New Techniques in Radiotherapy
New Techniques in Radiotherapy
New Techniques in Radiotherapy
Number of Publications in Google Scholar
3 3 DCRT DCRT IMRT IMRT Tomotherap Tomotherap y y
Teletherapy Teletherapy
Gamma Gamma Knife Knife LINAC LINAC based based Cyberknife Cyberknife
Brachytherap Brachytherap y y
Image Image Assisted Assisted Brachytherpy Brachytherpy Electronic Electronic Brachytherapy Brachytherapy
Solutions ?
Electron Electron s s Proton Proton s s Use radiation technologies Use alternative alternative Develop radiation modalities modalities Develop technologies to to circumvent circumvent limitations limitations Mesons Mesons Neutron Neutron s s
Development Timeline
Takahashi discusses conformal RT 1st MLCs invented (1959)
Brahame conceptualized inverse planning & gives prototype algorithm for (1982-88) Carol demonstrates NOMOS MiMIC (1992) Tomotherapy developed in Wisconsin (1993) Stein develops optimal dMLC equations (1994)
Modulation: Examples
Conformal Radiotherapy
Conformal radiotherapy (CFRT) is a technique that aims to exploit the potential biological improvements consequent on better spatial localization of the highdose irradiation volume
- S. Webb in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy IOP
Problems in conformation
Has an entrance dose. Has an exit dose. Follows the inverse square law.
Types of CFRT
Techniques aiming to employ geometric eldshaping alone Techniques to modulate the intensity of uence across the geometricallyshaped eld (IMRT)
Intensity Modulation is a misnomer The actual term is Fluence Fluence referes to the number of particles incident on an unit area (m-2)
Cast metal compensator Jaw defined static fields Multiple-static MLC-shaped elds Dynamic MLC techniques (DMLC) including modulated arc therapy (IMAT) Binary MLCs - NOMOS MIMiC and in tomotherapy Robot delivered IMRT Scanning attenuating bar Swept pencils of radiation (Race Track Microtron - Scanditronix)
Since beam is interrupted between movements leakage radiation is less. Easier to deliver and plan. More time consuming
Dynamic IMRT
Faster than Static IMRT Smooth intensity modulation acheived Beam remains on throughout leakage radiation increased More susceptible to tumor motion related errors. Additional QA required for MLC motion accuracy.
Machine with treatment capability Imaging equipment: Planning and Verification Software and Computer hardware
Extensive physics manpower and time required. Conformal nature highly susceptible to motion and setup related errors Achilles heel of CFRT Target delineation remains problematic. Treatment and Planning time both significantly increased Radiobiological disadvantage:
Decreased dose-rate to the tumor Increased integral dose (Cyberknife > Tomotherapy > IMRT)
Treatment QA
Treatment Delivery Forward Planning Inverse Planning Dose distribution Analysis 3D Model generation
Two of the most important aspects of conformal radiation therapy. Basis for the precision in conformal RT Needs to be:
Types of Immobilization
Invasive Frame based Noninvasive Immoblization devices
Frameless Usually based on a combination of heat deformable casts of the part to be immobilized attached to a baseplate that can be reproducibly attached with the treatment couch. The elegant term is Indexing
Cranial Immobilization
BrainLab System
Extracranial Immobilization
Accuracy of systems
With the precision of the body fix frame the target volume will be underdosed (< 90% of prescribed dose) 14% of the time!!!
CT simulator
70 85 cm bore Scanning Field of View (SFOV) 48 cm 60 cm Allows wider separation to be imaged. Multi slice capacity:
Speed up acquistion times Reduce motion and breathing artifacts Allow thinner slices to be taken better DRR and CT resolution
Superior soft tissue resolution Ability to assess neural and marrow infiltration Ability to obtain images in any plane - coronal/saggital/axial Imaging of metabolic activity through MR Spectroscopy Imaging of tumor vasculature and blood supply using a new technique dynamic contrast enhanced MRI No radiation exposure to patient or personnel
PET: Principle
Unlike other imaging can biologically characterize a leison Relies on detection of photons liberated by annhilation reaction of positron with electron Photons are liberated at 180 angle and simultaneously detection of this pair and subsequent mapping of the event of origin allows spatial localization The detectors are arranged in an circular array around the patient PET- CT scanners integrate both imaging modalities
PET-CT scanner
PET scanner
CT Scanner 60 cm
Allows Allows hardware hardware based based registration registration as as the the patient patient is is scanned scanned in in the the treatment treatment position position CT CT images images can can be be used used to to provide provide attenuation attenuation correction correction factors factors for for the the PET PET scan scan image image reducing reducing scanning scanning time time by by upto upto 40% 40%
Metabolic marker
2- 18Fluoro 2- Deoxy Glucose Radiolabelled thymidine: 18F Fluorothymidine Radiolabelled amino acids: Methyl methionine, 11C Tyrosine
Proliferation markers
Hypoxia markers
methylthiosemicarbazone) (60Cu-ATSM)
Apoptosis markers
PET Fiducials
Technicium Annexin V
Image Registration
Technique by which the coordinates of identical points in two imaging data sets are determined and a set of transformations determined to map the coordinates of one image to another Uses of Image registration:
Study Organ Motion (4 D CT) Assess Tumor extent (PET / MRI fusion) Assess Changes in organ and tumor volumes over time (Adaptive RT) Rigid Translations and Rotations Deformable For motion studies
Types of Transformations:
The algorithm first measures the degree of mismatch between identical points in two images (metric). The algorithm then determines a set of transformations that minimize this metric. Optimization of this transformations with multiple iterations take place After the transformation the images are fused - a display which contains relevant information from both images.
Image Registration
The most important and most error prone step in radiotherapy. Also called Image Segmentation The target volume is of following types:
GTV (Gross Target Volume) CTV (Clinical Target Volume) ITV (Internal Target Volume) PTV (Planning Target Volume) Targeted Volume Irradiated Volume Biological Volume
Other volumes:
Target Volumes
GTV: Macroscopic extent of the tumor as defined by radiological and clinical investigations. CTV: The GTV together with the surrounding microscopic extension of the tumor constitutes the CTV. The CTV also includes the tumor bed of a R0 resection (no residual). ITV (ICRU 62): The ITV encompasses the GTV/CTV with an additional margin to account for physiological movement of the tumor or organs. It is defined with respect to a internal reference most commonly rigid bony skeleton. PTV: A margin given to above to account for uncertainities in patient setup and beam adjustment.
Target Volumes
Treated Volume: Volume of the tumor and surrounding normal tissue that is included in the isodose surface representing the irradiation dose proposed for the treatment (V95) Irradiated Volume: Volume included in an isodose surface with a possible biological impact on the normal tissue encompassed in this volume. Choice of isodose depends on the biological end point in mind.
Normal critical structures whose radiation sensitivity may significantly influence treatment planning and/or prescribed dose. A planning organ at risk volume (PORV) is added to the contoured organs at risk to account for the same uncertainities in patient setup and treatment as well as organ motion that are used in the delineation of the PTV. Each organ is made up of a functional subunit (FSU)
A target volume that incorporated data from molecular imaging techniques Target volume drawn incorporates information regarding:
Cellular burden Cellular metabolism Tumor hypoxia Tumor proliferation Intrinsic Radioresistance or sensitivity
Lung Cancer:
30 -60% of all GTVs and PTVs are changed with PET. Increase in the volume can be seen in 20 -40%. Decrease in the volume in 20 30%. Several studies show significant improvement in nodal delineation. PET fused images lead to a change in GTV volume in 79%. Can improve parotid sparing in 70% patients.
Treatment planning systems are complex computer systems that help design radiation treatments and facilitate the calculation of patient doses. Several vendors with varying characteristics Provide tools for:
Image registration Image segmentation: Manual and automated Virtual Simualtion Dose calculation Plan Evaluation Data Storage and transmission to console Treatment verification
Planning workflow
Total Total Dose Dose Total Total Time Time of of delivery delivery of of dose dose Define Define a a dose dose objective objective Total Total number number of of fractions fractions Organ Organ at at risk risk dose dose levels levels
Choose Choose Number Number of of Beams Beams Choose Choose beam beam angles angles and and couch couch angles angles
Forward Planning
A technique where the planner will try a variety of combinations of beam angles, couch angles, beam weights and beam modifying devices (e.g. wedges) to find a optimum dose distribution. Iterations are done manually till the optimum solution is reached. Choice for some situations:
Small number of fields: 4 or less. Convex dose distribution required. Conventional dose distribution desired. Conformity of high dose region is a less important concern.
Planning Beams
Inverse Planning
Inverse Inverse Planning Planning
Forward Forward Planning Planning 3. 3. Beam Beam Fluence Fluence modulated modulated to to recreate recreate intensity intensity map map
Refers to the technique of finding the best physical and technically possible treatment plan to fulfill the specified physical and clinical criteria. A mathematical technique that aims to maximize (or minimize) a score under certain constraints. It is one of the most commonly used techniques for inverse planning. Variables that may be optimized:
Intensity maps Number of beams Number of intensity levels Beam angles Beam energy
Optimization Criteria
Refers to the constraints that need to be fulfilled during the planning process Types:
Physical Optimization Criteria: Based on physical dose coverage Biological Optimization Criteria: Based on TCP and NTCP calculation
A total objective function (score) is then derived from these criteria. Priorities are defined to tell the algorithm the relative importance of the different planning objectives ( penalties) The algorithm attempts to maximize the score based on the criteria and penalties.
Multicriteria Optimization
Bladder Rectum
DVH display
Plan Evaluation
Differential DVH
Why 4D Planning?
Types of movement:
Even intracranial structures can move 1.5 mm shift when patient goes from sitting to supine!!
Interfraction Motion
Motion max in SI and AP SI 1.7 - 4.5 mm AP 1.5 4.1 mm Lateral 0.7 1.9 mm SV motion > Prostate SI: 7 mm AP : 4 mm
Diameter: 3 46 mm Volumes: 20 40% In many studies decrease in volume found Max transverse diameter mean 15 mm variation SI displacement 15 mm Volume variation 20% 50%
Intrafraction Motion
Normal Breathing: 10 25 mm Deep breathing: 37 55 mm Normal breathing: 11 -18 mm Deep Breathing: 14 -40 mm Average 10 -30 mm
Quiet breathing
6 mm
Tumors located close to the chest wall and in upper lobe show reduced interfraction motion. Maximum motion is in tumors close to mediastinum
IGRT: Solutions
Imaging Imaging techniques techniques
USG USG based based BAT BAT Sonoarray Sonoarray I-Beam I-Beam Resitu Resitu
Video Planar CT Video based based Planar XXCT ray ray AlignRT AlignRT Photogrammetry Photogrammetry Fan Real Fan Beam Beam Real Time Time Video Video guided guided IMRT IMRT Tomotherapy Video substraction Video substraction In room CT MV MV CT CT Siemens
KV KV X-ray X-ray OBI OBI Gantry Gantry Mounted Mounted Varian Varian OBI OBI Elekta Elekta Synergy Synergy IRIS IRIS
Room Room Mounted Mounted Cyberknife Cyberknife RTRT RTRT (Mitsubishi) (Mitsubishi) BrainLAB BrainLAB (Exectrac) (Exectrac)
DOF = degrees of freedom directions in which motion can be corrected 3 translations and 3 rotations
Uses of EPI:
Correction of individual interfraction errors Estimation of poulation based setup errors Verification of dose distribution (QA) Poor image quality (MV xray) Increased radiation dose to patient Planar Xray 3 dimensional body movement is not seen Tumor is not tracked surrogates like bony anatomy or implanted fiducials are tracked.
Types of EPID
Liquid Matrix Ion Chamber* Camera based devices Amorphous silicon flat panel detectors Amorphous selenium flat panel detectors
ionized liquid
On board imaging
4 D CT acqusition
Axial scans are acquired with the use of a RPM camera attached to couch.
The cine mode of the scanner is used to acquire multiple axial scans at predetermined phases of respiratory cycle for each couch position
RPM System
d d with with the the RPM RPM system system to to ascertain ascertain baseline baseline motion motion profile profile
A A periodicity periodicity filter filter algorithm algorithm checks checks the the breathing breathing per per Breathing Breathing comes comes to to a a rythm rythm
4D CT Data set
Problems with 4 D CT
The image quality depends on the reproducibility of the respiratory motion. The volume of images produced is increased by a factor of 10. Specialized software needed to sort and visualize the 4D data. Dose delivered during the scans can increase 3-4 times. Image fusion with other modalities remains an unsolved problem
4D Target delineation
Manual Automatic (Deformable Image Registration) Logistic Constraints: Time requirement for a single contouring can be increased by a factor of ~ 10. Fundamental Constraints:
To calculate the cumulative dose delivered to the tumor during the treatment. However the dose for each moving voxel needs to be integrated together for this to occur. So an estimate of the individual voxel motion is needed.
4D Manual Contouring
The tumor is manually contoured in end expiration and end inspiration The two volumes are fused to generate at MIV Maximum Intensity Volume The projection of this to a DRR is called MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection)
End Inspiration
Automated Contouring
Technique by which a single moving voxel is matched on CT slices that are taken in different phases of respiration The treatment is planned on a reference CT usually the end expiration (for Lung) Matching the voxels allows the dose to be visualized at each phase of respiration Several algorithms under evaluation:
Finite element method Optical flow technique Large deformation diffeomorphic image registration Splines thin plate and b
Automated Contouring
Movement vectors
Automated Contouring
Individaul Pixels
Day 1 Image
Day 2 Image
Due to the changes in shape of the object the same pixel occupies a different coordinate in the 2nd image
4D Treatment Planning
A treatment plan is usually generated for a single phase of CT. The automatic planning software then changes the field apertures to match for the PTV at each respiratory phase. MLCs used should be aligned parallel to the long axis of the largest motion.
Limitations of 4D Planning
Computing resource intensive Parallel calculations require computer clusters at present No commercial TPS allows 4 D dose calculation Respiratory motion is unpredictable calculated dose good for a certain pattern only Incorporating respiratory motion in dynamic IMRT means MLC motion parameters become important constraints Tumor tracking is needed for delivery if true potential is to be realized The time delay for dMLC response to a detected motion means that even with tracking gating is important
4D Treatment delivery
Options Options for for 4D 4D delivery delivery
Patient Patient breaths breaths normally normally Respiratory Respiratory Gating Gating
Breathing Breathing is is controlled controlled Breath Breath holding holding (DIBH) (DIBH) Jet Jet Ventilation Ventilation Active Active Breathing Breathing control control
Cranio-caudal movement of tumor 5.12.4 mm. Lateral movement 2.61.4 Anterior-posterior movement 3.11.5 mm
Patients instructed to hold breath in one phase Usually 10 -13 breath holding sessions tolerated (each 12 -16 sec) Reduced lung density in irradiated area reduced volume of lung exposed to high dose Tumor motion restricted to 2-3 mm (Onishi et
Consists of a spirometer to actively suspend the patients breathing at a predetermined postion in the respiratory cycle A valve holds the respiratory cycle at a particular phase of respiration Breath hold duration : 15 -30 sec Usually immobilized at moderate DIBH (Deep Inspiration Breath Hold) 75% of the max inspiratory capacity Max experience: Breast Intrafractional lung motion reduced Mean reproducibility 1.6 mm
Also known as Real-time Postion Management respiratory tracking system (RPM) Various systems:
Implanted fiducials Direct tracking of tumor mass Implanted radiofrequncy coils (tracked magnetically) Implanted wireless transponders (tracked using wireless signals) 3-D USG based tracking (earlier BAT system)
Adaptive radiotherapy is a technique by which a conformal radiation dose plan is modified to conform to a mobile and deformable target. Two components:
Adapt to tumor motion (IGRT) Adapt to tumor / organ deformation and volume change. Move couch electronically to adapt to the moving tumor Move a charged particle beam electromagnetically Move a robotic lightweight linear accelerator Move aperture shaped by a dynamic MLC
ART: Concept
1. 2. 3.
Offline ART Conventional Rx Individual patient based Sample Population based margins Frequent imaging of margins Accomadates variations of patients setup for the populations Estimated systemic error No or infrequent imaging corrected based on Largest margin repeated measurements A small margin kept for random error Plans adapted to average changes
Online ART Individual patient based margins Daily imaging of patients Daily error corrected prior to the treatment Smallest margin required Plans adapted to the changing anatomy daily!
ART: Why ?
Due to a change in the contours (e.g. Weight Loss) the actual dose received by the organ can vary significantly from the planned dose despite accurate setup and lack of motion.
ART: Problem
ART: Steps..
ART: Steps
Helical Tomotherapy
Helical Tomotherapy
Gantry dia 85 cm Integrated S Band LINAC 6 MV photon beam No flattening filter output increased to 8 Gy/min at center of bore Independant Y - Jaws are provided (95% Tungsten) Fan beam from the jaws can have thickness of 1 -5 cm along the Y axis
Helical Tomotherapy
LINAC Cone Beam Y jaw Binary MLC
Binary MLCs are provided 2 positions open or closed Pneumatically driven 64 leaves Open close time of 20 ms Width 6.25 mm at isocenter 10 cm thick Interleaf transmission 0.5% in field and 0.25% out field Maximum FOV = 40 cm However Targets of 60 cm dia meter can be treated.
Y jaw
Fan Beam
Helical Tomotherapy
Flat Couch provided allows automatic translations during treatment Target Length long as 160 cm can be treated Cobra action of the couch limits the length treatable Manual lateral couch translations possible Automatic longitudinal and vertical motions possible
Helical Tomotherapy
Integrated MV CT obtained by an integrated CT detector array. MV beam produced with 3.5 MV photons
Allows accurate setup and image guidance Allows higher image resolution than cone beam MV CT (3 cm dia with 3% contrast difference) Tissue heterogenity calculations can be done reliably on the CT images as scatter is less (HU more reliable per pixel) Not affected by High Z materials (implant) Dose 0.3 3 Gy depending on slice thickness Dose verification possible
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Zelefsky et al (2006, J. Urol) 561 patients (1996 - 2000) All localized prostate cancer Risk group according to the NCCN guidelines Treated with IMRT
NAAD 10%
Prostate Cancer
85% - Favourable 76% - Intermediate 72% - Unfavourable 100% - Favourable 96% - Intermediate 84% - Unfavourable
CSS (8 yrs):
Prostate Cancer
Rectal Toxicity:
Grade 2: 7 patients (1.5%); Grade 3: 3 patients (less than 1%) The 8-year actuarial likelihood of late grade 2 or greater rectal toxicity 1.6%. Grade 2 chronic urethritis in 50 patients (9%); Urethral stricture requiring dilation (grade 3) developed in 18 patients (3%). The 8-year actuarial likelihood of late grade 2 or greater urinary toxicities was 15%.
Urinary Toxicity:
47% patient developed ED (43% IMRT alone; 57% ADT) No 2nd cancers!
Prostate Cancer
Arcangeli et al (2007) WP-IMRT with Prostate boost N = 55; All had NAADT, Risk of nodal mets > 15% Dose:
Breast Cancer
Largest randomized trial Donovan et al (2007) 305 patients 156(standard) and 150 (IMRT) 1997 2000 Aim:Impact of improved radiation dosimetry with IMRT in terms of external assessments of change in breast appearance and patient self-assessments of breast discomfort, breast hardness and quality of life. Dose: 50 Gy / 25# with 10 Gy boost
Breast Cancer
The control arm had 1.7 times (95% CI 1.22.5) more likely to have had some change than the IMRT arm, p = 0.008. Areas with dose > 105% have 1.9 times higher risk of any change in cosmesis
Breat Cancer
Leonard et al 2007 APBI 55 patients , Non randomized All patients stage I Dose: 34 Gy (n=7) / 38.5 (n = 48) BID over 5 days Median F/U 1 yr Good to excellent cosmesis:
Considered a reasonable option for patients who have large target volumes and/or target volumes that are in anatomic locations that are very difficult to cover.
Lung Cancer
Brain Tumors
Cervical Cancer
Anal Canal
Derived from the greek words Stereo = 3 dimensional space and Taxis = to arrange. A method which denes a point in the patients body by using an external three-dimensional coordinate system which is rigidly attached to the patient. Stereotactic radiotherapy uses this technique to position a target reference point, dened in the tumor, in the isocenter of the radiation machine (LINAC, gamma knife, etc.). Units used:
Gamma Knife LINAC with special collimators or mico MLC Cyberknife Neutron beams
Stereotactic Radiation
d application application of of a a stereotactic stereotactic frame frame to to the the patient patient
D D Volumetric Volumetric imaging imaging with with the the frame frame attached attached
Target Target delineation delineation and and Treatment Treatment planning planning
Frameless stereotactic radiation is possible in one system cyberknife used: Cranial Extracranial
ioning of tioning of patinet patinet with with the the frame frame after after verification verification Sites
Sterotactic Radiation
The first machine used by Leksell in 1951 was a 250 KV Xray tube. In 1968 the Gamma knife was available LINAC based stereotactic radiation appeared in 1980 Other machines using protons (1958) and heavy ions He (1978) were also used for stereotactic postioning of the Bragg's Peak
Gamma Knife
Spherical source housing 4 types of collimator helmets Couch with electronic controls
201 Co60 sources (30 Ci) Unit Center Point 40 cm Dose Rate 300 cGy/min
LINAC Radiosurgery
Advantages of Cyberknife
An image-guided, frameless radiosurgery system. Non-isocentric treatment allows for simultaneous irradiation of multiple lesions. The lack of a requirement for the use of a head-frame allows for staged treatment. Real time organ position and movement correction facility Potentially superior inverse optimization solutions available.
185 published articles till date; 5000 patients treated. 73 worldwide installations Areas where clinically evaluated:
Intracranial tumors Trigeminal neuralgia and AVMs Paraspinal tumors 1 and 2 Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma Perioptic tumors Localized prostate cancer
The only randomized trial comparing stereotactic radiation therapy boost has failed to reveal a significant survival benefit for patients with malignant gliomas. (RTOG 9305). However 18% of the patients in the stereotactic radiotherapy arm had significant protocol deviations.
An inherently conformal method of radiation delivery Relies on the inverse square law for the conformity Unlike traditional EBRT brachytherapy is both :
Recent advances have focused on better method of target identification and radio-
Image Based Brachytherapy Image Guided Brachytherapy Robotic Brachytherapy Electronic Brachytherapy*
Image Based Brachytherapy: Technique where advanced imaging modalites are used to gain information about the volumetric dose delivery by brachytherapy Image Guided Brachytherapy: Technique where imaging is used to guide brachytherapy source placement as well give information regarding the volumetric dose distribution
Principle: Cross sectional imaging utilized to plan and analyze a brachytherapy procedure Steps:
Image assisted provisional treatment planning Image guided application Image assisted definitive treatment planning Image assisted quality control of dose delivery
Provisional planning refers to the planning of the implant prior to the placement of the applicator in situ important to realize the significant anatomical distrortions 2 to the applicator placement.
Definitive planning refers to the definitve treatment planning with the applicator in situ.
Equipment: Overview
Equipment: Imaging
Equipment: Applicators
Image Acqusition
Images should be acquired in 3 dimensions parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the applicator This minimizes reconstruction related artifacts The best modality in this respect is the MRI CE MRI can provide excellent soft tissue contrast too
Para Sagittal
Para Coronal
Para Axial
Tumor Delineation
The ideal imaging modality for soft tissue resolution : MRI Tumors are usually contoured in the T2 weighted image T1 images are better for detection of lymphadenopathy
Target Volumes
The target volumes as defined by ICRU 58 are similiar to the ICRU 62 recommendations Modifications specific to brachytherapy:
PTV generally approximates CTV as applicators are considered to maintain positional accuracy. If the patient is treated with EBRT / Sx prior to brachy the CTV is the initial tumor volume (GTV) prior to treatment. The GTV for brachytherapy should be recorded seperately in such cases. Due to high dose gradient organ delineation is meaningful if done in the vicinity of the applicator For luminal structures wall delineation can give a better idea about the dose received as compared to
Provisional Planning
B Mode USG with stepper Template Pubic arch
Prostate Urethra Rectum Acquired sagittal image demonstrating bladder prostate interface Saggital Image with template overlay
Provisional Planning
Beaulieu et al reported on 35 cases (IJROBP 2002) Prostate contours were created in a preplan setting as well as in the operating room (OR).
In 63% of patients the volume of the prostate drawn had changed. These changes in volume and shape resulted in a mean dose coverage loss of 5.7%. In extreme cases, the V100 coverage loss was 20.9%.
At present applied clinically for prostate cancer only. For both intraluminal and intracavitary significant changes of the anatomy on application preclude provisional planning.
The finalized plan with the superimposed grid on the template indicated the point of placement of each needle
Seed afterloader with the needle containing the in postion. Needles being inserted into the prostate under direct USG guidance
A machine called the seed loader can receive instructions from the TPS directly
View of the B Mode Stepped USG device with the template for insertion of the needles. Some needles have been placed already
564 patients of prostate CA IGRT or IGBRT (5 yr FU) 5-year BC rates were similar in both groups (7882% for IGRT vs 8084% for IGBRT) IGRT higher chronic grade2 GI toxicity (22% vs 12% for EBRT+HDR) EBRT+HDR higher chronic grade2 GU toxicity (30% vs 17% for IGRT) 479 Prostate cancer patients IGRT vs IGBT 5 yr biochemical control rates > 90% (GR III toxicity ~ 4-6%!!) C-IGBT patients experienced significantly less chronic grade 2 GI toxicity and sexual dysfunction.
Electronic Brachytherapy
AXXENT Customized Ballon Applicator
KV Xray Tube
Conformal radiation therapy requires a good imaging guidance and better machines for delivery development expensive and time consuming Dosimetric results invariably show superiorty of conformal avoidance IMRT the best conformal EBRT technique can allow new methods of radiotherapy bringing hypofractionation back into fashion Several unresolved questions sparse but emerging clinical data Cancers of developing nations stand maximum to gain from Conformal radiation therapy Approach Cautious Embrace?
Thank You
Radiotherapy can treat 30% cancers while Chemo/Biotherapy 2% - But considered as the sticking plaster of oncology S. Webb