Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

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Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

March 27, 2006

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

1 Introduction 2 Nature of Electronic States 2.1 The Nature of Absorption Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 13 14

3 Luminescence Processes 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Vibrational Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fluorescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Internal Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphorescence and Intersystem Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . Delayed Fluorescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Experimental System 4.1 4.2 Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Experiment 6 Analysis

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence


Luminescence is most conveniently dened as the radiation emitted by a molecule, or an atom, after it had absorbed energy to go to an exited state. The main types of luminescence are consist of uorescence and phosphorescence. The goal of this experiment is to investigate the properties of optical excitations 1 in organic crystals and to understand the processes that lead to phosphorescence and uorescence.

Nature of Electronic States

When discussing the nature of electronic states, it is important to distinguish between the terms electronic state and electronic orbital. An orbital is dened as the volume element in which there is a high probability (99.9%) of nding an electron. It is calculated from a one-electron wave function and is assumed to be independent of all other electrons in the molecule. Electronic states, on the other hand, are concerned with the properties of all the electrons in all the orbitals. In other words, the wave function of an electronic state is a combination of the wave functions of each of the electrons in each of the orbitals of the molecule. Another important distinction is that between exited electronic states and the transition state. Generally a transition state corresponds to a vibrationally exited ground state (i.e. ground state in a strained conguration), where as exited electronic states may contain no excess vibrational energy, but are still much higher in energy than the ground state. In fact a molecule in an exited state is best regarded as a completely new entity, only remotely related to the same molecule in the ground state. An exited state will have a completely dierent electron distribution from the ground state, a dierent geometry, and more than likely will undergo chemical reaction quite dierent from those of the ground state. Electronic states of organic molecules can be grouped into two broad categories, singlet states and triplet states. A singlet state is one in which all of the electrons in the molecule have their spins paired. Triplet states are those in which one set of electron spin have become unpaired. As will be seen later, triplet states and singlet states dier signicantly in there properties

exited states

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

as well as in there energies. A triplet state will always lie lower in energy than its corresponding singlet state.


The Nature of Absorption Processes

Figure 1 show a partial energy diagram for a photoluminescence system. One should note that each of the electronic states (ground or exited) has a number of vibrational levels superimposed on it. The vibrational levels arise because a molecule in a given electronic state may absorb small increments of energy corresponding to changes in vibrational modes, although retaining the same electronic conguration. Another signicant fact to be noted is the degree of overlap between the vibrational levels of exited states such as S2 and S1 . By convention the singlet states should be stacked in a column while the triplet states are stacked in another vertical column displaced to the right of the singlet column. One should also notice the overlap between the vibrational levels of the triplet state T1 and its corresponding singlet state S1 . The energy of a photon (E = hc/) required to produce a particular exited state is the dierence in energy between that state and the ground state as shown in gure 1. Thus there is a range of wavelength that can lead to a transition between any two electronic states, which accounts for the fact that electronic absorption spectra generally occur as broad bands, rather than as single lines. As one might notice there is no arrow describing a transition from the ground state to the triplet state T1 . These transitions are forbidden and thus highly improbable. A good role of thumb is that singlet-triplet processes have a probability of about 106 that of a corresponding singlet-singlet or triplettriplet processes.

Luminescence Processes

Luminescence processes can be interpreted only in terms of the exited state from which luminescence emission occurs and its relationship to the ground state of the molecule. Although the simple picture of photon absorption by a molecule subsequent by a reemission of a photon to give luminescence seems to be quite straightforward, there are nonradiative processes which

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

Radiationlees transitions

Processes involving photons

Figure 1: Partial energy diagram for a photoluminescence system(Jablonski diagram) precede and/or compete with photon emission. In the following section mean lifetimes of all processes will be stressed as they are important for determining the luminescence behavior of a molecule.


Vibrational Relaxation

One may assume that all molecules are in the lowest vibrational level of the ground state at room temperature. The actual time required for a photon absorption, i.e. the time required for a molecule to go from one electronic state to another, is 1015 sec. This time is short relative to the time required for all other electronic processes and nuclear motion. This 5

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

means that immediately after excitation a molecule has the same geometry and is in the same environment as it was in the ground state. In this situation it can do one of two things: emit a photon from the same vibrational level to which it was excited initially. undergo changes in vibrational levels prior to emission of radiation. Which of these two processes is dominant depends on the environment of the molecule. For an isolated molecule in the gas phase, the only way to lose vibrational energy is to emit an infrared photon, which is less probable than undergoing an electronic transition to return to the ground state. Therefore one tends to see photon emission from higher vibrational levels of exited states in gas phase spectra at low pressures. In a solution, however, thermal relaxation of a vibrationally excited molecule is quite rapid through transfer of excess vibrational energy from the solute molecule to the solvent. In fact, this process is so ecient that all the excess vibrational energy of the excited state is lost, this process occurs in 1013 to 1011 sec. This means that before an excited molecule in a solution can emit a photon , it will undergo vibrational relaxation, and therefore photon emission will always occur from the lowest vibrational level of an excited state.



Once a molecule arrives at the lowest vibrational level of an exited singlet state, it can do a number of things, one of which is to return to the ground state by photon emission. This process is called uorescence. The lifetime of an excited singlet state is approximately 109 to 107 sec and therefore the decay time of uorescence is of the same order of magnitude. If uorescence is unperturbed by competing processes, the lifetime of uorescence is the intrinsic lifetime of the excited singlet state. The quantum eciency of uorescence is dened as the fraction of molecules that will uoresce. It should be noted that even though a quantum of radiation is emitted in uorescence this quantum will be lower in energy on the average than the quantum absorbed by the molecule, due to vibrational relaxation (both after absorption and after emission). The change in photon energy causes a shift of the uorescence spectrum to longer wavelength, relative to the absorption spectrum, this is referred to as the Stokes Shift. 6

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

To summarize, the process of uorescence consist of photon absorption by a molecule to go to an excited singlet state, relaxation from higher vibrational levels of that state to its lowest vibrational level, photon emission to a vibrationally exited level of the ground state, and again relaxation of the molecule to the lowest vibrational level of the ground state.


Internal Conversion

In addition to uorescence, one also encounters radiationless processes where molecules in an excited singlet state may return to the ground state without the emission of a photon, converting all the excitation energy into heat. The process called internal conversion, is not well understood and its eciency is very dicult to measure. Generally internal conversion is an inecient process and is probably only a small fraction of the total excitation energy in most molecules. This is particularly true in aromatic hydrocarbons, which we use in this experiment. So far the discussion was limited to the S0 S1 transitions, and the question might arise as to the nature of exited state processes if a molecule is excited to a higher singlet state such as S2 . In such cases the molecule will undergo vibrational relaxation as discussed before. The fate of the molecule as it reaches the zeroth vibrational level of S2 depend of the energy separation between the exited singlet states. Generally the separation between excited singlet states in an aromatic molecule is smaller than the energy separation between the lowest singlet state S1 and the ground state S0 . This means that the lowest vibrational level of S2 will overlap with higher vibrational levels of the S1 state, that do not involve extremely large dierences in conguration from the zeroth vibrational level of the S1 state. This situation gives rise to a high degree of coupling between the vibrational levels of the S2 and S1 states, which provides an extremely ecient path for crossing from the S2 state to the S1 state. In fact this process is so ecient that the molecule undergoes internal conversion from the S2 state to the lowest vibrational level of the S1 state in about the same time that it requires to convert from an exited vibrational level of the S1 state to its zeroth vibrational level (i.e. 1013 to 1011 sec). Because of this situation one may formulate the following rule: a molecule may be considered to undergo internal conversion to the lowest vibrational level of its lowest excited singlet state in a time that is short, relative to photon emission , regardless of the singlet state to which it was excited initially

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence


Phosphorescence and Intersystem Crossing

Although population of triplet states by direct absorption from the ground state is insignicant, a more ecient process exists for population of triplet states from the lowest excited singlet state in many molecules. This process is referred to as intersystem crossing, and is a spin-dependent internal conversion process. As singlet-triplet processes are generally less probable than singlet-singlet processes, one may be startled that a singlet-triplet process such as intersystem crossing can occur within the lifetime of an excited singlet state (108 sec). The mechanism for intersystem crossing involve vibrational coupling between the excited singlet state and a triplet state. Remembering that singlet-triplet processes are less probable than singletsinglet processes by a factor of 105 to 106 , and that radiationless vibrational processes (such as internal conversion) occur in approximately 1013 sec, the time required for a spin-forbidden vibrational process would be approximately 108 to 107 sec, which is the same order of magnitude as the lifetime of an excited singlet state. Therefore intersystem crossing can compete with uorescence emission from the zeroth vibrational level of an excited singlet state but cannot compete with vibrational deactivation from higher vibrational level of a singlet state. Once intersystem crossing has occurred the molecule undergoes the usual internal conversion process (1013 to 1011 sec) and falls to the zeroth vibrational level of the triplet state. Since the dierence in energy between the zeroth vibrational level of the triplet state and the zeroth vibrational level of the lowest exited singlet state is large compared to thermal energy, repopulation of a singlet state from a triplet state is highly improbable. There are two factors which tend to enhance a radiationless transition between the lowest triplet state and the ground state. First the energy dierence between the triplet state and the ground state is smaller than the dierence between the lowest singlet state and the ground state. This tends to enhance vibrational coupling between these two states, and therefore to enhance internal conversion. Second, and more important, the life time of a triplet state is much longer than that of an excited singlet state (about 104 to 10 sec) and therefore loss of excitation energy by collisional transfer is generally enhanced. In fact, this second process is so important that in solution at room temperature it is often the dominant pathway for the loss of triplet state excitation energy. If a molecule is placed in a rigid medium where collisional processes are

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

minimized, a radiative transition between the lowest triplet state and the ground state is observed. This emission is called phosphorescence. As phosphorescence originates from the lowest triplet state, it will have a decay time approximately equal to the lifetime of the triplet state (ca. 104 to 10 sec). Therefore phosphorescence is often characterized by an afterglow which is not observed for uorescence.


Delayed Fluorescence

Delayed uorescence is a non-collisional energy transfer process. This process has the uorescence characteristic emission spectrum but a lifetime only a bit shorter than phosphorescence. Studies of delayed uorescence in a variety of aromatic hydrocarbons show that the intensity of delayed uorescence is proportional to the square of the intensity of the exciting radiation and to the square of the phosphorescence intensity, indicating that it is a biphotonic process involving two triplet states. These data suggest the following mechanism for delayed uorescence:

S0 + h S S S

(1) (2) (3) (4)

T S + S0 S0 + hf

T +T

The molecule in its ground state, S0 , absorbs a photon and goes to the lowest exited singlet state, S . This, in turn, undergoes intersystem crossing to the triplet state T . The long life time of interaction between these triplet excitons and the molecules allows the these quasi particles to diuse through the crystal and interact according to equation (3) producing an excited singlet state and a ground singlet state; the excited singlet state then emits its normal uorescence as shown in (4). The process descried above is referred to as P-type delayed uorescence and is one of the processes we witness in this experiment. In this biphotonic process the lifetime of delayed uorescence is half the value of the concomitant phosphorescence. However, if the crystal contains impurities the excitons are trapped by them with high probabilities due to favorable energy ratios. Doping with impurities has a negative inuence on the intensities and lifetimes of the triplet excitons, The intensities can be reduced and the lifetimes shortened by orders of magnitude. 9

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence


Experimental System

In this experiment we will investigate the processes of phosphorescence and delayed uorescence. As these two processes are both decays from the triplet state T1 we are interested in the time dependence of triplet exciton density n. We shall thus start our discussion with the following ansatz, dn = i n n2 + D 2 n dt (5)

The terms on the right side describe from left to right: dependence from excitation intensity i, direct decay (phosphorescence), annihilation (delayed uorescence) and diusion. The observables in the experiment are linked to n by the following relationships: Intensity of phosphorescence: p n Intensity of delayed uorescence: f n

(6) (7)

To solve equation 5 we neglect two terms: (i), since we will not excite the crystal during observation (as can be seen later) and the diusion term, because it can be considered a small perturbation in rst order. This leads to the following equation: dn = n n2 dt dn = dt n2 + n dn dn = dt n n+


Integration yields: log (n0 + )n(t) = t (n(t) + )n0 10 n(t) (n0 + ) = et n0 (n(t) + )

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

This leads to: 1 1+

n0 (1

n(t) = n0 et

et )


The term in square brackets is a deviation from the exponential behavior and represents the inuence of triplet annihilation. For part of our result analysis equation 9 is used in the following form: y = ln( n0 n(t) ) = t ln 1 + (1 et ) n0 (10)

As we measure intensities, we would like to link equation 9 to the intensities of phosphorescence and delayed uorescence. For this purpose let us assume that a fraction A of the rst order decay i.e. from the transition T0 S0 is radiative. This yields a phosphorescence intensity of A et et )

Ip = An = n0


n0 (1


In addition we can also assume that a fraction B of the triplet-triplet annihilation results in the production of a uorescing singlet excitation S , which gives the following delayed uorescence intensity 1 1 If = (B )n2 = (B )n0 2 2 1+ The triplet lifetime T is dened as T = 1 (13) 1 n0 t ) (1 e



The lifetimes of phosphorescence and delayed uorescence are therefore: T = p = 2f (14)


Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

This means, that the delayed uorescence decays here twice as fast as the phosphorescence.


Experimental Setup

Photomultiplier Crystal Hg-lamp

Figure 2: Experimental Setup The side walls of the dark experimental chamber contain two wheels connected by a metal bar. Two gaps were hacked in each wheel, aligned to allow light to path only one wheel at a time, see gure 2. Using this setup the Hg-lamp (on the right) can not cause damage to the photomultiplier (on the left) by shining right at it. Furthermore, this setup ensures that the results we obtain arrive only from delayed uorescence or phosphorescence as discussed before. The turning speed of the wheels can be controlled by a small motor that turns the metal bar. This speed should be slow enough to allow most exited molecules to decay to their ground state (suggestion: observation interval of at least three lifetimes). As light passes the right wheel it should be focused on a crystal causing the desired excitons. While both wheels are turning the right one will now block the path of light and the left one will allow the photons from the phosphorescence and delayed uorescence to arrive to the photomultiplier. The output from the photomultiplier has to be amplied by an current-voltage converter. Then the signal is plugged to one channel of the oscilloscope.


Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

The same time the window in the wheel is open for the Hg-lamp, there is an other one open with an photodiode behind. This gives a reference signal indicating the shutting of the Hg-lamp. It can be used for triggering. Therefore we plug it to the other channel of the oscilloscope and chose this channel as external trigger. For better results it is recommended to have the oscilloscope measuring an average of 128 measurements. Figure 3 shows the schematic structure and chemical formula of the crystals used in the experiment.

Anthracene C


H 10

Naphthaline C



Para-terphenyl C


H 14

Figure 3: Crystals


The goal of the experiment is to nd the lifetime of phosphorescence and the delayed uorescence. There are several factors that complicate this task: The system is very noisy, the resolution of the oscilloscope is limited, and due to the limited time window one can only see part of the decay. Therefore it is suggested to take a rst measurement, to analyze it roughly. Then one can think about the best parameters and redo the experiment to get some better curves. Plug the signal from the photodiode to the oscilloscope and look at this rst, thats easier. Then plug the amplied signal from the photomultiplier on the second channel and trigger it by the rst signal (This means you have to adjust the settings of the oscilloscope correspondingly). 13

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

If you do not average, the signal looks very noisy, it might even be hard to see it. To play with the parameters it is best to average a little bit, if you want to acquire data, you have to average by 128. Play with the parameters of the oscilloscope and with the speed of the wheel. Changing the speed of the wheel inuences the time between the shutting of the Hg-lamp and the opening of window at the photomultiplier, the time of exposure and the observation window. Estimate the background noise and try to avoid it (by working in dark).

Get out the time between the end of exposure and the begin of the observation. The end of the exposure is given by the time at which the reference signal of the photodiode goes to zero. Normalize the curves by the background noise level and photomultiplier oset y0 . Fit the curves in the two regimes where Phosphorescence and delayed Fluorescence are dominating. Therefore we have to look at the theory again: From equation 4.1 and 4.1 we get by taking the logarithm

ln (Ip (t) y0 ) ln(n0 ) = t + ln


n0 (1

A et )


ln (If (t) y0 ) ln(n0 ) = 2t +ln and in the limit t ln 1 Ip (t) y0 n0

B n0 2 ln 1 + (1 et ) 2 (16)

= t + ln B 2

A 0 1 + n n0



If (t) y0 n0

= 2t + ln

2 ln 1 +



Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

this means that we can use a linear t of ln(n(t) y0 ) to extract an estimated value of for each crystal. The value of y0 changes in each measurement but is not dicult to extract. Get out a value for for each crystal by averaging over dierent ts of curves of phosphorescence and delayed uorescence.


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