ADB - Myanmar - Fact Sheet - As of 31 December 2012

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Asian Development Bank &

Table 1.  Myanmar: 2012 Loan, Technical Assistance, and Grant Approvals ($ million)a
Loans Sovereign
= nil.

Myanmar joined the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1973. ADBs last loan projects for Myanmar were approved in 1986. Since the general elections in 2010, Myanmar has undertaken significant political and economic reforms. As a result, the international community has resumed reengagement with the country. In 2012, ADB developed a road map toward resumption of normal operations. The activities included initial assessments of the economy and of key sectors, provision of technical assistance projects, and development of an interim country partnership strategy for 20122014. The Government of Myanmar is developing a formal mechanism for aid management and donor coordination. Working closely with other development partners, ADB provided advisory support for the governments first forum on aid management in January 2013, drawing on regional experiences with donor coordination. ADB is also actively engaged in various sector and thematic working groups that are being formed among development partners for coordination purposes. ADB cooperates with civil society organizations to strengthen the effectiveness, quality, and sustainability of the services it provides. To this end, ADB regularly exchanges experience and expertise with nongovernment organizations that are undertaking development activities in Myanmar. With resumption of its reengagement with the international community, Myanmar is an increasingly active participant in the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Technical Nonsovereign Assistance Grants Total 4.57 4.57

Excludes cofinancing.

Table 2.  Myanmar: Cumulative ADB Lending by Sector as of 31 December 2012a

Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Health and Social Protection Industry and Trade Transport and ICT Water Supply and Other Municipal Infrastructure and Services Total Total Disbursements

Loans Amount (no.) ($ million) 15 4 2 2 3 2 316.10 26.80 20.00 63.10 26.40 42.50

%b 59.54 5.05 3.77 11.89 4.97 8.01

4 32

35.96 6.77 530.86 100.00 $411.8 million

Operational Challenges
The governments economic agenda is large, complex, and long-term. While the government has done much to lay the building blocks for a market economy, much more needs to be done in the areas of macroeconomic policy, trade, investment (including in social and physical structure), and small and medium-sized enterprise development to complete this transition. Stimulating rural development and human capital development for the poor are vital to ensure that growth is inclusive. ADB will support the governments efforts to provide the foundation for a more inclusive economy through transformational changes to macroeconomic policy institutions, accelerating human capital development and initiating market-based incentives to stimulate rural development.

ICT = information and communication technology. Includes sovereign and nonsovereign loans. Total may not add up because of rounding.

As of 31 December 2012

Future Directions
ADBs interim country partnership strategy for 20122014 seeks to support the government in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. It focuses on (i) building human resources and capacities (capacity building in ministries in core areas of ADB involvement, and education); (ii) promoting an enabling economic environment (macroeconomic and fiscal management; and trade, investment, financial sector reform); and (iii) creating access and connectivity (rural livelihoods and infrastructure development, especially energy and transport). ADB will mainstream the thematic areas of good governance, environmental sustainability, private sector development, and regional cooperation and integration into its operations. This will leverage ADBs comparative advantages, especially in the Greater Mekong Subregion. ADB will focus on the crosscutting areas of knowledge and partnerships.

Table 3.  Myanmar: Development Indicators

Non-MDG Population in millions Annual population growth rate (%) Adult literacy rate (%) Population in urban areas (%) MDG Population living on less than $1.25 (PPP) a day (%) Population living below the national poverty line (%) Under-5 mortality rate per 1,000 live births Population using an improved drinking water source (%) 61.12 [2012] 1.1 [20102012] 92.3 [2010] 32.7 [2011] ... 25.6 [2010] 62 [2011] 83 [2010]

... = data not available, MDG = Millennium Development Goal, PPP = purchasing power parity. Sources:  ADB. 2013. Basic Statistics 2013. Manila; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2013. Institute for Statistics Data Centre; World Bank. 2013. World Development Indicators Online.

Table 4.  Myanmar: Economic Indicators, 20082012

Economic Indicator Per capita GNI, Atlas method ($) GDP growth (% change per year) CPI (% change per year) Unemployment rate (%) Fiscal balance (% of GDP) Export growth (% change per year) Import growth (% change per year) Current account balance (% of GDP) External debt (% of GNI) 2008 ... 3.6 22.5 4.0 (2.5) 12.3 25.6 (3.1) ... 2009 ... 5.1 2.3 4.0 (5.2) (1.4) 1.9 (2.6) ... 2010 ... 5.3 8.2 4.0 (5.4) 25.8 15.8 (1.2) ... 2011 ... 5.5 2.8 4.0 (3.9) 13.3 24.4 (2.5) ... 2012 ... 6.3 3.5 (5.4) 11.2 22.0 (4.0) ...

Myanmar is the second largest country by area in Southeast Asia after Indonesia. It borders five nations, and is endowed with rich natural resourcesarable land, forestry, minerals, natural gas, freshwater and marine resources, and is a leading source of gems and jade. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 5.3% in fiscal year (FY) 2010 (1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011) and edged up to an estimated 5.5% in 2011. Recent growth was supported by higher levels of investment propelled by improved business confidence and credit growth. The consolidation of growth in FY2010, which was led by manufacturing, processing, and construction subsectors, continued in FY2011, supported by stronger demand for natural gas from neighboring countries. Investment in oil, natural gas, and the power sector, coupled with increases in tourism, construction, and exports, continue to drive growth. The investment environment has improved following reforms to unify multiple exchange rates and an easing of economic sanctions imposed on Myanmar by industrialized countries. Considering these factors, GDP is forecast to continue to see steady growth ahead. Risks to growth momentum include a slower-than-expected progress in key economic reforms and possible adverse impact on trade, investment, and tourism from a weaker external environment related to ongoing debt challenges in advanced economies.

( ) = negative, ... = data not available, CPI = consumer price index, GDP = gross domestic product, GNI = gross national income. Source:  ADB. 2013. Asian Development Outlook 2013. Manila; economy sources.

Table 5. Myanmar: Project Success Rates

Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Health and Social Protection Industry and Trade Transport and ICT Water Supply and Other Municipal Infrastructure and Services Total Year of Approval 1970s 1980s
= nil, ICT = information and communication technology.

% 60.0 100.0 50.0 100.0


No. of Rated Projects/ Programs 5 1 1 2 1 1 11 6 5

100.0 63.6 66.7 60.0

 ased on aggregate results of project/program completion reports (PCRs), PCR validation reports B (PVRs), and project/program performance evaluation reports (PPERs) using PVR or PPER ratings in all cases where PCR and PVR/PPER ratings are available.

Sources: PCRs, PVRs, and PPERs containing a rating circulated as of 31 December 2012.

ADB-Supported Projects and Programs

In 2012, ADB approved 12 technical assistance projects, amounting to $5.4 million, for policy advisory, capacity development, and institutional strengthening in some critical areas. The assistance covered administrative capacity development, public financial management and revenue mobilization, business climate improvement, education, trade and investment policy, civil society participation, gender, and tourism. The technical assistance is expected to further support implementation of the reforms undertaken by the government, and to promote investments in social and physical infrastructure.

Cofinancing operations enable ADBs financing partners, governments or their agencies, multilateral financing institutions, and commercial organizations, to participate in the financing of ADB projects. The additional funds are provided in the form of official loans and grants, and commercial financing, such as Bloans, risk transfer arrangements, parallel loans, and cofinancing for transactions under ADBs Trade Finance Program. By the end of 2012, cumulative direct value-added official cofinancing for Myanmar amounted to $38.1 million for sixinvestment projects and $6.6 million for 17 technical assistance projects. A summary of projects with cofinancing from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2012 is available at countries/myanmar/cofinancing

Table 6.  Myanmar: Projects Cofinanced, 1 January 200831 December 2012

Cofinancing Technical Assistance Grants No. of Projects 3 Amount ($ million) 0.82

Table 7.  Myanmar: Share of Procurement Contracts

2011 Amount % of ($ million) Total 0.00 0.00 2012 Amount % of ($ million) Total 0.16 0.00 0.03 Cumulative (as of 31 Dec 2012) Amount % of ($ million) Total 45.67 2.07 0.04 0.03

Item Goods, Works, and Related Services Consulting Services

= nil, 0.00 = less than 0.01%.

From 1 January 1966 to 31 December 2012, contractors and suppliers were involved in 185,090 contracts for ADB loan projects worth $116.58 billion. During the same period, contractors and suppliers from Myanmar were involved in 134 contracts for ADB loan projects worth $45.67 million. From 1 January 1966 to 31 December 2012, consultants were involved in 11,990 contracts for ADB loan projects worth $5.11 billion. During the same period, consultants from Myanmar were involved in five contracts for ADB loan projects worth $0.72million. From 1 January 1966 to 31 December 2012, consultants were involved in 26,546 contracts for ADB technical assistance projects worth $3.1 billion. During the same period, consultants from Myanmar were involved in 26 contracts for ADB technical assistance projects worth $1.35 million.

Table 8.  Myanmar: Top Individual Consultants Involved in ADB Loan Projects, 1 January 200831 December 2012
Consultant Individual consultants Number of Times Contracted 2 Contract Amount ($ million) 0.16

Table 9.  Myanmar: Top Individual Consultants Involved in ADB Technical Assistance Projects, 1 January 200831December 2012
Consultant Individual consultants Number of Times Contracted 3 Contract Amount ($ million) 0.07

Table 10.  ADB Assistance to Developing Member Countries, 20112012a

Lending ADF, Sovereign OCR, Sovereign OCR, Nonsovereign Public Sectorb Private Sectorc Equity Investments Guarantees Grantsd Technical Assistance Grants

2011 ($ million) 12,605.46 1,954.85 9,050.61 1,600.00 600.00 1,000.00 239.00 416.61 844.14 357.39

2012 ($ million) 11,717.58 2,315.85 8,294.89 1,106.84 44.00 1,062.84 131.00 403.00 969.77 297.78

Change (%) (7.04) 18.47 (8.35) (30.82) (92.67) 6.28 (45.19) (3.27) 14.88 (16.68)

( ) = negative, ADF = Asian Development Fund, OCR = ordinary capital resources. Excludes terminated loans, grants, equity investments, and technical assistance grants. Includes nonsovereign public sector loan processed by regional departments and ADBs Private Sector  Operations Department. c Includes $35 million investment in debt securities. d Excludes grant cofinancing not administered by ADB.

About Myanmar and ADB

ADB Membership Joined 1973 Shareholding and Voting Power Number of shares held: Votes: Overall capital subscription: Paid-in capital subscription:

ADB Headquarters 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 4444 Fax +63 2 636 2444 ADB Extended Mission in Myanmar Inya Lake Hotel, Room 240 37, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road Mayangone Township, Yangon Republic of the Union of Myanmar Tel +95 1 662866/662857 Ext 239 Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development Building No. 1, Nay Pyi Taw Republic of the Union of Myanmar Tel +95 67 407432 Fax +95 67 407027 Ministry of Finance and Revenue Building No. 26, Nay Pyi Taw Republic of the Union of Myanmar Tel +95 67 410052 Fax +95 67 410194/410182/410189 Useful ADB websites Asian Development Bank Country website Asian Development Outlook Annual Report

57,810 (0.55% of total shares) 97,414 (0.73% of total membership, 1.13% of total regional membership) $888.49 million $44.45 million

Maliami bin Hamad is the Director and Khin Khin Lwin is the Alternate Director representing Myanmar on the ADB Board of Directors. ADB has an interim country partnership strategy for 20122014 in place. ADBs Southeast Asia Department provides the primary operational link to the government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders in its activities. The department engages in policy dialogue and acts as a knowledge base on development issues in Myanmar. Putu Kamayana is the Head of ADBs Extended Mission in Myanmar. The Myanmar government agencies handling ADB affairs are the Foreign Economic Relations Department (FERD) under the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, and the Ministry of Finance and Revenue. About the Asian Development Bank ADB is a multilateral development bank owned by 67 members, 48 from the region and 19 from other parts of the world. ADBs main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance (TA). In 2012, lending volume was $11.72 billion (110 projects), with TA at $150.96 million (237 projects) and grant-financed projects at $696.94 million (27 projects). In addition, $8.3 billion was generated in direct value-added cofinancing in the form of official loans and grants and commercial cofinancing such as B loans, risk transfer arrangements, parallel loans, and cofinancing for transactions under ADBs Trade Finance Program. From 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2012, ADBs annual lending volume averaged $11.78 billion. In addition, investment grants and TA funded by ADB and special funds resources averaged $778.77 million and $172.56 million in TA over the same period. As of 31 December 2012, the cumulative totals excluding cofinancing were $191.47 billion in loans for 2,531 projects in 44 countries, $5.67 billion in 287grants, and $3.44 billion in TA grants, including regional TA grants.

In this publication, $ refers to US dollars. Figures are estimated by ADB unless otherwise cited. Data are as of 31 December 2012 unless otherwise indicated. Fact sheets are updated annually in April.

April 2013

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