Dinagat Islands at A Glance
Dinagat Islands at A Glance
Dinagat Islands at A Glance
Last January 2007, Surigao del Norte Governor Robert S. Lyndon MINERAL DEPOSITS
Barbers inducted the interim officials into office. The interim The province is rich with metallic and non-metallic mineral
officials were Geraldine “JADE” Ecleo Villaroman, Provincial resource. These include large tonnage of chromite, aluminous
Governor; Elvis A. dela Merced, Provincial Vice Governor; laterite ore and nickeliferous laterite. Small amount of rock
Provincial Board Members: Merlinda D. Lagroma, Norberto A. phosphate, limestone, siliceous and gold deposits are scattered
Sarita Sr., Mario P. Menil, Zacarias N. Vales, Gracelyn B. Ecleo, Nilo across the island as well.
P. Gulfo, and Rolizareth T. Ladaga. They took oath at the Chromite is most abundant in the municipality of Loreto and can
Municipal Cultural Center of San Jose. also be found in the municipality of Basilisa, Cagdianao and Libjo.
Nickel, on the other hand, is abundant in the Eastern part of the
GEOGRAPHY island in the municipalities of Tubajon, Libjo and Cagdianao. Of all
the municipalities, Cagdianao has the most abundant mineral
LOCATION reserves in the island.
Dinagat Islands is located in the northern part of Surigao del
Norte. Politically bounded on the North, starting from the LAND CLASSIFICATION
Desolation Point, by Surigao Strait; on the East by Philippine Sea; Dinagat Islands Province has a total land area of 96,745.85
on the South-East by Dinagat Sound; on the South by Gaboc hectares. Its alienable and disposable (A & D) land is 15,836
Channel and Nonoc Island; on the South-West by Awasan Bay, hectares whereas its timberland has a total of 62,660.36 hectares.
Hanigad Island and Hikdop Island; and on the West by Surigao The bigger percentage of timberland can be ascribed to the slope
Strait. of the province. Alienable and disposable lands are found in the