Admitere Politie Frontiera Oradea 2003

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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30.

Cuprinsul romanului lui e variat; de la sentimente la punctele cardinale. a) The contents of his novei is varied; ftom feelings to the points of thecompass. b) The content of his novei is varied; from feelings to the points of the compass. c) The contents of his novei are varied; from feelings to the points of the compass. d) The contents of his novei is varied; from feelings to the points of the compasses. Succese din ce n ce mai mari sunt obinute de ctre echipa mea de fotbal favorit. a) More and more great successes have been achieved by my favourite football team. b) Ever greater successes have been achieved by my favourite football team. c) More greater successes have been achieved by my favourite football team. d) The greater and the greater successes have been achieved by my favourite football team. Pantalonul lui e pe pat i e foarte murdar, a) His trouser are on the bed and it are very dirty. b) His trousers is on the bed and they are very dirty. c) His trouser is on the bed and it is very dirty. d) His trousers are on the bed and they are very dirty. Cu ct citeti mai mult, cu att tii mai bine. a) The better you learn, the better you know, b) The more you learn, the better you know. c) The well you learn, the more you know. d) The more you learn, the much you know. Din ci membri const echipa ta? a) Of how many members do your team consist? b) How many members do your team consist of? c) Of how many members does your team consists? d) How many members does your team consist of? If he is from _, _ language is _, but if they are from_j_language is_. a) china/ his /Chinese/Wales/their/Finnish; b) China/his/Chinese/Wales/their/Welsh; c) China / her / Chinese / Wales / your / Welsh; d) China / her / Chinese / Wales / their / Finnish. L-am ntrebat dac banii mei sunt buni. a) I asked him if my money were good. b) I asked him if my moneys were good. c) I asked him if my money was good. d) I asked him if my moneys was good. Ieri a fost bolnav. Astzi este i mai bolnav. S sperm c mine va fi mai bine. a) She was ill yesterday. Today she is worse. Let's hope she'll be better tomorrow. b) She was bad yesterday. Today she is badder. Let's hope she'll be better tomorrow. c) She was ill yesterday. Today she is more bad. Let's hope she will be better tomorrow. d) She was bad yesterday. Today she is worse. Let's hope she will be weller tomorrow. tiam c poliia caut un sprgtor, dar nu mi -a fi nchipuit c tu eti acela. a) I knew the Police was looking for a bank robber, but I should not have imagined it was you. b) I knew the Police has been looking for a bank robber, but I should not have imagined he was you. c) I knew the Police have been looking for a bank robber, but I should not have imagined it was you. d) I knew the Police was looking for a bank robber, but I will not have imagine it was you. Alan usually the intermediate class, but today he__the beginners. a) teaches / is teaching; b) is teaching / taught; c) teach / is teaching; d) teaches / is thaught. I need data for the experiment. a) farer; b) farther; c) farthest; d) further. She plays the piano better than her sister. a) far; b) near; c) further; d) very. This is your compasses, isn't it? a) pair of; b)pieceof; c)packof; d)bunchof. The storm a lot of old trees. a)felled; b)fell; c)fallen; d)felt. They warned us against the coming storm and urged us to shut all the doors and windows. a) "There's a storm coming! Shut all the doors and windows quickly!"; b) "The storm has been coming! Shut to the doors and windows quickly!"; c) "The storm had started! Shut the doors and windows now!"; d) "There was a storm coming! Close all the doors and windows quickly!" She went to the service as her car was out of order. a) She went to the service so as to mend her car. b) She went to the service to mend his car. c) She went to the service to have her car mended. d) She went to the service for him to mend her car. "May I leave now or do you still need me?" Steve said. a) Steve asked if he was permitted to leave then or they still needed him. b) Steve wanted to know whether he is permitted to leave now or they still need him. c) Steve asked if he is permitted to leave now or they still needed him. d) Steve wanted to know if he was allowed to leave now or they still needed him yet. It was growing dark, we hurried home. a) that; b) as; c) because; d) so. Are they students _? No,they are _ pupils.They haven't graduated _. a) yet/yet/still; b) still/yet/yet; c) yet / still / yet; d) still / still / yet. My watch is a watch. It is five minutes .. a) slowly / slowly; b)slow/slow; c) slow / slowly; d)slowly/slow. She promised she on time. a) had come; b) will come; c) will have come; d) would come. It's high time he what really happened there. a) tells; b) has told; c) should teii; d) were told. They won't find a solution they ask for father's advice. a) unless; b)so; c) therefore; d) otherwise. We expect our team better and better. a) is being worked; b) wdrking; c) to have work; d) to work. They seldom to smoke in this room. a) have / been permitted; b) could / been able; c) can / been able; d) has / been permitted. She will look John while I away. a) for / will be; b) for / were; c) at / will be; d) after / am. "Fasten your seat-belts and do not smoke" said the stewardess. a) The stewardess asked to us to fasten our seat-belts and not to smoke. b) The stewardess said to us to fasten our seat-belts and to not smoke. c) The stewardess told us to fasten our seat-belts and not to smoke. d) The stewardess said fasten our seat-belts and do not smoke. He suffers a very serious disease. a) at; b) from; c) by; d) with. After the rain we boating. a)stopped/go; b)has stopped/shall go; c)stops/shall go; d) is stopping/will go. He read poetry. a) many; b) much; c) a lot; d) mucher.

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