Optional Course Syllabus (Proiect de Programă Pentru Opţional)

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Optional Course Syllabus (Proiect de program pentru opional)

Optional course title: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE WORLDS OF FANTASY (Denumirea opionalului) Type: OPTIONAL COURSE AS A NEW SCHOOL SUBJECT (Tipul: OPIONAL CA DISCIPLIN NOU) Level (Nivel): Advanced (12th grade intensive study) Period of time (Durata): one year Number of classes per week (Numr de ore pe sptmn): 1 class / week Teacher (Profesor): School (Instituia de nvmnt):

1. Argument The aim of this optional course is to complete the knowledge the students already have in the field of English literature, bringing information on a genre not so often approached in English textbooks: fantasy literature. Students are surely interested in this genre due to the numerous highly successful film adaptations of popular fantasy novels that have recently been released on the big screen and on television. The study of the fantasy genre with its subgenres and that of some of the works of the best fantasy writers is expected to motivate students to do some more extensive reading in this area of literature. Alongside the reading, the course is also intended to have students watch some of the film adaptations of fantasy books, in order to be able to compare the original written version with the adapted version on the screen. By studying and reading works belonging to a particular literary genre, students should also be encouraged to read more, even from different genres. The study of original English literary texts will undoubtedly leave a mark on the students linguistic performances, thus helping to increase their confidence as speakers of English.

2. Specific competences. Contents operational concepts (Competene specifice. Coninuturi concepte operaionale)

Specific competences (Competene specifice) I. Establishing some features that are specific for the fantasy genre, leading to a definition of this genre and of its main subgenres, particularly epic fantasy

Contents operational concepts ( Coninuturi concepte operaionale) Definition of fantastic literature Definitions of fantasy literature Features of fantasy literature The concept of secondary world The structure of a fantasy text Fantasy and science-fiction Fantasy subgenres Epic fantasy

II. Identifying the sources of fantasy literature by studying some of the main themes and elements present in various mythologies, in folk tales and in earlier literature

Myths, legends and folk tales The chivalric romance The Gothic romance


Evaluating the ways in which fantasy

The concepts behind the literary works of George MacDonald, William Morris and Lord Dunsany

literature has developed once it was established as a separate literary genre

The ideas supporting the works of the writers that established the genre: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis

Further developments of the fantasy genre

3. Values and attitudes (Valori i atitudini) IV. Analysing the way in which specific elements of fantasy literature are present in the works of such outstanding writers as J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and J.K. Rowling, as well as their personal

Tolkiens concepts of secondary world, subcreation, fairy story and imagination Mythical and religious elements in Tolkiens secondary world Themes and motives in Tolkiens novels C.S. Lewiss conceptions regarding the fairy tale, the concepts of subcreation and imagination C.S. Lewiss method of mixing elements belonging to myth, Christian religion and the magical world of fairy tales C.S. Lewiss secondary world Themes and elements of the great masters of fantasy literature in J.K. Rowlings work J.K. Rowlings eclecticism in depicting her secondary world The principles on which school and education function in Rowlings world J.K Rowlings conception of the developing hero

conceptions of fantasy writing


Comparing the original written version

The means of expression employed by writers and film directors to render ideas The differences between the novels and the adaptations inspired from them

of some fantasy stories with their film transposition, identifying specific means of expression for both arts

VI. Elaborating some fantasy texts in the manner of the literary texts studied as part of this course

Writing some short fantasy stories using the information and examples presented in this course

Stimulating the students interest in fantasy fiction Helping the students to become aware of the value works belonging to this genre have in the larger field of literature Stimulating the students love for English literature Motivating the students towards more extensive reading Reflecting a variety of artistic forms Stimulating students creativity in elaborating their own fantasy texts Developing students linguistic abilities Increasing students confidence as autonomous speakers of English

4. Methodological suggestions (Sugestii metodologice) a) Types of activities (Activiti de nvare) : reading and text analysis, skimming, scanning, listening, watching film excerpts, presentation, explanation, identification, description, enumeration, discussion, debate, role-play, creation of new texts, competitions, projects. b) Recommended materials: Literature J.R.R.Tolkien-The Hobbit -The Lord of the Rings: -The Fellowship of the Ring -The Two Towers -The Return of the King C.S.Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia: -The Magicians Nephew -The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -The Horse and His Boy -Prince Caspian -The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) The Two Towers (2002) The Return of the King (2003) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Prince Caspian (2008) Film

-The Silver Chair -The Last Battle J.K. Rowling Harry Potter (HP): -HP and the Philosophers Stone -HP and the Chamber of Secrets -HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban -HP and the Goblet of Fire -HP and the Order of the Phoenix -HP and the Half-Blood Prince -HP and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter (HP): HP and the Philosophers Stone (2001) HP and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) HP and the Goblet of Fire (2005) HP and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) HP and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

c) Evaluation techniques (Modaliti de evaluare) : oral and written evaluation, projects, portfolio, self assessment. 5. Bibliography: Clute, J. , Grant, J. (eds.) 1999. The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, Orbit, London Evseev, I. 2001. Dicionar de simboluri i arhetipuri culturale, Ed. Amarcord, Timioara Lewis, C.S. 2005. The Chronicles of Narnia, HarpercollinsPublishers, London Moorcock, M. 1987. Wizardry and Wild Romance. A Study of Epic Fantasy, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2006. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Bloomsbury, London Rowling, J.K. 2008. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Bloomsbury, London Tolkien,J.R.R. 1998. The Hobbit or There and Back Again, HarperCollins, London

Tolkien,J.R.R. 2007. The Lord of the Rings, HarperCollinsPublishers, London Todorov, T. 1973. Introducere in literatura fantastic, Ed. Univers, Bucureti ***Ghid Metodologic: Aria curicular limb i comunicare-liceu, Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii, Consiliul Naional Pentru Curriculum, 2002, S.C. Aramis Print s.r.l.

6. Annual Planning (Planificarea calendaristic) Unit (Unitatea de nvare) 1. Fantasy Literature I Definition of fantastic literature S.C. (CS) Contents (Coninuturi) No. of classes (Nr. ore) (Spt) (Obs.) Week Notes

Definition and Subgenres

Definitions of fantasy literature Fantasy conventions and themes The structure of a fantasy text The features of the fantasy world Fantasy vs. science-fiction Fantasy subgenres Epic fantasy Myths and legends Folk tales The chivalric romance The Enlightenment (the earliest forms of modern-style fantasy) 6 classes 7 - 12 6 classes 1-6

2. The Sources of Fantasy and Its Development as a Distinct Genre


Romanticism the Gothic novel Early modern fantasy (G. MacDonald, W. Morris, Lord Dunsany)

3. J.R.R.Tolkien - The Remythologizer I II III IV V

Modern fantasy J.R.R.Tolkien Post-Tolkien fantasy The concepts of secondary world, subcreation, fairy story and imagination The construction of a secondary world: Arda and

Middle-earth Myth and religion in Tolkiens secondary world Themes and motifs in Tolkiens novels ( The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings) Means of expression in the film adaptations inspired by The Lord of the Rings The differences between the novel and the film version 4. C.S.Lewis A Storyteller for Narnia I II III IV V The work of art as subcreation The ideal form of the fairy tale The creation of a secondary world: Narnia Myth, religion and magic in Narnia The peoples and places of Narnia Human visitors in Narnia Means of expression in the film adaptations of two of the Narnian Chronicles The differences between the written and the film versions

6 classes 13 - 18

6 classes 19 - 24

5. J.K.Rowling A Fantasy Writers Recipe


J.K.Rowlings sources of inspiration in the creation of a

for Success


secondary world J.K.Rowlings eclecticism Magic in the world of Harry Potter School and education in the wizarding world Harry Potter as hero-in-making Means of expression in the film adaptations of six of the Harry Potter novels The differences between the original written version and the film version

6 classes 25 - 30

6. Creating New Worlds of Fantasy


The creation of short fantasy texts using the information acquired during this course

4 classes 31 - 34

7. Planning a Unit (Planificarea unei uniti de nvare) UNIT 3 Contents (Coninuturi) Tolkiens contribution in establishing J. R. R. Tolkien The Remythologizer S.C. (CS) I II III Activities (Activiti de nvare) Resources (Resurse) Evaluation (Evaluare) Announcing the project theme:

- discussing the way in which Worksheets Tolkiens formation reflected in CDs his creation

fantasy as a distinct literary genre

- enumerating the main fictional Lockstep works in which Arda is presented - establishing Tolkiens position as the creator of modern fantasy - identifying the main features of epic fantasy in Tolkiens fiction Individual work

Why Do We Like Tolkien?

Tolkiens conception of the creation of fantasy stories


- explaining Tolkiens concepts of Text excerpts secondary world, subcreation, Worksheets fairy story and imagination - listening to Tolkien presenting his view on the creation of a Lockstep fantasy world belief as vital in the under standing of Tolkiens universe Pair work - explaining the term secondary Individual work CDs

Systematic observation of the students; Homework

Tolkiens secondary world: Arda, and the region of Middle-earth


- presenting the way in which Text excerpts Tolkiens secondary world was Worksheets constructed populations of Arda - presenting the cosmology and Lockstep history of Arda Group work Pictures - describing the geography and Maps

Systematic observation of the students; Oral evaluation

Elements belonging to myth and religion in Tolkiens world


- discussing Tolkiens religious Text excerpts beliefs as the support for his Worksheets creation - explaining the writers rejection Lockstep of text the overt presentation of Group work religious elements in the fictional Individual work

Systematic observation of the students; Written evaluation




religious elements in Tolkiens world Themes and motifs in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings IV - reading and analysing significant Text excerpts excerpts from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings - identifying the main themes in Lockstep the novels (the fight between good Pair work and evil, the quest and initiation) - discussing some of the motifs in the novels - discussing the symbolism of the ring A comparison between Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings and the film adaptations V - watching some significant scenes CDs from the movie adaptations of The Text excerpts Lord of the Rings discussing the means expression the director used to convey certain ideas identifying the Lockstep differences Group work Photos of Posters Systematic observation of the students; Self assessment Individual work Worksheets Systematic observation of the students; Homework

between the written version and Individual work the film adaptation and discussing the motives behind them Evaluation - group project: Why Do We Like Tolkien? The novel (3 volumes) Cardboard sheets Markers Pictures Project presentation

Photos Group work

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