Examenul de Bacalaureat 2008 Proba E/F Proba Scris La Limba Englez L1 Normal - L2

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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008 Proba E/F Proba scris la Limba englez L1 normal L2 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. SUBIECTUL I (30 puncte) Varianta 056
Read the text below and complete the following tasks. True friends are hard to find, is a statement that few people would dispute. One such individual, Shirley Handson, has every reason in the world to feel that some friendships simply arent worth maintaining. Shirley considers herself a sociable person and has always liked to have a close circle of friends around her. Because of this, she was greatly saddened when a job transfer meant that she would have to move halfway across the country. Not having been in her new residence for more than two days, Shirley was surprised and pleased to find a bunch of flowers on her doorstep one evening. (1) It turned out, however, that Shirley didnt have to wait long to have the mystery solved. (2) Shirley expressed her gratitude to Ruth, as she turned out to be called, and they quickly struck up a conversation about the best way to go about planting begonias. Before long, the two became quite good friends, going out on Friday evenings to dine at a local restaurant or see a film. (3) Ruth started dropping by uninvited, criticising Shirleys appearance and insulting her intelligence. Naturally, Shirley was upset about this and asked Ruth to stop her unacceptable behaviour. Ruth persisted, however, and in the end, Shirley had to bluntly end the relationship. (4) 1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence that does not fit. 4 points A. A week later, as she was gardening, a woman opened the gate and asked Shirley if she needed any help. B. To use Shirleys words, With friends like Ruth, one doesnt need enemies! C. The friendship had been going on for about a month when Shirley noticed that something was amiss. D. One day, she saw an old friend in the garden. E. As the bouquet had no card attached, it remained a mystery as to who might have left it there. 2. Who/What do the words in bold refer to? 3. Give the antonyms of the following words. 1) friends 2) saddened 3) pleased 4) best 4. Answer the following questions: A. What did a job transfer mean? B. Why was Shirley surprised when she got back home? C. What did Ruth start doing? 5. Comment on the following statement: With friends like Ruth, one doesnt need enemies! (50 words) 4 points 6 points 10 points 5) criticise 6 points

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