Lesson Plan 3 - Ice Core Day

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Ice core Lesson Plan

Date: Lesson Topic: Proxies for past climate Units Essential Questions: How do researchers use ice cores as proxies for past climate? Students will know or be able to: Objectives Your objectives should be measureable, contain an observable verb, and be written in student-friendly language. Instructional methods used Look at your Teaching Methods to Try list and choose methods that will best help you reach your objectives. 1. What ice cores are 2. How ice cores are studied 3. What information we can collect from ice cores Mechanism of assessment for measuring each objective: 1. Inquiry activity 2. Class discussion 3. Entrance and exit tickets 3. Exit ticket answers 1. Questions during discussion 2. Responses during discussion, entrance and exit ticket answers, lab notebooks

Instructional materials and resources

Lab notebooks Play doh Plastic tubing

different colored sand rulers stop watch

Methods evaluation: After teaching, reflect on how well each method worked and what you would do to refine or build on each method.

Evidence of differentiation Based on your assessment of student learning, what are you going to do to accommodate the range of needs in your classroom? TIME:

Circulate around room during inquiry exercise, give assistance as needed Ask probing questions during inquiry exercise Answer questions during discussion Foster class-wide discussion Lesson Agenda What will the students be doing?

What will you be doing? 0-5: Entrance ticket: If you wanted to know what you were wearing a year ago today (assume nobody else remembers and you dont have any pictures), how could you figure it out? What assumptions can you make, even if you werent totally sure? Why are these assumptions valid? 5-10: Discuss entrance ticket & introduce activity for the day

Thinking, writing Discussing, writing, listening, thinking Constructing ice cores, working together, recording information

10-20: Student construction of ice cores 20-40: Students exchange ice cores and answer questions 40-45: Whole class debrief on what they found and the answers they got 45-50: Exit ticket: What do ice cores, lake sediments, isotopes, and coral reefs have in common that make them good proxies for past temperature? Examining ice cores, collecting data, making observations, writing, discussing, answering questions Talking, listening, writing Writing, thinking

CITATIONS: Ice core activity modified from: http://www.polartrec.com/resources/lesson/ice-cores-modeling-ice-sheets

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