Myopulse Facial Proceedures and Settings
Myopulse Facial Proceedures and Settings
Myopulse Facial Proceedures and Settings
The following guideline will take you through a recommended procedure for a Myopulse Facial. Note that the majority of treatments will be on Mode 1. Mode 2 will be used in conjunction with Mode 1, to treat a pain site or acupuncture meridian in the lower body, supporting the facial process. The Myopulse Facial should be plugged in at all times to charge. It will NOT turn on until it is unplugged. Phase 1: Stress Management Procedure (CES) The first part of the Myopulse facial process is an unattended treatment with the ear clips. Set the Myopulse settings as follows: Frequency- 10hz., Intensity- 50 ua., polarity-alt, Timer- continuous. Plug ear clips into Remote Electrode jacks (red and blue). For stressed patients you can use a frequency of 2hz 8hz as well. Prepare the patient, with them lying down, rub an ample amount of gel on both sides of both earlobes. Clip ear clips onto the patients earlobes and slide towards the cheek. Unplug instrument and turn power knob to ON position. To start treatment push manual start button beside the volume knob. Note: there should be an audible sound from the Myopulse and the red LED lights should light up indicating the treatment is engaged and the wires are connected properly. Turn volume knob down so patient can rest quietly for 10 -20 minutes. There is no harm if the patient fall asleep or stays on the ear clips for a longer time. A warm wash cloth can also be placed over the eyes. Pre treatment cream PR16 should be applied during this treatment phase. Apply a small amount to the primary areas of concern and leave on the face. Must be totally dry before applying Green Cream CEL0103. Placement pads can be applied to bilateral acupuncture points in the lower body. See Facial support points below. Once complete, carefully remove the ear clips, rinse off and let air dry. Continue with phase 2 or turn instrument off and charge it. Phase 2: General Facial Procedure It is recommended that a facial process begin with a treatment in the neck, under the chin etc. as stress is held in this area. Lymph nodes are abundant in the neck, as a result treatments aid in lymphatic drainage helping the body rid itself of the toxins that you will be releasing during the facial process. Take 2-5 minutes to treat the muscles of the neck using electrolyte CEl-0071. Polarity: positive, frequency 40 hz., followed by Alt/Auto Divide the face into 3 parts ( neck/lower chin, chin to lower eyes, eyes and forehead). To generally prepare and treat the face use the 2 point specific probes (one trigger probe, one indifferent probe) Using 2 separate probes will allow you to treat both sides of the face,
bilaterally at the same time. You can also use the probes on the same side of the face working acupuncture points or insertion and origins points of the muscles. The Y probe can also be used if you are not comfortable using both hands at the same time. Two excellent points to stimulate are on the forehead between the eyebrows (Governing Vessel 24.5) and just blow the nose on the upper lip (GV 24). Both points reduce tensions in the body significantly. Set the Myopulse settings as follows: Frequency-Auto, Intensity- 200-400ua-to tolerance. Polarity- Alt, Timer-continuous. Intensity should be set below prickling threshold. Treat any part of the face you wish moving from the chin upward to the eyes. Pull the tissue up against gravity, work around the TM joint, masseters, around the temples, over sinuses etc. You can use any other of the soft tissue or detail probes to focus on specific areas of concern once the general preparation is complete. Detailed Treatment of Wrinkled Areas of the Face: Now that you have balanced the muscles of the shoulders, neck, jaw and face, you are now ready to work on those areas where wrinkles are most apparent. Pages 33-36 in the manual details some protocols. The mini twin spring probe can be used by itself or the soft tissue probe with 4 tips can be used with the hand held bar or point specific probe. In either case these probes are spring loaded allowing you to treat sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth. The soft tissue probe has 4 tips, 3 of which to be used for wrinkles and the 4th. tip for acne treatments. Using the soft tissue detail probe and placing a hand held bar in the clients hand allows the energy to penetrate deeper from the face to an extremity. It also frees up a hand for the clinician to pull on the skin to open up troublesome areas. Following is a complete list of special facial applications and instrument settings. The clinician should be using specific frequencies other than auto to treat special indications. Use these as a guide. If any of the special procedures protocols arent effective, use other frequencies. Everyone vibrates at a different frequency so experiment with frequency by starting low and work it up to 40hz or so. For highly inflamed tissue, you can use frequencies up to 160 hz. Phase 3: After Treatment Procedure Once the face has been treated, it is important to wipe all of the green cream off of the clients face. It contains many electrolytes and when dry can appear flaky and dry. Once the face is clean and dry, apply a small amount of after cream CRM-XN80 or CRM-XF25. Use the Y probe or point specific probes to gently rub the sealant cream into the skin. This only takes 1-2 minutes. Wipe excess cream off or massage into skin with hands.
Frequency: 0.5 hz, Polarity: Positive, Intensity: 50 ua., Timer: continuous Once complete, turn instrument OFF and PLUG in CHARGER Reset your Frequency, polarity and intensity settings for CES on the next client. Mode 2 facial support treatment: The Myopulse Facial enables the clinician to use Mode 2 alone for difficult pain issues. It can also be used in conjunction with Mode 1 while a facial is being performed. Use the 1x1 square brass pads and plug them into the remote electrode jacks on mode 2. Put the timer on continuous set frequency as per guidelines and turn the intensity to low. Apply adequate gel appropriate area and secure pads firmly. Turn instrument on and press Mode 2 start button. Turn up intensity until client feels tingling and turn down one setting. You can change frequency any time through this treatment. The client can be treated with the pads during the entire facial treatment. With this protocol, you are now providing the client with a relaxing facial while the pads provide energy to another quadrant of the body. This is an excellent support for the facial process. Suggested areas of pad contact and treatment: Bilateral: Kidney 1 meridian on the soles of the feet. Helps detoxify kidneys. Bilateral: Kidney 3, medial/posterior ankle bone. (improves energy). Bilateral: Urinary Bladder 61, lateral/posterior ankle bone (low back issues) Bilateral: Spleen 6, medial lower leg, 4 fingers up from medial ankle bone. Bilateral: Lumbar 5 S 1. Low back points. Bilateral: Place pads behind the knees. Place 1 pad just below naval and the 2nd. pad on sacrum (base of spine) Across a knee or hip. muscle trigger points, on scar tissue, along the backwherever you want energy to flow. For acupuncture meridians use a frequency of 10 hz. For acute or chronic indications use frequencies from 0.5 - 40 hz. For highly inflamed tissue you can scan higher to 160 hz. You have to manually scan these frequencies. For excellent muscle charts of the body including the face check out and click on Muscle Tutorial
Bob Moore is a trainer with expertise in chronic/acute pain management and anti-aging. With 20 years experience exclusively with the Acuscope and Myopulse, he has taken therapists to the next level of success. For further information, call or email Bob Moore at 416 565-0007 [email protected]. For additional information on his training expertise visit
Frequency Guidelines
Indication CES Ear Clips Frequency 2-10hz. Polarity Alt Intensity 50ua Time 10-15 min. Electrolyte CEL-0071
Facial Pre treatment cream PR16 can be applied at the beginning of CES. Let it dry. Neck Lymphatic General Face 40hz. Auto Auto Pos. Alt. Alt Pos. Neg. Alt. Pos. Neg Alt Neg Alt. Neg Alt Pos Alt. Neg Neg. Alt Alt. Alt. Alt. Neg. Alt. Alt. 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-400ua. 50ua. 2 min. 5-10 min. per area CEL-0071 CEL-0103 CRM XN80 CEL-0103
After Cream 0.5 Acne a: 10hz. b: 100 c: 40 a: 0.5hz. b: 2.0 c: 8.0 d: 0.5 a: 2.0hz. b: 2.0 c: 8.0 a: 40hz. b: 20 c: 0.5 a: 100hz. b: auto a: 0.5hz. b: auto a: 10hz. b: 0.5 c: auto
1 min. entire face 2x30 sec 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x 30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x 30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 3x30 sec cont. 2x30 sec. cont. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. cont.
50ua. 200-tolerance 100-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 100-tolerance 100-tolerance 100-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200-tolerance
Scarring Chronic
Frequency Guidelines Cont. Indication Eye Lines Topical Broken Capillaries Rosacea Frequency a: 1.0hz. b: 10 c: 8 a: 8hz. b: auto c: 10 a: 4hz. b: auto c: 10 a: 10hz. b: auto c: 2 a: 1hz. b: 0.5 c: 8 a: 2hz. b: auto a: 2hz. b: auto a: 10hz. b: 100 c: 10 a: 10hx. b: auto c: 10 Lymph Drainage Body Massage a: 8hz b: 40 c: 8 a: auto b: 1.0 Polarity Neg. Alt. Neg Neg. Alt. Neg Neg. Alt. Pos. Neg. Alt. Pos. Neg. Alt. Neg. Neg. Alt. Neg. Alt. Neg. Alt. Pos. Neg. Alt. Neg. Neg. Alt. Neg. Alt. Alt Intensity 100-tolerance 200-tolerance 100-tolerance 100 200-tolerance 100 50 200-tolerance 50 50 200-tolerance 50 100 200-tolerance 100 200-tolerance 200-tolerance 200 200-tolerance 50 50-tolerance 50 50 100-tolerance 50 200 400-tolerance 100 400-tolerance 400-tolerance Time cont. cont. 2x30 sec. cont. 2x30 sec. Electrolyte CEL0103
2x30 sec. CEL-0103 continuous 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 2-3 min. 2x30 sec. 2x30sec. 3x30sec. 2x30 sec. 2x30 sec. 5 min. 2x30 sec. 2-3 min. 2x30 sec. 2-3 min. 2x30 sec. 3-4 min 5 min. 1 min. 2x30 sec 3-5 min. 2x30 sec. cont. 4-5 min. CEL-0071 CEL-0103
Spider Veins
CEL-0231 or 0071