Dr. PHilip Chancellors Handbook of Bach Flower Remedies

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A Keats Health Book


How to use and benefit from a unique system of
natural healing. Includes the famous Rescue Remedy.
Introduction by John Diamond, M.D.
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Keats Publishing, Inc. New Canaan, Connecticut

This book is respectfully dedicated to Nora Weeks and
Victor Bullen, the Jachin and Boaz of the Temple of Healing
that Edward Bach brought into being. Together, these dedi¬
cated disciples worked for the fulfilment of Dr. Bach’s
prediction that: “This method of treatment is the medicine
of the future, and it will spread through the world.” May this
wondrous, spiritual, system of healing that Edward Bach
discovered and Nora Weeks, together with Victor Bullen
propagated, continue to prosper under God’s blessing until
that day when the Tree of Life shall yield its leaves for the
healing of the nations.

Handbook of The Bach Flower Remedies

Copyright © 1971 by Philip M. Chancellor

Published by arrangement with C.W. Daniel Company, Ltd., London
Special contents copyright © 1980 by Keats Publishing, Inc,

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be copied or reproduced in any form

whatsoever without the written permission of the publishers.

ISBN; 0-87983-196-0
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-93435

Printed in the United States of America

Keats Publishing, Inc.

36 Grove Street, New Canaan, Connecticut 06840
Preface. 9
Introduction . • . . • « * II

I Prescribing and the Interview • « 15
for Oneself • • 18
for Pregnancy and Childbirth 19
for Children • • 21
for Mental Distress 26
for Animals • « 27
for Plants . • • 29
The Prophylactic Aspects of the Bach Remedies 31

The Thirty-Eight Remedies

2 Agrimony .... 37
3 Aspen .... 42
4 Beech . , , . 46
5 Centaury .... 51
6 Cerato .... 56
7 Cherry Plum 61
8 Chestnut Bud 66
9 Chicory .... 71
10 Clematis .... 76
II Crab Apple 81
12 Elm ..... 87
13 Gentian .... 92
14 Gorse .... 97
15 Heather .... 102
16 Holly .... 107

17 Honeysuckle • III
18 Hornbeam I16
19 Impatiens . I2I
20 Larch 126
21 Mimulus . I3I
22 Mustard . 136
23 Oak . I4I
24 Olive 146
25 Pine .
26 Red Chestnut 157
27 Rock Rose 162
28 Rock Water 167
29 Scleranthus 174
30 Star of Bethlehem 179
31 Sweet Chestnut . 185
32 Vervain I9I
33 Vine. 196
34 Walnut 201
35 Water Violet 207
36 White Chestnut . 212
37 Wild Oat . 217
38 Wild Rose. 223
39 Willow . 228

The Composite Remedy

40 The Rescue Remedy ..... 237


For those unable to treat themselves, treatment can be obtained

on application to:—
The Dr. Edward Bach Centre,
Mount Vernon,
Sotwell, Wallingford,
Berks. OX 10 oPZ
Single Stock bottles or the complete set of 38 Remedies can also
be obtained from the Centre.

Tffls handbook is a compilation of material from many

sources. Much of it is taken directly from The Bach Remedy
News Letter with the kind permission of Nora Weeks who
publishes it from the Dr. Edward Bach Healing Centre in
The Editor was granted permission to use and adapt the
material according to his judgement. It has been freely
drawn upon without reference to authorship, except where
quotations are indicated. The Editor, however, assumes full
responsibility for any errors or contradictory opinions that
might appear in the text.
He wishes to thank Miss Weeks not only for her generosity
in allowing him to use the material from the News Letter^ but
especially for supplying him with a great amount of unpub¬
lished case histories from the records of The Dr. Edward Bach
Healing Centre. Although a very busy person, she was never
too busy to give of her own good counsel, or to furnish special
information when the Editor required it. Indeed, without
her wholehearted cooperation, this handbook could never
have come into being.
The Editor also acknowledges with thanks, a special debt
of gratitude to Rosaleen Spiesse. She most generously gave
of her time, not only to make invaluable editorial sugges¬
tions, but to painstakingly correct the orthographic errors in
the typescript.
This work represents a cooperative effort. It is the hope of
those who contributed to that effort that the book will be a
fitting tribute to the memory of Dr. Edward Bach, and to the
system of healing he discovered and perfected while he was
on earth. Since his death thirty-four years ago, the healing
work has gone forward and increased. It is aiding suffering
humanity throughout almost all of the civilized world, even
as he prophesied it would.
Philip M. Chancellor
Ixtapan de la Sal
Mexico, 1970
The simple and natural method of healing through the
personality, by means of the essence of wild flowers, dis¬
covered by Edward Bach, m.b., b,s., m.r.c.s., l,r.g.p., d.p.h.

“Let not the simplicity of this method deter you from its
use, for you will find the further your researches advance, the
greater you will realize the simplicity of all Creation,’’
“Take no notice of the disease; think only of the outlook on
life of the one in distress.”
“Final and complete healing will come from within, from
the Soul itself, which by His beneficence radiates harmony
throughout the personality when allowed to do so.”
Edward Bach

As one who has used the Bach remedies in practice for quite
some years, there is no doubt of their tremendous efficacy.
They are as potent as any therapeutic substances that we have
for raising the life energy of the individual. Dr. Bach never
meant them to be therapeutic in the sense of primarily curing
physical disease, but rather as overcoming the mental corre¬
lates of physical disease so as to allow the inhibited life energy
to manifest itself and to proceed with the healing process, the
true healing — that which comes from within.
The most important function of the remedies is in preven¬
tion, before there is physical impairment. Here they have
their greatest power. There can be many years of mental im¬
balance, of personality impairment before physical disease
manifests itself In that time the correct use of the remedies
can subtly, beautifully and poetically correct the underlying
personality disharmonies, so that the physical disease will
never manifest itself This is true prevention and it is from the
state of prevention that it is then possible to go into a state of
positive health, of being really well, of having abundant life
The general descriptions that Philip Chancellor gives of
each of the remedies are very useful and are derived from
Dr. Bach’s “The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies,” the
single most important book for remedy prescribing. For many
years, the Bach Remedies Newsletter has been a great source
of instruction and enlightenment to all of us who use the
remedies. Chancellor has performed an admirable task by
sifting through the newsletters and incorporating them in this
present form.
However, it is important that we see the remedies in the
correct context.lt is not so much seeing the remedies as,“what
can I take because there is something wrong with me,” but
rather seeing the remedies as being our friends throughout
life. We may initially prescribe the remedies for the present¬
ing problem. But as this is relieved, other personality dis¬
harmonies will then manifest themselves and as these are
relieved with the appropriate remedies, yet other imbalances
will reveal themselves. We are all the time, as it were, peeling
off layers of personality imbalances like from an onion, but
unlike an onion, there is no end because none of us are per¬
fect. We can only strive toward perfection and this is the way
the flower remedies open up for us. And this I feel is missing
from Dr. Chancellor’s book.
The remedies should not be seen as specific remedies to be
used over a short-term basis and then discarded. But think
rather of the long-term use of the remedies throughout our
life, changing the remedies as we change and all the time ask¬
ing ourselves what remedy is required at this time to bring us
closer to our state of perfection and balance. Through this
long-term, subtle usage we can then truly see what wonderful
healers Dr. Bach has given the world. The changes which I
have seen in clinical practice over the years with their use
have been most rewarding and most beautiful, and I heartily
recommend them.
Dr. Chancellor’s book can be a most valuable aid and is a
welcome addition to the small but very important body of
literature concerning the Bach remedies. His book is also to
be welcomed because of Nora Week’s description of her in¬
terview procedure. This is a most valuable document in its
own right. Nora Weeks was for many, many years Dr. Bach’s
chief assistant and heir, and to my knowledge this is the only
description we have of her procedure.
The Bach remedies have tremendous power for good and
are completely free of any harmful effects. Would that all of
medicine were as positively therapeutic.

John Diamond, M.D.

January, 1980

The Bach Therapy of Flower Remedies

This method of treatment and the thirty-eight Remedies

which comprise its pharmacopoeia were discovered by
Edward Bach, a renowned physician, who practised for over
twenty years in London as a Harley Street consultant and as
a bacteriologist. His name (and fame) is perpetuated by the
seven Bach Nosodes which he discovered, and which to this
day are still in use. The late Edward Bach, m.b., b.s.,
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., d.p.h.(gamb.), gave up his lucrative prac¬
tice and research in 1930 to devote his full time to the finding
of the Remedies and the perfecting of his method of Flower
Healing. He sought for remedies in the plant world which
would restore vitality to the sick and ailing, so that the suf¬
ferer would be able to overcome his worry, his fear, or his
depression, and in that manner assist in his own healing.
The Remedies used in this method of treatment are all
prepared from the flowers of wild plants, bushes, or trees.
None of them is harmful or habit forming. They are pre¬
scribed, not directly for the physical complaint, but rather
according to the sufferer’s state of mind, according to his
moods of fear, worry, anger or depression. An inharmonious
state of mind will not only hinder the recovery of health and
retard convalescence, but it is the primary cause of sickness
and disease.
It is well known that a long continued fear or worry will
deplete an individual’s vitality; it will cause him to feel out
of sorts, below par or not himself. Under these conditions the
body loses its natural resistance to disease. It is in a fit state
to become the prey of any infection and any form of illness,
whether it is a cold, rheumatism, digestive disturbances, or
any of the more serious diseases. Therefore it is the patient
himself, not the disease, who needs the treatment. It is an
absolute exemplar of the old dictum that “there are no
diseases, only sick people”! When peace and harmony return
to the mind, health and strength will return to the body.
In Dr. Bach’s own book. The Twelve Healers and Other
Remedies^ he describes thirty-eight Remedies, one for each of
the most common negative states of mind, or moods that
afflict mankind. He divided these negative states of mind
into seven ^oups under the following headings: fear; un¬
certainty; insufficient interest in present circumstances;
loneliness; over-sensitivity to influences and ideas; des¬
pondency or despair; and over-care for the welfare of others.
Under the heading of fear, for instance, there are five
Remedies for five different kinds of fear such as: terror, fear
of a known cause, fear of an unknown cause, fear of the mind
losing control, and fear of other people. As an example, the
Remedy for terror or extreme fear (rock rose) is given when
the patient, or those near and dear to him, are seized with
sheer terror, when the accident or the illness appears so
severe that there is little hope of recovery. The nature of the
condition, or the name of the disease makes no difference. If
terror is present, then the Remedy for terror is the one which
the patient (and his family or friends about him) requires.
The Bach Remedies are absolutely benign in their action;
they can never produce an unpleasant reaction under any
condition. Therefore they can be safely prescribed and used
by anyone, and this was Dr. Bach’s intention; that man could
bring about his own healing. The Bach Remedies can be
taken with any other kind of medicine with absolute safety;
there is not the slightest danger of a harmful or conflicting
effect to either medicine.
The use of this handbook is ancilliary to The Twelve Healers
and Other Remedies which gives directions for preparation and
dosage. It cannot be too strongly urged that it be read with
the latter always at hand, for a thorough understanding of
Dr. Bach’s book is essential to an understanding of the thirty-
eight Flower Remedies. Other books of importance to the
student and the practitioner are listed in the bibliography.


“The greatest gift that you can give to others is to be happy

and hopeful yourself; then you draw them up out of their
“The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and
open up our channels for the reception of the Spiritual Self;
to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and
wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm. They
are able, like beautiful music or any glorious uplifting thing
which gives us inspiration, to raise our very natures, and
bring us nearer to our souls and by that very act to bring us
peace and relieve our sufferings. They cure, not by attacking
the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful
vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which,
disease melts away as snow in the sunshine.”
“There is no true healing unless there is a change in out¬
look, peace of mind, and inner happiness.”
Edward Bach


Prescribing and the Interview

Note: The Editor asked Nora Weeks for her cooperation in out-
lining the method and procedure which she and Victor Bullen,
and without a doubt many, many other Bach practitioners, use in
interviewing their patients. She graciously replied with a com¬
plete description of her method, and this chapter is written from
her letter:

This is a short description of the way in which we prescribe.

We do not have a standard list of questions. We feel that it is
better to treat each patient as an individual, and in a manner
different from any other. This means that each individual
must be talked to in a way commensurate with his under¬
standing, his background and his general attitude toward life.
The most important thing is to put the patient at his ease; to
make him feel that you are his friend and that you sincerely
want to help him. Make him feel secure in the fact that he can
talk with you about himself in absolute confidence. It is only
by talking about himself, without reserve, that you will be
able to help him by prescribing the correct Remedy for his
condition. Always let him know that he is a fine person, and
that he is not the only one in the world who has a similar
probkm. Assure him sincerely that his difficulties are only
temporary, and that his fears are manifesting because he is
developing the great courage which is already within him,
for fear, after all, is simply a test of courage. Tell him too,
that he does have an understanding and a tolerance of others,
that his genuine feeling is only overlaid temporarily by
impatience and irritability. Assure him again that he is not
alone in these emotions, and that the very emotions which
are the most troublesome to him can be wholly eliminated.
Thus he will gain his freedom. Dr. Bach always used to say:
“Tell them they are great! Emphasize their positive quali¬
ties! Ask them to think about those and to concentrate on
them.” Remember, finally and always, that the Spirit is
omnipresent, both in your patient and in yourself.
Be sure that each patient receives a warm welcome when
he comes into your office. Tell him how glad you are that he
has decided to take the Bach Remedies, for they have helped
so many people over the past forty years! See that he is
comfortably seated, that he is relaxed, and that he is com¬
pletely at his ease.
You might say something to this effect: “Since you may
not know very much about the Bach Flower Remedies, please
tell me first about your physical difficulties, and then I will
ask you a few questions about yourself.” Always remember
that the artful practitioner or physician is a good listener!
Cultivate this habit and let the patient talk, but be sure to
listen attentively! We say this, because in telling us about his
physical symptoms, the patient will reveal a great deal about
himself, and that is the information that we practitioners are
after. He might tell you, all unwittingly, that he is afraid the
complaint will worsen (mimulus), or that he has lost hope of
ever becoming cured (gorse). He might say “I get so
impatient or so tense that my work is affected (impatiens).”
Indirectly, a patient might remark that he is “really resentful
about this or that person or condition (willow).” All of
these seemingly casual phrases are of the greatest importance
to us, especially since they are spontaneous.
The patient’s manner of talldng is most revealing. How
does he talk? Does he*talk hurriedly or nervously, or slowly
and hesitatingly? Does he speak with great determination, or
with the voice of authority; does he whisper with the in¬
security of uncertainty and fear? Study the patient’s facial
expression well, for it reflects his emotions. Is it an expression
of worry, or does he frown or blush? Is his smile genuine, or
is it forced to cover some deep sorrow or distress? Observe
the patient’s movements. Does he sit calmly, or does he fidget
with his hands or feet; does he shift his position restlessly in
the chair ? All of these details are signs that blazon forth for
those who have eyes to see!
The rule is to listen calndy and to watch closely while the
patient is speaking. Ask a few questions now and then, but
always be careful not to interrupt his talking; wait for a
suitable pause before speaking. You might ask “How long
have you had this trouble ? Was there some physical or emo¬
tional shock connected with it (star of bethelehem) ? Was
there a disappointment! Is there still a woriy connected with the
trouble which weighs upon your mind (white chestnut) ?”
Take into consideration his age and his general situation,
whether he is married, widowed or single, etc.; does he dwell
in the past (honeysuckle) ?
Allow the patient to do most of the talking. Prompt him
when necessary, and ask for a clarification if needed, even
suggest an amplification if the incident seems to warrant it,
or if it appears to have a direct effect upon his emotional
condition. If the patient shows such characteristics as resenU
ment, or even the stronger emotions such as hate, envy or
jealousy (willow), show no sign of surprise or distaste. Assure
the patient that such emotions are the natural products of a
troubled mind that is in a state of discordance; stress that he
will soon be restored to harmony once again, and that he will
find happiness and joy in life. The joy of living is not the
prerogative of a few, but rather it is the right of every being
to possess. Show him that negative thoughts poison the sys¬
tem and bring about ill health and unhappiness, and that
such thoughts positively hinder the effectiveness of any treat¬
ment. Assure him again of his value as a human being, and of
the importance of the interpersonal relationship between
children of the same Spirit!
Be sure to let him know that you are fully aware of his
problems, and that negative thoughts afflict everybody at
some time or other. Some persons have learned to confront
them after having brought their systems and minds into
harmony. That is just what you are going to do with him,
but you will need his cooperation. That is how the Bach
Remedies work. Speak then of his manifold positive quali¬
ties; show him the courage that he has displayed in coming
this far without giving up hope! Finally, tell him that there is
nothing to fear but fear, and that the Remedies which you
are going to prescribe for him will help him in every way,
mentally and physically. Be positive with your patient; give
him every hope. Naturally you cannot guarantee his cure,
for only God and his own force of will can do that, but as a
human being, and based upon your experience, you can
assure him that he will notice a great improvement if he
follows faithfully the prescription you have given him. Re¬
assure him that he is not the first person to suffer so, nor will
he be the last, but he will certainly be happy to be free from
his problems once and for all. Remember that the talk you
have with your patient can do very much toward helping
him then and there. It will also create a foundation of confi¬
dence in you as a practitioner, and in the Remedies as a
medicine. Let every patient leave your office feeling better
than when he came in. Let this be a cardinal rule of your
practice, and your success will be assured!

Prescribing for Oneself

When prescribing Remedies for self-treatment, it is helpful

to notice how one reacts to certain circumstances. Observe
your own reactions when you are very tired, or in a serious
emergency, or when an important decision has to be made,
or even when the weather is lowering and gloomy! At such
times our defences are down, and our true, one might say,
our naked, unadorned, feelings come to the surface, free from
self-excusing justifications! (See also reference to self-treat¬
ment under “Prescribing for Mental Distress”, page 26.)
When we are tired and irritable, and cross with everyone
around us, we need impatiens. If we are depressed, and if we
seem to find no light or happiness, we need gentian or
MUSTARD. Sometimes we may laugh or sing in an effort to be
cheerful or in order to appear less tired; that condition calls
for agrimony. If we plunge headlong into the bathos of self-
pity, we need chicory to brace us up. When we seem to lose
interest in everything, and to pay no attention to the conver¬
sation going on around us, clematis is indicated. If on the
other hand, we feel that life has treated us badly, and that we
have too much to do, willow is the Remedy to prescribe.
If we are cool and collected when the kitchen catches fire,
we are the vine type. If we feel frightened of something, we
need mimulus, and if we become truly terrified, rock rose.
Let us examine the important question of reaching a
decision, for in our reaction lies an answer to our type or
character. The Remedies offer the greatest help at such times;
let us learn how to avail ourselves of their useful properties.
If we seem to be hesitant and indecisive, saying to ourselves
“shall I do this or shall I do that” scleranthus is clearly
indicated. If on the other hand we make up our minds
immediately, on the basis of a “snap-judgement”, and if we
feel that others lag behind us in making up their minds, we
need impatiens, and we may also need further reflection on
the matter! If we fear that our decision might not be the
right one, take mimulus to forget our fear, and to confront the
problem head-on. If we have the impulse to ask the opinion
of one and all, excepting the opinion of a qualified specialist,
we surely need cerato, and possibly an expert opinion as
The matter boils down to this; once our difficulties have
been recognized, take the appropriate Remedy, or Remedies,
at once. Do not wait until ill or out of sorts! We should wel¬
come the strength these Remedies give us in overcoming our
negative states of mind. We may rejoice in the fact that we
can remain calm and serene even though we are tired, or
have an emergency to meet, a decision to make, or just
another grey day to face.

Prescribing for Pregnancy and Childbirth

The Remedies are prescribed during the period of preg¬

nancy, labour, and birth, just as they are at any other time,
for it is the mood and the outlook, not the condition, which

is treated. Actually, the Remedies are particularly useful

during these periods. Both pregnancy and childbirth are
natural and normal conditions, but they are times when the
moods and the states of mind seem to fluctuate more than
usual. Since the moods are generally distinctly defined, they
can be treated by the prospective mother herself, or by her
adviser. A quiet, happy frame of mind is one of the greatest
contributing factors toward a painless and easy birth, and
today many mothers attend classes to learn how to relax.
These lessons will be infinitely easier, and relaxation assured
if the prospective mother is helped to control her moods and
emotional swings by use of the Remedies.
Some young mothers are nervous and apprehensive as their
term approaches. They become tense in mind and in body,
even though they were calm and happy up to this point.
MiMULUs has proven to be a great help under those conditions;
if the fear is very great, rock rose will help. As an aid to
calm the mind, and relax the body, vervain and imp aliens
may be given. Experience has shown that the rescue remedy
which is described in Chapter 40 has proven to be of great
assistance. It is best to start giving it a few days before
parturition; mothers to whom the rescue remedy was given,
usually had an easy and gentle birth, and made very rapid
A physician who has used the Bach Remedies for many
years gave us this account of how he used the Remedies
during a confinement:
“Mrs. W., age 33 years, feared that during this, her first
pregnancy, she would die at the birth of the child, mimulus
and ROCK rose were prescribed, and these Remedies elimi¬
nated the fear and terror. The birth of the child was un¬
usually easy and rapid. Except for some difficulty with the
placenta, the condition of the mother and the child was
excellent. On the ninth day after the birth, the mother’s
temperature began to rise, and the following day it rose to
I05°F. The patient was restless, and said that she was going
to die, and she was very much afraid of death. Her condition
was most alarming, and at the request of her family, a
specialist was called in consultation. The specialist could not
find any physical reason for the high temperature, and he
ordered an antistreptococci serum. The next morning her
temperature was I04°f and she was still very ill. She re¬
marked : ‘If I could get these nervous panics out of my mind,
my temperature would go down.’ aspen was then given, a
sip every half an hour to begin with, and when the tempera¬
ture began to drop, every hour. The temperature began to
fall, and at 9 p.m. it was normal, 98.6°? and her pulse was a
steady 74. The lochia which had ceased with the rise in
temperature returned again, and the patient was once again
normal in every way. aspen was continued for a long interval,
because the patient said that she still had the nervous panics
several times a day. She made a complete recovery. She has
remained well and without the nervous panics ever since.”

Prescribing for Children

The question often arises as to how one should prescribe
for children, especially babies who cannot describe their
condition. Actually, children suffer from many emotions
other than fear and terror, and all of these emotions can
cause them great distress and unhappiness. When these
difficulties can be overcome in early childhood, the child can
be spared much suffering and ill-health in later life.
Children as a rule do not conceal their emotions. Their
behaviour in general reflects their feelings. Some babies are
fretful, and are only pacified when they are nursed; these are
the CHICORY babies who desire that those for whom they care
and who care for them are near them always. Other babies are
really impatient, and scream for attention; these, of course,
are the impatiens babies. Some babies are happy and gurg¬
ling all of the time and they give no trouble unless there really
is something definitely wrong', these are the agrimony babies.
There is the nervous type of baby, who seems to ht frightened
of almost everything; this is the mimulus infant. Again, other
babies seem to be “old” souls who live in a world of their own',
they appear to take no notice of anything or anyone; these
are the clematis babies. The clematis baby almost seems
to sleep too much and at times lacks interest even in feeding.
Some children, on the other hand, will try to hide their
feelings. They will not tell their parents if they are unhappy
at school or if they are bullied by others. Those children who
brood over their secret difficulties need white chestnut for
the ever recurring thoughts which go round and round in their
heads. Others who appear to be outwardly cheerful, but
nevertheless suffer greatly within themselves need agrimony
to ease their mental torture Children who hide their resentment
and hatredy and who try valiantly to overcome such emotions,
need willow if they feel that they have not deserved so great a
trialy or holly if they suffer from thoughts of jealousjy envjy
revenge or suspicion
Each child, indeed each being, is a distinct personality. In
a large family of children, all of whom live under the same
conditions and have the same advantages and disadvantages,
there will be no two who are alike in temperament. Each will
be a unique individual with his own personality. Each in his
own way will face life with its shocks and changes, with its
adventures and disappointments; each will react differently
according to his temperament.
Emotions are very big things in a child’s life, and each
child battles bravely with them; bravely, because he cannot
yet understand why he should have feelings that sadden or
depress him instead of making him joyful and happy. He does
not understand that he is experiencing the negative charac¬
teristics of the fine qualities that he has within him.
Dr. Bach used the treatment of children as the subject of
a lecture in which he said:
“We all know how the same illness may effect different
people in different ways. If Tommy gets the measles, he may
be irritable, Dorothy may be quiet and drowsy. Johnny wants
to be petted, little Peter may be all nerves and fearful, while
Bobby wants to be alone.
“Now if one disease has such different effects, it is certainly
no use treating the disease alone. It is better to treat Tommy,
Dorothy, Johnny, Peter and Bobby and get them well; then
goodbye to the measles! What I want to impress upon you is
that it is not the measles which gives the guide to the cure.
It is the way the little one is affected; the mood of the little
one is the most sensitive guide to show what that particular
patient needs.
“Just as moods guide us to the treatment in illness, so also
they may warn us ahead that a complaint is approaching
and enable us to stop the attack. Little Tommy comes home
from school unusually tired, drowsy, or irritable; he may
want to be fussed over or to be left alone. He is ‘not quite
himself’ as we say. Kind neighbours come in and say: ‘Tommy
is sickening for something; you will have to wait.’ But why
wait? If Tommy is treated at once according to his mood, he
may soon be turned from ‘not quite himself’ into ‘himself*,
and whatever illness was threatened will most likely not
occur, or if it does, it will be so slight as to be hardly notice¬
“And so with any of us. Before almost all complaints mani¬
fest, there is usually a time of‘being not quite fit’ or ‘a bit run
down’; that is the time to treat the conditions, to get fit, and
to stop things from going further. Prevention is better than
cure, and these Remedies help us in a wonderful way to get
well and to protect ourselves from attack from things
Since the Bach Remedies are gentle in action and never
give a reaction, and since they are tasteless, they can be given
to babies and children of all ages with perfect confidence. The
dose is the same as for adults, i.e. four drops of the Remedy,
prepared with boiled water for infants, and given either in
the milk formula, in fruit juice, or in water. When the baby is
breast fed, the mother herself can take the Remedy. Nor¬
mally, four doses of the medicine should be given daily; in
the case of acute illness the dosage may be increased to every
quarter or half hour. This should be continued until the child
shows definite improvement; then the intervals can be longer
until all danger has passed, and the child has recovered.
Remember, the Bach Remedies are never harmful, but that
overdosing does not increase their effectiveness. It is good
practice to continue giving the Remedies four times a day
until well after the child has completely recovered.
In severe cases, the Remedies should be changed as the
mood of the child changes. For example: the original terror
felt by the parents at the onset of a serious condition calls for
ROCK ROSE (for both the child and the parents!). As the con¬
dition improves, terror becomes anxiety which calls for
MiMULUS. Please note that in this case the child is being treated
for the mental state of the parents; this is most important,
and the mood of the parents is the guide in the case of severe
attacks on small babies. Finally when the child has so im¬
proved that he himself demonstrates the mood of fretfulness
and a desire for attention, the indication has now shifted from
the mood of the parents to the mood manifested by the child
himself. It is the child’s mood that should be treated, and
that calls for chicory. If the child is in a drowsy state from
which it is difficult to arouse him, clematis is indicated. The
child might show temper or impatience, in which case
IMPATIENS is the Remedy; should he become demanding, and
want the whole family to pay attention to him, that is clearly
a case for vine.
To summarize: change the Remedy as the mood or state
of mind changes. If the changes are frequent, prepare small
glasses of water with drops of the Remedy required, from
which the child can take a sip as needed. Be sure to identify
the glasses with a piece of adhesive tape, so you know which
remedy is which. The administration of the Remedies is an
art. Do it prayerfully, and with loving care. Change the
Remedies as a concert organist changes the stops on a great
organ to gain the delicate tonal inflections that distinguishes
a master of his instrument.

Case Histories

Girl, age 6. She saw a funeral procession for the first time.
Her questions were answered in a simple and forthright man¬
ner and the process of death was explained to her. However,
she suddenly became obsessed with the fear that her mother
would shortly die, and would be taken away from her in a
similar procession. She would not let her mother out of her
sight. She lost her appetite and had morbid thoughts during
the day, and bad dreams at night, red chestnut was pre¬
scribed for her morbid fear regarding her mother; rock rose
for her state of terror. After taking the Remedies for six
weeks, she had recovered completely, and was again a happy,
normal child.
Girl, age 9. From the time she started to study elementary
biology at school, she developed an obsessive fear of dirt. She
was always washing her hands to cleanse them of non-existant
“dirt’’. CRAB APPLE was prescribed as a cleansing Remedy.
Within one month she had recovered completely from the
idea of being unclean.
Girl, age 12. She was very sensitive about spots on her
forehead and chin. She was a pretty girl and was very affec¬
tionate with her family, but reserved toward strangers. At
school she lacked the ability to concentrate. She was dream¬
ing most of the time, and she ignored completely whatever
did not interest her. clematis was prescribed for her day¬
dreams and lack of concentration; crab apple to cleanse her
system of the spots she considered to be so disfiguring. She
was also told to add a few drops of crab apple to some milk
and to bathe her face with it every evening. Within three
months the spots had disappeared, and once again she became
a bright and alert young lady.
Boy, age 9 months. During an air raid in World V'ar II the
child was taken into a dark closet by his mother. The noise
and the darkness had frightened him greatly, so much so that
ever thereafter he could not be left alone in any room,
especially in a small room like a bathroom. When he was six
years old he was brought to us for treatment, rock rose was
prescribed for terror; mimulus for fear of noise and of con¬
fined spaces. He took the medicine regularly for three months.
At the end of that time he had not only lost his fears, but
he became known as the “plucky one” among his school¬
Mrs. E.L.G. wrote to us from Germany as follows: “My
niece recently had a little daughter. The baby is regularly
given RESCUE remedy which is specially prepared with
boiled water. She is as good as gold. If she starts to cry during
the night, she is given a few drops of the Remedy in a tea¬
spoonful of water, and she goes back to sleep immediately.
She has never had any of those dreaded crying fits. My niece
also puts some of the prepared rescue remedy on her breasts
when she feeds her, so that the baby gets a few drops in her
mouth together with the milk. We are very proud of the little
girl, and we love her dearly.”

Prescribing for Mental Distress and Emotional Tension

Because of the stress and tension of life today, many people

are faced with extreme mental torture, A practitioner is
inclined to think first, and sometimes exclusively, of agri¬
mony alone for these trying and uncomfortable conditions.
Actually, each of the thirty-eight states of mind, can, in an
extreme form, cause excruciating mental torture. Fortun¬
ately, the right Remedy at the right time will relieve the
tension and the suffering.
There are those people who are tortured ceaselessly by sad
or unwanted thoughts which seem to circle round and round in their
mind, giving them no peace; the Remedy for this is white
CHESTNUT. Others suffer from such depressive anguish that at
times they feel they have reached the limit of human endur¬
ance; SWEET CHESTNUT is for them. Many persons are often
attacked by thoughts oijealousy^ envy, hatred or rage', holly is
the remedy for those emotions. Some people fall into such a
dark depression, without any apparent cause, that there is
neither hope nor joy in life, only the black mocking spectre
of hopeless gloom', mustard is the Remedy for this condition.
Indecision and uncertainty can also cause mental distress, and
divert the mind from arriving at a clear resolution; this state
calls for scleranthus. There is the dangerous mood of
deepest despair which leads to thoughts of suicide or of another
violent action; cherry plum can relieve this terrible state.
Under certain conditions, shock (star of bethlehem), self-^
reproach (pine), or loss of selfconfidence (larch) can all cause
extreme mental anguish.
The practitioner, as well as the layman who prescribes for
himself, should be on the alert for the slightest change of
mood. Often, a change of mood presages a more serious con¬
dition in the future. It is the red flag of warning. It pays well
to heed it!

Prescribing for Animals

Many persons have found that the Bach Remedies are

most helpful for both animals and plants. This is hardly to be
wondered at when we think that both animals and plants
have the same temperamental difficulties we have! They too
may become frightened, nervous, angry, impatient, dreamy;
they may also want to be alone, or to the contrary, they may
want continual attention. Each cat or dog, or for that matter
every animal and every plant is a definite individual being,
and all of us are of the same substance. Therefore it is no
wonder that the less evolved creatures and plants also have
their own personalities and their own characteristics. If they
are closely observed, prescribing for them is not a difficult

Case Histories

“My Chihuahua was badly injured by a sharp blow on the

head and the veterinarian thought that he might lose his eye.
I applied the rescue remedy immediately, and when the
bandage was removed four days later, the eye was intact. It
has been improving steadily ever since.”
“Calves suffering from ringworm responded well to crab
apple and agrimony, the latter because they were tortured
by the irritation.”
Here is one of Dr. Bach’s cases. He saw a man digging a
large deep hole in a field nearby where a pony was standing.
When Dr. Bach asked what the hole was for, the man replied:
“For the pony. She is dying.” “Fill up the hole”, Dr. Bach
said, “the pony will live.” He then treated the animal with
ROCK ROSE, and within a few days the pony was fit and well
“Our cat was hit by an automobile, and both his legs were
badly injured. He was in a dreadful state. I gave him rock
ROSE for the shock; impatiens for the pain and the tension;
CRAB APPLE to cleanse his system of any toxins accumulated
by the shock. I could only apply them around his head and
in his mouth; I dared not touch his legs. The next day I
added star of bethelehem to the Remedies and moistened
the cushion upon which he was lying with them. After
about a week he showed definite signs of recovery, and now
even the crushed toes are better.”
“My last supply of the rescue remedy was used on a
starling with very good results. The poor bird had been
trapped behind my fireplace for about three days, and when
I rescued it, it was more dead than alive. I gave him some
drops of the rescue remedy and bathed him with it. He
made a marvellous recovery, and flew off to freedom.”
“It might interest you to know how the rescue remedy
saved the life of a beautiful peacock. A fox, which killed the
peahen, bit the peacock in the neck and pulled out all of his
tailfeathers. The bird was truly in a sorry state. I gave some
RESCUE REMEDY to the owner of the bird, and he gave it to
him in his food. The results were quite remarkable; the pea¬
cock made a speedy recovery and will be quite normal again
when his tailfeathers grow back.”
“Our little Chihuahua had a bad fall and was seriously ill
although the veterinarian could not find anything wrong with
her. The first dose of the rescue remedy made a great dif¬
ference; she perked up amazingly, and within a short time
she had recovered completely. The rescue remedy was also
a great help to her when she whelped. I don’t know how I
could manage without it. Whenever any of the dogs have an
injury, I dab some on the sore place, and they get the Remedy
by licking themselves. Sometimes they will lick it off my
Finally, here is a most complete and detailed report from
Mrs. Guy of the Scilly Isles. We are most grateful to her for
sending it to us. Mrs. Guy said that the hind leg of her
Siamese cat slipped into a deep fryer of hot fat. The poor
animal howled with pain and shock. Mrs. Guy reported: ‘T
immediately dashed the rescue remedy in water over his leg
and paw, and smeared it on the side of his mouth where I
could. His cries soon ceased. The veterinarian was away from
the Island, so I continued to treat the cat with agrimony for
the pain and torture, and with crab apple to cleanse and
heal him. I kept putting drops of these Remedies on his paw
where the pads had split. As I believe all healing should be
gentle, I did not disturb him to examine the damage at this
stage; I relied upon the Remedies to heal him. The next
morning the paw was badly swollen and the smell was ter¬
rible, but he ate and drank well, and rested quietly. By the
end of the week, he had torn off the dead skin, and the smell
went. The full extent of the injury was then revealed; open
wounds and big bare patches, but the paw to which I paid
most attention was healed, and it was this paw that had
taken the full force of the fat too. All this time his eyes were
bright, his bodily functions unimpaired, he had a good
appetite, and he showed no signs of shock. His gums had
been badly swollen where he had tried to lick the scalding fat
off his paw. Now, after six weeks there is only a small wound
left and the fur has grown on all the healed parts; this we did
not expect. The injured paw is quite normal. Other Remedies
were given as required, amongst them strengtheners: cen¬
taury, OLIVE and hornbeam. When he asked for much
attention he was given chicory; when he tried to do too
much we gave him vervain, mimulus was given at first
because he was afraid to walk upon the injured foot.”

Prescribing for Plants

When treating plants or trees, one must put oneself in their

place, and try to imagine how they are feeling. A tree tor¬
tured by leaf-curl needs crab apple as a cleansing remedy as
well as agrimony for the torture. A transplanted tree or plant
may suffer from shock and this indicates star of bethlehem.
If it seems to lack the strength to recover from the trans¬
planting, HORNBEAM or ouvE should be given. The rescue
REMEDY has also been found very useful where plants or trees
have suffered. A weak or droopy plant could well use the
strengthening qualities of centaury, hornbeam or olive.
Impoverished soil can be sprinkled with the life-giving
Remedies of olive, vine or wild oat.
We prepare the Remedies for plants and trees in this way;
we fill a one-ounce bottle for the required Remedies with
rainwater, and add two drops of each Remedy to the bottle.
We put a teaspoon from the bottle into a gallon of rainwater
to make a spray for the leaves and the branches, and to water
the roots. With trees, be sure to water the ground in a radius
equal to the length of the branches in order to reach all of the
roots. Actually, here at Mount Vernon we have been almost
too busy to do much experimental work with our own garden,
but we do have one good case. We had an old apple tree
which was covered with “American blight’’ one summer. We
sprayed the trunk and the branches with crab apple and
agrimony, for we felt that the old tree disliked being unclean
and felt tortured. We continued to spray for one week, and
watered the root area at the same time. The blight soon dis¬
appeared, and the tree has never suffered from it again!

Case Histories

“My nectarine tree, which grew from a nectarine-pip into

a lovely straight tree in seven months, suddenly began to
wither away and to fail. I found that our cat had gnawed the
trunk of the tree two or three inches above the ground. I
watered the tree liberally with rescue remedy and horn¬
beam, and protected it against further harm. When spring
came, it literally grew like mad! It had three perfect laterals
as well as three or four fruit spurs!”
The following is a rather remarkable report from a friend
of the Bach Remedies who was good enough to write us
about her experience. “When our cat was ill, his water bowl
contained the Remedies we prescribed for him. I used to
empty the bowl daily on the same piece of soil in the garden.
The year previously, I had planted some cheap Hyacinth
bulbs there. When the bulbs came up this year, much to our
surprise, all of the bulbs had divided, and instead of three
rigid blooms, we had a carpet of first quality blooms that were
truly beautiful. The bulbs on either side of the path, which had
not received the Remedies, remained single blooms. Since that
time whenever I rinse the bottles that contained Remedies,
I always pour them on the bulbs alongside the path. Now,
they are just coming through, lots of them, and all of them
are divided!”

The Prophylactic Aspects of the Bach Remedies

A friend of the Bach Remedies, who had used them for

many years, wrote to The Dr. Edward Bach Healing Centre.
He asked the following question: “How many people think
of using the Bach Remedies when they are not ill? Surely
they can be used for developing character, developing per¬
sonality and bringing about a state of super-health?”
The answer to this question is an unequivocal yes; the
Bach Remedies most certainly can be used not only to bring
about a state of super-health but to maintain it. The Reme¬
dies affect the emotions; the emotions affect the physical
health of the body; the emotions also serve as an indicator of
physical well being, for any emotional imbalance or inhar¬
mony is simply a warning of physical conditions to follow.
Correct the emotions, and you have forestalled a physical
disturbance before it has time to manifest as an illness.
Certainly prevention is better than cure, and it is a great
misfortune that more people do not pay sufficient attention
to the simple but unmistakable emotional signals that reflect
a change in the mood or in the state of mind. Were they to
do so, much unhappiness and illness could be prevented!
Dr. Bach’s gift to the world can be even more appreciated
when it is recalled that his method of healing is so safe and
so sure that any “compassionate and intelligent” person can
use it forthwith, with absolute safety, and with proven results.
Even if an error in prescribing was made, the worst that could
happen would be poor results. The wrong Remedy could not
in any way injure the body, nor cause any reaction what¬
Most certainly prophylactic prevention of illness should be
one of the main objectives of Dr. Bach’s therapy. Ill-health is
the physical manifestation of negative qualities which hinder
the development of true character, and the development of
character is the reason that we are on this earth. The Reme¬
dies are meant for those who truly desire to overcome the
obstacles which hinder their progress, and which have to be
overcome before such highly desirable qualities such as
courage, tolerance, kindness, understanding and peace of
mind can be obtained. The obstacles are always present, for
it is only by overcoming them that we are able to progress,
and as we progress, the obstacles become more and more
subtle. By the same law, fortunately, so do the Bach Reme¬
dies. On the more practical and material plane of everyday
relationships with our fellow men, the Remedies aid in
maintaining these even under trying conditions. They some¬
times re-establish relationships which have deteriorated, and
which have become a source of unhappiness and loneliness.
The person who wrote the letter quoted above went on to
say: ‘T find this kind of prescribing much more difficult than
prescribing for someone who is physically ill, for when a
person seems to be healthy, everything is likely to be played
in a minor key.”
This is a fair observation. But, when the desire to overcome
a negative state of mind iS strong enough, whether it is for
ourself, or for another who seeks our help, prescribing is not
difficult when we discover the emotions responsible for the
disharmonious condition. To do this, we must base our assess¬
ment on the character as a whole. Our judgement must be
absolutely honest and undeceived by either the wishful
thinking of justification or the false mask of personality.
Deep within most of us lie traits of character of which we
are not proud, and that we would give much to be freed from.
Yet, often we lack the courage to bring these unpleasant
traits into the open and face them once and for all. The result
is that over the years we deceive ourselves into believing that
these traits are a fixed part of our immutable nature. We
accept this falsehood, and, rather than trying to correct it,
we bow to what seems to be the inevitable and secretly hope
that it will go away and leave us alone! Be sure it will do
neither; rather, until we control it, it will control us! The
Remedies provide an invaluable help to us under these
conditions. They will give us the strength to bring forth the
undesirable traits, to face them, and once and for all, to free
ourselves from their domination.
There are, in addition to the major traits in our characters
which affect us so strongly, itinerant and passing moods that
influence us also, but to a lesser extent. Sometimes we speak
of “getting out of the wrong side of the bed”, and we are
irritated at the breakfast table. Such moods should be dealt
with forthwith! impatiens, for instance, taken immediately
upon awakening should assure a happy breakfast, and a good
start for the day.
By treating an unhappy state of mind when it occurs, ill
health and indeed ill humour can be prevented, for as Dr.
Bach said: “Disease is but the consolidation of a mental
attitude.” How obvious this is when one considers the deep
lines formed on the forehead and the sides of the mouth of
the habitual worrier! Or the stiff joints formed in those of
much pride or rigidity of ideas! It is so worthwhile to take
ourselves in hand and to overcome our mental and emotional
difficulties! This is true not only from the standpoint of
physical wellbeing, but from the more important point of our
spiritual advancement! It is so very worthwhile too, to help a
child overcome fear or jealousy or anger, and so enable him
to walk through life happily and with confidence!
Dr. Bach understood this very well when he wrote: “There
are those who need help, if possible even more than those
with bodily pains. There are those who have had only a few,
or perhaps not even one day’s illness in their lives, and yet
they suffer greatly mentally, and the anguish of the thought-
pain is often more unbearable than bodily pain.”



Keywords: Mental torture; worry, concealed from others

On the surface, the agrimony type appears to be very

cheerful and carefree. He makes a good companion
and he usually has a true sense of humor. It is a plea¬
sure to be with him. For these reasons, it may at first
seem difficult to discover the correct Remedy for the
person in question. But the agrimony personality
wears the mask of carefreeness only superficially, while
deep within himself, he is a severely tortured person;
the mask only hides a turbulent state of mind. The
AGRIMONY type, are peace loving people who are dis¬
tressed by quarrels and arguments. Rather than inflict
their troubles upon others, they often make light of
their difficulties. At night when they retire, they are
often restless, and their churning thoughts are the cause
of insomnia and inquietude. During an illness, the
AGRIMONY person may well make jokes with those
around him or attending him; he is inclined to make
light of his discomfort and to appear cheerful and
happy. AGRIMONY children are those who can readily
forget their worries, cast aside their cares, and resume
a cheerful outlook on a moment’s notice. The agri¬
mony type is the exact opposite of the heather person,
for the latter cannot avoid discussing their symptoms
and woes. Both types dislike being alone, but for dif-

ferent reasons. The agrimony person seeks companion¬

ship in order to escape from and to forget their worries
in pleasant fellowship; the heather type only wants
to air his ego-centred personality to anyone who has
the patience to listen to him. At times, when they are
severely pressed, the agrimony people may resort to
alcohol or to drugs in order to dull the mental torture
which they are experiencing.
The positive aspect of the agrimony type is reflected
in those persons who can truly laugh at their own wor¬
ries, because they are fully aware of their relative
unimportance. They are genuine optimists, and the
inveterate peacemakers.

Case Histories

Woman, age 50. She was cheerful, always laughing, and

apparently a happy person who could see the funny side of
everything. Her husband died one year before she came for
treatment, and left her on her own with financial and other
worries. During the day she was fully occupied with many
interests, but at night she was restless and could not sleep.
Her cares and worries descended upon her, and she tossed
and turned until the early hours of the morning. This con¬
dition had gone on since the death of her husband. Her
general health was good, but she felt tired, and she found it
difficult to remember details. It was also hard for her to
maintain her usual good humor and cheerfulness, agrimony
was prescribed for the distress and worry which she so bravely
concealed from friends and relatives, as well as for her rest¬
lessness and insomnia, olive was added for her exhaustion.
Good results were immediate. During the first week she slept
seven hours every night, and she awoke relaxed and refreshed.
Within six weeks she was again her normal self, and she was
well able to confront all of her problems.
Man, age 40. He was a courageous person, but restless,
high-strung, and suffered from anxieties. He had many
family worries, and he drank heavily to gain relief from his
mental torture, agrimony alone was prescribed. After a
treatment of two months, he had lost his craving for alcohol
and he was able to analyse and resolve his many problems.
He had become a normal person again.
Boy, age 9. He had asthma from birth. He was a cheerful
and happy child who did not complain during the most
severe attacks, and who tried to make the best of his dis¬
ability. AGRIMONY alone was prescribed. After commencing
the treatment, he had one more attack, and after that he was
never troubled with asthma again. His recovery was com¬
Woman, age 40, unmarried. She suffered from a rheumatic
pain in her upper left arm and shoulder. The pain was so
severe that it prevented her from sleeping. When she applied
to us for treatment, she looked ill and worn out, but she was
very cheerful nevertheless, agrimony was prescribed as her
type remedy, because she bore the pain so cheerfully.
IMPATIENS was given for tension. After three days she was able
to report that she was much better although the stiffness re¬
mained in the shoulder, vervain was added to the Remedies
because she tried to use her left arm too much in her daily
occupation in spite of the stiffness and the pain. Within
another two days she reported that all of the stiffness was
gone, and that she felt much better generally. The treatment
was continued for several weeks until she could report that
she was indeed fully cured.
Woman, age 63, unmarried. When she came to us for
treatment, her entire body was affected by a skin irritation
which at times caused her face to swell. She was normally a
cheerful and healthy woman. Her house in London had been
badly damaged by incendiary bombs during the war, and
she had been treated for delayed shock at the time, but she
had apparently recovered. Treatment was started in 1946.
AGRIMONY was prescribed because of her cheerful disposition,
and as her type Remedy, star of Bethlehem was given be¬
cause of the shock she had sustained, and holly was added
because it was observed that she hated the idea of having lost
her home, and greatly resented the reason for it. After three
weeks, she reported that the rash had nearly disappeared.
She continued to take the medicine, and after one year she
wrote again to say that she had been “entirely cured’’
although she did not specify the date, and that she was
“entirely well again”.
Man, age 42. He was a policeman, and he had a nervous
breakdown following domestic troubles. He slept badly, atid
felt generally “unstrung” but he kept his troubles to himself,
and he turned a brave face to the world, agrimony, his type
remedy, was given alone. After three weeks he reported that
he was feeling fine once more, and that he was sleeping much
better. He continued the treatment, and after another four
weeks he said that he was much better, and that he no longer
needed to take a laxative for constipation. Two months after
starting the treatment, he wrote: “I now look back on my
illness as sort of a nightmare. I am now fully recovered.”
Baby, age 6 weeks, breastfed. The mother had been given
penicillin for an abcess in her breast, and the baby developed
a facial rash. The child was a happy little being. He slept
well and did not seem to be restless or disturbed by the rash.
AGRIMONY was prescribed as the type remedy, and grab
APPLE was added to cleanse his body from the effects of the
penicillin. Within two days the rash had disappeared, and the
raised spots began to flake off. After one week, all of the
symptoms of the rash had disappeared and never returned.
Extract from a letter received from a woman patient: “I
am worried, and full of great fear as my gums are soft and
spongy and I have not been able to wear my bottom den¬
tures for four years. I was a normally happy woman, but this
worry has got me down and I am afraid that my mouth will
worsen and I shall not be able to eat anything.” agrimony
was given for the worried state, and for the mental torture.
ROCK ROSE was given for the great fear that amounted almost
to terror, hornbeam was added to give her strength. After
four weeks, she wrote again to say that her gums were be¬
ginning to harden; the same Remedies were repeated. Shortly
thereafter, a setback occurred when she became resentful and
impatient; her fears redoubled. The following Remedies were
prescribed: agrimony the basic Remedy, rock rose as be¬
fore; WILLOW was added for her resentment, impatiens for her
impatience, and gentian for the discouragement that the set¬
back caused. After one month, she wrote to say that she was
happier than she had been for a long time. She was feeling
much better, and she could once again wear her dentures
without any discomfort.


Keywords: Vague fears of unknown origin; anxiety; appre¬


The aspen fears are of the mind. They are the fears,
the forebodings that come upon us for no known reason
either by day or night. There might be a sudden
awakening from sleep when terror sets in from no
known cause, perhaps a bad dream which was forgot¬
ten; there might be the dread of going to sleep again
lest the anxiety might recur. Often the aspen type fear
is connected with thoughts of death or religion; it is
the ‘‘goose-flesh” or the “hair-raising” fear of some¬
thing not seen or heard; it is both sudden and un¬
accountable at the onset. It seems just to happen and
the victim is assailed with a sense of disaster which is
often followed by intense terror or emotional panic.
It normally strikes when the person is alone, but some¬
times the cold panic of inexplicable terror will swoop
down when the person is among friends, when,
humanly speaking, he should feel happy and safe.
Those who experience this fear seldom speak of it to
others, because since they can give no definite reason
for their anxiety, they expect the misunderstanding of
disbelief, and to be told that “it is all in the imagina¬
tion”. Dr. Bach wrote: “Fear of such things as an
operation, a visit to the dentist, a thunderstorm, a fire
or an accident are physical fears, and they a,re bad
enough. But, they are nothing compared to an un-

known mental fear which comes over you like a cloud,

bringing fear, terror, anxiety and even panic without
the least reason. These fears are often accompanied
with trembling and sweating from the abject fear of
something unknown, aspen is the Remedy for this kind
of fear.’’ The aspen fear is the exact opposite of the
MiMULUS fear, for the latter is always from a known
cause. The aspen fear is closely associated with the
sheer terror of rock rose, for both often result in panic,
emotional or physical.
Dr. Bach said of the positive aspects of aspen: ‘‘Fear¬
lessness because of the knowledge that the universal
power of love stands behind all. Once we come to that
realization, we are beyond pain and suffering, beyond
care or worry or fear; we are beyond everything except
the joy of life, the joy of death, and the joy of our
immortality. It makes the desire to invite experience,
to invite adventure, knowing that it is leading us to
our heavenly home and that we can walk that path
through any danger, through any difficulty unafraid.”
There is an old Chinese proverb which says: “Fear
knocked at the door; faith opened it, and there was no
one there.”

Case Histories

Woman, age 26, unmarried. She was of an extremely ner¬

vous disposition and was always frightened of something
which she could not explain. When the fear came upon her
she felt as if she was going to faint, and she very often did.
She suffered from palpitations, and she felt that she lacked
the courage to face life’s problems, aspen was prescribed as
the type Remedy for her inexplicable fear, larch was added
to bolster up her confidence. After taking the medicine for a
month, there was no appreciable difference, except that she
had not fainted. At the end of the second month, she reported

that she had but one attack of fear, and that her heart pal¬
pitations had almost ceased. She said that she felt much
better in general. She continued the same treatment for
another two months, after which time she could say that “she
had never felt better physically” and that she was well able
to face any situation. She had lost her fears to such an extent
that her friends were asking her what treatment she had
taken that brought about such a noticeable improvement.
Woman, age 50. She had suffered since childhood from an
unreasonable fear that she might choke and suffocate. During
the last two years, this fear had so increased that she had
difficulty in swallowing, and she felt as if there were a tight
band around her throat. When she applied to us for treat¬
ment, she had been losing weight, and her vitality was at a
low ebb. An X-ray examination failed to reveal any physical
cause for her condition. She was given aspen as her type
Remedy, for fear without a foundation. She was instructed not
only to take it internally, in the usual manner, but also to
make a lotion of it, and to apply it to her throat three times a
day. The results were rapid and favorable. In three weeks
time she reported that she was able to swallow without dis¬
comfort, and that the unpleasant sensation of the tight band
around her throat had entirely disappeared. She was advised
to continue to use the medicine. Some few weeks later she
wrote to say: “I have completely forgottenthat I ever worried
about choking.”
Woman, age 60. Since childhood, she had been subject to
unreasonable fears which wakened her at night, and left her
in a state of fear and trembling, often with nausea, and a
dripping cold sweat, aspen was prescribed as her type
Remedy, star of bethelehem was added because of a shock
she .had during her teen-age years. One month later, she
reported that she felt much better, but that she was suffering
from indigestion. Her sister had suggested that her symptoms
might be indicative of a cancer, and that terrified her. rock
rose was added to the Remedies prescribed before, to coun¬
teract the terror of a possible cancer. From that time on, her
progress was steady; her health improved greatly, and the
fears gradually subsided. Treatment was continued for three
months longer, at which time she reported that all of her fears
had vanished, and that she felt very happy again.
Man, age 6o. He was a minister, and he had suffered a
coronary thrombosis the year before. When he came to us for
treatment, he said that he was filled with fear. He stated most
definitely that it was not fear about his heart condition, but a
fear from unknown causes, a fear without ground or reason.
He had become very depressed and fatigued, and he had lost
interest in his parish work. His voice was weak, and often
failed him during his church services. He was given aspen
as the type Remedy, for the groundless fears, and olive for
the exhaustion and its consequent depression. Treatment was
continued for three months. At first he regained his strength
as well as his interest in his parish work. At the end of the
treatment, he reported that his voice was normal again, and
that his old enthusiasm for his work had returned; most
important, that he was no longer obsessed with unpleasant
Man, age 8o. For the past two years, he had an unreason¬
able fear of fire in his house. This caused him to become very
nervous and irrational, for he would frequently dress himself
during the night, and go downstairs to assure himself that all
was well, aspen was obviously the type Remedy for a ground¬
less fear. He was also given crab apple to cleanse the effect
of his fear-filled mind, which had caused a chest congestion.
After the first month, his wife wrote to say that he had im¬
proved greatly. He no longer went downstairs in the night,
and the chest congestion was much better. He continued to
take the Remedies for another two months when his wife
reported that he was “altogether a different man, both
mentally and physically.”


Keywords: Intolerance; criticism; passing judgements

Dr. Bach said about the Beech type person: “It is

obvious that none of us is in a position to judge or
criticize, for the wisest of us sees and knows only the
minutest fragment of the Great Scheme of all things,
and we cannot judge, knowing so little, how Ae
Great Plan will work.’’ He also wrote: [“We need] to
be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the
different way each individual and all things are work¬
ing to their final perfection.”* The Beech type is an
intolerant person who does not try to understand or to
make allowances for the shortcomings of other people.
Rather than trying to seek out the good qualities in
others, the Beech type tend to look for their faults, and
to criticize them. The Beech type persons generally
lack humility, as well as the ability to put themselves in
the position of the other fellow. They often fail to
recognize the fact that the other person may not have
had the advantages that they have had, nor the help
of the experiences which they were privileged to en¬
counter. Sometimes small habits, gestures and idio-
syncracies of other people try them beyond measure;
their annoyance is out of all proportion to whatever
created their displeasure. This, indeed, is a true

* The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies by Edward Bach, The G* W. Daniel
Company Ltd., Rochford, Essex, England; 12th edition 1969.
case of seeking first the beam within one’s own eye.
Here is a typical statement: ‘‘I have a strong and
deep-rooted aversion to superficialities of all kinds; I
demand and I seek exactness, order and discipline
everywhere.” This tendency toward criticism makes
them rather lonely people, for they cut themselves off
from the friendly, tolerant, companionship of their
fellow human beings. The beech type differs from the
WATER VIOLET person in that the latter are truly wise
and understanding, and for that reason they may feel
superior to those who are not treading the same path
they are. It is this sense of superiority that brings forth
a certain aloofness from the normal plodding mortal.
Yet, the water violet type never attempts to correct
or to criticize those with whom he might disagree or
even those to whom he feels superior.
Dr. Bach said of the positive aspects of the beech
person: “[An example] of perfect tolerance. It was the
Christ allowing the soldiers to place the crown of
thorns on His head, to pierce His hands and feet with
nails without His having one harsh thought. Instead
He pleaded on their behalf, ‘Father forgive them, for
they know not what they do’.”

Case Histories
Man, age 54. He was a bachelor who lived with his mother
and his four sisters. As a person, he was always irritable and
impatient, and could not tolerate his family’s idiosyncrasies;
to escape them, he tried to live in a dream world of his own
making. He started to suffer from sciatica seven weeks before
he applied to us for treatment, beech was prescribed as the
type Remedy, for his intolerant attitude, and clematis for
his attempt to escape into a dream world to avoid what he
thought was unpleasantness. His first report was encouraging;
he stated that he was free from the sciatic pain in the thigh.
although the leg was still weak and, as he described it,
“erratic”. The same Remedies were repeated, and after two
months he wrote to say: “The trouble in the leg has cleared
up completely. I have decided to seek another job in a dif¬
ferent town, and to live on my own. I shall then have a better
opportunity to think of my family in a more understanding
Man, age 40. He was a commercial artist by profession.
For over a year he had suffered from a rash on his face, arms,
and hands. He was most critical of his physicians, and very
irritated with them because they had failed to cure his con¬
dition. He was also critical of many things in general, or as he
expressed it: “of humdrum things and humdrum people.”
He was becoming resigned to the rash, but it made him feel
unclean, beech, his type Remedy, was prescribed for his
critical attitude, crab apple was added as a cleanser for his
skin condition. Sixteen days later, the rash had entirely
disappeared, but he was fearful that it might return again.
gentian was added to the other two Remedies for his dis¬
couraged outlook. Nothing further was heard from him until
two years later. He wrote to say that the skin condition had
never returned, but that now he was suffering from a stiffness
in both shoulders, beech, the type Remedy and crab apple
were once again prescribed, because it was felt that a critical
and rigid outlook remained. He wrote once more the next
month to report that he was completely free of the pain and
Woman, age 46. She wrote to us saying: “I am a reformer
at heart. I like to change people, but I do not have enough
humility to be a shining example. I am too intolerant. I suffer
much pain due to toxins and inflammation caused by an
incurable stomach obstruction.” beech her type Remedy was
prescribed for her intolerance; vervain for her desire to con¬
vert all around her; crab apple because she ended her letter
to us by saying; “I rather dislike myself.” She took the Reme¬
dies for three months. During that period, there was at first
but slight improvement, then suddenly she really became
very much better. Her last report to us stated that she felt
that she had become a different woman, and was now quite
Man, age 70. He was a most intolerant individual and
critical of anyone who did not think as he did. He literally
wore himself out saying: “Why does so-and-so think like
that?” or “I can see nothing good in that man.” He was
irritable and cranky, and almost wholly without joy in his
life. BEECH, obviously his type Remedy, was given alone.
After some weeks, he was able to say: “I can see the fault in
myself.” He continued to take the Remedy and gradually he
became filled with vitality and displayed quite an extra¬
ordinary sense of humor.
Woman, age 69. She was a thoroughly efficient person
herself, but she was extremely critical of‘other people. She
could not understand why they seemed unable to attend to
details as she did. She did not, however, mention their faults
to them directly, but she always felt very superior to them.
In consequence of this attitude of superiority, she suffered
from a chest congestion and bronchitis, beech was the type
Remedy prescribed for her intolerance; crab apple as a
cleanser, to remove the congestion in her chest as well as in
her thoughts. She took these Remedies for quite a while
before she acknowledged that indeed her outlook had changed
greatly. She said that she had a much better understanding of
the problems of other people, and of their difficulties. The
congestion and the bronchitis had cleared up, and four years
later she wrote to say that they never returned.
Man, age 52. He was retired, and he suffered greatly from
an eczema of the scrotum, the skin of which had become dark
and of a leathery texture. When he came to us for treatment,
he had had the trouble for over two months. He was an
intolerant and highly critical person, especially where the
way-of-living of other persons was concerned. He was given
beech, the type Remedy for his intolerant attitude toward his
fellow men, and crab apple as a cleanser for his system.
Within a month, the eczema had disappeared, and the skin
of the affected area had become normal in texture. He con¬
tinued to take the Remedies for another month. At that time
he reported that his family said that they found him much
more tolerant, and easier to live with.
Woman, age 55. She had suffered from liver and kidney
trouble which she said had been greatly helped by a herbal
therapy. However, a setback occurred, and she applied to us
for treatment. She stated that she was a reformer at heart, and
that she liked to change others whom she felt were on the
wrong path. She wanted them to think the same way that she
did, and when they did not comply, she became very in¬
tolerant of their lack of understanding, beech was the type
Remedy, and she was also given crab apple to cleanse her
thoughts as well as white chestnut because she said that she
was unable to dismiss worrying thoughts from her mind. She
reported some improvement after the first month, but as she
said, she still lacked tolerance. The same Remedies were
prescribed and after another two months she reported that
her health had improved greatly, and that she had finally
realized that she must let other people go their own way. She
had learned that it was not her business to interfere in their
lives, or to criticize them.


Keywords: Weak willed; too easily influenced; willing


The centaury people are quiet, sometimes timid,

lacking in individuality, docile and always willing to
do anything for others. They are submissive, easily
imposed upon and often become the prey of the un¬
scrupulous people who take advantage of their good
nature. They are the ‘‘door-mats” that are both used
and overworked by others because they do not have
the strength of will to refuse; in this way they increase
the dominance of the bully. They become easily tired,
and often seem to be drained of their vitality. In
appearance they are often languid and pale, although
actually they are mentally alert, active, and wide
awake. In this they differ from the clematis people, for
the latter can be led and influenced because their
thoughts are elsewhere, and they have little interest in
the present circumstances. Unlike the hornbeam type,
the CENTAURY folk become tired because their vitality
is sapped by the over-doing of favors and responding
to requests from others, not because of any disinclina¬
tion to do things. The centaury type does not argue
or stand up for himself; he usually is quick to do the
bidding of others. His actions and thoughts are often
colored by the dictates and ideas of his companions
as well as by conventions. By not following their own
ideas or ambitions in life, they miss much of the joy,

independent adventure and experience can bring to

them. Often they spend their lives unnecessarily bound
to their family or their parents, and by doing this they
neglect their own mission in life. They frequently enter
their father’s business instead of following an aptitude
of their own, or they may wait hand and foot upon
an ailing parent. In either case they ruin their lives by
the servile attitude which chains them to an unsympa¬
thetic loyalty, even to the extent of foregoing marriage
rather than leave the one who has enslaved them.
Actually, they are servants, instead of willing helpers.
CENTAURY gives Strength to the mind and the body. It
is most useful for weakness following a prolonged ill¬
ness, when the patient feels too tired to make any effort
on his own behalf, or when he is completely lacking in
The positive characteristics of the centaury person
is found in one who serves wisely, quietly, and unobtru¬
sively. He knows when to give and when to withhold.
Such a person is able to mix with his fellows and not
lose his individuality; he is well able to support his own
opinions and to follow the higher dictates of his inner
self. He can complete his mission in life uninfluenced
by the opinions of others.

Case Histories

Here is a letter from a typical centaury person: “Mother

has a terrific will power. I am sometimes almost afraid to
offer any advice or suggestions. I dare not say how I long to
go somewhere, even for a few hours on my own, as I would
rather not go than face the inevitable upset. I am also feeling
very tired, and while I long to get on with my painting, I find
neither the time nor the energy. I would like to go to sleep;
I feel so tired. I long to be able to plan things for myself. I
long to get right away by myself and to rest and think and

then do things when I am rested. A friend and his wife came

the other day and insisted on taking me out. Mother was
furious and said that they had no right to do so; they should
have taken her too. How different from the attitude of my
husband who simply said: ‘How kind of them. I do hope that
you enjoy yourself.’ ” centaury was prescribed as the type
Remedy, for her inability to assert herself, and she continued
the treatment for three months. She gradually began to live
her own life. She insisted that she have some time to herself
each day to devote to her painting and to visit with her
friends. Finally she gently but firmly insisted on going her
own way, and much to her surprise, she found that not giving
in to her mother’s every whim, helped her mother greatly!
Her mother began to become much more considerate of
other people, probably for the first time in her life.
Woman, age 41. She was a mother of two children. She
suffered greatly from insomnia, and she had practically not
slept for the last twelve weeks preceding the interview. She
had been given many kinds of treatments including electric
shocks, but none had helped her much. When she came to us
she had low blood pressure, she was anemic and felt ex¬
hausted, but worst of all she had lost interest in her appear¬
ance and in life in general. Her childhood had been a
difficult one. Her father dominated the whole family and for
him his children were simply slaves. She felt that she was a
“nobody” and was continually working hard to gain appro¬
val. She was most sensitive to the opinions of others, and she
felt a compulsion “always to do the right thing”, centaury
the type Remedy was prescribed to free her from the domi¬
nation of her father and from her slavish attitude toward
conventions, honeysuckle was added to help her break from
the bonds of the past, and olive to strengthen the exhaustion
of her mind and body. After the first month, her outlook was
brighter. She wrote that she had taken up golf again, but that
there was no improvement in her sleeping, rock water was
added to the Remedies to help her relax and be less strict
with herself so that she could enjoy the pleasures of life. The
next month she said that she was sleeping better. Two months
after that, her husband wrote to say that she now played golf
twice a week, her interest in clothes had returned and she
was enjoying life once more.
Boy, age ii. He was continually afflicted with bad colds
and with influenza. This caused him to miss many days of
school, and his education was suffering as a consequence. The
family doctor had suggested a tonsilectomy. He was a rather
self-effacing boy, and easily dominated by anyone with a will
stronger than his. centaury the type Remedy was prescribed
together with hornbeam to give him strength; the continual
colds had sapped his strength and vitality and even his desire
to make any effort for himself. He took the Remedies for two
months, and went throughout the winter without one cold;
his health had improved so much that the idea of the ton¬
silectomy was abandoned. He also developed firm determina¬
tion and a strong will of his own.
Woman, age 62. She lived with her aged mother, who was
91 years old. The mother had a very strong personality, and
like a vampire, she sapped all of her daughter’s energy until
the daughter felt utterly exhausted in body and spirit, cen¬
taury the type Remedy was prescribed to help her break
from the domination of her mother, hornbeam was added to
give her strength to cope with her daily duties. When she
came to us she was also suffering from headaches and sinus
trouble. After the first month she reported that she felt much
better. Her headaches were less frequent, she felt less ex¬
hausted and she had much more energy. The same Remedies
were repeated with the addition of holly, because she wrote
that she had some very disagreeable thoughts and emotions
toward her mother. She was also advised to increase her social
life and to go out with friends more frequently; in other
words, to try to make a life of her own. Her final letter to us,
after another two month period, indicated that she was well.
The headaches and the sinus trouble were things of the past.
She was able to control the disagreeable thoughts toward her
mother, and she could finally stand up to her. She was also
leading a life of her own, and she was an altogether happy
Woman, age 50. She was a cook by trade. She wrote to us:
“My mother and sister are in a mental home. My father was
very domineering, and made us do what he wanted all of the
time. I still seem to be influenced by other people, and I do
just what they tell me to do. I get so very tired that I cannot
sleep and I cannot seem to stand up for myself.” centaury
the type Remedy was prescribed. After taking two bottles of
the medicine, she wrote again to say: “It is astonishing! I am
so much better and I can even decide things for myself rather
than do another’s bidding.”
Woman, age 67. She was married. She was of a very frail
constitution, anemic, and was very much overworked at
home. She had become anxious, depressed, miserable, and
jealous because she was neglected. Although she did all that
she could to help her family, she was under their domination,
and could not stand up for her own rights, centaury the
type Remedy was prescribed to aid her in overcoming the
domination of her family, and holly because of the vexing
thoughts her emotions generated. There was an immediate
physical improvement; a bruise on her knee healed, and
fibrositis in her back disappeared not to return, but the
depression remained. The same Remedies were repeated
over a period of four months, during which time she gradually
improved physically and emotionally. Finally the depressions
disappeared and did not return. She found that she was well
able to stand up to her family and to assert her own rights.
Laboratory tests established the fact that she was no longer


Keywords: Distrust of self; doubt of one’s ability; foolishness

There are those persons who possess much wisdom,

who are intuitive, who hold definite opinions of their
own, yet they doubt their own ability. They are quite
capable of doing foolish things by following the advice
of others, against their own good judgement. Such is
the CERATO type, and when they discover that the
advice upon which they acted was unsound, they are
apt to say: ‘T knew better. I knew that I should have
done so-and-so.” This is poor consolation indeed. A
patient who sought the counsel of others wrote to us to
say: ‘T found out that after having been advised by
some friends to eat honey, it brought back all of my
old symptoms. I should have known better, for honey
has never agreed with me, and I have not eaten it for
years for that reason.” Sometimes, though rarely, the
CERATO type will ask advice from others and then go
their own way and use their own judgement. In illness,
they are sure that a remedy will cure them until some¬
body tells them of a different one; they are inclined to
try one medicine after another, always according to
the latest recommendation. They are talkative people,
for they are always asking questions, and in this way
they tend to sap the vitality of others with their per¬
sistency. The CERATO type differs from the scleran-
THUS person in that the latter cannot make up his mind
between two choices, but he will eventually work out

the decision for himself without asking the advice of

others, unless of course it concerns a matter which
calls for a quaUfied opinion. The cerato person also
differs from the centaury type who is weak and thus
easily persuaded, for the cerato type does have a mind
of his own, and contrary to the larch people, he has
sufficient confidence in himself to stick by his decision
once he has arrived at it. The cerato folk have a great
admiration for those persons who know their own
minds, and who can reach a reasoned determination
quickly. They even tend to imitate them so closely that
at times it is possible to tell with whom they have been
in contact, or what motion picture they have just seen!
The positive aspect of the cerato type is quiet
assurance. Such persons are very intuitive. They are
sure of their ability to judge between right and wrong,
and they trust themselves to act uninfluenced by any
advice to the contrary.

Case Histories

Woman, age 68. She was a spinster and wrote: “I always

know what I want to do, but I find that I must have it con¬
firmed by the opinions of several other people, and when they
don’t all agree with me, I generally follow the majority vote,
and mostly it does not end in the way I wanted it to. It is
foolish of me I know, and people tell me that I tire them by
asking so many questions. I get very tired too, and I suffer
from sinusitis, very severely at times. I really feel desperate
with the pain.” cerato was the type Remedy indicated
because she could not trust her own judgement, cherry plum
was added because of her feeling of despair about the pain of
the sinusitis. After three months, the sinusitis had cleared up,
and CHERRY PLUM was omitted from the next prescription.
After taking the medicine for a total period of six months, she
wrote to say: ‘‘I find that I don’t have to ask others for their
advice now. That is a great relief. I am also happy to say that
I am no longer troubled with sinus pains.”
Woman, age 55. She was a spinster who always had some¬
thing the matter with her. It was either a cold, indigestion, a
headache or a rheumatic pain; in any case she was seldom
really well. Although she was quite capable of making deci¬
sions, she could not trust them. In the case of her health, this
drove her from one form of treatment to another, and none
was of much benefit. She was a talented woman who could
do her work well and knew it. A person of many interests, she
was continually making mistakes because instead of relying
upon her own good judgement, she constantly sought the
advice of others. When she came to us for treatment, she was
very discouraged and depressed, cerato the type Remedy
was prescribed together with gentian for her discouragement.
She was treated for a long period of time. The physical
complaints responded fairly rapidly to the Remedies, but it
took a full two years before she was finally able to direct her
own life, and to rely upon her own good judgement.
Woman, age 45. She was a nurse by profession, and had
many years of experience. The hospital in which she had
worked was about to be closed down, and she was to be trans¬
ferred to the County Hospital. However, she had long had the
desire to become a District Nurse, to visit patients in their
own homes and in the nearby towns of the district. She had
already taken and passed her automobile driver’s test. Then,
as she said, she suddenly lost faith in her own judgement.
Though she wanted very much to be a District Nurse, she
somehow felt that she should go to the big hospital. Con¬
fronted with this decision, she began to ask her friends for
their advice. Fortunately for her, her friends (who would
certainly appear to be both intelligent and true) withheld
their advice, and were unanimous in suggesting that she
make up her own mind, and that she do what she really
wanted to do. cerato the type Remedy was indicated and
prescribed. She took the Remedy for about two weeks. At the
end of that time she determined to become a District
Nurse. She wrote to us to say: “Had my friends advised me
to go to the hospital, I know that I would have been dis¬
appointed. I want to visit patients, and to work on my own.*’
Man, age 22. He was the son of a successful physician.
When he came to us, he was approaching his final examina¬
tions in medicine. He was very unhappy, because he felt that
he was not meant to be a doctor. He had always wanted to
be an electrical engineer, but out of deference to his father’s
advice, which he had sought, he studied medicine. In doing
so, he unfortunately went against his own inner conviction.
CERATO the type Remedy was prescribed to give him confi¬
dence in his own decisions and impatiens because he had
become nervous and irritable. These Remedies helped him
to see that he was not following his vocation in life, but he felt
that he lacked the courage to make the necessary change.
MiMULUS was added for the fear of making a change, and
LARCH for his feelings of inferiority. He took the medicine for
another two months. When he wrote to us again, it was to say
that he had decided to give up further medical studies. He
had gone to London “to take up the work I have always
wanted to do”. He was apparently very happy and had made
many new friends. He said that he felt very well, and that at
last he was making a success of his life.
Woman, age 72, a widow. She could never trust her own
opinions, and was continually asking her friends what they
would do if they were in her place, and what she should do
about her poor health. The result was that she went from
physician to physician, taking first one treatment, then
another, always according to the advice she received, and
generally without any benefit to her health. She had become
very nervous about a large growth on her abdomen which
she feared might be malignant, yet she was unwilling to have
it removed surgically, cerato her type Remedy was pre¬
scribed because of her inability to trust her own conclusions.
ROCK ROSE was given for the terror that the thought of a
malignancy caused, while hornbeam was added to give her
strength. She took these Remedies for a period of three
months. During that time the growth grew progressively
smaller until it finally disappeared altogether. She became
much stronger; her health was no longer a problem, and as
she said: she resolved to put her foot down, and to make her
own decisions.
Woman, age 33. She wrote to us saying: “I know what I
really want to do, but I do not have sufficient trust in myself.
I have followed the advice of my parents and of my friends
most of my life, and I have never been happy or satisfied with
my life or with my work. Now I have an urge to do what I
want to do. Could the Remedies help me to be firm, and to
follow this urge?” cerato, the type Remedy was the only one
prescribed. She took this medicine for six weeks, at which
time she wrote again to say: “I have done it! Now, I feel that
I can trust myself!
Woman, age 39. She wrote: “I married a good and kind
man, but I never loved him. Now I feel that I must leave
him, both for his sake as well as mine. I have met my real
partner. My mind is made up, but I become filled with
doubts and fears about my decision, and I ask advice from all
and sundry. Their advice is usually contrary to my decision,
but nevertheless I still keep on asking.” cerato her type
Remedy was prescribed. She took the Remedy for three
months. After that time she explained the situation to her
husband who was a very understanding man. He granted her
the divorce, and wished her happiness in her future life.

In the case histories cited above, CERATO enabled all of the

persons concerned to arrive at a decision by ihemselves. Each
developed the confidence to trust his or her decision, and each
relied upon his or her judgement, regardless of what other people
said or thought, p.m.c.


Keywords: Desperation; fear of losing control of the mind;

dread of doing some frightful thing

This Remedy is for the desperation and deep depres¬

sion of those on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It is
for those who in their despair contemplate turning to
suicide as an escape. Here is a typical statement from a
patient: ‘T lost my husband recently and ever since I
have had a dreadful depression and a fear of the future.
What is the worst of all, I have a terrible desire to end
it all with an overdose.” Another patient wrote to say:
‘T feel that I shall go out of my mind to the point of
suicide.” Such is the despairing and depressed attitude
of persons who have undergone long continued mental
torture or physical sufTering. The distress becomes so
great, that they fear the mind will give way under the
strain. They fear that they will lose control of their
thoughts or actions, and be impelled to do something
dreadful or to commit an act which in happier times
they would not consider for a moment. One wrote:
. I have an irresistible impulse at times to do my
husband or my child an injury.” There are also those
who dread the thought of insanity, who fear that they
might be going insane, as did the patient who wrote:
. a dreadful state of depression and a disturbed
mind ... I do not know how to go on, and I can no
longer see my way out. It would be terrible to be shut
up in an asylum.” Yet again: ‘T have a feeling that I

am going Vound the bend’, that I am going ‘up the

wall’.” And saddest and most dangerous of all, the
patient who wrote and said that he had: “violent,
almost murderous impulses which suddenly sweep
across my mind. They result in my doing such things
as pacing up and down, running, shadow-boxing
mentally to settle an old score. I do not ordinarily feel
like this.”
The positive aspect is seen in the calm quiet courage
and endurance of the prisoner of war for instance, who
is undergoing mental and physical tortures, and who
yet can retain his sanity.

Case Histories

Woman, elderly. She was recovering from a long illness

and had invited a friend to come to stay with her. However,
she found out that she could not get along with her. She then
became very abusive toward her friend. She would strike out
at her and shout hysterically. This was quite unlike her nor¬
mal behaviour. Her friend left her, but this attitude con¬
tinued toward all people with whom she came into contact
and in fact became worse, cherry plum the type Remedy was
prescribed for her lack of mental control. The result was
remarkably quick, for she had but one more of these attacks.
She was advised to continue to take the Remedy for another
two months in order to consolidate her improvement.
Child, age 3J years. The child was the twin of a much
stronger brother, and indeed he had not been expected to live
at birth, but he gradually grew stronger and survived. He
had frequent screaming fits, and would throw himself on the
floor, bang his head, and throw things about. He was con¬
stantly catching a cold, his appetite was poor, and he often
vomited after eating, cherry plum the type Remedy, was
prescribed to help him gain control over his feelings and
SCLERANTHUS to Steady down his variable moods. After four
months, his mother reported that he had become a normal
child. His general health improved, his appetite increased
and the vomiting ended, and he was no longer subject to the
screaming fits.
Man, middle age. He suffered greatly from sinusitis, and
often had intense pain. He was a person who moved quickly,
who was impatient and energetic, and these characteristics
were aggravated by the pain from which he suffered during
the attacks. He felt that he would go mad if he did not get
some relief and that quickly, cherry plum was prescribed as
the type Remedy for his desperate state of mind, together
with iMPATiENS for his extreme mental tension. These were
also prescribed as a hot fomentation for external application.
To his great surprise, the very first night he had a fine sleep,
and awoke to find the pain practically gone! He continued to
use the drops and the fomentations for a few days more, and
the condition was entirely cured. He has reported that after
several years he has had no return of the attacks, but that he
still takes the Remedies. He wrote: ‘T take the Remedies
every now and then, for I have grown in patience, and I wish
to continue in that condition,”
Man, age 30. He came out of World War II suffering from
shell-shock, and was very sensitive and high-strung. He had
served through the entire war in the Air Force as a pilot, and
the strain had just been too much for him. He had been given
both drug and shock treatments, but neither of these had
helped much. When he applied to us for treatment, he said
that he was terrified that he might put an end to himself, and
that he had an almost uncontrollable impulse to seize any
knife or sharp instrument and “end it all”. He slept little, and
when he did, he had bad nightmares. He had lost his appe¬
tite, and was restless, thin and pale, cherry plum the type
Remedy was prescribed for his desire to commit suicide. He
took this medicine for a period of over two months. Gradu¬
ally, during that time, he became less restless and the
nightmares were not as frequent; he began to regain his
appetite, rock rose was added to the basic Remedy for the
effect of shock, and he took this combination for another two
months. He continued to get better and better; although his

progress was slow, it was certain, and he continued the treat¬

ment for a total period of about nine months. The Remedies
were changed from time to time as his moods indicated the
need for other combinations, but cherry plum, the type
Remedy, was always included. At the end of the treatment,
he was a different man, and he had regained his calmness and
his confidence. He was able to return to his work; he ate and
slept well, and had put on weight and looked very fit and
healthy. He married, held a very responsible job and became
a most successful business man. This happened almost
twenty-three years ago, but there has never been even the
slightest sign of a relapse.
Woman, age 42. As a child and as a yotmg woman, she had
always been a bright and cheerful person. She was separated
from her husband who had been a cruel man. When she came
to us for treatment, she told us that she felt as if life held
nothing more for her, and that it was hardly worth while to
continue the struggle to go on living. She was in a highly
nervous condition and most excitable. She could not con¬
centrate well. Her mind seemed to whirl about, and at times
her body shook with involuntary tremors. She said that she
only felt safe in bed; there she remained, thinking about
suicide, and not going out of the house if she could avoid it.
CHERRY PLUM was prescribed for the type Remedy, because
of the loss of emotional control and the thoughts of suicide,
and CLEMATIS was added because of her lack of concentration,
and the fact that she lived in a dream world. Two months
later, she was well enough to leave the house to visit with her
friends. But the improvement was short-lived, and she felt
once again that she was going to pieces, that she lacked
energy, and that she was self-conscious, mimulus was added
to the basic prescription as an antidote to her fear and ner¬
vousness, and HORNBEAM to give her strength cf mind and
body. She next reported that the medicine was doing her
much good, and after taking it for another two months, she
was able to write that she felt well again. She had found a
good job, and she had regained her happy, cheerful outlook
on hfe.
Woman, young, married. She had suffered from a nervous
breakdown. Just before she was married, the chair on which
she was about to sit was pulled from under her, as a joke, and
she fell heavily to the ground. Ever since that accident, she
wanted to hurt people, to scream, and to throw things about.
She had an obsessive fear of one certain person, and she was
terrified to go out of the house by herself, especially to do the
shopping. When she came to us, she was very tense and
depressed, cherry plum, the type Remedy was prescribed
for her desire to hurt others, for her fear of committing a
terrible act; rock rose for her terror of going out alone and
WHITE CHESTNUT to Calm her mind, and to help her gain
control of her thoughts. Within one month, she reported
feeling much more like her old self, and she found she was
able to go to church alone. Within three months, she was
able to concentrate on knitting, and even to enjoy it; she
could laugh and smile because her fears were subsiding. Then
she had a setback, and all of her fears returned once more.
CORSE for hopelessness and discouragement was added to the
basic Remedy of cherry plum. Progress toward better health
resumed, and she was able to enjoy a happy Christmas with
her family. She continued to take the medicine for a total of
seven months, by which time she had completely recovered.
Two years later she wrote to say that she had been happy and
well, and that to her great joy, she now had a fine new baby.


Keywords: Failure to learn by experience J lack of observation

in the lessons of life; hence the need of repetition

This is the Remedy for those people who tend to make

the same mistakes over and over again. They do not
seem to learn the lesson inherent in the experience.
This may be because of indifference, or from hurry and
inattention, or through lack of observation. Whatever
the cause may be, they tend to create the same errors
and to experience the same difficulties repeatedly.
Finally, they may gain sufficient wisdom to learn how
to deal successfully with such occurrences; only then
will they be free of them. The chestnut bud type tries
to forget the past, and there he is wholly unlike the
HONEYSUCKLE person who tries so hard to remember it!
This forgetting can be a good thing, but until the
lessons of the past mistakes are understood, the chest¬
nut BUD person has nothing to guide him for the
future, and nothing to help him in the present.
The positive aspect of this Remedy is reflected by
those persons who are keenly observant of all happen¬
ings, and especially of mistakes which occur. They
tend to keep their attention in the present, and they
gain knowledge and wisdom from every experience.
They watch and learn from others. Dr. Bach wrote of
CHESTNUT bud: “This Remedy is to help us to take full
advantage of our daily experiences, and to see our¬
selves, and our mistakes as others do.”

Case Histories

Woman, age 20, unmarried. She was a college student.

Every two or three months, she suffered from a very severe
cold which would last a week or more in each case. In talking
with her, it was discovered that she “welcomed” the cold,
and that she found it a relief from the pressure of her work in
college. She was filled with self-pity, and was completely
unable to understand why these colds should come as regu¬
larly as clockwork. The first prescription was clematis be¬
cause her interest was not really in her studies but rather in
daydreaming, and chicory because of her self-pity. The
colds were simply an escape from these conditions. That the
Remedies helped was proven by the fact that her next cold
was of only three days’ duration. She was given chestnut
BUD, the type Remedy alone, after the ground had been
prepared for it so to speak; she was very slow in realizing that
her interest did not lie in her studies. Actually, she was wast¬
ing her time in the University, and she should have looked
elsewhere to try to find congenial occupation. The results of
the second prescription were excellent; she wrote to say: “I
am leaving college for I realized that I must take up the work
which I always wanted to do: domestic science. I have just
become engaged to the perfect man. I feel wonderful, and I
have had no more colds.”
Woman, unmarried. She suffered from migraine head¬
aches and bilious attacks ever since her childhood. She was a
nurse by profession, and doing social work. She liked to
escape and be by herself whenever possible; once alone, she
became very sleepy, and lapsed into daydreams. She worried
over many things; her work, as well as the health of her best
friend. Though she blamed herself for all of her faults, she did
not associate them with the migraine headaches, clematis
was given as an antidote to her daydreams; agrimony for her
naturally worrying nature, which she did her best to hide;
PINE because she blamed herself unreasonably. She reported
in three weeks time; she felt better in herself and she worried
less about her friend, but she had had two very severe

migraine headaches. She had joined an art class, and she great¬
ly enjoyed it, but she could not understand why she should
have the headaches. The prescription was changed at this time
to CHESTNUT BUD, the type Remedy, because she was so slow to
learn that all of her life she had tried to escape from un¬
pleasant realities into a dreamland of her own making. The
next reports which we received were encouraging, and she
finally wrote to say: “I have had no further attacks of
migraine headaches nor of biliousness for the past three
months. I feel much better, and much more alive. I realize
that I had wanted to escape from my worries up to now, but
now I can look them straight in the face, and confront them.”
Woman, age 40, married. She had an ulcer on her right
leg which would not heal. Though the ulcer was painful and
prevented her from sleeping, she was of a placid nature, and
never complained. Various combinations of the Bach Reme¬
dies had been prescribed for her, but the ulcer would heal
only to break out again. She had become unhappy, dis¬
couraged and irritable. Finally chestnut bud was prescribed
for her; it was felt that there was something in her nature
that kept her from learning, and that was what caused the
same condition to recur time and time again, gentian was
added for the discouragement and for the depression her
failure to recover brought about. Her first report was en¬
couraging. She had no pain for three weeks; the ulcer was
definitely starting to heal, and she was sleeping better. The
same Remedies were repeated twice more, and after a period
of about four months, she reported that she was completely
healed. One year later she wrote to say that there had been
no recurrence.
Woman, age 76. For the past seven years, she had suffered
from tic douloureux during the winter. The attacks were so
painful that she could not touch her face without experienc¬
ing excruciating pain. She was in constant fear, day and
night, that an attack would occur. When she came to us for
treatment, she was discouraged and depressed. She herself
said that she must have something to learn, but that she was
apparently slow about learning it, because the attacks came
every year! She was given chestnut bud the type Remedy,
based upon her own remark about learning slowly; ROck
ROSE for her great fear of the attacks; gentian for depression
and discouragement. Three months later, she wrote to say:
“I have felt exceptionally well thus far through the autumn,
and I am hoping to go through the winter without an attack.”
She did not have an attack that winter, nor for that matter
any other winter. Two years later she wrote again to say that
the attacks had never recurred.
Woman, age 40, unmarried. She suffered from a periodic
eczema in both ears and this made her feel unclean; she also
suffered from headaches on one side of her head. She wrote:
“I make the same mistakes again and again. I never seem to
learn from experience, and each time that I make these
mistakes, my ears break out with eczema.” chestnut bud,
the type Remedy was prescribed because she was so slow to
learn and to profit from her mistakes; crab apple was added
for the sense of uncleanliness brought about by the eczema.
Her first report, one week later, indicated that her ears were
clearing up. Two months later, the eczema had disappeared
entirely, and she had no more headaches. Six months later
she wrote again to say that all was now fine, and that there
had been no recurrence of either the eczema or the headaches.
Man, middle age. He wrote to say that he had had an
accident, and although he was suffering from a concussion,
an X-ray showed no skull fracture. He was sent the rescue
REMEDY immediately for shock and the concussion. He wrote
again and said that his condition had improved within
twenty-four hours and added: “I have had an acid stomach
during various periods of my life and last year I suffered from
an inflamed colon. This has recurred several times. I have
responsibilities in my work, and I find that they are becoming
a strain because I make the same mistakes repeatedly. In
fact, when I look back upon it, I think that this may have
something to do with my abdominal condition. All of my life
I have been either slow of learning, or not observant enough,
so I have had to do things over and over again.” The
Remedies prescribed were; chestnut bud, the type Remedy

because of the need to repeat experiences; elm for the strain of

his work, and crab apple for his dislike of his physical
condition, and as a mental cleanser. The improvement was
gradual but seemed certain and then a setback occurred.
GENTIAN was added to the original Remedies to combat this
discouragement. Shortly thereafter, he wrote and reported
that he felt well for the first time in his hfe. One year later,
he wrote again to say that he had no further trouble, and that
he was feeling better than ever before.
Girl, age 8. She was a child who was very slow to learn her
lessons, and was always at the bottom of her class. Although
she was not a daydreamer, and she was a bright and happy
little girl, she was very careless about certain things. When
she left home, she had to be reminded to take pencil and
paper to school, and especially to look carefully before cross¬
ing a street. She was sometimes unaware of what was said to
her; it was almost as if it did not register. She was also afflicted
with a series of small boils. These caused her to be absent
from school often and to miss classes. The Remedies pre¬
scribed were: chestnut bud, the type Remedy for her slow¬
ness to learn; crab apple to cleanse her system of any toxins.
The first response was a physical one; the boils which she had
in her ears disappeared, and never returned. The Remedies
were taken over a long period. She gradually became more
observant, and her memory improved. She did much better
in school. Two years later, her mother wrote to say that she
had been very well physically. She was happy and loved at
school, and while she still did not stand too high in her class,
her grades were-at least passing, and the improvement was
great in every way.


Keywords: Possessiveness; self-love; self-pity

The desire to serve and to permit the free flow of self¬

less love is usually developed in most persons, but by
no means in all. In some people, the love aspect is
blocked in its outward flow, and is turned inward, to
the self. It is then that such an individual becomes
congested, mentally and physically, for outgiving love
has turned to grasping possessiveness, to an egoistic
concern. Such is the chicory type person; such an
emotional state of mind can be corrected by chicory.
A letter from a person who was subjected to the in¬
fluence of the CHICORY type reads: ‘‘She is an extreme
nagger who never rests. She is filled with self-pity and
the ‘nobody appreciates me’ attitude. Her feelings are
easily hurt, and she feels rejected. She is toxic with
mental and emotional poisons.” The chicory person
tends to become over-possessive of others. He likes to
keep those for whom he cares near to him, and to con¬
trol and direct their lives (usually to his advantage) as
well as to criticize their way of doing things. He enjoys
a sense of ownership, and the power that he gains over
others by playing upon their sympathy; he talks much
of “duty” especially the duty owed to him. A typical
remark of the chicory person is: “Think of what I
have been through for you; think of what I have done
for you.” When the chicory person cannot get his
own way, he becomes fretful, suffers martyrdom, and

if a woman, usually bursts into tears at the ingratitude

shown toward her. Another example from our files:
“She becomes very cross when she does not get the
attention she thinks is due her. She is given to a great
amount of self-pity, and is apt to become tearful when
she gets no sympathy. At the same time one is expected
to do everything that she says.” The chicory type
person may even simulate or invoke an illness in order
to keep friends and relatives waiting upon him and
sympathizing with his unfortunate plight. It so often
happens that children of domineering parents sacrifice
their lives uselessly for such tyrants, unless they have
the strength of character to break away from the
octopus-like affection which binds them. They often
forgo career or marriage to stay at home with such a
parent, and in this way, they do not fulfil their own
appointed mission in life; they become frustrated and
unhappy indeed! The characteristics of the chicory
type can occur in persons of all ages and of both sexes.
An example of this kind of juvenile blackmail was
found in a httle boy who disliked going to school. As
he lay in bed and demanded attention, he said: “I
could make myself better if I could stay at home!”
Another letter from a mother said: “My small son, age
five, is starting school and I feel that I can’t face the
lonely future. I shall miss him so much, the house will
be so quiet, it seems more than I can bear.” This is an
excellent example of purely selfish mother-love, and
constitutes the outer end of the spectrum of selfishness.
There was no thought that perhaps the child might be
nervous or excited at school the first day; the only
thought was that she might be distressed and lonely
without him. The chicory persons give the appearance
of doing everything possible for the happiness of others,
while in reality they do so in a manner that brings
neither peace nor rest to the unfortunate recipient of
their selfish devotions for they only sap their vitality.
They are the vampires of humanity who will stop at
nothing to gain their own egocentric ends.
The positive aspects of the chicory type person is
seen in one who is truly selfless in his care and concern
for others; one who gives unceasingly, without the
slightest thought of a return.

Case Histories

Child, age 6. She was a child who always wanted her own
way and instigated arguments because they drew attention
to her. She was a fussy child, critical and given to saying
unkind things, yet at times, when her true nature showed
itself, she could be most generous and cooperative. Her moods
were subject to sudden changes, chicory the type Remedy
was prescribed for her self-centeredness, together with
SCLERANTHUS for her changeable moods. Her parents reported
that good results were quite noticeable during the first few
days. After a longer period, they wrote to say that the most
remarkable changes had taken place in the child, and all
were for the better.
Woman, middle age, widowed. Her only son was about to
be married, and she suffered from extreme jealousy of her
future daughter-in-law. Her attitude toward her son had
always been most possessive, and now she was doing every¬
thing in her power to stop the marriage. She had developed
various ailments; she said that she could not be left alone; she
said that she would lose her house if he left her, and in any
case her life would be finished, chicory was prescribed as the
type Remedy for her egoism and possessive attitude, and
HOLLY for her jealousy. After taking the Remedies for about
two months, she did go to her son’s wedding, and gave them
her blessing. Nevertheless, it was a long while before she
could forgive her son “for leaving her”. She continued to take
the Remedies for almost two years. She then wrote to say that
she had made a new life for herself. She was now very fond of
her daughter-in-law, and oveijoyed with her grandchild.
Woman, age 6i. She was a chronic worrier with a most
negative outlook. She was critical of others, and always
wanted to be the center of attention. She was house-proud,
fussy about her garden and she could not stand being alone.
For that reason she always tried to keep friends or relatives
with her. When she applied to us for treatment, she was on
the verge of a nervous breakdown, and she had a suspected
duodenal ulcer, chicory the type Remedy was given for her
self-centred attitude; willow was given for her negative
outlook and for her resentment of the happiness of others.
After the first three weeks her family reported that she seemed
to be much more cheerful. At the end of the first month, they
wrote to say that “the improvement was marked and she was
physically much better”. After the second month they wrote
again to say: “She has become quite a different person in her
nature. She has also been very well physically, and the
suspected ulcer did not develop.”
Girl, age 9. Every Tuesday morning, she had such bad
headaches that she had to remain home from school. When
she was brought to us for treatment, it was discovered that
Tuesday was the day when the assignment was a composition,
and she was very bad at spelling. She disliked composition
intensely, and the headache provided the excuse not to attend
school on that day. The child was filled with self-pity. She
was a little girl who wanted affection and attention, and she
always tried to avoid unpleasantness, or doing anything
which she did not like to do. chicory the type Remedy was
prescribed for the self-pity and the need to be the center of
attention. Her mother was advised to send her to school
whether or not she had a headache. After two months, the
trouble had completely disappeared, and she became a per¬
fectly normal child. Now she is a fully mature young lady of
twenty-five, and for the last fifteen years she has never
reported having had another headache of that nature.
Woman, age 36. She was a professional singer. As a child
she had been without love in her home, and she was greedy
for affection and attention. She was filled with self-pity, and
jealous to the extreme. When she came to see us, she was
nearing total exhaustion, chicory was prescribed as the type
Remedy for her self-pity and egoism; cherry plum because
she had recently attempted suicide; holly because she ad¬
mittedly became ill with jealousy at the good fortune of her
two sisters. The response to the medicine was excellent. After
a period of six weeks she was able to say that she felt like
another person, and that her concert performances had been
better than ever before. As a result, she had signed a contract
to sing in an opera, and wanted another bottle of the medicine
“to see her through”.
Child, age 6. She always craved attention, and had to have
someone near her all the time. When she could not have her
own way, she became fretful. When she was brought to us,
she had had a sudden outbreak of a rash all over her body.
The rash produced blisters, and she looked as if she had been
burnt, chicory the type Remedy was prescribed for her fret¬
fulness and self-pity, and crab apple as a Remedy to cleanse
her system. After taking the medicine for a month, her
grandmother wrote and said: “The httle girl is quite well
now. The rash has entirely disappeared, and she is much
quieter and less fretful. She responded remarkably quickly,
and now she is a happy litde child.”


Keywords: Indifference; dreaminess; inattention; uncon¬


Dr. Bach said that the following symptoms were com¬

mon in varying degrees in the clematis types: a vacant,
faraway look; indifference; inattentiveness; preoccu¬
pation; dreaminess; drowsiness; as a rule they are
heavy sleepers, and often they have a marked pallor.
The CLEMATIS folk are daydreamers and they are absent
minded. They live more in their thoughts than in their
actions. They lack concentration because their interest
in things of the present, and often in life itself, is but
half-hearted. They avoid difficulties or unpleasantness
by allowing their attention to wander, and by with¬
drawing into a world of illusion and unreality. As one
patient remarked: ‘T withdraw into my own world, a
world of my own making, whenever there is something
unpleasant to face up to. I do it entirely automatically
now.” Whenever they become ill, they make little or
no effort to get well, because they have so slight an
interest in life. It is almost as if they wish to leave this
earth, perhaps to join some loved one who is dead, or
just because life does not come up to their expectations
on this material plane. This lack of cooperation or
effort to get well Dr. Bach called “a polite form of
suicide”. It was well named, because at times they
would rather die with a loved one than remain on
earth, and this is often the basis of suicide pacts. Un-

like the agrimony temperament who seeks companion¬

ship to relieve his distress, the clematis person prefers
to be alone with his thoughts. He is the opposite of the
VERVAIN type, for he is listless, apathetic and inatten¬
tive, while the vervain type is alert and full of interest.
The CLEMATIS folk have poor memories, because with
their thoughts far away, they seldom bother to listen
or to remember what has been said. They may even
pass a friend on the street without recognizing him
when they are wrapped up in their own dreams. This
lack of attention often affects the eyes and the ears, for
those organs are being used for inward seeing and
hearing only. For the same reason, the inattentive
withdrawal may well be the cause of accidents on the
street or on the highway. The clematis person needs
much sleep; he enjoys dozing, and he can fall asleep
almost anytime. Here is a typical statement: ‘T fall
asleep while answering questions or while talking with
a group of people. I almost invariably fall asleep when
I attend church, or a lecture.” The clematis type is
mediumistic and sensitive to all kinds of influences for
ill; he is impractical in everyday things. The clematis
state may occur in any of us at any time when the mind
is occupied with inner problems; joys or worries may
also withdraw our attention from the present situation.
clematis is the Remedy for fainting, coma, or for any
form of unconsciousness, for all such conditions indi¬
cate a ‘‘loss of interest”, whether enforced by circum¬
stances or not, in present conditions.
The positive aspects of the clematis type is seen in
those people who have a lively interest in all things,
and minds that are sensitive to inspiration. Among
these persons we find the practical idealist, the writer,
the artist, the actor, the healer; in short, we find one
who is master of his own thoughts, and who has great

zest in daily living because he can fully appreciate the

great purpose behind all of it.

Case Histories

Girl, age 12. The child had spots on her face. In spite of
the doctor’s assurance to her mother that they would even¬
tually disappear, the child was greatly distressed, and lacked
all confidence. She was a quiet, retiring child anyway, and
always a daydreamer. clematis the type Remedy was pre¬
scribed for her general condition and her dreaminess. The
child responded rapidly. She became much more lively, and
interested in her school as well as in her home. According to
her mother she became ‘‘almost eager” to do things. The
spots faded away completely after the second bottle of medi¬
cine had been taken.
Man, age 37. He was sent to us by the firm which employed
him, and in which he held an executive position of responsi¬
bility. During the last months, he had become indifferent
toward his work, and seemed to be quite unconcerned over
his failure to fulfil either his executive duties or his obliga¬
tions to the firm. His wife had died the year before. He told
us that he had always been a heavy sleeper, and had great
difficulty waking up in the morning. He had been having
difficulty concentrating on his work recently, but he seemed
to be perfectly complacent about the whole thing and
obviously he was not greatly interested in his daily affairs.
His utter unconcern toward possible failure, his general lack
of effort and his dreamy apathy indicated that clematis was
the type Remedy. He took the medicine for two months.
There was a steady improvement from the start, and the man
was able to continue his work with an increasing efficiency.
At the end of the two months, he had regained his normal
state of capability.
—Extract from Dr. Bach’s Case Records

Man, age 47. He had greatly overworked himself in the

city for a number of years. During the last three months he
suffered from an almost complete loss of memory. He was at
times unable to remember his street address or his telephone
number. He was sleepy during the day, and was indifferent
toward his work. Seven years before, he had suffered a
shattering domestic tragedy. His expression was vacant. He
was completely apathetic and resigned to the fact that he had
become useless. It was only with difficulty that his friends
could persuade him to seek medical advice. For this apathy,
the drowsy state and the absence of all interests, clematis,
the type Remedy was prescribed. He took this for two months.
Rapid improvement occurred, and he was able to resume his
business and to work well. He was without the Remedy for
one month, and there was a relapse. He resumed the medicine
which he took for another two months, and since then the
patient has remained well.
—Extract from Dr, Bach’s Case Records

Man, age 38. He suffered from a temporary loss of interest

in his work which was to rehabilitate maladjusted youths. He
was by nature a keen and energetic young man, but he had
qeen overworking, and when he came to see us he was sleepy,
tired and depressed. His work had been badly affected, and
he had received unfavourable reports from his superior. He
hardly ever felt well and had catarrh in his throat which, as
he said, “makes me feel unclean”, clematis the type Remedy
was prescribed for his loss of interest and for his sleepiness
(which was only an escape from his work, which for the time
being he disliked); crab apple for the feeling of uncleanness
induced by the catarrh. He continued to take the Remedies
for four months, at which time he was greatly improved. He
had regained his eagerness and interest in his work and the
catarrh had completely disappeared.
Woman, age 67, She was a typist. She said that all of her
life she had been a daydreamer, even when she was working.
In her leisure time she would doze off to sleep in her apart¬
ment, and awake to find that she had not done her house¬
work. Loud noises or crying children disturbed her thoughts
and tranquillity. All of her fife she suffered gfeatly from
chilblains on her hands and feet, even during the summer
months. Since she tried to withdraw from the present con¬
ditions, it is not to be wondered that her circulation was
poor! The withdrawal into a dreamworld caused a stagna¬
tion, both mental and physical, clematis the type Remedy
was prescribed for her desire to withdraw from reality and to
live in a world of her own making; centaury was added to
give her the strength needed to overcome the desire to escape
from reality and the present. She started treatment in
October. Though the weather was cold, she had only one bad
chilblain on her big toe; otherwise, her hands and feet were
not affected. She continued to take the Remedies, and in
December she reported that she had some chilblains but that
they were not nearly as bad as in former years, and that they
were subsiding rapidly. She continued to take the medicine,
and the next February she wrote to say that she could see
great improvement in her hands and feet; she said: “I can
work without gloves, a thing that I never dared to do before.
My daydreams do not trouble me now.” Two years later she
wrote again to say: ‘T am remarkably well in every way.
The chilblains have never returned.”


Keywords: The cleansing Remedy; despondency; despair

Crab Apple is the Remedy which cleanses the mind or

the body of that which it dislikes, and that which fills
it with despair and disgust. It is the Remedy which
restores to us our sense of proportion. There are times
when some negative quality in our natures may give
us a feeling of disgust or uncleanness. We may have
said something that was unkind, or have done some
cruel thing which was contrary to our true nature;
some habit which we are unable to break may make us
feel unclean mentally, crab apple helps us to see that
when a difficulty has been recognized, it is already well
on the way towards being totally eradicated. It might
also be that some physical condition such as eczema, a
rash, a blemish, a wart, a spot, a growth or a mole
might also make us feel unclean. These are the condi¬
tions for which crab apple should be prescribed. It is
the answer to the patient who wrote to us saying: ‘T
feel as if I want the same treatment that you give to
the radiator of your car when you find it stopped up
with rusty water.” crab apple is also useful for over¬
concentration of thought on some trivial matter, on
something that is of no real importance, but which
nevertheless occupies our minds and our thoughts to
the exclusion of things of much greater import. An
example is that of the mother who is more concerned
that the children wipe their muddy shoes before coming

into the house, than she is about their wet feet and
the possibility of their catching cold. It is also for those
persons who “have a bee in their bonnet”; for those
who come for medical help, and report a spot on the
face, but forget to mention a painful lumbago.
Actually, these kind of people feel things so strongly
that they become depressed and despondent with any
treatment which does not quickly result in a cure. The
Remedy is valuable for both internal and external use,
for it can be used as a lotion, a compress or a hot
fomentation. It can also be added to the normal bath;
six drops of the prepared medicine is usually sufficient
for the average-sized tub.
The positive aspect of grab apple is seen in those
people who maintain complete control of their
thoughts, and who have the wisdom to see things in
their correct proportions. They are broadminded
people who do not dwell upon trifles, and who realize
that any manifestation of a physical disorder is due
to an inner disharmony; thus it is within their own
power to transmute it into harmony.

Case Histories

Woman, age 40. When she came to us, she had suffered for
many months with a rash on her hands. Small hard lumps
had appeared at the base of the fingers. The irritation was
intense, and became worse when she felt nervous or tense.
She was a kind woman, and normally a happy one. She was
house-proud, and inclined to worry about trifles; things
tended “to get on top of her” and she seldom found time to
relax. The rash made her nervous about preparing the food
for the family, and made her feel “unclean”, crab apple the
type Remedy was prescribed for her over-concentration on
trivia, as well as for feeling of being unclean; vervain was
added to help her to relax and take things easy. Three weeks
after starting the treatment, she reported that the rash and
the irritation had ceased, and that the lumps were softening
and starting to disappear. She added that for as long as she
could remember she suffered from constipation; now, much
to her surprise, the Remedies had given her complete relief
from that trouble. She also said that she no longer worried
about the house, and that was “a great relief, as I seem to
have so much more time for other things”. One month later
she wrote again to say that her skin was now soft and healthy,
the lumps had vanished, and she was no longer troubled with
constipation. She said that she looked and felt at least twenty
years younger.
Woman, age 65. Her work was to go to the homes of
elderly people, to help them with the housework. She wrote:
“Seeing so much distress, so much filth and dirt, has weighed
on my mind, and I feel dirty too. I seem to concentrate on
dust and dirt, and to look for it everywhere, even when there
is no necessity to do so.” crab apple the type Remedy was
prescribed both orally, and as a lotion which she was told to
put into her bath. Within two weeks, she wrote again to say
that there had been a great improvement, and that now,
quite often, she was able to shift her thoughts to happier
things. She was not entirely cured, however. She continued
to take the medicine for another two months when she wrote
again to say: “It is wonderful to have clean and happy
thoughts again.”
Woman, age 70, married. By nature she was an active
woman, and impatient with slowness in others, with noise,
or with untidiness. When she applied to us, she was about to
move into a new house. Her chief difficulty seemed to be a
dislike of herself; she felt that there was much about herself
that needed to be cleansed. She suffered from chronic
bronchitis and a pain in the left side of the chest, as well as
asthmatic breathlessness, crab apple the type Remedy was
prescribed for the need she felt to be cleansed; Impatiens for
her impatient and tense temperament. After the first month,
she reported an improvement in the bronchitis, and a
lessening of the chest pain. Next month she wrote again to
say that there had been a definite improvement in her tem¬
perament. In spite of the annoyance of moving into a new
house, she had remained quite calm about it, but she added
that she felt tired, hornbeam was added to the original
prescription to give her strength. Five months after the start
of the first treatment, she wrote again to say that she was
better in every way. The chest pains had lessened greatly;
the breathlessness was a thing of the past, and she felt quiet
and assured.
Boy, age 12. For the past year he had suffered from fits and
fainting attacks. He had been working very hard at school to
stand at the head of his class. Before the attacks started he
had been well and happy, but now he suffered from frequent
headaches, and had become very irritable. He had been fond
of running, but since the first attack occurred during a cross¬
country run, he had been forced to give up that sport. He had
a very violent reaction to the drugs which were given to him;
the attacks increased, he had double vision, and he started to
lose the use of his right arm. It was then discovered that he
suffered from infected tonsils which the doctors felt were res¬
ponsible for his frequent head colds. The tonsils were
removed; his general health improved slightly, but the
fainting fits continued. He was given more medication with
the result that the attacks recommenced and he lost his
memory. The medication was changed again, and this time
the drugs affected his speech, and caused him to fall into a
deep sleep. He was getting more worried and more irritable,
so medication was finally suspended, and he felt better with¬
out it. Then it was that his parents sought the help of the
Bach Remedies, and he was brought to consult with us. It
was our opinion that the first step should be clear to his
system of the toxic effects of the medication which he had
been given. To this end, crab apple was prescribed as the
cleansing agent; clematis was added for the loss of memory
and the “escape from the present” that occurred during the
attacks; rock rose was added to combat his fear of the fits
returning. After taking the Remedies for one month, he
wrote to his mother from his school that he was getting much
better, and his mother added in her letter to us that the whole
tone of his letter was much more alive. Two months later she
reported to say: “He is very much better, and working for
his college entrance examinations, but he is worried about his
loss of memory. He has had no more attacks.’’ white chest¬
nut was added to the basic prescription to help him over¬
come any worry either about the possible loss of memory, or
forthcoming examinations. One month later his mother wrote
again and said: “His headmaster describes the result as a
miracle. He has made a remarkable recovery, and he has
even been doing cross-country runs again with no ill effects
at all. He is practically normal now.” The Remedies were
continued for another two months, and since that time there
has been no recurrence of any trouble.
Woman, age 63. She had separated from her husband a
few years before, and she was still very resentful toward him.
Though she had had two operations, and was under constant
medical supervision, a chronic uterine discharge persisted,
and this gave her a feeling of self-disgust. When she came to
consult with us, she was impatient and irritable, crab apple
was prescribed for her feeling of self-disgust; willow for her
continuing resentment toward her husband; impatiens for
her irritability. Her first reaction to the Remedies was an
emotional one; she became decidedly less irritated, and
despite the fact that the discharge persisted, she accepted the
fact more philosophically. She continued to take the Reme¬
dies for six months, at which time she wrote to say: “I am
cured of the discharge after thirty years! I am more con¬
tented, I keep myself busy and active, and I have many
interests in life.”
Woman, age 43, single. Outwardly she appeared to be a
cheerful and friendly woman, but she concealed her true
sentiments from others. Inwardly, she held feelings of self-
loathing because of a bad psoriasis on her face, neck and ears.
She had this condition for many years, and no treatment had
helped it. Recently she had been told at the place where she
worked “not to show her face there again”. This cutting
remark was a cruel shock to her. The Remedies prescribed
were: crab apple because of the feeling of uncleanliness;
AGRIMONY, her type Remedy, because she was of a friendly,
cheerful disposition; star of Bethlehem for the shock she
had received. She was also advised to bathe her face with
milk in which some drops of the medicine had been mixed.
After two weeks she wrote: “The results are wonderful in
every way. The skin is not so irritated and the flaking is less.
The milk lotion has worked wonders. I am going back to
work again, and I am much calmer now.” The Remedies
were continued for another three months, during which time
she suffered one setback which was due to worry and stress
because she became depressed and discouraged, gentian was
added to the basic prescription for the discouragement.
Improvement was certain and rapid after that. She finally
wrote to us to say: “It has been a very long time since I felt
so well or since my skin has looked so well. You can realize
how confident I am now when I tell you that I am going to
the United States to work.”


Keywords: Occasional feelings of inadequacy; despondency;

exhaustion from over-striving for perfection

This Remedy, which is made from the flowers of the

Elm tree, is for those who at times feel overwhelmed
by the responsibilities and scope of their work. There
are times when one feels that the results of his efforts
are inadequate, and this brings about a state of
despondency and exhaustion. The elm type persons
are very capable, efficient, and intuitive. They often
hold positions of importance. They may be key men in
industry. Ministers of State, physicians, teachers,
nurses. In every case they invariably have others de¬
pendent upon their decisions, whether it concerns
matters of State, or being the head of the family. All
of those persons who hold positions of trust because of
their ability, their wisdom, or their soundness fall into
this class. Decisions of importance depend upon their
advice, and they may even be the only persons suited
to certain jobs; they come near to being indispensible
in whatever capacity they serve. The elm folk know
that they have capability to do all that is required of
them, and to do it well. They have chosen their work
in life, and they are well aware that it is their mission.
Yet there may be occasions when the very magnitude
of the responsibility causes them to feel that it is
humanly impossible for one person to assume it. At
this crucial moment they could feel that they are not

equal to the job. This is the moment when they might

fail, and in failing, bring about a catastrophic condi¬
tion which could result in untold distress and hardship
to others. Any momentary doubt of their own abilities
leaves them feeling weak and exhausted. Fortunately,
this feeling of despondency does not last long. They
are quick to recover their stability because of their
inner conviction that they have been chosen for this
particular type of work, and they will always be given
strength and wisdom to achieve the task. The elm
exhaustion differs greatly from the two other types,
hornbeam and olive. The hornbeam person suffers
fatigue through a dislike for the work he is doing, while
the olive type is worn out by long and continued suf¬
fering or stress. Always bear in mind that the elm
exhaustion is temporary \ it is a momentary faltering
of self-confidence, but, during this brief moment
judgement can be dulled, wisdom overclouded and
experience forgotten.
The positive aspects of the elm character are mani¬
fest most of the time; outstanding among them are
self-assurance and confidence. These virtues are the
result of an unshakable inner conviction that help will
always be forthcoming when needed. It is another
praiseworthy aspect of the elm folk’s character that
their powerful abilities are generally directed toward
the safety, the welfare or the betterment of others.

Case Histories

Man, middle age. He was a clergyman. For some time he

had suffered from bronchial trouble, and he had lost confi¬
dence in his ability to resume the trying duties of a large
parish. He felt that he was inadequate, and he had become
very depressed, elm the type Remedy, taken alone for a
month restored him to his usual cheerful self, and gave him
the confidence and strength to resume all of his normal duties.
Woman, age 45. When she applied to us for treatment, she
was suffering from acute nervous tension and was taking
drugs for insomnia. She held a responsible job, and had a
large staff under her. The pressure of the work had been
heavy. Although she knew that she could cope with it, she
was beginning to feel that perhaps it was too much for her.
This thought depressed and exhausted her. elm the type
Remedy was given to counteract the belief that her tasks
were beyond her strength; water violet because she was
naturally a quiet, efficient and capable person. After two
weeks she reported: “The effect was immediate. The nervous
tension lessened at once and in a few days it disappeared. I
stopped taking any drugs for insomnia and after the first few
nights I have slept normally. I am now well, and once again
I know what the joy of living is.”
Woman, age 38, married. She was the mother of five
children, and was left to care for them after the sudden death
of her husband. Although she was a very capable housewife
and mother, she told us that she felt that she could not look
after her children and educate them; she felt the responsi¬
bility was too great, and she was in a very deep state of
depression. She was given elm the type Remedy, to fortify
her with the knowledge that she would be helped to do all that
was necessary, and star of Bethlehem for the shock of her
husband’s death. She took the medicine for two months. By
that time she was able to resolve her problems efficiently, and
the depression had left her. As she said, she had no time to
think about herself.
Man, age 65. He was a very successful Bach practitioner,
and was busy all day long treating patients. He suddenly felt
overwhelmed by his work; he felt that he could no longer
cope with all that he had to do. This brought on a state of
exhaustion, and depressed him greatly, because he loved his
work. ELM the type Remedy was prescribed for the temporary
state of mind occasioned by the belief that he could no longer
do his work. One bottle of the Remedy restored him com¬
pletely within two weeks.
Woman, age 50, unmarried. She was a very capable and
efficient woman who held a position of responsibility. Since
her childhood, she had always suffered from insomnia. She
had consulted with many physicians over the years, but
without results. When she came to see us, she was always
tired, and felt as if she could not go through her day’s work.
ELM the type Remedy was prescribed for her confidence and
ability; hornbeam to give her strength to do her daily work.
Within a short period she was able to write: “The Remedies
worked almost immediately and I felt greatly relaxed for the
first time in years. After the first week I was able to sleep the
night through without taking any pills, and I feel that I do
not need them any more. I could hardly dare believe what
had happened. Now that I am well, I know what happiness
means! It is almost too good to believe!”
Woman, young, married. She had three children, and
wanted more, but she was suffering from extreme exhaus¬
tion which no treatment that she had undertaken could
help. She felt heavy upon awakening, and all day long
she was sleepy and unrefreshed. She was a person with a
great sense of responsibility, and she became very worried
that she would be unable to look after her family as she felt
she should, elm the type Remedy was given for her great
sense of responsibihty; olive for her exhaustion. Within six
weeks she had recovered and was able to write: ‘T have never
felt so well in my life before.” The next year she wrote again
to inform us that she had given birth to a baby boy.
Man, middle age. He was a highly sensitive and dynamic
person. He was working at a high creative level, and demands
were heavy upon him. He had acute attacks of bronchitis,
and when he applied to us, he was suffering from utter
exhaustion, elm was the type Remedy prescribed, so that he
might be able to continue the exceptional work to which he
was dedicated, work which threatened to devitalize and
overwhelm him at times; olive was added for mental and
physical exhaustion; vervain for his enthusiastic and active
mind. He took this medicine for quite a long time. Eventually
his health was so improved that he could carry on with
his exacting work according to his own high standards.
Woman, age 50. She was the headmistress of a school, a
position of heavy responsibilities. She wrote to us saying: “I
can cope with the larger things of life better than with the
smaller. I was called upon to assume heavy obligations at an
early age, but now, at times, the responsibilities of the school
seem to overwhelm me.” She was a most conscientious and
thorough person in her work. She suffered from varicose
veins, a condition made worse by the long hours of standing
her work required, elm the type Remedy was prescribed
because she felt that her task was beginning to overwhelm
her; hornbeam was added to give her strength for her daily
work. After taking the medicine for four weeks, she wrote:
“My changed outlook is unbelievable. I never thought it
possible to regain the clear untarnished thoughts of my
earlier years! The veins in my legs do not ache as much as
they did before.” She continued to take the Remedies for
some time longer. She then changed to another school where
she was not required to stand so much, and where she had
more opportunity to rest. Although the varicose veins never
entirely disappeared, the pain went and never returned


K^words: Doubt; depression; discouragement

Gentian is the Remedy for those whose outlook is

negative and who suffer from deep depressions and
dark melancholia. It has been said of the gentian type
that ‘‘He wouldn’t be happy if he was happy”. The
GENTIAN folk are easily discouraged when things go
wrong or when they are faced with difficulties. They
falter and become despondent at setbacks, whether
from an illness or from the affairs of daily living. They
refuse to believe that it is their own lack of faith and
understanding which prevents them from overcoming
difficulties they believe to be insurmountable. They
fail to understand that their own negative state of mind
attracts those very conditions. The depression a gen¬
tian person experiences is always from a known cause.
Thus it differs from the intense gloom of mustard
which descends upon a person with no apparent reason.
GENTIAN is a valuable Remedy to use in any illness
where there has been a setback that discouraged the
patient. It is also useful for children who have become
discouraged by their examinations or schoolwork.
The positive side of the gentian nature is fine indeed.
Such people understand that there is no failure when
one is doing his utmost, whatever the apparent results
may be. They know that there is no obstacle too great,
nor any task too big to be undertaken with the convic¬
tion that it can be accomplished.

Case Histories

Woman, age 50. Following a hysterectomy, she felt over¬

tired and suffered from acute attacks of depression whenever
anything went wrong. She said that she “felt like a fool to be
so discouraged”, gentian was prescribed for the depression,
and olive for the weariness. Within a month, she reported
that she had no more attacks of depression, and that she felt
better in every way,
Man, age 39. He had suffered from asthma since babyhood
and throughout his entire life. He had tried many forms of
treatment, and now, when he came to us, he was very dis¬
couraged, and was resigned to life-long suffering. When
the attacks were severe, they lasted about three days. He
worried, secretly, that he might lose his job through the ill¬
ness; he was a widower with one small son. Although, as he
said, he had strong doubts that the Remedies could help him,
he nevertheless decided to give them a try. The Remedies
prescribed were: gentian the type Remedy for his pessimis¬
tic and negative outlook; agrimony for his efforts to hide his
worries about his condition; wild rose for resignation to
his condition. He took the Remedies for three months. To his
surprise and delight, he suffered only one severe attack during
the time, and that was at the start of the treatment; he still
had occasional difficulty breathing at night, but he was
sleeping much better. At the end of another three month
period, six months from the time that he started the treat¬
ment all asthmatic attacks had stopped, and never recur¬
red. He was in good health, and sleeping normally again,
Man, age 40, Following a nervous breakdown five years
before, he had periods of extreme nervous tension, and
attacks of depression. He became easily discouraged, and
expected things to go wrong. He felt very nervous and that
“everything depended on him”, gentian was prescribed for
the depression and the discouragment; mimulus for the
nervousness and anxiety. At the end of two months, he
reported that his life was now much brighter, and that he was
able to deal with his problems.
Woman, age 51, married. She had been a patient in a
psychiatric hospital suffering from melancholia. Her husband
wrote to us and said that since her release she had improved,
but she still suffered from depressions and anxiety. He went
on to say that she was very weak, without an appetite, and
that she slept badly, gentian was prescribed for the depres¬
sion and melancholia; rock rose for her fears; hornbeam for
her low vitality. After one month, the husband wrote again to
say that she had made very good progress; physically she was
much stronger, and was able to her housework. He also
reported that though she was not able to concentrate fully,
her memory had greatly improved, her depressions were less
and her appetite had returned. After another month, he wrote
to say: “She is her old, cheerful self once more.”
Man, age 72, a retired army Major. He had had Meniere’s
disease fourteen years before he wrote to us, but he had a
spontaneous remission, and the effects disappeared by them¬
selves. Now, the disease had returned; he wrote: “I find my
life miserable. I am unable to risk going anywhere. Between
attacks, I believe that the disease has gone for good, but when
they return, I am down in the depths again. I have become
very fearful of these attacks.” gentian was prescribed for
his despondency; aspen for his apprehensiveness; scleran-
THUS for his indecision, which, incidentally, was quite foreign
to his natural character. After a month, he was much brighter
in spirit, and he looked much better. He had one or two
threatened attacks, but they had not developed. Shordy
thereafter he wrote again to say that both the attacks as well
as the dizziness had definitely ceased. He said that he felt
and looked better, and was able to go out without fear of an
attack. Finally, he said, he was once again able to make
Man, age 62, a dental surgeon. He had digestive troubles
for over a year, with abdominal spasms, flatulence and
diarrhea. In spite of the assurance of his physician that his
condition was not serious, he could not bring himself to
believe it. He became depressed, worried and fearful. He lost
weight through constant worry, and imagined the worst.
When he felt well, he was buoyant, but when he was depressed,
felt that he was going to die. He had no pain after eating,
only much gas; he slept well in spite of everything, gentian
was prescribed for his depression and doubt; sgleranthus
for the alternating moods which swung from elation to
depression. The first report received from him indicated that
he felt very much better and that he was recovering some of
his composure. The next report stated that the flatulence had
greatly decreased, and that emotionally he felt much more
stable. His final letter indicated that he was very well; there
was no pain, no flatulence, and most important, no anxiety
about his health. He had returned to normal, physically and
Woman, middle age. She had become disheartened on
account of poor health. She suffered from poor circulation,
constipation, and she had a whitlow on the middle finger of
her left hand. There would be times when she would feel
slightly better, but then she would relapse and become dis¬
couraged again. Her outiook on life was gloomy, and her
thoughts were negative and depressed, gentian was pre¬
scribed for her depression and discouragement; white
chestnut for the negative and unpleasant thoughts which
continually circulated in her mind; crab apple as a cleanser
of mind and body. The whitlow soon cleared up, and the
constipation became much better. She continued to take the
Remedies for three months. When she visited us at that time,
she declared that she felt much better in herself. The con¬
stipation was no longer a problem, and she was beginning to
feel that life was worth living once again.
Woman, age 70, married. She lived with a sister-in-law
with whom she was wholly incompatible. By nature she was
a cheerful and contented person, but she became easily upset
and discouraged when anything went wrong. When we first
saw her, she had literally given up; she had lost interest in
life and lacked the strength to make an effort on her own
behalf. She pictured herself as an invalid, and it was with
difficulty that she could get up from a chair, or climb
the stairs, gentian was prescribed for her depression and
discouragement; wild rose for her lack of interest in life;
HORNBEAM to give her strength. Four weeks later she was able
to walk about the house and to climb the stairs alone. After
that she had improved still more, in body and mind, to the
joy of everybody near her. She had established a friendly
relationship with her sister-in-law, and she was again able to
do her full share of the housework.


Keywords: Hopelessness; despair

Gorse is for those who have lost heart and suffer from
hopelessness and despair after the failure of many
treatments to help them. It is for those who have been
told that there is nothing more that can be done and
who therefore feel that they must continue to bear
their pain and suffering for the rest of their lives. It is
for the person who feels that it is useless to try further
treatment, but just to please a relative or friend they
will “try once more”, although, as one patient said:
“I know that it will do no good.” The Remedy is also
of value in illness of long duration, especially in those
cases where progress has ceased after some improve¬
ment. GORSE is also very useful to give early in any
chronic case; it will give the patient a hope of recovery,
and that is the first step towards a cure. It should also
be used where the patient is convinced that some in¬
herited condition, or tendency, has condemned him to
a hfetime of suffering. Dr. Bach said of the gorse type:
“They are generally sallow, and rather dark of com¬
plexion, often with dark lines beneath their eyes. They
look as if they needed sunshine in their lives to drive
the clouds away.”
The positive aspect is found in those persons who
have a positive faith and hope, and a certainty that in
the end they can overcome all difficulties. They are not

influenced by their present mental and physical con¬

dition, nor by the advice or opinions of others.

Case Histories
Woman, age 52, married. During her interview, she said
that all during her life she had been inclined to look upon the
dark side of things. Now she was feehng utterly hopeless; she
had given up trying or even hoping to regain her health.
As a result of this negative outlook, she had suffered for years
from bronchitis and colds. At night, she had the feeling of
suffocation and a chronic cough; she could not sleep well,
and she generally awoke with a headache in the morning.
She had tried every cure that she had heard of without suc¬
cess, and she frankly stated that she had little confidence that
the Remedies could help her. gorse the type Remedy was
prescribed for her hopelessness; hornbeam to help her to
regain the strength to cope with life again. Her first report
was encouraging; she stated that she felt brighter and less
depressed, and that she saw a ray of hope. Her cough had
improved, and she felt less fatigued. The same Remedies were
given for the next two months. This time she wrote to say
that she was much more optimistic; the feeling of suffocation
had disappeared, and she was no longer fatigued. Further¬
more, for the first time in years, she was sleeping well. The
cough remained, but she felt that it was occurring at less
frequent intervals, vervain was added to the original
Remedies to reduce a tension and sense of strain occasioned
by her having to do her own housework, whether or not she
felt up to doing it. She took these Remedies for another two
months, when she wrote again to say: ‘T feel a different per¬
son altogether since I have been taking the Remedies.*’ She
went to Canada, and continued the treatment for another
five months. She wrote once more to say that she felt fine, and
that the cough had finally disappeared and none of the
former symptoms had returned.
Man, age 51. For the last twenty-eight years, he had suffered
from psoriasis on his legs, with irritation and scaling. This
affliction, which had been brought about by a period of
anxiety and worry, caused him great mental torture and
despair of ever being cured. He was inclined to be over-
serious by nature; although he did have a sense of humor,
he could not suppress a feeling of disgust engendered by the
disease. He was frankly hopeless of being cured, but to please
his wife he agreed to consult with us. gorse was prescribed
for the extreme hopelessness and the long duration and stub¬
bornness of the ailment; agrimony to combat the mental
torture the psoriasis caused him; crab apple for the self¬
disgust and as a cleanser of mind and body. Four weeks later,
he wrote and said: “I feel better in myself, and more hopeful.
My skin is less irritated than it has been for a long time and
the amount of scaling is negligible, while the sores are
decreasing in size.” Treatment was continued for six months,
after which time he was able to write: ‘T have never felt so
well in my life. It is almost impossible to believe that I have
been cured of my long-standing condition. I am getting
better each day.”
Man, middle age. He was a true pessimist who had never
expected much from life, and who was continually depressed.
Ten years before he consulted us, when he was in the Navy,
he suffered from* deeply cracked hands in the winter, and
scaly skin in the summer. These conditions had persisted
since that time, and he was quite despairing and hopeless
that a cure could be effected, gorse the type Remedy was
prescribed for his hopelessness; crab apple to cleanse his
mind and body. He reported that for the first two days he
was sleepy and listless, but that after that he began to feel
more active, gaining vitality. The hands began to heal, but
when the weather turned colder he suffered a setback which
discouraged him. The treatment was continued for another
month when he reported that he had “a feeling of general
fitness, a much more lively mind, and a total healing of my
hands.” The treatment was continued for another two months.
None of the symptoms have returned.
Man, middle age. He said to us that he had never really
felt well in his life. He suffered from numerous minor ailments
and from severe headaches which annoyed him greatly.
He had tried all kinds of treatments, but nothing seemed to
help. He said that he was only trying the Bach Remedies to
please his friends, that he himself had little faith that he
could be cured, gorse the type Remedy was prescribed for
his hopelessness; impatiens was added to counter his irrita¬
bility and annoyance. At first his progress was slow; after
some weeks, he said that the headaches, which he had all of
his life, were gone. In the following two months he made
slow progress but after that he wrote: “I have gained a sense
of humor and I get a lot of pleasure out of life because I feel
so well.”
Man, age 50. For years he had an agonizing pain and
swelling in his left hand which was almost unbearable, and
at times incapacitated him. He had become depressed and
hopeless after trying many treatments without any success.
At the urging of a friend, who had benefited from the Bach
Remedies, he consented to try them. He wrote saying: “I
cannot get any sleep at night which makes me very depressed
at times.” gorse the type Remedy was prescribed for his
hopelessness, and because of the long duration of the com¬
plaint. He was instructed to use the Remedy both orally and
as a lotion to bathe his hand with. He wrote again, after one
month, to say that he was feeling better; he could sleep again,
and the swelling on his hand was becoming less. He con¬
tinued the treatment, and after another two months he was
able to report: “I am feeling quite well now, thanks to your
treatment. All swelling and pain in my hand has gone.” The
treatment was continued for another month, but the
symptoms never returned.
Man, age 59. He contracted a serious double pneumonia
for which he was given penicillin. The doctor held out little
hope for his survival. During the crisis, his wife gave him
repeated doses of the rescue remedy* and he pulled through
the crisis and lived. When he called upon us for treatment,
he was in a very weak condition; his heart had been strained,
and his breath came in short gasps. He was coughing blood,
♦ For description of the Rescue Remedy and Case Histories, see Chapter 40.
and he felt hopeless and despairing, gorse was prescribed for
the despair and hopelessness; olive to give him courage and
strength after his grave illness. Within a few days he was able
to sit up for an hour at a time, and he increased the time
every day. His whole attitude had changed. He said that he
knew, now, that he would get well. He gained strength daily,
and the blood in the sputum was almost absent. He con¬
tinued the treatment for four months, at which time he had
completely recovered.
Man, age 63. For as long as he could remember, he had
always had a slight sinus trouble, but it had become in¬
creasingly worse during the last eighteen months. About nine
months before he applied to us for treatment, he had deve¬
loped a thrombosis in his left leg, and he had to be hospita¬
lized for some months. When he called us for treatment, he
was at home in bed because he could not walk. He said that
since his retirement, he had just gone to pieces. Now he was
hopeless, filled with despair, and fatigued, gorse the type
Remedy was given for his great hopelessness and despair.
Within three weeks, he reported that he was certainly feeling
better; he was sleeping well, and his appetite had returned.
GENTIAN was added to the original Remedy to give him fur¬
ther encouragement, and in another month he reported feel¬
ing wonderfully well. He was walking, although his knee was
stiff, and he had to have physical therapy for this condition.
Three months later, he was very well and felt an entirely
different person. He was anxious to resume his activities, and
his hopelessness was a thing of the past. His sinus no longer
bothered him, and his knee was perfectly well.
Mote: In every case, it will be observed that when the patient
began to feel brighter and happier, more hopeful and less depressed,
the body responded quickly, and the cure was assured, p.m.c.


Keywords: Self-centeredness; self-concern

Heather people are always concerned about them¬

selves. They are filled with their ailments, their prob¬
lems, and even the trivia of their day. They like to tell
others about their difficulties, and to discuss them
whenever they can. The heather type talks rapidly
and incessantly, always bringing the topic of conversa¬
tion to themselves. Here is a typical remark about a
heather person: “She must always be the center of
interest. At table, she always tries to steer the conversa¬
tion back to herself or to her house. Her grandchildren
make bets on how quickly she can turn the conversa¬
tion to herself!^’ Another wrote: “She talks to all and
sundry about her trials and tribulations.” The
HEATHER people like to come close to you, to speak into
your face, and for this reason Dr. Bach called them
“buttonholers”. Their excessive self-centeredness saps
the strength and vitality of their listeners, leaving them
completely exhausted. For this reason, they are often
shunned and avoided. It is difficult for their com¬
panions to escape from them, for they try to hinder
their departure. Since they take the vitality of others
and live on it, they dislike being alone and they be¬
come unhappy when they are by themselves. They fear
solitude for this reason. They do not suffer from self-
pity; rather they enjoy making mountains out of
molehills. They are poor listeners, and have little

interest in the problems of other persons. They are the

exact opposite of the agrimony type, who always try
to conceal their problems and never inflict them on
other people. The gentuary type, persons who are
easily influenced, are the special victims of the
HEATHER folk, for the former have not the strength of
will nor the wisdom to get up and walk away from
them. The heather type can completely deplete the
MiMULUS people also, for the latter are too nervous and
lacking in courage to make the break.
The description above is of the heather type per¬
son. Yet, there are times when most of us suffer from
the same state of mind, when we feel the need to talk
about ourselves and our problems, even though we
know that we may be boring our friendly listeners. This
is because we ourselves are depleted, and our troubles
become magnified and seem insurmountable. The
heather Remedy will soon restore our vitality, and we
shall be our normal selves once again.
The positive qualities of heather are found in the
selfless, understanding individual who has suffered so
greatly himself that he is very willing to listen to and
help others. Such a person can put his own difficulties
behind him and become absorbed in the problems of
others. He is unsparing in his efforts to help them.

Case Histories

This is an excerpt from a letter of the friend of a patient :

“She is staying with us at present. She appears terribly self-
centered and selfish. She cannot get away from herself for
long, and she talks all the time about her aches and pains.
This morning she told me at length that she had written a
letter the night before and it had tired her so much that she
expected to have a headache all the day. The curtains were
drawn in her room, and she had a shade over her eyes, but
she had no headache!” When we saw that patient, she gave
a long and detailed account of her symptoms both past and
present. She said that she lived a very lonely life because few
people came to see her, and when they did, they would never
stay long enoug h to listen to all of her troubles, or give her the
sympathy she needed, heather the type Remedy was pre¬
scribed, and there was an immediate improvement during
the first three weeks. She began gradually to take interest in
things around her. She made friends with a very busy
woman whom she helped with her children, the shopping
and in her home. Her health had improved beyond measure,
and after another month, she suffered from no further
Boy, age 17. He was about to take his examinations for the
University. He was a bright student who enjoyed his studies
and was also good at athletics. However, for the past year he
had been continually worrying about himself. He worried
about the examinations, his future, his health, until finally he
all but exhausted his family with his problems. He began to
have palpitations and insomnia and he had to tell everybody
about his troubles. Consequently he began to lose friends.
HEATHER the type Remedy was prescribed with good results.
He became more carefree and joined in cycling excursions
with his friends again; they enjoyed his company. In spite of
these gains, he remained nervous about the forthcoming
examinations, mimulus was added to the type Remedy to
allay his anxiety. Within two weeks he reported that he felt
much less nervous and was sleeping better. The palpitations
had evidently disappeared, since he made no mention of
them. He concluded by saying that he was sure he would be
successful with his examinations, and indeed he was.
Woman, age 65. She was retired, and completely absorbed
in her own troubles. She disliked being alone, and she was
continually anticipating disaster, heather was prescribed
for her self-absorption; aspen for her fears of unknown origin.
She took these Remedies for about six weeks. She then re¬
ported that she had lost not only her unfounded anxieties,
but most of her imaginary ailments as well.
Man, age 57. The year before coming to us, he had a
nervous breakdown, and in spite of various treatments, he had
not recovered from it. He was prone to talk about his various
symptoms and to give full details about his abnormal appe¬
tite, his constipation, his piles, and his mental and physica
fatigue. HEATHER the type Remedy was prescribed for his
self-concern; olive for his fatigue and exhaustion. Although
he felt better after the first month, he remained quite des¬
pairing about ever being cured; gorse was added to the
Remedies to correct this condition. The result was immediate;
he felt much better and started to do some part-time work.
The Remedies were repeated, but changed from time to time
as his state of mind changed; heather the type Remedy was
always included. After six months he reported that he was
completely cured, and that he was most grateful.
Man, age 60, a gardener. He was a great talker who would
buttonhole his friends in the street and tell them all about
himself, his ailments, and his past life ad nauseam. He sapped
the energy of those whom he could persuade to listen to him.
Though he lived alone, he much preferred to be with people
all of the time. He suffered from varicose veins, frequent
colds, constipation and a rash on his hands, heather the
type Remedy was prescribed for his self-concern. He took the
Remedy over a long period of time. Eventually, he was
greatly helped physically, but the change in his state of mind
was notable. He became interested in the problems of others,
and helped them in many ways. He was greatly liked in his
Woman, age 59, a housekeeper. She talked incessantly
about one of the boarders in the house where she worked.
Her attitude toward him amounted to an obsession, and she
related how he interfered with her work, and even sought to
destroy the pleasant relations she enjoyed with her employer.
Each time that she came to see us, she gave an account in
detail of every occurrence, repeating her stories time after
time. Consumed with deep resentment, she blamed the
boarder for the deterioration in her health. She had a painful
and chronic ulcer on her left ankle which troubled her greatly
and refused to heal, heather the type Remedy was pre¬
scribed for her excessive self-preoccupation; willow for her
great resentment. She was instructed to take these orally, and
an ointment for the ulcer was prepared as well. The treat¬
ment was continued for more than a year. At the end of that
time, the ulcer had healed completely and it never recurred;
but the greatest change took place within herself. She had
become a most understanding person, sympathetic toward
the point of view of others, and entirely free of any resent¬
Woman, age 48, married. She was a huge woman, greatly
overweight at about 175 pounds. She never ceased talking
about her physical complaints, which were many. Some of
these were: pains around the eyes; pain over the forehead;
cramps at night; frequent head colds; choking and vomiting;
sores on her nose and lips; hot flushes, and many other ail¬
ments too numerous to mention. She owned a shop, and so
had a ready-made audience in her customers. She feared
loneliness and felt a constant need to be with other people.
heather was given for her compulsion to talk about herself;
crab apple to cleanse her mind and body. After she had
taken the Remedies for six months, she showed a remarkable
improvement in her health. She had lost weight, and all of her
miseries had vanished! Much to her surprise, she found that
being without people around her did not make her feel
lonesome. In fact she “got away from it all” by taking her
dogs for long walks in the country.


Keywords: Hatred; envy; jealousy; suspicion

Holly could well be the most important of all the

Remedies, for it is the antidote for hatred! Hatred can
be considered as the fundamental cause of every diffi¬
culty in life, because it is the antithesis of love, and love
is the greatest force in the world, for God is love.
Hatred lies behind all the negative aspects of the hu¬
man character. It is impossible to be afraid, jealous,
intolerant or depressed if one truly loves, and feels
oneself loved, for ‘‘perfect love casts out all fear”.
Hatred is the absence of love, as darkness is the ab¬
sence of light. It separates one from God and man.
Hatred breeds insecurity, aggressiveness, jealousy,
envy and suspicion; it produces feelings of misunder¬
standing, bad-temper and anger toward one’s fellow
man, because it is contrary to the Unity of Being. Dr.
Bach said: “holly protects us from everything that is
not Universal Love.” Dr. Bach also made an observa¬
tion about the empirical use of holly and wild oat
when a case does not respond well to the Remedies
prescribed: “If ever a case suggests that it needs many
Remedies, or if ever a case does not respond to treat¬
ment, give either holly or wild oat, and it will then
be obvious which other Remedies may be required. In
all cases where the patient is of the active, intense type,
give HOLLY. In patients who are of the weak, despon¬
dent type, give wild oat.”

The positive aspects of holly are seen in those

people who can give without wanting anything in
return; in those who can be loving, tolerant and happy,
although they may have lost everything; in those who
can rejoice to see others take their rightful place. Such
persons can bear the vexations of life with understand¬
ing and tolerance.

Case Histories

Child, age 3. He felt that his new little sister was receiving
all of the attention, and that he had to play by himself. To
attract attention, he began to pinch and push the baby and
make her cry. When he was scolded, he would throw himself
on the floor and kick and scream, holly the type Remedy
was prescribed for the child’s jealousy. Within a few weeks
there had been a definite change in his attitude and actions
towards his little sister. He became so happy that his mother
had to caution him against singing too loudly and waking
the baby.
Man, age 65, widower, a retired army Colonel. Seven
years before we saw him, he had a cancer of the throat which
had been successfully operated on, and up to this time, had
not recurred. The Colonel was very devoted to his only
daughter. Although he liked her fiance, whom she planned
to marry soon, he dreaded the thought of her leaving home.
He became ill. In order to play upon his daughter’s sym¬
pathy, he would not eat, and he complained of his throat
continually. He also developed a jealous and intense disUke
for his daughter’s fianc6. His attitude caused his daughter
g^eat distress; she was torn between her duty toward her
father, and her love for her fiance. Her father refused to see a
doctor, because he feared that the cancer might have re¬
turned. He was referred to us for treatment, holly was pre¬
scribed for his jealous attitude toward the young man;
CHICORY for his possessive attitude towards his daughter.
One month later, the fianc6 wrote to us and said: “The
Colonel has made great strides in the right direction. He now
joins us in discussions about the forthcoming wedding. He is
much more like his old self. He is eating better, and alto¬
gether he has made a remarkable recovery.’’ His daughter
says that “it is simply amazing.” The Remedies were con¬
tinued for another month. The Colonel gave his daughter in
marriage and wished the young couple great happiness.
Since then he has been eating well, and has not complained
about his throat.
Man, middle age. When he applied to us for treatment, he
had a severe rash on his arms and hands. He was a hate-filled
man of violent temper, and had become depressed and
fatigued in his work which he thoroughly disliked, holly was
prescribed for his strong hatred; olive for his fatigue and lack
of interest; crab apple to cleanse him from the toxins of
hatred which caused the rash. Within two months, he wrote
to say: “I am so much better in every way; I sleep well and I
have regained an interest in my work. I have become much
more tolerant of my fellow workers. The rash has dis¬
appeared, although at times there is a little irritation.” One
month later, he wrote to say that the irritation had disap¬
peared entirely, and that he felt normal and well.
The following extract is from a letter written to us by a
wife, about her husband: “My husband has been a deep-sea
diver for thirty years. He worked on unexploded bombs and
shells in Plymouth Harbour during the war. He retired seven
years ago. These deep-sea divers all become ill due to
breathing compressed air whilst they are working in the dark
on the sea-bed. It makes them hard and cruel, as it did my
husband, who is by nature a kind and generous man. Now,
he is silent, and tormented by hatred. He has no feelings of
compassion for anyone who is in trouble or who is ill. He is of
course a very brave man, but he is filled with self-pity and
speaks of himself as ‘poor me’ quite frequently. He suffers
from claustrophobia, and he keeps all of the doors and win¬
dows in the house open, even in winter. He is always restless,
and cannot stop moving about, and he is very unsociable.”
HOLLY was prescribed for the hatred and hardness which was
against his nature; chicory for his self-pity; mimulus for his
fear of closed places. Within six months, he responded
excellendy. First he overcame the claustrophobia, and he
could remain in the house with the doors and the windows
closed. He became much calmer and happier and so pleasant
that finally his family wrote to say: “He has changed so very
much that we all love him, and like to be with him.”
Woman, age 73, a widow. She wrote to us saying: “I get
suddenly exhausted as if I had nothing at all inside me. I
think that it is due to my nasty thoughts. I am discontented
and not counting my blessings. I really hate my neighbor
who has such a happy life.” holly was given to overcome her
jealousy; olive for the fatigue. Two months later she was a
different woman. The fatigue had left, and she wrote to say:
“I am making a friend of my neighbor. I have found out
that she is such a nice woman, and so understanding.”


Keywords: Dwelling upon thoughts of the past; nostalgia;


Dr. Bach wrote of honeysuckle : “This is the Remedy

to remove from the mind the regrets and sorrows of the
past, to counteract all influences, all wishes and desires
of the past and to bring us back into the present. Living
in the past, as a state of mind, does not occur only in
the aged, though it is but natural that their thoughts
should return to pleasant memories of years gone by
and the friends and experiences of their youth.” It also
can be seen in the homesick youngster during his first
days at school or away from home, for he too dwells in
the past, though the past is not far removed in time.
During any period of unhappiness, boredom or sorrow,
the mind may revert to the memory of a lost friend, or
to ambitions which were never fulfilled. Under those
conditions an individual may lose interest in the
present, and he may make no effort to confront existing
difficulties; the body is left to struggle on in the present
moment, while the mind rehves the past and does not
contribute to the well-being of the body. This causes
an inharmonious state of near-stagnation, a definite
slowing down of the vital life forces. It has well been
called the “state of Lot’s wife”, for while the mind is
looking backward with fear, longing, or sadness, the
body is being consumed by the fire of the present, and
remains petrified in regard to the life which lies ahead.

A typical example is that of a soldier who, after the

war suffered from nervousness, depression and panic
because he could not forget his experiences in the
Battle of Crete. Another example is the patient who
said: ‘‘When my husband died, half of me died too.”
The Remedy honeysuckle also is prescribed for
nostalgia: a patient wrote: “We have moved into
another district. How I wish that we had never moved!
I have found out that I was happy where I was.”
There is a resemblance between honeysuckle and
CLEMATIS types, for neither is fully alive in the present
moment; the clematis state of mind is a dreamy one
with the hope of a better future, while that of honey¬
suckle lives in the past and holds a pessimistic outlook
both for the present and the future.
The positive aspect of honeysuckle is clearly seen
in those persons who retain the lesson taught by past
experiences, while allowing the experience itself to
pass out of their mind.

Case Histories

Woman, age 50. When she was a small child, her drunken
father had threatened to choke her, and ever since she had
suffered from the fear of choking and suffocation. The onset
of the climacteric had increased these fears, and she began
to feel that her throat was closing up. An JST-ray examination
showed no physical cause for the sensation. Although she was
cheerful and kind by nature, she nevertheless felt a deep
resentment toward her father, honeysuckle was prescribed
as the type Remedy, to counteract the childhood memories;
holly for the resentment she felt towards her father; rock
ROSE for her great fear of suffocation. Within three weeks she
was able to report that she could swallow normally and that
she had lost the sensation of having a tight band around her
throat. Two months later she wrote to say that she neither
resented her father, nor did she dwell upon the unpleasant
memories of her childhood any more; she did say however
that her throat never bothered her unless she was overtired.*
One month later, all symptoms had disappeared, and a friend
of hers wrote to say: “I have never seen such a change in
anyone in such a short time.”
Woman, middle age, a widow. Her husband had died
three years before she applied to us for treatment. After his
death, she began to suffer from periodic and severe attacks
of colitis. She wrote: am so depressed, and I miss my
husband so much. I feel that there is no more interest left in
life.” HONEYSUCKLE was prescribed for her thoughts of the
past, and loss of interest in the present; star of Bethlehem
to counteract the shock of her husband’s death, even though
his illness had been one of long duration. Her first report
indicated that she was less depressed and that the colitis had
ceased to trouble her; she seemed to have gained more interest
in life, and more vitality. She continued to take the Remedies
for another three months, when she wrote again to say that
she was cheerful, and that she was working; her stomach
trouble had not returned.
Woman, middle age, a nurse by profession. When she
applied to us for treatment, she was very tired, and felt
depressed. She liked her work at a County Hospital, but for
some years she suffered from catarrh. During her conversation
with us, it was discovered that while she was a probationer at
the same hospital, she would become very nervous when the
doctors made their rounds. She remembered that she always
had to blow her nose, and to clear her throat, honeysuckle
was prescribed, because we felt that the memory of those days
still persisted in spite of the fact that she was now an ex¬
perienced and efficient nurse; crab apple was added as a
cleanser of the mind and body. Much to her surprise, the
catarrh which had been termed chronic, cleared up within
three weeks, and never returned to trouble her again!
♦ Dr. Bach always said: “Never get overtired, never get cold, and never go
hungry.” These are conditions which affect the psychic system; especially in a
patient under treatment.
Woman, age 40, a widow. Three years before she came to
us for treatment, her husband had been hit by a truck, and
was fatally injured. She nursed him until his death. Shordy
after that, she herself suffered a fall, and although there were
no broken bones, one of her legs continued to ache. The pain
seemed to be most severe whenever her thoughts turned back
to her husband’s illness and death. She told us that she was
lonely and that she missed him greatly, and thoughts of their
happy years together would often enter her mind. She was
depressed, she suffered from continual headaches, and she
was sleeping badly, honeysuckle was the Remedy indicated
for the thoughts of the past; star of bethlehem for the long
lasting shock of her husband’s death; chicory for the effects
of self-pity. The next month she reported that she felt much
better and that she was brighter in spirit; she had much less
pain in her leg. She continued the Remedies for another two
months, when she wrote to say that she was now fine; she
was sleeping well again, she had no headaches, and all of the
pain had left her leg. The following year she wrote to say that
there had been no relapse, and that she was happily re¬
Man, age 46. His job called for long hours of tedious but
light work. The year before, he had a failure in business, and
as he said: “The memory of that keeps returning very often.”
He was tired and depressed, and he suffered from indigestion.
HONEYSUCKLE was prescribed for the memories of the past;
gentian for the depression. Emotionally, he responded well
to the Remedies, but he complained that they gave him a
rash on his chest. It was evident that the Remedies were
giving his system a thorough cleansing! crab apple was
added, and the rash quickly disappeared. After a long period
of time, he wrote to say that none of the symptoms had
Man, middle age, a placid person by nature. He told us
that he had lost his temper only once during fifteen years of
married life 1 He complained that he tossed about in his sleep,
and that he had troublesome dreams which he could not
recall. What he could remember concerned being confined in
a small space, and trying to fight his way out; this was an
actual experience from his childhood. His situation was
aggravated by the fact that the ship in which he had been
serving in the Korean war was hit by a bomb; he had been
blown to the deck below, and badly injured, honeysuckle
was prescribed to help him forget the events of the past;
AGRIMONY was his type Remedy, and that was added also.
The next month he wrote to say that he had been sleeping
better, and had only three disturbed nights since he started
the treatment. After another two months, he could write that
he felt fine; that he was again sleeping deeply and peace¬
fully, and that he was perfectly happy.
Woman, age 6o. She was referred to us by a physician. She
lived completely in the past, and wept and fretted about her
relatives who had died. She talked incessantly about them,
and of the happy times they had spent together, honey¬
suckle the type Remedy was prescribed. The effect was
immediate, and remarkable. She recovered completely
within one week.
Woman, age 40. During the past years when she had been
visiting with relatives, twice she had been called to help a
sudden illness in the night. Now she found that whenever she
was in a strange house she would awaken in fear, and it took
her some time before she could go back to sleep again.
HONEYSUCKLE was prescribed, because it was believed that
the fear was what might be called “a memory fear”; mimulus
was added to allay any actual fear that might come upon her.
Within two months she wrote to say: “The Remedies have
been most successful. I spent Christmas with relatives, and I
have been away on visits quite a number of times since then,
and I have slept well every night.”


Keywords: Tiredness; weariness; mental and physical ex¬


The weariness for which we prescribe hornbeam is,

properly speaking, a fatigue that asserts itself more in
the mind than in the body. There are times when a
person is assailed by the doubt that he has sufficient
strength or ability to face either hfe or his work; yet in
spite of that, he usually accomplished the task without
difficulty. At these times, hornbeam will fortify him
mentally and physically. In convalescence it helps
those patients who question whether they have the
physical strength to use their limbs, or to walk; it also
helps those who feel that they do not have sufficient
mental energy to return to work. In health, this
Remedy gives “backbone” to those who feel weary in
mind and body. There are those who say: “I feel more
tired getting up in the morning than when I go to bed”,
or “I often feel that I cannot cope with the things and
ideas that I have to deal with at the moment.” horn¬
beam is the Remedy for such people. Somebody
described hornbeam most aptly as “The Monday
morning Remedy”; indeed it is the Remedy for the
“morning after” feeling! hornbeam differs from the
weakness of the olive state of mind in that the latter is
the result of great mental and physical suffering or the
debility brought about by long illness. The hornbeam
tiredness on the other hand is a fatigue which often

passes away when the individual becomes interested in

his normal activities, and takes his mind off himself.
The positive aspect of hornbeam is reflected in those
who are certain of their own ability and strength, even
though their work might appear to be beyond their
capacities to achieve.

Case Histories

Woman, age 53, unmarried. She was the Headmistress of

a girls’ school, and was working under a great strain. Every
morning she would wake up feeling so tired that she felt she
would not be able to get through the day’s work. So intense
was this feeling that she was considering resigning her posi¬
tion. Her eyes were giving her much trouble as well, horn¬
beam was prescribed for the general feeling of tiredness;
SCLERANTHUS to help her come to a definite decision, for the
indecision was contributing to her emotional distress.
Improvement was rapid and definite. She reported that she
felt less fatigued, and that the eyestrain had decreased. She
continued the treatment for three months. At the end of that
time she wrote to say: “I am feeling very well again, and my
eyes trouble me only occasionally. Once again I have the
energy and the ability to carry out my work, and I do not
procrastinate as I used to do.”
Woman, age 50, married. She had become very irritable
and snappish, and she wondered whether she had the strength
to continue to look after her married daughter who was
expecting a baby in two weeks time. She did not feel that she
could face the extra work her daughter’s presence demanded.
Normally she was active and energetic, but now although she
still managed to do her housework, the very thought of it
tired her. She had developed sores between her toes, open
cracks which distressed her greatly, hornbeam was pre¬
scribed for the fatigue of mind and body; impatiens for her
irritability. Within three weeks she wrote to say: “The
medicine has acted like a miracle. I have become a different
creature within a few days! The baby has arrived and all
went happily and merrily! The toes are healing nicely.” She
wrote again in another month and said that she was really
well again, and that the condition of her toes had cleared up
Man, middle age, an Air Chief Marshal in the R.A.F. He
had been overworking, driving himself too hard for several
years. He now awoke in the mornings and felt that he would
never be able to face his day’s work, although somehow he
always was able to do it. He was suffering from varicose
veins, and that made standing difficult for him; an operation
was urged, but he wanted to try the Bach Remedies first.
HORNBEAM was prescribed to give him strength and vitality
for his work; it was also given to him as a lotion with which
to bathe his legs. He followed the treatment for some weeks
with good results. Now when he awakened in the morning,
he once again looked forward to the work of the day. After
three months more of the treatment, he found that he could
stand for long periods of time without discomfort, and the
swelling of the veins had subsided almost entirely, much to
the surprise of the surgeon! He was completely cured and no
operation was necessary. The condition did not return.
Woman, middle age, single. She stated that she was always
very tired. When she awoke in the morning, she felt as if she
could not get out of bed, and that she would never be able to
get her housework done. Her sleep was disturbed by night¬
mares. The year before, she had been in a major train acci¬
dent, and while she had not been injured, she suffered
greatly from shock and was now frightened of trains. Al¬
though she had started to feel tired before the accident, she
believed that if she could overcome the fatigue, all of her
other fears would disappear, hornbeam was prescribed for
the fatigue; star of bethlehem for the shock of the train
accident; honeysuckle to counteract the memory of the
wreck. The Remedies were also made up as a lotion which
she applied to her left hand which was painful and swollen
from a domestic accident. Within a month she reported to us
that she had taken a train to Edinburgh, and that much to
her surprise, she had not been as nervous as she expected to
be. She added that she felt better and more rested. The
Remedies were repeated, with the addition of crab apple
because she had a discharge from her right eye; an eye
specialist had told her that nothing but an operation could
cure the condition. Her next report was very good; her eye
was well, and the specialist now declared that an operation
was not needed. The pain in her hand had at first increased,
but now had vanished altogether. She was cured, and she had
no recurrence.
Man, age 62. He had lost his right arm as the result of an
accident while at work. Recently he had been sleeping badly;
he felt very weak, and doubted whether he could continue to
work. He was also suffering from indigestion and from a
depression which at times reached the point of utter hopeless¬
ness. HORNBEAM was prescribed to strengthen his mind and
body; corse for the feeling of hopelessness. The response was
rapid and notable. Within the first month he wrote: “I feel
my old self again. My appetite is good, and I am eating well
and am suffering no ill effects. I sleep well and restfully all
night through.”
Woman, age 29, married. She was a professional ballet
dancer. At the time she applied to us, she awakened each
morning tired mentally and physically, and wondered
whether she would be able to do her strenuous day’s work;
she was beginning to think that it was beyond her ability.
She suffered from constipation and visceroptosis which
caused intense pain after each meal. In consequence, she
went without food as often as she could, and this contributed
toward her tiredness and weakness. She had an abnormal
fear of becoming ill, because as a child her mother had
always become very angry when she was sick, hornbeam was
prescribed for her tired mind and body; mimulus for her fear
of illness; gentian for her depression and despair. Within the
first ten days of the treatment, she began to feel better. She
did not have the pain after eating as regularly as before, but
she still had to force herself to face the day. The Remedies
were repeated, and she continued to take them for another
three months. Her condition improved gradually. The
constipation disappeared, and she had regular movements
each day. She was completely free of pain after eating. She
continued to take the Remedies, and some months thereafter
she wrote: “I feel wonderfully well! I have no bad news to
report! I am so much stronger, and I am filled with vitality.”
Woman, age 40, a widow. She had lost her husband some
three and a half years before coming to us. Since his death,
she said that she felt fatigued in mind and body; that she
could hardly face each day as it arrived. One year previously,
she had experienced violent pains in the abdomen; these
would come and go; sometimes they lasted as long as six
weeks at a time. Recently, they had begun to recur with
increasing frequency, until finally, when she came to us, she
had developed a severe colitis with diarrhea. She said that the
pain started before she got up in the morning, and that pre¬
scribed diets made no difference; she took liquids only, and
had lost much weight because of the continuous diarrhea.
HORNBEAM was prescribed to give her strength; mimulus
because of fear of the violent pains and the frequent bowel
actions; scleranthus because she said that she was unable
to make up her mind about anything. After one month, she
said: ‘‘I feel brighter and stronger, but the diarrhea and the
pains are still there.” Two months later she wrote again to
say: ‘T am feeling ever so much better. I am not nearly so
distressed, and I am much more ready to get up in the morn¬
ings and get on with my work. The pains and the diarrhea
have not occurred for the past month.” She continued the
Remedies for another month, but neither the pains nor the
diarrhea returned.


Keywords: Impatience; irritability; extreme mental tension

This is the Remedy for those people who are quick in

mind and action. It is for those who make instant
decisions and like to work alone because the slowness
of others might hinder'them. They grasp any new idea
or subject quickly, and they may sometimes finish a
sentence if the speaker is slow; at times they might
even snatch things out of another person’s hands if he
is not quick enough to suit them. They are active
people and nervous; they move, eat and speak quickly.
They are intelligent and intuitive, good and efficient
in whatever they undertake. They tend to become
impatient and sometimes irritable with those who are
not as quick as they are, but their anger which flares
up quickly, just as quickly subsides. When these people
are ill, they never feel that they are recovering fast
enough, and they become irritated and impatient with
both the situation and those around them. The extreme
mental tension often manifests itself as muscular ten¬
sion and pain. The impatiens type is accident prone;
they may well cross the street without a look at the
approaching traffic and get stuck by an automobile, or
they may run blindly ahead, not seeing obstacles in
their path. Thus they get injured through their own
impetuousness. When they are in a bad temper, they
are also prone to do things brusquely, such as slam¬
ming a door on their fingers, or jerking a boiling kettle

from the stove and burning themselves, impatiens is an

effective Remedy for all manifestations of pain caused
by tension such as a sudden cramp, an agonizing pain,
or other spastic condition. The impatiens type may
also suffer from indigestion and allied complaints
brought about by their irritable nature, for it is a fact
that eating when one is emotionally or nervously upset
affects the digestion directly. The impatiens type dif¬
fers from the vervain type in that the latter person
exhausts his vitality through over-use of effort and
strong will and the impatiens person becomes ex¬
hausted through frustration and nervous effort when
things do not move fast enough. The impatiens type
prefers to work alone and unhindered, and when he is
allowed to do so, he never tries to influence others as
the vervain type sometimes does.
The positive qualities of the impatiens type are their
great gentleness and sympathy towards others. They
are capable, decisive, intuitive and clever, with abili¬
ties far above the average. At the same time they are
understanding and tolerant with those who are slower
than themselves.
Case Histories

Dr. Bach himself had found that this Remedy had a very
quick acting effect. He had, of course, an intimate knowledge
and an understanding of the Remedies and their possibilities.
There were times when he was inclined to become impatient,
when others were not as quick as he was, and were slow to
follow his line of thought. When this occurred, he had an
immediate physical reaction, and a red and very irritating
rash would suddenly appear. He would say; “You see, my
being irritable with you hurts me more than it hurts you!”
A dose of impatiens would restore his good humor, and
within a short time the rash would disappear.
From the case records of F. J. Wheeler, m.b. : “Woman, age

6o. She was always inclined to be in a hurry. She fell down

some steps and sprained one ankle badly and the other
slightly. The badly sprained ankle was bruised, stiff and
swollen, IMPATIENS the type Remedy was prescribed both to
be taken internally, and applied as a lotion. The patient had
a good night, without discomfort, and the next day the ankle
was much better. Treatment was continued until the ankle
showed no sign of the accident.”
Woman, age 24, married and a mother. She suffered
intense pain each month during the menstrual period. A pel¬
vic examination revealed that she had an ulcer. An operation
was advised, and she was told to return in one month for
another examination. The woman was terrified of the opera¬
tion, and during the attacks of pain, she became hysterical at
the thought of it. By nature she was capable, quick and
efficient, but resentful of interference or advice, impatiens the
type Remedy was prescribed for her quick and impatient
nature; rock rose for the terror and panic; star of Bethle¬
hem for the shock that the prospect of an operation had
caused. She took the medicine regularly for one month. Her
next period was a mild one, with very little pain. When she
returned to the hospital for the second examination, the
surgeon was surprised to find no trace of the ulcer whatso¬
ever; only a scar remained to show that there had been one.
No operation was necessary.
Woman, age 40, married. She was a writer and had three
children. By nature she was quick and impatient, and rather
slapdash in her ways. She hated to waste energy or money,
and she was begrudging of the time spent on her housework
and away from her writing. When she came to us for treat¬
ment, she was suffering from an irritating rash on the fingers
and palms of her hands. The rash appeared each spring, and
this time it broke out with running ulcers on the palms. She
felt unclean and was impatient about her cure. The children
had been very trying to her during the winter, and this in¬
creased her tension to the point of insomnia, impatiens the
type Remedy was prescribed for her irritability and nervous
tension; grab apple as a cleansing Remedy for mind and
body. The Remedies were also made up as an ointment to be
applied to her hands before bandaging them. The effects
were remarkable, and fast. Within the first month, she wrote
that her hands had healed with the exception of one finger,
and that she was sleeping much better and could do her work
once again. After another month, she was able to report that
she was completely cured of the rash; she felt much better
and she was not as irritable or cross with the children. Now,
she said, they were a happy family group.
Woman, age 69. She was impatient and active by nature.
When she applied to us for treatment, she was waiting her
turn to go to a hospital for an operation. Though she had been
under strain, and was tired, she said that she did not fear the
operation, impatiens was prescribed as the type Remedy;
HORNBEAM to give her strength; mimulus because we felt that
in spite of her statement to the contrary, she did have some
fear of the operation. Her first report was that she felt
amazingly well, and that she was much more hopeful about
the future. She continued to take the Remedies until she
went into the hospital. The operation was a success and she
required a minimum of sedation. She was able to sleep every
night without pills, and although she anticipated pain with
the first bowel movement, the action was easy and comfort¬
able. Her final letter to us said: “All is very well with me.”
Woman, age 29, unmarried. She was a secretary and had
been in the employ of the same firm for nine years. She was
normally happy and full of life, quick, brilliant, but with a
tendency to be impatient with others. She liked her work, but
recently she stated that her employer had begun to nag her.
He was always asking whether she was keeping things
organized? Were the other girls doing their share of work?
Couldn’t she do more work? etc. The criticism was unjust
and unnecessary and she became irritated and impatient
because of it. She was fatigued and could not concentrate on
her work. Her job was important to her, because she sup¬
ported herself, impatiens the type Remedy was prescribed
for her quick and impatient nature; hornbeam to give her
physical strength to overcome her difficulties. Within the

first two weeks, she was able to say: “I feel soothed, and I am
so happy, because I was really very upset.” She continued
to take the medicine for another month. At that time she said
that she was her old self once more, and that she could listen
to her employer’s complaints without snapping back or even
becoming irritated.
Extract from a letter received from a patient for whom we
prescribed impatiens. “Having taken the Remedy impatiens
for irritability for over a week, I am pleased to say that I am
not so irritable as I was before I started, in spite of the fact
that the cause of the irritation is exactly the same; some family


Keywords: Lack of confidence; anticipation of failure; des¬


Larch is the Remedy for those people who have no

confidence in themselves or in their abilities. They sel¬
dom attempt to do anything because they are sure they
will fail. The larch type is not frightened as the
MiMULUS people are; it is just that they are convinced
they cannot do as well as others. This is unfortunate,
because the larch type is as capable and as good as
anyone else, and often superior. Here is an excerpt from
a letter of a typical larch person. *‘Do you remember
suggesting larch for my lack of self-confidence in the
Dramatic Society? It helped me greatly, not only in
that case but in many others! I find myself with much
more determination, and I am now convinced that I
shall do what I set out to do. My attitude towards my
writing has undergone a great change. I never felt so
determined before.” Failure to even make the try
leaves the larch type very despondent; one wrote:
‘T know that I shall never be a success, so I don’t try.
I feel inferior to other people, and that makes me
despair.” There is a certain false modesty in the ad¬
miration that the larch person shows for the success
of others; they praise them and admire them without
envy or jealousy. As a larch type wrote: ‘T often
think why couldn’t I have been like that or done
things like he did ? It is not envy on my part, just sort

of wistfulncss.’’ Here is where they differ so greatly

from the HOLLY state of mind which is based on
jealousy and envy at another’s success, and from the
WILLOW outlook which is embittered and resentful at
any failure. Shakespeare described the larch type
perfectly when he wrote: ‘‘Our doubts are traitors and
make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to
The positive aspects of the larch character is re¬
flected by the person who is willing to plunge into Ufe;
to take risks and never be discouraged by the results.
Such a person knows that if he failed, it was not be¬
cause he did not try his best. Such a one does not know
the meaning of the word “can’t”.

Case Histories
Man, age 50. Since childhood he had always been self-
conscious. He liked to be alone because he felt that he could
not do as well as the other boys his age. Five years before he
wrote us, he suffered a nervous breakdown. Now, in middle
age, he felt that he was a failure, larch the type Remedy was
prescribed for his lack of self-confidence; mimulus because of
his fear of failure. After two months he wrote: “I can honestly
say that I feel a great deal better than when I first wrote to
you. I have a zest for life now, something that I never had
before, and I am attempting to do many things that I have
always wanted to do.”
Boy, age 9. He was very unhappy at his school. He lacked
confidence in everything he attempted, and worried himself
into a state of nervous tension over the simple things that he
thought he could not do. He feared swimming lessons, be¬
cause he felt he was not as good at it as his companions were.
For that reason he wanted to stay home every Tuesday, the
day the swimming lessons were given. When his grandfather
died, he became very upset emotionally, because he felt that
he had lost understanding and support, larch the type
Remedy was prescribed for his lack of confidence; mimulus
for his fear and nervousness; star of bethlehem for the
shock of his grandfather’s death. Within a month, his
mother wrote to say: ‘‘You have no idea how much he has
changed. He now loves swimming, and can hardly wait until
Tuesday comes for his lesson. He is happy in his school
Children, it should be noted, respond very rapidly to the
Remedies, and usually with excellent results. They do not
resist the help the Remedies can give them, nor do they
reason about them. Children simply want to get well and to
be happy. Is there not an object lesson in this attitude?
Woman, middle age. She had never achieved the full
success she was capable of, because since childhood she had
lacked confidence in herself. She had always remained in a
subordinate position because she was unable to take either
initiative or responsibility. When she came to us, she suffered
from a stiffness in her back, and became easily tired. The
condition was chronic, and the treatment lasted over a long
period of time, but finally her ailments were completely
cured. The Remedies prescribed over this period were as
follows: LARCH first, for some months until her confidence
became such that she was able to break away from her
subordinate position. She found a new position which re¬
quired both initiative and enterprise, and demanded that
she make her own decisions, olive was then given, because at
the start of her new work she became exhausted; white
CHESTNUT was added because she worried about her work.
Progress continued to be slow but sure. She finally was able
to report that she was well again, and that she had gained the
respect and admiration of her associates.
Man, age 35. For the past eight years, he had been trying
to pass his final examinations in medicine. He had taken the
examinations three or four times a year, and he had always
failed. He said: “I know that it is sheer examination nerves.
I know my subject well.” The last time that he went to
London to take the examination, he was given larch for lack
of confidence in himself; mimulus for his fear of failure. He
took the Remedies for two days previous to the examinations,
and even during them. This time he passed.
Woman, age 76, a widow. She had a bad fall which bruised
her face, cut her mouth and twisted her ankle; the injury to
the ankle reactivated an old arthritic condition in her back.
The accident happened three weeks before she came to us for
treatment. When we talked with her, she said that she had
lost confidence in her ability to walk safely, and that she
could not face the idea of taking a bus, or of even leaving the
house. She said: ‘T am not afraid, but I have lost my confi¬
dence, if you can understand the difference.” larch was
given to restore her confidence in herself; star of Bethlehem
was added to counter any remaining effects of shock. One
month later she wrote again to say that she was feeling guite
fit again, and that she had fully regained her confidence.
What was more, a bronchial condition which she had had for
the past year was now completely gone, much to her sur¬
Young man, age 16. He completely lacked confidence in
himself. He told us that his father was continually criticizing
him, telling him that he was no good, and that he would
never “get ahead in life”. What was worse, the father often
made these discouraging remarks before other people. Con¬
sequently, the boy did not try to do anything; not even those
things which he could have done easily. He was diffident in
the presence of other people, and shy with girls at parties and
dances, larch was prescribed for his lack of confidence;
MiMULUS for his fear and nervousness. The response was
immediate, and good. Within the month he wrote to tell us:
“The Remedies have worked wonders. I am much more
confident, and I am thinking more clearly than before. I
enjoy myself at parties and at times I can even come up with
a philosophical remark!”
Man, middle age, a vicar. Five years before he came to us,
he had a nervous breakdown, and he felt that he had never
regained his self-confidence. He continually recalled an incit
dent in his childhood which he said was so vivid in his
imagination that it destroyed what little confidence he had

left in himself. He suffered from such deep depressions that

at times he did not even attempt to preach in his church, and
left that duty to the curate, larch was given for his lack of
self-confidence; honeysuckle to help him to forget the past;
GENTIAN for the depression and discouragement. After three
months, he reported that he felt well again, and that he W2is
free from the obsessive incident of his childhood. He resumed
his duties toward his church and his congregation, and he did
so with enthusiasm and joy.


Keywords: Fear or anxiety of a known origin

The MIMULUS fear is less acute than the sheer terror of

ROCK ROSE, and it always is caused by known reasons.
Most of us have some pet fear which we would give
much to lose, but which we find hard to overcome at
times. Such fears range from the childhood fear of the
dark, to the fear of growing old, of pain and illness, and
of death itself. These are the mimulus fears which
fortunately the Remedy can cure once and for all. The
MIMULUS people are normally shy and retiring; they
are prone to hide their anxieties. They may at times
become tongue-tied with stage fright; again, they can
become garrulous to conceal a nervous fear. They
blush easily, and occasionally they may stammer or
stutter. When they are ill, they are almost afraid to
move lest the pain becomes worse. They sometimes
brood over the possibility of an illness costing them
their job through time lost. During convalescence, they
are afraid to try to exercise an injured limb, or to get
out of bed after an operation; thus they often retard
their own recovery.
The positive aspect of the mimulus person is seen in
one who can face all trials and difficulties in life with
equanimity and humor. We fear only those things
which we do not understand, which we dislike, or
which we hate; understanding and courage are the
great positive qualities of the mimulus type.

Case Histories >

Boy, age 8. He had never been a strong child, and had suf¬
fered from birth with an itching eczema around his knees,
shortness of breath, and general listlessness. He feared going
to the motion pictures, and he disliked having stories read to
him lest they turn out badly. He was much too frightened to
sleep alone, and seldom slept the night through, mimulus the
type Remedy was prescribed for his fears and anxieties;
CLEMATIS for his dreamy, listless condition. One month later,
his mother wrote to say that he was a little better; the eczema
was slightly improved, but he still slept badly. The next
month she wrote again and said: “Philip is much better in
every way. He now sleeps through the night, and is in a room
by himself, a thing which he never could do before.” Finally,
in her last report, three months later, she described her son as
being most energetic, without any fears; the eczema had
disappeared entirely.
Boy, age g. His mother wrote: “He is afraid of the teacher
at his school, and the work is too difficult for him. He worries
about it. He is a very sensitive, kindhearted boy, very sturdy
and masculine. This terrible anxiety about school has resulted
in his not sleeping well.” mimulus was prescribed for the boy’s
fear of his teacher; agrimony for the mental torture and
worry about his schoolwork. After the first month, his mother
had written to say that the child had lost his fears and was
sleeping peacefully again. He had become much more inde¬
pendent, and had said on several occasions: “I can do that for
myself.” Previously he had been very dependent upon his
mother, to whom he was greatly attached.
Boy, age 6. He was very frightened of the dark, and of
going up the stairs alone at night. He insisted that a light
be always left burning in his room, and that the door remain
ajar. During the day he was very energetic, and would not
rest; at bedtime he was completely exhausted. His appetite
was poor, mimulus was prescribed for his fear of the dark;
VERVAIN for his excessive energy and his inability to rest. The
first report, three weeks later, showed that he was eating
better and that he was less exhausted at night. After another
two months, his mother wrote to say that he no longer feared
the dark; in fact, he even enjoyed switching off the light at
Woman, age 29, unmarried. She suffered from arthritis in
her left wrist, which had been in a cast for the past two years,
and because of that, she had to give up the work she had done
on a farm. She was depressed and irritable when she came to
us. All her life she had been an unreasonable worrier, ner¬
vous, shy, and overconcerned about what other people
thought about her. mimulus was prescribed for her nervous¬
ness, fear and shyness; impatiens for her irritability; gentian
for her depression and discouraged attitude. Her first report
indicated that there was no change in her wrist, but she said
that she was feeling better, and the headache which she
usually had during her menstrual period was gone. She had
not mentioned the headache during her initial visit, but she
was “thrilled” to be without it. The same Remedies were
repeated, and four weeks later she wrote to say that she felt
hke a different person, and the wrist was showing signs of
improvement. She said that she had fewer worries and greater
happiness than she had had for months. The Remedies were
repeated; she again reported an improvement in the wrist,
and total absence of headaches during the menstrual period.
Her next letter to us related a great setback, and all of her
symptoms had returned. The man she had hoped to marry
had married another woman, mimulus the basic Remedy was
prescribed again; star of bethlehem was added for the
shock; WILLOW because of the resentment which she bore
towards her former fiance. Within a month, she showed a
substantial improvement. Her wrist was still stiff, but not
painful. Following this letter, the original prescription was
repeated. This resulted in a definite improvement in the
wrist, and she herself was much less worried. The same treat¬
ment was continued for another three months. She then wrote
to say: “The cast has been removed from my wrist. I often
forget that there was ever anything wrong with it at all. I am
no longer nervous, and I have not had one single headache
all of this time. I now no longer worry about what other
people say about me.”
Boy, age 7. He had just started to go to school, and he was
very nervous. He was not sleeping well, and every morning
he complained of a pain in his stomach so that he could not
eat breakfast. He could not eat his lunch at school, because he
was nervous about eating in the presence of strangers. When
we saw him, he was pale, listless, and was losing weight.
MiMULUS the type Remedy was prescribed, and within a
month he was sleeping better. He now not only ate his break¬
fast, but his lunch at school, and he had gained weight. Most
important of all, his mother wrote to say that he liked school
and he had said: “I feel as bold as a lion now.”
Woman, age 53, married. For many years she had lived in
a busy town, and now she found that she could not sleep be¬
cause of the traffic noise. Noise frightened her, and after
working hard all day, she dreaded going home because of it.
She was very run down and suffered from morning head¬
aches, as well as a chronic catarrh which blocked her nose.
MIMULUS was prescribed for her fear of noise; crab apple as a
cleanser of her system; hornbeam to give her strength. After
a month, she wrote that she did not feel nearly so tired and
that she was sleeping better, but the catarrh persisted. The
same Remedies were repeated for another two months. Again
she wrote to say that now the fatigue was completely gone,
and that she could do twice the amount of work that she
normally did; she had lost her fear of noise, and the catarrh
had almost cleared up. The next month she wrote again and
said that the catarrh had disappeared entirely; she was sleep¬
ing well, and she no longer dreaded noise.
Boy, age 13. The boy was a chronic enuretic, and a very
heavy sleeper. He was of a cheerful, happy-go-lucky dispo¬
sition, but his father was a stern disciplinarian and that added
to the boy’s nervousness, mimulus was prescribed for his fear
of his father; agrimony for his attitude which concealed his
mental torment. During the first three weeks after the treat¬
ment started, he wet his bed only once. Four months later,
his mother wrote: “A wonderful improvement has taken
place. He no longer wets his bed, and he is standing up to his
Woman, age 45. She was a business woman whose work
entailed standing for long hours, and she suffered from vari¬
cose veins. She had lost confidence in herself, and she feared
that she might not be able to continue in her business. She
wrote to us saying: “I am of a nervous disposition, timid by
nature.” mimulus the type Remedy was prescribed for her
nervousness; larch for her lack of self-confidence. Her first
report was encouraging; she said that she felt much more
confidence in herself, and that the veins had improved and
the pain stopped. After another four months, she wrote again
to say that she felt great confidence in herself and her ability,
that she was no longer nervous, and that she was hardly
aware of the varicose veins.


Keywords: Black depression; melancholia; gloom

“This Remedy dispels gloom, and brings joy into life”

wrote Dr. Bach. The mustard state of mind is a black
depression, almost a hopeless, despairing, melancholia
which may suddenly close down upon an individual
without any apparent reason. It may lift just as sud¬
denly as it comes, but while it lasts, it envelops the
person like a black cloud that shuts out all the pleasure
and joy of life. The depression is of such a severe nature
that it takes away the interest in the daily routine of
life. It becomes impossible for the sufferer to be happy,
cheerful, or even normal in his thoughts, for they are
all turned upon himself It is all the more distressing
because it is impossible to become free of it until it lifts
of its own accord, and because there seems to be no
explanation for its coming on, or for its leaving. As one
patient wrote: “It is as though a cloud descends upon
my spirit for no reason. It lasts for a day or two and
then it suddenly lifts; it is heavenly to see the light
again. I begin to dread this, whatever it is.” Another
wrote: “I am in a blanket of awful depression with bad
headaches. There is nothing I can think of that can
cheer me up, nothing seems worthwhile.” This state of
mind differs from the doubt and discouragement of
GENTIAN and from the hopelessness of gorse because in
both of these cases the sufferer knows the cause. The
cause of the melancholia of mustard is never known.

The positive aspect of mustard is found in those

people who have an inner serenity which nothing can
shake or destroy. Such a person is well able to counter¬
act the effect of any attack of melancholia or depression
by his inner stability, joy and peace.

Case Histories

Woman, age 50, married. She lived in a beautiful house,

and she had two grown sons, both of whom were very success¬
ful men. At times, throughout her life, she suffered from acute
attacks of depression for no known reason. The attack would
come on suddenly without any warning; it would continue
for some days, and then it would disappear as suddenly as it
came. While the depression lasted, it seemed like a long
black night to her. She lost interest in everything, and she
could see nothing beautiful or bright around her. She longed
to overcome these depressions, because she had so many
things to do, and she felt rather ashamed that she could not
overcome them, mustard the type Remedy was prescribed.
During the first two months, she had but one attack, and that
lasted one day only. She continued to take the Remedy for
several months more, as she said: “Just to be sure that I am
strong enough to rise above this depression.” She has not
reported having had any more attacks.
Woman, middle age, unmarried. She worked in a busy
hospital, but she was forced to resign because she suffered
such severe depressions that she was unable to continue her
work. At first she thought that she was overtired, but she
liked her work, and that did not seem to be the cause; there
was no apparent reason for the depressions. The rest that she
thought would help her only increased the depression and
caused anxiety about her financial situation. She told us that
she was never aggressive by nature, and that this had hin¬
dered her progress through life. She said that people tended
to avoid her, and she had few friends. She was beginning to
feel hopeless about herself, mustard was prescribed for her
black depression; gorse for her hopeless outlook. Her report,
one month later, was encouraging. She said: “I am feeling
much better. My problems are far from solved, but I do feel
more able to face them instead of allowing them to overwhelm
me.” Two months later, she wrote again to say that the
depressions had disappeared and she was so much happier.
She was making plans for the future, and her life was very
much brighter.
Man, middle age, who held a very important post in
Nigeria wrote to us to say that he was losing interest in his
work, and that he was mentally and physically exhausted.
His physicians were greatly puzzled, and though he was not
anemic, they nevertheless suspected pernicious anemia.
Throughout his life he had suffered from periods of black
depressions without apparent cause. The following prescrip¬
tion was sent to him by mail: mustard the type Remedy for
the black depressions; olive for his mental and physical
exhaustion. Two months later he wrote to say that he felt in
far better shape than he had for a long time previously; we
quote from his letter: ‘T am reluctantly obliged to attribute
the improvement to the Bach Remedies as I refuse to have
blind faith in something I know nothing about.” The same
Remedies were repeated, and three months later he wrote
again to say that he was in excellent health, and his depres¬
sions had gone. Two years later he wrote again to say: ‘T am
very well, thanks to the Bach Remedies. The depressions have
never recurred.”
Woman, age 21, unmarried. She was subject to attacks of
black depressions for which there was no known cause. She
had always been inclined to be pessimistic. She found it diffi¬
cult to make friends, and she felt cut off from the company of
other people, mustard was prescribed as the type Remedy
for her deep melancholia. After two months, she wrote to say
that she felt as if a cloud had lifted from her mind, and that
she really was happy. Later, her mother wrote to say that she
had become an altogether different person. She was now
taking part in many activities, and she had made many new
Woman, age 39, married. She suffered from severe depres¬
sions and she felt as if a black cloud enveloped her which shut
her off from the rest of the world. She could not think of any
reason for the depressions. She could only say that they came
on suddenly, and that she was helpless to do anything about
them until they passed of their own accord. When she came
to us, she was a very unhappy and depressed person. She
was also suffering from an acute cystitis which seemed to be
getting worse, and from constipation. She said that she was a
nervously tense person, and that she could never relax.
MUSTARD was prescribed for the deep depressions; vervain
for her inability to relax. The first improvement was physical;
both the cystitis and the constipation improved. She con¬
tinued to take the medicine for several weeks more; after a
period of five weeks she said that she had not had any more
attacks of depression and that she felt better in every way.
Shortly thereafter she suffered a setback. She had a boil in
her ear, and that brought back the depressions again, crab
APPLE to cleanse her system, together with gentian for
discouragement were added to the basic prescription. The
next month she wrote to say that the boil had burst the
second day, and had given no more trouble, but most
important of all, the depressions had gone; she said she
was feeling happy and on top of the world. So far as is known,
the depressions have never returned.
Woman, age 67, a widow. She told us that from time to
time, even as a child, her life had been a black misery.
Periods of deep depression had filled her with despair, and
she said: “Why they come, I do not know.” During the
attacks her head throbbed; she slept badly because of recur¬
ring nightmares which wakened her. She was taking sleeping
tablets, but they did not seem to help her much, mustard
was prescribed for the dark depressions and melancholia;
rock rose for the terror of the nightmares. Her response was
very rapid. She said that after the first week she was able to
give up the sleeping tablets, and that although she still had
nightmares, they were vague and ill-defined, and did not
trouble her. After another two months, she was able to write:
“My mind is at rest after so many years of anguish. I am no
longer the victim of those black depressions.” Six months
later she wrote again to say that she was well and happy, and
that the melancholia had never returned.
Woman, age 45, married. She suffered greatly from deep
melancholia which came upon her without warning, and for
no known reason. During the attacks, she felt utterly alone,
and that nothing could ever help her. When she sought our
help, she Was suffering from acute lumbago, and was confined
to bed. This fact increased her nervous tension, because it was
essential that she return to work as soon as possible, mustard
was prescribed for the black depressions; impatiens for the
tension which caused the pain; gorse for her feeling of hope¬
lessness. The next week she wrote to say: “The medicine is
really doing me good. My back is well again, and I am able
to go back to work.” After another two months of treatment,
she wrote again saying: “I feel better than I have felt for
years. I have no more depressions or moments of hopeless¬
ness. If either ever should occur, I will write to you again.”
We have never heard from her since.


Keywords: Despondency; despair; but never-ceasing effort

The oak people struggle on in the face of every diffi¬

culty. They never give up hope. They are ceaseless in
their efforts to find a cure when they are sick; they are
untiring in their efforts to improve their condition.
They are the exact opposite of the gorse type who are
ready to give up trying when things look hopeless.
Though the oak type may feel despondent, and though
they may often suffer from despair due to the condi¬
tions imposed upon them, they will continue to fight.
If their poor health interferes with their work, they
become disappointed and discontented with them¬
selves. They are reliable, dependable people, so much
so that others tend to lay their burdens on their
shoulders, and to pass their responsibilities to them.
The OAK type likes to help other people of their own
free will, and for this reason, they sometimes overwork.
They are the mainstay of the family, and sometimes
they plod on from day to day, hiding their tiredness
or ill health from others lest their despair or despond¬
ency be discovered. The oak type, like the tree itself,
are strong physically, and they can stand great strain;
they are very patient, and full of common sense. Yet
there can come a time when the despondency and
the despair becomes too much for human endurance;
then it is when the oak person can crack, and suffer
a nervous breakdown.

Dr. Bach described the positive aspects of the oak

type in these words: “They are brave people, fighting
against great difficulties without loss of hope or slacken¬
ing of effort.” They reflect perseverence, courage and
stability under all conditions.

Case Histories

Woman, age 42, unmarried. She held a responsible and

busy job, and had a home to look after as well. When she
came to see us, she said that she was tired to the point of
exhaustion but went on in spite of that. She was discontented
with herself; every month she suffered from such a severe
migraine headache that she had to stay home from work. She
was a very conscientious and reserved person. She was suf¬
fering from insomnia, and occasional periods of despondency.
OAK the type Remedy was prescribed for her conscientious¬
ness, her sense of responsibility, and her hidden despondency;
OLIVE for the exhaustion of mind and body. The first report
was encouraging. She had an attack of migraine, but she
could nevertheless go to work that day; she felt less tired, and
she was sleeping better. She continued to take the same
Remedies, and the next month she said that apart firom a
minor headache, she was feeling much better. Two months
later she wrote that she had never felt better in her whole life,
and that she had no more headaches. She was now able to
assume all of her many responsibilities once more.
Woman, middle age, unmarried. She was the headmistress
of an infants’ school. When she came to see us, she said that
she felt her responsibilities were becoming too much for her,
although she would never admit that to others. She suffered
from stress and consequent indigestion. The parents, as well
as the children, constantly came to her for advice because of
her stable character and practical common sense, oak was
prescribed for her struggle against tiredness in her work;
GENTIAN from the resulting depression. Within three months
she reported good progress in every way. She was no longer
fatigued, and was not troubled with indigestion. She said that
she was well able to cope with both children and parents, as
well as all of the work connected with the school. She con¬
tinued to take the Remedies for another month, and felt
completely cured.
Man, age 45. He came to see us during the war. Before the
war started, he had been afflicted with asthma, and now he
had had an attack of pleurisy. He had been given one month’s
leave of absence from work, but instead of taking the full
time, he had returned to work too soon. He was on the night
shift, and said, simply: “It was my job, my war-effort, so I
had to stick to it.” He was then given a clerical job, under
two bosses. These people gave conflicting orders, but once
again, though this caused him confusion and distress, he
simply said: “I had to stick it.” The stress engendered brought
on a severe attack of asthma, which was followed by other
attacks of increasing severity. Though he was of a nervous
disposition, and lacking in self-confidence, he concealed the
fact well, and he struggled on with his work, oak was pre¬
scribed for his valiant efforts to keep working; mimulus for
his nervousness; larch for his lack of confidence in himself.
After the first month, he reported that he felt better in every
way; things were running more smoothly for him, and he felt
more confident. After another two months, he was able to
breathe normally again; the asthma had completely dis¬
appeared. He was feeling well, and regarded his work with
pleasure. He suffered no relapse.
Man, age 38, a schoolmaster by profession. Fifteen years
before he came to us, he had suffered a nervous breakdown,
and for two years afterwards, he was unable to work. Finally
he recovered enough to teach again, although he still lacked
confidence in himself. Now he held a position of responsibi¬
lity at the school. He struggled on courageously, hiding his
fatigue and his depressions because he wanted nothing to
interfere with his work, oak was prescribed for his courageous
struggle; hornbeam to give him mental and physical strength;
mimulus for the occasional fear that he might give in. He
continued the treatment for three months, and as a result he
became more confident, more at peace, and happier. He
wrote to US saying: “There is a subtle difference in me which
I am unable to explain, but all is going well with me now.”
Woman, middle age, a widow. She had one grown son
whom she had succeeded in putting through school in spite
of her own poor health. She had never thought of giving up
the struggle, and now she was very proud of this boy who had
a good job in the United States. At the time that she came to
us for treatment, she was suffering from leukorrhea, and pas¬
sing through the climacteric. She was indeed a brave woman,
one who always appeared to be self-possessed. But in spite of
her outwardly calm appearance, she was depressed by her
many difficulties, oak the type Remedy was prescribed for
her valiant struggle against great odds; crab apple as a
cleansing Remedy; gentian for the depression which she
concealed so successfully. She responded quickly to the treat¬
ment and after a month she wrote: “My general health has
greatly improved. The leukorrhea has cleared up entirely,
and for almost the first time in my life, I am feeling on tip¬
Man, age 48. He was a business man, and very occupied
with several companies, family worries, and other responsibi¬
lities. Outwardly he was placid, but for some years he had
suffered from sinus trouble, and catarrh of the nose and
throat. This condition was so severe that he had to use an
inhaler continually, especially at night, otherwise he was
unable to breathe through his nose. In spite of these diffi¬
culties, he never missed a day from his work, and fought all
of the time to keep going. He had tried many treatments at
the hands of different specialists, but every winter the con¬
dition returned, and he was fast becoming despondent at the
thought of ever being cured, oak the type Remedy was
prescribed for his courageous efforts to keep going; crab
APPLE as a cleanser; hornbeam to give him strength and
vitality. After the first month of treatment, he was able to
dispense with the inhaler entirely, and to breathe through his
nose, even at night. After another month, he wrote to say that
he was enjoying the best winter season for many years; he
was without sinus trouble, and the catarrh had almost
cleared up. One month later he wrote again to say that he
was feeling fine. The catarrh had disappeared entirely, and
he could report no trouble at all. After many years, he wrote
again to say that none of his symptoms had recurred.
Woman, age 40, single. Her health had been poor during
her entire life. When she came to us for treatment, she was
suffering from hay-fever and hemorrhoids. She told us that
she was accident-prone, and that some years before she had
fallen and injured her spine, with the result that she had to
be several months in a hospital. She was told that she would
eventually be unable to walk, and that with time she would
become paralysed. In spite of this dire prognosis, she said:
“I refused to believe it. I had to earn my living, so I had to
work.” Now she is even walking a long distance to her work
every day! She then said that she found it difficult to relax,
and that she often woke in the morning with her teeth and
hands clenched tightly, oak the type Remedy was prescribed
for her valiant struggle; vervain for the tension of mind and
body; honeysuckle to remove, once and for all, the un¬
fortunate threat that she might become paralysed. Within
two months time, she was a different person. The hay-fever
had disappeared. The hemorrhoids had receded and were
normal. She slept well, and woke refreshed and relaxed. She
was able to say: “For the first time in my life I feel really


Keywords: Complete exhaustion; mental fatigue

The Olive tree benefits humanity through its leaves,

bark, fruit, and the wood of its trunk. It has always
been the symbol of peace and harmony. The Remedy
prepared from the Olive flowers has the power to
restore peace to the tired mind, and strength to a body
exhausted by suffering. It is the Remedy for those
persons who have suffered a long time under adverse
conditions, or who have had a long and grievous illness
which has sapped their vitality; their minds have be¬
come wearied and exhausted, and their reserve strength
is depleted. As one patient said: ‘T am suffering from
utter weariness and a complete lack of zest.” Another:
“I am exhausted to the point of tears.” olive also
helps those persons who live full lives, and have very
much to do, so much so that they have little time for
leisure and relaxation. They tire easily and quickly,
and they have no reserve of strength to carry on with.
Everything has become an effort for them, and, be¬
cause they are so tired, they no longer enjoy their work,
or those things which once gave them pleasure or
interest. The olive exhaustion is different from that of
HORNBEAM. The latter is a fatigue of the mind, and a
disinclination to face the future or even daily routine;
yet as the day progresses, the sufferer finds that he can
indeed fulfil his appointed tasks. The fatigue of the
OLIVE type is tot^; mind and body are drained of

Strength, and there is absolute exhaustion, olive is also

the Remedy to give during convalescence from a long
illness. It restores vitality, strength, and indeed, an
interest in life itself.
The positive aspects of the olive folk is seen in those
people who do not rely upon personal effort to over¬
come their difficulties. They rely instead upon that
strength and vitality which they know will be given to
them and which will sustain them and guide them in
every respect. It is seen in those who maintain their
peace of mind and their interest in life, even though
they may be forced to remain inactive. Of the olive
type, in their positive aspects, it might be said: “They
also serve who only stand and wait.”

Case Histories

Woman, age 64, married. Within the last few years, all her
family, those close to her, her husband, her child and her
brother had died. Since that time she had felt completely
exhausted and life seemed to hold little for her. She said: ‘T
am not particularly interested in anything, and I do not have
the energy to do anything about it.” She was depressed, and
she slept badly, olive was prescribed for her utter exhaus¬
tion, her loss of interest and her depression. She took this
regularly for three months; she was soon able to report that
she was sleeping better, and for longer hours, and that she
was eating again, and gaining weight. At the end of four
months she wrote to say: “I am much better, and I am getting
about once again. I sleep wonderfully well. The depressions
are things of the past.”
Woman, age 50, a widow. She was the mother of two grown
sons, for whom she kept house. The house was large, and the
work overtaxed her strength. She became very tired, and
suffered from severe depressions. She told us that she had
never fully recovered from a hysterectomy the year before.
olive was prescribed for her state of exhaustion; mustard for
the severe black depressions. After three months, she wrote to
say that she was feeling much better and that she was well
able to cope with all of her household duties without getting
overtired. Most important of all, she had not had any depres¬
sions for the last six weeks.
Woman, age 73, a widow. She had recently been under a
strain due to family difficulties. She said to us: “I suddenly
get exhausted, as if I had nothing at all inside of me.’’ The
years of worry had left her feeling weak, and unable to cope
with the problems life posed, olive was prescribed, and she
took this for a long while. Gradually her strength returned,
and she was once again able to face the problems that con¬
fronted her.
Woman, age 60, a widow. She was an active and intense
person by nature, and inclined to overtax her strength. For
the last three years, she looked after her daughter’s baby,
while the daughter was at work, and this had brought her to
the point of exhaustion. Her life had been a difficult one. Her
husband had died after a lingering illness, and she had to
earn her own living to support her child. When she came to
us, she was near complete exhaustion, and she had been
spitting blood for some months. She was resentful of many
things, although, as she admitted, she had no reason to be.
OLIVE was prescribed for her exhausted condition; willow
for her resentment; crab apple to cleanse her system from
the toxins of fatigue. After taking the Remedies for one
month, she reported that she no longer spat blood, and
although she was still tired, she was much less resentful. She
continued to take the Remedies for another two months.
Once during this period she had a return of the bloody
sputum, but only for a short while. She said that she had
recovered her full strength again, and that she was once more
a cheerful, happy person.
Woman, age 73, married. By nature, she was a kind and
gentle person, much giving to daydreaming. For the last
three months, she had been extremely busy and overworked.
Suddenly she found that her right hand could not hold a pen
or a teacup; when she tried to write, the letters were all

jumbled together. She had taken to her bed in a state of

complete exhaustion, and had apparently lost interest in
everything, olive was prescribed for the exhaustion; clema¬
tis for the tendency to daydream. Her reaction was quick
and certain. After taking the Remedies for two months, she
reported that she felt like her old self again, and that her
strength and interest in life had returned.
Woman, age 39, unmarried. She held the post of Occupa¬
tional Therapy Officer in a large town, and she was greatly
overworked. One day she suffered a blackout and was con¬
fined to a nursing home for a month. When she came to us
for treatment, she was still weak, and had lost interest in her
work. To make matters worse, she had been told that the
blackout could be caused by epilepsy, or by a brain tumor,
and this caused her great concern and mental anguish. In the
nursing home, she had been given large doses of phenobarbi-
tal, and when she was discharged she was still too weak to
return to work, olive was prescribed for her exhaustion;
HONEYSUCKLE to help her forget the frightening diagnosis.
She recovered rapidly, and within three months she was well
and back at work. She wrote: ‘T really do feel lots better, and
I have regained my strength again. I can hardly believe it!”
Woman, middle age, a widow. Her husband was killed in
the crash of a commercial airliner two years before. She had
heard the first report about the accident over the radio, and
naturally the shock was very great. Since then she had lost
interest in life and seemed unable to make any effort to
recover from the extreme fatigue from which she was suffer¬
ing. Her thoughts were continually on the past. She suffered
from many physical ailments, and felt that life held nothing
for her any longer, olive was prescribed for her mental and
physical exhaustion; white chestnut to clear her mind of the
recurring thoughts; star of Bethlehem to counteract the
shock. She responded well to the Remedies. Within two
months she was able to report that she had gained her peace
of mind again. Her strength had returned, she was taking a
lively interest in things, and had in fact resumed most of her
former activities.

Woman, age 46, unmarried. During the past years, she

had many illnesses. She was unhappy in her work because
she had too much to do. Her mother was an invalid, and she
was the sole support of her younger sister. When she came to
us for treatment, she was about at the end of her rope. She
was suffering from palpitations, she saw spots before her eyes,
and her ears rang continually. She was so exhausted in body
and mind that she felt she could not carry on another
minute, olive was prescribed for the extreme exhaustion.
She took the Remedy for two months. Her strength returned;
the palpitations, the spots before the eyes, and the ringing in
her ears had disappeared. She was once again able to do her
work without undue fatigue, and she could stand up against
an abusive employer.


Keywords: Self-reproach; guilt feelings; despondency

Pine is the Remedy for those people who suflfer from

self-condemnation, who are never really content with
their achievements, and who blame themselves for not
doing better. They also tend to blame themselves for
the mistakes of others, for they feel that in some way
they themselves are responsible. A typical pine
statement is: ‘T am always tired and depressed, and
feel that I am the worst person in the world. I blame
myself for everything that goes wrong in the house.”
They are overconcientious, and the high standards
they set themselves (although not for others) may cause
them to overwork and bring about emotional stress in
their effort to “improve” their characters. When they
become ill, they blame themselves for their failure to¬
wards their family, their friends, or their work. The
guilt-complex from which they suffer takes much of
the joy out of their lives. As one said: “I feel so guilty
accepting this extra money although I do need it so
badly. There are many other people much worse off
than I.” Another said: “As you know, I have had no
home for a long time and I have just seen a little apart¬
ment which would be perfect for me. But I do feel that
if I take it I shall blame myself for doing so, when there
are so many others who are in need of a home.” The
PINE type are the opposite of the willow people, for

the latter put the blame for their mistakes on others,

and they become resentful and bitter, towards them.
The PINE type also differ from the rock water persons,
for the ROCK water persons are hard masters on them¬
selves from a sense of spiritual pride; they suppress
their faults, and enjoy doing so. Though the pine type
are too humble and apologetic, they do things well,
and actually have every reason to be content with their
capabilities. They arc unlike the larch type who will
not try because they fear failure; the pine type will put
his hand to anything, and will try his best to do well.
But when he cannot live up to the high ideal he has set
for himself, he becomes depressed and even despon¬
dent, and he may well sink into listless despair. All of
these four types, pine, willow, rock water and larch
are a group. Of them. Dr. Bach wrote: “[They have
not yet come to realize] one trace of condemnation
against ourselves, or others, is a trace of condemnation
against the Universal Creation of Love, and restricts
us, limits our power to allow the Universal Love to
flow through us to others.”* Also, as Dr. Bach wrote
elsewhere: “No great ascent was ever made without
faults and falls, and they must be regarded as ex¬
periences which will help us to stumble less in the
future. No thoughts of past errors must ever depress
us; they are over and finished and the knowledge thus
gained will help us to avoid a repetition of them.”
The positive aspects of the pine type is seen in those
people who are willing to take the responsibility and
to bear the burdens of others if they can really help
them. They are aware, however, that this is not always
the best way to help another. The pine persons acknow¬
ledge their mistakes, but do not dwell upon them; they
* Heal Thyself hy Edward Bach. The C. W. Daniel Company Ltd., Ashing-
don, Rochford, Essex, England; gth edition 1970.

have great perseverence, and a genuine humility about

their talents.

Case Histories
Woman, age 45, unmarried. During an interview she said:
“I am always blaming myself for not having done something
I feel that I ought to have done, or now, because I am ill and
I have to stay away from work and others will have more to
do. I feel terribly ashamed, and have a sense of guilt. I have
sagging internal organs and much discomfort; also I am tired
and feel that I shall never be well again.” pine was prescribed
for the sense of guilt and self-condemnation; gorse for the
hopelessness. She took these for one month, and at the next
interview she said; “I am very much better in many ways,
but I am still inclined to feel guilty, and I feel that I ought
to return to work although I am still very tired, and I have
little interest in things”, olive was added to the prescription
for her fatigue, and the results were good. After another
month she said; “I have more vitality and strength, but I
have overdone things, and that put me back. But, strangely
enough, I am not blaming myself for that!” The Remedies
were repeated for another three months. She said in her last
interview, that she had had no more discomfort in her abdo¬
men for several months, and ‘T see how foolish it is to keep
blaming myself for so many things; I am learning the lesson,
thanks to you.”
Woman, middle age, widowed. She had a grown son who
lived with her. Recently she had begun to blame herself for
not being able to make him happy in his home because he
thought of going to the United States to seek work. She was
suffering from leukorrhea and that made her feel unclean.
PINE was prescribed for her sense of guilt; crab apple to
cleanse her mind and body. At the end of the first month she
wrote: ‘T have derived great benefit. The leukorrhea has now
disappeared and I am feeling really well again. I feel happy
for my son who went to the United States and has been doing
well there.”
Woman, age 65, married. She had suffered from acute
sciatica for the past six months. The pain was so severe that
at times she would scream. She had tried several treatments,
but mostly without success. By nature, she was shy and diffi¬
dent. She was overwhelmed with the idea of guilt, and she
was certain that she was being punished, and that she deserved
to be. She recently had a great shock when a friend of hers
died during the night, and she was not aware of it until the
morning when she found her body, pine the type Remedy was
prescribed for the feeling of guilt; star of bethlehem for the
shock her friend’s death occasioned; mimulus for her diffi¬
dence and shyness. After the first three weeks, she felt greatly
improved, although she still had a pain in her left leg. The
same Remedies were repeated, and the next month she re¬
ported: “I see now that I could not have saved my friend,
and I do not blame myself any more. The pain has all
cleared wonderfully ; it has just gone away.”
Man, age 59, a dental surgeon by profession, in private
practice. He was by nature a calm and painstaking man who
would do almost anything to avoid a disagreement. He wor¬
ried unduly about things he could do quite well, and his life
was a continual stress. His wife had nine nervous breakdowns
since their marriage many years before, and he blamed him¬
self for these. He worked hard at his practice, and also did
the housework and tended the garden when his wife was
indisposed. When he talked with us, he said that his chief
concern was that he could not do more for his wife. He felt
frustrated. He was fatigued and held himself responsible for
anything that went wrong. He suffered from a high index of
uric acid in his blood and he was subject to acute attacks of
gout. PINE was prescribed for his self accusations; crab apple
to cleanse his system of the excess uric acid; agrimony as his
type Remedy. After about six weeks, he reported that the
gout had almost disappeared and that he could work in the
garden again, and also he was sleeping better than he had
been able to do for years. The next month he wrote again to
report a setback. He had been under a terrible strain; one of
his daughters had married, and his wife had another break-
down. The gout had returned, but it was milder than usual.
PINE was prescribed again; elm for his many responsibilities;
CRAB APPLE and AGRIMONY. The gout cleared up quickly.
He said that he could cope with his responsibilities once more.
After another month, he wrote: ‘T have really been benefited.
I do not reproach myself, or worry about my wife any more.
It seems strange not to worry like that after all of these years.
I now take things easier, and the general condition of my
health is excellent.”
Woman, age 58, unmarried. She was the secretary to an
important health organization. When she came to us, she was
completely exhausted from overwork, and on the verge of a
nervous breakdown. Interviewing patients and answering the
telephone all day seemed beyond her capabilities. She suf¬
fered from palpitations, weakness of the knees, cold shivers
and insomnia. Her chief concern was that she was letting
down her employer with whom she had worked for many
years. She blamed herself for not feeling well, and for not
being able to do her work as usual, pine was prescribed for
her self-blame; olive for exhaustion, and she was advised to
take a long vacation to regain her strength. At first she
refused even to consider this, because the Remedies had
given her strength. Finally she reahzed that in spite of that,
she must rest because she was still weak, and not able to work
at full capacity. She retired from work and went to live by
the sea. She regained her health completely and has been well
since that time. Now she is over seventy and is the picture of
good health and happy spirits.
Woman, age 50, unmarried. In her interview with us she
said; ‘T have a great sense of guilt and shame for no reason;
it makes me most unhappy. I have sagging abdominal organs,
and although I am under the care of an osteopathic physician,
I feel that I shall never really improve.” pine the type Remedy
was prescribed for her sense of self-condemnation; gentian
for her doubt that she would get better. The response was
rapid, and she felt so well that she overtaxed her strength and
suffered a setback, hornbeam was added to give her strength.
After another two months, she was able to report that she had
no further abdominal discomfort, nor was she reproachful of
herself. Much later she wrote to say that she had had no
recurrence of her physical or emotional difficulties.
Woman, young, married. She had adopted twin boys, four
years old. They were lively youngsters, always on the go, and
she found it exhausting to keep up with them all day long;
nevertheless she tried to, because she loved them dearly. She
reproached herself severely and blamed herself for becoming
impatient and irritated with them. Because of constant ten¬
sion she could not sleep at night, and was exhausted during
the day. She had developed a mastitis in her left breast which
troubled her greatly, pine was prescribed for her self-
reproach; IMPATIENS for her impatience and irritability. She
took the Remedies for one month, and was able to report
excellent results. The mastitis was completely cured; she no
longer blamed herself, and she did not become impatient or
irritated with the twins.


Keywords: Excessive fear; anxiety for others

Dr. Bach described the Remedy thus: ‘‘The red

CHESTNUT fear is for others, especially those dear to us.
If they return home late, there is the thought that some
accident may have happened; if they go for a holiday,
there is the dread that some calamity will befall them.
There is great anxiety for those who are not even
dangerously ill, and a minor ailment becomes a major
complaint in the imagination. It is always fearing the
worst, and always anticipating misfortune for others.”
This is also the fear which causes a contraction of
breath when we see a child crossing the road in front
of an oncoming automobile, or someone slipping from
an unsteady ladder. A few days before he discovered
RED CHESTNUT, Dr. Bach had a bad accident with an
axe; this caused great anxiety on the part of those close
to him as immediate first aid was applied to stanch the
blood. When he had recovered. Dr. Bach said that we
had experienced the state of mind of the next Remedy
which he would seek; a Remedy to counteract the fear
for others. He also added that our anxiety on his
behalf, although we had done our best to hide it, had
not helped him at all. His sensitivity was so great that
he could not avoid sensing and reacting to our feelings
of the moment; any thought of depression, worry or
fear in another person would cause him acute physical

pain. Let us never forget that negative thoughts not

only harm us, but also those around us!
The positive aspect of this Remedy is the ability to
send out thoughts of safety, health or courage to those
who need them, and who may be in danger or ill at the
time. It is the ability to remain calm, mentally and
physically, in any emergency.

Case histories

Man, age 6o. When he applied to us for treatment, he was

suffering from a bad skin eruption on his feet which affected
both the plantar and dorsal surfaces. Blisters formed, burst,
and the skin became hard and scaly, with intense irritation.
The process repeated its cycle continually, and had done so
since it first appeared some eighteen years before. At that
time, his son had an accident. He fractured his arm and it
later became paralysed. It was a great shock to the father,
and caused him great anxiety. A few days later the skin con¬
dition became manifest. After an Z-ray treatment, it dis¬
appeared for a while, but ten years later, when he broke two
bones in his foot, it reappeared. Again it was treated by
.AT-rays and again it disappeared only to appear some years
later when he broke his femur; the same sequence once more:
X-ray, disappearance. The next year he was operated on to
remove his right kidney. The operation was most successful,
but the rash reappeared, and the roentgenologist refused to
give him any more X-ray treatments because of possible over¬
exposure. He was given lotions and salves, but they did not
help. We found him in a veiy poor condition of health; his
feet were inflamed, and the irritation was intense, so intense
that he could not sleep. He was very fatigued, nervous, and
had lost his appetite. He said that he was beginning to shun
people and to lose interest in life. He said: “It seems ages
since life held any sparkle for me.” But what worried him the
most was the possibihty of losing his job and not being able
to support his family. He could imagine them in his mind’s
eye, homeless and starving, red chestnut was prescribed for
his anxiety over his family; star of Bethlehem for the
shocks he had experienced; crab apple to cleanse mind and
body. Within a month, he reported that the irritation on his
feet was less, and the inflammation reduced. He felt that his
general health had improved, and he was able to get a good
night’s sleep. The same Remedies were repeated, and four
months after, he reported that his general health was very
good, and the skin condition had once again disappeared.
He wrote: “Since taking the Remedies my outlook on life has
changed, and very much too! I am most grateful.”
Woman, age 38, married. Her husband was ill with a
nervous breakdown, and her six-year-old son was diabetic.
As she said to us: “I really have been ill and exhausted for a
year, and the other day I lost all feeling in my right leg, from
the hip to the ankle. I am always worried about my husband
and my son. If they are out of sight I am anxious in case
something might happen to them. Every morning when I
awake, I wonder whether my son is worse,” red chestnut
was prescribed for her abnormal anxiety over her husband
and her son; vervain for the tension and stress. She took
these Remedies for two months. Shortly after she started to
take them, the feeling returned to her leg; she grew much
calmer, and she was able to sleep well again. Although her
husband had to be confined in hospital, she said that she felt
much less worried about him than she did before. She felt
stronger, and she said that she was very hopeful about the
future. She was even considering adopting another little boy
as a companion for her son.
Woman, elderly, a grandmother. She had cared for her
grandson ever since his mother’s death, and she took her
responsibility very seriously. She was over-anxious about him,
wondering whether he would meet with an accident on the
way to school, or whether he would catch cold in the rain.
She was filled with fear about him all of the time. She herself
suffered from frequent colds, indigestion, and persistent
headaches, red chestnut the type Remedy was prescribed
for her over-concern for the grandchild; white chestnut
because she was continually thinking about his safety and
well-being. Within one week after taking the Remedies she
said that she felt better than she had for a long while. She
continued to take the Remedies for another six weeks. At the
end of that time, she was free of colds and the digestive dis¬
turbances. She said that she felt happier, and much less
worried about her grandson; she even said that he seemed
quite capable of taking care of himself.
Woman, elderly, married. Her husband had just suffered a
heart attack. She herself was quite frail, and distressed and
concerned about his condition, red chestnut was prescribed
for her concern about her husband; cherry plum because it
was feared that her mind was strained to the point where she
could have a nervous breakdown. She continued to nurse her
husband while she took the Remedies. After the first month,
her daughter wrote to say that she was amazed to see how
well her mother was now, and that she never would have
thought that such a change was possible in so short a
Woman, middle age, a widow. Her daughter had idealized
her father, and when he died she blamed her mother for his
death. The daughter had just had a miscarriage, and this
added stress to the psychological barrier which already existed
between the two women. The mother had been, by nature, a
happy and cheerful woman; a practical kind of person, with
many interests. When she came to us for treatment, the ten¬
sion between her daughter and herself had taken its toll; she
was suffering from poor circulation, constipation, and
insomnia, red chestnut was prescribed because of her con¬
cern about her daughter’s health and attitude; crab apple
as a cleanser of mind and body; vervain for the tension that
had arisen between the two persons. Within two weeks, she
reported that she was feeling much better. The tension had
lessened markedly, and the constipation was beginning to
respond to the treatment. She took the medicine for another
six weeks, when she was able to report: “The constipation
has almost become a thing of the past. I am enjoying hfe once
more, and I do not feel any anxiety about my daughter now.
We are good friends again, and I am sure that is because of
my changed attitude towards her.”
Woman, age 75, a widow. She wrote to us as follows:
“Since I have been taking the Remedy (red chestnut)
which you sent to me, my health is much better, and the
difference I will try to explain. I have always been keenly
concerned about my daughter’s ups and downs, eager to help
her when necessary, and worried when I could not do so.
Now I do not seem to worry so much, and although I live
quite near her, I only go to see her when she says she needs
me. I am no longer always worrying about what she is doing,
or whether or not she is able to manage things. The medicine
you sent me has brought about this happy condition, and I
am most grateful.”
Woman, age 70, married. Her So-year-old husband was in
a hospital waiting to undergo a serious operation. She was
very concerned about him, and anxious about his chances of
surviving the operation. She stayed awake at night worrying
about him, and she forgot or neglected to prepare herself
proper meals, red chestnut alone was prescribed. After a
few weeks she could sleep well again, and she regained her
appetite. She saw her husband every day, and she said that
she was able to talk with him in a bright and cheerful manner.
She herself felt optimistic and very well.


Keywords: Terror; panic; extreme fright

Rock Rose is the Remedy to be given whenever terror

is experienced, whether the person is in good health or
not. People who are suffering from this state of mind
are usually in a serious condition; the Remedy is
needed on such occasions, or when there has been an
accident or near-escape. It is also useful when the
situation of the patient is so grave that it affects those around
him. In other words, give rock rose whenever there
is terror in the atmosphere, both to the patient
and to those near to him. One patient, who recovered
from an illness remarked concerning the attitude of
those around him: ‘‘They tell me I was unconscious;
anyway, I was so peaceful and comfortable. Then
something hit me like a blow; it hurt, and I felt pain,
and I was so ill. I tried to push it away, whatever it
was. I learned later that at just that time, my wife and
daughter had been told to expect the worst.” Extreme
fear or terror may assail those facing an unexpected or
unfamiliar experience. It is also induced by a terrifying
sight such as the bodies of victims in an accident;
fortunately, it is only a temporary state of mind.
Children often experience terror after a nightmare;
whenever great fear is experienced, four drops of rock
ROSE in a little water should be sipped at frequent
intervals; it will quickly sooth and calm the sufferer.
The positive aspects of rock rose are seen in military

or civil heroes, those courageous persons who are will¬

ing to risk their lives to aid others. It is a state of mind
wherein the self is completely forgotten.

Case Histories

Girl, age 12. A tragedy happened to one of her schoolmates

and this terrified her. She began to have nightmares that
caused her to cry out, to toss and turn all night long, and to
walk in her sleep. She was by nature a high-strung child, and
the terror caused her to lose her appetite. She was losing
weight rapidly, rock rose the type Remedy was prescribed
for her terror. After the first two days, she stopped walking in
her sleep, but she was still restless, disturbed, and talked
in her sleep. By the end of the first month, she was sleeping
peacefully and was calmer, happier, and was eating again,
HONEYSUCKLE was added to rock rose to help her forget the
events of the past. After five months, her mother wrote to say
that she had completely recovered, that she was now well, and
emotionally stable,
Man, middle age. He was a patient in a hospital where he
was critically ill with a paralysed intestine following a major
abdominal operation. Because of his great fear, which the
panic and terror of his wife amplified, he was given a sip of
ROCK ROSE every ten minutes. Half an hour after the first dose,
peristaltic action was restored, and he had a bowel movement.
This saved his life. Subsequently he was given other Reme¬
dies in conformation with his moods until he had completely
Woman, age 54, a widow. She was terrified by all forms of
travel: bus, train or car. She could never sleep the night
before she had to undertake a journey, and she felt that
literally she “fell to pieces” from panic. On such occasions,
she suffered severe headaches, and her hands trembled so
much that she was unable to button her coat, or to hold her
handbag, rock rose the type Remedy was prescribed, and
she was advised to take an extra dose just before she had to
travel. After one month she wrote to us to say: “I do feel a
lot better, and instead of walking into town for my shopping,
I took the bus, and it was not too bad. However, my son is
getting married in two weeks, and I dread'the car journey to
the church.’* Larch was added to the original prescription to
give her confidence. Her next report was that she did make
the journey by car, and was looking forward to more auto¬
mobile trips. Her headaches had lessened and she was sleep¬
ing well. Her last letter said that the headaches had dis¬
appeared entirely, and that both she and her family were
much happier because of her cure.
Girl, age ii. She was in a state of panic because of her
school examinations. This in spite of the fact that she was a
very bright child, and her parents’ assurance that it made no
difference whether she passed the examinations or not! She
became so terrified that she could not sleep, and when she did
she had bad nightmares and woke up screaming. Each morn¬
ing she had a bad headache and she lost her appetite. It was
plain that she was becoming seriously ill. rock rose the type
Remedy was prescribed for her extreme terror. Within four
days she was much calmer. She was eating better, and she
was sleeping well. After another week, she had returned to
normal, and once again she was her happy and cheerful self.
She ate and slept well, and she said that she thought the
examinations would not be so bad after all. She passed them
Woman, age 55, unmarried. She was a woman who was
frightened of many things. She was terrified of pain, of her
condition of health, of death. She found it difficult to make
decisions; she hesitated and procrastinated, and wore herself
out with nervous stress. Physically, she suffered from con¬
stipation, flatulence, and heartburn; she vomited frequently.
These conditions had lasted over a period of many years,
but with the exception of an abdominal prolapse, medical
examination and AT-rays revealed no abnormality. She
maintained that the medicines prescribed gave her “dark,
oily, spots before her eyes”, and her diet for many years
consisted of a small piece offish, toast and tea. Recently she
had suffered from many shocks; there had been several

deaths in her family as well as serious illnesses among her

friends. It was our opinion that fear was at the bottom of
her troubles, and the cause of her physical condition, rock
ROSE was prescribed as the type Remedy for her terrors;
STAR OF BETHLEHEM for the shocks she had suffered. The
Remedies, she said, gave her no ill effects, and she had not
vomited since she started to take them. Although the con¬
stipation persisted, her stomach felt better, and the heartburn
had ceased, and in general she was less fearful. She took the
Remedies for another three months. All her fears had sub¬
sided, and the constipation was almost relieved.
Woman, age 6o, a widow. She was a very nervous type,
with deep-rooted fears which resulted in frightening night¬
mares from which she would awaken screaming. She had
this state of terror for more than thirty-three years. When her
husband was alive, he would speak to her, and calm her
down; but now that she was alone, she dreaded these night
terrors. Recently she had suffered from phlebitis and general
fatigue. ROCK rose was prescribed for her terrors; hornbeam
to give her strength. Within a month she wrote to say: “I
am very pleased with myself. I have not screamed in my
sleep since taking the medicine. My legs do not ache now,
and I can work in the garden without becoming tired. I
am so much happier.” Later she wrote to say that she had
no recurrence of her troubles.
Woman, age 74, married. She was filled with fears. She
feared that she might become dependent on others, or that
she might lose her husband. She feared accidents when she
read about them in the newspaper, and she thought that
she would never get well again. When she came to us she
was suffering from a skin irritation and pruritis. She stated
that normally she was a cheerful and happy woman, and
that she tried to keep her anxieties to herself, rock rose
was prescribed for her terror; agrimony the type Remedy
because she tried to keep her fears to herself. She reported
within one month that she was sleeping well, and that the
skin irritation was better. She continued to take the same
Remedies for the next two months, when she said that
except for two minor setbacks, she had improved greatly,
physically and emotionally, gentian was added to the next
prescription to neutralize the discouragement at the set¬
backs. After another month, she reported that she was com¬
pletely cured, and that she had never felt better, physically
or mentally.
Girl, age lo. When we were called in, she was in a semi¬
coma from pneumonia; she had a high temperature, and
was very restless. Her parents were in a state of panic, and
the family physician was in attendance. She and her parents
were given rock rose immediately. This was to neutralize
her serious condition, and to counteract the terror which was
communicated to her by the panic and fear of her parents.
Her lips and gums were moistened at intervals with rock
rose Remedy. Within two hours, the temperature had taken
a sharp drop, and throughout the night she was given doses
of rock rose at hourly intervals. She awoke the next day,
and though her temperature was normal, she was still very
weak and fretful, centuary, for those who can make little
effort because of weakness, and chicory, for those who are
fretful, was added to rock rose. Her progress was steady
and excellent, and in a short time she was well again.


Keywords: Self-repression; self-denial; self-martyrdom

It is interesting to speculate why Dr. Bach was led to

choose water as one of the thirty-eight Remedies, when
the other thirty-seven were made from plants or trees!
Probably he recognized the state of mind which this
Remedy relieves as one of great inflexibility, in a sense,
as hard as a rock. Such a state of mind has need of the
gentle drops of water which can in fact wear away the
hardest stone! Dr. Bach himself said this Remedy was
for those with strong opinions about religion, politics,
or reform; it is for those who allow their minds and
lives to be ruled by their cherished theories. The rock
WATER type are hard masters on themselves. They are
strict in their way of living, they have formed high
ideals from which they cannot be deflected, and they
force themselves to live up to them. They practice
self-denial and they undergo a form of self-martyrdom
in order to maintain the standard of conduct or the
state of health they consider to be correct, or even
saintly. This is not self-mastery, for true self-mastery
comes through forgetting the self, not concentrating
upon it. It is a form of self-domination; they rule
themselves with an iron hand. They cannot under¬
stand that such practices as diets are the result, not the
cause of spiritual growth! The rock water type is the
opposite of the vine type, for the latter try to dominate

Other people, while the rock water folk do not inter¬

fere, as a rule, in the lives of others. Actually, this is
because they are far too concerned with their own
perfection, and the setting of a perfect example for all
to behold. It was said about a rock water person:
“She holds herself very upright, she ^holds herself in’
and tries all the time to be so good and to influence
other people around her through her own attitude and
example.” Another said about himself: “I study and I
am very strict in my diet, I don’t eat meat, but I eat
plenty of fruit. I don’t drink tea or coffee. I neither eat
white bread nor pastries. I live a clean life. I don’t
smoke or use alcohol.” Let it be remarked that his
rigidity of outlook caused him much more suffering
than a piece of white bread would have done! They
are the “hairshirt” people, the fakirs who mortify the
flesh, the martyrs who deny themselves even the simple
pleasures of life lest they violate the rigid code they
have set for themselves. One wrote: “Do you not
believe the ancient sage’s advice ‘Thou shalt plant
the mallow but thou shalt not eat its fruit’ ? That is to
say we should be mild and forgiving toward others, but
not to ourselves.” In reply to that question, our answer
is an emphatic no. We cannot live in a state of unfor¬
giveness, or worse, unforgivingness, not even to our¬
selves. We are children of love, and to love is to forgive;
only those who have learned how to forgive themselves
can truly forgive others!
The positive aspects are seen in those persons who
have high ideals, but when they are convinced of a
higher or a better truth, are willing to forsake their
original theories and beliefs. Such people have flexible
minds. They are not easily influenced by others, be¬
cause they know in advance that they will be shown
greater and deeper truths. The joy and peace that they

experience in life encourages others to follow their


Case Histories

Woman, age 70, a widow. She was very strict with herself
and had established a rigid pattern of life; she seemed
unable to see any other point of view. She was a daydreamer
and a fanatic. Since her husband’s death, she worked as a
typist at home, but chilblains, summer and winter, impeded
her efficiency. Her feet were also affected, and at night she
suffered severe cramps which often wakened her, rock
water the type Remedy was prescribed together with
CLEMATIS for her dreamy state. Within four weeks, she re¬
ported that although the cold weather had set in, the chil¬
blains had almost disappeared from both hands and feet;
she had some cramps on occasions, but they were not as
severe as before. She said that she felt more relaxed in mind
and body. She took the Remedies for six months, and wrote
to say: “I have worked in an unheated house during all the
winter months, and without gloves during this last cold
spell. The chilblains have not returned, and I have not had
any more cramps at night. I am so grateful to be free from
these lifelong troubles! I find too that I am being kinder to
myself. I now realize that in the past I have been far too
rigid in my outlook and that I neglected the ordinary
comforts in life.”
Man, age 53, bachelor. He did not drink or smoke and he
was fanatical about his diet. He would not eat food that he
might have enjoyed, because he feared it would disagree
with him. He drove himself unmercifully at his office, and
if he could not finish the day’s work, he brought it home to
complete it. He was always on the go; this, he felt, was the
duty that he owed to himself in order to satisfy the high
standard he had set. He was intolerant of noisy people, of
“litter-bugs”, and of what he considered to be stupidity on
the part of others. Physically, he suffered from a mild heart
trouble, arhythmic tachycardia; he also had insomnia,
nervous tension, and indigestion, especially after eating late
at night, rock water the type Remedy was prescribed for
his stern self-discipline; beech for his intolerance of other
people. He felt better after the first month; he was more
relaxed, and less driving in his work. He began to enjoy some
of the pleasures of life, and to grow in tolerance and under¬
standing. After another three months he was cured. His
heart condition had normalized, his digestion improved and
he was eating well, and most important, he acted and felt
like a human being again.
Woman, age 33, a registered nurse. She was studying to
become a visiting nurse. She had formerly worked in the
Bahamas, and there she had rheumatoid arthritis in her
joints and suffered great pain. When she applied to us for
treatment she had improved somewhat, although recently
she had suffered from a severe attack. This had occurred
while she was visiting her relatives, whom she said had
disappointed her greatly; they had not lived up to her
ideals. She said that she had always kept a tight rein on
herself. She allowed herself few pleasures, and was, as far
as she was concerned, a severe taskmaster. She said: ‘T have
discovered that my difficulties are arrogance and pride. I
believed that I could journey through life without the help
of God or man if I kept to my own ideals of perfection.”
ROCK WATER, the type Remedy was prescribed for her stern
self-discipline; water violet for her pride. During her next
visit, she said: “The pain in my joints is lessening, and
strangely enough, I want to pray and be humble, but I
still find it difficult. That depresses me very much.” gentian
was added to the basic prescription for her discouragement.
This helped to a certain extent; when she came again, she
said: “1 find myself in very real conflict with what my
instructors tell me to learn, as I believe they are wrong. I
feel so panic-stricken that I doubt whether I will be able to
finish the course. I feel angry, and resentful too.” Another
prescription was given consisting of the following Remedies:
ROCK water; water violet; plus rock rose for panic and
willow for resentment. She took these Remedies for three
months. When she wrote to us after that time, she said that
she had finished her course, and was now working as a
visiting nurse. She said: “My life has changed so much
since I first took the Remedies. I am getting stronger every
day. If I had not experienced the effect of the Remedies, I
could not believe it! They took my pain, and turned it
into joy.”
Woman, middle age. She was a strict self-disciplinarian
and very hard on herself. She said that she had suffered
from constipation ever since she was three years old, and
that since that time she had never had a normal movement
without a purgative. Emotionally, she suffered from fears of
unknown origin, and from indecision, rock water the type
Remedy was prescribed for her strict self-discipline;
SCLERANTHUS for her indecision; aspen for the fears of
unknown origin. Within three weeks she reported that for
almost the first time in her life, her bowel action was normal,
and that she did not need any laxatives. She also said that
she was free from her fears, and now well able to make up
her mind. She said that she was a very happy person indeed!
Many years later she wrote to say that there had been no
Man age 54. He was a businessman. For the past eighteen
months, he had an increasing pain in his neck, which ran
up the head and over the left ear. An AT-ray examination
indicated spondylitis, and he was being treated by an
osteopathic physician. By nature he was active, purposeful,
impatient; he Hked and sought quietness. He had very high
ideals, and denied himself many of the joys of life because
he feared that they might impede his spiritual progress. He
likened himself to a bull, standing with his head down and
ready to defend the high principles he had set for himself.
He applied this idealism to his business and took his responsi¬
bilities seriously, rock water was prescribed for his self-
discipline; IMPATIENS for his naturally impatient nature;
elm because he took his business responsibilities too seriously.
Improvement was slow, but after two months he said that
the stiffiiess in his neck had become less, and his wife later
wrote: “My husband can now laugh when he is home.” He
continued the treatment for several months more, and the
stiff neck gradually began to loosen. During this period, he
faced a crisis in his business, and this caused an immediate
return of the pain and stiffness, and he felt panicky, rock
ROSE was added to the prescription for the feeling of panic;
STAR OF BETHLEHEM for the shock. During another interview,
he said that he thought it was pride which caused his pain,
for he prided himself on his ideals and way of life, as well
as on his work, water violet was added to the original
prescription of rock water, impatiens and elm. After
another period of time, he wrote to say that he felt the
progress was gentle but certain. He said that in spite of
doing heavy gardening work, the neck and the shoulder did
not trouble him any more, and he added: “I wish that I
could have a quiet life in the country. I no longer have the
ambition to be a successful businessman, but I want to enjoy
my life and my home.” His neck had become entirely free
from any stiffness, and his wife wrote to say that he was a
different man. He was gentle, kind, and no longer impatient.
He was in fact taking life much more easily than before, and
he had even modified his impossibly high ideals!
Woman, middle age, married with three children. She
said of herself: “I follow a life of self-discipline and the
development of the Inner Life, which is my real self.” Her
medical history was long and complex. She suffered from
indigestion; she would suddenly develop a terrible pain in
the stomach. The last attack had lasted for ten weeks. Her
physicians could discover no pathological reason for the pain,
and could only give her drugs to relieve it. The pain kept
returning periodically, and although she had seen several
speciahsts, they too were unable to help her, although they
did suggest that she learn to live with it. She had a very
active nature, and the drive of the perfectionist; yet she
could sit in a chair and fall asleep in the presence of other
people. ROCK WATER was prescribed for the harshness she
displayed toward herself; vervain because she forced her¬
self to keep going; clematis for her uncontrollable sleepi-

ness, which in fact was an escape from her difficulties. She

continued the treatment for many months. The pain gradually
lessened in both intensity and frequency. She wrote: “It is a
tremendous relief not to be so sleepy, and to be more free of
the pain.” She took the Remedies for over a year, when she
wrote again to say: “My digestive condition has improved
enormously. I have been without pain all of the time, and
the other symptoms are not so severe. I have become much
less tense, and I do not try to work as hard as I did, or to
put so much into what I do.” Finally, after another half a
year, she wrote: “I am entirely well in every way, and I am
so grateful! The pains have never returned!”
Woman age 70. She was suffering from kidney stones, and
an operation had been recommended. When she came to
see us, she was having much pain from time to time, and
she was waiting for a bed in the hospital. By nature, she
was a gentle, independent person who exemplified the highest
ideals and who tried to perfect her character so that others
might profit by her example, rock water was prescribed
for her rather stem attitude toward herself; crab apple to
cleanse the body from the kidney stones. Almost immediately
after she started to take the Remedies, the pain stopped.
She continued to take the Remedies until she went into the
hospital. The operation was most successful and her general
health improved greatly. She became much more lenient
with herself, and enjoyed a fuller, more happy life than she
ever had before.


Keywords: Uncertainty; indecision; hesitancy; unbalance

ScLERANTHUS is the Remedy for those people who suffer

from indecision. They lack the ability to make up their
minds, and thus they are swayed between two things
or possibilities. The scleranthus type also experiences
extremes ofjoy or sadness, energy or apathy, pessimism
or optimism, laughing or crying. To a certain extent,
they are unreliable and uncertain, because they are
unable to concentrate due to their constantly changing
outlook. Their conversation is sometimes erratic, be¬
cause they tend to jump from one subject to another.
In spite of this, they are quiet people, and they do not
ask the advice of one and all as the gerato person
does. They waste valuable time because they cannot
make up their minds, and at times they may lose an
opportunity because they cannot reach a decision. In
an illness, their symptoms come and go or move about.
There is pain first in one place and then in another;
the temperature may swing up or down and progress
is erratic. The lack of poise and balance of the scler¬
anthus type may cause various kinds of motion sick¬
ness, such as air-sickness or sea-sickness. Extracts from
patients’ letters include such remarks as these: ‘T have
a magpie mind, full of bits and pieces”; or “Mine is a
grasshopper mentality, always going from one subject
to another in a disconnected fashion”; again, “During
the day I am very active and confident but at night I

have a complete reversal. I doubt my decisions, and

regret certain activities, and this wakes me up or pre¬
vents me from going to sleep.” A daughter wrote:
“My mother has suffered from periodic attacks of
asthma since her youth. She seems to go through ex¬
tremes of great, though non-productive, activity, and
complete exhaustion. She finds it difficult to keep a
steady mean.” Others say: “My moods vary like the
restless sea”; “I am riding the clouds when things go
well, and depressed when even the most trivial things
go wrong.” These quotations are typical of the
SCLERANTHUS State of mind.
The positive aspects of scleranthus reflects calm¬
ness and determination. Such people are quick to make
a decision and prompt in action. They are those who
keep theii poise and balaiice under all occasions.

Case Histories

Man, age 70. He was, by nature, a quiet and kind person.

He had suffered from constipation for the last 60 years. He
said that it was brought on through indecision, and the
resulting worry. Whenever he was called upon to make a
decision, either at home or at work, he suffered agonies of
irresolution before he could make up his mind. It had taken
him three months to reach the decision to come to us for
treatment! It was the sudden death of his wife, and the
consequent loneliness, that finally prompted him to do so.
scleranthus the type Remedy was prescribed for his
indecision; corse for his hopelessness; star of Bethlehem
for the shock the loss of his wife caused. He reported within
three weeks that while his constipation had not improved,
he was feeling better and more hopeful. Most important of
all, he said that he had decided upon the future course of
his life, scleranthus the type Remedy was prescribed
alone. After two months, he stated that he was no longer
troubled with indecision, nor constipation, and that he felt
much more confident than he did before. Some years later
he wrote to us and said that he had no relapse, and none of
the conditions had returned.
Woman, age 40, a widow. She had just received a pro¬
posal of marriage, but she was unable to make up her mind
about it. She wrote to us saying: “My mind is in a constant
state of conflict. It is continually in a whirl as to which
course to take.” She wrote further that at times she was sad,
and at other times she was cheerful; she was sometimes
energetic and some times lethargic, scleranthus the type
Remedy was prescribed for her uncertainty and fluctuating
moods; wild oat to help her become more definite about
her life and her future plans. The results were speedy, and
fortuitous. She finally wrote to say that she was now married
and happy, and that she no longer suffered from indecision.
Woman, age 51, a widow with two daughters dependent
upon her. She worked in a city hospital as a receptionist
and although she liked her work, she was finding it increas¬
ingly difficult to make decisions. She could not decide whether
to quit her job or to remain with the hospital and the
uncertainty depressed and discouraged her. Since the age of
thirty-nine, she had suffered from attacks of biliousness and
vomiting, together with migraine headaches. Such attacks
would last for about two days, and the violence of the
vomiting exhausted her and caused her to lose weight. The
physicians she consulted were unable to do anything to
alleviate the attacks and she was told that she would have
to put up with them. To add to her troubles, she was
passing through the climacteric, and lived in constant fear
of a sudden nausea, so much so that she hardly ate any food
at all. SCLERANTHUS was the type Remedy, and it was pre¬
scribed for her indecision; gentian for her discouraged
attitude; mimulus for the fear of an attack. At the end of the
first month, she said that she had no more nausea, but she
did mention the climacteric, walnut was added to the
original prescription to neutralize the changes in her life
that interfered with her activities. After another three months,
she reported that she was much better. She had no more
bilious attacks; her periods were light and without dis¬
comfort, and she had only a few mild headaches. She had
decided to remain at the hospital. She continued to take the
Remedies for another two months, and then reported that
she was cured, and completely free from all of her former
Boy, age 12. He told us that he had a “funny feeling” in
his stomach. He was a child who lacked confidence in him¬
self, and was continually bored. He did not know what he
wanted to do, and he could not make up his mind about
anything, scleranthus was prescribed for his indecision;
LARCH for his lack of confidence. For a time he improved,
but one morning he again woke up with the pain in his
stomach, gentian was added to the former prescription to
counteract his discouragement and depression. After taking
the Remedies for another month, his mother reported that:
“He is now quite well and very stable. He decided to join
the Boy Scouts.”
Woman, age 40, a widow. After the death of her husband,
she was very undecided about her future. She could not
make up her mind whether she would move to Cornwall, or
remain where she was. She said in her letter: “I am in a
muddle.” scleranthus the type Remedy was prescribed.
A short time later she wrote to us as follows: “I am curious
to know what you prescribed for me. I am feeling much
better, but the strange thing is that my mental vision has
cleared. I suddenly found that my thoughts had become
clearly defined, and it was then that I realized how blurred
my thoughts had been for such a long time.”
Woman, age 28, unmarried. She was an actress by pro¬
fession, an only daughter of Italian parentage. She had
always found it difficult to make up her mind, and she was
continually changing it. She was subject to attacks of de¬
pression for no known reason, and she suffered from con¬
stipation and diarrhea alternately, scleranthus was pre¬
scribed for her inability to make up her mind; mustard
for the depressions of unknown cause. This resulted in some
improvement. After the first month she wrote to say that
while she was not suffering from any pain, she was suffering
from the idea that there might be some pain during her next
period. She said that she was also troubled by leukorrhea.
CRAB APPLE was added to the original prescription as a
cleanser. Two months later she wrote to say: ‘T have had
no further pain, and I am putting on weight. Both the colitis
and the leukorrhea have stopped. I look like a new woman
and I have a much better complexion. I am eating and
sleeping well. Most important of all, I am now able to make
Woman, age 37, married. She wrote to say: ‘T cannot make
decisions. I leave all decisions to the last moment, and then
rush at things and am late. I have two sons, and during the
war I worked too hard to get enough food for the family,
doing the housework, and moving from place to place out
of range of the bombs, for the children’s sake. Now I lack
confidence, and I feel ‘out of it’ when I am amongst
strangers. I do seriously want to get right, and I feel that I
am making things difficult for my family as well as for myself,
and that I am losing the value of these lovely family years
through this dithering and lack of confidence.” scleranthus
was prescribed for her indecision; larch for her lack of
confidence. At first progress was slow. After two months
she wrote to say: “I am feeling a lot more stable and a good
deal better physically.” In that letter she told us that she
was a diabetic, crab apple was added to the original
prescription, and the results were excellent. She wrote again:
“I have reduced the amount of insulin that I take daily,
so things seem to be improving in that direction too.” After
another two months we again received a letter which said:
“I am so much better and brigher and I can make up my
mind definitely now. My mother says that she is delighted
to see how much better I am in every respect.”


Keywords: After effect of shock, mental or physical

Star of Bethlehem is one of the five Remedies

included in the Rescue Remedy, and its function is to
neutralize shock in any form. Always use it in case of an
accident, for whether severe or light, there is invariably
a shock connected with an accident. If the shock is
neutralized, bodily recuperation is accelerated to a
great degree. Sudden sad news, a bad fright, a grievous
disappointment, all result in shock as well as unhap¬
piness. Dr. Bach called this Remedy ‘‘The comforter
and soother of pains and sorrows”. Sometimes the
effect of mental shock manifests itself almost imme¬
diately in the body. There was the case of a previously
healthy woman who sat on the cellar steps during a
particularly bad bombing raid on London. After the
raid, when she tried to get up, she found that she could
hardly do so; her hips seemed locked, and her legs
would not respond. Her physician told her that the
shock she had undergone had caused arthritis in both
of her hip-joints. Another woman developed a blinding
headache when she was told that her only daughter
had been killed in an air-raid. She suffered great dis¬
tress from headaches for many years until she was
finally cured by the Bach Remedies. Another patient,
a musician, wrote: “When I look back, I see that
nearly all of my illnesses were the result of shock.
Certainly the rheumatoid arthritis was! I was accused

of breaking an old and valuable Chinese plate, which

I did not do. This was such a shock to me that my
hands became stiff, and I had to give up my music.”
Sometimes the effect of shock is repressed, but be sure
that it is there; when there has been a shock, there is
always an effect! A person who has received a shock
may appear calm at the time; but later, weeks, months,
or even years afterward, the effect of the shock will
become manifest, even though the original incident has
been long forgotten. It may reveal itself as a nervous
breakdown, a skin disease, a coronary disturbance, or
as any one of a number of physical or mental ailments
for which no cause can be found. Therefore, when
treating a case which does not respond to the Remedies
prescribed, it is well to bear star of bethlehem in
mind; it might be the catalyst that was lacking! Try to
discover, in a most gentle manner, whether the patient
has had a severe shock in his or her past life. Try to
find out whether there has been recent stress or dis¬
appointment. Remember this always: most people
have at some time or other suffered from a grievous
shock. STAR OF BETHLEHEM will quickly neutralize the
effects caused by it!

Case Histories

Young woman, unmarried. In 1941 she wrote to us saying:

“I was in London until the end of last November (1940)
when we were bombed continuously. Now I am just begin¬
ning to feel the result of the nervous tension during those
weeks. My head and neck feel as if they are in an iron band,
and the glands of the neck are swollen.’* star of bethlehem
was the Remedy indicated for the delayed shock; vervain
for the tension she described in her letter which would not
allow her to rest or relax. Six months later, she wrote to say
that she was a different person, and that the pains in her
head had almost disappeared. The same two Remedies were
repeated, and one month later she wrote to say: “The head
pains have quite gone, and the glands are normal again.
Before I wrote to you the first time, I had my eyes tested
because they were getting so bad. The doctor said that there
was nothing wrong with them, that it was just nerves. My
eyes have now become so strong again that I have no need
of glasses. My tongue, which was always coated, is now
pink and clear. I am feeling better than I have for years.”
Later she wrote to tell us that there had been no recurrence
after many years.
Woman, middle age, married. She wrote as follows: “I
am going through a time of unutterable grief. The one I
love best in the world is dying of cancer.” star of Beth¬
lehem was prescribed for the shock; chicory because we
felt that her love and grief were possessive^ and this state of
mind would not help either her friend or her. Shortly after
she received the Remedies, she wrote again and said: “It
was wonderful. I was able to cry and the feeling of desolation
Woman, age 56, a widow. When she came to us for treat¬
ment, she was suffering from a series of shocks. Six months
previously, her left breast was removed. This was followed
by a thrombosis in her left leg. Five weeks after that, her
husband died suddenly without warning. Her left arm was
swollen and practically useless. She slept badly because her
mind was in a turmoil, star of Bethlehem was prescribed
alone. Two months later she was able to report that she was
feeling better; her physical condition was improving, and
she could again sleep the whole night through. But she said
that she still had sad thoughts which she was unable to
dispel no matter how hard she tried, white chestnut was
added to counteract the disturbing and recurring thoughts.
She took the Remedies for another two months, and the
improvement was gradual but sure. She was finally able to
write: “I feel so much better. In fact I am a different person.
Both my arm and my leg are normal again. I now only take
the medicine [Remedies] when I feel I need it.” The patient
kept in touch with us for four years after that letter, and
during that time there was no recurrence.
Woman, age 50, unmarried. Her letter to us said: “I have
a problem about mental depressions which come at intervals,
and which have been coming on for a number of years. The
depressions started when I had a very unhappy personal
experience several years ago. It was a great shock to me,
and I think I never recovered from it. Now, whenever I
have any unhappy events or a situation to face, I have
another bout of depression accompanied by considerable
agitation, nervousness, and jittery feeling. I mull over my
symptoms. My thoughts just go round and round in my
head, and there does not seem to be much point to existence.”
STAR OF BETHLEHEM was prescribed for the shock of the
unhappy experience years before; white chestnut for the
thoughts that milled around in her mind. After two months,
she wrote again to say: ‘T am so grateful. I am feeling better
than I have felt for years. It is really wonderful not to have
to take any of those powerful drugs I had taken before. I
was never able to tolerate any such drugs because of the
very unpleasant side-effects which made me physically ill.”
She took another bottle of the Remedies, and she said that
she was delighted to discover that she had no more depres¬
sions, and that her mind was quiet.
Man, middle age, a banker by profession. He had recently
experienced a big shock over some financial reverses, and
had worried about this for some months. He was suffering
from what his physician diagnosed as stomach ulcers when
his appendix ruptured, and he became critically ill in the
hospital when his intestines became paralysed. Medical aid
appeared ineffective, and the situation was extremely grave.
STAR OF BETHLEHEM was immediately prescribed for the
shocks he had undergone; rock rose for the terror of his
illness, doctors, and the hospital. Half an hour after taking
the first dose, the atrophied bowel became active, and his
life was saved. When this occurred, although he was very
weak, he regained much of his sense of humor, and lost
the greater part of his fear so that he could make light of his
illness, star of Bethlehem was again prescribed; olive for
his weakened state; agrimony for the mental torture that he
kept to himself. His strength returned quickly, and he was
discharged from the hospital to convalesce at home. His
progress was rapid, and he had fully recovered within a
short time.
Woman, age 46, a widow. When she applied to us for
treatment, she was suffering from a series of shocks as well
as nervous exhaustion and depression. This was her history:
Her only daughter, who was living in Portugal, suddenly
lost her husband. She returned to live with her family,
bringing her two small daughters. Shortly after her daughter’s
return, the woman’s husband died unexpectedly. To add to
the current misfortune, her house burned to the ground
because of a short-circuit in a radio set, and they were forced
to find another house. No sooner were they in the new house,
than the mother, the subject of this report, was stricken with
a heart attack, and had to remain in bed for two months.
During that time, it was discovered that she had thyroid
trouble, and an operation was imperative. The operation
was a success, and the woman felt better for a while, but
again she was brought to bed for the greater part of the day,
because of another illness, star of Bethlehem was pre¬
scribed for the many shocks she had received; olive for the
state of exhaustion and depression. Four weeks after she
started the treatment, she said that she felt stronger, and that
she could get up from bed and dress herself. Each day she
grew progressively better, and she could remain up for longer
periods. After another month, she felt that she was growing
much stronger; she could go for short walks, she was
sleeping well, and was without depressions. She continued to
take the Remedies for another month at which time she
said that she felt better than ever before, and that her bitter
experiences were now things of the past.
Man, age 70, a widower. A few weeks before he came to
us for treatment, his wife died suddenly and unexpectedly,
and the shock was very great. He had become depressed,
and he felt that life held nothing more for him. star of
BETHLEHEM was prescribed for the shock; gorse for his great
hopelessness. Two weeks later he wrote saying that there
had been no improvement, and adding the fact that he had
suffered from constipation for more than sixty years.
MUSTARD was then added to the original prescription to
neutralize the black depressions and gloom. Six weeks later,
he wrote to say that the depressions had vanished, and that
he had regained his peace of mind. He added that much to
his astonishment and gratitude, the constipation which had
troubled him for so long was very much better, and hardly
troubled him at all!


Keywords: Extreme mental anguish; hopelessness; despair

Dr. Bach wrote thus about sweet chestnut: 'Tt is the

one [Remedy] for that terrible, that appalling mental
despair when it seems the very soul itself is suffering
destruction. [It is] the hopeless despair of those who
feel they have reached the limit of their endurance.”
This is mental torture in the extreme. The mind has
reached the point where it feels that it can bear no
more. It has resisted the stress to the utmost; now all is
a void, both in the past and in the future. For the mind
and the body, exhaustion and loneliness is total. One
patient described this condition in a letter : ‘T think I
know (though I am not very brave physically) what it
means to be driven into a world where sight is not
seeing and sound is not hearing, and where the closest
person is millions of miles away; where even death
cannot come to one’s aid.” The sweet chestnut type
are persons of strong character. They do not tend
toward suicide as the cherry plum type do. They have
full control of their emotions, and they keep their
distress to themselves. In this regard they are similar to
the AGRIMONY people, who also keep their troubles to
themselves, but the distress of the sweet chestnut type
is by far the greater. The hopelessness suffered by the
SWEET CHESTNUT people is more acute than that suf¬
fered by the gorse type; the sweet chestnut persons
suffer with an intensity that almost seems beyond

human capacity to bear. Those who experience this

terrible despair and who stand up under it often feel
that they must crack even against their will or inten¬
tion. One patient who had suffered mental anguish for
many years wrote: ‘T feel that I have come to the end
of everything. I feel that I am no longer worthy even
to pray; the future is complete darkness. I have no
hope, no peace. I am in a complete void, I am so
The positive aspect is seen in those who, even though
their anguish is so great as to seem unbearable, can
call on their Father for help, and still put their trust in
Him. Then, as Dr. Bach said, “the cry for help is
heard and it is the moment when miracles are done.”
Those who have ever experienced this form of suffering
have the understanding and the desire to help all
others in despair.

Case Histories

Man age 70, a widower. His life had been most difficult
for the last forty years; it was filled with disappointments,
shocks and sorrows, all of which he had borne with fortitude
and without despair. But when his wife died, he felt that he
could no longer withstand the stress of life, and that he had
reached the end of his endurance. He had become desperate,
depressed, lonely and hopeless. He felt that there was nothing
left for him to hold on to. When he came to us, his physical
health was good except for chronic constipation which forced
him to take a laxative every day. sweet chestnust the type
Remedy was prescribed for the depression and hopelessness.
After one month his report was encouraging. He said: “The
depression is lifting, I am grateful to say. I can see daylight
ahead, and my faith is returning.” He continued to take
SWEET CHESTNUT for another two months. He wrote again
saying: “The hopeless depression has quite gone and the
constipation has improved beyond measure. I no longer need
to take laxatives. Above all, I have gained a true peace of
Woman age 56, married. She had married when she was
very young, and quite without any knowledge of sex or
conjugal relations. She had three babies in rapid succession,
and then practised birth control. However, someone told her
that this practice was akin to murder, and she became very
troubled in her own mind as her guilty feelings increased.
She was never able to liberate herself from the feeling of
guilt, and all the time she felt that she would never be
forgiven. When she came to us, she was suffering from
insomnia and terrifying nightmares. She feared that at times
she would lose all control of herself and harm somebody,
and she would not allow her youngest child to sleep in her
bed for that reason. She was a desperately unhappy woman
who felt she had come to the end of her rope, and that she
could not bear the strain much longer. She saw no help for
her plight. She could see no peace, no hope, no future; just
the despairing blackness of the great unknown, sweet
CHESTNUT the type Remedy was prescribed for her great
despair; cherry plum for the lack of emotional control.
Her improvement was gradual. After two months, she could
say that the feelings of violence were abating, and that she
was sleeping slightly better, but she was still filled with
self-reproach and the idea that she would never be forgiven.
PINE was added to the original prescription to neutralize
that state of mind. After another two months, she wrote to
say that she was feeling ever so much better and that she
had begun to have hope again. Two months later she wrote
again to say: ‘T have felt better this month than I have for
years.” Treatment was continued for some months more,
and no relapse has ever been reported.
Man, age 70, a widower. When he came to see us, he
related the series of misfortunes which had made his life
miserable for many years. His two sons had been killed in
the war. Recently his wife and his oldest friend had died
within weeks of each other. He was alone, and he felt that
there was nothing to live for. He said that he lacked friends
and affection since his wife had died. He felt that even God
had forsaken him, and he did not think that he could endure
the mental anguish much longer, sweet chestnut the type
Remedy was prescribed for his feeling of despair and mental
anguish. His reaction to the treatment was slow, but cer¬
tain; gradually he began to see a little light, a thin ray of
hope. At this point, fate took a hand in the appearance of a
little stray dog which he took in and cared for. This was
the turning point. Some months later he wrote that he had
regained his faith in God, and that he was able to face the
future boldly,
Man, age 26, an army sergeant. During the war he had
served most of the time in North Africa. He was a fine,
strong and sensitive man who was much liked by his men.
He had been wounded three times, and was often decorated
for bravery. When he was demobilized, in 1946, he began
to feel a reaction from the many terrible experiences he and
his men had gone through in the war. He could not erase
from his memory the sights of the battlefields where he had
fought. He started to have terrifying nightmares, and would
wake up shaking with fear and screaming aloud. He with¬
drew into himself and began to shun the company of other
people. He said that he felt he was alone in the darkness
where there was no light, no joy, nothing in fact but a
terrible anguish of his soul, and sorrow. He said that he
did not know for how long he could continue to remain
sane, and that he felt God had deserted him. In spite of
this, he had to work, because he had a wife and family to
support. SWEET CHESTNUT was prescribed for his mental
anguish; rock rose for his terror. Gradually, as the weeks
passed, he began to regain his courage and a faint hope.
The progress was slow, but sure, and he persevered until
he was once again his old calm and courageous self, and the
memories of the past had faded away. Twenty-three years
have passed since then, and he has never had a relapse, nor
any further trouble. Today he is a fit and happy man.
Woman, age 63, unmarried. Her childhood had been
unhappy, and all of her life difficult. One of her parents had
committed suicide, and her early years had been those of
stress, poverty and unhappiness. She was a professional
musician, and an artistic and highly sensitive person. When
she came to us, she said that she lived with a friend who was
always ill, and a very difficult person at best. She was
starting to have severe depressions, and she was afraid that
she would not be able to carry on with her work. The
depressions had increased as her health deteriorated, and
now she was on the verge of collapse. As she said, she had
nothing to look forward to; the depressions were becoming
unbearable and there was nothing but darkness all about
her. There was no help or relief in sight, sweet chestnut
was prescribed for her hopelessness and despair; olive to
strengthen her mind and body. Although the response was
slow, she began to play the piano again, and this led to the
hope that she would be able to regain her happiness once
more. Her strength gradually returned, until finally she was
able to accept a few pupils. The depressions were becoming
less severe and less frequent. She took the Remedies for
over a year, and finally she was cured. She wrote: “How
worth while was the struggle to get well! I am busy again
with my music which I love. I am playing at concerts again!
My friend has gone into a hospital where she will have all
the attention she needs.’*
Woman, age 66, married. Throughout most of her life
she was a normally cheerful person who enjoyed life. How¬
ever, for the past four months she had been suffering from a
painfully afflicted throat and tongue. The throat was con¬
tinually sore and the tongue was dry with tiny white spots
on its surface. She herself was fully convinced that she had
cancer, and she refused to believe the assurances of her
physician to the contrary. She was overwhelmed by a black
despair which she could not get rid of. It was fast becoming
unendurable, and she was beginning to feel that she would
be unable to bear the stress for much longer. She had told
her husband nothing about all of this, and she was trying
to bear her misery alone. When we first saw her, she had
about lost all hope, sweet chestnut was prescribed for the
black depression and despair; star of Bethlehem for the
shock the thought of having cancer produced. After the
first month, she reported that she had been lifted out of the
black despair into a more calm and happy state of mind,
as she said: “much to my surprise and gratitude.” Her
tongue had improved, and was almost cleared, while her
throat was no longer sore. During the next interview she
had with us, she said: “I must not make my illness my
dominant thought, otherwise my trouble will become the
god of my mind. I have too much of a tendency to dwell in
the past.” HONEYSUCKLE was added to the next prescription
to combat the tendency to live in the past. She continued
the treatment for the next six months. There were occa¬
sional setbacks, but they were of a minor nature, and
became less frequent as time went on. Finally, she was able
to report: ‘T am progressing right ahead now. My throat
is well and my tongue is clear, and now, of course, I know
that it was not cancer after all.”


Keywords: Strain; stress; tension; over-enthusiasm

Vervain is the Remedy for the extremes of mental

energy which manifest themselves in over-effort, stress
and tension. It is for those persons who force themselves
by pure effort of will to do things that are beyond their
physical strength. Such people “live on their nerves”
and this results in physical exhaustion, illness, and
nervous breakdowns. The vervain type hold very
strong opinions and ideas which they hardly ever
change, and which they wish to impose upon others.
They will “run a thing to death” if they believe that it
is right. Such are the fanatics, the reformers, the con¬
verts and the martyrs for a cause. They possess great
courage, and face danger willingly to defend their
principles. They are, as a rule, quick in speech and
movement, and wiry in body. Often others are carried
along by their enthusiasm, and those who are, often
become tired and exhausted by the pressure of their
influence. The vervain folk are high-strung; they fret
and fuss when they cannot do all they want to do.
When they feel that they are not getting along fast
enough, they are driven to even greater efforts. A*
typical statement is: “My mind is always a couple
ofjumps ahead of my body. I fall over myself, and my
pulse increases immediately.” Another writes: “I am
in a state of tension and overanxiousness which inter¬
feres drastically with my sleep. I find myself taking on

far too much, and being without a minute to spare for

relaxation. I overtax my strength, and that too keeps
me awake at night, or when I do sleep, I am awakened
abruptly by worrying thoughts, and my sleep is
spoiled.’’ They are so keyed-up that they never can
relax mind or body, and this produces great tiredness
and strain. It is a wasteful and a wrong use of energy,
for it depletes the body of vitality and this in turn causes
lowered resistance to disease. One patient wrote: ‘T
know that I am nervous and high-strung. In my youth
people said that I moved like ‘greased lightning’. I am
not in the habit of doubting my judgement, and I have
immense faith in the rightness of my view.” Dr. Bach
wrote of the vervain type: “They have the enthusiasm
and the excitement ofthe possession ofgreat knowledge,
and the burning desire to bring all to the same state,
but their enthusiasm may hinder their cause. It [ver¬
vain] is the Remedy against over-effort. It teaches us
that it is by being rather than doing that great things are
The positive side of vervain is seen in the calm, wise
man who knows his own mind and who realizes that
others also have a right to their opinions. Such a man
keeps his mind fluid; he is always ready to listen to
others, and to change his opinions when he is con¬
vinced of the need to do so.

Case Histories

From the records of Dr, F. J. Wheeler, m.r.c.s., l.r.g.p.

“Man, middle aged, a very tense person, energetic and
opinionated. He had a spasm of pain in the left groin for
years. The original diagnosis was flatulence, but an Z-ray
examination revealed a stone in the left kidney. The man
refuse to be operated upon. This occurred in February 1933.
Between that time and October, when he called upon me
as his medical advisor, he had three severe attacks of pain
a week. He was unable to remain quiet in his bed because
of pain. I gave him agrimony for his mental torture, and
IMPATIENS for the tension. These relieved the pain, and he
was able to return to work. Five days later, there was a
recurrence of the pain, and he was in great distress during
the night. This time I added vervain for his tension and
his strong will and his determination not to give up. This
occurred at 9 a.m.; later I received a note from him which
read as follows: About 10.30 a.m. I went to the bathroom
to urinate. For a minute nothing came, then with a sharp
pain, the stone passed! I will call at your house this evening
on my return from work. The man had gone to his work
about one and a half hours after taking the vervain. He
brought the stone with him, and it weighed about 3 grains.
Outside of a slight discomfort for a few days after passing
the stone, he has been very well. His last report, in 1951,
was that he was fine, and that he had no more trouble”.
Woman, age 49, a widow. She was in a continual state of
tension. She was over-anxious and given to groundless fears
which affected her judgement and interfered with her
sleep. She could never find a moment to relax. During the
day she appeared to be active and confident, but at night,
her apprehension and unreasonable anxiety tortured her
greatly. Her life was all work and no play, vervain the type
Remedy was prescribed for her overactive nature and the
tension it generated; aspen for the fear and anxiety that was
groundless; white chestnut for her overactive brain and
the worried thoughts that disturbed her sleep. Within four
weeks she was greatly improved. She was much calmer,
and she had only one bad night since she started taking the
medicine. Her sleep had become natural and refreshing,
and she even found time to relax.
Man, age 52. In his letter to us, he described himself as
“a fighter” and an active, but frustrated person. He wrote:
“When I worry, I go overboard as I do in all things, and I
worry like the devil,” He reproached himself severely for
certain experiences he had in his youth. This guilty feeling
caused him to suffer from continual nervous tension, from a
severe stomach disorder, and from hyperacidity and pain.
VERVAIN the type Remedy was prescribed for his aggressive,
tense nature; pine for his self-reproach. After taking the
Remedies for two months, he was able to report that the
gastric pains had gradually subsided and finally disappeared
altogether. He added that he had gained a sense of humor,
and that he was taking life more easily and actually enjoying
Man, middle age. He had lost the sight of one eye in an
accident. One morning, while he was reading the newspaper
in bed, his sight suddenly dimmed and he became totally
blind. When he consulted an eye specialist, he W2is told that
it was possible that his sight might be restored in three
months, but he v/as promised nothing further. Through the
urging of friends, he consented to try the Bach Remedies.
During his consultation, he pointed out that he was a per¬
fectionist, and that nothing short of perfection would ever
suit him. vervain was indicated for his perfectionism, and
that was prescribed alone. His sight was completely restored
within one week. Since that time he had driven his car, and
gone regularly to the motion pictures, but he had a lingering
fear that his sight might fail again, and that he would be
subjected to tiie same emotional shock he was subjected to
before, star of bethlehem was prescribed alone; this to
prevent another shock, and to dissipate the idea of any shock
whatsoever. Several years later he wrote to us to say that
there had been no recurrence of the blindness.
Woman, age 74, a widow. She was an active and energetic
person both in mind and in body. She was very positive,
and she was always ready to convince others that she was
right. Since she was twenty years old, she had suffered from
migraine headaches. The attacks were severe, and they usu¬
ally occurred when she wanted to go out to visit with friends.
She was over-eager in everything, and resentful of the
limitations which the headaches put upon her planned
activities, vervain the type Remedy was prescribed for her
over-eagerness and her opinionated attitude; willow for
her resentment. Her first report, after taking the Remedies
for two months, was that she had had but one headache.
Her final letter informed us that during the last month she
had no headaches and that she found her life had become
quieter and more pleasant.


Keywords: Dominating; inflexible; ambitious

The vine people are eflBcient, certain, strong-willed

and ambitious. They are quick thinkers who can be
depended upon in an emergency to give the correct
orders, and to direct others with confidence. Their
tendency, however, is to use their great gifts to gain
power and to dominate others. They ride roughshod
over the opinions ofother people, and they demand and
expect unquestioning obedience. They crave power,
are greedy for authority, and are ruthless in their
methods of obtaining their ends. They never question
the fact that they know better than anyone else, and
they force their will upon one and all. Some typical
extracts from letters about the vine type say: “She is
efficient and does everything well and expects every¬
one to do as she says”; “she laid down the law in her
home, and to all of her friends, who in consequence
rarely come to see her.” They can be tyrants and dic¬
tators, as are the parents who dominate their home
with an iron discipline. They actually seem to enjoy
their power over others, for they are hard and cruel
and without any compassion for those around them.
When they are ill, they are prone to instruct the doctor,
and those who tend them are kept busy trying to follow
their instructions. They seldom argue, because they
are so sure that they are right. The vine people have
no desire to convert others to their way of thinking.

They simply demand obedience implicidy and without

question because they are right. Whenever they cannot
gain power over somebody, they quickly lose interest in
him, and simply ignore him from then on. The rigid
attitude and inflexible will of the vine type, together
with their inherent cruel nature, often manifests in
extreme tension. This in turn leads to painful physical
complaints such as diseases involving stiffness, high
blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and other
forms of physical disability.
The fine positive side of the vine type is seen in the
wise, loving and understanding ruler, leader or teacher.
Anyone who possesses these qualities, and uses them to
guide others, has no need to dominate; he is the one
who helps people to know themselves, and to find their
path in life. He is the leader who can inspire those
around him by his unshakeable confidence and cer¬

Case Histories

Woman, age 38, married. She wrote: “I am a blood

donor and I have rather overdone it. Now I have head
pains, and I am very nervous about them; I can no longer
wear a hat. I am by nature very determined. I love my
husband and my dog, but I rule them with a rod of iron.
I get along well with people if they see things my way, and
when they do things my way.” vine the type Remedy was
prescribed for her dominating nature; mimulus for the fear
and nervousness about the head pains. Two months later
she wrote again to say: “I am much better. The head pains
have gone and I can once again wear a hat. I am not as
aggressive as I was before.”
Woman, age 45, married. She was the mother of three
children from whom she exacted absolute obedience. She
was by nature a capable and determined woman. When she
came to us she was suffering from an arthritic knee which
prevented her from doing many things that she wanted to
do, and that gave her a feeling of frustration and hopeless¬
ness. VINE was prescribed for her dominant nature; gorse
for the feeling of frustration and hopelessness. During a
period of three months, she gradually began to improve.
At the end of that time, she could walk normally and
without any pain in her knee although some stiffness
remained. She said that she felt much better in herself, and
that the entire family was much happier in their home.
Treatment was continued for another month, and since that
time there has been no relapse.
Man, age 65, married. He was a physician by profession.
He was a very determined and forceful man, and an excel¬
lent doctor. He insisted that both his patients and his family
obey him implicitly, and usually with justification. When
we were called, he was suffering from lumbago on the right
side, and cramps in the calves of his legs. He had at the same
time a severe attack of influenza, and a high fever. His one
concern was that he was not able to take care of his patients.
VINE the type Remedy was prescribed for his authoritative
nature; elm because he felt he was failing in his responsi¬
bility to his patients; rock rose for the seriousness of his
condition and his high temperature. Within two days after
he commenced the treatment his temperature was normal,
he looked much better, and the lumbago had greatly
improved, hornbeam was then added to the Remedies to
give him strength. Within a week he was able to resume his
practice. All pain was gone in his back and legs. His daughter
added: “He has become much gentler too!”
Man, age 47, married, in the Colonial Service. He was
the father of three children; he exacted immediate obedience
not only from them, but from all who worked under him.
When he came to us he was in very poor physical condition.
He was suffering from an intestinal trouble, caused by
impure milk, as well as from piles and an involuntary anal
discharge; in Mauritus this condition had been aggravated
by amoebic dysentery. He was very much overweight. He
said that he did not actually feel ill, but that he had shoulder

pains, a dull abdominal pain and the discharge irritated

him greatly, vine the type Remedy was prescribed for his
dominating nature; impatiens for his irritability; crab
APPLE as a cleanser for the discharge. His first report
indicated that the abdominal pain was less, and he was
sleeping better, but the shoulder pains and the discharge
still persisted. He reported again within two months, and
said that he was in a happier and more optimistic frame of
mind, and that the discharge was lessening. He continued
the treatment until finally he could report that he was cured.
The discharge had ceased; the abdominal and shoulder
pains were gone; he had lost weight, and his nature had
become much less severe, and happier, a fact greatly appreci¬
ated by his family.
Woman, age 45, a healer by profession. One of her friends
had this to say about her: “She tells everybody, from the
bishop downwards, on sight just what they should do,
where their feelings lie, and what good qualities they lack
and should cultivate. She is very trying to her friends and
her associates.” She had been overworking and had a
collapse, and she also suffered from bleeding piles, vine the
type Remedy was prescribed, as drops, and also in a base as
an unguent to be applied to the piles after each movement.
Her first report indicated that she was feeling better, and
that the piles had stopped bleeding although they had not
receded. Her second report said that she felt so much better
that she was able to return to work. One pile remained, but
there was no bleeding. Her final report said that the piles
had disappeared, and that she was working hard again.
She added that she discovered that now she was seeing the
good qualities in other people instead of their faults, and
that her friends were delighted.
Woman, married, no children. She was a hard-working
woman, but she waated to dominate everyone, including
her husband. She always wanted to do good for everyone,
whether they relished it or not. She said that she got along
well with people when they saw things her way, and her
way was the right way to look at things! When she came to
US for treatment, her physical condition was poor. She was
subject to many colds, and wearing a hat gave her a head¬
ache. VINE the type Remedy was prescribed for her dominat¬
ing personality; impatiens for the tension and the head
pains. After about six weeks, she reported that the headaches
had disappeared, and that she could wear a hat once again.
She had had no more colds, and felt very well. But, as she
said, most important of all: “Do you know, I am not half
as aggressive as I was before, and my friends have remarked
about it!”
Man, age 69. All of his life he had been known as a good
worker, and a person who kept his head in an emergency.
He had a strong, determined character, and liked to have
things done in his own way. When he was retired he deve¬
loped rheumatoid arthritis in his back and hips, and the
condition became worse after his wife died. When he came
to us, he was very depressed and hopeless; he could only
see the dark side of life and he was lonely. The pain was so
great that he could not hold himself erect, vine was pre¬
scribed for his very determined character; gorse for his
hopelessness; impatiens for his mental and physical tension.
He started the treatment in November of 1967. Gradually
his outlook on life changed. He became more hopeful and
less pessimistic when he found that he was standing straighter,
and that the pain was growing less with time. He continued
the treatment until July 1968. By that time he could walk
three miles with ease, and without any pain. He could do
all of his housework, as well as vigorous gardening, without
fatigue. He had become bright and cheerful, and he was
always ready to help his neighbours with their gardens. The
arthritic condition had improved greatly. Although the
hip-joints were still somewhat stiff, he was completely free
of pain, and it was considered that the arthritis was arrested.
He continued to keep in touch with us, and he has reported
no relapse.


Keywords: Oversensitive to ideas and influences;

the link-breaker

The walnut type has definite ideals and ambitions in

life. Their goals, which they are anxious to obtain, are
so important to them that conventions which might
impede their fulfilment, are simply ignored. It is only
rarely that the walnut persons are influnced by
others, yet they can be swayed by a stronger or more
dominating personality, or a forceful circumstance. A
link with the past, a family tie, or force of habit, might
hinder and frustrate their own plans, and even change
the course of their lives. They need to be free from such
bonds in order to fulfil their mission, walnut is the
link-breaker; it is the Remedy that will free them from
just such trammels, and which will protect them from
outside influences. Dr. Bach wrote: “walnut is the
Remedy of advancing stages, teething, puberty, change
of life. For the big decisions made during life, such as
change of religion, change of occupation, change of
country. The Remedy for those who have decided to
take a great step forward in fife, to break old conven¬
tions, to leave old limits and restrictions and start on a
new way. This often brings with it physical suffering
because of the slight regrets, heart-breakings, at the
severance of old ties, old associations, old thoughts. A
great spell-breaker, both of things of the past common¬
ly called heredity, and circumstances of the present.”

The positive aspect of the walnut character is

constancy and determination; those who carry out
their beliefs and their life’s work unaffected by adverse
circumstances, or unhindered by either the opinions or
the ridicule of others. Such are the pioneers and the
inventors. Dr. Bach himself was a good example of the
walnut type. He forsook all of his old ideas of healing
to find out a better way to cure people. He did this in
spite of ridicule, lack of encouragement, and advice to
the contrary proffered by his old colleagues. He per¬
severed even against the strong influence of his own
training and background in medicine.

Case Histories

Woman, age 50, married. When she came to us, she was
passing through the menopause. She was suffering from a
uterine discharge, soreness, hot flushes and constipation.
She was irritated and depressed, resentful and hopeless, and
she felt at loggerheads with everyone. Each month she had
severe headaches and bilious attacks. Formerly, she had been
a well adjusted, energetic and hard working woman, but
now she felt that she could hardly get through the day, and
that life was a burden, walnut was the Remedy indicated
for the radical change of the climacteric; gorse for the
depression. The first three weeks brought about no change in
her condition, but towards the end of the first month she
noted that the discharge had stopped, and the soreness had
lessened. She had neither headaches nor bilious attacks
that month. At this interview, she said that she was perhaps
overpossessive towards her daughter. She had felt so very
lonely since the girl left home, chicory was added to the
two former Remedies for her overpossessiveness. She re¬
ported again one month later. She said that the discharge
had stopped altogether and the soreness had disappeared;
she felt better in every respect. She continued the treatment
for another three months, at which time she said: “I am so
very much better and more energetic and far happier and
brighter. It is indeed a ‘change in life’ in its best sense! I can
now think only of my daughter’s happiness.”
Woman, age 45, unmarried. She had been under the
domination of a friend for many years, and only recently
had she been able to free herself from this association. Since
that time she had suffered from constant ill health, and bad
fortune. When she came to us for treatment, she was greatly
depressed. She had a series of colds, sinus trouble, and a
stiffness in her neck. She told us that previously she “had a
keen interest in life. Now, everything seemed to go wrong.”
She had tried many kinds of treatment, but without results.
The patient thought that she had freed herself from the domi¬
nating influence of her friend, but the link was not broken;
she was still filled with fear and hatred of her former com¬
panion. WALNUT was prescribed to protect her from any
unwanted influences, and to help her to achieve the final
break; rock rose for her fear which amounted to terror.
Her health began to improve almost immediately; she could
recover from the colds quicker, but the stiffness remained
in her neck. She slept better, but she would often awake in
an acute state of melancholia, mustard was added to the
original prescription to neutralize the melancholia. She
continued to improve, and hope, as well as an interest in life,
returned. It was at this point that she realized she must
eliminate both fear and hatred if she wished to be entirely
free from the influences of the past, walnut, rock rose,
and CENTAURY formed the next combination of Remedies;
these were to give her strength and to fortify her determina¬
tion. She continued to take the Remedies for some months
thereafter, until her health was fully restored. What was most
important, she felt that she was now free to live her life as
she herself had always desired to live it, free from any out¬
side influences.
Woman, age 40, unmarried. She was a businesswoman
and she held a responsible position; her character was very
strong. In the early part of 1957, she became subject to
sudden and severe attacks of Meniere’s disease and this
interrupted her work. She would become dizzy, and vomit,
and she could no longer walk straight. When she called upon
us, she was apprehensive and nervous, walnut was pre¬
scribed for the interference in her life caused by her physical
condition; mimulus for her fears; scleranthus to neutralize
her dizziness and unsteady walk which indicated an un¬
certainty in her nature. She was given the medicine, but she
decided to take it only when she felt ill, and to discontinue
it when she felt well. This was distinctly contrary to the
instructions which had been given to her. Consequently, she
did improve somewhat, but the symptoms returned in the
autumn, when she had frequent though slight attacks. After
a further consultation, she decided to take the Remedies
according to our instructions, and regularly. The prescrip¬
tion was changed to walnut, scleranthus and oak, the
latter because she had persevered in spite of her disability.
MIMULUS was eliminated because she had lost all fear of the
attacks. Her condition now improved steadily, and in Janu¬
ary of i960 she wrote to say: “I am happy to tell you that I
have had no serious attacks since Christmas 1957. Now I
can give you some more good news. The ear noises, which
I did not mention to you, and which started some four years
ago before the attacks, have stopped. So the hearing is
showing improvement too!”
Woman, age 50, married. She was passing through the
menopause and was bothered with uncomfortable hot flushes.
These interfered with her duties as a social worker in the
town where she lived. She told us that she was being influ¬
enced unduly by others who counselled her to give up
working and take a rest. This she did not want to do, even
though the pressure put upon her was strong, walnut was
prescribed to counteract the pressure from others, as well as
for the change in her physical condition which altered the
routine of her normal life, (walnut is the Remedy to
neutralize the effect of any change which interferes with the
normal activities of a person’s life. Such changes could be
caused by teething, adolescence, the menopause or even a
new mother-in-law.) After about six weeks, she wrote: “The
medicine worked wonders for me. It is like a dream, I am a
new person now. I have no more hot hushes.*’
Woman, age 84, a spiritual healer. She found that she had
become so hypersensitive that she was taking on herself the
physical conditions of those who came to her for healing.
Her own body was growing weaker, and more open to the
contagion of others’ diseases. She was beginning to feel that
her own weakness was so great, and interfered with her
healing work to such an extent that she thought she would
have to give up her practice, walnut was prescribed to
protect her from the influences of other people. Within a
few weeks, she said that she felt much better, and stronger,
and she added that she was no longer subject to the illnesses
and diseases of her patients.
Man, age 22. As a child, he had been a prodigy, and had
been able to read at the age of four. He had taught history in
a big school, but he had to leave because he began to hear
voices and to have frightful nightmares. He attributed his
condition to the influence of a man he had met some years
before, walnut was prescribed to free him from the influ¬
ence the man had upon him, for this was interfering with the
work he liked; rock rose for the terror of the nightmares
and the voices. His first report informed us that he was able
to relax his whole body; that he could sleep without having
any nightmares and that the voices were receding. He
continued the treatment for seven months altogether and
during this time he made good progress in spite of some minor
setbacks. The medicine always included walnut, and other
Remedies were prescribed according to his state of mind.
He finally felt a free man again, and he had completely
broken with the man who had caused him the trouble. He
was offered an excellent teaching position, and he accepted
Woman, age 39, unmarried. She was a career woman.
She lived with an aunt who was very domineering and
quite unsympathetic toward her profession; in fact she
did everything possible to prevent her from working. When
she came to us for treatment, she was in very poor health.

and had commenced the menopause. She told us that she

liked her work, and that she was making steady progress in
her job; she was determined not to give it up. However, she
found it difficult to withstand her aunt’s opposition, which
she resented deeply, walnxjt was prescribed to free her from
the influence of her aunt; willow for her resentment. She
saw us again after about six weeks, and reported good results.
She felt calmer, stronger and less resentful toward her aunt,
but she was more than ever determined to continue in her
chosen profession. After another month, she said that she
could stand up against her aunt without allowing it to affect
her at all, and that she felt better than she had for many
This is an extract from a letter we received from the mother
of a child: “My small son was having difficulty cutting his
teeth; he was fretful, he slept badly, and he cried often.
Nothing that I could do seemed to help him, and then I
remembered that Dr. Bach said walnut helps in ‘any ad¬
vancing stage of life’ and that teething was one of those
stages. I gave him walnut and he began to sleep well and
be less fretful and restless almost at once. He is a happy
baby again.”


Keywords: Pride; aloofness

The water violet people are quite gentle. They are

happy to be by themselves because they have great
inner peace and serenity. They are self-reliant; they
go their own way and do not interfere with the affairs
of other persons, but at the same time they will not
tolerate any interference in their affairs. They bear
their grief and sorrows in silence; they never inflict
them upon others. When the water violet type are
ill, they prefer to be left alone and undisturbed. They
are talented and clever, and it is their capabilities and
their profound knowledge that causes them to appear
proud and aloof. They often feel superior to others,
and sometimes they are disdainful and condescending.
At such times they are prone to suffer from physical
ailments, for pride and mental rigidity often manifest
themselves in the body as physical stiffness and tension.
water violet is different from the heather type, for
the latter thrive upon the attention and sympathy of
others, with whom they like to discuss their problems
and illnesses. The water violet person is the exact
opposite of the vine type. The vine type likes to
dominate others, and this is abhorrent to the water
VIOLET person, who in his great tolerance will never
interfere in the affairs of others, although he might
strongly disapprove of them.
The positive virtues of the water violet type are

found in those who put their great capabilities at the

service of others. Dr. Bach wrote about them as fol¬
lows: ‘‘Those who have great gentleness, are tranquil,
sympathetic wise practical counsellors, who have poise
and dignity and pass gracefully through life.”

Case Histories

Woman, aged 6o, unmarried. She was the headmistress of

a large boarding school for girls. She was a tall woman,
gentle and serene, and most distinguished looking. She ran
the school efficiently, and she made it a point never to inter¬
fere with the staff unless it was absolutely necessary. When
she came to us for treatment, she was suffering from severe
headaches. She said that she knew the cause lay within
herself. For some time now, and quite contrary to her nature,
she had become exasperated with a member of the staff,
although she had hidden the fact from her. She said to us:
“I do reproach myself for being affected this way.*’ water
VIOLET the type Remedy was prescribed because of the calm
and quiet dignity of her nature; pine for her self-reproach.
After taking the Remedies for three weeks she said: “I am
definitely more relaxed in the morning, and the headaches
are less severe and infrequent now. I can see and understand
the difficulties of those who formerly exasperated me.” One
month later she reported that the headaches had disappeared
Woman, age 70, a widow. During the years of her pro¬
fessional life, she had held many positions of responsibility;
now she was retired, and lived in an apartment in London.
She was a very dignified woman who talked and moved
quietly and as a rule was not disturbed by anything. She
was the very example of wisdom and serenity. Suddenly she
noticed that the noise of her near neighbors and of the
traffic in the street annoyed her and made her nervous.
When she came to us for treatment, she had insomnia and
had become very tired and worn out. water violet the
type Remedy W2is prescribed; impatiens was added for her
annoyance and her impatience with the noise. Within a short
time she reported that she was regaining her tolerance once
more, and that she was starting to sleep well again. After
taking the Remedies for another month, she began to enjoy
her London apartment, and was no longer bothered by the
noises of a big city.
Man, age 70. By nature he was reserved in his speech,
quiet and capable. He was normally patient with other
people, but he had become very impatient with himself.
When we saw him he was suffering from chronic bronchitis
which returned regularly every year in the fall, water
VIOLET the type Remedy was prescribed because of his
quiet, capable and reserved nature; crab apple as a cleanser
of his system; impatiens because of his impatience with
himself. He started his treatment in the fall of the year, and
he reported a rapid improvement. His chest was clear, and
his general health was good. But the next month, while on
his vacation, he had an attack of influenza and was confined
to bed for two weeks. After he had recovered from that, he
sprained his right knee, and it became swollen and painful.
He had lost weight and was very depressed, water violet
the type Remedy was prescribed; crab apple as a cleanser
of mind and body; olive for his weakness and his depression.
Four weeks later, he reported remarkable progress. His knee
was normal again; his general health had improved, and his
depressions were things of the past. One month later he
wrote to say: “I am very much better altogether. I have
more faith in the Remedies than I have in anything that
any physician has ever done for me.”
Woman, 51, unmarried. She was a physiotherapist. By
nature she was very efficient, quiet, entirely self-reliant, and
somewhat aloof. She came to us for treatment because of a
large and unpleasant brown wart behind her ear. It dis¬
turbed her greatly, and she thought that it might be malig¬
nant. She was not fearful of the growth, but she wanted to
get rid of it as quickly as possible without an operation.
WATER VIOLET her type Remedy was prescribed together
with GRAB APPLE to cleansc her mind and body. Within a
month after taking the Remedies, she returned to our office
to show us that the growth had dried up and disappeared
Woman, age 46, unmarried. She was a calm, quiet and
capable woman who liked to be by herself, but who never-
the less had a kind understanding of others. She had nursed
her father through a long fatal illness, and during the war
she had worked as a censor. When she came to us, she was
suffering from a weak heart, and constant breathlessness.
She said that one of her sisters had died of tuberculosis, but
that she herself had no fear of it. She had many interests,
but because she tired so easily, she could not pursue them.
WATER VIOLET the type Remedy was prescribed because of
her independent, self-reliant nature. The first report indi¬
cated that her health was improving rapidly. Her next
report stated that she was much stronger, and not nearly
as breathless as before. She also mentioned the fact that her
sore gums, which she had not told us about before, had
cleared up. She continued to take the Remedies for another
five months. She then wrote to say that she felt really strong,
and filled with vitality. She had had no trouble whatsoever
with her heart which was declared to be normal; she was no
longer out of breath. She had resumed all of her old in¬
terests, and her life was one ofjoy once again. This occurred
in 1951. Eighteen years later, in 1969, we received another
letter from her in which she said that she had been in fine
health, and that none of her former symptoms had recurred;
she was fit and happy.
Woman, age 43, unmarried, a nursing sister by profession.
She was a calm, quiet and efficient peprson by nature. She
was an excellent ward supervisor, and well liked by the
nurses under her because she treated them with under¬
standing and consideration. Three years before she came to
us, she had a bad emotional shock when her fianc6 was
suddenly killed in an accident. At that time she developed
chronic colitis; although she was often in pain, she never
allowed it to interfere with her work, water violet her
type Remedy was prescribed; white chestnut for the ever
recurring thoughts that churned in her mind; honeysuckle
for her thoughts which turned to the past. Within a short
time, the bowel normalized, and she suffered much less pain.
She continued the treatment for another six weeks and then
reported that the colitis had entirely disappeared, and that
she was enjoying life once more, freed from the unpleasant
memories of the past.
Woman, age 70, unmarried. We were summoned when she
was suffering a mild, but painful heart attack. During the
attack, she was given the Rescue Remedy at frequent inter¬
vals. This arrested the attack, and stopped the pain. She
was by nature a calm and collected person who moved and
spoke quietly, and who made light of her distress. After the
attack was over, water violet the type Remedy was pre¬
scribed because of her calm nature; hornbeam was added
to give her strength. She had fully recovered within four
weeks, much to everyone’s surprise! She was up and about;
she was able to walk long distances; she had no chest pains,
and she was doing her regular work again. She felt her old
self once more. But even though she felt well, and her heart
was normal, she prudently continued to take the Remedies
for another four months. Some years later she wrote to tell
us that she was better than ever and that she never had any
further heart trouble.


Keywords: Persistent unwanted thoughts; mental

arguments and conversations

Most of us have experienced times when a worry or

some distressing occurrence preyed upon our mind, and
we were helpless to prevent the thoughts, the argu¬
ments, or the words that “we should have said’’ from
going around and around in our mind like a squirrel on
a wheel! This type of thinking only results in fatigue
and solves nothing. Dr. Bach called this condition “the
gramophone record state of mind”. Thoughts go round
and round like a gramophone record when the needle
jumps the groove! As one patient wrote: “I am always
having a mental argument with myself. My mind goes
around and around like a carousel. How I long for it
to stop and be quiet for a while, but it gives me no
peace, and I cannot stop it myself” At times this
mental state can become so acute that it will take a
person’s mind right out of the present, so that he does
not hear when he is spoken to. This is a dangerous
condition which can lead to accidents in the street, or
at least to such a lack of concentration that our daily
work suffers. This is true mental torture over which
the sufferer has no control; it also causes insomnia, for
the tortured mind cannot rest. One patient wrote: “I
go to sleep at first, then wake up in the night with a
throbbing head and all of my worries racing around
and around, and I get no more sleep.” And another

said: “I get so depressed. Four a.m. to 7 a.m. is the

worst time, for then horrid thoughts throng into my
mind, and I have no strength to control them.” The
WHITE CHESTNUT State of mind is quite different from
that of CLEMATIS, for the latter type is a daydreamer
who is happily building castles in the air, or living in
them, in dreams, with a loved one. The clematis per¬
son uses his thoughts to escape from the world, while
the white chestnut type would give anything to
escape from his thoughts into the world. This over¬
activity of the mind results in depression and fatigue;
there is often a lack of concentration, and a sensation
of fullness in the head. One patient found that his
“continuous kind of automatic chatter” resulted in
headaches for many years, mostly over the frontal area
and the eyes, and it seemed to him that “his brain never
seemed to cool and clear.”
The positive aspect of this Remedy is found in the
person who has a quiet and calm mind. Such a person
is at peace with himself, and with the whole world. His
quietness is undisturbed by outside influences, and in
that quietness comes the solution to his problems. He
has learned how to control thought and imagination,
and how to put them to a constructive use.

Case Histories

Woman, age 49, married. She had been suffering from a

swollen throat for some time, and she had difficulty in
swallowing. An X-tdiy examination revealed that there was
no abnormality present, but in spite of this proof she could
not calm her mind. She thought about the condition con¬
tinuously, and had mental arguments with her physician;
in her imagination she could only see the terrible conse¬
quences of an error in his diagnosis. She could not rid
herself of these persistent thoughts, and she lay awake at

nights thinking and fearing, white chestnut was prescribed

for the thoughts which she could not control; rock rose
was added for the fear that she would not admit. After
taking the Remedies for two months, she was able to say
that her throat was quite normal again, that she was sleeping
well, and that she was no longer harassed by her worrying
thoughts. She said: “In fact, I now no longer cross my
bridges before I come to them.”
Woman, age 53, unmarried. Each morning she woke
with a pain between her eyes, and sometimes a sick head¬
ache. She worked as a clerk in an office, and she worried
about her work at night; her thoughts went around and
around in her head, and she could not get to sleep. She was
even debating as to whether or not to give up her job, but
she was unable to make up her mind, white chestnut was
prescribed as the type Remedy for the worrying thoughts
that raced out of control; scleranthus for her indecision.
After taking the Remedies for a few weeks, she wrote to say:
“I certainly feel quieter in my mind; I wonder whether it is
wishful thinking?” gentian was added to the original
prescription to neutralize her doubt that she was making
progress. Her final report said: “I can definitely say that
my thoughts are more under my control, and the pain
between the eyes has gone. I have had only one bad
headache during the past three months. I am most grate¬
Woman, age 24, unmarried. She had many worries, both
over sick relatives and problems connected with her work.
She was unable to sleep well because of the thoughts which
persisted in going around and around in her head. It seemed
as if there were no solutions to her problems. She was very
downhearted when she came to us. white chestnut alone
was prescribed. The effect was almost immediate. She said
it was as if a wall came down between her thoughts and
herself; she said that she even tried to put her hand over the
wall to pull them back, but she was not able to do so! She
had no further trouble, but she kept a bottle of white
chestnut always at hand, just in case 1

Woman, age 53, unmarried. She was a civil servant who

spent most of the day working at her desk. Her job was
exacting, and at night she found that she had taken most
of her work home with her in her own mind. The result was
that she could not sleep well, and she would awaken with
a pain over the eyes, and, at times, indigestion, white
CHESTNUT was given for her uncontrolled thoughts; oak
because she struggled on in spite of her difficulties. After
the first month she was able to write: ‘T am definitely
quieter in my mind and the pain over my eyes is gone,” She
continued to take the Remedies for another month, when
she reported that the pain, as well as the indigestion had
gone, and her recurring thoughts were now a thing of the past.
Woman, age 65, unmarried. An Z-ray examination,
made the year before she came to us, showed a gastric ulcer
which had completely healed under treatment. Now, she
was worried that the ulcer might return, because she was
suffering pain, flatulence and constipation. These worrying
thoughts filled her mind, especially at night, and they
prevented her from sleeping. She said: “It is like a gramo¬
phone record that never ceases.” Formerly she was very
energetic, but now she tired easily, white chestnut was
prescribed for the worrying thoughts; gentian for the de¬
pression and hopeless feeling. Within three weeks, she stated
that the general discomfort as well as the gas was much less.
She continued the treatment and after another month she
wrote: “I have no more indigestion or flatulence or consti¬
pation. I sleep very well, and I have no more troublesome
thoughts. My old energy has returned.”
Woman, age 60, married. She wore dentures, and the
lower set rubbed against her lip and made it very sore. This
kept her awake at night because she feared it might be
cancer. She helped to nurse a friend who had just had a
breast removed because of a malignant carcinoma. This not
only shocked her, but increased her apprehension that she
too might have a malignant cancer. She said: “My mind
is filled with dark thoughts.” white chestnut was pre¬
scribed for the recurrent dark thoughts; mimulus for the fear
of cancer. The lip gave her no trouble while she was taking
the Remedies, but while she waited for the second bottle to
arrive the lip became sore again. She took the Remedies
for another month, when she was able to write: ‘T have had
a marvellous improvement. I have not worried about my
lip or about cancer at all. The sore place is entirely healed.”
Woman, age 59, a widow. She had just recovered from
severe tonsilitis, when she developed phlebitis in her left leg.
When we were called in to treat her, she had been in bed for
seven days. She felt weak and hopeless. She could not look
after her home and her unmarried son. This worried her
greatly, and as she said: “Thoughts and ideas come again
and again, and I cannot send them away.” She held very
strict ideas, and she tended to dominate her son. white
CHESTNUT was prescribed for the recurring worrying thoughts;
VINE because of her dominating nature, hornbeam to give
her strength. After a month she wrote to say: “I can now go
out shopping. The leg has cleared entirely, and I no longer
have those worrying thoughts. My general health has
greatly improved.”


Keywords: Uncertainty; despondency; dissatisfaction

The wild oat people have a definite character and

they are very talented, but they seem to be undecided
as to what they should do. Usually they are ambitious,
and they may have a general idea as to which course
to follow, but the indications are not sufficiently clear,
and they are inclined to feel that life is passing them
by. This delay in finding their life’s work causes them
to feel despondent and dissatisfied. They try many
things, but none of them seem to bring them happiness.
They have the tendency toward drifting into uncon¬
genial environments and occupations, and this only
increases their sense of frustration. Here is a typical
example of the uncertainty of the wild oat type. A
young man, 20 years old, was interested in human wel¬
fare and in animals but he could not decide upon a
career. He worked at many things after leaving school,
and finally enlisted in the army. He was soon dis¬
charged with a nervous breakdown. He tried to study
agriculture, but he quickly dropped that because he
could not agree with the methods used on animals. He
became a ward orderly in a hospital, and here again he
disagreed with the use of medicines and injections, on
the ground that they were “contrary to nature”. He
came to us for help, and by now he was in a very
depressed and unhappy state, and doubtful that he
would ever find his life’s work. After a treatment with

WILD OAT, he decided to start a small market garden

of his own. This venture made him both happy and
prosperous. Another typical wild oat patient wrote:
^T know that I ckn do things well, but I do not know
what I want to do. I am in a business that makes me a
good living, but I do not like it. I have been in five
different businesses. I made money with all of them,
but I did not enjoy them. I feel that I am unable to
find any business or occupation that I like to do. I am
not lazy. I work long hours, often starting at 5 a.m.
and as I live alone, I keep house as well. If I knew what
occupation to follow, I know that I could do it, and do
it well.” The indecision of the wild oat person differs
from that of the sgleranthus type, for the latter can¬
not decide between one of two things, while the wild
OAT type have so many ideas and ambitions that they
are indefinite, and they cannot come to any decision
whatsoever. There is an Irish saying that describes the
wild oat state of mind exactly: “An Irishman never
knows what he wants, and won’t be happy until he
gets it.” Dr. Bach wrote about wild oat and holly
and their special use in deciding what Remedy to
prescribe. (See holly, chapter 16, page 107.)
The positive aspect of the wild oat type is reflected
in those persons who have definite ambitions, and
know just what they want to do in life. What is more,
they do it too, and they allow nothing to interfere with
their purpose. They live lives filled with usefulness and

Case Histories

Woman, age 53, a widow. Six months before she came to

us for treatment, she had an operation to remove her gall¬
bladder, and she had felt tired and despondent ever since.

She said that her chief trouble was her inability to decide
what she wanted to do. She was in charge of a grocery
store, and she was conscientious and thorough in her work,
but she had lost interest in it. She felt that she could not be
bothered making decisions, so she let others make them for
her, and this made her dissatisfied and unhappy, wild oat
was prescribed for her dissatisfaction and for the lack of a
sense of achievement; centaury for the temporary state
of allowing others to influence her life. Shortly after she
started to take the Remedies, she wrote to say: “I was just
called upon to face quite a problem and I am happy to say
that I solved it in a satisfactory manner. Also, I have met a
singing teacher and a painter, just out of the blue. I feel that
there is a purpose behind all this because I am interested in
painting and singing.” The Remedies were repeated, and
within another month the patient was able to write: “I feel
much better and stronger; I am much more positive, and
I am happy again.”
A young married woman who lives in the United States,
wrote to us as follows: “About a month ago I felt myself
going down and down. I felt so many things amiss with me
that it seemed to call for five or six Remedies. Then I
remembered wild oat and that you had advised me to find
my place in life, and when I did, to give myself to it whole¬
heartedly. So last week I took wild oat. The next morning
a cold that was beginning to develop suddenly cleared up.
My interest in life returned, and I began to feel myself once
again. I knew that I must take up the many interests I
have outside of my home, and I could feel the wrappings of
self-concern falling away, so that I could see and move in the
larger world of love.”
Woman, age 49, unmarried. She was an American by
birth. She wrote a series of letters to us which are para¬
phrased below. By nature she was confident, courageous,
and quick in thought and action. But recently, she said, a
complete reversal had taken place. She had lost all confi¬
dence in herself; she was haunted by fears, and she had
become restless and confused. She started to make mistakes,

and to misplace things. She had been discharged from her

job, and she felt defeated and very dissatisfied with herself.
She was an intelligent woman, and she worked as a lecturer
on medical subjects. She told us that the menopause had
started two years ago, and now she felt weak, and easily
influenced by other people. She also expressed the thought
that she had not found her right niche in life, wild oat was
prescribed for the feeling that she had not found her mission
in life; scleranthus to help her decide about what to do in
the future. After she took the Remedies for about six weeks,
she wrote again saying: “The remedies worked just beauti¬
fully. I am my happy self again and all things have worked
out well for me. I am back at work again, and this time I am
doing just what I have always loved doing.*’
Man, age 42. When he came to consult with us, he was
very unhappy. He felt frustrated, because instead of follow¬
ing his own inclination in early life, he had submitted to
working in the family business. He had a rigid outlook, and
this caused stiffness in his physical body, wild oat was
prescribed for the feeling that he had not found his proper
work in life; rock water for his strictness toward himself.
Just after he started the treatment, he was hospitalized with
an acute case of hemorrhoids which required an immediate
operation. Though he was still in the hospital, he continued
to take the Remedies and with rather amazing results. Both
the surgeon and the anesthesiologist were surprised at his
refusal to take any pain-killing drugs after the operation.
Apparently he did not have any need for them, for he was
not uncomfortable. While he was in the hospital he made
plans to start a new enterprise, and he severed his connec¬
tions with his old firm. Both his health and his happiness
were restored.
Woman, age 40, unmarried. She was a schoolteacher.
Recendy she had found that she was unable to discipline
her pupils, or to concentrate on her work. She said to us
that she was in the wrong job. Although she was not sure
what she wanted to do, she was a capable person with many
possibilides for work. She had recently injured her spine

in a bad fall, and she was under the care of an osteopathic

physician. He had helped her slightly, but she still had an
acute pain in the lower lumbar region, wild oat the type
Remedy was prescribed because of her inability to discover
what her life’s work was; olive for her tiredness; clematis
for her inability to concentrate. After two weeks she said
that she felt less tired, and the pain in her back had de¬
creased. She continued to take the Remedies for another
two months; she said that she felt well again, and had no
more pain in her back. Her attitude had changed, and she
had accepted a post in another school; she said that she
believed that teaching was her life’s work after all.
Woman, age 45, a widow. When she came to consult us,
she said that her thoughts were in a whirl; there were
many things that she wanted to do, but she could not make
up her mind which one she preferred. She was about to get
married for a second time, but she was undecided as to
whether she wanted to go back to being a housewife, or not
to marry and do some other work. She said that she had
become lethargic about the whole thing; she felt, at times,
that she could not be bothered to make the decision which
so vitally affected her future, wild oat the type Remedy
was prescribed alone. She took this for about six weeks,
and during this time she decided that she wanted to re¬
marry, and she did so. Some time later she wrote to us
saying: “I am very happy. I find that looking after my home
and caring for my husband is all that I ever wanted to do in
Woman, age 53, unmarried. She was a clever and a
talented person who was interested in many things, but
mostly in healing, herbalism and painting. She could never
decide which of the three she liked best. She became a fully
qualified and licensed herbalist and she worked up a good
practice, but she seemed to be dissatisfied with that, and
changed to another branch of healing. Again she became
dissatisfied, and she took up painting. She said: “I am
getting on in life, and I must find something that I really
want to do, and to stick with it.” wild oat the type Remedy

was given for her indecision. She finally made up her mind
that color-healing was what she wanted most to do. She
went to Germany to study, and after she was qualified, she
returned to England to practice. Now she has found her
vocation in life, and she is a very happy person.


Keywords: Resignation; apathy

Wild Rose is the Remedy for those people who have

become resigned to their illness, to their uncongenial
work, or to their monotonous lives. Although they do
not complain, they make little effort to get well, to find
other work, or to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
They are the patients who believe the physicians when
they are told: ‘‘You might as well get used to it, be¬
cause you have to live with it.” Such persons feel that
it is their fate to put up with the conditions which are
troubling them. They do not realize that the power to
alter or eliminate those very conditions lies in their
hands! Thus, often they go through life without joy or
pleasure. Some typical statements are: “It is no good,
I shall never be any different; people just have to take
me as I am”; or “I weave things into my life and I take
them as a matter of course, and accept them”; or
again “I suppose that I must learn to live with it.”
Very often they believe that because some parent or
relative had a certain thing wrong with them, that
they too must naturally have inherited it. Such a per¬
son is able to say: “It is in the family, so I must expect
to suffer also.” They are also prone to accept a verdict
that a condition is “incurable” and to say: “As I shall
have it all of my life, I shall have to bear it.” The wild
ROSE type has surrendered to life and to the conditions
it has imposed upon them, yet, if they only could

realize it, they themselves created those very condi¬

tions, and nourish and maintain them! Such persons
are always weary; they lack vitality, and they make
dull companions. It almost seems as if they have not
only willingly given up the struggle, but that they are
almost pleased with themselves for having done so!
They do not suffer from the depression of the gorse
people, for theirs is a resignation or an apathy.
The positive side of wild rose is seen in those per¬
sons who have a lively interest in all happenings, how¬
ever trivial, both in their own lives, and in the lives of
others. Their very interest and vitality attract excellent
conditions into their lives, and they enjoy friends,
happiness and good health.

Case Histories
Man, age 40. By nature he was a quiet and reserved
person who was inclined to be secretive about himself.
Conversation did not interest him, and he made no attempt
to pursue it. He said: “I am weary of all that, so why bother
to try to talk with others?” He was resigned to his physical
condition, but every now and then he would “blow up”
and become irritable and tense. During the last twelve
months, he had worked in a tannery, but he had developed
red spots which appeared first on his elbows then spread over
his entire body. He had been hospitalized for three weeks,
but there had been no improvement. He then changed his
work. He liked his new job, and the skin condition almost
cleared, only to return again. The intense irritation kept
him awake at night, wild rose the type Remedy was pre¬
scribed for his resigned feeling and his “why bother”
attitude; cherry plum for his loss of control over his
repressed emotions; impatiens for his irritability; crab apple
to cleanse his system. Within the first month, he reported
that he was feeling better and sleeping well once again, and
the skin condition was becoming better; he had but one
slight “blow up” during that period. After a total of four
months, he reported that he was fine in every way, and that
the skin irritation had disappeared entirely. He wrote to us
again after fourteen months, and said that there had been
no recurrence of any of his symptoms.
Woman, age 6o, unmarried. By nature, she was a quiet,
efficient person who enjoyed her work although she had
periods when she felt tired and apathetic. She wrote: “I
suppose I must work on, but at times it seems only some¬
thing that I must do; my usual enthusiasm evaporates. This
is not normal for me; I am perfectly fit, I love my work,
and I hope to continue for a long while yet.” wild rose was
prescribed for the feeling of apathy. After one month she
wrote again to say that the Remedies had an excellent effect
on her. She had lost the apathetic feeling, and she was once
again a normal and happy woman. One year later, she
wrote again and said that she was fine, and had no further
Man, middle age, retired. He had been a District Com¬
missioner in Southern Rhodesia, but he was now living in
England. He had always felt that he was neither as clever
as others in his family, nor was he as tough as his com¬
panions. He had become resigned to this negative mental
attitude and he made no attempt to overcome this defect. He
just gave up. He drifted through life, and left the decisions
of his daily life to his wife. Two or three times a year, he
was seized with an ague; he ran a temperature, and he was
beset with pains and aches. During these attacks, he would
just turn his face to the wall and refuse all cooperation. His
physician could find no physical reason for these seizures.
When he applied to us for treatment, he was suffering from
frequent colds, and violent coughing attacks, wild rose the
Remedy was prescribed because of his apathetic surrender
to conditions imposed upon him; hornbeam to give him
strength to overcome this resignation. After the first two
months’ treatment, he indicated good progress. His health
had improved, and he had recovered sufficient interest to
aid in arranging a pageant in his village. Two months
later, he reported that he was free of the attacks of ague, of
asthma and of coughing. He had no more colds, and he felt
able to face the difficulties in life with a bold front, and much
more determination than he had ever shown before.
Youth, age 19. He had suffered from severe acne on his
face for over four years. He had been told by his physicians
that the acne would disappear when he was older, but
instead of disappearing, it became worse. He resigned
himself to this disfiguring condition, with the result that he
was always fatigued, and that he had lost interest in every¬
thing, When he came to us, he was a very unhappy young
man. wild rose the type Remedy was prescribed because
of his rather hopeless resignation; crab apple to cleanse
his system; mustard to neutralize his dark and gloomy
depressions. The Remedies acted rapidly. After six weeks the
acne had disappeared, and he was happy and taking much
more interest in life. He studied for the National Mechanic’s
Certificate which he obtained. He became a happy and a
successful man,
Man, age 64. Some years before he came to us for treat¬
ment, his wife had died from a lingering illness of twelve
years’ duration. Four and a half years before he had a
nervous breakdown from which he never fully recovered,
and he was forced to go to bed every afternoon. His physi¬
cians could not account for the need of this daily rest
because outside of having low blood pressure, he appeared
to be healthy in every other respect. He told us that since
his wife died he had lost all interest in life, and that from
that time on he had made no effort to recover his health,
WILD ROSE the type Remedy was prescribed for his apathetic
attitude toward his health; honeysuckle to help eradicate
the tie of past memories; olive to aid his condition of mental
exhaustion. He continued the treatment for six months. At
that time he reported that he felt very well and that he had
much more vitality and endurance; he had taken up playing
golf again.
Woman, age 54, married. She wrote to us as follows: “I
just accept life as it is. I take things lying down, and I will
do anything to keep the peace. My husband is a very
domineering man and I have no life of my own, nor do I
seem to want to make the effort to make one.’* She suffered
from attacks of migraine and vomiting every month; these
attacks lasted two or three days, and always left her feeling
weak and exhausted, wild rose was prescribed for her
resignation; centaury to give her the strength she needed
to stand up for herself. The first reaction was that while the
headaches remained, she was free from the vomiting. After
two months she reported that she had only one headache
during that period. After taking the Remedies for four
months, she wrote to say that the headaches and the vomit¬
ing attacks were things of the past, but most important she
said: “The biggest change is a mental one. I have lost that
hopeless, dull feeling, and I am able to face up to circum¬
stances. I have joined the Women’s Voluntary Service, and
I am making friends.”
Man, age 39, an artist by profession. For more than a year
he had an irritating rash on his hands, arms and legs. The
treatments which he had tried were ineffective, and he had
resigned himself to the fact that his condition could not be
cured. His father had died of cancer at the time the rash
appeared; he told us that he had not felt hopeless then, but
frustrated and irritated at his fate. Now, he had lost interest
in his work even though he liked it greatly, and made his
living by it. wild rose was prescribed for his hopeless
resignation and lack of interest in his work; crab apple as
a cleanser of mind and body; star of Bethlehem because
we believed that he had suffered great shock at his father’s
death. The response to the treatment was rapid. Within
four weeks, he wrote: “There was an aggravation at first,
but after sixteen days the rash had disappeared entirely. My
only anxiety now is that it might return,” gentian was
added to the original prescription to help him overcome
any doubt of his being permanently cured. Two years later
he wrote to say: “The skin trouble has never returned since
taking your prescription.”


Keywords: Resentment; bitterness

Willow is the Remedy for those people who look upon

life with bitterness, for those people who blame every¬
one but themselves for whatever misfortune or adver¬
sity they experience. Typically, they say: ‘T have not
deserved this misfortune. Why should it happen to me
while others get off scot-free?” The willow type feel
that they have been singled out by fate either to fail,
or to suffer, but never through any fault of their own.
They believe that the treatment they received was un¬
just and they begrudge the good fortune, the good
health, the happiness or the success of their fellow men.
They suffer from depression, and they are inclined to
sulk about their troubles. They are the “wet blankets”
who delight in spreading gloom and despair. They have
no interest in the affairs of others except to speak with
bitterness and unkindness of their better fortunes or to
decry their optimism or happiness. The willow
people are those who believe that their prayers are
unanswered, and their efforts unrewarded; yet they
take without giving. They accept all kinds of help as
their “right” and so they remain without gratitude
and alienate those who would like to help them or to
show them kindness. They cannot realize that they
alone are responsible for their unhappiness; that they
themselves have brought forth manifestations which
are the strong substance of their negative thoughts.

When they are sick, they make difficult patients.

Nothing seems to please or to satisfy them, and they
are loath to admit an improvement in their condition;
they often say something like this: “I may look better,
but I most certainly don’t feel better.” At times we all
suffer from the willow state of mind. We may lose
out tempers and become irritable and depressed, and
then find it extremely difficult to “snap out of it”. It is
the “I’d rather be mad” kind of feeling, and we sulk
and grumble and wonder how others can be so cheer¬
ful. It is just these moments that willow will neutra¬
lize, and so help us to regain our sense of humor and
to see things in their normal proportion.
The positive side of the willow character displays
great optimism and faith. It is seen in the person who
has recognized his responsibilities through the ex¬
periences which have come his way. Such a person
draws unto himself either the good or the bad accord¬
ing to the nature of his thoughts, and fully realizes
that it is within his power to do so.

Case Histories

Man, age 49, a schoolmaster. During the last five years,

he had suffered from psoriasis all over his body. He had
not been successful in his work, but he felt that this was due
to the lack of understanding on the part of the headmaster
and his colleagues on the staff. He said that he had the most
difficult class to deal with; the boys were always doing some
mischievous thing just to irritate him, and this he resented
very much, willow the type Remedy was prescribed for
his resentment and blaming of others for his lack of success;
CRAB apple to free his system of the toxins generated by his
negative thoughts. After the first four weeks, he said that his
skin was starting to clear up in patches; for the first time in
live years he thought there might be some improvement.
He added that he felt very tired, and that now he had
returned to the school after the vacation, the improvement
probably would not last. The same Remedies were pre¬
scribed again, and after another two months, he said that
he was forced to admit that improvement was now steady,
but that he had some setbacks which discouraged him.
GENTIAN was added to neutralize the discouragement and the
depression which the setbacks had caused. After another
three months, he reported that with the exception of a slight
dryness and redness, his skin had entirely cleared up. He
said that for some reason he was more content with life,
and that he had gained a new outlook that was reflected
in his teaching. He, the headmaster, and his colleagues were
all happy with his work, and the boys no longer gave him
any trouble.
Woman, age 70, a widow. She felt that the blows fate had
dealt her were more than she could bear. She told us that
her only child, a son, had married against her will, and that
she disliked her daughter-in-law intensely. She had been
forced to sell her house which she could not maintain
without help from her son, and she was now boarding in a
bed-sitting room apartment. She said that she had sacrificed
everything for her son, and now here she was, left all alone
at her age, and forced to struggle for herself. She was not
welcome in her son’s house, and this she felt was most unjust,
and unmerited. She said: ‘T want my son. I want my home.
My son never deserved such a mother and friend as I was
to him. He is utterly without gratitude for the sacrifices I
made for him.” willow the type Remedy was prescribed
for the attitude of resentment toward her son; chicory for
her overpossessive attitude. At the end of three weeks, she
said that her distressing depressions had almost gone, and
that the last visit to her son’s house was much more pleasant.
She still resented living alone, and she could not bring
herself to like her daughter-in-law. holly was added to the
basic Remedies for hatred and jealousy. She took these
Remedies for a month. Then she told us that she had
softened much in her attitude towards her daughter-in-law.
She had come to the conclusion that she must make the
best of things as they were, and that she should not trouble
her son by making too many visits to his house. Because of
this decision, there was much more harmony and a friend¬
lier atmosphere in the family.
Woman, middle age, a widow. She was a Latvian. During
the war she and her young son had escaped to England;
the rest of her family and relatives had died in concentration
camps. She had found work as a cook in a large household
in the country, but she resented the indignity of her situation,
because before the war she had been very rich, and she felt
that such work demeaned her. She became very unhappy
and hopeless, and she was filled with resentment and hatred.
When we first saw her, she was in poor physical shape. She
felt fatigued and ill most of the time, and her hair was
falling out in great patches until she was almost bald. This
added to her bitter resentment of her situation and the
circumstances which led up to it. willow the type Remedy
was prescribed for her deep resentment; holly for her
intense hatred; gorse for the feeling of hopelessness. She
took the Remedies for many months; her response was very
slow, but eventually both her outlook and her general health
began to improve. She found another job, one more suited
to her background and interest, and tliis was the turning
point. Her resentment and hatred subsided; her hair began
to grow back, at first sparsely, then over her entire head.
She told us that she felt much better, and that she was now
able to enjoy life once more.
Woman, age 50, married. She had an unreasonable
resentment toward her son-in-law whom she thought was
neglecting her daughter, and their two children. Recently,
she and her husband had moved to another district, and she
missed not seeing her old friends. She resented her neighbor
who would come to talk with her when she was doing her
housework. She had become very depressed; she could
neither eat nor sleep, and she looked much older than her
years, willow was prescribed for her resentment which we
Ijelieved to be the sole cause of her difficulties. The results
were rapid and successful. Her first report after a few weeks
indicated that she was sleeping well and that her appetite
had returned; however, she was still filled with resentment.
She continued to take the Remedy for another six weeks.
At this time she said that all of the resentment had left her.
She had talked matters over with her son-in-law, and now
she could see that he too had his problems, and in fact she
was beginning to sympathize with him! She looked years
younger. Her face had filled out, and her eyes sparkled once
again. The effect that her emotional improvement had upon
her husband was also marked; they were all, once again, a
harmonious and happy family.
Woman, middle age, married. She wrote to us the
following: “I am full of resentment about my husband’s
unfaithfulness, and I reproach myself very much for being
so. Please help me to get rid of this resentfulness, for all this
may be partly my own fault.” willow was prescribed for
her resentfulness; pine for her self-reproach. She wrote to
us again after two months and said: ‘T am very happy to
report great improvement in my mental attitude. Although
the unhappy conditions have lasted for three years, I now
can face them calmly.”
Man, age 54. He was a bitterly resentful person. He was
continually looking backwards to days gone by, and recalling
everyone who had caused him trouble. With such, he engaged
in mental arguments, and called down the anathema of
resentment upon their heads. His physical condition was
poor; he suffered from high blood pressure and shortness of
breath, willow the type Remedy was prescribed for his
resentment; honeysuckle because his thoughts dwelt in the
past. After the first four weeks, the breathing had improved
slightly, but then he suffered a discouraging setback.
GENTIAN was added to the Remedies to neutralize the dis¬
couragement the setback caused. He continued to make
progress, but slowly. The first effects were physical; his
blood pressure dropped to within almost normal limits and
the breathing improved greatly; he was able to sleep better.
The resentment about persons and events in the past per-

sis ted. It was not until after another four months that he was
able to write: “My health is so much better in every way.
My blood pressure is normal, as is my breathing. I am
grateful, for I have completely lost my resentful feelings.”
Woman, age 77. She wrote to us saying: “I have had a
misunderstanding with old friends which I have not, been
able to clear up, and I am suffering from insomnia. I belong
to a Christian prayer group, and these old friends and I are
the leaders. My friends misconstrued some suggestions that
I made, and they said so in front of our group. I am resentful
about this, and I am filled with self-pity which I cannot get
out of my mind.” willow was prescribed for the resentment;
CHICORY for the self-pity; white chestnut for the recurring
thoughts which kept her awake at night. Within three weeks
she wrote again to say that she was most grateful for the
Remedies. She said that her resentment toward her old
friends had been replaced by an understanding of their
attitude; she was sleeping well again. But, most important
of all, she had met with her old friends, and they had
resolved all of their difficulties. Now the group is working
happily together again.


The Rescue Remedy is a composite Remedy which

Dr. Bach formulated for use in emergencies. It is not
“the 39th Remedy” nor is it a Remedy in itself,
properly speaking; it is composed of five Remedies.
Nevertheless, because of the lifesaving possibilities
inherent in the Rescue Remedy, it is almost an obliga¬
tion for every practitioner to have some made up and
ready for instant use. Dr. Bach himself, and many of
his adherents, both lay and professional, made it a
practice to carry a small bottle of the Rescue Remedy
with them at all times. The Rescue Remedy could
well save a life during an emergency when seconds
count, and before qualified medical help arrives. To
paraphrase a safety slogan current in the United
States: “Always have the Rescue Remedy at hand.
The life you save may be your own!”

The five Remedies which compose the Rescue
Remedy are:
ROCK ROSE, for terror and panic.
IMPATIENS, for mental stress and tension.
CHERRY PLUM, for desperation.
CLEMATIS, for the bemused, faraway, out-of-the-body

feeling which often precedes fainting or loss of

Preparation of the Rescue Remedy
Add two drops from the stock bottles of each of the
five Remedies listed above to a one ounce (30 cc.) bottle
filled with brandy or alcohol; cork well, and label
Rescue Remedy.
Add three drops of the Rescue Remedy to a tumbler
full of water. The patient should sip this frequently,
and as he grows calmer, at intervals of fifteen minutes,
and then every half-hour according to his condition.
If the patient is unable to sip the water, or if he is
unconscious, rub in on his lips, on his gums, behind
his ears, and on his wrists. If no water is available, use
the undiluted Rescue Remedy to moisten the lips,
gums or tongue. When used as a medicine, over a
longer period, give the usual three drops in a teaspoon
of water four times a day. The Rescue Remedy can
also be applied to external injuries. It can be used to
bathe a painful area; it can also be used as a cold
compress or a hot fomentation. Six drops to a pint of
water is the usual amount.
Use the Rescue Remedy in any emergency, great or
small. Use it for a great sorrow, for some sudden bad
news. Use it after any accident, whether severe or
inconsequential, for after an accident, regardless of
its nature, there is always some emotion experienced.
The sufferer may experience shock, fear which can
amount to terror or panic, desperation with its con¬
sequent numbing effect, or confusion. To relieve the
victim’s fear, and to restore his calm and confidence
is of paramount importance to both his present and
his future physical well-being. If an accident occurs.

give the victim Rescue Remedy; make him as com¬

fortable as possible, keep him warm, and wait for
competent medical aid. The Rescue Remedy has no
ill effects yet it is quite capable of saving a human life
pending the arrival of a qualified physician. In a
major emergency, remember that the Rescue Remedy
is a potent first-aid measure; it cannot supplant
skilled medical treatment and it was not designed to
do so.

Case Histories

Dr. Bach first used the Rescue Remedy, in its original

form which consisted of rock rose, clematis and impatiens,
in 1930; at that time he had not yet discovered the other two
Remedies. During a great storm, a small boat laden with
tiles was wrecked off the shore of Cromer, where Dr. Bach
was living at the time. The crew, of two men, lashed them¬
selves to the mast to avoid being swept overboard firom the
foundering craft. Due to the tremendous seas, they had to
remain in the water many hours before the lifeboat was
finally able to rescue them. When it did the younger man
was unconscious, blue in the face, and with his clothes stiff
with sea salt. Dr. Bach ran into the breakers as he was being
carried from the lifeboat, and moistened his lips with the
Rescue Remedy. He continued to minister to him as he was
carried up the beach to a nearby hotel. The man recovered
consciousness before he reached the hotel, and when he was
put down there, he asked for a cigarette!
The following letter from a friend in Australia was sent
to us at The Dr. Edward Bach Healing Centre: “Last week
a bad car smash occurred outside my home. Two people
were injured, a young man slumped at the wheel, blood
from head to foot, and a young woman sat in the car with
a cut in her throat. I ran out with a bottle of Rescue Remedy
and squirted it into their throats from the bottle. The man
was obviously in deep shock, the woman panicking. I gave
first aid, and three doses of the Rescue Remedy before the
ambulance arrived. The woman stopped panicking, and the
man was calm. At the hospital, they found that the man
had a suspected fracture of the jaw, both knees lacerated
and other cuts. His head had gone through the windshield,
but the doctor did not find him in shock! He allowed the
man to go that same night to his own home, which was looo
miles by train. He wrote to say he had arrived safely and
after three days rest, started light work on his farm.”
This is another report from a friend of the Bach remedies
in Devonshire: ‘T jammed my thumb between the upper
and lower sashes of a stiff window, and I could not release
it until the frames were pried apart. It was a great shock, I
was in panic and I felt like having hysterics. The pain was
very great and the nail had turned black. I dashed for the
Rescue Remedy, taking some internally and pouring some
into a bowl of water and kept my thumb in it for fifteen
minutes. Almost immediately my nerves were calmed and
to my amazement, the black discoloration disappeared within
half an hour; only soreness remained until the next day. I
never even lost my nail.”
Another friend from Northumberland reported on this
accident: “A little girl three years old was badly frightened
when a fragment of a firework went down the back of her
neck. A nearby adult smothered the flames and only her
hair was singed, with no damage to her scalp. However,
she and her rescuer were badly shocked, and the child’s
screams were out of all proportion to the injury. Both were
given the Rescue Remedy, and in a few minutes the little
girl was back to the spot where the accident occurred, and
was quite ready to watch the rest of the fireworks!”
A friend in Berkshire sent us this letter: “Over the
Christmas holidays, I was unlucky enough to dislodge a
filling from a tooth which left the nerve exposed. During the
following days, until I was able to get to a dentist, I painted
the tooth with Rescue Remedy at regular intervals to soothe
the exasperating pain. The pain stopped almost instantly,
and one application generally lasted for several hours.”
Here is a most interesting letter from a friend in Scotland
who related an unusual experience and application of the
Rescue Remedy. “My friend and I decided to climb the
Y-gulley on Crutch Ardrain, a mountain a few miles from
Loch Lomond. This is a well-known snow-and-ice climb.
The conditions were excellent, the mountain deeply covered
with hard snow. The climb up the Y proved to be straight¬
forward, although strenuous due to the amount of step¬
cutting required. We then chose the right-hand fork which
is the more difficult. It lived up to its reputation this time,
being chock-full of extremely hard ice, and near vertical in
places. As we had been climbing, it had been steadily
getting colder, and in fact it was colder than I had ever
experienced climbing in Canada. About half-way up the
last difficult patch we both became so exhausted that using
both hands, we could only lift our ice-axes about nine
inches, and we were reduced to scraping feebly at the ice.
Since the sun was setting, we were reluctant to stop in such
a place, but our state compelled us to. Then I recalled that
I had a small bottle of the Rescue Remedy in the breast
pocket of my coat. It had been there for the last five months.
Carefully turning around, until I was facing out from the
mountain, I ground my crampon heel spikes into the ice,
and told my companion I had something that we must
both take if we were ever to finish the climb. After a good
sip myself, I said to my friend: ‘Reach up and take a good
sip of this.’ It was quite a delicate operation since his head
was level with my feet. However, we managed it safely.
After that we simply remained motionless for twelve minutes.
At the end of this time we were both sufficiently recovered to
proceed and we were both surprised to find that we com¬
pleted the last patch in half an hour which was something
of a record under those conditions. I am quite certain that
we would not have survived the climb had it not been for
the Rescue Remedy.”
Finally a quotation from a letter received from a friend
in Berkshire: “I was cutting a grassy bank and unknowingly
disturbed a wasps’ nest. They were frightened, and came
swarming out and stung me on the right temple, the cheek,
and inside the right nostril. I was frightened too, so apolo¬
gizing hastily to the wasps for disturbing them, I ran indoors
and took a dose of the Rescue Remedy, and smeared the
ointment* over the stings. All the pain went within two
minutes, and instead of having a very swollen face and nose,
by the next morning there was no sign of the wasps’ stings!”
* The Rescue Remedy is available as an ointment made up
in a greaseless homeopathic base.

“A glorious view opens before us! We see that true

healing can be obtained, not by wrong repelling wrong, but
by right replacing wrong, by good replacing evil, by light
replacing darkness. We come also to the understanding that
we no longer fight disease with disease, that we no longer
oppose illness with the products of illness, that we no longer
attempt to drive out maladies with such substances that can
cause them. On the contrary, we now bring down the
opposing virtue which will eliminate the fault.”
Edward Bach

The Bach Flower Remedies

IncorporatingThyself hy Edward Bach, M.D., B.S.,
D.P.H.; The Twelve Healers by Edward Bach, M.D., B.S.,
D.P.H.; and The Bach Remedies Repertory by FJ.
Wheeler, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Published by Keats
Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut

The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, Physician by Nora

Weeks, Published by Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan,

Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies by Philip M. Chan¬

cellor, Published by Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan,

The Bach Flower Remedies — Illustrations and Method of

Preparation by Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen. Illustrations
by Marjorie Pemberton-Piggott Published by C.W. Daniel
Company, Ltd. London.

Headquarters of the Bach Healing Center is

Sotwell, Wallingford, Berkshire, England






To Mental and Physical Conditions, etc. in Case Histories.

Abdominal troubles, 94, 119, 120, Boils, 70, 139

153, i55> *64, 198 Breathlessness, 83, 101, 132, 210, 232
Accidents, 69,118,119,129,145,158, Bronchial troubles, 49, 83,1^, 90, 98,
i65> *94» 210, 23&-240 129, 209
Acne, 226 Bruising, 55, 123, 129
Affection or Attention, need or lack Burns, 29
74» 75» 106, 188
Aggressiveness, 137, 170, 194, 197,
200 Catarrh, 79, 113, 134, 144
Ague, 225 Change, fear of, 59
Ailments, imaginary, 104 Change others, desire to, 48, 50
Alcohol, desire for, 39 Chest troubles. Congestion, 45, 49,83
Alone, desire to be, 52, 67, 127, 188, Character, strong, 200, 203
210 Chilblains, 80, 169
Alone, fear of being, 73, 74, 132 Childbirth, 19-21
.American Blight, 30 Choking, fear of, 44, 106, 112
.\nemia, 53, 55, 138 Circulation, poor, 95, 160
Annoyance, 100, 208 Claustrophobia, 109
Anxiety, Anguish, 38, 55, 93, 94, 99, Cleansing of Mind and/or System, 28,
104, 132, 137, 158, 159, 161, 165, 40, 45, 48-50, 70, 75, 83, 84, 86,
i93» 227 955 99> 106,109,113, 114,123, 134,
Apathy, 79, 225, 226 139, 144, 148, 153, 154, 159, 160,
Appendix trouble, 182 173, 178, 199, 209, 210, 224, 226,
Appetite, abnormal, 105 227, 229
Appetite, lack or loss of, 25, 62, 63, Climacteric, 112, 144, 176, 202
94,132,134,158,163,164,176,231 Colds, 54,58,62,67,84,98,105,106,
Apprehensiveness, 94, 193, 204, 215 159, 200, 203, 219, 225
.Arthritic condition, 129, 133, 170, Colitis, 113, 120, 178, 210
I97> 200 Collapse, 189, 199
Asthma, 39, 83, 93, 143 Colon, inflamed, 69
Concentration, lack of, 25, 64, 78,
124, 220
Concentration, over-, 82
Baldness, 231 Concussion, 69
Bed-wetting, 134 Confidence, lack of, 43,59,60, 78,88,
Billiousness, 67, 176, 202 90, 127-129, 135, 164, 177, 178
Birth Control, 187 Conscientiousness, 91, 142, 219
Blackout, 149 Constipation, 40, 83, 95, 105, 119,
Blame by others, 124, 160 139, 160, 164, 165, 173, 175, 177,
Blaming others, 105, 229, 232 184, 186, 202, 215
Blindness, 194 Control of thoughts, 54, 65
Blood, Coughing and Spitting, loi, Control, loss of 62-65, 187, 224
148 Coughs, Coughing, 98, loi, 225
Bloc^ Donation, 197 Courage, lack of, regaining, 43, 59,
Blood Pressure, high, 232 loi, 188
Blood Pressure, low, 53, 226 Cramps, 106, 169, 198
Critical attitude, 48, 49, 73, 74, 83, Eagerness, 78, 79, 194
169, 199 Ear trouble, 69, 150, 204
Criticism by others, and fear of, 124, Eczema, 49,69, 132
129, 133 Egoism, 73, 75
Crying fits, 26, 206 Electric Shock Treatment, 53
Cystitis, 139 Energy, excessive, 63, 132, 156, 169,
193, 194
Energy, lack of 54, 64, 117, 147
Endurance, end of, 150, 186-189
Dark, fear of, 25, 132 Enurism, 134
Death, and fear of, 24, 95, 100, 127, Epilepsy, 149
154, 164, 175, 183, 186, 187, 200, Escape from surroundings or work,
210, 226 67, 68, 79, 80, 84
Decisions, lack of effort to make, 21Q, Exasperation, 208
221, 227 Exhaustion, 38,45, 53, 54, 75,89,90,
Depression, 45, 55, 58, 65, 68, 69, 79, 105, no, 128, 132, 138, 142, 147-
86, 88, 89, 93-95, 99, 100, 109, 150, I55» *56, 159*^ *83, 226, 227,
113, 114, 119, 130, 133, i37-i40> 241
T 42-144, 147, 176, 177, 182, 184, Experiences, past, 115, 182, 193
186, 189, 190, 202, 203, 209, 215, Eye trouble, 27, 117, 119, 150, 164,
226, 230, 231 181, 194
Despair, 57, 99, loi, 105, 119, 139,
Despondency, 94, 142, 144, 214, 218 Failure, and fear of, 78, 114, 127, 128,
Determination, 193, 197, 198, 203, i55» *58
206, 226 Famting, 43, 84
Diabetes, 159, 178 Falls, 28, 65, 114, 123, 129, 145, 221
Diagnosis, fear of wrong, 44, 94, 108, Fatigue, 45, 101, 105, log, no, 117,
149, 189, 192, 213, 215 118, 120, 124, 134, 143, 148, 149,
Diarrhea, 94, 120, 177 *53» *54» *58, 165, 226, 231
Diet, fanatical about, 169 Fear, 20, 24, 40, 45, 64, 65, 68, 69,
Dirt, fear of, 25, 83 84, 94,112, 115,118-120,123, 124,
Disappointment, 133, 170, 186 128, 129, 132-135, 143, 159, 163-
Discharge, 85, 119, 198, 202 165, 171, 176, 182, 188, 197, 203,
Discouragement, 41, 48, 58, 65, 68, 204
70,86,93,95,96,99,130,133,139, Fear, inexplicable, 43, 45, 104, 171
166, 170, 176, 177, 210, 232 Fear of being dependent on others,
Dislike of others, 108, no, 230 165
Dissatisfaction, 60, 219-221 Fear of fire, 45
Distress, 38, 78, 143, 160, 211 f'ear, unreasonable or groundless,
Distrust of own judgement, 57-60, 43-45, *93
*93 Fear of illness, 119
Dizziness, 94, 204 Fear of school, lessons, examinations
Domination by, or of, others, 52-55, and teacher, 74, 85, 104, 127, 132,
*34» *97-*99> 203-205, 216, 227 164
Double Vision, 84 Fear of travelling or going out, 64,
Doubts of Cure, 93, 95, 98-100, 105, 65,94,118,129,163
144, 153, 155, 165, 214, 227 Fear in strange surroundings, 115
Dreaminess, Daydreams, Dream Fits, 84
World, 25, 47, 64, 67, 78, 79, 132, Fibrositis, 55
148, 149, 169 Flatulence, 94, 164, 192, 215
Dreams, troublesome, 25, 114 Flushes, hot, 106, 202, 204
Drowning, 239 Fretfulness, Fretting, 75,115,166,206
Drug Treatment, 63,84,89, 172,182, Friends, making and losing, 54, 59,
220 104, no, 137, 138, 187, 189, 199,
Dying, 27, 100, 181, 239 227, 231, 233
D^ntery, 198 Frustration, 154, 193, 198, 220, 227
Gall Bladder trouble, 218 Jealousy, 55, 73, 75, 108, no, 230
Gout, 154
Growths and Lumps, 44, 59, 82, 108,
IA9, 181, 209, 215
Kidney trouble, 50, 158, 173, 192
Guilt, sense of i53-i55> *87, 193
Gum troubles, 40, 210

Leaf-curl, 29
Leukorrhea, 144, 153, 178
Listlessness, 99, 132, 134
Hands, cracked, 99
Liver trouble, 50
Hatred, 109, no, 203, 230, 231
Hay Fever, 145 Living in the Past, 114, 115, 129, 149,
Headaches, 54, 58, 69, 74, 84, 98, igo* 232
Locchia, 21
100, 114, 133, 134, 142, 159, 163,
Loneliness, 73, 74, 104-106, 114, 138,
164, 197, 200, 202, 208, 214, 227
140, 175, 18^188, 200, 202, 230
Heart trouble, 169, 183, 210, 211
Loss of Feeling in limbs, or use of, 84,
Heartburn, 164
148, 159, 181
Hemorrhoids, 145, 220
Lumbago, 140, 198
Hopelessness, 65, 98-101, 119, 137,
i53» i75> *84, 186, 189, 198,
200, 202, 215, 216, 226, 227, 231
Hurt, desire to, 65, 187 Mastitis, 156
Hyperacidity, 194 Melancholia, 94, 138-140, 203
Hypersensitiveness, 205 Memory, lack or loss of, 38, 70, 79,
Hysterectomy, 93, 147 84, 94
Memories, unpleasant, 112-115, 118,
129, 163, 188, 211, 226
M^^re’s Disease, 94, 203
Menopause, 202, 204, 206, 220
Imaginary Ailments, 104
Menstruation, 123, 133
Impatience, 41, 47, 63, 83, 122-124,
Mental Anguish, Tension and Toi-
156, 171, 209
ture, 39, 40, 63, 99, 132, 134, 149,
Incompatibility, 47, 62, 95, 160, 189
183, 188, 193
Indecision, 55, 60, 94, 1x7, 120, 164,
Migraine, 67, 142, 176, 194, 227
171, 175-178, 214, 219-221
Mind in a desperate state, or turmoil,
Indigestion, 44, 58, 94, 114, 119, 142,
63, 181
i59> 170, 172, 215
Mind in a whirl, 64, 176, 221
Inferiority, feeling of, 59, 127, 225
Misunderstanding among friends, 233
Inflammation, 48, 158
Mistakes, and misplacing things, 58,
Influence by others, 203-205, 219,
69, 219, 220
Moods, variable, 33, 62, 64, 73, 95,
Influenza, 54, 198, 209
Injuries, 28, 240
Insomnia, 38, 53, 89, 90, 104, 123,
142, 155, 160, 169, 187, 208, 233
Interest and joy in Life and/or Work, Nausea, 44, 176
lack of, 45, 49, 64, 67, 78, 79, 95, Negative Outlook, 74, 93, 95, 98, 225
109, 113, 137, 138, 147, 149, 153, Nervous Breakdown, 40, 65, 74, 93,
158, 183, 187, 203, 219, 225-227 105, 127, 129, 143, 155, 160, 226
Internal Organs, sagging, 153, 155 Nervous Tension, 89, 93, 123, 127,
Intestinal trouble, 198 139, 140, 164, 170, 180, 194
Intolerance, 47-50, 169, 170, 209 Nervousness, 43, 45, 59, 64, 82, 104,
Irritability, 47-49,59,68,84,85,100, 113, 128, 129, 133-135. 143. *58.
II7, 122, 125, 133, 156, 199, 202, 165, 182, 197, 204, 208
224, 227 Nightmares, 63, 118, 139, 163-165,
Irritation, 27, 82, 86, 98, 109, 122, 187, 188, 205
158, 165, 224, 227 Noise, fear of, 25, 79, 134, 208
Observation, lack of, 69, 70 Seif, absorption in, centeredness, and
Obsession, 65, 105, 130 concern for, 73, 74, 103-106, 219
Opinionated attitude, 192, 194, 199 Self-assertion, 52-55
Opinions of others, desire for, 57-60 Self-blame or reproach, 67, 153, 155,
Osteopathic Treatment, 855,171,221 156, 187, 193, 194, 208, 232
Over-concern, 133, 159-161 Self-confidence, lack of, 60, 127-130,
Over-weight, 106, 198 135, 143, 164, 177, 178, 219
Over-work, 55, 78, 79, 118, 147-150, Self-consciousness, 127
*55» *78, 199 Self-discipline, 53, 16^173
Self-dislike, disgust, distrust and dis¬
satisfaction, 48, 60, 70, 83, 85, 99,
Pain, 28, 29, 39, 57, 63, 68, 83, 100, 219, 220
106, 114, 119, 120, 123, 154, 164, Self-pity, 67, 74, 75, 109, 114, 233
no-nSy *78, 192, 194» *97* *99* Shaking, Severing, 155, 188
200, 210, 214, 215, 221, 225, 240, Shock, 28, 39, 44, 63, 69, 85, 86, 89,
242 113, 114, 118, 123, 128, 129, 133,
Palpitations, 43, 104, 150, 155 *49, *54* *58, *64, 172, 175, 180,
Panic, 21, 123, 163, 164, 166, 170, 184, 186, 190, 194, 2x0, 215, 227,
172, 239, 240 239, 240
Paralys^ Intestine, 163, 182 Shock Treatment, 63
Paralysis, 145 Shyness, 129, 133, x 54
Penicillin, 40, 100 Sinus trouble, 54, 57, 63, 101, X44,
Perfectionism, 170, 172, 173, 194 203
Perseverance, 204 Skin troubles, 39,48,98,99, X58, X65,
Pessimism, 93, 98, 99, 138, 200 224, 226
Phlebitis, 165, 2x6 Slavish attitude, 53
Phenobarbitol, 149 Sleep, disturbed, 38, 40, 55, 63, 68,
Piles, 105, 198, 199 98, xoo, 1x4, X18, X19, 132, X34,
Pleurisy, 143
*39* *47* *54* *56, *58, 159* *83*
Pneumonia, 100, 166 164, x8i, 193, 205, 206, 2X3-2X5,
Possessiveness, 73, 108, 181, 202, 230 224, 231
Pregnancy, 20 Sleep, heavy, 78, 84, 134
Pride, 170, 172 Sleep, taiki^ in, 163
Pruritis, 165 Sleep, walking in, X63
Psoriasis, 85, 98, 229 Sleepiness, 52, 67, 79, 84, 90, 99, 172
Sleeping Pills, 90, 124, X39
Slow to realise or learn, 67-70
Rash, 40, 48, 75, 82, 105, 109, 114,
Sores and Soreness, 99, xo6, x X7, 202,
122, 123, 158, 224, 227
215, 240
Relaxation, 53, 82, 90, 139, 145, 169,
Spondylitis, X71
170, 180, 193, 205, ao8
Spots on face or body, 25, 78, 224
Resentment, 40, 41, 74, 85, 105, 112,
Sprain, 123, 209
*23, 133* *48, 170, 194* 202, 206, Stiffness, 39, 48, xox, 123, 128, X71,
172, 203, 220
Resignation, 48, 79, 93, 224-227
Sting, wasp, 242
Responsibility, and an overwhelming
Stomach trouble, 69, X34, 172,
sense of, 69, 78, 89-91, 128, 142-
X77, x82, X94, 198
144, 155, 159, 171, i^, 203, 208
Stone, Kidney, 173, 192
Restlessness, 63, 109, 132, 163, 206,
Strain, Stress, 70, 86, 98, 1x7, 124,
X42, 143, 148, 154, 159, 160, x86,
Rheumatic Pain, 39, 58
187, X89
Rigid outlook, 48, 169, 220
Strength of Mind and Body, lack of,
Ringworm, 27
40* 45* 53* 54* 59* 84* 80,84,90,9X,
95, 98, xox, XX7-X20, X24, X34,
Sciatica, 47, 154 143, X44, 155, X65, X83, X89, 198,
Screaming, 62,65,108,154,164, 165, 203, 2XX, 2x6, 225, 227
188, 240 Streiigth overtaxed, X47, X48
Strictness with self, 53, 169-173, 220 Ulcer, 68, 74, 105, 123, 182, 215
Struggle against odds, 142-145, 215 Uncleanliness, feeling of, 25, 69, 79,
Suffering secretly, or without com¬ 82, 83, 86, 123, 153
plaint, 3S-40, 67, 68, 85, 93, 134, Uric Acid, 154
142-144, 165, 189, 210, 211, 224
Suffocation, 44, 98, 112
Suicide, 63, 64, 75, 189 Varicose Veins, 91, 105, 118, 135
Superiority, attitude of, 49 Violence, 62, 63, 65, 108, 109, 187
Swallowing, difficulty in, 44, 213 Visceroptosis, 119
Sweat, Cold, 44 Vitality, 44, 49, 54, 94, 99, 113, 118,
Swelling, 29, 100, 118, 123, 180, 181, 144, 153, 210, 226
209 Voice, failure of, 45, 84
Voices, hearing, 205
Vomiting, 62, 106, 164, 176, 204, 227

Talking about Ailments, 103-106

Walking, difficulty in, loi, 129, 145,
Teething, 204, 206
198, 200, 204
Temper, violent, 109
Wart, 209
Temperature, high, 166, 198, 225
Weakness, 94,100,119,148,149,155,
Tension, 28, 39, 63, 65, 83, 89, 98,
166, 182, 183, 205, 209, 216, 220,
123, 139, 140, 145, 156, 159, 160,
170, 180, 192, 193, 200, 224
Weight, gain in, 64, 134, 147
Terror, 25, 40, 44, 59, 65, 123, 139,
Weight, loss of, 44, 94, 106, 134, 163,
163-166, 182, 188, 203, 205
178, 199, 209
Thoughts, confused, disagreeable, dis¬
Whelping, 28
turbing, morbid, worrying, 25, 45,
Whitlow, 95
54> 55> 83> 95» H9> i77> *81, Will, strong, 54, 193, 198
182, 193, 211, 213-216, 221, 226,
Withering, 30
229, 233
Work, discovery of life’s, 59, 67, 219-
Throat trouble, 44, 108, 189, 213
Thrombosis, 45, loi, 181
Work, worried, overwhelmed by, un¬
Thyroid trouble, 183
able to face, or cope with, quitting,
Tic Doloureux, 68
54, 69, 82, 89-91, 117, 120, 132,
Tiredness, 52, 55, 57, 79, 90, 93, 103,
137, 142, i47-I50» I55> 169, 176,
113, 114, II7-II9* 124, 128, 137,
193, 199, 202, 205, 214
142, 147, 153, 208, 210, 215, 218,
Worry, 3&-40, 67, 74, 82, 84-86, 90,
221, 225, 230
93> 94> 99> i04» 127, 128, 132, 133,
Tonsilectomy, 54
148, 154, 158, 159, 161, 175,
Tonsilitis, 216
182, 193, 214-216
Tremors, Trembling, 64, 163
Wounds, 29
Treatments not resulting in cure, 48,
58, 59» 84, 85, 90, 93, 98, 100, 105,
120, 144, 154, 158, 172, 203, 215, X-Ray Examination, 44,69,112,158,
227 164, 171, 192, 213, 215
From Agrimony to Willow, here is the complete range of the
Bach Flower Remedies, 38 plant extracts which thousands
have used to obtain remarkable relief from a spectrum of
physical and emotional ills. As many other recent advances
in wholistic healing have shown, conventional medicine has
drastic limitations—while Dr. Bachs approach, that of treat¬
ing the unique personality of each patient by means of the
naturally-derived Remedies, has been shown in case after
case to have an almost unlimited potential for the attainment
of true health.
This handbook sets out, for layman and practitioner alike,
the conditions for which each Remedy is intended, together
with a description of how each operates—backed by many
fascinating case histories showing the dramatic effects of
this unique system of healing.
Other newly-published books about the Bach Flower
Remedies in Keats paperback editions:
The Bach Flower Remedies (3 volumes in 1) M.95
including The Twelve Healers by Edward Bach, M.D.,
The Bach Remedies Repertory by F.J. Wheeler, M.D.,
and Heal Thyself by Edward Bach, M.D.
The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, Physician by
Nora Weeks $4.95

A Keats Health Be
05/15/2017 9:48-2

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