Dinagat Islands at A Glance

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Governor : Geraldine “JADE” Ecleo

Vice Governor : Elvis A. Dela Merced
Hon. Floro F. Baltar Jr. Basilisa
Hon. Marc Adelson D. Longos Cagdianao
Hon. Gwendolyn B. Ecleo Dinagat
SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN Hon. Lamberto T. Llamera, Jr. Libjo
Hon. Doandre Bill A. Ladaga Loreto
DISTRICT I : Hon. Gracelyn B. Ecleo Hon. Benglen B. Ecleo San Jose
: Hon. Domingo L. Torotoro Hon. Ronald O. Luib, Sr. Tubajon
: Hon. Merlinda D. Lagroma
: Hon. Rolizareth T. Ladaga
: Hon. Romeo S. Ecleo
DISTRICT II : Hon. Mario P. Menil
: Hon. Nilo P. Gulfo
: Hon. Norberto A. Sarita, Sr. Basilisa June 17, 1967 R.A. 4986
: Hon. Zacarias N. Vales Cagdianao December 23, 1959 E.O. 367
Direccion Gen. No. 5505
Dinagat 1830
Leg. 103
EX - OFFICIO Libjo February 29,1960 E.O. 381
Loreto January 1,1919 Unnumbered E.O.
Hon. Allan II B. Ecleo San Jose November 15,1989 R.A. 6769
Provincial Councilor’s League President Tubajon June 21, 1969 R.A. 5643

Hon. Jesspaul D. Ecleo

Provincial ABC Federated President DIRECTORY OF MUNICIPAL


Provincial SK Federated President
BASILISA 826-1603
CAGDIANAO 356-1607
For more information visit: LORETO 365-1717/365-1725
SAN JOSE 365-1837
TUBAJON 365-1965
The Official Website of Dinagat Islands

Provincial Planning and Development Office

San Jose, Dinagat Islands, Philippines
Email: [email protected]
HISTORY LAND AREA flat lands or areas with 0% - 3% slopes in the western part of the
The Province of Dinagat Islands has a total land area of 96,745.85 province.
Settlements within Dinagat Islands were already present during hectares and is composed of seven municipalities. The largest
the Spanish regime. Most of the residents emigrated from nearby municipality in terms of land area is Loreto with a total land area
provinces of Bohol and Leyte. of 25,587 hectares (26%) and the smallest municipality is Dinagat
with a total land area of 3,287 hectares (3%).
The municipality of Dinagat is the oldest community in the
province. In the early days, a story was told that a stranger TOPOGRAPHY
reached the place in search of greener pasture. He approached a The province has a varied terrain ranging from flat, to rugged, t o
native and asked what the inhabitants do for a living. The native mountainous. The elevation of the eastern part of the province
said that they farm and fish to live. The stranger’s interest in reaches over 900 meters from sea level. The rest of the island is
fishing prompted him to inquire where they fish, and the native characterized by broken relief or relatively low elevation
replied and pointed to a place saying – “dinhi niini na dagat” (here especially land areas adjacent to the ocean.
in this bountiful waters). Since then, the place was called Dinagat.
The highest points of the province are Mt. Kambinliw and Mt.
The province was the site of the Historic Battle of Surigao Strait Redondo. They are both found in the northern and southern part
during the Second World War. The Municipality of Loreto became of the municipality of Loreto.
the entry point of the American Liberation Forces on October 17,
1944. It was on this shore that the 6th Ranger Batallion of the 6th SOIL TYPES
U.S. Army under Col. Mucci landed at Sitio Campintac of Barangay The Dinagat Islands soil is primarily Dinagat Clay Loam which is
Panamaon, Loreto. It was on this shore that the 6th Ranger comprised of 70% Kabatohan, loam 20% and 10% of Bolinao clay
Battalion of the 6 U.S. Army under Co. Mucci landed at Sitio steep phase. It is characterized as friable and slightly granular in
Campintac of Barangay Panamaon. It was during this landing that nature.
the first American flag flew on the Philippine soil. They named the
place “Black Beach No. 2”. METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATE
The province falls under climate type II characterized by no
The northern part of the island served as refuge for the American pronounced dry season but with a very pronounced maximum
soldiers, while the western border was the camp site of the rainfall period from November to January. It has a total annual
Japanese Forces. Capsized vessel structures are still found today rainfall of 2,830.60 meters from the 204 rainy days. Temperature
in the waters of Basilisa. ranges from a low of 23.9 degrees Celsius in January to a high of
33.06 degree Celsius in September. The average annual minimum
Dinagat Islands was part of the First District of the Province of and maximum temperature in 2004 measures to 253 degrees
Surigao del Norte until it became a separate province on Celsius and 31.06 degrees Celsius respectively. The average
December 2, 2006 through Republic Act No. 9355 of the Charter annual humidity is 81% and the average velocity is one (1) meter
of the Province of Dinagat Islands. per second.

Last January 2007, Surigao del Norte Governor Robert S. Lyndon MINERAL DEPOSITS
Barbers inducted the interim officials into office. The interim The province is rich with metallic and non-metallic mineral
officials were Geraldine “JADE” Ecleo Villaroman, Provincial resource. These include large tonnage of chromite, aluminous
Governor; Elvis A. dela Merced, Provincial Vice Governor; laterite ore and nickeliferous laterite. Small amount of rock
Provincial Board Members: Merlinda D. Lagroma, Norberto A. phosphate, limestone, siliceous and gold deposits are scattered
Sarita Sr., Mario P. Menil, Zacarias N. Vales, Gracelyn B. Ecleo, Nilo across the island as well.
P. Gulfo, and Rolizareth T. Ladaga. They took oath at the Chromite is most abundant in the municipality of Loreto and can
Municipal Cultural Center of San Jose. also be found in the municipality of Basilisa, Cagdianao and Libjo.
Nickel, on the other hand, is abundant in the Eastern part of the
GEOGRAPHY island in the municipalities of Tubajon, Libjo and Cagdianao. Of all
the municipalities, Cagdianao has the most abundant mineral
LOCATION reserves in the island.
Dinagat Islands is located in the northern part of Surigao del
Norte. Politically bounded on the North, starting from the LAND CLASSIFICATION
Desolation Point, by Surigao Strait; on the East by Philippine Sea; Dinagat Islands Province has a total land area of 96,745.85
on the South-East by Dinagat Sound; on the South by Gaboc hectares. Its alienable and disposable (A & D) land is 15,836
Channel and Nonoc Island; on the South-West by Awasan Bay, hectares whereas its timberland has a total of 62,660.36 hectares.
Hanigad Island and Hikdop Island; and on the West by Surigao The bigger percentage of timberland can be ascribed to the slope
Strait. of the province. Alienable and disposable lands are found in the

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