SpiritScience 12 - Human History 5 PDF

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Previously on spirit science! We fell.

We hit rock bottom, and once again began our evolution from square 1, only this time as a male species. It was a new beginning. Eventually, humankind had reevolved to a state where they could understand new information and the Naacals gave us a boost into civilization. Egypt and Sumer were born. Intro Everything in Ancient Egypt was synthetic. They had this entire civilization based around achieving higher states of consciousness, but they had to do it through tools. Now, were not going to look at each of the tools individually, but let me just give you an overview here. This tool was used for transferring vibrations into the body. along with that were the hook and ail. This little device was some kind of generator to increase vibrations, though there's not too much available on it. This thing though was their most important tool, the Ankh. They saw the ankh as the secret to eternal life, and they used it not as a physical tool, but an energetic one. They would use this form and ankh their sexual energy. Now, this could be a huge topic here all on its own, like how energy travels up and down the body through the vertical tube between the 5 energy channels that counterrotate as they extend through the body. But basically, sexual energy is an incredibly powerful energy. We denitely abuse it today, but what the Egyptians knew, was that when you had an orgasm, a very large amount of energy bursts from your root chakra all the way up your spine to the top of your head, and then gets released. What the egyptians would do, When the spirals of energy hit their heart chakra, they would ankh the energy out of the back of their body and over their head in an ankh, and back into their body, where they would keep the energy and retain a massive energy boost. In other words, if you take a tuning fork and hit it, it will reverberate for however long. If you attach an ankh on top of it and hit it again, it will reverberate at least 3 times longer. The Egyptians were doing this with their bodies! Moving on, When Atlantis was rst formed, the Naacals set up something called a mystery school. This is a special type of school where you learn about consciousness, and you learn different aspects of expanding your own consciousness, and eventually getting to the place where you become immortal. It usually took a very long time to achieve this state, and this is why there were only about 1000 naacals in comparison to the millions of Lemurians. The rst Atlantean to reach the immortal state was a man named Osiris. Ancient egypts mythology tells a story about Osiris, a man who was killed and cut up into pieces by his brother in an act of rage, and the pieces were scattered. This event, perhaps less exaggerated than the myths, actually happened, and it took place on atlantis. Osiris's wife and sister retrieved the pieces, and upon returning the nal piece they restored the creative energy ow and brought his spirit back into the body. Through doing this, Osiris became immortal, and he was the rst immortal of Atlantis. This story is told throughout ancient Egypt on many temple walls, and I'm going to show you why.

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Osiris went through the 3 stages of consciousness. The rst one was whole, the second was separated from itself, including physically, and the 3rd was whole again, new and better than before. The Naacals used Osiris's understanding of how he became immortal as a template for how others could as well, only through consciousness without needing to get cut up of course. This eventually became what we would call the religion of Atlantis, but it was more of a deeper understanding that they were following. This template was also used in Egypt, which we will look at now. Through the stair step evolution, we began to change from the rst level of consciousness into the second. Before the fall, we had incredible memories, it wasn't this vague recollection that we have now, but today we might see it as full-tilt 3D holographic memory. After the fall we still had photographic memory, and could share these experiences with each other which is called dreamtime. It is what the aborigines of Australia still have today. Through the introduction of writing however, we began to change from 1st level of consciousness to the 2nd. We lost our incredible memories and became very separate from each other and ourselves. Thoth was the one who introduced writing, and if you look at ancient Egyptian culture, it even says 'Thoth brought writing to us, as well as many other things. Now that we were in the second level, over time things began to change, and a very serious problem developed, which if it hadn't been solved, it would have caused major catastrophes within our own near future. Basically in Egypt the ascended masters had used Osiris's genetic coding of changing chromosomes to show others the path to ascension. They developed a system of 42 and 2 gods with a lowercase g. They were called Neters, most will recognize this one. His name is Anubis. There were 42 and 2 Neters who were representative of human chromosomes. Each one showed a specic pathway of life or human experience and people would follow their understandings to learn more about life or their own reality. The problem developed when both Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt became more separated from themselves, and the meaning of these Neters were lost. Over time, the drawings of these Neters changed, the meanings of these Neters also changed. People had no idea what they meant. Then it got worse, when the Egyptians king Menes merged upper Egypt and lower Egypt into a unied country. Menes also merged the belief systems, so now you had 88 gods that people were ghting over to decide who was really god. This was an issue, because now we had people not knowing what to believe, completely lost, separated from their understanding of their own divinity and god. Things became separated further, people fought over which gods were really gods. Today we look back and say 'wow haha they thought there were so many gods!' when really, this wasn't the case at all. Even with the help from the Tat brotherhood, we just couldn't get it right. There was 1 short period of the Egyptian culture that most historians don't really understand. As it's written in ancient texts and heiroglyphs, Amenhotep the 2nd was king, and his son was about to take his place. Some kind of god appeared to him and told him to step down, for someone else was going to take his place. Soon, there was a
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new bizarre ruler for 17 and a half years, and his name was Akhenaten. Before him, there were only kings, akhenaten was the rst pharoah which meant 'that which you will become'. He was also, believe it or not, 15 to 16 feet tall, at least thats how he was depicted, and had an elongated skull. Both of these aspects are related to christ consciousness. Akhenaten abolished all previous understandings of gods and tried to instill a 'one god' understanding to everyone. After 17 years, the majority of Egyptians revolted and akhenaten was killed, soon to be replaced by someone else, returning to the old system. What actually happened? To correct the problem, Thoth got the help from Ay and Tiya, who were rst immortals from Lemuria, and got them to mate inter dimensionally and conceive a Christ consciousness being. Thoth talked to Amenhotep 2 and told him he wanted to instil an outside lineage into the Egyptian throne. He probably levitated or something to prove he was actually Thoth, because Amenhotep agreed. It took some time, there was a transitional period involving Amenhotep the 3rd, but soon Akhenaten was on the throne. Akhenaten used his time to bring Egypt back to a simple religion where there was one god, one reality. He used imagery of a sun-disc to represent this.The priests in egypt didnt like that, because the religious beliefs were centered on the priests. Then he comes along and says 'you don't need priests, god is within you, and you can access god from within your own selves.'. They didn't like that. He also pulled the military back and said don't attack unless someone else attacks rst. The military didn't like him either. Plus, the people generally didn't like him, because they enjoyed worshipping their many gods! Eventually, they disposed of him. After all of that, what did Akhenaten do that evidentially saved humankind? He developed a mystery school, with the intention of showing a small group of humans a way to ascend into the immortal state. Usually it took hundreds of years to reach the level of immortality, and akhenaten had 17 years to produce results. This was a very close call...but he did it! He actually showed 300 individuals the path to immortality in his short time, so after the general population disposed of akhenaten, these 300 immortals would go on beyond Egypt. Thoth wrote in the emerald tablets that after ancient Egypt ended, he brought a man named Pythagoras into the great pyramid, and taught him the geometry of the universe. that man then went on to found Greece, which was originally built upon schools for teaching geometry and the platonic solids and all that stuff! This is why In Greece, everything from their statues to their buildings were measured to perfection. Thoth lived a lifetime here as well, where he was known as hermes trismegistus. Akhenatens immortals became a group called the Essene brotherhood. They rst migrated to a place called Masada in Israel. Even today Masada is known as the capital of the essence brotherhood. Now get this, in this brotherhood were two people in particular, a man and a woman, you might have heard of them.. Mary and Joseph? See, It was part of the ascended masters plan that they would bring in a being who would show the pathway to Christ consciousness. He would come to earth as a 2nd level
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being, a regular Joe, and achieve Christ consciousness through the course of his life. Then, the ascension process, the transition experience from 2nd level to 3rd would also go into the consciousness grid that was still being formed. He was able to transition because he was originally from Christ consciousness, and a much higher level of understanding. That man is known today as Jesus, although his name at that time was Yashua Ben Hur. If Yashua had not shown up, we would not have had that ascension experience available to us today. None of us would be aware that these higher levels of understanding existed, and we would destroy ourselves. According to what Thoth says, Mary and Joseph mated inter dimensionally. Mary could have been a virgin physically, but she mated with Joseph in a way that would allow a soul from a higher reality 5th to come down to earth and have a human experience. Usually this is impossible to do otherwise. Through Yashua's work, he came here just like us, a total human being, but he went through 3 stages, nal death, resurrection, and ascension, and gave us these experiences so that we could access them down the road. Now as we all know, the story of Yashua has a missing piece. He was a child, disappeared for some time, and then showed up again when he was 30. In a book called The Eighteen Absent years of Jesus Christ, the leading theories about where he went was actually out east to either the himalayan or Tibetan mountains, where he became an enlightened Guru, and brought his teachings back to the world. If you remember from part 1, the Kundalini of the planet was residing in Tibet at the time, they were very spiritually adept people living there, and remain so today. Now, on the topic of Christ there is something else I'd like to bring up. The Lords Prayer. Today, we know this as the only prayer Yashua taught, but did you know that it's actually a geometric prayer meditation? A man named Bodie McCoy spent over 20 years working with this prayer and analyzing it with sacred geometry, and has discovered some incredible synchronicities. In his book, Live the Promise, he explains how the original prayer, not the extended version mind you, has 7 segments or thoughts, which align perfectly with the 7 chakras, as well as the 7 original branches of Yoga. Bodie teaches how to do this prayer meditation, as well as meditations him and his wife have developed based on the lords prayer called Heart Dances, its quite incredible to see how it all works with the pure geometries of the universe. If you wish to learn more, check out livethepromise.net. If you study Christian religion and Egyptian religion, you will actually nd that they parallel in almost every way except for the Egyptians understanding of God. Most evidence shows that Christian religion came out of the Egyptian religion, and then later they went back and discredited the Egyptian religion. Around 300 AD, there was a council called the council of nice (niseeya), which was the syndication between the roman political and religious authorities. Basically the religious leaders and political leaders realized they could unite and impose more inuence on people, and control society through their unity. It's right around this time that we begin to see the manifestation of the new testament, which was put together from scriptures and stories,
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some newer and some much older, which were renewed and super imposed around the life of Yashua Ben Hur, which we know today as Jesus of Nazareth. The term Christ actually stems back much before the bible. It comes from the word KRYSTHL-A, which is a word that derives from the original 7 core audible sounds of creation. When the creation of our universe occurred, the original tones were KA RA YA SA TA HA LA. Krysthla actually was broken down on earth into 2 words, Krist, which soon became Christ, and HL-A, which became Allah, which were broken down and changed through oral tradition. ---The symbol for Atlantis was 3 rings inside of the other. The inside were the Naacals, the middle ring were called Maya, and the outer ring were the Atlanteans. The maya's job was communicating the messages from the inner circle, out to the regular people of Atlantis. When Atlantis sank, the Maya took their knowledge, a crystal skull with memories of Atlantis, and their calendar, and went out to what today is called the Yucatan Peninsula, birthplace of the Mayan civilization. Their calendar is the most advanced, detailed calendar on the planet, and it has it's roots in Atlantis. ---Over the last few hundred years, a group of people have slowly monopolized the entire world into what it is now. Today, there are 13 families that are among the richest families in the world. They have their hands in next to every organization and government, and control over 80% of the money. They control our modern world from the very tippy top. Today we like to call them the Illuninati, except thats not really who they are. The word illuminati means enlightened ones, which was established long ago as a secret society that was focused around expanding knowledge through scientic and spiritual understandings. Secret societies were not originally bad, but rather consisted of those who just kind of got it, understood the information that the average person at that time would not accept, and demonize. They had to be kept a secret because of the control the church had, and refuted against what they wanted to explore. The freemasons were one such organization. If you do the research on these time periods, what probably happened was that the church who had the majority of the control at the time probably inltrated some of these organizations to make sure that they were not creating plans to expose information and destroy their old world order. This led to the church exposing some of the societies as devil worship and blasphemous, and fear of these groups rose. Over time, many secret societies branched off by those who were corrupt or previously inltrated by the church, and gained more control through the church and large organizations that were being established. Today, there exists 13 families around the world who own the world. With over 95% of the money with a lust for greed, power and control. More and more information has become present lately that many of these families have DNA that is different than the rest of the human population. It is speculated that they share DNA that was passed
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down from the martian race, or other species races. They contain no love or emotion, and are completely power driven. -----This brings us to the end of the Human History story of spirit science, but of course it's not REALLY the end. For one, we've only really scratched the surface of discussing many of these topics, secret societies for example, would take another few lessons to really dive into. Perhaps we'll look more at them in season 2. This story, while seemingly unbelievable and at times outrageous, does explain a lot. Think about it, we covered the Bermuda triangle, the face on mars, Jesus, what the Egyptians were doing, the rise of Greece, pretty much all modern religions, the reason we popped up out of nowhere 6500 years ago, the stair step evolution of those cultures, and the story of Atlantis which has been elusive to us at the best of times. It also explains the great pyramids and their connection to the sacred sites on the planet, the Sumerian tablets, the emerald tablets, lucifer, and why we were jerks to the Hebrew people for a very long time. I'm not going to tell you to believe it, but it denitely puts some perspective on many aspects of the world which we generally don't have conclusive answers to. Take it with a grain of salt though, after all, it is just a theory.

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