Linguistic Intelligence

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Fatma Akyz-2i1

Podcast Task 8 1.a. logical intelligence b. multiple intelligence c. linguistic intelligence d. spatial and naturalistic intelligence e. existential intelligence f. cognitive skills g. logical intelligence h. interpersonal intelligence i. kinesthetic intelligence j. meaningful language practice k. musical rhytmic intelligence l. Intelligence types
2. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: This intelligence involves the knowing which comes through language; through reading, writing, and speaking. It involves understanding the order and meaning of words in both speech and writing and how to properly use the language. It involves understanding the sociocultural nuances of a language, including idioms, plays on words, and linguistically-based humor. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence: This intelligence uses numbers, math, and logic to find and understand the various patterns that occur in our lives: thought patterns, number patterns, visual patterns, color patters, and so on. It begins with concrete patterns in the real world but gets increasingly abstract as we try to understand relationships of the patterns we have seen. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: We often say A picture is worth a thousand words! or Seeing is believing! This intelligence represents the knowing that occurs through the shapes, images, patterns, designs, and textures we see with our external eyes, but also includes all of the images we are able to conjure inside our heads. Intrapersonal Intelligence: At the heart of this intelligence are our human selfreflective abilities by which we can step outside of ourselves and think about our own lives. This is the introspective intelligence. It involves our uniquely human propensity to want to know the meaning, purpose, and significance of things. It involves our awareness of the inner world of the self, emotions, values, beliefs, and our various quests for genuine spirituality. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: We often talk about learning by doing. This way of knowing happens through physical movement and through the knowing of our physical body. The body knows many things that are not necessarily known by the conscious, logical mind, such as how to ride a bike, how to parallel park a car, dance the waltz, catch a thrown object, maintain balance while walking, and where the keys are on a computer keyboard. Interpersonal: This is the person-to-person way of knowing. It is the knowing that happens when we work with and relate to other people, often as part of a team. This way of knowing also asks use to develop a whole range of social skills that are needed for effective person-to-person communication and relating. Naturalist Intelligence: The naturalist intelligence involves the full range of knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment. It involves such capacities as species discernment, communion with the natural world and its phenomena, and the ability to recognize and classify various flora and fauna.

Fatma Akyz-2i1 Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence: This is the knowing that happens through sound and vibration. In the original research on the theory of multiple intelligences this intelligence was called musical-rhythmic intelligence. However, it is not limited to music and rhythm so Im calling it auditory-vibrational, for it deals with the whole realm of sound, tones, beats, and vibrational patterns as well as music. 3. Weaknesses: W- Gardner's Multiple Intelligences are cognitively based. W- What determines intelligence? W- Excludes students with particular performances in only one intelligence area. W- Are these intelligences or just 'abilities'? And what is the difference? W- It doesn't explain why some people are more intelligent than others. W- These 'intelligences' are not all essential for successful adaption. W- Ultimately there is not really much HARD scientific evidence. Strengths: S- Gardner's view on Intelligence goes hand in hand with scholastic performance. S- The different intelligences help point out which ares students need help in. S- Verbal/Linguistic-Writing, reading, memorizing dates, thinking in words, telling stories. S- Mathematical/Logical-Math, logic, problem solving, reasoning, patterns. S- Visual/Spatial-Maps, reading charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imagining things, visualization. S- Bodily/Kinesthetic-Athletics, dancing, crafts, using tools, acting. S- Musical-Picking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms, singing. S- Interpersonal-Leading, organizing, understanding people, communicating, resolving conflicts, selling. S- Intrapersonal-Recognizing Strenghts and weaknesses, setting goals, understanding self. S- Naturalistic-Understanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and fauna. S- Helps to explain the variety of individual differences in different types of mental performances. S- Based in developmental, clincial, case study and educational evidence. 4. No, I havent experienced any problem while listening to the Podcast 8 and also performing the related task.

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