with events of life EMPTY due to utter dejection EXHAUSTION with extreme helplessness/despair lost FAITH yearning desire for FREEDOM (from torment) loss of faith in GOD GRIEF: chronic grieving despair, heartache longs for HAPPINESS HELPLESSNESS extreme HOPELESSNESS desire for LIBERATION despaired of LIFE LOW in spirits MELANCHOLIA slow METABOLISM (of mental energy) through depression MISERY with bleak despair MOURNING with bleak despair desires OBLIVION OVERWROUGHT with despair REMOTENESS due to utter dejection/emptiness SADNESS lack of SATISFACTION with life SORROWFUL, utterly forlorn/dejected SPIRITLESS due to deep sadness rationally considers SUICIDE to escape deep depression TEARFULNESS through despair TORMENTED by anguish WAIL, WEEPINESS with utter despair lack of ZEST through depression

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Over-care for Welfare of Others 31. VERVAIN (missionary zeal)

Sagittarius Moderation

"Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change. They have a great wish to B convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: N/A; full sequence with (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility affirmation. Alternate Points: right cheek two finger widths below 'under the eye' point (ST). "Vervain is used for the basic treatment of missionary tendencies, intolerant idealism, a need to improve the world, fixed ideas, inflexible beliefs and convictions, fanaticism, and blindly zealous beliefs. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to excessive zeal or missionary tendencies that are pushy or insistent. In daily life, used to treat pushiness, excessive enthusiasm, one-sidedness, preconceptions, lack of sense of proportion, stress, nervousness, and tension." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will practice moderation in thought and action." "...I realize my ideals become real when others hearts are left free." "...I free my mental rigidity to melt in the rhythmic flow of existence." Positive qualities

Ability to listen Flexibility of mind Ability to allow others personal space Capacity to be oneself

Respect for the feelings and opinions of others Dissolution of fanaticism Ability to relax Acceptance of life's rhythms


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Over-care for Welfare of Others 32. VINE (closed-mindedness, dogmatism)

Gemini Humility

"Very Capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants. They may be of great value in emergency." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: both wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). Alternate Points: KC of right hand (SI); gamut point of both hands (TW).

"Vine is used for the basic treatment of obstinacy, intolerance, inflexible convictions, a need to dominate, dogmatism, and fanaticism. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to mental inflexibility or intolerant domination and a need to impose one's will. In daily life, used to treat pedantry, superiority (the know-it-all), dominating behavior, mental inflexibility, the perpetual teacher, and the domestic tyrant." G. Blome

(LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

Affirmations: "... I place myself at the service of others in humility and understanding." "...I choose to be tolerant and respectful of the individuality of others." "...I will respect others and will develop a comprehension of their needs." Positive qualities

Understanding Service to one's fellow human beings Wisdom in the guidance of others

Gentleness and kindness Natural authority Respect

Vine Emotional Patterns aggressively certain of one's own ABILITY ABRUPT, BLUNT due to intolerance ABUSIVE due to aggressive dominance ambitious desire to ACHIEVE ACID-TONGUED, critical, bitingly accusative ACRIMONIOUS, ADAMANT, BIGHEADED, BOSSY AGGRAVATED by the weakness of others AGGRESSIVE, demanding/dominant strong sense of AMBITION ANALYTICAL ANSWERS BACK in defiance ANTI-SOCIAL due to selfopinionated/pretentiousness ARROGANT, AUTHORITARIAN, AUTOCRATIC BOISTEROUS and disobedient, DEFIANT BRAVE by nature, CAPABLE and reliable COMPETITIVE, CONCEITED, CONDESCENDING enjoys CONFRONTATION CONTEMPT for and desire to CONTROL others strong sense of CONVICTION good at making DECISIONS DEMANDING, DETERMINED generally DEMONSTRATIVE lack of DIPLOMACY DIRECTS affairs of others (illness etc.) DISSATISFACTION with others rebels against DOGMA DOGMATIC, DOMINEERING EFFICIENT EGOTISTIC, FORCEFUL, HEADSTRONG powerful, intense EYE-CONTACT GREEDY for power/control not afraid to voice their GRIEVANCES gives GUIDANCE HARD TASKMASTERS to others INDIFFERENCE towards needs of others INFURIATED, INSENSITIVE, INTIMIDATING INTERFERES by dominating irritated by KEEPSAKES LEADERSHIP, LECTURES to dominate/control MASTERFUL, MERCILESS, highly MOTIVATED OBSTINATE, OBSTRUCTIVE, OPINIONATED PATRONIZING/condescending firm sense of REALITY REBELLIOUS, REFUSAL to conform due to own strength of character demands RESPECT ROCK-SOLID and convincingly determined mental RIGIDITY RUTHLESS, SADISTIC and vindictive, with desire to control; SELFDETERMINED, SELF-RELIANT, SELF-SUFFICIENT, SMUG, SNOBBISH, SNOOTY STEADFAST, THICK SKINNED SUPERIORITY COMPLEX irritated by TEDIUM suffers TENSION by nature VIOLENT to show superiority

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Over-sensitive to Influences and Ideas

External Influence Transitions

33. WALNUT (easily-influenced, self-alienation)

"For those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasm convictions or strong opinions of others. The remedy gives constancy and protection from outside influences." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right and left eyebrow (B).

(B) Futility / Hope

"Walnut is used as the treatment for weak personality, lack of self-assertiveness, sensitivity to outside influences, personal crisis, lack of self-confidence, excessive need to conform, changes in life, dependence, puberty, menopause, teething (or losing the first teeth), death, and birth. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to physical or motional defenses or a lack of inner stability. In daily life, used to combat being too easily influenced, frailness, a trusting innocence, and bad habits." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I choose to loosen my ties with the past and turn toward the new." "...I will listen to the inner voice of renewal." "...I open myself to freeing the strength to follow my inner guidance." "...I free myself to banish limiting beliefs." Positive qualities

Freedom from external influences Shattering of the chains that bind one Ability to adjust during transition stages in life

Change and transformation Fulfillment Willingness to face circumstances Clarity regarding change undertaken

Walnut Emotional Patterns adjustment to ABSTINENCE after e.g. alcoholism helps to ADAPT to break habit of ADDICTION influenced by and follows ADVICE withholds ADVICE until requested to give adjustment following AIR TRAVEL, jet lag AIRSICK, BURNOUT ALIENATION due to influence/persuasive control of others definite AMBITION but sidetracked for protection and adjustment during BEREAVEMENT succumb to/influenced by BRAINWASHING CAPABLE but easily influenced to assist in adjustment of CONVALESCENCE to break old CONVENTIONS CRIES EASILY because highly sensitive DISSATISFACTION due to frustration/restriction protection from HAUNTING THOUGHTS influenced by IMAGINATION becoming a slave to IMPULSES needs protection from INDULGENCE INFLUENCED from path in life INTIMIDATED over influenced by/feels controlled by KARMA helps during METAMORPHOSIS MISBEHAVIOR due to being misled by stronger personality OBESITY due to overindulgence, acting as crutch TO BREAK OLD TIES help in breaking habit of OVERINDULGENCE OVERSENSITIVITY to strong influences to let go of PAST PROTECTION from disturbing outside influences protection from influence of RIDICULE SPIRITLESS due to lost direction to regain sense of SPIRITUALITY help to move on from STAGNATION strong but unwanted influence of SUPERNATURAL influenced by SUPERSTITION frustrated THOUGHTS TRANSITION, UNNERVED, UNSETTLED VULNERABILITY

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Loneliness 34. WATER VIOLET (human contact problems)

Aquarius Sharing

"For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, they are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right eyebrow (B); both collar bones (K); both wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). Alternate Points: midline from nose just below hairline on forehead (GV); between bottom of sternum and navel (CV).

"Water Violet is used for the treatment of problems with human contact, fear of attachment, reserved behavior, shyness, being a loner, arrogance, contempt, coldness of emotions, disapproval of others, and pride. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to human contact problems. In daily life, used to treat shyness, reserved behavior, being unapproachable, and being a loner." G. Blome

(B) Futility / Hope (K) Indecision / Confidence (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness (GV) Shame / Self-empowerment (CV) Confusion / Certainty

Affirmations: "...I will safely share my world with others." "...I open myself to love and to giving love to others." "...I will nourish in myself a spirit of communion with the cosmos." Positive qualities

Communication Humility Integration with others Sympathy Serenity Service

Amiability Dissolution of superiority complex Inner balance Openness Capacity to share with joy

Water Violet Emotional Patterns ALIENATION due to aloof distancing preference for being ALONE ALOOFNESS appears to be ANTISOCIAL avoids ARGUMENTS dislikes ATTENTION AVOIDANCE of arguments, of people BLUNT, straightforward CAPABLE and reliable CAUTIOUS by nature good COMMUNICATOR aversion to COMPANY COMPOSED, DEMURE, DETACHED CONCEALMENT of emotions finds CONVERSATION difficult with mundane/trivial chatter good at making DECISIONS not inclined to be DEMONSTRATIVE denial/suppression of DESIRE DIGNITY, EFFICIENCY may appear DISDAINFUL hides EMOTION avoids EXPRESSION feels claustrophobic without FREEDOM HELPFUL but maintains discreet distance INDEPENDENCE refrains from INDULGENCE through politeness appears to be INTROVERTED due to dignified aloofness enjoys ISOLATION KNOWS BEST, PRIDE LEADERSHIP enjoys LONELINESS hidden MISERY aversion to/peace disturbed by NOISE enjoys/needs PRIVACY PHILOSOPHICAL by nature REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED, wishes to be left alone to grieve/reflect in peace and silence REPRESSED EMOTIONS carries RESPONSIBILITY with quiet dignified pride SECRETIVE due to desire for privacy SELF-SUFFICIENT, SNOOTY, STEADFAST enjoys SILENCE self-disciplined STRENGTH of character SUPERIORITY COMPLEX hidden TEARFULNESS, cries alone enjoys/needs TRANQUILITY WISE

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances External Influence 35. WHITE CHESTNUT (tyrannized by mental arguments) Tranquility
"For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. Usually at such times when L the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and still remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right underarm (SP). (SP) Anxiety / Clarity

"White Chestnut is used for the basic treatment of compulsive thoughts, fixations and mental and emotional overstimulation. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to compulsive thoughts or fixations. In daily life, used to treat sleep disorders, jumbled thoughts, difficulties with concentration, wired behavior, and headaches due to excessive mental and emotional stress." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will become quiet within and allow the clarity I seek to emerge." "...I free my mind to grow calm and peaceful." "... I choose to calm the storm of my thoughts." Positive qualities

Peace and inner tranquility Mental freedom Diminution of obsessive thinking Dissolution of redundancy Interest in the present situation

Appropriate focus on thinking Capacity to direct thought Mental clarity A calm mind. Quiet mental balance

White Chestnut Emotional Patterns ABSORPTION with worries AGITATED AGONY of mental arguments worried about AIR TRAVEL ANXIETY with worrying thoughts mental ARGUMENTS BROODY about misfortune BURDENED with mental torment and mental pressure lack of CONCENTRATION mental CONGESTION through worry DISTRACTED with worries FORGETFUL due to mental turmoil FRANTIC with worry FRETFUL worries about FUTURE allows GRIEVANCE to fester sense of being HARASSED due to responsibility suffers HAUNTING THOUGHTS INATTENTIVE INTROVERTED through worry MACABRE thoughts MALICIOUS thoughts, mental arguments MANIC thoughts mental MASOCHISM bad MEMORY due to mind full of other things NERVOUS BREAKDOWN lack of OBSERVATION OVERWROUGHT with worry PEACE OF MIND disturbed by thoughts/worry/mental arguments PHOBIAS known, generally PONDER on worries/mental arguments thoughts tend to RACE AHEAD needs to be REMINDED due to full mind obsessed with details and consequences of SYMPTOMS worried about TOMORROW unspoken fear of SYMPTOMS TORMENTED by persistent thoughts TURBULENT THOUGHTS UNREST due to mental arguments/worry lack of ZEST through worry

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For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty 36. WILD OAT (restlessness, lack of goals)


"Those who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much experience, and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their difficulty is to determine what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they have calling which appeals to them above all others. This may cause delay and dissatisfaction." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: right underarm (SP). Alternate Points: right side 'sore spot' (ST); left thigh four finger widths above kneecap (ST, SP).


(SP) Anxiety / Clarity (ST) Obsessive worry / Tranquility

"Wild Oat is used as the basic treatment for a feeling of pointlessness, lack of clarity, lack of goals, self-alienation, crises related to new beginnings, life crises, and depression caused by lack of purpose in life. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to frustration and a lack of purpose. In daily life, used to treat discontent and frustration with our daily lives, indecisiveness, and a lack of clarity." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will express my souls purpose in my lifes activities." "...I choose mold my purpose in life with determination." "...I free myself to be clear about my lifes direction." Positive qualities

Clarity of decision Determination Clear goals, talents and ambitions Perseverance

Lives a life filled with usefulness and happiness Lucidity Self-confidence Rootedness

Wild Oat Emotional Patterns AIMLESS ill-defined AMBITION BLOCKAGE of progression in life due to frustrated ambition BOREDOM, CONFUSION, DILEMMA uncertainty at CROSSROADS of life unable to make DECISION DRIFTING in life with dissatisfaction due to lack of direction IDEALISTIC, unable to realize ambitions INDECISION about life's direction INFLUENCED from path in life as though lost in MAZE loses OPPORTUNITY through uncertainty of vocational path RETIREMENT causing uncertainty about future/feels lost lack of SATISFACTION with ambitions SPIRITLESS due to lost direction TRUTH seeking UNCERTAINTY of ambitions UNCONVENTIONAL due to creative, futuristic tendencies WANDER AIMLESSLY in life due to unfulfilled ambitions

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Not Sufficient Interest in Present Circumstances 37. WILD ROSE (resignation, lack of enthusiasm)
"Those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint." - Dr. Edward Bach EFT points: left and right eyebrows (B); both wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI).

Taurus Zest

''Wild Rose is used as the basic treatment for apathy, lack of drive, resignation, pathological resignations, convalescence, or illnesses that sap the energy. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to a lack of drive, resignation, or a lack of willpower. In daily life, used to treat lack of interest and enthusiasm." G. Blome

(B) Futility / Hope (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness

Affirmations: "...I give myself permission to develop new and positive life goals." "...I give myself freedom to feel enthusiasm for the beauty of the earth, for humanity and life." "...I choose to acknowledge innumerable reasons for living in harmony with the cosmos." Positive qualities

Renewed interest in life Motivation Ambition Lively curiosity Vitality

Ability to solve problems Strength to begin living again Dissolution of apathy and indifference Creativity

Wild Rose Emotional Patterns ABSENTEEISM due to lack of interest/escapism ABSTRACT, lacking in ambition ACCEPTANCE, resigned to the inevitable generally ACQUIESCENT ADAPTABLE, AIMLESS no desire for ADVENTURE unaffected by ADVERSITY AGREES to keep peace lack of AMBITION avoids ARGUMENTS succumbs to/influenced by BRAINWASHING CAPITULATION, COMPLACENCY, INERTIA fond of CONVENTIONS (of thought) lack of CURIOSITY and DESIRE happy to be relieved of DELEGATED duty DISPASSIONATE, IMPARTIALITY submits to DOGMA DRIFTING IN LIFE due to lack of ambition DROWSINESS due to apathy; lack of ENERGY lack of EFFORT or INTEREST due to apathetic resignation flat/apparent absence of EMOTION lacks emotional EXCITEMENT EXHAUSTION through lack of vitality lacks EXPRESSION FORGETFUL due to apathy lacks IMAGINATION INDIFFERENCE to life, WANDERS AIMLESSLY by nature due to apathy unquestioned acceptance of KARMA work seems LABORIOUS LASSITUDE (generally), LAX, LAZY, LETHARGIC (generally) MALINGERS due to laziness METHODICAL lack of MOTIVATION through listlessness OBESITY due to over indulgence, acting as a crutch lack of OBSERVATION PASSIVE, UNCOMPLAINING through resignation avoids QUARRELS sense of being in a RUT lack of SATISFACTION with life prefers SCRUFFINESS SEDATE due to listlessness disinterested in SEX unrefreshed SLEEP SPIRITLESS due to apathy STAGNATION due to listlessness lack of STAMINA life. work etc. seems full of TEDIUM careless with/no sense of TIME TIRESOME due to apathetic lack of interest enjoys/needs TRANQUILITY by nature UNAWARE, VAGUE VACANT EXPRESSION

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For Despondency or Despair 38. WILLOW (bitter and unforgiving)

Taurus Forgiveness

"For those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find these difficult to accept, without complaint or resentment, as they judge life R much by the success which it brings. They feel that they have not deserved so great a trial that it was unjust, and they become embittered. They often take less interest and are less active in those things of life which they had previously enjoyed." - Dr. Edward Bach (GV) Shame / Self-empowerment (LIV) Unhappiness / Happiness EFT points: under nose (GV, LIV); both (LU) Grief / Faith (inspiration, in-spirited) wrists (LU, LI, PC, HT, TW, SI). Alternate Points: behind left ear (TW). (LI) Controlling (holding on) / Releasing (PC) Self-absorption / Love (HT) Anger / Forgiveness "Willow is used for the basic treatment (TW) Fight, flight or freeze / Safety of bitterness, resentment, a need for (SI) Sorrow, worry / Decisiveness revenge, an inability to reconcile, and being at odds with fate. Used to treat all pathological conditions related to disappointment or bitterness. In daily life, used to treat disappointment or feeling offended or slighted." G. Blome

Affirmations: "...I will accept responsibility for my life situation." "...I release all bitterness and envy I keep stored within me." "...I choose to guide my life with certainty and firmness." Positive qualities

Relinquishment of rancor Positive view of life. Optimism and faith Freedom from guilt Self-responsibility Self-respect

Dissolution of bitterness, resentment and envy Mastery of one's own destiny Desire for transformation Relinquishment of the role of victim

Willow Emotional Patterns ABRASIVE with resentment, self-pity ACID-TONGUED and bitter/selfish; SARCASTIC ACRIMONIOUS, BITTERNESS AGGRIEVED and resentful ANTI-SOCIAL due to sulkiness ARGUMENTATIVE seeks ATTENTION no sense of BELONGING and feels bitter/pities self, unwanted/ostracized BEREAVEMENT with resentment/selfpity BLAMES others BROODY about misfortune COMPLAINS about others and when ill enjoys and seeks CONSOLATION CYNICISM, DEFENSIVE, DESTRUCTIVE introspective DEPRESSION DESPONDENCY due to embitterment DISCONTENTMENT/FAULTFINDING with others DISGRUNTLED, DOWNCAST GLOOM, SULKINESS, SULLEN bitterness/resentment of GOD GRUDGE bearing GRUMBLES, MOANS, MOPES, lacks sense of HUMOR tries to make IMPRESSION, for sympathy lack of INTEREST through embitterment INTROVERTED due to sulkiness/self-pity INVOKES ILLNESS through resentment/self-pity IRRITABILITY due to ill temper MALICIOUS thoughts, mental arguments MARTYR to resentment MISBEHAVIOUR to gain attention general MISERY in outlook, with self pity MOODY, self-pitying, selfish intolerant of/annoyed with NOISE takes OFFENSE easily with introspection OSTRASISED due to angry attitude OVERACTS for sympathy or attention OVER-ANXIOUS for self PEACE OF MIND disturbed by resentment POUTS with resentment and self pity inability to forgive uncovered by REBIRTHING RECLUSE, by preference, due to resentment depressed/weepy during RECOVERY REFUSAL TO BE CONSOLED yet manipulates consolation and sympathy through self-pity REJECTION with resentment/bitterness REPRESSED EMOTIONS of resentment/bitterness RESENTMENT when unappreciated REVOLT at injustice, unfairness SELF-ABSORBED, SELF-CENTERED SENSITIVITY to criticism finds it hard to SMILE (depressed) SOLACE: wants to be left alone to brood SPIRITLESS due to self-pity THEATRICAL, self-indulgent/attention seeking TIRESOME due to negative outlook feels USED by others


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