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Psychic Theories of UFOs: Updating Hyneks Famous List

Colin Bennett: Mythological thinking is the

most powerful and most ancient means of communicating with the collective unconscious.

Face to Face with the Alien Presence: And It Speaks!

Issue # 144
$5.99 US/CAN

Vol. 23 No. 3

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PUBLISHER William J. Birnes [email protected] FOUNDER Vicki Ecker [email protected] EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nancy Birnes [email protected] ART DIRECTOR Robert McAuley [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Sean Casteel, George Earley COLUMNISTS Arlan Andrews, Dennis G. Balthaser, David Biedny, Nancy Birnes, Larry W. Bryant, Larry Dicken, George Earley, Don Ecker, Vicki Ecker, Stanton Friedman, Mike Good, Lesley Gunter, Dr. Bob and Zohara Hieronimus, Sri Ram Kaa, William Lawler, Regan Lee, Alfred Lehmberg, Stephen McCrory, Kate Mucci, Jerry Pippin, George Noory, Guy Pellicola, Nick Redfern, Rick Troppman, Jeremy Vaeni, Dirk Vander Ploeg, Kira Raa, Sam Willey, Farah Yurdz CONTRIBUTING WRITERS William J. Birnes, Timothy Beckley, Colin Bennett, Sean Casteel, Adam Gorightly, Sonia Rinaldi

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April 2008, Vol. 23, No. 3 UFO [ ISSN # 1043-1233 ] USPS # 007-068

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April 2008



Volume 23 Number 3

8 10 12 14 16 17 18 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 36 38 74 Publishers Note: William J. Birnes Outside the Box: Mike Good Rocket Scientist: Stanton T. Friedman An Alien View: Alfred Lehmberg Bryants UFO View: Larry W. Bryant Behind the Lens: Guy Pellicola Arlans Arcanae: Arlan Andrews Out There: Kate Mucci Inner Space: Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa The Orange Orb: Regan Lee Truthseeking: Dennis G. Balthaser Vaenian Abductions: Jeremy Vaeni Coast to Coast AM: George Noory Alien in the Attic: Farah Yurdz Beyond the Dial: Lesley Gunter 21st Century News: Dr. Bob and Zohara Hieronimus Audi Alteram Partem: Willim J. Lawler, II Ricks UFO Picks: Rick Troppman


April 2008

40 Aliens Out of Whole Cloth? by Sonia Rinaldi 43 Putting the Noise Back into the System by Colin Bennett 52 The Man on Brown Mountain by Timothy Green Beckley 62 An Interview With David Flynn by Sean Casteel

9 15 29 66 71 John Egerton X-Man Ted Wallace Valenya Bonnie Jean Hamilton

The U-Word and the Black World

by William J. Birnes Talking with a friend this morning who has deep roots into one of the many three-letter agencies that even deny their own existence to themselves. It was one of our typical conversations, this time about trying to get him to write a novel about his experiences. Never happen, he says. Just change the names, change the places, change the letters, I say. They would know, he says. Yes, but its a novel, I argue. And this goes on and on for another session until finally it gets to where it always ends: the U word. Im trying to get him to write a novel about UFOs, the real ones, the ones that private industry really does have somewhere out in the high desert. No kidding, there is at least one out there. Where did they get it from? Thats a secret. Is it a flying saucer? No, more like a flying wedge. Whats its propulsion? Thats an even bigger secret. Dark negative energy, right? They dont know. Lets get it on UFO Hunters. Never. We can do a novel about it. I can help you write it. Never, never, and never. You can never write it because youre in the U community. The U community will never get the secret, ever. He cant even say the letters U-F-O over the phone because in the paranoid world of special-access black ops, UFO triggers something. I dont know what it triggers, but it triggers something. Case in point: Were out in Las Vegas with Jim Sanders, author of The Downing of TWA Flight 800 (Kensington, 1997), looking at this object that Colonel X said was a reverse-engineered flying saucer thats hovering high above some Air Force base. Is it a flying saucer? We dont know, but weve locked onto it with our three-chip telescopic camera. We can see it on video, hanging right up there in the sky. We dont know whats keeping it up there motionless, but its in a spot in the heavens where there are no stars or planets. Its not a satellite or a meteorite and its not moving like a plane. Guess its a UFO for want of any other name. And its lit up like a theater marquee. The point is we found it. I must admit that Im thrilled at our discovery. I walk inside a nearby restaurant to text Nancy back at the magazine to tell her of our discovery. We found the UFO. Text message goes through my Blackberry to her computer and I go back outside. I hear screaming from the folks at the telescope. What happened? 8 The damn things gone dark. What do you mean, dark? Dark, like in someone turned the lights off. Just before it went dark, though, it looked like it was being lowered. Whoever was controlling it lowered it and turned it off. Well lets pack it in for the night, folks. So we dismantle the telescope and strike the lights and the camera and head back to the hotel. And later that night we get a call from Jim Sanders. As soon as you left the thing turned on again. So I call my three-letter friend the next day. They had you spotted, he says. That was no flying saucer. It was one of ours. A high-altitude observation platform and dont ask me what keeps it up because even if I knew I would never tell you. But they intercepted your email message, knew who you were, and turned it off. They could read your guys license plates, know about Sanders, of course, and just turned it off. And thats what I mean when I say that UFO triggers something. The larger point my friend is making is that regardless of who or what company is in possession of a UFO, the one place where the information will not be released is in the UFO community. The story is laced with such paranoia that even mentioning the word UFO is enough to drive away everyone even though the story about the UFO we actually do have has been circulating around the periphery of the community for years. For example, take the drawing of the alleged ARV, the socalled alien reproduction vehicle. Truth or misinformation? My friend says its a representation of the truth to some extent. There is a vehicle that industry has tried to reproduce but, try as they might, they just cant get to the science behind the propulsion and navigation system. Sound something like the Bob Lazar story? You bet. Theyve been trying to get a handle on the propulsion system for all fifty years theyve had the object. So, I asked for the umpteenth time: Why not bring in some real heavyweights from outside the intel community? Again, the answer was that every time they tried, the folks from the academic and scientific communityand even some from the periphery of the UFO communitywhen brought in and asked about disclosure, have said, No, no, no. Worse, they give over fifty reasons for not disclosing the existence of the continued on page 68 UFO

April 2008

Editor: On page 17 of the November 2007 (Vol. 12, No. 11) issue of UFO Magazine Jeremy Vaeni discusses Crop Circles in a Nut Shell in his monthly column installment. Vaeni states, in part: I got to hang out with Nick Pope a couple of weeks ago at the X-Conference. I asked him about crop circles. He told me he investigated them and they are all fakes. Vaeni goes on to say that Pope indicated that the so-called hoaxers perform in collusion with the farmers on whose land these fakes then appear. If Nick Pope is truly under the impression that all 100 percent crop circles are hoaxes, then sadly he is either misinformed or disinformed. There is no doubt that some crop circles are fakes or hoaxes. However, there are many, many genuine cases of real crop-circle cases that have been well-investigated over the years. Since Nick Pope is a native of England, where he presumably investigated crop circles, it defies credulity for him not to be aware of the following amazing example of a huge crop circle, the Julia Set formation consisting of 149 circles in total which appeared in 1996 in broad daylight in a documented period of less than 45 minutes within sight of Stonehenge. The following paragraph excerpt is taken from http://tinyurl. com/2qwwq5 where a photo of the crop circle can also be seen: A few weeks later pilot Rod Taylor was ferrying a passenger in his tiny Cessna. The route would entail flying over one of the worlds most visited Neolithic monuments, Stonehenge. At 5 p.m. on a clear sunny day nothing unusual was seen 500 feet above the Wiltshire countryside. Forty five minutes later his passenger drove past Stonehenge and noticed that cars had come to a standstill, with people getting out to look at something spectacular now lying in the field next door. It was a representation of the computergenerated Julia Set, a mathematical design which is used to calculate complex measurements dealing with chaos theory. And now here it was, embedded in a pristine sea of wheat without a mark149 circles, aligned to the same magnetic flux points as the prehistoric monument across the road. A guard and a second pilot would later shrink its time of creation down to just fifteen minutes. Before going any further, please allow me to highly recommend one of the best, if not the best, book on the subject: The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles: Scientific Research and Urban Legends (Frog Books, 2001) by Eltjo Haselhoff, PhD. Haselhoff is a former laser physicist who worked at Los Alamos Labs, among others. UFO

Excellent investigations, both in the field and in the lab, of crop circles and the affected plants and soils have been performed by Nancy Talbot and John Levengood. Their scientific investigations have been able to show that many of the real crop circles result in plants with blown or pitted nodes. The conclusion is that this effect is the result of a microwave-type form of energy exposure. Many of these same plants also have abnormally elongated nodes. Personally, I have not been in or investigated any crop circles. But, I do know folks who have. A resident of St. Louis, Missouri is retired scientist Joann Scarpellini. She has, in cooperation with Nancy Talbots organization, made more than a few field investigations of crop circles in Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois. Joann reports many of these same anomalous effects in the crop circles she has investigated. The same is the case with Forest Crawford and Dave Marler, both of whom are former Illinois MUFON state directors. Before I close, as a long-time reader of UFO Magazine and a former member of both NICAP and APRO back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and as someone who has had his share of real UFO sightings, I would like to implore you to: 1) place Ricks [Troppman] UFO Picks well-done monthly reports near the front of the magazine, rather than buried in the back pages; 2) publish fewer New Age loose-nut articles and columns; and 3) give us more solid bolts of whats known and even more importantly, how it is known! Otherwise, keep up the good work. Bob Soetebier St. Louis County, Missouri

April 2008

Time For Change

by Mike Good Have you seen the TV detective show called Numbers? The basic premise of the show is that a mathematical wiz kid solves criminal cases by taking the factual bits of information generated by his brotherthe detectiveand uses them as factors in mathematical equations. The idea is that our protagonist is such a genius that he can solve crimes in this labyrinthine manner via the practical application of his awesome math skills. At least on TV, they make it look easier than it is for me to explain! Well, it manages to squeeze pretty much all of the fun out of the machinations of your basic crime or detective story. Whats more, the mental gymnastics of turning arbitrary human behaviors into the defined factors necessary to make the premise work are so questionable that the whole premise, both practically and logically, simply falls apart. It is about as convincing as Donald Trumps hairdo. Bottom line: Math and crime or detective stories dont mix. Jos Argelles, PhD is a man with an incredibly elegant mind. He creates these beautiful, complex mathematical constructs and makes them look like childs play. He is clearly a brilliant man and a very deep thinker. His book Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs (Bear & Company, 2002) is full of big words, mathematical graphs, and geometric analyses of concepts of spiritual, temporal, and psychosocial development. What you have here is spiritual growth and social analysis for the pocket-protector set. You better put on your thinking cap and grab your slide rule before you crack the cover of this weighty tome. Unfortunately, I am just a pinhead with limited math skills and an even more limited attention span when faced with the same. I can appreciate the amazing mental and intuitive agility of this man. It is a wonder to behold. But, when I see rows of numbers and complex diagrams my vision starts 10 to get fuzzy. Fortunately for me, I usually lose interest in the whole process before I am forced to reach for the aspirin bottle. Damn it, Jim; Im an artist, not a mathematician! The author states that this book was inspired by the Twin Towers tragedy of 9/11. It is safe to say that this was a wake-up call for all of us. Too bad our leaders decided that the proper response was just a whole steaming pile of the same crap that created those tensions in the first place. It seems that the human race is devoid of leadership with the intuition to recognize that a new vision for our future was what this tragedy really called for. And thus, the spontaneous outpouring of heartfelt sympathy and magnanimity that followed the Inevitable Event, as Argelles calls it, was squandered just as certainly as my boyhood allowance. That small window of emotional empathy and, more importantly, the momentary actualization of a truly global singularity of consciousness was summarily kicked to the curb by our fearful leaders. That warm and fuzzy feeling just did not fit in with their plans. But our man Argelles here is nothing if not an optimist. As he says: A new paradigm has been awaiting humanity ever since the notion of new paradigms was first raised. To be truly new, such a paradigm could hardly be expected to arise from traditional fields of thought or methods of research. In fact, I have often said, most people wouldnt recognize the new paradigm if it ran into them on the street. This is because peoples consciousness and perceptions are basically set and unexamined. Hallelujah, Brother! You are speaking my language now. We are like a record player with the needle stuck in that very last groove next to the label. We are set to play that same pop and hiss over and over again, into infinity, until we decide it is time to lift the needle and move on to something better. Hey world, are you listening? UFO

We are marching along to John Phillip Sousa while the cosmos is grooving to Coltrane.

April 2008

And moving on is what this book is all about. He manages to distill the basic premise behind the book pretty much as simply as it ever gets: Through an error in time, the human species transforms its artificial construct, civilization, into a global technosphere: the sum product of industrial mechanization of its biological functions. Because of human adaptation to the irregular mechanized 12:60 timing frequency, the technosphere runs counter to the laws of the biosphere, creating a magnetic instability between primal crystalline and vital organic processes. Yeah, that is quite a mouthful. In plain English what he is saying is that our technologically oriented civilization is out of sync with the natural rhythms of the earth because we have used a faulty system for organizing our ideas about time. Then he goes on to say, Phenomena such as global warming and overpopulation are symptomatic of the technospheric disruption of the natural order of the biosphere. So, we are in big trouble because our rational, materialist technological mindset does not jibe with the natural jazzy rhythms of the planet. We are marching along to John Phillip Sousa while the cosmos is grooving to Coltrane. Neer the twain shall meet, and whenever they do accidentally cross paths, the results suck big time. And according to Argelles, September 9, 2001 was one of those times. In his book Gods and Devils From Outer Space (Lancer, 1973) author Eric Norman reports an encounter with a space alien thus: Contactees are frequently asked about the time [the alien] said that we should learn to handle time correctly. He said that time doesnt exist. His people have the ability to distort time as we know it by speeding it up, slowing it down or stopping it. To do this we have to remove the brainwashed ideas that we have about time from our minds. A little baby, or a child, does not have any concept of time. A minute will seem like an hour. A day can seem as if it is foreverand it is. As we grow older, we become more conscious of time. We lose this innocence. So, we are limited and enslaved by our concepts of time. According to Argelles, our faulty thinking about time has created an unbalanced illusion which is ultimately destructive and detrimental to our well-being. We time-corrupted ninnies are on the express train to nowheresville. I am on the same page as Argelles. Our present civilization is on a collision course with destiny and the resulting impact, when it comes, will not be pretty. Staying the course is simply not an option anymore. If our leaders and the soulless corporations that control them do not learn to play nice with humanity and the planet, the only playing we will be doing in the future is our harps at the pearly gates. This aint no party. It aint no disco either. It is serious as a heart attack. Our psychotic civilization is, like Nero, fiddling while the world burns down around us. Are we freakin crazy? You bet! Well, except for thoughtful individuals like Argelles. His crusade for a global paradigm shift is clearly very sincere and heartfelt. He even submitted a proposal before the United Nations concerning the replacement of our present Gregorian calendar with his new 13:20 model; one which is UFO

more in sync with the natural rhythms of the planet. Since his proposal suggested that the calendar change take place in 2004, it is clear that his ministrations fell on deaf ears. Are we really surprised? Jose Argelles has his heart in the right place. We need a lot more people like him on this planet, working for the betterment of humanity. It is clear that our leaders are illequipped for such a necessary change in consciousness, so the work must be done at the grassroots level by people who see their duty to our future. I thank the cosmos for people like Jos Argelles. His book is a masterpiece of intellectual and intuitive insights for people with the mind to tackle it. But it is not a book for everybody. While I will grant that spiritual developcontinued on page 66

April 2008


MoD Breakthrough
by Stanton Friedman Over the years there have been a number of instances in which very optimistic claims have been made predicting the revelation of top-secret government materials about UFOs. Way back in 1979 The Washington Whispers column in U.S. News and World Report indicated there would soon be a major release of UFO material. This was during the Carter administration. It never happened. Other rumors have been put forth. In 2007 there was a big noise about supposedly top-secret official French government UFO reports being posted on a government website. There was so much interest that the site went down in two hours. What was finally posted was a collection of reports that had been around for some time. They consisted almost entirely of French civilian-sighting files derived mainly from investigations by the gendarmerie and not official military records. They had not been highly classified. There was plenty of indication at the National Press Club press conference in Washington, D.C. on November 12, 2007 that military UFO-related activities are generally closely held. Think of the Iranian Air Force jet encounter with a UFO in September 1976 with the frightening fact that the UFO was able to turn off military systems on board the chasing airplanes. No country would want to reveal details of such encounters lest they give ideas to their enemies. In December 2007 there was quite a lot of fanfare about the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in Great Britain releasing all their UFO files supposedlyincluding top-secret material according to the news media. It was admitted that some very early files had been destroyed after five years, but that was before the relatively recent establishment of a Freedom of Information procedure in the U.K. There has been quite a bit of discussion amongst the U.K. ufologists as to just what this means. Readers may recall the big fuss about the British Condign report. It had indeed been classified, but as British Eyes Only secret, not top secret. Although completed in 2000, it was not released until 2006. It was primarily the work of a consultantstill unnamedwho really did not seem very knowledgeable about historical ufology. For example, he paid a lot of attention to plasma explanations for UFOs despite the fact, of which he was apparently unaware, that much attention had been paid to these by UFO debunker the late Philip Klass and by the University of Colorado study many years ago. 12 Klasss explanations had been quantitatively demolished by atmospheric physicist Dr. James E. McDonald, although his published work wasnt noted by the Condign author either. There was no indication of the inclusion of top-secret material relating to crashed saucers, aircraft attacking UFOs, or UFOs attacking and destroying interceptors. The author had seemingly not been aware of even largescale unclassified American studies such as Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 or the Congressional Hearings on UFOs held by the House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics on July 29, 1969. After all, the Blue Book report included information on twenty-five times as many cases as investigated by the University of Colorado. The unknown author actually claimed that the Condign Report was the only other governmentsponsored UFO study in English besides the Condon report. One point that is clear about the current release is that it will be slowover a three-year periodand done primarily to save MoD personnel the time currently being spent responding to Freedom of Information requests for UFO information. Apparently there are more requests for this information than for information about any other topic. The press reports suggest there will be 160 files dating back to perhaps the 1970s. It is not clear how many pages are in each file, but one past comment suggested that there were perhaps a hundred pages per file. It is certain that file and report and case and page are not synonymous. It is interesting to me that the people taking most of the credit for getting the MoD to release materials are the same ones who pushed for release of the Condign report. It would appear from their comments that they really dont believe that exciting materials are being withheld. Their names are Joe McGonagle, Dave Clarke, and Gary Anthony. Another skeptic, Andy Roberts, may also be involved. They always seem to bring up the fact that Nick Pope, of the MoD UFO desk, was only spending perhaps a day per week on UFO-related activities as opposed to being a full-time UFO investigator. I have learned not to be very optimistic about important government releases of UFO information. The 92 microfilm reels of the Blue Book files have been available at the National Archives in Maryland since the mid 1970s. Names of witnesses have been redacted. We know from Jim McDonalds review of some of these files in the 1960s that case after case was very poorly invesUFO

April 2008

tigated and that so-called explanations were often absurd. In toring their skies for foreign intrusions which, of course, more recent years researchers Brad Sparks and other mem- have to include those of uncorrelated targets such as high bers of Project 1947 have reevaluated loads of these files. performance flying saucers. Surely there are procedures for We also know from the October 20,1969 memo from USAF sharing at the highest levels? General Carroll Bolender that UFO reports which could efThe point here is that I have no reason to expect that the fect national security were not part of the Blue Book system. British Ministry of Defense will come clean any more than These were submitted using Communications Instructions the U.S. government has. Nick Pope worked as the MoDs for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (CIRVIS) forms. UFO desk man for three years a number of years back. Blue Book wasnt on the distribution list. He has been referred to as the real Fox Mulder of X-Files Furthermore, there were very few top-secret reports that fame. It would appear from comments he has made that he have ever been disclosed. An FBI memo long ago said that is not aware of any really high security information in the the Army and Navy and Air Force consider the subject of MOD files. It is also not clear whether he even had a need to UFOs top secret. When the CIA finally responded to the le- know for that information, just as Project Blue Book people gal push by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) for the didnt have a need to know for sightings which could affect CIA UFO files, the CIA released about 900 pages of mate- national security. rial. None were classified higher than secret. They listed 79 Crashed saucers and battles between interceptors and flydocuments from a total of several other agencies which they ing saucers are hardly likely to be made available. Nor are couldnt release. multiple-witness, radar-visual cases. Or observations from Eighteen were from the National Security Agency. These spy satellites over Britain or any place else. were top-secret Code Word and were not released. When There appears to be another complication as well. The finally a court-ordered search was done by the NSA in re- MoD will, generally speaking, be releasing its UFO files to sponse to a CAUS Freedom of Information Act legal suit, the National Archives. By British law this means that they they actually found 239 UFO documents, of which 79 were need not release any information now that is slated for refrom other agencies. lease at some later time. None were releasable because of sources and methods conFurthermore, at that time there apparently will be a page tained therein. Twenty-three of the 79 were from the CIA. charge for any copies of all materials. In short, life will be It took me two years to get about a dozen which had been, made simpler for the MoD, and there will be delays in inforbelieve it or not, press abstracts of Eastern European news- mation release. We have known for a long time that people paper articles about UFOs which the Russians had the day in government usually work for the benefit of the governthey were published. ment, not the benefit of the taxpayers paying their salaries. I have no idea why they werent immediately released Dont learn much from history, do we? UFO in response to my request. The CIAs own eleven topStanton Friedman can be contacted at www.stantonfriedsecret UFO documents were withheld. Upon appeal, I fiman.com or via email: [email protected], or order his nally received portions of four of themthree years later. books, papers, and tapes directly: UFORI, PO Box 958, They were very heavily censored with black ink. Houlton, ME 04730-0958 Many years later the NSA finally released 160 top-secret UMBRA UFO documents. As might have been expected, they were so heavily censored with Wite-Out that one could read only a line or two per page. At least we can prove they are Learn astrology at home, at your own pace, and under the withholding plenty of UFO materiguidance of an experienced astrologer. The SuperStar Course is als, and of these all predate 1980. Can one really believe that 98 peronly $415.00 including shipping; or, $165.00 including shipping, cent of the material in these docufor each of the 3 sections, purchased individually. ments is sources-and-methods inAFA is your ultimate source for astrology books! formation? I cant. But the U.S. press has not gone after the censored material. Also, I must ask: Where is all American Federation of Astrologers the post-1980 material? 6535 S Rural Rd. We know that there have been Tempe AZ 85283 close relationships between Ameri480-838-1751 Fax 480-838-8293 can and British armed forces in Toll Free 1-888-301-7630 general and intelligence agencies Visit our New Web-Site in particular for many decades. The www.astrologers.com NSA has listening posts in the U.K. Both countries are certainly moni-

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April 2008


Ufological Obstacles, Culture:

Risking Validity, Relevancy, and Credibility in the Postmodern Age
by Alfred Lehmberg Is ufology irrationally impeded? Oddly, as compelling as it is, as filled with ambitious starts as it is, as abundantly evidenced as it is, it never seems to lift off and go anywhere. What explains this surprising lack of progression where all progression seems so indicated, otherwise? Consider. Ufology has been stuck in neutral for the last sixty years for all the valiant attempts to steer it into the conscious mainstream by professional, lettered, and intelligent persons. It remains, though, that there is no bang for all the publicized flash. These include articles print and electronic, popular podcasts, quality documentaries, and a thorough ufological review most network sweeps weeks. Why is that? What keeps ufology in its giggle-factor limbo? What banishes UFOs to the realm of tabloid magazines and the reflex derisions of, say, current uberklasskurtxian apologists James McGaha or Michael Shermer when the actuality of UFOs seems otherwise so assured? By reflex mainstream definition, ufology remains disqualified, undignified, and denied; a denizen of flakes and freaks. Though, what disqualifies its respect? Whats undignified and nonscientific about it? What denies the reality of millions of people with the dismissively insulting analysis that theyre misinformed, misleading, or mentally ill? The forces arrayed against the ufoAl Lehmberg logical are mighty. Burned and shy, I submit that there is a well-funded and inordinately steady push from uphill against disclosure, and I further submit that this resistance is obvious and welldocumented. A most conservative beginners introductory guide to UFOs is an abundant source or citation of same, all through multiple categories of evidentiary actuality. I wont quibble. This now-revealed and suspicious resistance by the authoritiesan ironic resistance as opponent-validating as it is self-disqualifyingis abundantly reflected by the paid cadre 14 of busy imps at the Committee for Sceptical Inquiry (CSI). Indeed, it is ponderously reflected in the dismissive and patronizing attitudes of the hijacked status quo, coupled, of course, with the senselessly moribund inattentions of its corrupt corporate media machine. Additionally, it is profusely reflected in the suspicious activities of black-box institutions, unaccountable agencies, and psychopathic individuals; all the preceding funded by trillions of our unaccounted dollars. Finally, all of the aforementioned are reflected in a vacuously prosecuted, illegitimately dismissed, fatuously ridiculed, and wrongfully discredited conspiracy to deceive with regard to UFOs. Plainly. Why? Why risk the betrayal of public trust that this inexplicable official behavior must eventually generate? Moreover, is it not a betrayal unconscionable in both definitions of that word? Unscrupulous and unreasonable? Why provide for the ready denigration of agencies, institutions, and governments needed to survive a tumultuous and unsettled 21st Century looming before us? Is this remotely a best practice, reader? Why invalidate and provide for the easy denigration of a mainstream media desperately needed to keep us properly informed, and so then able, individually, to give intelligent, rational, and informed consenteven supportin the sane conduct of a viable and efficacious human society shooting for the stars? Does the conjectured betrayal by society just outlined somehow qualify this cultural illogic, pathology, and criminal activity proposed as a controlling interests insistence that media be a front for naught but spun-crap and intelligence insult? I suspect it must. Im not alone. Indeed, what strange mechanisms force our cultural authority to work so furiously, it would seem, to discredit itself? What are they, apparently, hiding? What do they feel UFO

April 2008

they have to hide? Whats the real agenda? That they seem to invalidates their standard. Especially if the highly strange be so willing to risk their validity, relevancy, and credibility implicates them in the commission of their crime. Espeto maintain their ridiculous charade. to camouflage some- cially, good reader, if the highly strange interferes with their thing, is plain as spots and apples. very convenient and coveted status quo. And please, please, These powers that be are deliberately duplicitous and ob- please challenge me on who they are. Dwight Eisenhower fuscating, only aping incompetence to hide their real activ- knew who they are and could point them out to us today. ity. This becomes increasingly apparent as the most powSo, whats wrong with UFOs? erful nation on earth is hijacked bynot an alien menace Everything reader, because they change everything. Sorry. slavering between the stars A last self-involved crystal but religious fundamentalists sphere of Aristotle is righand just-business corporate teously shattered at long, fiends; crass elitists, plus long last. Earth is moved other authoritarian monsters from the center of creation beholden only to the shamewhere it began and transless, nameless, and allegedly ported finally, deservedly, so blameless stockholders. Who? You and me, reader. Weve to an inauspicious periphery. Get over it. The sooner you been burning bad gas on any level you care to name for cen- do? The sooner were saved, literally, Im betting. The fun, turies. frankly, is found in working our way back to a center wed Too, that these powers that be are duplicitous and obfus- deserve perhaps, someday. cating is easily demonstrable in everyday life. We only have See? The deceitfulness, dishonesty, and double-dealing we to take a short walk in the prosaic to see it all stand revealed talked about a moment ago become outmoded, outdated, and for the self-involved shame that our culture, our grand civi- invalidated with the appearance of the UFO. And you know lization, really is. what? This is even assuming that full disclosure is some new No apologies, reader. An alien view demands a report from deceitfulness, dishonesty, and double-dealing, but one perdistance even, if there are consequences. Actually, especially petrated by aliens and merely replacing the former human if there are consequences. React as you must. ones. Revealed is the shame regarding justice systems only availConsider. Were used to deceitfulness, dishonesty, and able, really, to the highest bidder, and so a study of injustice, double-dealing. Weve been the subjects of master human ironically, after all. When has this ever been more apparent manipulators, programmers, and controllers for centuries. than now? Lets sample a new variety of same if so required. Lets try Revealed is the shame of dishonesty concerning sex be- a new brand. cause it is teasingly pushed into our faces on the one hand, continued on page 68 and then were penalized, perArt by XMan secuted, diseased, and made lunatic for indulging in it on the other. Revealed is the shameful double-dealing regarding even our physical well-being as hazardous pharmaceuticals and toxic food substances are indorsed and celebrated, while vitamin and mineral supplementations undeniably required by human beings are furiously invalidated and so, if I may digress, at the root of much of the chronic disease of this 21st century, from attention deficit disorder to cancer and heart disease and beyond. The point? If culture lies and denies about the everyday, theyll work overtime to clutter up the inordinately strange. Especially if this highly strange complicates their program. Especially if the highly strange

So, whats wrong with UFOs? Everything reader, because they change everything.


April 2008


The Disclosure Train Is Leaving the Station

by Larry W. Bryant These people [UFO-coverup whistleblowers] are living history. Stephen G. Bassett Indeed, Steve Bassetts insightful comment comes at a pivotal time in the so-called UFO-ET-disclosure movement. For it was broadcast far and wide and in some radio markets, including WMAL-630 AM in Washington, D.C., it was rebroadcasted the very next evening. The setting for Bassetts profundity was his two-hour appearance on February 12, 2008 during the syndicated talk show Coast-to-Coast AM, hosted by UFO Magazine columnist George Noory. Of course, Bassett is no stranger to the media-interview circuit, carving out a ten-year-long niche for himself as a key figure in trying to end what he calls the government and media embargo on UFO truth; the truth being, of course, that some of the worlds reported UFO encounters represent hardware from elsewhere. For his part, Noory had reinvited Bassett on to Coast to discuss the latters latest projects and prospects, particularly the recent official UFO records disclosure occurring in England and France. Ever the energetic, knowledgeable, and articulate guest, Bassett updated Coasts several million listeners on the progress of his congressional lobbying efforts via the Paradigm Research Groups X-PPAC (www.paradigmresearchgroup.org) and on the speakers line-up for the groups annual X-Conference, scheduled for April 1820 in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The shows highlight came during the listeners call-in portion in the second hour. An early caller named Tom dropped a disclosure bombshell. Normally, UFO-coverup whistleblowers prefer to share their first and secondhand accounts with third parties via anonymous phone calls, cryptic snailmailed letters, and leaked documents, but, tonight, impressed by Bassetts seriousness, sincerity, and track record, Tom opened his heart and his sketchy recollection for the sake of greater worldwide UFO awareness. For about four minutes Tom proceeded to explain how, as a former USAF lieutenant colonel and a retired AF Headquarters civilianGS-14, totaling 31 years of servicehed become privy to some of the artifacts from 1947s Roswell, New Mexico crash-landing and retrieval of two flying saucers. In an authoritative voice seeming to come from an octogenarian, Tom recounted his second-hand knowledge that 16 the Army Air Force had retrieved three dead Grays from the Roswellian wreckage, plus one live entity, all of whom eventually were processed through the Aero Medical Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. War College graduate Tom went on to reveal that the fourth Gray, as it was being treated for a crash-related injury, had succeeded in telepathically communicating with a couple of USAF personnel expressly summoned to its bedside. Tom could offer no significant detail about that alien-to-earthling conversation. But he did add that the more nearly intact saucer had ended up in the Langley Air Force Base, Virginias facility of the old National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the precursor of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Tom concluded his revelation by emphasizing his credibility, noting that a former USAF chief of staff had attended his retirement ceremony at the Pentagon. Bassett quickly urged Tom to write down as much as he could recall about the content and circumstances of Toms revelation. Receipt of such behind-the-scenes accounts now seems to be nearly routine, Bassett explained. They deserve to be duly analyzed and recorded for exopolitical posterity, even if some of the sources decide to make their releases posthumous. Of course, Bassett would make sure to protect any such sources confidentiality. He well knows that various governmental reprisals can occur, or can be threatened to occur, whenever a person takes it upon him or her self to weaken the UFO-ET truth embargo. As the Disclosure Train leaves Washington, D.C.s Union Station en route to a nationwide tour, I am reminded of the Freedom Train of the 1950s as it rumbled through our communities to display such historical icons as the Declaration of Independence. Lets hope that Steve Bassett will be sitting next to engineer George Noory and that a commemorative plaque will be displayed upon the engines side bearing the message: In honor of all those UFO-coverup whistleblowers who, in their courage, wisdom, and patriotism, refused to accept their governments theft of history from its citizenry. UFO
Larry W. Bryant continues to welcome deathbed confessions from prospective UFO-coverup whistleblowers. You may reach him via snail-mail at 3518 Martha Custis Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302. E-mail: [email protected]

April 2008


What Are Those Orbs?

by Guy Pellicola Over a billion photographic images are created in America every single day. Of these, millions are deleted because they are poor quality. Bad lighting, soft focus, or those strange white spots are reasons why many people push the delete button. The difference between trash and treasure, however, is the wisdom to know the difference. An analysis of the photographic process and rival explanations reveals that the most likely cause of those strange spots in an image is the presence of an organized energy form. How many priceless images of unique energy manifestations have been destroyed because people were unaware of what they held in their hands? The debate on the nature and cause of orbs is one of the most fascinating areas of analysis of our time. The expansion of consumer photography thanks to digital technology and a slow but significant increase in public awareness of the significance of orbs are helping to bring this phenomenon to the forefront of public curiosity and scientific review. To understand what causes orbs, we must start by considering how photography works. A picture is made when light passes through a camera lens and is exposed to an imaging surface. In the case of film, the surface is a piece of plastic coated with chemicals. In digital photography the imaging surface is a light-sensitive electronic surface called a CCD, or charge-coupled device. Both film and digital photography record light in the visual spectrum. Visible light is radiation and, more fundamentally, it is energy. Visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. There are many other forms of energy out there. Cameras are designed to record visible light, but cameras record more than that. We cannot see ultraviolet light with our naked eyes, but cameras record ultraviolet wavelengths. Some cameras can continued on page 67


April 2008


Psychic Theories of UFOs

by Arlan Andrews Frustration in identifying a UFO or finding a crashed one or even capturing the imagination and support of the conventional scientific community seems to have given rise to much of the new direction in ufology since the 1980s. Psychic theories of UFOs attempt to offer explanations for UFO experiences in terms of phenomena not accepted as a part of conventional science. Such theories arise among ufologists attempting to account for all of the seemingly bizarre, irrational, and impossible events associated with UFO reports. In the May 1953 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, the late author Sir Arthur C. Clarke speculated that if they come from other planets, it is fairly certain they are not spaceships they will be something very much more sophisticated. In the last half century other researchers have tended to similar conclusions. In The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (NTC/Contemporary Publishing, 1976) the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, former Project Blue Book consultant and director of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) said, There are two senses in which people think UFOs are psychicone view is that they are created by mental or unconscious projections. A second way is to assume that they are parapsychological, in which case they may very well be real, but they are conforming to a different set of laws. The opposing view is stated by David M. Jacobs in the proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS conference: It seems absurd to have to construct another universe as home for UFOs. It seems equally absurd to create an alternate reality or fourth dimension when we do not even know what comprises the nature of reality. trol, and other known physiological responses. A sensory event is one that gives rise to the stimuli to which the known senses respond. Such an event involves the possibility of measurement by instrumentation and of physical effects upon the environment. Psychic Experience This type of experience is one in which the human brain processes information that does not derive from the known human senses. A psychic event is an event that gives rise to stimuli to which the psychic senses respond. These definitions rule out the possibility of instrumentation measurements within the range of existing equipment, as far as is known. A psychic construct is further defined as an aggregation of matter or energy formed by unknown processes not known in conventional science. In the manner of the close-encounter classifications first defined by Dr. Hynek, Tables I and II subdivide the two types of UFO experiences into specific categories, depending upon the construction and the origin of the events.

Sensory Experiences Of the First Kind (SE1K): sensory experience, physical construct Of the Second Kind (SE2K): sensory experience, psychic construct; human origin Of the Third Kind (SE3K): sensory experience, psychic construct; alien origin Of the Fourth Kind (SE4K): sensory experience, psychic Construct; natural origin


New Encounters, New Theories

I once discussed my new system with Dr. Hynek; he didnt like it. Nonetheless, to compare the multitudes of psychic theories of UFOs, I propose a standard classification system based upon the two basic kinds of UFO experiences. Sensory Experience This type of experience is one in which the human brain processes information deriving from the recognized human senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, as well as secondary perceptions such as temperature, pressure, balance, vibration, time duration, body position, muscle con18

Psychic Experiences Of the First Kind (PE1K): psychic experience; internal origin Of the Second Kind (PE2K): psychic experience, psychic construct; human origin Of the Third Kind (PE3K): psychic experience, psychic construct; alien origin Of the Fourth Kind (PE4K): psychic experience, psychic construct; natural origin Now, lets look at each of the new categories in detail. UFO


April 2008


In this category fall all of the nonpsychic theories of UFO experience, primarily the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), which simply states that UFOs are nuts-and-bolts mechanical constructions built and piloted by beings from other planets or planetary systems. They also may include atmospheric and celestial phenomena that are misinterpreted by some witnesses. Because SE1K respond to scientific measurement by instrumentation, they may be classified as real.


The sensory experience of an event psychically constructed by human minds occurs in the literature of parapsychology and may be one explanation for some UFOs. Jacques Vallee, in Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers (Regnery, 1969), mentions a possible hypothetical medium in which human dreams can be implemented, and this is the mechanism by which UFO events are generated, needing no superior intelligence to trigger them. It also, naturally, explains the totality of religious miracles as well as ghosts. However, he goes on to refute this theory with another of his ownsee category PE3K.


Sensory experiences of events psychically created by alien intelligences are among the most common theories of psychic UFOs. John Keel theorizes these intelligences; see The Mothman Prophecies (Saturday Review Press, 1975), Our Haunted Planet (Fawcett, 1971), and portions of The Eighth Tower (Dutton, 1975). Part of Keels take involves programming radiation from space that directs the activities of the human race. The boundary between SE3K and SE1K may change as time goes on. What we now consider psychic may one day be common technology and science.

Hollow Earth
by Dianne Robbins
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Sensory experiences of naturally occurring psychic events are seldom theorized. Charles Fort wrote about similarsounding theories in The Book of the Damned (Horace Liveright, 1919) well before the era of modern ufology, but it is not clear if he spoke of psychic origins. A modern look at SE4K comes from Michael A. Persinger and Gyslaine F. Lafrenire in their 1977 book Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events (Nelson-Hall). After classifying Fortean phenomena across the United States into UFO April 2008


types of events, timing of events, and geographical location, the authors speculate that the interactions of stellar gravity shock waves and various natural electric and magnetic fields of the earth produce UFOs and other strange happenings. In their view, the manifestation of unusual events is produced by these perturbations acting upon the human system. Thus, there may have been actual creation of anomalous artifacts, fossils, animals, and UFOs. Some of their other explanations are discussed in PE2K.

In this manner psychic humans may experience the psychic creations of other humans.


This category, psychic perception of psychic events created by aliens, is the largest grouping under psychic theories of UFOs. The intelligences are postulated to be on other planets, under the earths surface, in other times, or in other dimensions. Theorists have exhausted nearly every conceivable relationship that may exist among mankind and every other sentient being in all of time and space. We will briefly outline some of these aspects of psychic UFOs. Telepathic Contact with Extraterrestrials; Distant Encounters Scientific ufologists have long since refused to take any claims of such mind communication very seriously, primarily because the informational content in the messages is the usual: Man must repent and stop nuclear testing, or more recently, global warming; or the information is a collection of religious exhortations. Although such claims may seem amusing and harmless, real tragedy can result, as witness the fate of the Heavens Gate cult which originated with supposed telepathic contact between Bo and Peep, The Two, and aliens in the 1970s and culminated in mass suicide and murder in 1997 when the comet Hale-Bopp passed through the solar system. To date, there is no evidence that any useful data has ever been received from any of the Space Brothers that would help mankind understand technology or science any better. Psychic Origin of UFOs The often inexplicable actions of UFOs has led to the most serious theories of the psychic nature of the objects themselves. One such event is the 1917 Fatima, Portugal experience: Shepherd children saw and spoke to a woman in a glowing ball of light, and then later, as prophesied by the woman, a brilliant disk broke through clouds and dried the clothing of a rain-soaked crowd of at least 50,000 persons. See William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima (Macmillan, 1947). From the viewpoint of ufology and Antonio Ribera in What Happened at Fatima? (Flying Saucer Review, March/ April 1964), both a PE3K and a SE3K occurred. Such experiences must be accounted for in any UFO theory. Dr. Hyneks views of psychic UFOs were discussed earlier. His colleague Jacques Vallee in Passport to Magonia further speculates that UFOs could be explained if we could hypothesize mental entities, which would be simultaneously perceptible to groups of independent witnesses, and that We could also imagine that for centuries some superior intelligence has been projecting into our environment various artificial objects whose creation is a pure form of art. Then he concludes: A hundred or a thousand such theories could be enumerated at very little expense, and every continued on page 66 UFO


The reported intensities and varieties of UFO-produced sensory effects swamp the normal human senses. The dazzling lights, sounds, smells, tastes, vibrations, heat, loss of memory, paralysis, and inputs to all the other senses make it not surprising that latent or subtle psychic senses would also be affected. The following sections represent an overview of the major theories that attempt to explain UFOs in terms of phenomena still outside conventional science. The first category (PE1K) can be considered psychological. The phenomena reported are generated internally to the witness and, although meaningful to that person, cannot be perceived by others by any means known. Thus, dreams, hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, hypnosis, drug experiences, and other delusions fall into this category. In other words, these events are not real. This explanation has been put forth by most of the UFO debunkers. Because of the lack of any physical evidence whatsoever to date, it appears as if most, if not all, so-called abductees after Betty and Barney Hill are experiencing PE1K phenomena. This would include all of the incidents and speculations reported in the works of Whitley Strieber, Budd Hopkins, and others since the 1980s.


Psychic perception of psychic events created by human intelligence accounts for a wide range of experiences, from telepathic communication to out-of-body travels, to psychic readings, to haunting investigations and most other areas of parapsychology. The spiritualist literature, for example, is replete with reports of communication with humans now living in another plane of existence. A less spiritual view of PE2K is taken by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark in The Unidentified: Notes Toward Solving the UFO Mystery (Warner, 1975). In their Laws of ParaUFOlogy, they state that the UFO mystery is primarily symbolic, that the objective manifestations are psychic creations of the human brain existing only temporarily, they are at best quasi-physical. Again, these authors feel that the psychic component of the collective unconscious creates psychic events that are perceptible to those psychic senses. 20

April 2008

Prison Planet
by Kate Mucci There is Chinese curse that some say is a Buddhist blessing that goes, May you live in interesting times. Well, friends, this year we are either cursed or blessed beyond our wildest dreams. As I write this in mid-January 2008, gold has soared to over $900 an ounce, the American dollar has dived into the Marianas Trench, the second of two severe winter storms has just wreaked havoc on the Midwest and Northeast, several tornadoes touched down in Alabama last week, and the never-ending occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan threatens to plunge the planet into World War Three. Whew! What a ride! All this excitement leads me to think about the possible reasons for this current state of affairs. Some see it as a punishment for mans depravity and wickednesseveryones but their own, of course. Some see it as nothing more than the natural course of events, determined solely by the movement of our solar system through the Milky Way. Still others do not see these current events as something to be concerned about because everything is in divine and perfect order, there are no coincidences, and this is all happening to help us shift into some sublime dimension where everyone is equal and there is no suffering. I suppose theres something to be said for each point of view, but while I was considering the possibilities over the last few days, I remembered something said by our very first guest on Out There TV, a contactee by the name of Ray Holm. Ray has since passed away, making it impossible to ask him what he or his extraterrestrial visitor would think about the state of the planet right now, but his would have been, I think, a unique perspective on Earth, 2008. In a story reminiscent of the impulse experienced by the contactees in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Ray was drawn to a spot on the highway near Area 51 in Nevada, where he was met by a being he came to know as EHMR, pronounced Ehm. This being claimed to be from another universe, one very far away, in which humans originated. According to EHMR, miscreant human beings from his home universe were banished here millennia ago, much as the English sent prisoners to Australia to get them out of England in the eighteenth century. These humans of various races were UFO sent to earth from many different planets in that universe and left to make it on their own. They were told that they could get back home, but they would not only have to survive physically, they would also have to overcome their evil ways and rehabilitate at the soul level. That seems as reasonable an explanation as any other Ive heard for the appearance of humans on the planet, and it also explains the ongoing conditions here. If the ancestors of so-called intelligent life on this planet were in fact evil outcasts from another universe, its no wonder were always fighting and jockeying for position, much like inmates in a prison. Since the beginning of recorded history, wars, suffering, misery, and famine seem to be the order of the day. Occasionally there are short periods and isolated locales where peace, kindness, and prosperity became the norm, and perhaps it is during those times and in those places that some of the ancestors of those original exiles remember the reason theyre on earth and figure out a way to transcend their situation. Unfortunately, it seems that lesser-evolved bullies from the next cell block always throw a wrench into the works, resulting in a lockdown of the prison, and everyone has to start over again. EHMRs revelation would also explain the myths perpetuated in several cultures of being cast out of paradise only to forever search for a way back. Perhaps this is where the idea of heaven became entrenched in the human psyche. Somewhere up there where God sits in judgment is our heavenly home. The question is, of course, is it too late to get back to paradise, to get back home? Will the planet self-destruct before we rehabilitate ourselves? EHMR told Ray that some humans have the knowledge to enable this transition but have used it to their own advantage while keeping the rest of humanity ignorant and enslaved. The true nature of the soul, our reason for being here on earth and so much more is known by some, but the keys to the kingdom are kept secret, to be guarded at all costs, for if most of the humans on the earth understood the truth and transcended this time and place, the rulers would have no one to rule. continued on page 66 21

April 2008

Apathy and the UFO

by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa OK, here you are actually reading UFO magazine and taking the time to go deeper into the complex and often fascinating question of life beyond our tiny little third rock from the sun. Perhaps the greater question is: What else are you actually doing in your day-to-day life to support the amazing amount of energy, time, dollars, and manpower being expended on your behalf to further support the truth of this issue? Which issue? Yes, it is out there. This truth goes well beyond the ever so valuable and highly sought after scientific evidence of other worldly space craft and beings. It is the greater truth or recognition that we have become apathetic toward just about everything in our world. This apathy often extends to our work, our lives, and our beliefs. It silently creeps up out of nowhere to quietly claim what is left of our inner knowing or true sanity. Many of us often find ourselves questioning our sanity, and may often have friends who question it too. The irony of this experience is that it may bring you to the brink of stopping the search or entering into the realm of apathy. So what exactly is apathy? According to our dictionaries it is lack of enthusiasm or energy; lack of interest in anything or the absence of any wish to do anything. The action word here is do. Often it is easier to consider the donts vs. the dos. At least the dont list seems clearer to many. For example, how often have you heard: Dont make waves. Or, dont speak out loud? These common belief patterns are ways of being that many adapt. What if you chose to replace the dont with a do? Then what happens? Suddenly you do make waves and perhaps you do speak out loud. Then what? Our apathy has empowered a dont society. Dont take anything for granted is a powerful axiom designed to disempower our inner knowing while empowering the status quo. What if you decided that you do believe in yourself? What if you were action-oriented and made the decision that starting today, right now, you will support those who are supporting your ability to do more, say more, and be more? Our world is faced with many wars and yet the war for dominion of your thoughts is by far the greatest one. In that war there are many unsung heroes who are holding the energy of doing everyday. You already know some of them, and yes, lets name some names. Bill Birnes. Sound familiar? Along with being the publisher of this magazine, Bill, together with is wife Nancy has literally spent the majority of their lives researching, sharing, and hunting the truth. Throughout this process they have

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April 2008


miraculously held onto their integrity and ability to do in the midst of those who consistently tell them they cant. Now as one of the stars of UFO Hunters, Bill is taking his passion to the small screen to further do his best to bring forth to the world the evidence of extraterrestrial contact that goes beyond the scientific, although that is part of the show. When we can really allow ourselves the recognition that here is someone who is modeling how to do, we can come forward to do more ourselves. One way to support those who do for all of us who perhaps dont is to pass the word on to others. Through this one simple gesture, the greater energy of support comes forward. For example, are you taking the moment to watch UFO Hunters on the History Channel? How many others have you encouraged to do the same? When was the last time you encouraged your friends to really read this magazine? While you may want to read this article as a way to simply promote Bill, Nancy, and UFO Hunters, the greater truth is that this is a perfect example of a simple way to send a clear message to those who want to keep you in the apathetic dont mode. We all must do something anything, to keep the consistent message to our media and our world in full view, the message that we are not crazy, we know that there is life outside of the earth, and that we will not go quietly away and be dismissed by those who chose to keep a status quo of ignorance based upon misinformation. Another very important person that you already know is looking in you in the mirror. Yes, you! Whatever your beliefs about UFOs, aliens, ghosts, or spirits, you can immediately support yourself by trusting yourself. This is a passionate outreach for you to go deeply within your own center and to call forth without doubt your ability to do something, and to let it begin with self trust. Any step to do something is a positive step, and it does not matter how big or small it is. The success of disinformation is based solely on the ability to get you to doubt yourself. A powerful force when combined with the ability to manipulate truth for a contrived outcome, and one that loses all steam when you move into a doing mode. If this months column feels like a soap box to you, perhaps there is an air of guilty as charged. Yet, we are committed to doing something to awaken the mass consciousness from the apathetic view that you are somehow a bystander and not a participant. We are rapidly reaching a boiling point on our planet that far surpasses just the issue of extraterrestrial life. It is your choice to do or not to do that is paramount for us all today and tomorrow. We are all participants! We are all able to make important choices each and every day regarding our future and our ability to secure the truth from the powers that be. When we are able to remember and trust that the power first begins with ourselves and loosen the leash of those who seek to prevent us from coming forward with intelligent and comprehensive information that can be honestly evaluated and acted upon, we take back our dominion and reinstate our self-trust. A great victory. From this space of self-respect, we encourage you to share UFO

your knowing and be the change you are seeking. It does and will only begin with you, and from that space all the secrets of the universe will gladly reveal themselves because you have made it safe to do so. Next month we will share with you our recent extraordinary adventures in Guatemala including our encounters with ancient Mayan high priests, their absolute knowing and first-hand encounters with aliens and the light show over Lake Atitlan that forced us to fully trust what we know without any doubt. Ah yes, we will be off the soapbox, but until then, may you find yours, and may you do something with it! UFO
Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa are considered foremost authorities on 2012, Atlantis, and Archangelic communication. They have recently begun to regularly visit Guatemala and their current book 2012: Atlantean Revelations is available at bookstores everywhere. Join them as they tour the country at a city near you by visiting www.selfascension.com, and go to the appearances tab.

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April 2008


The Mystical Encounters of Dana Howard

by Regan Lee There arent as many female contactees of the Golden Age of UFOs as there are male, but there are a few. One was Dana Howard, who wrote about her encounters in My Flight to Venus (1954), Diane: She Came From Venus (1956), Over the Threshold (1957), and Vesta, the Earthborn Venusian (1959) among others. Dana Howard was definitely one of the more prolific contactees. One unusual thing about Howards experience was that her encounters began in 1939! She was visited by a female Venusian who called herself Diane:
Still wrapped in the warm intoxication of the spirit, my vision was directed to a gnarled () old tree overlooking the antediluvian hills. Leaning casually against the grotesque trunk was a woman being of unsurpassed loveliness. Her head was radiant with a crown of fire, strands of golden hair cascading gently over her beautiful, slightly olive-tinted shoulders. The strange mystic light flooding her dark, prophetic eyes, added a wistful something to all her other charms.

the church led by Reverend Chandler, a beautiful eight-foot tall female figure appeared before the congregation. Dana Howard, present at the time, describes the materialization:
I saw a rising glow of phosphorescence. It was very tall at first, but out of this phosphorescent substance a form began to manifest itself. She was definitely different from the other spirit manifestations, a solid, fleshly being, delicate in charm and manner.

Howard follows Diane into a flying saucer:

a beautiful rocket-shaped ship suspended in mid-air about three hundred feet from the earth. In the main it seemed to be constructed of some sort of translucent materials, but trimmed in gold, and gem-studded. An almost invisible ladder extended from the ship to the earth, and I obediently followed the radiant being up the filmy stairs without questioning. Once aboard, my sacrosanct companion vanished, and I never saw her again.

Im reminded here of some parallels to Marian apparitions. After Diane appeared, she changed her appearance from the eight-foot-tall being to a more human-like five-foot-tall being. The female entity said she was the same Diane from the planet Venus that Dana had met sixteen years ago. Since that time, Dana had been receiving telepathic messages from Diane. These messages were typical of what the contactees of that era received: messages of the importance of spiritual growth, transformation of both body and psyche, and eventual life on Venus. Its interesting Diane said she came from Venus, because Venus, of course, is the planet representing the female sex, fertility, beauty, and love. It is the morning and the evening star. Diane gave many messages on love to Dana Howard:
Child of Earth try to listen through space for the voice of one who has not forgotten. Try to make every breath, a breath of love. Try to make every word a word of love. Make every act an act of love. To do so, is to love and be loved. When you find the great jewel of love in your heart, you will find also, as you walk down the streets of life, the good and the noble in every soul you meet.

In 1955, sixteen years after the first encounter, Diane the Venusian appeared for the second time during a seance at the Church of the Divine Light in Los Angeles, California. The church is still there; it is now Los Angeles Filipino Baptist Church. Thanks to Greg Bishop for the photo and info. The seance was conducted by a well-known medium at the time, Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler. During one session at 24

Dana writes about Dianes visitation in the church:

I had never attended a materialization seance before, and my inquiring mind asked all sorts of questions. As my

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cerebral atoms whirled with curiosity toward the close of the meeting the little white church seemed to me, electrified with a powerful vibration. Then some ten or twelve feet from the draped-off area where Reverend Candler was in deep trance I saw a rising glow of phosphorescence. It was very tall at first, but out of this phosphorescent substance a form began to manifest itself. She was definitely different from the other spirit manifestations, a solid, fleshly being, delicate in charm and manner. She called for DANA. Overwhelmed with emotion I could not choke back, I went up to her, standing only inches away from the manifestation. While I did not recognize her instantly, I knew there was something quaintly familiar about her. Standing like a sylph-like goddess, and bowing low in greeting to the twenty-seven persons present, the rich tones of her voice vibrated through the little church. I AM DIANE. I COME FROM VENUS.

who was present at the seance, wrote:

A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, I am Diane. I come from Venus. Since I was sitting next to the draped-off place I greeted this beautiful one asking: With whom do you wish to speak? She replied softly: I wish to speak with Dana.

Another witness talks of her experience:

On April 29, 1955 the writer, a Mrs. Gladys Campbell and my friend Mrs. Maude Haas, attended a materialization seance at the Church of Divine Light, 837 South Parkview Street, Los Angeles, California the medium being Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler of Florida, one of the foremost materialization mediums of this country. I am more than happy to give an account of what I witnessed to the best of my recollection, and you will recall when you spoke at the Pyramid Church in Alhambra the following Sunday after the visit, I was the one who got up and verified your statements concerning the visit of Diane. It was truly a marvelous thing to be present and see for myself such a wonderful personality, and I know you must be very humble and gratified to have the facts that you brought before the public in your book My Flight to Venus substantiated in such an unexpected manner.

Dana Howards experiences were witnessed by others. This is an interesting point because we cant so easily brush off these experiences as the delusions of a single individual. As strange as they are, beings and craft were witnessed by more than just the contactee. For example, witness Lucile Points,

There were many other witnesses that day who also wrote letters confirming their experience; these are only two of many.

Photo of the current incarnation of the courtesy Greg Bishop.

Church of Divine Light,

The Desert
The deserts of the American southwest California, Nevada, and New Mexicohave been the stage for encounters between the contactees and aliens. Dana Howards experiences were no different. Mrs. Barbara MacDonald, a member of the Ground Observation Corps, a civilian agency affiliated with the Air Force, made a report that many of her skywatchers or fellow Observation Corps members saw four strange ships seen high in the desert skies during the week of Dianes visitation. These ships were reported as having portholes, made no sound, traveled at great speed, and disappeared before their eyes. Other sightings by witnesses took place at Desert Hot Springs in California over several days. Dana Howards experiences affected her deeply, and she wrote several books and gave several lectures on her encounters. Howard shared her experiences with other contactees and visited Giant Rock in California. Giant Rock was a meeting place for contactees and home for contactee George Van Tassel. Daniel Fry often published her writings or announcements of workshops in his newsletter Understanding. Well probably never know exactly what it was that happened to the contactees in that era. Were they victims of government mind control or some kind of shamanic, mystical, or liminal experiences? Or were they really visited by excontinued on page 67


April 2008


Roswell Witness Related to the Old West

by Dennis Balthaser One never knows what information will show up or where the information will come from when doing UFO research. Sometimes it comes from the witnesses themselves, or in some cases from a spouse, a child, or another person somehow related or acquainted with the witness. Finding a side story not related to a UFO case can also be interesting, and over the years Ive enjoyed looking into other interests of fellow researchers when not doing UFO research. The in-depth interview Wendy Connors and I did several years ago with Walter Haut revealed his childhood in Chicago, his involvement in World War II with the 509th bomb wing, and other non-UFO-related accomplishments. In my opinion, those little tidbits of information give a better overview of the person, and it sometimes reveals things not otherwise known. Such is the account I stumbled on recently while doing a radio interview when I was asked if I could verify some information I had never heard before. Everyone who is familiar with the 1947 Roswell Incident of course recognizes the name Mack Brazel, the ranch foreman on the Foster ranch near Corona. In 1947 he found the debris scattered across his pasture. By all accounts Mack appears to have been a gentle man, away from his family a lot while in charge of the ranch, and trying to earn a living in the 1940s. After the Roswell Incident, his interrogation by the military, and the unwanted notoriety, he apparently tried to remain that gentle person, still a characteristic of ranchers in the southwest United States today. Apparently such was not the case with Macks uncle Wayne back in the late 1800s and early 1900s when the Wild West was still controlled by the six-shooter. As with the 1947 Roswell Incident, the story I will share about Jesse Wayne Brazel, Macks uncle, also contains controversy, but I cant pass up sharing it. During the late 1800s two names emerged which are forever remembered in the annals of the Old West: Billy the 26 Kid and Sheriff Pat Garrett. The legend of William H. Bonney, better known as Billy the Kid, became well known over the years; he was a vicious and ruthless killer in the New Mexico Territory during the 1800s. Many of his escapades have been exaggerated over the years in books and films, but there is no doubt that he was a wanted man. After finally being captured, the Kid shot his way out of the second floor Lincoln County jail on April 28, 1881 in Lincoln, New Mexico about 47 miles west of Roswell killing Sheriff Pat Garretts deputies Bob Ollinger and James Bell, and successfully escaped. Although Garrett is best known for killing Billy the Kid, many think he was one of the most contradictory men in the history of the American West. Depending on what can be researched about Garrett, he is also accused of being a woman-chaser, a drinker, a gambler, and a man slow at paying his debts. His marriages were also controversial affairs. About the time of the Lincoln County War, Garrett became sheriff with strong support from cattle baron John Chisum. As sheriff, his primary responsibility was to track down Billy the Kid, which he subBilly the Kid sequently did, locking him up in the Lincoln County jail, only to have the Kid shoot two of Garretts deputies while escaping. Garrett tracked down Billy the Kid again, this time at Fort Sumner, about 80 miles north of Roswell. The Kid was hiding at the house of land baron Pete Maxwell, and around midnight on July 14, 1881 Garrett was sitting beside a bed talking to Maxwell when the Kid stepped through the doorway. He saw Garrett sitting there, but didnt recognize him in the darkness. Instead, he drew his revolver and hoarsely whispered, Quien es? (Who is it?). Garrett fired and shot Billy the Kid dead, putting an end to his young outlaw life. Enter Wayne Brazel, the uncle of Mack Brazel. As the years passed by, Garretts troubles increased because of his gamUFO

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Wayne Brazel

bling, drinking, and loss of allies. James P. Miller, who had a reputation as a murderer, was interested in buying Garretts Bear Canyon Ranch in southern New Mexico. During the negotiations Garrett informed Miller that a goat man named Wayne Brazel leased a portion of the ranch and would have to be evicted. When confronted, Brazel refused to leave unless he was paid $3.50 a head for his 1,200 goats. Miller agreed, and offered Garrett $3,000 for the ranch. Then Brazel raised the price and Miller told Garrett the deal was off since he didnt have that kind of money. The next day, February 29, 1908, Garrett and Carl Anderson, a relative of Millers, set out for Las Cruces in a buggy and caught up with Brazel, who was on horseback. Garrett and Brazel began arguing about the goats and Garrett said, It didnt make any difference whether Brazel moved off of the property or not, heGarrett

Sheriff Pat Garrett

that Roswell witness Mack Brazels uncle Wayne is included, hoping the reader will enjoy this return to the old wild West near Roswell in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when law and order were much different than today. Billy the Kid is buried at Ft. Sumner, New Mexico where he met his end, and there is much controversy over whether the grave actually contains the remains of the Kid. Pat Garrett was buried in Las Cruces, at the Odd Fellows cemetery on March 5, 1908. In the 1950s, due to poor maintenance of the cemetery, Garretts son had his fathers remains reinterred at the Masonic Cemetery across the street. As for Wayne Brazel, he married and obtained a small ranch west of Lordsburg, New Mexico a few years after killing Garrett. When his wife died in 1913 he sold the property and disappeared from the public record. It is unknown where he moved after selling the property, and his exact date of death is unknown, but believed to have Mack Brazel been around 1915. UFO
Dennis G. Balthaser is a MUFON field investigator, and a member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association. Websites: www.truthseekeratroswell.com and www. gizapyramid.com Email: [email protected].

would get him off the ranch somehow. From here on there are two accounts of what took place next. One account says that Garrett climbed out of the buggy and stepped to the rear of it to relieve himself, carrying his folding shotgun in his right hand and turning his back on Brazel, who shot him twice in the back of the head. The other account says that while the two were arguing, Garrett reached under the buggy seat to retrieve his shotgun and Brazel shot him. So a little over a quarter century after Pat Garrett shot Billy the Kid, he met his own demise from a handgun. Fourteen months later on April 19, 1909 Brazels case went before a twelve-man jury that took 15 minutes to reach a verdict of self defense. There are other accounts of who shot Pat Garrett for other reasons and in other places, but I couldnt pass up the fact UFO

April 2008


Praise for Dickie Dolan

by Jeremy Vaeni I attended the first annual Atlantic City UFO conference this year and while in podcasting about it for the Culture of Contact show at http://blog.valiens.com I harp on the comical aspects of the weekend; for this here written column I want to focus on something serious and seriously good that came out of it: historian Richard Dolan, author of the seminal UFOs and the National Security State (Keyhole Publishing, 2000), is turning his keen intellectual gaze on the nature of the occupants of UFOs. Call them alien, call them cryptoterrestrial, call them whatever you wish. But lets concentrate less on what we dont know and more on what we do. This is Dolans take, which he unveiled at the conference, and I agree its time to do that, with the caveat that we will necessarily have to deal with ourselves first. So what do we know? Its brief, its testimony-based, and Dolan lays it out nicely: We know that they are telepathic. We know they drive cool cars. We know that some abductees have positive experiencesor interpret them that wayand some have negative. We know they fiddle with us medically. We know they are creating hybrids, or appear to be. We know theyve warned us about possible coming catastrophes: nuclear, environmental. We know they havent eaten us yet. We know theyre interested in humans. And why not? asks Dolan. We are, after all, a planet densely populated with organisms and humans are a complex, rich, and amazing species in our own right. Dolan says we dont give ourselves enough credit for being interesting. I suppose hes right. As evidence, how many of you have ever played a video game series called The SIMS? How addictive is that game? And thats just monitoring the lives of computer graphic people who speak gobbledygook. Imagine theyre real and youve found their planet and theyre branching out into space. Imagine that theyve progressed more in the last hundred years than in the last five thousand. Imagine that they are marching toward either oblivion or an evolutionary leap and didnt know which road to choose. You might just take an interest. What interests me in Richard Dolan taking up this topic is that he knows what Im about to say is true: The main reason we cant tell if these are good people or evil people abducting us is because we are not fully actualized human beings and so the very question of good and evilthe question thats been with us since the beginningis kind of dare I say meaningless? Good and evil may not apply. They may not even be completely divorced from one another. They may not exist at all outside of the human bubble. There are lots of possibilities to consider, and we rarely consider them. Wed prefer to be the good people and let the aliens be the evil ones or betUFO

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April 2008

ter than us or our moral equals. Right? Is this not how we divide it in our heads and conversations and in our fears? What if its irrelevant? What if for thousands of years weve been wrong in how we think about fundamental issues? I mean the very act of thinking itself. Do we not ponder good and evil so that we can form an image to react to? How real is that? What if our entire approach to thought needs to be revised? I submit to you that we humans tend to want to solve problems, mysteries, riddles, and so on out in the world as a metaphorical way of dealing with whats lacking inside. Unfortunately, metaphorical is the wrong way to go. This is why for all of our social and technological advancements, we can always just blow them up in the end or sign them away to the political action of the moment. All of our hard work, achievement, ethical clarity, pure scienceall of it can swing right back into apes-in-trees mode with one simple lack of action environmentally, one simple push of a button militarily, one simple substitute sacrifice of mass suicide for individual ego death. Had we suffered the ego death first, all of this would be a moot point and, in fact, we might not be wondering who these aliens are anymore. Dolan knows this. At least, he knows the strength of the argument, the probability of it. He isnt all about compiling government documentsnot that thats an easy task or one Im taking lightly. Im saying hes got more to his repertoire, and its about damn time someone with genuine intellect, genuine curiosity, and the

ability to sift through raw data just sat down and considered everything anew. Dont give me nuts and bolts: Theyre just like us but grayer. Dont give me: They are our space brothers. They are our alien overlords. They created us in a lab. They own us. They are us. They live in a subspace van down by the river. They, they, they What do we know about them? No. Wrong first question. What do we know about us? I have been crying this since I first came on the scene in 2003. Dolan, bless his heart, gets this. If anyone is qualified to ponder it, its him. Why? Because he doesnt have his answer and hes not looking for it. Hes looking, period. If theres an answer, perhaps it will present itself. Maybe it will leap out of the data intuition cocktail hes preparing to drink. Maybe not and if not, thats equally telling. Finally, a person we can trust to tell it like it is. Oh, I also learned at the conference that David Biedny once mistook a fish tie for salmon and ate it anyway; Paolo Harris is with childmy childand Reptilian overlords control the fate of New York City. But those are other stories for another column. UFO
Jeremy Vaeni is the author of I Know Why the Aliens Dont Land, available from Kynegion House and as an ebook at Filament Book Club, and the DVD No Ones Watching: An Abductees Story, available online at www.authorsden.com/aliens. His website is http://blog. valiens.com/

Art by T ed Wallace: www.twallacedesign.com UFO April 2008 29

Close Encounters of the Second Kind

by George Noory In Dr. J. Allen Hyneks taxonomy of types of UFO contact, he lists a Close Encounter of the First Kind as one in which the witness sees a UFO at a distance of 600 yards or less, but with no interaction with the craft. In a Close Encounter of the Second Kind, there is an interaction between the object and the environment. For example, the observed craft might cause some kind of interference with electrical devices such as radios, television sets, or even a cars ignition system. Remember the scene in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind when the UFO causes the electrical system in Richard Dreyfusss truck to shut down and the railroad warning lights at the trestle to go haywire? In an actual Close Encounter of the Third Kind, the witness actually observes creatures or beings. In later years ufologists have investigated Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind, in which there is an actual abduction, and a Fifth Kind in which communication or contact occurs between an entity and the witness. Ive come across two fascinating instances of Close Encounters of the Second Kind that are really intriguing. The first, which folks can find on the internet at www.ufonews. tv/2007/02/06/lake-erie-fantastic-ufo-video/ concern the Lake Erie videos that witness Michael Lee Hill has posted on the web at www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QZxsM8xWFA. Michaels story, as he has described it, goes way beyond his videotaping glowing objects over Lake Erie, just outside Cleveland, Ohio. Michael, who has been interviewed on television, tells the incredible story of one interview in which his television signal was actually shut down during the interview, only to come back the instant the interview was completed. He wondered whether some outside entity was monitoring his interview with the television network, found it too disturbing, and simply shut it down. Maybe it was the inhabitants of the craft he had been videotaping or maybe it was the government itself, flexing is muscles to keep Michael from revealing too much. Something very similar happened to the crew from UFO Magazine when they were filming a strange object in the skies over Las Vegas, a kind of platform hanging motionless in the sky, for the History Channel. After they had located the object just after dusk and had confirmed from an online star map that interfaced with the three-chip telescopic cam30 era that there were no celestial bodies in that region of the sky, they text messaged back to the office that they had the object and were photographing it. Just then, the object went black and one of the observers said that through the telescope he could see the object descending and maneuvering out of sight. After the team shut down the scope and left the area, the object came back up and turned on its lights. Had the object monitored the teams email traffic to protect itself? Did it note the teams presence and react to it when it intercepted the text message? Does this constitute the kind of electrical interference that Hynek characterized as a Close Encounter of the Second Kind? Then there is the phenomenon thats taking place in Brazil, where a group of experimenters are discovering something strange in the carrier signal that their television receives. I was astonished when I read about this groups very eerie reception and the images that turned up on their television and computer screens. It reminded me of the 1955 movie This Island Earth, where aliens, wanting to communicate with scientists on earth, helped the scientists create a kind of television that received their signal. The folks in Brazil are reporting something very similar. What the Brazilian experimenters report is that they are receiving strange images in the snow of a television carrier signal. If they tune the TV to a station that is not broadcasting, through the fuzz and static they receive they can see an image. When they turn their own computer camera on the screen and stand in front of the television screen, they can interact with the image and see the interaction on their computer screens. Sound strange? It gets even stranger. The Brazilian contact group began experiments with the television signal in which they invited subjects to go on computer camera in front of the television screen. Somehow, the image on the computer screen morphed into odd images of the subjects. They wondered if this was the result of the subjects interacting with the entities in the television signal, and then the contact group took it many steps further. They had initially picked up an audio signal from the entities that they called the Senders, in which the Senders say, We are not like you. Does that mean they are not human beings, that they are extraterrestrials, or that they are not of this dimension or this time? To push the envelope a bit, the contactees began to ask UFO

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questions of the Senders and to have different subjects submit themselves to what the Senders were suggesting. Then the results really got interesting. From the different frames that they posted on the web, it seems that the Senders were apparently able to pick up the images from the television camera that the contactors were using and morph the images of the subjects into what they would look like years into the future. They were also able to connect the images of subjects to their own ancestors. The result, and Im assuming that these images are real and that the experimenters are not playing any tricks, is a startling set of images in which one subject is connected to the image of his deceased father while another subject is aged right before he camera into how she will look like as an older woman. The contactors are describing this phenomenon as communication with some extraterrestrial source. However, this source seems to be able to ferret out a lot about the subjects and even traverse the bounds of time to determine how the subjects will look years in the future. One can also speculate that these Senders are some sort of disembodied spirits who can materialize themselves on the waves of a television signal almost like disappearing ink turning brown on a piece of paper held over a light bulb. Remember the lemon-juice code from all the way back in the 1950s? The contactors say they are a long way from figuring out where these mysterious images are coming from or why they are receiving them in Brazil. Could it be that somewhere hidden in the snow of our television carrier signals are important messages from ETs or other kinds of beings? Might thought images travel through time or through dimensions on carrier signals that are like electronic highways? Maybe its worth our turning on the TV set and staring at a blank station for a while to see what images you might be able to see. Is this something youd like to try? Lets set up an experiment. Lets assume, just for arguments sake, that theres something to these Close Encounters of the Second Kind that the folks in Brazil have stumbled into. And lets take their word for it that its the signal itself and the receptivity of the person watching that snow that may make all the difference. If we do that, then lets experiment. Whenever you read this, make a date with your TV to turn it on to a blank channel where theres a pure carrier signal, even if it means turning off the cable or the dish for a while to get a straight transmission. Then give yourself an hour. Stare at the snow and see what you see. If nothing happens, so be it. But if you get something, maybe an image, please grab your camera or whatever digital device you have that takes photos and grab one for us. Send it to me and give me a call on the radio. My lines are always open. UFO
George Noory is Americas top nighttime radio talk-show personality as host of the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM on the Premiere Radio Network. His book, cowritten with UFO Magazines publisher William J. Birnes, is Worker in the Light (Forge, 2006), available at www.Amazon.com.


April 2008


Atatrk and the Turks Original Land: The Lost Continent Mu

by Farah Yurdz I confess to having a crush on someone. A real man. A mighty hero. The kind of guy that gets a sexy nickname: The Blond Wolf. And believe me, he earned it. His real name is Mustafa. To history he is known as Atatrk, founder of the modern Turkish Republic. Like many modern Turkish people, my hero is Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, who established the Turkish Republic in 1923, freeing the country from years of European invasion and dominance. Atatrk was truly a forward-thinking man. And in a way dear to UFO and metaphysicsminded people, he also looked backwards to the distant past, to the extraterrestrial origins of humans. He was a man of many firsts, and to me one of the most important of them was that he was the first exopolitician. Exopolitics is a fairly new concept in United States, where it started gaining attention after the year 2000. The goal of exopolitics is to create a bridge between the extraterrestrial presence and the earthbound political world. In my opinion, our world really needs such galactic diplomacy today and in the future. We have seen how the existence of other worlds is accepted in Turkey. But this awareness became official thanks to Atatrk. He was a very successful military commander, a world famous politician, a revolutionary, a writer, and a historian. And he was extremely interested in ancient civilizations. Of one his goals was to discover the real origin of the 32 Turkish nations. He was well aware of our oral and written traditions of the Sky People, but Mustafa Kemal Atatrk was looking for something more than mythology to uncover our nations real history. One of his areas of interest was ancient civilizations and the lost continent Mu, which was located in the Pacific Ocean 12,000 years ago. According to ancient texts, Mu was founded by a very sophisticated race called Nacaal. Nacaal brought an advanced civilization to Mu both spiritually and scientifically, but the continent was destroyed by natural disasters and sank into the ocean. Today it is believed that some Pacific islands such as Hawaii, Fiji, Easter, and Tonga are the remains of Mu. Mus civilization was quite different from that of the other famous lost continent, Atlantis. Mu people were very peaceful, while Atlanteans used their advanced technology in negative and destructive ways. Is it a coincidence that the peaceful, pacific Mu continent was located in the Pacific (peaceful) Ocean? Maybe not. Augustus Le Plongeon in the nineteenth century and James Churchward in the 1930s became the first scholars to do detailed research about Mu. Churchward translated the ancient Nacaal writings which were found in Mexico and published three books about the lost continent. According to his books, the Nacaal race was of extraterrestrial origin. Many ancient civilizations like the Mayan, Hopi, Aztec, and the Uygur Turks were founded by the survivors of Mu. UFO

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Atatrk was very much impressed by Churchwards books, which he had translated into Turkish. Some of the original texts with Atatrks handwritten notes are still preserved in the governments national archives. Inspired by the books, in 1935 Atatrk sent historians and language experts to Mexico to conduct detailed research on Mayan culture based on the Mu writings. Intense investigation revealed something surprising: Ancient Mayan and Turkish languages had a remarkable similarity. This is because the two ancient languages came from the same source: Mu. Not only the language, but their religious beliefs, rituals, symbolism, social and spiritual life, art, and music had much in common. The universal language of symbolism in Turkish and North and South American tribes was based on cosmic belief.

After thousands of pages of translations, years of research and great dedication, Atatrk settled on an interesting theory: After the continent Mu was destroyed, one group of its survivors came to central Asia and became the ancestors and founders of the Turkish nation. The other group came to North and Central America and founded the Mayan civilization. But both races kept the motherlands language, philosophy, and mysteries. This can be seen in the similarities between the two cultures. Before Islam was accepted as the official religion of my country, ancient Turks used to be Shamanic just like Native Indians of North, Central, and South America, as we have just seen in a previous column. In fact, today in many parts of Central Asia, Shamanic Turks still exist. They have a remarkable physical and social resemblance to Native American Indian races, and they keep their ancient beliefs alive. Atatrk became the first world leader to see the extraterrestrial origin of his own people. He was obviously far ahead of his time with his unique view and philosophy. He established the young Turkish Republic based on a democracy, and in so doing he was very much inspired by the governmental system of Mu, which was a perfect democracy12,000 years before the United States. Atatrk was the first president who looked for the roots of a nation in the mysteries of history. His theory of the common origin of Turks and Native Indian tribes is now considered a historical fact. With his pioneer vision and investigations, he is the first exopolitician. And as happens to many public figures who dare to look beyond the normal sphere of political thought, it may have cost him his life.

Atatrks personal notes on MU texts..


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Paying the Price for His Beliefs

Recently, sixty-nine years after his death, a shocking rumor has caused much speculation among his followers: Atatrk was slowly poisoned and killed by his enemies. His unexpected and sudden death created a deep sorrow over the county. Between 1937 until his death in November of 1938, he started to develop various physical conditions which weakened his nervous system. Turkish and European doctors tried different medical treatments. But each new medicine that was given to him made his situation worse. He complained that doctors were being sent to treat him whom he had not authorized. They gave him drugs which had terrible adverse effects, but still they came and still they gave him more medicines. He finally died, and according to official reports, liver failure caused his death, although he hadnt shown any symptoms of a severe liver problem. His medical reports clearly show the symptoms of a long-term poisoning. No autopsy was performed on his body. Since then, Atatrks detractors have tried to discredit him by saying that he drank himself to death, even though there is no real evidence of this. The evidence is just as strong, if not stronger, that he was murdered. By whom? Why?

Above: Turkish Sirius symbols. Center & Below: Turkish symbols that originated from Mu.
The answer could lie in the fact that the symptoms of Atatrks poisoning started just before he was going to reveal his Mu theories. And after Atatrks death, his Mu files were sealed and some of his Mu-related personal notes and reports were lost. Obviously, some dark forces didnt want him to disclose one of the worlds biggest and most significant secrets. So why is Atatrk called the Blond Wolf? Atatrks vision was not limited to his peoples roots in Mu. He also knew very well our nations folkloric beliefs, such as its powerful wolf symbolism. The wolf was a very important animal and a mystical symbol for ancient Turks. They believed that they were created by the wolves. The wolf is still accepted as a noble, protective animal and a spiritual guide in the Turki s h world today. In his early days as ruler of the new Turkish Republic, Atatrk had a wolf and a Sirius star depicted on the countrys paper money. Decorative? Yes. Folkloric? Yes. But knowing Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, I am confident that this was in fact a very clear and direct message about our origin. He put his beliefs, as they would say in America, right on the money. Interestingly, in the present day some alien abductions start with the appearance of a wolf. The abductee may see a wolf at the beginning or at the end of the abduction case. Thousands of years ago, ancient Turkish tribal leaders had similar experiences and a new nation was born. Mustafa Kemal Atatrk embraced this many decades ago. Can you imagine a world leader standing on the floor of the United Nations and declaring such a belief today? Even though we live in an age of space travel, I can easily picture a politician who states such beliefs sharing a similar fate with the Blond Wolf. UFO
Farah Yurdz is a UFO/paranormal writer and program producer at the Jerry Pippin Show. Her newest book is Confessions of a Turkish Ufologist, edited by Richard Day Gore and available at www.lulu.com/content/825837 Her websites: www.farahyurdozu.com and www.farahstarot.com


April 2008


Dee Andrew On the Case

by Lesley Gunter
Dee Andrew is the host of the weekly radio show Eye to the Sky, a really fabulous show with lots of very interesting

guests giving their take on ufology. Some past guests have included Stanton Friedman, Joe Montaldo, David Sereda, Ted Phillips, Peter Robbins, Rob Simone, Farah Yurdz, and many other superb ufology guests. Dee is also the national director of the International Community for Alien Research (ICAR), and you can find out more about that at http://icar1.com/. ICAR sounds like a very useful group for abductees and contactees. There sometimes seems to be very little attention paid to abduction and contact research lately so I am always happy to come across groups and individuals who are pursuing it. Onto the interview. Lesley: How did you become interested in ufology? Dee: I found a copy of Flying SaucersSerious Business (Lyle Stuart, 1966) by Frank Edwards when I was 10. After that I was hooked. Had you been involved in radio before, and what made you decide to start doing an internet radio show? I started out as just an admin in the chat room for Wake Up USA: A UFO Study on Paltalk in 2001. The first year was with Jim Hickman as host, and I continued on when Joe Montaldo took over as host. I covered the 2004 Ancient of Days conference for Wake Up and was a guest on the first hour of one of the shows. I also filled in for Joe a few times as host. Then in 2007 Joe decided to start up the UFO Paranormal Radio Network. Last July at the 60th Anniversary conference in Roswell, New Mexico Joe talked me into doing my own show. Do you feel being one of the few women with an internet UFO and paranormal-related show has any advantages or disadvantages compared to the male-hosted shows? I dont really see any advantages or disadvantages at all. To be honest, I never even thought about it like that. Im just following in the footsteps of women like Leslie Kean, Paola Harris, and Jenny Randles. I noticed most of your shows are about UFOs. Are you interested in other sorts of strange phenomena, and if so, what types? All of my shows are UFO-related but that doesnt mean that Im not into other phenomena. I love the Sci Fi Channels show Ghost Hunters and the TAPS crew uses very good methods to prove their work. I have had a couple of ghost experiences myself. Cryptozoology is another subject that I find very interesting, along with out-of-place artifacts, but my number-one passion is ufology. UFO

You are the national director of ICAR. What are their goals? ICARs main purpose is abduction and contact research. We are working towards showing that contactees are everyday people with everyday lives. Its the stigma of people like George Adamski and Spaceship Ruthie that gives contactees the most problems. The contactee movement of the 1950s and 60s is when the idea that only crazy people see aliens and UFOs started. Abductees and contactees are seen by mainstream ufology as a dirty little secret. We want to bring it out of the closet, so to speak; to show that it happens to people from all walks of life. I dont consider myself an expert on the abduction or contact phenomenon. I consider myself more of a historian of UFO-related phenomena. My personal goal is to educate the public about the field of ufology in general. Are there any dream guests that you would like to have on your show but havent had the chance yet? There was one. I had been looking for contact information on for several years to get him on Joe Montaldos show, but just recently the individual agreed to be on my show in January. He is Dr. Jack Kasher, and he did analysis of the STS-48 shuttle mission to show that what NASA says is going on in the video isnt what is shown. So now that means I have to work harder to get the next name on my list to agree to do my program, and that is Bill Chalker of Australia. I have been following his work for many years and would love to talk with him about his CSIstyle team hes been working on for the study of the contact phenomena. UFO
Lesley Gunter lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has been interested in UFOs and other strange phenomenon since she was a child. During the past few years she has had more time to devote to these interests. You can find out more about her by visiting her blog The Debris Field at http://thedebrisfield.blogspot.com, or reading her weekly column Grey Matters at www.binnallofamerica.com. A complete list of links to shows in this column are at www. thedebrisfield.net/beyond. Email Lesley with questions or comments at [email protected]. Dee Andrew is the host of the weekly radio show Eye to the Sky at http://eyetothesky.homestead.com/EyeToTheSky_ Home.html. Archives are found at http://paranormalradionetwork.org.

April 2008


Hidden Clues in the Symbols of Our Nation

by Robert R. Hieronimus If you went home after watching one of Disneys National Treasure films and surfed the web for hidden meanings in American symbols, you might be shocked at what you found. Rather than speculators on treasure maps, most writers speculating on American symbolism, beside myself, are doing so to prove an unusual conclusion. The fundamentalist-conspiratorialists who dominate the web have concluded that a group they describe as Illuminati Masonic Satan worshipers are in control of world events. If youve seen their compelling slideshows where they flip through dozens of corporate logos resembling the eye in the triangle over the pyramid, you might understand how millions of people everywhere are beginning to believe that Americas Founding Fathers were actually satanists. I was surprised, too, when I began to assemble my new book, United Symbolism of America: Deciphering Hidden Meanings in America's Most Familiar Art, Architecture and Logos (New Page Books, 2008), and discovered the intensity of this growing genre in conspiracy theories. Not only are they mistranslating the Great Seal, as they have been doing for decades and as weve covered in previous columns in this magazine, but now they are also going after the Statue of Liberty, the eagle, and even the Liberty Bell. I have made a lifetime of defending and collecting American symbols, and thus I felt compelled to present a defense against this smear campaign. It has always been my contention that embracing a healthy, collective, national symbolism is key to the wellbeing of any society, and I believe that an attack on our symbols from within is more dangerous than many people realize. Deconstructing these conspiracy myths is just a fraction of what we present in this book, however. We also enjoyed taking a closer look at some of the best-known legends about our symbols and revealing their historical hits and misses. Betsy Ross, for example, did not design the American flag, the Liberty Bell did not crack on the 4th of July 1776, and 36 the eagle on the Great Seal never turned its head to face the arrows, but has always turned to face peace in the more powerful heraldic position. From this historical basis, I also attempt a deeper interpretation of our national symbols using a humanistic psychological and archetypal approach. We look at the meanings behind the red, white, and blue in the flag, the torch in the right hand of the Statue of Liberty, the astrological symbolism in the architecture of Washington, D.C., and other interpretable characteristics of Americana.

The Statue of Liberty: An American Goddess

Have you ever wondered why there is a 150-foot pagan statue in New York Harbor? If so, you may have already discovered that this goddess is by no means unique in the iconography of America. The Statue of Liberty follows centuries of tradition in this country of representing America as an allegorical female, with popular emphasis on the neoclassical toga-clad goddess known as the American Liberty or Columbia. As soon as Europeans discovered this country they depicted it as a woman in their artwork and on the illustrated corners around their maps. The American goddess in these renderings was a voluptuous, savage Indian queen riding an alligator, and as colonization progressed, she evolved into a lighter-skinned, more svelte Indian princess. As the Revolution approached she evolved again into a classical goddess, and often we see her overshadowed by Minerva, the goddess of wisdom or Mercury, the god of commerce and communication. Dont let anyone tell you that America was founded to be a Christian nation. This nation was founded to be a nation of freedom to allow the liberty to practice any religion at all. The non-Christian symbols of goddesses and pyramids that our founders selected to represent us imply that they associated with t h e power of the goddess. Not to be overlooked, UFO

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of course, is the strong influence of classical Greek and Roman mythology as the accepted and expected tradition in heraldic and medallic art. Though our founders disagreed on a lot, all agreed that they wanted to look acceptable. They wanted to be taken seriously in the eyes of Europe, and they tried to strictly observe all the rules of protocol in their official documents and designs. In that regard, there is nothing unusual in their use of the goddess. Although the vast majority of Americans revere the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of liberty, compassion, and refuge for homeless people fleeing tyranny, the fundamentalist-conspiratorialists have attacked her as a symbol to fear and despise. Because there is a strong Masonic connection to this monument, anti-Masons have dissected her for clues to secret messages. The most often-repeated, historically inaccurate attack is that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French Freemasons to the American Freemasons. She is also attacked because she is a symbol of light and as such is allegedly making a statement that the Illuminati or illuminated ones control this country. The torch she holds is defamed as a phallic symbol or a crude joke that we are controlled by these illuminated ones. According to the fundamentalistconspiratorialists, rather than the Roman goddess Libertas, this statue is actually based on older goddesses like Isis, Ishtar, or Semiramis. These same writers have concluded that Protestantism is the only true faith and that Catholicism is secretly a pagan mother-goddess cult.

by the Middle Dutch and Middle German words belle, with a ProtoIndo-European base behl, meaning a bellowing or rutting sound as a deer or dog would make. Bel or Baal, on the other hand, translates to lord or master, and Baal Zebub to Lord of the Flies. Baal was a popular name for several deities among the Semitic peoples and is mentioned in the Bible as a false god. When Milton described Beelzebub in his Paradise Lost as one of the original fallen angels, the name was picked up by Christians as another way of referring to Satan, just like the name Lucifer. The clinching proof for the fundamentalist-conspiratorialists regarding a reason to fear the Liberty Bell is a fictional 1960s made-for-TV movie starring Glenn Ford called The Brotherhood of the Bell. This movie is based on the very real Skull and Bones secret society of Yale University, and the story is just what the fundamentalist-conspiratorialists are looking for to link anything symbolic to the devil. Here is David Icke on the Liberty Bell in his book The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World (David Icke Books, 1999): Where was the American War of Independence orchestrated from? Philadelphia and there you will still find the Liberty Bellsymbol of Bel, the Sun god of the Phoenicians and the Aryans. The Phoenician language is about sound, not spelling, and integral to the secret, symbolic language of the reptile-Aryans is the sound of a word. This seemingly outrageous interpretation of the Liberty Bell is cut and pasted all over the web today.

The Eye and the Triangle, and Whose Eye Is It Anyway?

I take particular offense when I see the misuse and misrepresentation of the pyramid and the eye in the triangle, the subject of my doctoral dissertation. The fundamentalist-conspiratorialists base a large measure of their attack on American symbols on this one in particular. Basing their argument on misinformation concocted from bits of old anti-Jewish conspiracy hoaxes mixed with characters from fictional games, novels, and comic books, they claim the Reverse of the Great Seal proves there is a mysterious group of Them controlling the world behind the scenes. They call them the Illuminati and believe they infiltrated America through the Revolutionary-generation Freemasons. Citing no reference sources, they claim that the historical Illuminati used a symbol like this pyramid with an eye. There is no historical documentation to suggest the Illuminati ever used a symbol remotely like this, but this specious claim along with incorrect translations of the Latin mottoes have been repeated so many times that it is now a firmly established urban legend. continued on page 69 37

Even the Liberty Bell is Called a Symbol of the Illuminati

It is a very long stretch for the fundamentalist-conspiratorialists to find a satanic link to the Liberty Bell, but they managed. They play their sounds-like semantics game and decided the evil Founding Fathers picked a bell as a symbol because they secretly intended for Americans to venerate the ancient Babylonian god known as Bel, or Baal, or the derivative name Beelzebub (Baal Zebub). As usual, their argument completely ignores the etymological history of both words bell and Bel. The word bell in English traces its origins back to Old English as influenced UFO

April 2008

The Other ET Ticket

by William J. Lawler II In my inaugural column two issues ago I stated:
In the July 2007 issue (Vol. 22, No. 7) of UFO Magazine Stephen Bassett discussed the ET Ticket in his column Exopolitics. Bassett discussed why he believed a Democrat, specifically Clinton or Richardson, would be the candidate most likely to engage in UFO disclosure. This is an important topic and I applaud him for his analysis. But what about the other side? I believe that an equally rational and eloquent case can be made as to why certain Republican candidates would be more likely to engage in disclosure, and believe me, I am no fan of todays Republicans! Shouldnt that perspective be heard as well? free individuals with the right to self-determination. This in turn is what makes governments legally and morally subordinate to the people they govern. In addition, if the individual accepts the natural-law philosophy, then he must by extension logically accept the foundations for American self-government as found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The reason for this is that these are the only two governing documents in the world that are founded upon natural law. If one does not accept these principles then he has no footing or basis for the argument that he has a right to know the truth. He has no basis or right to demand anything of his government, since without natural law the government is not subordinate to him, but instead he is subordinate to the government.

Now is a good time to address this topic with the primaries in full swing and the national party conventions looming on the horizon. In examining the candidates for their likeliness to engage in disclosure and thus determining their worthiness to hold public office, I will evaluate them based on how well they embrace the principles of natural law, the rule of law that all individuals are sovereign persons with the exclusive right to self-determination, and the principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constittion. I explained the importance of these truths and how acceptance of them is integral to disclosure in my last column in the March 2008 issue (Vol. 23, No. 2), Why Natural Law and the Constitution are Essential for Ufology and Forteanism. The following excerpt summarizes the importance of these values.
If an individual truly believes that the people in general have a right to know the truth about UFOs and paranormal phenomena then he must logically accept the ideals of natural law and the individual right to selfdetermination. This is the case because the natural-law philosophy is the only school of thought which declares that our individual rights are inviolable, thus making us truly

That the president must embrace and toil for these values is found in the fact that every president-elect must take the following oath, which is quoted directly from the Constitutional Convention, 1787, Article II, Section 1, Clause 8: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully e x ecute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. In order to become president of the United States an individual must swear under oath that he will be loyal t o and do everything within his power to propagate the Constitution and the ideas and values found in that document, which includes the ideas and values described above. I surmise that if a president cannot or will not keep his word on something as basic as his oath of office, then he certainly cannot or will not engage in disclosure. I do not think it is important whether a candidate has expressed a belief or position on UFOs and other phenomena. Evidence of this is found in the examples of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. Each of these men expressed an interest in UFOs both before and during his presidency. Yet even when they were in the supposedly most powerful position in the world, UFO


April 2008

none of them engaged in even an iota of disclosure. To be sure, what is important is an individuals dedication to Constitutional principles and his intestinal fortitude to maintain that dedication. Keep in mind that it may be detrimental for a campaign to discuss aliens and UFOs due to the ridicule which may be heaped upon it by the mainstream press. Also, if it appeared as if a disclosure candidate had won an election, that would leave the Powers That Be plenty of time to take extra steps to hide the truth from the future president. With these points in mind it may behoove a disclosure candidate to keep his views on ufology and Forteanism to himself. We need to acknowledge that the perception of viable candidates is often a false paradigm thrust upon us by the mainstream media and the handful of power elites who control that media. Just because the mainstream media guffaws at UFOs and other Fortean issues like a bunch of immature adolescents does not mean that we in the UFO and Fortean community are going to admit defeat, hang our heads in shame, and leave the playground. No matter what the odds are against your favorite team, do you throw their jersey in the trash? Of course not! So why in the world would you not vote for your candidate of choice just because the talking heads on the boob tube and the petty pens in the propaganda papers tell you that he is not a viable candidate? To do so is to allow yourself to be manipulated. Due to space limitations I will only evaluate the applicants who meet the following criteria: First, those who are actively seeking office at the time of this writing. It does not make sense to discuss individuals who are no longer seeking the job, regardless of their merits, since their candidacy is now a moot point; and second, those who have been able to garner enough support so that his or her name appears on the ballots of at least half of the states. All four of the following applicants have their name on the ballot in all fifty states. If your preferred candidate is not included, please accept my apologies. It is not my intention to exclude a particular person or ideology from this discussion. I also do not have enough space to perform an exhaustive analysis of each applicant on every issue. However, a sampling of issues will provide a strong indication of where an applicant stands philosophically. For ease of reference, information on each of the candidates positions is taken from their prospective campaign web sites and OnTheIssues.org. Society is a complex and deeply intertwined system of parts. I will demonstrate how individual and seemingly unrelated issues are tied in with each other and to the issues of UFOs, Fortean phenomena, and disclosure.

Hillary Clinton
Clintons Pre-K for All program is a violation of natural law in that it is unnatural for an entity other than the family to mold a child during the formative years when personality and values are essentially set. At the very least, the state should not be funding such a trend. This could mean the death of ufology when the state decides that young children will be trained to believe that such ideas are ridiculous as a part of the state-mandated curriculum. UFO

Her vote against legislation that would prevent courts from hearing cases in which a manufacturer is being sued because of the way in which a third party uses its product clearly demonstrates contempt for the rule of law. What will happen when MUFON is sued because an over-zealous individual obtains their Field Investigators Guide and trespasses on private property so as conduct a thorough investigation? Clintons support for so-called hate-crimes legislation is an Orwellian attack on individual sovereignty in that people should not be punished for their thoughts. A crime is a crime regardless of what the offender was thinking. Keep in mind that this is not the same as criminal intent. Thought crimes punish individuals for their opinions or intellectual positions. Will David Icke and his followers one day be prosecuted for committing hate crimes because they discriminated against entities that they consider reptilian in nature? Her willingness to further entrench us in the United Nations and other world-government schemes is a direct attack on our Declaration of Independence. If alien influences are working to infiltrate our halls of power, it will be much easier for them to impose their will on us through a central governing body then it would be with many sovereign states. Clintons vote to allow the president to go to war without a Congressional Declaration of War was an illegal abdication of her Constitutional duty. Failure to fulfill her oath of office is indicative of a lack of integrity and a sign of her willingness to do what is political expedient. Unless disclosure suddenly becomes politically popular, people like Clinton cannot be counted on. Senator Hillary Clintons platform represents the epitome of the cradle-to-grave socialist nanny state. She supports big continued on page 72 39

April 2008

What if alien communication is taking place all the time and not just from UFOs but within very conventional channels using traditional methods? What if, even as you change the channels on your television set, you are scanning through all kinds of communication; messages, perhaps, between different groups of beings, without even realizing it? Maybe there really is no real concealment of ETs or extradimensional beings because they exist in the patterns of photons that you receive in-between channels. All you have to do, according to Brazilian paranormal researcher Sonia Rinaldi is know where to look or know how to find them by deciphering the images in the television snow. Like the experiences and reports of many people who see and photograph glowing orbs, sometimes the phenomenon is in the perception of the beholder and not intrinsic to the phenomenon itself. How can you tell which is which when different people have different perceptions? In our UFO community, these different perceptions can result in near blood feuds. This may well be the case with Rinaldis research, which is premised on the claim that images of interdimensional beings are showing up in her television signal which she decodes in such a way as to see a mathematical relationship between different points on her screen. As her explanations of how she gets her images demonstrate, there is active intervention on the part of the receiver to interpret the signal. In essence, as Rinaldi describes it, she has to first collect the images on an empty television station. Then, as the images show, she calculates the various points of interest on the image by measuring the multipliers of the distance between the points. She has determined that all of the points of the image are actually multipliers of whats known as a Phi number, 1.618, a number which she says is everywhere in nature. Photo analysis expert Silvia Rossoni, who analyzed these image for Rinaldi, says that the number 1.618 turns up as the result of the measurement of the distance between ones belly button and ones feet. If you divide the height of a person by the number 1.618, you have the measurement of the person from his or her belly button to the persons feet. This number also determines the measurement of ones fingers. Strange coincidence, if it is, in fact, a coincidence. Numbers also turn up as results when dividing the number of petals in a flower or the length and breadth of a tree leaf. If thats so, then why do they turn up in the images Rinaldi can see in an empty carrier signal? Her answer is that this number itself is kind of a recognition symbol. She believes that the images she is seeing are real because the number that is used to determine the points on the image is the same number that determines measurements on our bodies. In other words, the extraterrestrials are signaling to us mathematically, using a set of measurements that seem to be universal in their application. Rinaldi does not stop at just establishing the basis for her images. She is also trying o build a phonemic alphabet for deciphering the sound thats buried in the transmission she receives. In her own words, extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings are talking to her, and this has been going on through repeated experiments for over five years. As Sonias various reports indicate, she has been experimenting with different human subjects by putting them in front of the monitor and focusing a digital camera on them and then piping the image from that digital camera into a PC monitor. This, she says, allows the beings communicating through the carrier signal to recognize the human subjects and to comment on aspects of the subjects lives. For example, Rinaldi says, in one case, a man not only made contact with the spirit of his father, but the beings generated an image of the man on the PC monitor that showed what he would look like as an older person far in the future. For Sonia, this was an exciting revelation because she interpreted it to mean that these beings, far from being only limited to this time and place, might have the ability to see all time as a continuum, and thus project what they see into our present. Rinaldi writes that she is thrilled at the prospect at having made contact with creatures not of this dimension who can span time and space, and who can contemplate what the possibilities of this communication might be. UFO 40 April 2008

Aliens Out of


Whole Cloth?
Sonia Rinaldi
Sonia Rinaldi has been researching paranormal phenomena for almost twenty years. She has won many international awards for her work with instrumental transcommunication and is leading projects on extraterrestrial communications along with her team. She is also the founder of Agncia Nacional de Transcomunicadores (ANT), or the National Agency of Transcommunicators.

Instrumental Transcommunication: What Is It?

Instrumental transcommunication (ITC) is a technique that allows us to make contact with other dimensions through electronic equipment. Basically, we use the computer, software for voice recording, software for viewing videos, a video camera, plus CDs with phonemes and different materials that provide photons in order to be manipulated by beings from other dimensions. In many years of research we have realized that extraterrestrials use photons to create images and make themselves visible to us. The best way to provide photons is using an empty channel from a TV or a piece of colorful cloth so once the contact is established, the camera starts to film the creations over cloth or over the reflex of an empty TV channel. This is how we receive the images. It seems that the beings communicate to us through a station that is similar to a radio station, and we use the

recording technique to make contact to the station. This is when the manifestations start to happen. They also communicate through voice. We have a CD recorded with phonemes that dont mean anything, and it seems that the extraterrestrials need us to provide some kind of audible material so that they can manipulate it as they do with the photons. Thats how the voice starts to come out. When we hear the contacts that we have recorded, its possible to hear sentences that were not on the CD before. The sentences are a result of phoneme manipulation in real time.

The Extraterrestrial Images

After many years of working with the possibility of contact with extraterrestrials through ITC, we have finally managed to prove that these images come from another dimension and that the extraterrestrials send us images under a specific pattern. We UFO April 2008 41

gathered fifty images and had them analyzed by an expert, Silvia Rossoni. The analysis proved that they have the same face proportion: 1,618, which is a Phi number. The fact that the images obey this proportion and that the cameras catch the images in real time in thirty frames per second rigorously calculated under mathematical patterns excludes the possibility of random transmission. This is how we know that these images are not the result of random creation of the photon screen from the empty TV channel or the colorful piece of cloth but the result of photonic manipulation by intelligent beings.

The Phi number in Extraterrestrial Images

These are some of the images we have received through ITC that shows that the images of extraterrestrials also obey this pattern of proportion, the phi number: On the left, one frame of the paranormal video received; in this case, an image was created over cloth; in the middle, the contour for study was done by the architect Silvia Rossoni. On the right, follow the calculus: height of eyes to chin: 5.083 divided by 1.618 = 3.142, which is precisely the nose line; height of nose to chin: 3.142 divided by 1.618 = 1.942 which is precisely the mouth line.

The PHI number: 1.618


The Phi number or 1.618 is everywhere in nature. For example, in human body proportions, dividing the height of a person by 1.618 we will have the measure from umbilicus to feet; the measure of our waist divided by 1.618 will point to the line of knees; Phi determines the size of the bones of our fingers. Phi is also present in the number of petals of all flowers: there will always be either 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on petals. The Phi number is also present in the tree leaves: the proportion of the quantity of leaves in the top of the tree compared to the quantity of leaves in the bottom of it. In many many other things in nature, the Phi number is always there.

These phenomena are only five years old, and studies have just started. All in all, they seem to point out that a communication with unknown entities from unknown origin might be possible. It is clear that these beings want to emphasize that they have different abilities than ours and a superior science. They transmit not only through images, but they can speak as well. They make it clear that they want to keep contact with earth once and for all in a permanent way. Now it is our task to develop better conditions and technology to receive communications more adequate to their technology and observe from our side new phenomena and possibilities never before dreamed by mankind.


April 2008


n , a e m t ris r o me F n d u r n s e a n d , o o fC f e m i t l o s e o sis t B y. P A aly l g u o C l n o a rgo Uf Ca

We are not realists. We are not idealists. We are intermediatiststhat nothing is real, but that nothing is unreal: that all phenomena are approximations one way or the other between realness and unrealness. Like purgatory, I think.
Charles Fort, Wild Talents

by Colin Bennett
to differing planes of psychosocial formulation within different species in space-time and cultural development. Given such a theatre of multiple interactions, it is surprising that a dwindling number of ufologists strive with might and main to demonstrate in a very singular way that the Pentagon bureaucracy created the MJ-12 papers. It could be said that this is the equivalent to South Pacific cargo-cult tribes in 1920s believing that Christ had a thriving cargo business in Sydney, Australia. Such confusions abound. Major cultural elements are formed around such often comic distortions. For example, the universal use of the present tense in all cosmological discussions is a similar distortion; events which according to relativity happened long ago are described almost universally as happening in real timewhatever that meansin turn. Distortions of the same ilk include certain UFO communities talking about existing full relationships with alien intergalactic 43

Prologue The Saucers That Did Not Crash

If there have been UFO crashes, then it is reasonable to assume that there have been successful landings. If such vehicles contained intelligent live biological entities existing in some kind of active social order, then human culture has been contaminated by ideas and actions not formed by human consciousness. Given this situation, we have no means of knowing how far this penetration has been effective. Therefore we do not know what games may have been played by aliens and are still being played. We have to assume also that alien cultural levels will be in complex interaction with quite separate alien cultural levels; alien level A will be interacting with alien level B, C, D, and so on. We also have to assume that each one of such levels will be in turn relatively time-shifted in overall development. As we shall see in the following examination of cargo cults, confusions regarding image, symbol, and metaphor will abound due UFO

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communities as if they were describing a session at the U.N.; other authors are on first-name terms with aliens while others claim to know the names given to the once-alive aliens in Area 51. Some authors even claim that aliens are running the U.S. government. Now if we accept for a moment that there may be the tiniest shred of truth about such ideas, then in the light of what has been said previously about cultural contamination, such things as the MJ-12 papers and the claims of Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso in The Day After Roswell (Pocket Books, 1997) could indeed be a pattern of inscrutable alien gameplay instead of merely hot air from the Pentagon. It is absolutely of no use to believe in alien existence on one hand and not believe in alien plans and activities on the other. Perhaps the best argument for the claims of Colonel Corso is that by accidentRoswell circuitry, or designthe $100 computer, we ourselves have done to others what aliens may be doing to us. Because of technical and economic limitations, we gave to Third World countries the hand-cranked $100 computer, which is as good a piece of downtown cargo as any. In expressing such belief and ideas, Colonel Corso created a powerful modern techno-myth, as did George Adamski and the major contactees of the 1950s. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald, such people are now of permanent remembrance in Western culture. On this level, arguments based on simple fact versus fictional differentiation mean very little. For better or for worse, as narratives and scripts and personalities, Adamski and the contactees, just like some movie stars, have entered the unconscious; see my Adamski biography Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World (Paraview Press, 2001). Scientific propaganda has of course managed to identify myth with lies, whereas mythological thinking is the most powerful and most ancient means of communicating with the collective unconscious. Powerful myths are not that easy to create. Sim-

ple lies, downright frauds, and anarchist techno-fun such as SERPO and CHAD are more than plentiful in ufology, but they do not stick. A myth, however, is an expression of something created deep in the collective unconscious long before any performance script is ready for enactment. To assume that any of our suggested alien levels will be respectable images of what we consider to be the best of ourselves is the height of bourgeois scientific confidence. Contact will be no mean event. It is not likely that aliens will appear with a row of pens in their top pockets offering us the plain facts of the situation; plain facts being a metaphor derived from early Protestant work-ethic cultures of a most earthy kind. Neither will aliens come exuding astral light from their navels, or in the form of a good smooth UFO Scout such as Carl Sagan, the John DeLorean of Old Ufology, all ready for a primetime interview in which he will explain everything beyond the sun, moon, and stars. If we do see such things coming from the open hatch of a landed saucer, we should run for our lives before such deceptions bite our heads off. As well as play, which is universal throughout the animal kingdom, we can expect waste, crime, inefficiency from the alien, and all the ranges of frustrated ambition that define the human species. Generally speaking, films and science fiction do not show the alien in anything like such a sophisticated focus. He, she, or it is a B-feature monster or nothing at all, with very few exceptions such as The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) starring Dave Bowie, in which the alien is viewed with some pathos and psychological complexity. Concerning contact, multiple deceptions will be the order of the day. The control panels seen by both George Adamski and Betty and Barney Hill had slider potentiometers, large manual switches, and analogue displays. Adamskis control panels were pure Flash Gordon, quite outdated at the time of Adamskis contact. The control panels seen by Betty and Barney were more up-to-date, but still about to fade into history at the time of their abduction. If our own digital electronic development wiped out such vintage instrumentation very quickly, goodness only knows what changes any alien culture has gone through. Certainly they will not be using analogue high-impedance voltmeter displays! In this respect, mechanical categories of true or false do not apply. Like MJ-12, instrumentation is pure cultural theatre. The chance is that some intelligent active process is guessing, playing games with rough approximations. Such hardly quite-right mechanical inaccuracies in terms of phase-shifted technological eras could well be the key UFO


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to the abduction scenarios. They may well be tricks set up by aliens playing guessing games and often not guessing correctly. In this respect, MJ-12 could be a rather naff Matrix joke with which to set a thousand human hares achasing for pure amusement. Mechanical science is ill-equipped to deal with humour, entertainment, and such cultural deceptions; it sees the alien as a clever scientist, a bourgeois affectation if ever there was. Evolution is a dangerous and troublesome process with endless mistakes and blind alleys within it. All is hazard and uncertainty. There will be areas into which aliens have not ventured, areas in which they have failed, if only because any biomechanical framework lives and dies by risky and experimental systems analysis. This may involve guessing-games as how to trick system A into thinking it is system B in order to penetrate system C in order to rob its identity. This means that a living process can control and change an evolving agenda in the manner of phishing. Both the alien transistor and MJ-12 may fall into this category as stage-set signals for manoeuvres beyond our mental horizons. Certainly aliens will live and die by images rather than the objective facts of the human military-industrial world. Frequently, we ourselves use both our science and technology for such entertainment and guessing-games. In this area we ourselves become exhausted, careless, forgetful, and very often bored and angry. Our media and advertising programs control us in this way. There is no reason to think that aliens will avoid this mental consumerism, and they may be using ourselves as pawns in all kinds of software modelling involving many levels of belief manipulation. Even in our own world, honest mistakesnever mind cheating and criminal activitycause much confusion. Attempts to cover up misbehavior and crime make the situation even more complex with respect to what aliens may be doing to us, and what in turn we may be doing to them, if only boring them stiff in turn, which could be conceived as a null game. We have also to consider what is the alien equivalent to our own experience of the rapid obsolescence of technology. Military, media, and domestic sectors are now somewhat reflective of one anothers technological requirements. There is already much confusion in regard to the definition of a weapon. In the techgnosis frame, a weapon may vary from a tank to a TV program. The whole mass-suggestion complex of consumerUFO

ism and advertising could indeed be considered as weaponry in the sense that changed minds are far more useful than battlefield corpses. As distinct from a corpse, the changed mind can make more films, images, narratives, and scripted adventures in the manner of a metaphysical hatchery. A human being as such a program-absorbing meme-breeder, is far more useful alive than dead.

Mistakes, Morons, and Mars

Whether tying a shoelace or causing intercontinental war, life is always going wrong. This chronic instability is a cause of lifesaving humor to the human race, without which human beings would be mere ticks on a biological clock. Humor can make every single one of us look absolutely ridiculous. We are so chastened in order to be mentally re-birthed. There is absolutely no need to think that alien culture will be, or is, any different. They may slip on banana-skins and be as comically outrageous as are many human beings. To lay therefore a straight line on aliens is as dangerous as assuming they are all equally intelligent and all po-faced as is any serious researcher. The thought that aliens might not be completely intent on giving us spiritual enlightenment or even know what such a thing is will come as a relief to some earthlings but not to others. That any alien indeed might be even more ridiculous than ourselves is a thought accepted by almost nobody at all, especially those dour commissars of Old Ufology with rows of pens in their top pockets who talk about reality as it were a set of production statistics from Walter Ulbrichts rusty-industrial East Germany. It may turn out that a laugh from Britney Spears is considered by aliens to be far more significant and important than any database from an over-earnest industrial class. We must prepare ourselves to consider that contact may be intellectually disappointing in this respect. 45

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In this sense, the films Morons from Outer Space (1985), the TV series Alf (1986-1990), Alien from LA (1988), Mars Attacks (1996), and Gremlins (1984) are probably better at expressing what contact may mean than Old Ufologists stuck with the factversus-fiction battles within their old mechanical-industrial selves. Daft-as-a-brush events of course are not allowed within the bourgeois-scientific spectrum, since the universeand hence Godcould not possibly be silly. Sensible footwear is the order of the day within ultraconservative Victorian Station Masters of a ufological yesteryear. In that the characters of these cartoon films are already in our heads and impossible to remove, the aliens are here already. The aliens are a process. Their images in our heads are already networking and there is nothing we can do about it. At the moment they are neither fact nor fiction, but liminal. We know they are coming. We are expecting them. Like Platos cave-shadows, reality is a moveable feast along a scale of psychosocial allowances, ranging between the limits of absolute fact and absolute fiction. In this sense we must drop the idea of absolute mechanical distinctions and look at highly unstable media forms representing new concepts of matter and information. Such memes are becoming the quasi-material base of our burgeoning Entertainment State, where, for better or for worse, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are far more important than the coke-oven statistics of yesteryear. Jungs words in Memories, Dreams, Reflections (Vintage Books, 1965) come to mind concerning media: The symbol becomes intercalated into the cycle of corporeal changes. In Old ufology however, media does not appear to have arrived. The result is that apart from Corso, Roswell is usually investigated as some kind of traffic accident.

confronts us with absurdity. As an increasingly common experience, it is a holistic flux of culture, society, media, and yes, God forbid! our Entertainment State. In this respect, Old Ufology must be deconstructed from bottom to top. It must transfer from boiler-house analyses to a new age where transcendental experiences, defined as things which transcend the common fact, are seen to consist of holistic components. In these elements, all information is media, and both language and culture are constellated as advertising systems. In such systems, objective solidity is the most perfect prime-time performance of all. All of these reference frames and psychosocial screens are essentially elaborate, fuzzy play systems. Alien contact will certainly entail meeting a multiple display of such systems. Scientists, who are absolutely hopeless when faced with humour, absurdity, or raw human experience, do not understand that in this respect, the idea of Truth in terms of hard-wired practicality will be almost meaningless as it regards alien mentality, or indeed any other mentality. The system-noise of trash, waste, and fantasies is functional in such essentially anarchic multimedia systems. However, Mind conceived as a terrible mess and not as a set of grocers rules is not a politically correct view. Isolated from a holistic context, the UFO experience is meaningless. However, that trading world, from which almost all practical scientists come, wants what it has bought and paid for: a stable order of things. Very few good Protestant scientists would enjoy finding themselves investigating the ass-end of a declining Howdy Do-Dee show. If we consider such a noisy holistic view in terms of a cargocult model, then we shall not only get any human/alien interface in a better perspective, we will also get our first idea of how such an interface with alien intelligence might function.

The Alien Is Fuzzy

As just one anomaly amongst anomalies, the UFO experience 46

The very first ships to enter the Pacific were soon full of dead men. Quite lost, becalmed, torn apart by storms, wasted by disease, the crews of such primitive wooden ships stood no chance against the savage moods of the seemingly limitless Pacific. Their bones, planking, spars, and shredded sails washed up on countless beaches, meeting the UFO

Part 1 Me Dream Time Cargo Now

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wondering gaze of natives whose tribal life had been static for thousands of years. This is a good model of we now call contact between communities whose cultures were thousands of years apart. The curiosity, the misunderstanding, the lack of a framework of interpretation all contributed to the fear of what to natives were perplexing abstractions. These are typical reactions within what we ourselves now call the UFO experience. There are now catalogues of thousands of such experiences in the last fifty years alone, and all of them exhibit similar kinds of native reactions in a modern context. Thus, the first experience of what we now call contact between human communities on very different time scales of culture and technology was one of almost complete fragmentation. It is unlikely that natives saw any kind of significance regarding what curiosities may have been noticed and picked up from the shore. A few may have wondered about a curiously shaped iron fragment, a piece of turned and slotted wood, or a shredded fragment of woven rope, just as we wonder about Dr. Roger Leirs alleged alien implants. According to Corso, this is the way in which we came across transistors. They were detritus from the Roswell wreckage. By analogy, this is a very strong argument which put ourselves in the native position. Those South Pacific islanders who first saw live men as distinct from dead were in for a surprise. The ships that entered these distant waters were exclusively pirate vessels crewed by criminals fleeing from Western navies for every reason under the sun. They could not enter ports, they had no supply lines, they were forever on the run, and they used desperate and murderous methods to survive. The first reaction of natives at seeing such desperadosboth white and blackpulling ashore in long boats was violence, mainly sponsored by panic and fear. The crews, racked by scurvy, dysentery, and starvation, were desperate for water, vegetables, and fruit. According to 1719 voyager George Shelvoke, the crews soon worked out a scheme to ensure safe landing. They fashioned fantastic masks and clothing, got into boats fully armed, and screaming and howling like banshees, they made for shore. Such men were anything but holy beings come to offer the natives the glory of their Western culture and the holiness of their hearts affections. We can imagine a mad cook, a psychopathic bosun, a halfdead coxswain, a murdering mate, and a few young palsied matelots with scrofula, fleas, and sore bottoms. The alien equivalent is to such a menagerie defies imagination! Terrified at seeing such things, entire villages fled UFO

into the bush to create fantastic stories of magical beings with incredible devices voyaging in wondrously rigged ships. Thus were created legends of the space ships of demons, space not being so much in the sky, but instead represented by the limitless and quite impenetrable horizon. At times, gift-offerings of food and fresh water were left for the gods, and natives took good note that these were eagerly consumed before the holy ones sailed away into the far horizon, with not a few captured slavesmen, women, and children aboard. There were also a considerable number of dead bodies left behind, bodies of both the pirates and those natives who had ventured too close to the aliens. Such men and ships were not to return for centuries, leaving natives with mysteries beyond all conception. That the gods in their highly sophisticated ships appeared to be somewhat desperate, ragged, quite lost, and even frightened was baffling to natives. That some were also sick and ill and obviously limited in many other respects illustrated the differences between time, image, and technological achievement. The same questions are asked today: If the aliens could do one thing so well, why not another? Such mysteries were profound. Nothing made sense. Thus primitive people, quite naked under the sun; without the wheel, tools, writing, and with a very crude language, experienced therefore the full dimension of UFO mythology in terms of culture shock: abductions, fantastic appearances, disreputable and often murderous behavior, and a technology which appeared to be quite magical on one hand and quite useless on another. In the native mind such experiences were impossible to grasp and define in terms of any kind of unified field.

Fractals in Collision
Before the modern phase of continuous contact, daily experience had been pretty unchanged. Scoresperhaps hundreds of years had passed by between visitations. The event of contact

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perienced any kind of exactly repeatable sequence of any kind, in either nature or life. In addition they heard the crackle of radios and early recorded sound on portable wind-up gramophones.

Media Interpreting Media

We have only to extrapolate the Corso and Adamski stories alone into this framework of multiple confusions to see how the whole mess was soon lit up with awe and religious fervor. The projected cargo fantasies of the natives piled misinterpretations piled upon misconceptions and became integrated into holy tribal ancestral architecture rather like the Christian Orders of Angels. That the cargo-gods had a similar tribal architecture themselves was a nice consideration heavily masked by the alien-gods material success. In this respect, this situation is not described adequately by the simple equations of fact transforming into fantasy. The cargo culture might indeed be in the grip of untold fantasies, but then so were the young Western sailors of the time in terms of the mass media they had begun to absorb: films, advertising, radio shows, and burgeoning consumerism. This two-state transfer makes for a very interesting alchemical analogy. In this situation, we have junk systems transforming into other junk systems. This unique mental traffic replaces all thought of the fact-versus-fiction axis of the old analogue world. The idea of a religion founded on junk in the mental gut is a frightening concept to many people of religious convictions in the West. Could our own so-called enlightenment have been inspired by alien detritus, some of which might have given a few last feeble bleeps before fading away to the last Reject Store in the sky? Could this kind of mutual image-absorption be an historical process still active?

became therefore like a newspaper under heavy rain: bits of stories disintegrated rapidly, the interrelation of the textual fabric became increasingly disorganised, the gaps in stories filled by guesses, dreaming, and imagination. Continuous sustained contact between the two World Wars was yet another experience. It destroyed all native ideas of time as conceived: Time became a dramatic continuum full of spectacular events, staged within what appeared to be within an endless sequence of profound stimulations and excitements beyond all compass. This was an experience of many Matrix fractals in collision; again, rather like the absurd elements within the modern UFO experience. After the World War I, the first iron-hulled steamships arrived in the South Pacific. Lit from stem to stern by electric light, making a great noise, and pouring white steam from huge funnels, this must have been a tremendous experience for natives and was equivalent to seeing a sudden change in the technology of the gods, whose traditional sailing ships of course were very different to the steamers. In return for work unloading ships, natives were given knives, axes, nails, and cloth in addition to new food plants. These gifts from the gods became cargo, if only because the crews of ships were heard to use this word many times. It was quickly noticed that whilst the visitors got unlimited cargo, the natives got very little, and only in return for back-breaking physical labor. Since natives had no idea of any kind of a resources spectrum, cargo appeared to come in great quantities from nowhere. It was therefore magical. Reinforcing the idea of magic were stills and shaky frames from cameras. For the first time, the natives saw themselves at work and play. Immediately, the interpretation was that they were seeing themselves in other dimensions of existence. This was a belief which whites found surprisingly difficult to deny or explain! The repeatable runs of film-frames also caused much philosophical speculation as regards time, space, and technology. As we shall see in the case of canned food, the natives had not ex48

Rehearsals of Rehearsals
We can build yet another level of complexity into our model. In the 1950s many of the sons and daughters of the servicemen of World War II got involved in the New Age movement. This meant that they were as interested in aboriginal native perception of things as the cargo cult societies were interested in our own mysterious thought processes. This New Age generation rejected their own culture based in the main on those products of scientific rationalism which conversely were so magical to the cargo cults. There wasand still isintriguing symmetry here. Natives were anxious to leave their junk behind; the New Agers were anxious to pick it up, gaze at it in wonder searching for spiritual inspiration. Two eyes gazed therefore at their own junk in wonder; two seeing eyes trying to perceive the secrets of the others cargo. Did the lost spirituality become for New Agers their own cargo? To answer these questions, we have to deconstruct the entire theory of Intelligent Deign. How many such seeing eyes of this type exist beyond the natives, humanity, and aliens themselves is a good question. Since the values of our own Western society are now a limitless, media-play of little worth, does our own junk in turn fascinate some alien? In this sense Old ufology based on simple mechanical differentiation of fact from fiction is useless in the face of such interactive metaphysical and cultural complexity. UFO

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were broken radio and radar sets that they hoped would burst into life some day because of their prayers. Flanking items of rusty military equipment were tins of old U.S. rations, sausages, fruit, and soup. On festive occasions a few of these cans were opened and the contents placed upon tongues, rather like Catholic wafers.

The Coming of the Product

Natives were very much impressed by the military rations they were given in return for manual labour. For the U.S. military, the type of food content was usually printed directly onto the cans, together with the date. But early on in the war, such was the demand that prewar canned stock with colored labels had to be issued. Such labels soon rotted off the rusting piles of emptied cans. Natives kept these stained and torn visions of an inconceivable paradise as glimpses into other dimensions. Hence these images of a life lost even to the manufacturers entered the native unconscious as an eternal present. Seen also through the estranged perspectives of deterioration were cars and aircraft, buildings, bridges, and clothing of a time predating the World War II. The often-garish graphics showed a prewar America, which in some cases, not even the young American troops could recall. Thus was formed a kind of participation mystique between the natives and the characters and fragments of cartoon lives seen on the cans. That this homely cartoon life had already disappeared from mainstream U.S. culture was hardly explainable to natives. The almost identical physical proportions of such cans also aroused great curiosity amongst the natives. This was their first encounter with what we can define as a product range as distinct from a singular thing. Great numbers of almost identical things was a new concept to them. Each unit of previous experience has character, a face, and a unique self indeed. Each individual leaf on a tree had a certain character, as had indeed every grain of sand on the shore. Yet, parad o x i c a l l y, t h o u g h each of these tins might be identical on the outside, they had certain ranges of differences when opened. 49

Part 2 Is You Receiving Me?

During the fast and furious island-hopping campaign against the Japanese in World War II, American land, sea, and air units used many islands in the South Pacific as temporary bases, as did the Japanese. Often these frenzied activities offered only the briefest of encounters with very primitive native populations who could do nothing but gaze on in wonder as a carrier task force emerged from the dawn, and tank landing craft hit the beach with scores of aircraft screaming overhead. The savage fight for Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands was a typical battle. The U.S. forces moved on quickly, preparing themselves for the great battles of Okinawa, Taiwan, and Iwo-Jima. Many islands were abandoned, the supplies and men taken off rapidly in ships and transport aircraft, never to return. Vast amounts of material were left behind; the harassed U.S. forces did not have the time nor the inclination to clean up all kinds of waste and rubbish from workshop, accommodation, and canteen litter. Left to rust was faulty equipment that was not worth repairing, parts of crashed and damaged aircraft, and base junk of any and every kind, including abandoned food, fuel, and clothing stocks. Most of these obscure island tribes were forgotten after 1945. An exhausted world was preoccupied with building an entirely new future. Interest in the culture of these islands revived when in the late 1960s fascinating reports from missionaries and a new generation of young anthropologists began to arrive from the West. What they found in many cases was quite astonishing. Many tribes had fashioned whole and complete new religions based on their very brief experience of contact with the U.S. military. They had built churches of old aircraft-parts that they regarded as holy relics left by the gods. On the altars of such churches UFO

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The link between uniform faceless precision and sets of different limitless variety was a strange enigma. Seen in terms of cultural time-differentials, the content of the cans represented sustenance and pleasurethe very essence of the subtle magic of cargo whose long-vanished product chain was organized by a transactional mystique just as incomprehensible to most young Westerners of the time as it was to natives. As far as ufology is concerned, cultural misinterpretation and the necessary confusions therein should therefore be modelled in preference to simple mechanical facts versus fictions. Not many historians make models of cultural confusions. The chauvinist/racist assumption is that only the primitives are confused. Those of a scientific disposition in particular think of certainties, discoveries, forward progress in time; almost no scientists or historians conceive of media, consumerism, and science itself in the West as operational mythologies very similar to cargo-cult thinking. In this sense, even the military-industrialcomplex can be seen in terms of a cosmos whose mythological time is very different to time conceived as a mere mechanical sequence of days and hours.

there are very few actual Zeros or Avengers in flying condition. Already, without metaphysics or theology, the situation as described is becoming symbolically rather complicated for an observer who has not yet invented the wheel, never mind agriculture or primitive navigation. Our simple situation is becoming symbolically rather complex with regard to how we structure the real. Here are imitations within imitations fighting yet other imitations. The four aircraft mentioned are already subliminal filmstrips within the Western imagination. We cannot rid ourselves of such flying machines and their background any more than we can rid ourselves of James Bond or Charlie Chaplin, whose adventures are still running in our heads as we read and speak. Each newborn child, whether he likes it not, is going to have such aircraft in the head as operational software. Amongst countless other magical configurations, kits will be sold, models made, dreams will be dreamed indeed of battles long ago way before a spoon is lifted to the mouth. As well as being finite things, such machines are therefore major historical elements. They trail social psychology, science, and technology, as well as vales of tears and grief regarding the living and the dead. These shapes and sounds are therefore direct routes back to the almost-past of Western technological culture. Our holistic life threads right back through these aircraft and these mighty struggles to the Industrial Revolution via the development of engines, carburetors, propellers, rudders, and undercarriages. Can we be objective with tears in our eyes before the vast hosts of the dead?

Consider: A cargo-cult believer wakes up one morning in 2008 to see a film company on a beach shooting a dogfight between a F-51 Mustang fighter and a F-47 Thunderbolt. Such aircraft would inevitably be re-builds, fashioned from many parts of wrecked World War II aircraft plus modern parts built from original blueprints. These classic planes would be on hire either from private owners or from the equally private Confederate Air Force of the United States. Now let us suppose this combat represents a fight between a Japanese Zero and a Douglas Avenger, simply because now 50

Part 3 The Film Crews Arrive

However, how would our native conceive of such socio-historical-technological scaling, with all its complex history and its many dimensions? How could we explain that though the aircraft mentioned are now static in one form of time, in another form of time they represent ever-evolving adventures in the head? Further possible confusions abound as the fractals of perception open. Suppose our islander knows of a long-forgotten B-29 buried deep in the bush, and suppose the film-company carpenters built parts of a fuselage of a mock B-29 for this supposed war film before his very eyes, indeed? Mentally, his mind would be like a smashed telephone exchange. What would he make of our concepts of fact and fiction and infinite scaling of Sartres being and nothingness in between? Supposing one of our mock-mock aeroplanes were to develop engine trouble and crash to the ground, killing the pilot whose ancestors might well have happened to have flown the original planes in the original situation over the very same island? What measurements are possible here? What time, what clocks, and what measuring rods? Next, let us imagine that as part of our film a great naval task force appears offshore to land Marines. Let us suppose that blanks of varying dramatic power are fired, and the dead fall to the beach, only to get up again and head for the refreshment tent! UFO

Fractal Aeroplanes: the Forms of Time

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What a pickle out native philosopher would be in! He would hear radios, he would see women, he would smell fuel, and he would see many men as black indeed as himself. However, he would not know that the whole dimension was a stage set. He would not know that what he was seeing was part of a system organized to produce and supply a series of artificial images without which almost all battery-fed human beings in the West would suffer withdrawal symptoms. Supposing now a UFO flies overhead, as has happened. The film crew are now in the position of our native, who wont be bothered much, because in all likelihood he will equate the UFO with the Mustang and the Thunderbolt just as the dead pilot was actually shot down by the mock-Zero. The double trick is that the film crew themselves do not understand such paths in any case, due to internal differences of class, education, and intelligence. If we build further into our model a theory of fallibilities and mistakes, then we have a reasonable degree of sophistication emerging involving a model of alien/human interaction. Supposing our observed UFO above is from alien level A. There is of course going to be alien level B or C, as well. When the mistakes of level A are compounded with the mistakes of alien level B and summed to infinity with succeeding levels, consciousness and culture become something rather like the manifold life on an old garden wall. Now supposing one of the film aircraft actually crashed near where the film shooting is taking place. Supposing the pilot is killed, but his observer is alive, although injured. The body of the pilot and his injured observer on a stretcher are both put momentarily alongside plastic models of dead and apparently severely injured Marines on stretchers. What would our native think of crude fact and fiction separations then, with large and small robots everywhere moving between the living, the mockdead, and almost-dead? What if an enterprising film director decided to film the entire confused scene complete with the still-blazing wreckage of the mock aircraft? How would our curious native deal with these levels of pseudo-illusions which turn fact into fiction and vice versa? Alone, he would also have to deal with the idea of accurate falsehoods manoeuvring between different sets of commercial trickery whose authenticity has to be real in order to generate that abstraction called paper money. Let us imagine that our native sees himself imagining and wondering and questioning on the many flat-screen monitors within the film unit, and the situation becomes completely liminal. Like ourselves indeed, our native islander, bless him, is surrounded by varying levels of pantomime. Like ourselves, he will not know where the hoaxes start and the associated advertisements finish. When we meet extraterrestrial aliens, we will be in exactly the same position. Perhaps for both the alien, the islander, and ourselves, experience is a matter of having to work and organise that wondermanagement system called explanations. Explanations help us to get some sleep at night. In the morning they are gone. Many cases have occurred in which islanders have asked Western folk to explain things. When this is attempted they are suspicious and think they are being lied to, and surely we do not blame them!

O n e thing is certain: We have to discard many of our late Vi c t o r i a n ideas rooted in inputs, outputs, and information that travels in straight, hardwired lines such as trains and wires s t r u n g between poles. Consciousness is pure theatre without end. This is what holistic means. This kind of thinking is suitable to an age of media where every single stage of perception is rootedsome say contaminated in wall-to wall performances for which there is no possible offswitch. We ourselves and the alien live in a mythological continuum just as much as do our primitive islanders. This is the true Matrix.

Eventually of course, our film crew, like the old gods, will sail away never to return. They will leave a layer of detritus over that left by the American forces over sixty-four years ago. Only the advertisements on the labels of the discarded tins will be laughing. The happy smiling Betty Grable-style housewives of 1943 with steaming apple pies in their innocent hands will have been replaced by svelte young women who appear to be offering us a lot more than cans of preserved strawberries. That we in turn might be worshipping a preserved version of someone elses sugar-plumb fairy is a sobering thought indeed. However, perhaps back in the thatched huts, the tribal seer is laughing his head off. Perhaps he knows, like Shakespeares Prospero, that the world of the imagination is the only world that counts. Western society has its own cargo dreamtime called intellectual consumerism. This is that pantomime of facts and fictions and many things in between struggling upwards to get to that media Valhalla called Prime Time. If any aliens are reading this, I think they will understand. As media stars, they too are struggling to get to the same objective. UFO


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The Man on B

Joshua P. Warren
When the Sci Fi Channel taped a pilot with Coast to Coast AMs host George Noory, Noory knew he had to pick an excellent guest or two in order to sell the show. He wisely picked North Carolinas prodigal son Joshua P. Warren, host of Speaking of Strange, a popular radio show heard every Saturday night for three hours on WWNC in Asheville, North Carolina. Because of Joshs unique vocal talents and his ability to find the best bizarre stories of the week, the program has become the most listened-to in its prime-time slot. The show also has a huge internet fan base that allows it to be heard over hill and dale. To be honest, Josh is one of my best all-time paranormal buddies. We can share a beerI drink rum or vodka myselfa corned-beef sandwich and shoot the breeze for hours. Recently, Josh showed up in my New York City penthouse pad while on assignment to shoot a super-secret motion picture project. I decided to set up a camera, planning to use the video for an ongoing series titled Our Alien Planet, loosely based on the book that I coauthored with Sean Casteel recently and which is available through Filament Books or directly from said coauthor. As you can see, we covered a variety of subjects, but I focused most of my attention on Joshs investigation of the Brown Mountain Lights, a phenomenon that has attracted intense attention for decades. Josh became interested in stories of the 52 fleeting lights when he was still quite young. In fact, Warren started doing everything when he was knee-high to a tadpole. For example, at age 13 he wrote his first book. Since then, he has authored six others, including Haunted Asheville (Shadowbox, 1996) and How to Hunt Ghosts: A Practical Guide (Fireside, 2003). He is also an independent film maker, having produced the 2001 feature Inbred Rednecks and the short Night in a Haunted House. He has worked with the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS networks and affiliates He is also the founder of the League of Energy Materialization and Unexplained Phenomena Research (LEMUR), a research team he assembled for the sake of his numerous paranormal investigations, and has developed sensitive electronic equipment to attempt to validate his and the teams findings. He is a one-man workhorse and deserves untold credit for his continuing research and his ability to reach a public fascinated by his determination to probe the heart of the unknown. Recently, he hopped onto the lecture circuit with Jim Marrs and Nick Redfern, hitting several cities. Josh always seems to have fresh ideas and a public willing and eager to hear what he has to say. Readers are invited to check out his websites www. SpeakingOfStrange.com and www.BrownMountainLights.com. UFO

April 2008

n Brown Mountain
Beckley: We are speaking with Joshua P. Warren, the famed ghost hunter and expert on the Brown Mountain Lights of North Carolina and host of Speaking of Strange, broadcast every Saturday night on the internet and on radio station Warren: [Imitates radio announcer voice:] News Radio 570, WWNC, the Talk of the Mountains. Beckley: There you go. And Josh, you and I actually met under somewhat peculiar circumstances that had nothing to do with the paranormal. We both also make movies. You and I are B-movie makers. And you have made a movie that youre proud of called Inbred Rednecks. Warren: Oh, Im proud of it? Beckley: And we were both at a horror conference, a kind of B-movie festival held outside of Syracuse. So far outside of Syracuse that we cant even tell you what the name of the town was. Although surprisingly enough, I think that President Clinton went to that same town about two weeks later, so it must be a melting pot of the upstate New York area. But anyway, it was held in a little catering hall, and few people attended. And it was a sweltering day, if I remember. So you and I met in the bar, and we talked B-movies, not realizing that you were one of the greatest parapsychologists and UFO researchers, and I certainly did not know that you were a ghost hunter until I found you many months later in a used book store. Warren: Yeah. Isnt that weird? Beckley: So we missed an opportunity to talk about all this stuff. Of course, Ive been a guest on the show on and off over the years and its a wonderful program. And were going to interview you for our continuing series of videos called Our Alien Planet. So Josh, how did you become a ghost hunter? Warren: Well, I started by writing fictional ghost stories and other spooky tales when I was just a teenager, about fourteen, fifteen years old. And because of that, I got a job working for the local newspaper, and my first article came out around Halloween. So, it seemed natural to write a story about places in the area that are supposedly haunted. And oddly enough, no one had ever written a book of actual ghost stories, so when some of these articles came out, there was a great response. People really enjoyed them, started calling me, sending me letters, telling me about other places I should investigate. Beckley: And little did they know that you were fifteen. Warren: At the time, they had no idea. Beckley: Of course, I started out too when I was thirteen. And here we are now at nineteen or twenty. Warren: So it seemed natural to eventually compile them together into a book, and the more I interviewed people who had experienced the paranormal, the more convinced I became that maybe there was something more to all of the stories rather than some just purely subjective experience like an hallucination or their imagination. I interviewed a chief of police and judges and doctors, people who had nothing to gain and if anything, a lot to lose, by admitting to these experiences. So when I really started taking it seriously is when I started UFO

Interview by Timothy Green Beckley

my team LEMUR, which stands for the League of Energy Materialization and Unexplained Phenomena Research. Its a team of people who have various backgrounds and we all go together to places where something strange has been reported and divide the task of gathering data and try to determine if indeed there is something we can measure or document that is inexplicable. Beckley: Now, what is the case that was most convincing, that proves to you that there was something paranormal going on? Warren: Well, there are at least two or three that stand out in my mind. For example, the first time I ever saw something that really struck me in an impressive way was objects flying off walls at a house in South Carolina. Sort of poltergeist-type activity. In fact, I saw a little ceramic dove hanging on the wall more or less explode off of the wall, right in front of me. All the pieces hit the floor, and I was so impressed by that that I said I want to come back to this house with as many cameras as I can find and not leave until I shoot some of this. And we did. The team went back, and we ended up getting some footage which is actually freely available on our website of a meter that weighs about a pound, a tri-field natural EM meter sitting in the corner of the room. You hear the meter squeal as it picks up some electromagnetic field, and then the meter actually moves, 53

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or some might say was knocked, forward and then up on its side, two perpendicular lines of motion. So that was impressive, but I think the number one would have to be the one and only time I have actually seen an apparitional form with my naked eyes, and was even able to touch it. Beckley: You touched it? Warren: Yeah, I touched a ghost. I would say Ive been to between five hundred and a thousand places that are supposedly haunted. Beckley: Well, lets not run away from this so quickly, although maybe you did at the time. How did you touch the ghost? Warren: Since this is the only time that Ive ever seen something like this, I was completely mesmerized. I was in the attic of a house. The young lady who lived there contacted me because she had been seeing this misty form floating around the house. Sometimes it would look to her more distinctly like a human. She even called 911 the first time she saw this figure, thinking that someone had broken into her house. So she started seeing this thing appearing in her bedroom, and it frightened her and she wanted to move. She was going back and forth debating whether or not something could be done to stop the activity. Finally, she woke up at 4:30 in the morning and this thing was in the bed with her. So she said, Screw this! Im getting out of here. She left and called me, and thats when I agreed to come and investigate her house. Now, I am not a ghost buster or an exorcist. I dont know that there is necessarily a way that you can get rid of a ghost. Im just there to try to understand as much as possible about the activity. So the second time I was at her house, I was up in the attic with another researcher. I was actually about to leave; wed been up there for a little while. And the other researcher said, Josh, look! I turned around, and he and I were about three feet away from each other. And right there between us was this blue-gray mist, just floating in the air. It was a patch that was maybe two to three feet, and Ill never forgetone thing that was so strange about itwas that unlike smoke, which has some sort of swirls and curls, it had facets almost like a gem. These flat panels that were still sort of 54

shifting around. Ive never seen a structure quite like it. Beckley: That kind of sounds like the UFO that supposedly landed in Bentwaters. Do you know the case in England? A very famous case where the military Warren: Yeah, the glowing thing. Beckley: Well, it had panels. Warren: Yeah, Id like to go and study that case a little more now that you mention that possible connection. So I reached out to touch it, because again I was just mesmerized. And I was actually in retrospect wasting valuable time, because I should have had all my meters up there takingbut no, I was just face to face with this thing. Both of us were. We were looking at this from two opposite sides, and it was three-dimensional. So I reached out and touched it, and when my hand broke the surface of this mist, the facets kind of shifted and rippled a little bit around my hand. It was very cold in the middle, and it made the hair stand up on the back of my hand. And when I withdrew my hand, it sort of popped back into place. It was amazing. So it started to dim after about twenty or thirty seconds. And it wasnt until it began to dim that I realized, Oh, my Gosh, I need to take a picture. So I had my digital camera around my neck, and I snapped a photograph of this form just before it disappeared. So I dont have a photo that shows it as distinctly as it looked to us, but still you can see it. Beckley: Were talking more about something that looks like an object rather than a disembodied spirit. Warren: Well, I guess thats the question, really. Was this what we would call a disembodied spirit? Is a ghost a disembodied spirit? Not necessarily. For example, we have ghosts of inanimate objects as well. You have ghostly ships, stage coaches, as well as the horses pulling them. So I dont know that that was the spirit of a dead person, but my definition of a ghost is some paranormal aspect of a physical form and/or mental presence that appears to exist apart from the original physical form. And that word appears is integral, because it shows you that you might not always be able to differentiate seeing a ghost from a hallucination. In other cases, it could be something that is a remnant of the past, an imprint. Or in some cases it could simply be an atmoUFO

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spheric phenomenon that isnt understood. So for the time being, we think of it according to that definition. Beckley: So UFOs could be ghosts by your definition? Warren: Absolutely, yes. UFOs could be considered ghosts. Certainly, I would say ghostly. Theres an interesting connection there between UFOs and ghosts because whatever these UFOs are, if they do indeed demonstrate some of the qualities that people talk aboutattaining very high speeds, or sort of materializing and then vanishingwhatever they are or wherever theyre from, whether or not they themselves are conscious or being operated by conscious beings, the operators of the UFOs understand how to manipulate matter and energy. Because at some level, the physicality of the manifestation is irrelevant. Because if you can master using matter and energy enough to utilize it for a vehicle, whether they came from another dimension or another planet, then also that applies perhaps to understanding more about what a human is and whether or not there are aspects of ourselves that can still remain once this physical layer is shed. So you can sort of see a connection there between understanding more about UFOs and understanding ghosts, as well as considering that even with basic space travel, if we send men to Mars using linear propulsion and a linear path, we have to understand what happens to the human body being subjected to those kinds of forces for that period of time. And learning more about what a human is and how a human is composed in space/time and how that can be affected by traveling through space/time in extreme ways all relate to these questions of exactly what is reality. And these phenomena seem to be good examples of rare glimpses of things that we might someday master technologically ourselves. Beckley: So its time travel? Warren: I think theres a great possibility that were looking at some time travel here. For one thing, we know that time travel is possible. We know that time is a flexible thing and that a clock in your basement runs slower than a clock in your attic because the one in your basement is closer to the earths gravitational field. So knowing that time travel is feasible, the only other question is will it ever be possible for a human to actually time travel into the past? And if not a human, then something comparable to a human. Because if ever, ever in the infinite future some intelligent being is going to figure out how to time-travel back into the past, well, then it seems perfectly reasonable that they have done so and may even be controlling us to some extent to the benefit of their future world. So if indeed beings are ever going to learn how to travel into the past, then we can safely presume they probably have done so. They probably are here, or at least they have been here and may even be manipulating events now to the benefit of their future world. Maybe its sort of a paranoid mindset, you could say, but one might make the case that we are being controlled by people from the future and theres nothing we can do about it. Beckley: Now there is archeological evidence that either some other race occupied the planet at some time in the distant past, before there were supposed to be humans being here. Or some people theorize that there may be proof of time travelers going back into the ancient past. Have you seen evidence of that? Warren: Ive seen it in books. I know that Brad Steiger has UFO

written a lot about some of the fossilized tennis shoe prints or spark plugs that are found in layers of rock. And if indeed those are valid fossils, then I think it is a wonderful example of the fact that we may reach a point when people are frequently traveling back thousands of years ago. For all we know, the Bible and all of these other ancient texts may have actually been written by future time travelers who were trying to change our morals and ethics in some way, beginning thousands of years ago. Because religion is the earliest form of government. So once you go down that road, of course, anything is possible. And thats frustrating for a lot of people. They dont want to talk about it because they say, well, whats the point? If people from the future are coming back into the past, then you can explain everything that way, and its just too convenient. Okay, so be it. But that still doesnt mean that its not the case. Beckley: I guess this is also a ghostly phenomenon. Youre the worlds leading authority on the Brown Mountain Lights, which is a phenomenon thats been seen for hundreds of years in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I was down there myself many years ago with Jim Moseley and Allen Greenfield and quite a few other individuals. And we staked out the Brown Mountain Lights. We didnt see too much that was strangemaybe one flash of light off in the woods which may or may not have been a Brown Mountain Light. But we did have the opportunity to meet with this gentleman who was the local contactee by the name of Ralph Lael who had a little convenience store, a little shack, I guess you would call it, and a little man under the counter; we dont know whether he was a pygmy or something from another planet. But Ralph claimed that he was in contact on a regular basis with the beings who resided, or had a base at least, inside the mountain. And to convince us of the truth of his stories, he had boxes full of giant crystals which were used as some energizing device or something by the aliens. Or perhaps by himself to entice people to buy his little booklet for a buck and a quarter and a bottle of Diet Coke. It seems almost like at every locale of this nature you always find one or two individuals who have some interesting story to tell. But how did you first find out about the Brown Mountain Lights? 55

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Warren: Well, having lived in western North Carolina my whole life, Id always heard legends growing up regarding the Brown Mountain Lights. In fact, there was a popular bluegrass song that was sung in the 1950s, sort of a hit in our region, called The Ballad of the Brown Mountain Lights. My father, he used to talk about it quite a bit because he liked the song. And so when I was around twelve or thirteen, my parents took me and my sister over to the overlook. Beckley: Is that plaque still there? Warren: No. Supposedly theres a plaque somewhere on the parkway that has been recently put up, but not at the overlook that I usually go tothe 181 Overlook. Its kind of odd, because I have talked to some of the people in Burk County before about putting more signs up, but they dont want to. They say that it inspires vandalism. And even at Wisemans View, there is a plaque that has all the mountains there and points out the names of the mountains and theres nothing related to the Brown Mountain Lights on this plaque, even. So its almost like in some cases, they intentionally do not talk about it. I tried to get the tourism commission to work with me one time about maybe a festival or something, a Brown Mountain Lights festival, because I heard they were doing that in Marfa, Texas with the Marfa Lights. But they were not interested in doing that. Recently there is a private group of people who have done a festival for the past couple of years, but the world of officialdom doesnt really want to acknowledge much about the lights. Which is odd, especially when you consider that Ive talked to a lot of people there, locals, who have told me about weird military activity that may or may not be related to the lights. But if not, its certainly a bit much for coincidence. Ill give you some examples. Of course, let me start by saying that after fifteen years of

Camping on Brown Mountain to study the Lights, 2001.

camping up there and getting permits from the forest service and bringing all kinds of scientists up there, my team and I concluded that the lights are most likely, or most of the lights that are considered Brown Mountain Lights, are likely plasmas which are being naturally produced by the mountain. Because the mountain has some special geologic and atmospheric conditions. I also know for a fact that the military has been working on using plasma for weapons for quite some time. And so it may be that the military learned a long time ago that Brown Mountain was producing plasmas and has been studying them and nature in order to determine the best way to condense it into some sort of technology. So, that might be some motivation for the government. But the types of stories Im talking about are stories from hunters. I talked to a hunter who told me that he was way out in the middle of the woods, thought he was pretty much alone. And all of a sudden this government vehicle, some kind of all-terrain vehicle, just came blazing past him and almost ran over him. He said, Where did this thing come from? And he walked a little farther down the trail and the trail and the roadway ended. And he said, Where did it go? Where did it come from? Then, when he finally worked his way back to the gate for the road, he said the gate had recently been painted, and he noticed that it had been painted shut. He could tell that the gate had not been opened. So this vehicle appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared. He thought it must have gone inside the mountain. There must have been some hole. Because he didnt get the impression it was going to fly away or dematerialize. Ive also talked to other people. For example, there is a local cafeteria there that claims that once in a while they get these big contracts to feed hundreds of men who are related to the military. And all they do is show up with a couple of trucks of all this food, and they meet some MPs at a gate and give them the food. They never say what its for and they never see where it goes. Heres another good one. I was talking to a hiker who told me that one day he was out walking around and saw something shining in the nearby field, something metallic. And when he made his way over to the spot, he couldnt find out what was shining, but he noticed that at the spot where he thought something was shining, there was a little hole in the ground. He couldnt tell how deep it went, but he just thought that was odd. So later that evening when he was about to go back home, he realized there was a lot of light in the area of the field where he had earlier seen this strange shiny spot. So he went back over there UFO


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and now all of these government At Wiseman's View, overlooking Brown Mountian vehicles were in a big formation, with their headlights turned on. And they were examining something at this particular spot. He thought, Huh! This is weird. They must be looking at what I was looking at earlier. And he started to walk over and ask them, and then he said all of a sudden three or four people just let loose with machine guns. He said it was the most terrifying racket he had ever heard. And he turned and hauled ass. He said they werent shooting at him. He didnt think they even knew he was there. They were shooting at something else at that same spot. Beckley: Were they shooting at a plasma? Warren: I dont know why they would shoot a plasma. Beckley: Was this in the daytime? Warren: Well, the shooting was happening at night. But a plasma that appears in the daytime phenomena. can reflect sunlight. So if there was a plasma coming from the I just want to make one more comment about the lights having ground there, if there were one, it might also look like a shin- intelligence. I have talked to people who have sworn that they ing metallic object. But how that relates to all these military have seen a light close up, and there is a little person inside people going ape-shit and firing all their guns off like that at of it, like a fairy or a form of some sort. Now Ive never seen something at that spot, I dont know. But lets just sayuse our anything like that. imaginationmaybe there are UFOs that are coming to Brown I talked to one guy who said he touched a light. He said Mountain, because they also are utilizing these natural forces, it was about the size of a basketball or a little larger and that it plays into the dynamics of their craft. hovering about three feet over the ground. And he walked Beckley: Ralph Lael was right. up and touched it and it shocked him. It did not discharge Warren: Maybe. And so there may be an alien presence there him, but it definitely also contributes to the electrical part, as well. And its possible that the military sees that as a conflict if thats indeed true. and for all I know they were shooting at aliens. Beckley: I know people who have claimed that they have folBeckley: The only thing that takes me away from the plas- lowed the lights and whenever they get to where they think ma theory that you speak of is that Ive talked to a number of theyre going to be close to them, the light will suddenly appear people there back in my travels and on the telephone over the behind them or would move without seeming to have moved. years, and they describe what appears to be an intelligence be- That would appear to be some intelligence beyond hind these balls of light. And one would assume that plasma is Warren: Well, it depends, because if you are walking in an not intelligent. area where you have these layers that are discharging the enWarren: No, it shouldnt be. I have some thoughts on that ergy creating the plasmas, it seems like it can actually transfer as well. First off, Ive seen the lights numerous times, and Ive through the layer. So, for example, you might have two lights never seen personally what I would consider an intelligent in- and one of them will dim while the other one brightens and teractive behavior. So I would need to see that to try to see what then vice-versa. patterns and correlations could be gleaned from it. We have video footage of this happening. If youre standing Ive blinked lights at them and all that and Ive never gotten a between each of them, you might think that one single light response. So I dont know if maybe someone is seeing the lights is actually rematerializing in a different position or something and reading something into that, that someone sees the lights like that. But we cant be sure that they dont have intelligence, maneuver in a certain waybecause the lights do interact with because if they have intelligence, then it would certainly be each other, which could be explained by plasmas having an more complex than anything we know how to understand. electromagnetic field that naturally balances off other fields. On To say that theyre a plasma doesnt necessarily imply that the other hand, just because many of these lights manifest in they have no intelligence any more than saying that a human is a form that we call plasma, that doesnt mean it accounts for a solid means they have no intelligence. Thats just a descripall the activity. It may be when you have a place that naturally tion of our physical composition. It may be thatwell, if you produces so much energy it also triggers other more paranormal believe that the earth itself is an intelligent, living thing, and I UFO April 2008 57

Hosting Speaking of Strange at 570 WWNC.

sort of do actually Beckley: Thats the concept of the book we did: Our Alien Planet. Warren: And I tend to think that the earth is a living thing. So it may very well be some aspect of the earth trying to communicate. Or if not communicating, at least some aspect that does bear consciousness. Beckley: Now why do you think that there seems to be such a negative attitude among the scientific community or an attempt to sweep all this under the carpet? Because if it were true, would this not tell us a little bit more about our planet, our environment? And intelligence and matter and physics and so on? Warren: Well, there actually are a lot of scientists who are interested. Ive gone up there, for example, with a physicist from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. And he agrees that theyre also plasmas. And our work has been applauded by the Navy Physics Laboratory. We made the cover of a science journal. However, you have a handful of people out there usually who know very little about the phenomenon and dont want to take it seriously just because for so many years it was called ghosts. Its just an old ghost story. These were spirits of Native Americans who were battling. Or theres a story about it being a slave searching for his master because the master never came back. I think its just the people who dont want to go out and do what we have done for themselves, to see it. They find that its easier to simply say, oh, these guys are just ghost hunters, so why should I trust them? Its a matter of putting the blinders on. In fact, at this point in time, I dont know of anybody who can really intelligently debate the fact that these are not possibly plasmas. One guy who was a critic of ours for a long time named Dr. Dan Canton from Appalachian State University was always the guy that the newspapers would go to and have that one fellow whos going to say that everything we say is bullshit. They call that balance, supposedly. 58

And so for the longest time he said, Oh, there are no Brown Mountain Lights. There were all these condescending remarks made about me and about our organization. In fact, when I met him in person one time and asked him to debate this in a gentlemanly way, he wouldnt do it. He wont ask me any questions when I give him the opportunity, but then hell go around otherwise and say to people that we didnt know what were talking about. Now even he has begun telling people that he thinks theres a good chance that these are plasmas like ball lighting, as well. And almost like he has discovered this stuff. So, you know, its a little bit frustrating that there are people whoI dont ask anybody to believe me. I say, Here is this report of exactly what we did. Because for fifteen years we took meticulous notes. Every piece of equipment, every date we went up there, what the conditions were, what we found. All of this is free on our website, brownmountainlights.com. Its in the public domain; weve given it to the world. And I want people to go and take the same equipment that we used and go there and see for themselves and document it for themselves. You dont have to take my word for it. Weve come up with four different factors that will help you predict when the lights can be seen. And once you get to the point where you can kind of predict when something is going to happen, well, thats when youre getting close to really solving the mystery. When it comes to ghosts, if we ever get to the point where I can tell you, All right, Tim, go to this house on this street at this time on this date and Old Man Withers will come from the closet. Then thats when youll know that ghosts are truly real, so to speak. Its all about being able to predict when these things are going to appear. Beckley: So are you able to predict? A ghost or any of those manifestations? Warren: Oh, yeah. The Brown Mountain Lightswere quite goodbut its still a very complicated system because of Mother Nature. Science is designed to help us solve the simplest problems first. And all of the variables involved in something like thiswhat we think is a natural phenomenon on Brown Mountainmakes it difficult to tell with 100 percent certainty, but I think it certainly is possible that well reach that point. The four factors right now are number one: time of year. Youre better off if you go looking for them in late October or early November because it seems that at night when the mountain cools and contracts, it produces the activity. And there is a greater temperature difference between night and day in the fall than at other times of year. Also, the leaves are off the trees in the fall and you have better visibility. Number two is if the KP Index is a five or above. This is a meaUFO

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surement of how disturbed the earths magnetosphere is. And also, if you go to the website, youll see a little indicator there with that information. Third, if its during or just after a rainy period; the rain water that goes through the mountain seems to build up some of these charges. And then lastly: if there happens to be an excessive amount of carbon in the air from camp fires or even a forest fire. The time when I saw them the most prominently was when there was a big forest fire that was a few miles down the road. The extra carbon in the air seems to act as a fuel to help create the lights. Those are the best four things for the time being. Our work again is out there, its available, and now I want other people to reproduce it so they can verify it themselves and hopefully use it to learn even more. Beckley: Lets end this by talking about your current projects. Whats next? Warren: I probably am not ready to talk about this new movie that Im shooting right now, but I am working on an independent production, a documentary. And I will say that it has to do with religion and some of the strange things associated with religion. In the coming year, Im going to be taking more trips. Im going to go to some islands that Ive never been to in the Caribbean investigating pirate ghosts. I guess just in summary, one thing that I think is really important is to take more of the stuff that we have learned in the field for so many years and apply it to laboratory experiments. Thats something that has not been done much in this field. Ive spent fifteen years out there collecting a lot of field data and Im now ready to sit down and adapt that information to experiments. Thats what we did with Brown Mountain. We eventually created a plasma chamber and reproduced a phenomenon like the Brown Mountain Lights on a miniature scale. And thats why we earned the cover of the science journal, because we demonstrated something in a laboratory when we knew what all the variables were. I have a whole list of experiments that I want to do because I see all the field data just keep piling up and piling up and finally Im ready to start doing more with it. We have some experiments that are very simple but have just never been done. If theyve been done, I think I would have heard about it by now. We have a guy who is creating a box for us that has 100 LEDs. And the LEDs range from infrared through the visible spectrum into ultraviolet. So you shouldnt be able to see the LEDs on either end, just the section in the middle. Then were going UFO

to take a hundred people, fifty who say theyve seen something ghostly and fifty who say they have not and test their eyes and see specifically what frequency ranges theyre seeing and try to determine if there is some consistency there in those who have or have not seen a ghost. Beckley: You could throw in a few UFO observers too. Warren: Yup. Thats right. You could expand it to any of these strange things that people observe. So there are many experiments like that that are simple, are relatively inexpensive to produce, but it just takes time and effort and access to the right people. Trustworthy people. And then you learn more about how we perceive these things. Because it may be that we are never going to be satisfied by just getting some random field that moves through at the same time someone reports something weird. Because at most you can say, wow, that was really interesting. We cant explain it, but no one knows exactly what to do from that point on. So we have to know more about how these fields are affecting people, not just by triggering hallucinations, but also trying to determine if the human is capable of documenting these things that cannot otherwise be measured with a little box that beeps and has lights on it. Id like to take some of these people who call themselves ghost hunters, regardless of whether you see them on TV or its the guy down the street and ask him what is an electromagnetic field? How does that little box that you have in your hand actually work? I think you would be surprised at how few people can tell you what an electromagnetic field is after theyve been sitting there talking about getting strange electromagnetic field readings. We need to do more basic elementary stuff in terms of educating people about how to use the equipment as well as exploring how these things can be sensed by humans in addition to the equipment. UFO

Producing plasmas in the lab with Charles Yost, 2004.

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The Brown M
by Timothy Green Beckley
It is said that here for several hundred years, perhaps going back as far as 1200, long before the white man had reached the shores of America, people have reported seeing strange lights which appear to roam about the mountain peaks without any apparent source. Various legends have sprung up about the origin of the lights. One has it that the lights are caused by the spirits of the Cherokee and Catawba braves searching the valley for their maiden lovers. It seems that the two tribes had a big battle hundreds of years ago which killed just about all the men of the two tribes. Apparently, this legend does have some basis in fact, as most legends do, because within the last several years at least a half dozen Indian graves have been found in the area nearby. However, others who have lived near Brown Mountain for as many as 75 years seem to think that there is something even more odd and peculiar than spirits at work in the valley below. According to Paul Rose, who accompanied us to a secret lookout point despite the 10-degree weather and the falling snow, they may be something from outer space. Out of all the people living in the area, Rose, and another fellow, whom we shall talk about in a minute, seems to have gotten closer to the lights than anyone else. His first sighting came when he was just a youth in about 1916. At the time it was thought that the lights might have been caused by the headlights on locomotives running through a nearby valley. However, during one rough spring, all bridges were knocked out and roads were too muddy to enable cars to pass. Yet the Brown Mountain lights were seen, in greater numbers and brighter than ever before, weaving up and down over the trees on Brown Mountain. Rose bases his opinion that they are intelligently controlled on the fact that he has seen them fighting, butting into each other and bouncing like big basketballs. He has also tracked them at speeds of almost one hundred miles per hour. He claims that on one particular night in the late 1950s, when excitement was at an all-time high, two of these lights approached out of the valley, approached a tower he had built for the purpose of watching them over the trees and climbed to within feet of his position. The next day he and a friend who had been with him both became violently ill. This led Rose to the conclusion that these lights are highly radioactive.

Tim Beckley with Betty Hill

While chitchatting with Joshua Warren, I could not help but recall my own investigation of the Brown Mountain Lights. It seems like half a century ago, and actually thats not far off the mark since it was the mid-1960s. I would have been in my late teens at the time and just venturing out on the road to hobnob with UFO witnesses and get my feet wet in the Cinderella world of flying saucers, space aliens, and other otherworldly oddities. My traveling companionactually he drove those many miles from our base in New Jerseywas James W. Moseley, to some the most disliked man in the field. Actually, JWM has a keen sense of humor and has himself been in the trenches longer than anyone else around today. The hills of North Carolina are a job to navigate; the back roads are bumpy and winding, more so in those days, I would imagine. We laughed, listened to the radio where we could get reception, and no doubt spoke of all things ufological. Somewhere along the line before hitting Brown Mountain we teamed up with Atlantas Allen Greenfield, another teen ufologist of the period who has remained with his ear against the wall. Allen was the first to come up with an alternative reality theory for the origin of UFOs and has authored over the years such works as Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts (Illuminet Press, 1994) and The Story of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (Luxor Press, 1997). I wrote my experiences up at the time for one of Brad Steigers books as well as for my column in Ray Palmers Flying Saucers From Outer Space, a bimonthly newsstand publication. The latter is reprinted as part of my book Strange Saga (Global Communications, 2005), which details the history and legends of the lights. I refer to this section of the book as I outline what we knew about the Brown Mountain phenomena at the time while Joshua updates the enigma in our recent interview.


April 2008


n Mountain Lights
Another old-time resident of the Brown Mountain area is Ralph Lael, who was born in Alexander County on a small hillside farm in 1909. He ran for Congress in 1948 and lost by a few thousand votes. He now operates The Outer Space Rock Shop Museum on Highway 181 just outside Morganton. Lael claims not only to have seen the lights up close but to have communicated with them on numerous occasions as well. Deciding that the only way to uncover the source of these lights was to go into the almost impassable mountain area itself, Lael started his own investigation. Shortly after midnight, he got within one hundred feet of a light that had risen up from a large hole in the ground. Within ten or fifteen minutes, the first light had been joined by as many as twenty more. Shortly after, they all took off into the timber and disappeared from Laels view. A half hour later, others began popping up along the mountainside in a smaller valley below. One came so close, within ten feet, that Lael felt he could have read a book by it. Several expeditions, and months later, Lael discovered that by asking the lights questions, they would answer by either moving up and down for yes or back and forth for no. After this form of communicating had been established, one of the lights led Lael to a door which leads inside of Brown Mountain. Once inside, he was led to a room about eight feet square, the walls made of crystal as clear as glass, enabling him to see for what seemed to be miles. Suddenly a voice said, Do not fear; there is no danger here. The voice continued by saying that Lael has been chosen to tell the people of Earth about their true history: that man was created on another planet named Pewam, which our ancestors destroyed. Pewam is now the waste of the asteroids which lie between Mars and Jupiter. The voices explained that they are not earthbound beings and cannot eat or drink, but live on Pethine, a gas we absorb from the light you see around us. We perish in your atmosphere or sunlight. We live on Venus, which is a planet of pure crystal as you see surrounding you. Notice that the crystal is as pure as your air. Venus is completely surrounded by water vapor about 150 miles above its surface. In October of 1962, Lael returned to the rock, entered and was offered a ride to Venuswhich he accepted. Arriving two days later on Earths sister planet, he was introduced to men who were said to have been direct descendants of the people from the planet Pewam. One is a rather attractive woman named Noma who is quite beautifully dressed in a bra and panties set. While on Venus, Lael is shown what appear to be newsreels of the destruction of Pewam as well as scenes going on back on earth. Although unbelievable as this story may seem, so are the Brown Mountain Lights. Ralph Lael told us that there are many things I have seen and heard that I cannot reveal here because of my obligations to the Brown Mountain Lights. Whether you believe or disbelieve what I have told you is of no importance. You and others who have read these things should have more brotherly love for the people of Earth and those of the whole universe. UFO

Jim Moseley


April 2008

An Inte
ancient man visited by UFO occupants he believed were gods? Did those same UFO occupants help early man create his first civilizations? The belief in what is sometimes called the ancient-astronaut theory of UFOs has recently been given new supportive evidence by an author and researcher named David Flynn. Using recent satellite photos obtained on the internet, Flynn has discovered what he believes to be a widespread swath of manmade glyphs in Bolivia that predate commonly accepted theories of just when mankind took his earliest steps and became something truly human. Flynn has been studying ancient history and its many mythological systems since the early 1990s. I began researching the connection between the planet Mars, he said, and the various deities representing the planet in civilization-founding myths. I found records of advanced civilizations existing far earlier than what is considered to be the case by mainstream archeology. The Sumerian and Egyptians kings lists, Greek history, and other ancient legends suggested that mankind had existed for tens of thousands of years prior to 6,000 B.C. In addition to the corroborating evidence of early man in these sources, they also described three successive periods of world rule: the first by gods, the second by semidivine godmen, and the third by men-kings. These epics were divided by world cataclysms that nearly erased all traces of their existence apart from legend and megalithic sites scattered around the globe. Flynn used that research as the basis of his first book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars (Thunder Publishers, 2002). After its publication, Flynn was invited to speak at conferences around the country. He has since written several articles, including one for UFO Magazine in November 2005 (Vol. 20, No. 5) called An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event. He has also appeared on Coast To Coast AM



April 2008


New Evidence of Ancient Astronauts Found In Bolivia

terview With David Flynn

and numerous other radio programs. The new project began in August 2007 when Flynn was looking at satellite images over the area of Tiahuanaco to see if the layout of the temple complex there bore any resemblance to the Temple of Solomon. Using an online site called Google Earth, Flynn could only see a resolution of about fifteen meters for one pixel. He soon discovered that new images of the area with a resolution of five meters per pixel had been uploaded to the program from Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporations Quick Bird satellite. These rendered the topography with extreme clarity, Flynn explained. It was apparent that the features on the ground were extensive and very complex, covering a swath roughly 300 miles north to south by 70 miles east to west on the Alti Plano, a plateau in the Andes Mountains range over two miles above sea level. Having obtained workable images, the next step for Flynn was to determine just what he was seeing etched into the earth there. At first, these seemed to be remnants of agricultural activity, he said. However, the closer I looked, the more I realized that the majority of these features had nothing to do with farming, especially those that were carved into the sterile bedrock of mountains and hills. In the desert approximately 120 miles south of Lake Titicaca, there are miles of random lines crossing each other, spiraling and forming abstract mosaic patterns. Some extend for tens of miles into hills or radiate from central hubs. These do not correspond with any farming technique known to have been employed by the Incas. After closer study, the newly discovered designs seemed to echo pre-Incan art and religious symbols. The best correlation of pre-Incan art with the geoglyph designs, Flynn said, can be seen in the megalith carvings at Tiahuanaco. One design in particular, the headdress array on the image of Viracocha on the Gate of the Sun, is nearly identical to many of the geoglyphs. 63

by Sean Casteel

April 2008

Viracochas head is surrounded by a series of what may be rays, each terminating in a circle. This pattern is seen in various forms on the tops of hills with mounds terminating at their bases. There are also rectangular and zigzag motifs on the Sun Gate that are imitated in geoglyphs excavated into the bedrock of mountainsides. The religious meaning of the glyphs, according to author Victor Von Hagen, a source Flynn draws upon, was inherited by the Incas from cultures that existed for many thousands of years before them. The religious symbols include a stepped geometric design called the tocapu, which represented the primordial earth rising out of a world flood. Ceques were sightlines radiating from cities or geologic features on the landscape on which holy sites, or huacas, were carved. A sonqo was a sacred place on the landscape described as representing the founders of civilization. A huanaca was where an ancestor was transformed into a natural feature, usually an outcropping of rock. Given that the glyphs found in the more recent satellite photos are manmade and intended to carry religious meaning, just what sort of gods were those ancients trying to placate or communicate with? The answer can perhaps only come through more study of the local mythology. At a site called Ku-e-lap in a remote location in Northern Peru, Flynn said, so remote that the only road was built a mere 35 years ago, there is an enormous wall speculated to be built of three times more material than Egypts largest pyramid. This site was built by the Cha-cha-poyan, or Cloud People, who were said to be a tall people with very fair hair. There is no evidence suggesting where these people came from. The Incas knew of this culture and reported that they arrived during a time of pacha-chuti, or world change, he continued. This word can also mean extreme changes in space/time, a new era, transformation, and plowing, as in an overturning of the earth. In the Inca civilization founding myth, the first Inca was named Manco Capac, and he appeared at the end of a world deluge in which all the races of men and created things perished when the waters rose above the highest mountain peaks in the world. No living thing survived, except Manco Capac and a woman who remained in a box. When the waters subsided, the wind carried them to Tiahuanaco, where Viracocha began to create the people and nations of the region. A rainbow, seen in the clouds 64

at the end of the flood, was adopted as the standard for the civilizations of the Andes. The Spanish conquistadors wrote of the rainbow standard of the Incas, who explained its origin from many thousands of years before their culture came into being. It is still in use by Bolivians and Peruvians to this day. The Inca recreation story is consistent with the Genesis 6 flood epic. The new Bolivian glyphs, while similar in some ways to the famous Nazca lines in Peru, also display characteristics that differ greatly from their better-known counterpart. The Nazca lines, Flynn said, though covering hundreds of miles, are at a low altitude, located near the Pacific Coast in Peru. They were scratched superficially into the desert floor. But the Bolivian designs cover a far greater area, up to 20,000 square miles. They were created by excavation of bedrockin places 20 feet wide and at least 10 feet deepover entire hills. This feat was accomplished at very high altitude, over two miles above sea level. There are even traces of geoglyphs at the 16,000-feet mark, over three miles above sea level. This incredible height, according to Flynn, makes existence itself very difficult for human beings, let alone an undertaking of such magnitude. It would require thousands of people over hundreds of years in air so thin that modern-day visitors require supplemental oxygen to stave off altitude sickness if they linger in the area for more than a few days. Flynn believes that the original creators of the glyphs must have felt an urgent sense of mission to do what they did. Was it perhaps from fear of the gods? This remains the most difficult question to answer, he said. The legends connected with the builders of Tiahuanaco explain that the city was erected in response to knowledge of an impending global flood. Because the geoglyphs seem to correspond in many ways to the designs etched into the colossal blocks of Tiahuanaco, it may be that the information being conveyed by both focuses on the episodic nature of a catastrophe that destroyed it. In this regard, the features were created as both a warning and a legacy. When asked whether any of this has a direct link to the UFOs of our time, Flynn responded with an interesting bit of apocalyptic prophecy. The greatest UFO flap in modern times, he said, has been centered over the ancient site of Tenochitlan, where Mexico City is today. The Mayan and Aztec cultures shared many similar legends of creation and world cataclysm with the Incan and pre-Incan civilizations. One Inca myth in particular involves a golden disc that hung in the temple at Cusco, Peru. It was said that during the dividing points of ages, the disc would be activated when the sun rose in the center of

David Flynn

April 2008


the Milky Way and distribute a pure energy of life and thought from the sun to the whole world. Also, during this time, the warriors of the god Viracocha would return from heaven to establish the rebirth of civilization. When Pizarro and his soldiers arrived in Peru, the disc was taken to Lake Titicaca where it was hidden in a temple under the water, awaiting the next global cataclysm. Similarly, the calendar stone of the Mayans shows the end of the present age arriving in 2012. The Mayans predicted the return of their god Kukulcan, or the Quetzacoatl of the Aztecs, from the heavens before the destruction of the earth and the rebirth of civilization. These stories combine the ideas of divine intervention from the heavens for humanity during the time of global change, he added. This is the same message that many researchers in Mexico have derived from the huge increase of UFO activity in the area. So far, Flynn has not encountered any resistance to his new discovery. Because this find is so recent, he said, and probably not yet examined by academia, I have not received any arguments as to the existence of the geoglyphs as something unique and incredibly ancient. The work of Arthur Posnansky in the 1920s was dismissed out of hand by most historians because of his conclusion that Tiahuanaco was at least 13,000 years old. However, his conclusions have gained momentum with the work of some very reputable modern scholars. Flynn feels that historical precedent is definitely on his side. The geology of the Giza plateau, he said, the astronomical information of the Mayans, the underwater cities discovered off of Cuba, Japan and Indiatheyve all opened up the possibility that mankind has existed far longer than mainstream historians have maintained. The geoglyphs are, I believe, just another part of this ancient puzzle. UFO
Sean Casteels website is located at www.seancasteel.com Casteel is the author of UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time, Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming, and The Excluded Books of the Bible, all of which are available at his website, at Amazon.com, and Filament Books.

The Remnants Of A Race Of Giants

the same part of Bolivia where David Flynn has uncovered the ancient geoglyphs left behind by some unknown prehistoric culture, skulls belonging to what may have been an early race of giants have also been discovered. Flynn made reference to historian William Prescott, who he says wrote the first comprehensive history of the fall of the Incas. In a book called History of the Conquest of Peru With a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas (Harper & Brothers, 1843) Prescott recorded the succession of many civilizations that preceded the Incas. All these cultures maintained that the first civilization was one of giants created by Viracocha, Flynn said. Archeologists report that Peru and Bolivia have the greatest number of ancient burial sites of any place on Earth. Many of those human remains that have been uncovered there are mummified due to the cold, dry climate. The state of preservation is in many cases extremely high. Enormous, elongated skulls among these mummies are very common and exist in two types. Those that have been artificially produced, Flynn explained, by the practice of headbinding of infants, and those that are much more ancient and massive. It is speculated that the former types were modified by cultures in homage to a previously ruling human subspecies that exhibited this feature naturally. Both examples can be found in the Bolivian museum in La Paz and in the Inca museum in Cusco, Peru, as well as in private collections in both countries. The recovery of mummified fetuses in these regions with prenatal elongation of the crania show that the deformity existed apart from head-binding practices. I have not come across any studies of Carbon-14 dating on these skulls, he said, although this information may surface with ongoing research. And another nugget of myth is relevant here as well. When the Spanish asked the local Incas about the ruins of the city, Flynn said, they learned that giants built the city in a single night and that the stones were moved into place using the sound of trumpets. UFO



April 2008


Outside the Box

continued from page 11

Arlans Arcanae
continued from page 20

ment for the highly cerebral must be an essential part of any comprehensive global rescue plan, it does not really offer much practical succor for the rest of us. I mean no offence to Argelles here, but this book, for me, is much like the Numbers TV show. For us knuckle dragging, mathematically challenged types, math and spiritual development simply do not mix. But, I thank Argelles for his noble efforts. Long may his holy crusade continue. As Oliver Twist put it, Can I have more please? A whole lot more! UFO
Mike Good is an artist, writer, iconoclast, and cosmic curmudgeon. He aims to open minds and expand consciousness by playfully poking a stick into the cage of conventional thinking. Caution: Preconcieved notions may be lampooned. The readers mindset is subject to change without notice.

one of them could serve as the basis for a very nice new myth or religion. His own version of psychic UFOs, however, does call for accommodating historical accounts of apparitions, the Celtic fairy faiths, nineteenth-century airships, and modern UFO appearances, saying that the mechanisms that have generated these various beliefs are identical and presumably of psychic origin. Another of John Keels theories from The Eighth Tower is that a senile supercomputer left over from an ancient age produces psychic manifestations of monsters, artifacts, and UFOs to prevent us from finding its physical location. Speculations are endless and so far at least, unproductive.

continued from page 21

Out There


Psychic perception of naturally occurring psychic events form several of the low-probability explanations for anomalous events in the previously quoted work of Persinger and Lafrenire. Postulating an interactive relationship between the natural energy fields of the earth and the living creatures on it, they present the concept of a geopsyche. The geopsyche arises when a uniformity of thought or belief happens among humans and the resulting fears and neuroses modulate the behavior of the race. Perturbations of the electromagnetic fields of the earth could also produce psychic manifestations among humans. After reviewing all these theories about psychic aspects of UFOs, I can only caution readers to consider what Clark said over fifty years ago: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. UFO
Dr. Arlan Andrews, Sr. lives next to a canal on an island with his wife, two small dogs, eleven tiny finches, and flocks of itinerant seagulls, herons, cranes, cormorants, and roseate spoonbills. A professional engineer by trade, he has dabbled professionally in many areas, including nanotechnology, virtual reality, biotech, manufacturing, homeland security, environmental engineering, and rocketry. He writes to maintain sanity in a world weirder than Charles Fort ever imagined. Just dont believe everything you Google about him.

They keep Westerners under control with mindless entertainment and the culture of consumption, taxation, and gluttony while the poorest on the planet are enslaved by starvation and war. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that most humans, in their desire to avoid responsibility, gladly hand over their power to the priests and the politicians, making it ever more difficult to escape this prison planet. But time is running out. The changes on the earth are coming faster and more ferociously. Can we rehabilitate in time? Do we stay here and endure endless suffering or get off this rock and go home? Whether that is a physical place or merely a state of mind, I dont know, but one thing seems certain. If we accept the responsibility and embrace our power, we can insure that these interesting times truly are a blessing. UFO
Kate Mucci is cohost and producer of Out There Television, a weekly program airing nationwide on the America One Network and worldwide on the web. See www.outtheretv. com. Ray Holms book The Range of Reality: The Secret of UFOs (2005) is available at www.Publish America.com.


April 2008


Behind the Lens

continued from page 17

record infrared energy and translate this nonvisible radiation into a photographic image. Night-vision photography works this way. And we are all familiar with X-ray radiation, which can be captured on film and translated into an image we can view with our naked eyes. While regular cameras are designed to optimize recording of the visual spectrum, they do not fully exclude all other radiation, so the potential is there for a camera to see something that we cannot if we are lucky enough to snap the shutter in the right place at the right time.

have the characteristics of something out there in front of the camera. The argument for camera defect is generally not applicable. If analysis can eliminate particulates, light flares and camera errors, the only other possible explanation is that the orbs are genuine energy manifestations.

Orbs are Energy

The most plausible cause of many orb images is the recording of an organized energy form. Photographic manifestations are a representation of radiation, which is, of course, a projected form of energy. The confluence of variables that leads to an orb image is complex. It may be that these forms are rare in their presence, or it may be that there are characteristics unique to a few cameras or isolated lots of film stock that can record the energy. We do not yet know if the radiation emitted by the forms is recorded by the camera, much like an X-ray, or if the presence of the unique radiation interferes with proper function of the camera, much like static you might hear from a power cord next to a baby monitor. It could also be that the energy form changes the very nature of the visual light as it passes to the camera, much like a Doppler shift. We can ascertain with a great deal of certainty, based on the way cameras work and the elimination of rival explanations, that many orb photographs are compelling evidence of organized energy forms among us. The exact nature of these energy forms is still an open question. They could be extraterrestrial observers seeking to stay hidden from view, spiritual forms, or ghosts of human lives past. If they are extraterrestrials attempting to stay hidden, this may be evidence that they leave fingerprints of their presence despite their best efforts to hide; if they are ghosts of human lives past, perhaps their appearance in photos is intentional; a way of saying, We are here, in the only voice they have. UFO
Guy Pellicola teaches video production, film studies, and media effects at the university level. His production credits include educational, corporate, and broadcast television programming. He is the author of a recently published textbook on video and camera production techniques.

Rival Explanations for Orbs Particulate

One explanation of orbs is that they are simply camera flashes bouncing off of particulate matter in the air. Generally, particles large enough to create an orb-like effect are too large and too heavy to stay suspended in the air on their own. Common dust will not create orbs, although heavy dust can. Free-falling particulate such as snowflakes, raindrops, or a fleck of paint falling from the ceiling can cause an image defect that looks like an orb. In making the determination of whether orbs are simply a camera flash reflecting off of particulate, it is valuable to consider contextual factors. If the photo was taken (1) outside with (2) a flash, there is a possibility that the effect is caused by a camera flash hitting physical elements in the atmosphere such as snow or rain. Orb effects can sometimes be caused by an insect. If contextual factors point to a cause other than particulate then we must look to alternative explanations. There are wonderful examples of interior photographs in which orbs are remarkably situated and captured with an aura or shape not indicated by water vapor. If no camera flash is used, we can generally eliminate particulate as the cause.

Light Flares
Another possible explanation for some orbs is that they are light flares from a bright light source outside of the cameras field of view. You may have seen images in which the sun causes a line of light across an image or a series of spots in a line. This artifact is caused when the sun or other bright light source comes into a camera lens at a sharp angle. It is possible that a light flare from a window or table lamp is the cause of some orbs, but light flares usually have telltale characteristics such as manifestation as a line of light or as a series of spots in a line across the image. This composition is inconsistent with most published examples of orbs.

The Orange Orb

continued from page 25

traterrestrials, just as they said they were? Whatever is was that happened, something profound happened to these contactees; profound enough that they were compelled to share their experiences with the world. UFO
Subscribe to The OrangeOrb Newsletter. Once a month youll find a little gift in your email box, with blog highlights, YouTube UFO stuff, retro flying-saucer flashes from the past, and more! Its MIB-free and safe to use. Just send a blank email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. My website: www.orangeorb.blogspot.com Notes: Dana Howard: www.galactic-server.net/rune/divenus2.html Daniel Fry: http://danielfry.com Photo of church courtesy Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth (Paraview Pocket Books, 2005) and blogger master of UFO Mystic : www. ufomystic.com

Camera Error
An orb might be caused by camera error such as debris on the lens or inside the camera body, a defective imaging chip, or a defective processor, but this potential cause can be easily confirmed or eliminated. A camera defect will generally cause the same artifact in every picture, and this is not what is happening in most cases. Orbs of interest are often semitransparent with variation in size, shading, and three-dimensional appearance. They usually UFO

April 2008


An Alien View
continued from page 15

Publishers Note
continued from page 8

Moreover, consider this. It may be that the aggregate individual prefers that new deceitfulness, dishonesty, and doubledealing, forsaking the older human variety. Theres the rub. Do you see it at last? Whats wrong with UFOs? UFOs are the purest of pure seditions as I began to suggest last issue. Theyre not beholden to the unequally applied laws, convenient mores, and occluded sensibilities of humankind. Example? Consider: Aliens are of decided alternate appeal to, say, a humanity typified by South Parks Starvin Marvin, for example, so as not to single anyone out. Sincerely, what relief has humanity shown to same? Perhaps Marvin gets a better deal from alien head-eaters. Hey, its not aliens sowing vast tracts with depleted uranium, eh? Apart from all that, their star-faring or dimension-hopping capability precludes the necessity for any respect shown us socalled first-worlders; at any rate, a juvenile-delinquent race, remiss and indictable for its infant ways, when it knows better. Aliens are a clear challenge, you begin to see, to the sense of loyalty and allegiance the individual is supposed to feel towards, well, God, the state, community, and traditional family. This is the very nature of the threat they impose, the essence of their capacity for change: not to invade or depose and subjugate, but to offer the individual an attractive alternative to the current status quo very likely deserving them. We have experience with this. Early in the history of North America individuals were severely castigated for comparing seventeenth culture to local indigenous culture, finding the former wanting and the latter preferable and so joining up with the latter. Dances With Wolves, right? Seriously, I suspect that if aliens were here to subjugate and dominate in the traditional sense, then all that our so-called leadership would have to do is give us a hint of that reality like it does with regard to the threat of fundamentalist Islam or nonscheduled drugs, and we would sign on for the most draconian reductions, imaginable of our rights, benefits, and entitlements just like we have already sacrificed for the war on terror or the war on drugs. Your acceptance, reader, of a ufological reality is the gestalt realization that some perceivable someone or some thing some indefatigable otherdoesnt have to answer to the metaphorical likes of current occupant George Walker Bush or his deputy tyrant Big Dick Cheney. Attractive alternatives exist. This is a source of extreme discomfort for George and Dick and their shadow handlers who are, without question, men more comfortable officiating guns, scheduled drugs, and the huge piles of oily blood money precipitating from those things than they are investigating and exposing a right eous and progressive ufology. Next month. The myth of blissful ignorance, secret keeping, and secret keepers. Read on. UFO
Alfred Lehmberg is a retired military aviator and failed public-school teacher, but attentive to UFOs and their ancillaries because inattention seems unintelligent, unprogressive, and unbrave. Website: www.AlienView.net; blog: http://alienviewgroup. blogspot.com; email: [email protected].

object even though, as some folks have suggested, many current energy and environmental problems could be solved by a concerted, convergent, cooperative effort to decipher the mysteries of this object. Those who are called in to comment on the objet always say leave it alone. Who are the people behind this mission to reverse engineer whatever can be reverse engineered from this object? All my friend would say is: investors. What investors? Heavyweights, real big people with a lot at stake. Public figures for whom any UFO connection would be deadly. Hence, the Pentagons statement to Alfred Webre all the way back in 1977 when they shut down his exopolitics project inside the Carter administration: The Pentagon had a policy that there were no UFOs and thus could not allow any one of its contractors to allocate any budgetary resources for anything having to do with UFOs. And this was over thirty years ago. It is for this reason that our community will be the very last to know. Maybe Lou Dobbs will get the word because he is considered a reputable source. Maybe news will come out in the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal. But if it ever comes out in any UFO publication, you can be sure it will be this one. We will continue to speculate, of course, nibbling around the edges of rumors. But the very nature of our community is that anyone who has a secret keeps that secret. If someone says he or she has found something, someone else will slime it as a hoax even before anyone can truly analyze it, Trust me, I am at the very center of it. So the truth is out there all right, and out there in some very public places, but the huge amount of money behind the research and the very taint of UFO disclosure will frighten the big money away and the turtles head will go right back into its shell even as our worlds climate spirals itself into a meltdown, no matter what the ultimate cause of that meltdown and even as the UFO band plays on. UFO

Hieronimus & Co. Are On the Radio!

21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus Sundays 8-10 PM Eastern, WCBM 680 AM, Baltimore. http://www.21stCenturyRadio.com

Clear View with Zohara Hieronimus

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Future Talk with Zohara Hieronimus

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http://www.ClearViewRadio.com Subscribe to the Hieronimus & Co. Journal for $30 (5 issues on an irregular publication schedule): PO Box 648, Owings Mills, MD 21117 Voice Mail: 410-356-4852


April 2008


21st Century News

continued from page 37

The fundamentalist-conspiratorialists today insist the socalled Illuminati are sprinkling eyes and triangles and pentagrams all over logos and public designs in order to leave clues to their existence. These symbols are meant to condition us, apparently the miserably stupid populace, to accept the coming antichrist or the New World Order. Im not about to say that groups of powerful people dont meet in secret to try to manipulate world events. Unfortunately, I believe that really does happen. And official conspiracies abound; the subject of this periodical is a perfect example, along with 9/11, impending climate change, and the cover-ups of various cancer cures. I applaud the questing and questioning public and indeed see it as our duty as Americans to question the official position on everything. It is unfair and unnecessary, however, to drag the honorable Great Seal of the U.S. or our other unifying symbols into this debate.

Liberty, the Betsy Ross legend, and the discovery of the Reverse of the Great Sealall three related to the feminine archetype. Focusing on these uplifting symbols during this election year can shift our collective unconscious toward the values of enlightenment, emphasizing partnership, conservation, and cooperation.

Article prepared by Laura Cortner. For more untold stories behind the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, the eagle, the flag, the Great Seal, and the design of Washington D.C., check the website www.UnitedSymbolismofAmerica.com, or order United Symbolism of America, New Page Books, 2008. Available in all Barnes and Noble stores nationwide or toll-free: 1-800-227-3371. Captions: Page 36, bottom. The old AOL logo is one of the most commonly seen in the fundamentalistconspiratorialists presentations proving the Illuminati are in control of this country. The Illuminati never used a pyramid or an eye symbol, and the universal appeal of geometric shapes like theseand their resemblance to the letters A and Oexplain their popularity in corporate logos. AOL and the AOL triangle logo are registered trademarks of AOL, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2007 AOL LLC. Used with permission. Page 37, top. The radiant eye in the triangle was an easy symbol for Americans and Europeans to translate. It immediately meant God to them and specifically the Trinitarian Christian God. It is a symbol commonly found in churches, as in this example from the Aachen Cathedral in Aachen, western Germany. Page 37, middle. The Statue of Liberty is based on the very popular motif from the Revolutionary period, seen here in a 1789 engraving entitled America Trampling on Oppression. The Statue of Liberty or the Goddess America was based mostly on the Roman Goddess Libertas, though she was often supported by Minerva and Mercury. Here America is wearing Minerva's helmet and holding a liberty pole and cap. Overhead is the caduceus, symbol of Mercury for commerce and communication. Print Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. This page, above left: The single eye was a well-established artistic convention for the Revolutionary generation seen on Colonial money like this 1778 $40 bill showing the single eye with rays of light coming from it over a circle of eightpointed stars and an altar. This page, above right: An early use of the Liberty Bell as a symbolic device from 1852, before the Liberty-Bell nickname was common. The bell became popular nationwide, in part because of its crack, endearing it more to the human heart. Courtesy of Independence National Historical Park.

Liberty as a Symbol That Can Unify Us

This book will no doubt confound conspiracy theorists, but at the same time I hope it will also inspire budding political activists. By taking a deeper look at the symbols we all take for granted and learning their intended meanings and historical usages, we can activate our collective political will. Our founders intended that our symbols inspire us to defend liberty with eternal vigilance. All the symbols they chose encourage unity of the states and responsibility of the individual. What I recommend to everyone worried about a New World Order run by either the Illuminati, the Vatican, or the global corporations is to get out there in your neighborhood and volunteer your service to your fellow man. Your best weapon in any situation is a heart filled with compassion. We are living in a moment in time where a distinct paradigm shift is necessary. Our way of dominating the earth is speeding us to a complete environmental crisis, but we the people of America have the ability to convince our leaders to shift out of the old mindset. One reason for optimism is the increasing number of women taking positions of leadership in government and industry. As this trend continues, I believe our world will become a better, more compassionate place to live. Women have proven abilities in nurturing, and we must allow them to nurture our planet back to wholeness. Womens rights in this country synchronistically followed the birth of the Statue of UFO

April 2008


Visit the cutting edge of UFO research and support one of the countriesbiggest and best UFO events by getting your copy of

the Esoteric Guide to the Bay Area UFO Expo, Volume I

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Journalist and UFO Magazine Contributor Bret Lueder presents the Esoteric Guide to the Bay Area UFO Expo Volume I. This is a collection of 11 interview segments all done on location at the 2006 Bay Area UFO Expo held in Santa Clara September 16-17th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. This 2-disc set has over three hours of information-packed footage and is currently available only through www.thebayareaufoexpo.com with a $30 donation plus shipping and handling. Or call event organizer and founder Victoria Jack directly at (209) 836-4281. And dont forget to ask about other donation packages which include not just the Esoteric Guide but other lecture DVDs, Meet Your Speaker Banquet tickets and Expo passes, among other things!

All donations will help to support the future production of the Bay Area UFO Expo.

Audi Alteram Partem

continued from page 39

Barrack Obama
Obamas insistence that age-appropriate sex education be provided to all children starting at age five is a direct assault on natural law. Only parents have the right to decide when and how their children will be educated about sex. As an educator I can definitively state that the term age-appropriate is very subjective and based more on personal development and family values than any particular curriculum or pedagogy. Exposing children to such material outside of the family environment leads to preoccupation with base thoughts and serves as a modern-day bread and circuses. This in turn develops a person who is not interested in deeper issues such as government accountability and disclosure. His willingness to vote for unbalanced budgets while paying lip service to deficit spending is a slap in the face to the rule of law. If you or I write a check for money that we do not have we face criminal prosecution. However, the government does this on a daily basis and then commands us to pay the interests on the deficit spending. If we refuse, we go to jail and our property is seized. How long will it be before the government uses the IRS to go after disclosure and UFO groups so as to intimidate and put them out of business? Obamas push for universal health care flies in the face of individual sovereignty. His admittance that the government coverage would be mandatory for children violates familial sovereignty. What will happen when the government-reimbursed doctors decide that children who are being taught to believe in UFOs are being emotionally and psychologically abused by their parents? In addition, a historical study of economic principals demonstrates that forced adult membership in the governments health plan will eventually have to occur in order for the plan to work long-term. I charge that Obama knows this, yet fails to mention it, which is lying by omission. His desire to strengthen NATO is a backdoor method to weakening our sovereignty and further eroding the Declaration of Independence. NATO is merely an arm of the United Nations, which is an organization which arguably brings us closer to a one-world government everyday. Keep in mind that the purpose of NATO was to ward off an attack by the Soviet Union. Since we are told that the Soviet Union no longer exists and is no longer a threat why are we expanding NATO? Such a force will require a threat in order to justify its existence. This may lead to a manufactured threat. Will the false specter of an alien invasion be used to achieve this? Obamas nonconstructivist view of the Constitution as a socalled living document is a direct attack on the Constitution. Simply put, if the Constitution does not say what it means and mean what is says then it is a useless document with no inherent values or concrete principals. Without the Constitution there is no enumeration or specific legal recognition of our rights; for example, the recognition of our right to petition the government for a redress of grievances concerning disclosure. Senator Barrack Obamas platform is one of social engineering and psychological and social manipulation. Instead of using force to foist a socialist-nanny state upon us Obama wants to subtly mold us. This type of attack on our freedoms may perhaps be the most insidious and dangerous. In this type of state the people have been dumbed down to the point that they

government and a bigger brother who is well-armed to back it up. This kind of state is in no way conducive to disclosure by the government. In fact, it is anchored in principles that support secrecy and rule by the elite. Under this theory of government the big brother state knows what is better for you than you do, and therefore it should have full authority to not only run every aspect of your life but to also to limit which information you are exposed to. Of course, all of this is for your own good.

John McCain
McCains support for torture euphemistically referred to as enhanced interrogation techniques attacks natural law at its core. If torture is OK as long as it is for the utilitarian greater good, then what policies will be instituted in order to prevent disclosure from occurring if it is deemed necessary for the greater social good? His vote to grant immunity to phone companies for their illegal actions in colluding with the government to listen in on Americas phone conversations proves his contempt for the rule of law. One can only wonder how long it will be before the government starts to intercept the communication of UFO and disclosure groups and media. Perhaps that letter you emailed to UFO Magazine is not quite as private and anonymous as you thought it was. McCains push to increase criminal penalties for victimless crimes and to increase the number of prisons in this country attacks each Americans right to self-determination. Because of positions like these, individuals wishing to communicate with other beings by raising their consciousness through the use of various chemical stimulants face prison sentences and seizure of their private property. For a good introduction to this topic I recommend Aliens From Inner Space by Mike Good in his column Outside the Box in the January/February 2008 issue (Vol. 23, No. 1) of UFO Magazine. His insistence on developing a world empire through military interventionism shows a pattern of disdain for the Declaration of Independence. Our republic cannot be maintained if we insist on being an empire. Domination of foreign lands only encourages centralized power, which is a threat to all freedom movements, including disclosure movements here and abroad. McCains vote for the ill-named Patriot Act demonstrates his contempt for the Constitution. The problems with the act are too numerous to list here; however, one glaring example is that the act allows the government to see a list of all materials viewed at or checked out of a library.1 I hope none of you have checked out The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning (Omnigraphics, 1998) or viewed any disclosure websites at your local library. Senator John McCains platform is a dressed-up version of the Bush legacy. Corporatism, cronyism, empire building, and global dominance are the mainstays of McCains vision for the future. Disclosure and the truth are not likely to occur in a corporatist global government with a police state environment and the attendant centralized powers and bureaucracy that would come with such a scenario.


April 2008


are not even aware that their rights have been lost. Even if the realization that rights have been lost does occur, the masses will not have the intelligence or the training needed in order to fight for and regain their lost rights. The whole concept of government accountability and a duty to engage in disclosure will not even exist.

As you decide whether or not you will be involved in the political process and if so to what degree and which rights you will exercise, please keep this thought from Sir Edmund Burke with you: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. UFO
Lt. (Ret.) William J. Lawler II, M.Ed holds a Masters Degree in Secondary Education-History and Social Studies, and a BA in History and Social Studies. He has both his private and public school teaching certifications and is currently teaching high school history, social studies, and mathematics. William served for 12 years as both an enlisted man and as a commissioned officer in military intelligence in the U.S. Army and the Pennsylvania National Guard. He may be reached at [email protected] References 1. Lichtblau, Eric. (2005). FBI, using Patriot Act, demands librarys records. The New York Times, Retrieved April 1, 2008 from www.nytimes.com/2005/08/26/politics/26patriot.html OnTheIssues.org. Candidates. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad. Vol. 240 U.S. 1. (1916). Retrieved April 1, 2008, from http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/ scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=240&invol=1 Josephson Institute of Ethics. (2007). ResourcesQuotes. Retrieved December 31, 2007 from www.josephsoninstitute. org/quotes/quotegoodevil.htm Hillary for President. Issues. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/; McCain. Issues. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from www.johnmccain.com/; Obama 08. Issues. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from www.barackobama.com/ issues/; RonPaul2008. Issues. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/

Ron Paul
Pauls push to get the federal governments nose out of education, an authority which is not granted to it by the Constitution is a reflection of his dedication to natural law. Education is a very personal process through which values are passed on from families to their children. No two communities have the same educational needs and desires. As such, education should be exclusively under state and local control so that individual communities can decide what is best for themselves. This includes the decision to teach about extraterrestrial life forms and other phenomena. The federal government should not be imposing its values on families and local communities. There is no law that requires the individual person to pay a personal income tax. The United States Supreme Court has declared this even after passage of the Sixteenth Amendment (Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad, 1916). Yet, the IRS uses force to extort people into paying this nonexistent tax. Pauls efforts to eliminate the IRS and the collection of the personal income tax demonstrate his dedication to the rule of law. The IRS and its illegal tax creates an economic burden that distracts many people from what is going on in the world, including the events of high strangeness that occur on an almost daily basis. Pauls opposition to a national ID card is a major support for individual sovereignty. The right to move about freely within ones own country without being accosted by agents of the state asking you for your papers is fundamental to individual sovereignty. When the state requires an internal passport to move within the country this leaves room for select individuals to be harassed. This most certainly would happen to those traveling to UFO and disclosure conferences. His continued efforts to untangle the United States from foreign alliances and to cease military actions against nations that have committed no harm to our country is a reaffirmation of our Declaration of Independence by respecting the independence of other nations. A respect for other peoples freedoms will reflect a respect for our own citizenry, including respect for those who support disclosure and government accountability for Fortean phenomena. Pauls belief in limited Constitutional government and his strict constructionist voting record shows his respect for his oath of office and the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. If the Constitution is followed and obeyed, then the government will have no choice but to be responsive to the desires of the American People and their demand for disclosure. Congressman Ron Pauls platform stands for smaller government, less bureaucracy, strengthening of states rights, and our country keeping its nose out of the affairs of other nations. Individual freedom and local self-rule make for an extremely responsive government. Such a scenario makes cover-ups and excessive secrecy difficult while causing disclosure to be inevitable.


April 2008


The Current Crop of Sightings

by Rick Troppman It is March, and you know what that means: Yes! Spring is near! Every time March rolls around, it always brings with it a severe case of spring fever for me. And as well it should, since the vernal equinox or first day of spring occurs this year at 5:58 UTC, March 20th, 2008. I am planning a couple of camping expeditions this year and I might even write about it here if things go as well as I am anticipating. Of course on all my camping trips I always keep my eyes peeled for UFOs, and I am also planning some expeditions of a different sort this year. But this month I have a bumper crop of UFO reports, so I am going to get right into it. Many of you who have been kind enough to write to me have been asking me to report some more recent activity once in a while. As most of you have figured out by now, I choose cases to report here that are high quality, and age has nothing to do with it. However, I am going to break up this trend a little bit to give you some of the more recent reports. This month I am going to give you some of the latest reports available at the time of this writing. To open things up, I have a report which was turned in by a very credible witness of three boomerang craft exhibiting some rather strange properties. This sighting occurred November 18, 2007 over Palm Springs, California at about 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon. The duration of the sighting was about 4 to 5 minutes. While watching the unidentified craft for a minute or so, I noticed that it started to move in ways that normal aircraft do not. It slowly came to a stop, suspended in mid-air like a helicopter. Thats when I pointed it out to my partner, who saw the object as clearly as I had. The craft then moved around its location sluggishly and in what appeared to be a somewhat erratic fashion.

Palm Springs, California

Formation of Three Craft Spotted Over Palm Springs

On Sunday, November 18, 2007 my partner and I observed three UFOs flying high in the late afternoon sky over Palm Springs, California. The sightings occurred at approximately 4:30 p.m. The crafts remained visible to the naked eye for about five minutes before disappearing. We were in the downtown area of Palm Springs when the sighting occurred. I was the first to notice something unusual. I was looking up towards the moon, which was clearly visible to me at that hour, when I spotted an elongated boomerang or triangular-shaped craft flying in a southwest direction. At first the object appeared to be flying in a straight line like a normal aircraft. It also seemed to be at about the same altitude that a commercial aircraft normally flies while at cruising altitude, approximately 25 to 35 thousand feet. From that distance, I would estimate the size of the craft to be similar in size to a small-to-medium-sized commercial aircraft. 74

All of the sudden two other identical craft came into view in close relative proximity to the fist craft. The three objects began to slowly wobble towards a center point. For about four or five minutes they leisurely moved around and on occasion become completely stationary. Once the objects reached their center-point destination, they vanished from sight. It should be noted that the sky at that time of day was perfectly clear with exceptional visibility. Each craft was identical in size and shape to one another. Another unusual attribute of the crafts was that although they were shaped like a boomerang, they flew with the curvature to one side. In other words, the objects flew sideways. About the witnesses: I am a 47-year-old marketing executive and creative consultant to the motion picture industry. I hold a BA degree in radio, television, and film from a major university in southern California. I am an FAA licensed pilot certified to fly single-engine aircraft. My partner is also 47 years old and has postgraduate degrees in political science and art history from a prestigious and internationally recognized university. *** The strange thing about the preceding report is the way the craft flew seemingly sideways. I have never previously UFO

April 2008

reported this until now, but I had a sighting myself around 1980 in mid-August at about 10:30 p.m. of a football-shaped object that flew across the sky from south to north. This object was not flying particularly fast and was plainly visible. The length of the football-shaped object was approximately comparable to the diameter of a nickel at arms length. The object didnt have any lights on it and was lit only by the lights of Seattle, so no detail was visible with the exception of its football shape. But the odd thing about it, and similar to the above report is this: This thing did not fly like a well-thrown Joe Montana spiral pass. Quite to the contrary, this thing flew sideways, in that the side of its football shape was first, rather than the tip as one would expect. The next interesting report is out of Brussels, Belgium. The sighting occurred last November 18, 2007 at just after noon and had a short duration of about 20 seconds.

Mysterious and Silent VShaped UFO Spotted

It was a clear night with no clouds. Although very cold, I thought I would go outside for a smoke. Over the past two weeks my brother and I had been trying to find a comet that was supposedly viewable in the northeast sky. While having my smoke, I made a phone call to a friend of mine. After only 2 to 5 seconds of saying hello, I looked up and saw the following. It was a V-shaped object heading due south at a slow speed. The object made no sound and had no lights. The object was brownish in color and dark. Although the object was dark, it was clearly offset against the clear night sky. After passing over the crest of the house roof, I quickly ran to the street to see where it went. It was then that the objects shape became more visible due to the distant city lights. After continuing on its southerly direction a few more seconds, the object was no longer visible to me. Over the next hour, there was an increase in high- and lowflying identifiable flying objects aircraftin the area. After much debate with another friend this morning, I decided to notify local police to report my experience. They had no information on what it could have been and no records of any other phone calls explaining the event. *** Next up: A classic triangular craft over Monterey, California on November 14, 2007 at 8:30 p.m., with the oft-reported three white lights, one on each corner of the craft.

Formation of Several Spheres Over Brussels

I have always been interested in the UFO phenomenon. However, I have also always been skeptical about observations of spheres during day or night time, since reflections and birds can betray the human eye so easily. This was until today. At exactly 12:05 p.m., just after noontime, I was standing outside in the garden looking roughly eastwards when I observed a loose formation of five or six shining identical spheres heading from the southeast towards the northwest. I was so fixed on this phenomenon that I simply forgot to count the number of spheres. But I am sure there were at least five of them. The sky was perfectly clear; blue, with no clouds and with virtually unlimited visibility. The sun was shining in the southern noontime sky and a light surface wind was coming from the northeast. Some contrails of aircraft, as well as the aircraft themselves were clearly visible at high cruising altitude. The spheres were reflecting the sunlight at their backsidessun sideas if they were made up of polished aluminum or other similar shiny substance. The formation was visible for approximately 25 seconds. During that time of observation they travelled through an arc of view of approximately 110 degrees, and because of their relatively high speed, I did not have the opportunity to pick up my camera inside the house. The formation itself stayed together within a field of view of approximately 25 degrees, but their movements were very erratic, overtaking each other with brisk accelerations and then slowing down again and with brisk changing of directions over about 10 to 15 degrees deviation from the groups heading before regaining the general track. During the observation the group travelled at an elevation of approximately 50 degrees above the horizon. They left no contrails behind them. *** This next report of another V-Shaped object also occurred in November 2007, on the 16th of that month. The craft was spotted over Lowell, Arkansas, and the duration of this event was reported to be about 15 seconds at around 9:30 p.m. under darkened skies. UFO

Classic Triangular UFO Glides Over Monterey

At approximately 8:30 p.m. I witnessed a black, triangular craft moving very silently and smoothly over Monterey Peninsula College in Monterey, California. It had three distinct and steady white lights at the tip of each corner and seemed to be at a high altitude.

Monterey, California

Its movement was almost like that of a glider, and it was traveling in a semi-linear path due northeast. The linear movement was characterized by a sort of zigzag swaying from side to side. It was approximately an inch long on all sides to the naked eye. It looked to be very, very large; maybe 300 feet or so. 75

April 2008

I witnessed it for approximately 10 seconds before it was out of sight, trailing off in the same strange motion it had displayed. Again, it was like that of a glider. It was alarming and caught me off guard. Later that night a friend and I witnessed what seemed to be four or maybe six orbs over the course of an hour. They were golden-orange in color and pulsated. They moved erratically, descending, ascending, stopping, and changing direction. They persisted for approximately 45 minutes. They pulsated, changing in brightness, even disappearing and reappearing, although this might have been due to a fog layer across Monterey Bay. *** The next sighting report is apparently one of many reports that came in at that time of an event that was widely reported in the media. This report is out of Stephenville, Texas in early January 2008.

*** Along with the above report, there were many reports stating that it was one craft only, and was estimated to be a mile in length and a half-mile in width. I agree with the reporting party: You guys aint from round here, are yah? Next up; a brief sighting which occurred in the afternoon of November 9, 2007 near Eldorado, Texas at around 1:30 p.m. local time.

Two UFOs Spotted Slowly Crossing Over Road

Friday, November 9, 2007 I was driving from Eldorado, Texas to Christoval, Texas. It was about 1:30 p.m. and it was a very clear blue sky. I could see two wispy white clouds high above to my right. I was driving north on Highway 277 near the old Pave Paws governmental radar facility. There was plenty of traffic heading south, but I was the only one at that moment traveling northbound. Ahead in the

Jets Chase Huge UFO Over Texas

On January 8, 2008 at 6:15 p.m. Central Standard Time, my friends and I were watching the sunset when we noticed several strobes, or flashing lights coming from the east at about 3,500 feet and heading west toward Stephenville, Texas. Their estimated speed was about 2,000 to 3,000 mph.

Eldorado, Texas

Stephenville, Texas

The strobes made several changes of flash patterns and configurations. The flight duration lasted about three minutes. The front two strobes were about a half-mile apart and the back strobes were approximately one mile in back of the front strobes. The back side of the flashing lights came to a vertical-type flashing configuration. Then there were two separate vertical flames about a quarter-mile apart for several seconds, after which the craft was gone. We never heard any noise from the craft! They headed west towards Abilene, Texas. Then about ten minutes later, here comes the craft again with two jets chasing them. They were headed east towards South Fort Worth, Texas at about 4,000 feet. The jets were unable to catch the UFO and went off into the distance at full throttle. I am a pilot and have been flying for thirty years and have never seen anything like this. I also fly several times a week in the area. The craft is not from around these parts! 76

distance I could plainly see one large tree on the left side of the road. The road turned a bit to the right and was at a higher altitude than where I was currently. I suddenly became aware of two disks or possibly cigarshaped objects traveling west only a few feet above the height of the tree, but they were not as high as the height of a cell tower which was located on the right. I became aware of them on the right side of the road and could see them crossing over the road in front of me. I was traveling 70 miles per hour, but they appeared to be going slowly. They were not very big; maybe the size of a car. They were traveling one in front of the other. They were the color of the white clouds nearby. They almost looked invisible, but I could make out their shape against the background. It seemed forever until I arrived to the top of the small hill, where the tree was. I slowed down to look toward the west. I could not see them again on the left side of the road. The rest of the trip I kept looking at other things trying to justify that I had really seen them. I spotted a big Texas vulture, but it still looked like a bird when I got close. I spotted a jet across the sky with the white streak behind it but as I got closer, it still looked like a jet. I spotted a small airplane near San Angelo, but as I got closer and it got further, it continued to look like a small plane. UFO

April 2008

I do not know what I saw, but it appeared to me like they thought they were hidden as they traveled slowly across the road. It was almost like I was not supposed to have noticed them. *** I am guessing that the Pave Paws Radar Facility may have had something to do with why those craft were lurking in the area. Edina, Minnesota got in on the November 2007 UFO activity action with the next report, occurring at 8:00 p.m. on the 7th.

San Jose,

Low, Fast-Flying UFO Pauses to Take in the View

My husband and I were driving west on Highway 62 from Minneapolis to Eden Prairie when we saw an aircraft traveling horizontally, low in the sky, and at a very high rate of speed. We estimated that it was above Edina at the time. The aircraft was too low and too fast to be a typical airplane. Airplanes usually are not in that area of the sky. We travel this road daily and have never seen an airplane in that area of the sky before. It was dark out, so the exact shape was hard to determine. But it appeared to be a saucer with a row of lights toward the bottom. The saucer traveled north by northeast at a very high rate of speed and low in the sky. It then stopped abruptly and hovered. We watched it hover for several minutes as we traveled away from it. Eventually we could not see it any more because we kept driving. The size of the craft in the sky from where we were on the ground seemed a little bigger than a quarter but smaller than a tennis ball, so we estimate that it was a couple miles away from us, somewhere in Edina, perhaps. *** Thank you to the reporting witness for that one. And finally, a dramatic sighting out of San Jose, California of a couple of highly maneuverable disks occurring November 7, 2007.

Aerobatic Disks Reported Over California

It was around 5:20 p.m. when I was leaving work to go home. As I was going around toward the drivers side of my car, I happened to look upward at the sky. It was then that I saw two round disks or saucer-shaped objects gliding through the air side by side. They did not move any faster than if you were watching a bird fly against the wind. They appeared to be very dark in color, not reflecting any light from the sun, which was now setting on the horizon. The two disks were gliding side by side with only what seemed like a yard or two of space between them. They glided over the two-story building where I work, traveling west to east and making no audible noise that I could hear over the sound of traffic nearby. I was trying hard to make sense of what I was seeing; they were not birds and not balloons. Certainly not any conUFO

ventional airplanes. Perhaps they were very large round kites that got away from someone who was testing them out. But there was hardly any wind at all. What is keeping them afloat and moving along steadily without much wind? I thought. California Satisfied with the idea of some new kite invention that went astray, I unlocked and opened my car door. Before getting in I looked upward once more, just in time to see the two diskshaped objects begin tumbling through the air and then occasionally spinning around each other at a very rapid rate of acceleration and then flying in opposite direction of each other. Obviously, this was a complete shock to me. Despite the crazy tumbling, rapid acceleration and spinning around each other, these disks avoided a collision as though there was some kind of invisible force field that kept them from hitting each other. And all the while, they still maintained a steady course in an easterly direction. This sighting took place in no more than one minute before it passed out of view behind nearby trees. I would put the height of these objects at the same height you would see most small planes fly. In my best judgment, I would estimate that the diameter of these twin disks, if at ground level, could have been between 9 to 11 feet. The last few seconds of this sighting convinced me that these objects were controlled by some kind of advanced technology because of the unusual accelerations and maneuvers of these objects. Possibly, a new generation of nerd working on a special project for a start-up company may be behind this. Time will tell! *** Now thats the ticket! Nerds are behind the UFO phenomenon. But seriously; that is as good a guess as any at this point. Humans are most likely responsible for at least some of the really unknown reports received these past several years. However, there are loads of very strong evidence available that suggests that what many of these people are witnessing is technology that has originated off planet. All one needs to do is look through the evidence that is readily available for anyone to examine. That about does it for yet another month. As usual, a big thanks goes out to you the reader of this fine magazine. And also as usual, thank you to Peter Davenport and his National UFO Reporting Center at www.ufocenter.com for the fine reports in this months article. Just remember, whenever you step outside, dont forget to look up into the sky. You just never know what you will see out there in the wild blue yonder. And as you know, the sky is our window on infinity. UFO
If you have an experience or know of someone who has and you want to report it to me, please email me at rick@ ufopicks.com. My website: www.ufopicks.com; hear Jerry read more of my picks on the great weekly UFO Files Report Show: www.jerrypippin.com

April 2008


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39th Annual International UFO Symposium

Sponsored by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON)
Nick Pope: Britains X-Files

July 24-27, 2008 San Jose, California

Emcee: John Greenewald: Host of the blackvault.com

George Knapp Science confronts unexplained events at the Skinwalker Ranch

Cpt. Rodrigo Bravo: Chilean Army investigates UFOs

Leslie Kean: The Washington press conference and NASA lawsuit

Farah Yurdozu: Historic and current UFO cases in Turkey

Dr. Richard Haines : Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon and Aviation Safety

Plus! Field Investigator Training Workshops

Don Ledger : Pilot encounters over Canada

Jeronimo Flores and Victor Camacho: The latest UFO investigations in Mexico

Dr. Anthony Choy: Extraordinary General Wilfried De Brouwer: videos of UFOs A UFO wave over Belgium in Peru

Larry Lemke: Flying disc creates hole in the clouds at OHare Airport

Ted Roe : Resolving the current under-reporting bias of pilots

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