ChemoStabilityChartApril2013 Formatted 2
ChemoStabilityChartApril2013 Formatted 2
ChemoStabilityChartApril2013 Formatted 2
Status) Aldesleukin 22 million units (1.3 mg) (Novartis) (F)(PFL) no preservative1 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1.2 mL SWI1,2 direct diluent against side of vial during reconstitution1 do not shake1
48 h F1
50 mL D5W1 30 70 mcg/mL1 Less than 30 mcg/mL: dilute in D5W containing human albumin 0.1%2
48 h F1
- do not use in-line filter1,2 - avoid bacteriostatic water for injection or NS due to increased aggregation1
SC syringe5
- do not shake6
100 mL NS or D5W4
8 h F or RT4 **(PFL)6
100 mL NS or D5W7
8 h F or RT6 **(PFL)6
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Amifostine 500 mg (MedImmune) (RT) no preservative8 Amsacrine 75 mg/1.5 mL (Erfa Canada) (RT) no preservative10 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
9.7 mL NS only8
50 mg/mL8
24 h F, 5 h RT8
glass syringes preferred during reconstitution; max. time in plastic syringe10: 15 min 13.5 mL supplied diluent (L-lactic acid)1 transfer 1.5mL from ampoule into the diluent vial10
5 mg/mL10
24 h RT10 PFL10
7 d F, 48 h RT10,11,12
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Asparaginase13 (asparaginase E. coli) 10,000 units (Orphan Pharmaceutical International) (F) no preservative14 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
do not shake; roll to reconstitute15,9 4 mL SWI16 Intradermal test9: Reconstitute with 5 mL SWI to give 2000 units/mL Transfer 0.1 mL to 10 mL vial (or 12 mL syringe) Add 9.9 mL SWI roll to dissolve to give 20 units/mL 2 unit test dose = 0.1 mL (Note: the rest of the reconstituted vial has a concentration of 2000 units/mL)9
2500 units/mL13
48 h F, RT13
14 d F17, 13
50 mL*NS or D5W17,11
14 d F,17,11 2 d RT17,18
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Erwinia asparaginase (asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi) 10,000 units (Orphan Pharmaceuticals International) (F) no preservative19 PEG-asparaginase (pegasparagase) (pegylated asparaginase E. coli) 750 units/mL (Enzon) (F) no preservative20 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10000-5000 units/mL
750 units/mL20
syringe: 4 h20,21
- discard cloudy solution20 - do not shake20 - do not use if stored out of refrigerator for greater than 48 h20 - do not use if previously frozen20
bag: 4 h20,21
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Azacitidine 100 mg (Celgene) (RT) no preservative22 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
25 mg/mL22
8 h F, 45 min RT22
SC syringe22
8 h F, 45 min RT23 Refrigerated syringes23: allow up to 30 min prior to administration to reach a temperature of approximately 20 - 25C discard syringe if time elapsed at RT is greater than 30 min
- discard if contains large particles22 - re-suspend syringe contents before injection by vigorously rolling syringe between palms22
2 h F, RT24
50 mL NS24
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) BCG (Tice substrain) 50 mg = 1 to 8 x 108 CFU (Hospira/Organon) (F)(PFL) no preservative25 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1 mL preservative free NS for injection25 use reconstitution device provided allow to stand for a few minutes, then gently swirl to suspend25
1 to 8108 CFU/vial25
2 h F (PFL)25
transfer from vial to 60 mL syringe, rinse vial with another 1 mL NS. Add rinse to same 60 mL syringe. qs to 50 mL with NS25
2 h F25
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Bendamustine 25 mg 100 mg (Lundbeck) (RT)(PFL) no preservative26 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
25 mg vial: add 5 mL SWI26 100 mg vial: add 20 mL SWI26 shake well; dissolves completely in 5 minutes26
5 mg/mL26
30 minutes26
Bevacizumab 100 mg/4 mL 400 mg/16 mL (Roche) (F)(PFL) do not shake no preservative27 Bleomycin 15 units (NB: dose in units only) (Bristol) (F) no preservative29
25 mg/mL27
48 h F, RT18,27,28
- do not shake27
6 mL*NS29
2.5 units/mL
48 h F29
50 mL*NS29
24 h RT29
- no overfill30
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Bleomycin 15 units (NB: dose in units only) (Hospira) (F)(PFL) no preservative31 Bleomycin 15 units (NB: dose in units only) (PPC) (F)(PFL) no preservative34 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
6 mL*NS or SWI31
2.5 units/mL31
48 h F, 24 h RT31
50 mL *NS, SWI31
24 h RT32
- no overfill33
6 mL NS34
2.5 units/mL34
48 h F34
50 mL NS34
24 h RT34
3.5 mL NS35
1 mg/mL35
2d RT11,36
8 h RT37
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Brentuximab 50 mg (Seattle Genetics) (F)(PFL) no preservative38 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes Solution should be clear to slightly opalescent, colorless and free of visible particulates38
10.5 mL SWI38 Direct diluent against side of vial during reconstitution38 Do NOT shake38 Use reconstituted solution within 24 h F38
5 mg/mL38
24 h F38
0.4-1.8 mg/mL in NS, D5W, Lactated Ringers (i.e. 100-250 mL) 38,39
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Busulfan 60 mg/10 mL (Orphan Medical) (F) no preservative40 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
use 5-micron nylon filter provided with ampoule to withdraw drug40 6 mg/mL40
- 4.5 mL of supplied diluent (i.e. entire vial contents) 41 - slowly direct diluent against inside of concentrate vial during reconstitution41 - mix by repeated inverting for 45 seconds41 - do not shake41 - let sit for 5 min41
10 mg/mL{41
1h RT41
- use 0.22 micron in-line filter41 - use non-PVC (non-DEHP) bag and tubing41 - diluent contains 13%(w/w) ethanol in water41 - discard if crystallization occurs41
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) CARBOplatin 50 mg/5 mL 150 mg/15 mL 450 mg/45 mL 600 mg/60 mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative42 CARBOplatin 50 mg/5 mL 150 mg/15 mL 450 mg/45 mL (Teva/Novopharm) (RT)(PFL) no preservative45 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL42
24 h RT,44 48 h F42
10 mg/mL45
8 h RT45
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Carmustine 100 mg (Bristol Labs) (F) no preservative48 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
3 mL diluent (supplied)48 diluent to reach RT, then dissolve drug with 3 mL diluent; add 27 mL SWI48 record time of reconstitution
24 h F, 8 h RT48
Cetuximab 100 mg/50 mL 200 mg/100 mL (ImClone/BMS) (F) do not dilute do not shake no preservative49
2 mg/mL49
12 h F, 8 h RT49
sterile evacuated container or bag e.g. polyolefin, polyethylene, ethylene vinyl acetate, DEHP plasticized PVC, PVC bag, or glass49
12 h F, 8 h RT49
- administer with a 0.2 or 0.22 micron low protein binding in-line filter49 - normal saline may be used to flush the line49 - solution may contain white particulates which do not affect product quality49
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) CISplatin 10 mg/10 mL 50 mg/50 mL 100 mg/100mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative50 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1 mg/mL50
48 h RT51
Less than or equal to 60 mg: 100 mL NS* Greater than 60 mg: 250 mL NS* 500 or 1000 mL *NS, D5-NS, D5-1/2S; D5NS with mannitol; D51/2S with mannitol50,52; D5W1/3S with mannitol50
48 h RT51
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) CISplatin 10 mg/10 mL 50 mg/50 mL 100 mg/100mL (Sandoz) (RT)(PFL) no preservative53 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1 mg/mL53
48 h RT54,53
Less than or equal to 60 mg: 100 mL NS* Greater than 60 mg: 250 mL NS* NS; 0.45 % Sodium Chloride with or without mannitol55 2 L of D5 on one-half or one-third NS containing 37.5 g of mannitol53
24 h RT53
1 mg/mL56
SC syringe57
24 h RT56
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
at least 7 days56
drug and diluent through 0.22 micron filter as each solution is being introduced into the cassette Cladribine 10 mg/10 mL (PPC) (F)(PFL) no preservative60 N/A 1 mg/mL60 discard unused potion60 SC syringe57 500 mL NS only Do NOT use D5W discard end of day11,59,60 24 h RT
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
at least 7 days60
drug and diluent through 0.22 micron filter as each solution is being introduced into the cassette Clodronate 300 mg/10 mL (Oryx) (RT) no preservative61 N/A 30 mg/mL discard unused portion61 500 mL NS or D5W61 12 h RT61
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Cyclophosphamide 200 mg 500 mg 1000 mg 2000 mg (Baxter) (RT)(PFL) no preservative62 CycloSPORINE 50 mg/1 mL 250 mg/5 mL (Novartis) (RT)(PFL) no preservative65 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
NS63 200 mg: 10 mL 500 mg: 25 mL 1000 mg: 50 mL 2000 mg: 100 mL62
20 mg/mL62
48 h F,62,64,54 24 h RT62
Less than or equal to 1 g: 100 mL NS* Greater than 1 g: 250 mL NS* high dose in BMT: may need 500 NS* NS, D5W, D5NS62
72 h F,62,64 24 h RT62
50 mg/mL65
- polyoxyethylated castor oil/ethanol vehicle65 - do NOT refrigerate or freeze65 - use non-PVC bag and tubing66
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Cytarabine 100 mg/1 mL 1000 mg/10mL 2000 mg/20mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative67 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
100 mg/mL67
24 h RT67
Reconstituted with NS, D5W or SWI: discard at end of day68,54 Reconstituted with BWI: 48 h RT68
NS, D5W68
- for high dose use, do not use diluent containing benzyl alcohol68
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Cytarabine IT injection67 100 mg/1 mL 1000 mg/10mL 2000 mg/20mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative67 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
100 mg/mL67
24 h RT67
diluents containing preservatives should NOT be used for intrathecal administration67 qs to 6 mL with preservative free NS69
- auxiliary label70: IT - label to include route in full (i.e., INTRATHECAL injection) attached to both syringe and outer ziplock bag70
diluents containing preservatives should NOT be used for intrathecal administration68 qs to 6 mL with preservative free NS69
- auxiliary label70: IT - label to include route in full (i.e., INTRATHECAL injection) attached to both syringe and outer ziplock bag70
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Cytarabine SC injection: 100 mg (Pfizer) (RT)(PFL) no preservative71 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
48 h RT71,72
14 d F, 48 h RT72
- for high dose use, do not use diluent containing benzyl alcohol73 - do not use for IT injection
10 mg/mL74
72 h F, 8 h RT74
- protect container from light during storage and administration75 - overfill unknown
10 mg/mL76
48 h F, 8 h RT76 (PFL)77
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Dactinomycin 0.5 mg (Lundback) (RT)(PFL) no preservative78 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1.1 mL SWI(preservative free)78 Do NOT use SWI with preservative (may form precipitate) 78
- drug loss reported with some cellulose ester membrane inline filters78
10 mcg/mL or greater78 D5NS78 0.5 mg/mL80 (500 mcg/mL) 24 h F, RT81 syringe80,82 24 h F, RT54 - do not filter80,82
1.1 mL SWI(preservative free)80 Do NOT use SWI with preservative (may form precipitate)80
4 mL SWI83
5 mg/mL83,86
48 h F, 24 h RT85
24 h RT, 48 h F83
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) DAUNOrubicin 20 mg (Teva/Novopharm) (RT)(PFL) no preservative87 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
4 mL SWI87
5 mg/mL87
100-250 mL NS or D5W9
48 h F, 24 h RT87 **(PFL)87
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Degarelix 120 mg vial (Ferring) (RT) do not shake no preservative88 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
3 mL SWI (included solvent) per vial88 do NOT use bacteriostatic water for injection88 swirl gently; keep vial vertical at all times88 reconstitution may take up to 15 min88
40 mg/mL88
2 h RT88
SC syringe88
2 h RT89
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Degarelix 80 mg vial (Ferring) (RT) do not shake88 no preservative88 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
4.2 mL SWI (included) 88 do NOT use bacteriostatic water for injection88 swirl gently; keep vials vertical at all times88 reconstitution may take up to 15 min88
20 mg/mL88
2 h RT88
SC syringe88
2 h RT89
71 mg/mL90
sc syringe90
- do not use if solution is cloudy; trace amounts of translucent to white proteinaceous particles are acceptable90 - avoid vigorous shaking90 - bring to room temperature 15-30 minutes prior to administration90
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Dexrazoxane 250 mg 500 mg (Pfizer) (RT) no preservative92 Dexrazoxane (same formulation, no diluent provided) 250 mg 500 mg (Pfizer) (RT)94 no preservative Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL92
6 h F92
6 h RT93
10 mg/mL94
MUST BE FURTHER DILUTED With Lactated Ringers Injection to 1.3 3.0 mg/mL94
1 h RT/4 h F94
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) DOCEtaxel 20 mg/2 mL 80 mg/8 mL 160 mg/16 mL (Hospira) (F,RT)(PFL) preservative95 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL95
20mg/2 mL vial: discard unused portion91,95 ______________ 80 mg/8 mL or 160 mg/16 mL vial (maximum number of punctures: up to 3 doses can be removed when a venting needle is also inserted i.e., 6 punctures total)96 14 d F **(PFL)91,95
- use non-PVC (non-DEHP) bag and IV administration set95 - do not use chemo dispensing pins97
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) DOCEtaxel 20 mg/0.5 mL 80 mg/2 mL (sanofi-aventis) (F, RT) (PFL) no preservative98 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
supplied diluent : - if vials were refrigerated, allow to warm for 5 min at RT. Withdraw entire contents of the diluent and inject the entire contents of the syringe into the corresponding concentrate vial. Mix by repeated inversions for 45 sec. DO NOT SHAKE Let sit for 5 minutes98
10 mg/mL98
48 h F, RT98
NS, SWI, D5W100 (NS reconstitution takes longer) 10 mg: 5 mL 50 mg: 25 mL 150 mg: 75 mL
2 mg/mL100
48 h F, 24 h RT11,100
48 h F, 24 h RT11,101
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) DOXOrubicin 10 mg/5 mL 20 mg/10 mL 50 mg/25 mL 200 mg/100 mL (Teva/Novopharm) (F)(PFL) no preservative102 DOXOrubicin 10 mg/5 mL 50 mg/25 mL 200 mg/100 mL (Pfizer) (F) no preservative103 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mg/mL
8 h102
2 mg/mL103
48 h F, 24 h RT103
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) DOXOrubicin Pegylated Liposomal 20 mg/10 mL 50 mg/25 mL (Janssen) (F) no preservative104 DOXOrubicin Pegylated Liposomal 20 mg/10 mL 50 mg/25 mL (Schering) (F) no preservative105 Epirubicin 10 mg/5 mL 20 mg/10 mL 50 mg/25 mL 150 mg/75 mL 200 mg/100 mL (Novopharm) (F)(PFL) no preservative106 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mg/mL104
Less than 90 mg: 250 mL D5W only104 Greater than or equal to 90 mg: 500mL D5W only104
24 h F104
- do not filter104
2 mg/mL105
Less than 90 mg: 250 mL D5W only105 Greater than or equal to 90 mg: 500mL D5W only
24 h F105
- do not filter105
2 mg/mL106
8 h F, RT106
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Epirubicin 10 mg/5 mL 50 mg/25 mL 200 mg/100 mL (PPC) (F)(PFL) no preservative107 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mg/mL107
8 h107
2 mg/mL108
8 h108
2 d F, RT: NS or D5W51
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Etoposide 100 mg/5 mL 500 mg/25 mL 1000 mg/50 mL (BMS) (RT) preservative109 Etoposide 100 mg/5 mL 200 mg/10 mL 500 mg/25 mL 1000 mg/50 mL (Teva/Novopharm) (RT)(PFL) no preservative113 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
20 mg/mL109
14 d
20 mg/mL113
0.2-0.3 mg/mL: 7 d F1142 d RT115,114 0.4-0.5 mg/mL: 1 d F1141 d RT1140.69.0mg/mL: generally unstable 9.5 mg/mL: 2 d F1141d RT114 10-12 mg/mL: 7 d F1142 d RT115,114 4 h RT113,116
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Fludarabine 50 mg (Berlex) (F) no preservative117 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mL SWI117
25 mg/mL117
48 h F or RT11,51
48 h F, RT11,51
25 mg/mL119
48 h F, 24 h RT119
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Fluorouracil 5000 mg/100 mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative120 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
50 mg/mL120
8 h RT120,121
48 h RT11,18,121
2-10 mg/mL in D5W120,121 50-1000 mL*D5W CIVI: ambulatory pump121 Fluorouracil 500 mg/10 mL 5000 mg/100 mL (Sandoz) (RT)(PFL) no preservative123 N/A 50 mg/mL123 4 h RT91 syringe
24 h RT120,121
24 h RT123
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
38 mg/mL124
24 h RT124
48 h RT125,111
38 mg/mL126
48 h RT126,127
48 h RT,11,126,127
48 h F, RT11,126,127
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Gemcitabine 200 mg 1000 mg 2000 mg (Hospira) RT128 no preservative129 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
38 mg/mL128
48 RT128,130,54
24 h RT128,130
0.1 mg/mL - 26 mg/mL NS128,130 Gemcitabine 200 mg 1000 mg (Teva/Novopharm) RT no preservative131 Gemcitabine 200 mg 1000 mg (Sandoz Standard) RT no preservative133 200 mg vial: 5mL NS 1000 mg vial: 25 mL NS132 38 mg/mL132 24 h RT132 0.1 mg/mL - 38 mg/mL NS132
48 h RT130,54
24 RT132
38 mg/mL133
48 h RT133,134
48 h RT133,135,134
48 h RT11,137
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) IDArubicin 5 mg 10mg (Pfizer) (RT)(PFL) no preservative138 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
5 mg: 5 mL SWI138 10 mg: 10 mL SWI138 vial contents under negative pressure138 do NOT use BWI to reconstitute138
1 mg/mL138
48 h F, 24 h RT
IDArubicin PFS 5 mg/5 mL 10 mg/10 mL 20 mg/20 mL (Pfizer) (F)(PFL) no preservative138 IDArubicin 5 mg/5 mL 10 mg/10 mL 20 mg/20 mL (PPC) (F)(PFL) no preservative139
1 mg/mL138
24 h RT, 48 h F **(PFL)
1 mg/mL139
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Ifosfamide 1000 m g 3000 mg (Baxter) (RT) 9 no preservative140 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
50 mg/mL140
48 h F11,140
72 h F140 24 h F, RT when mixed with mesna9 D5W or Lactated Ringers when mixed 72 h F 24 h RT141 24 h F, RT when mixed with mesna9 D5W or Lactated Ringers when mixed 24 h RT142 - *may also use empty IV bag and qs to final volume of 250 mL with NS, D5W142
50 mg/mL141
72 h F, 24 h RT141
10 mg/mL
250 mL NS, D5W dilute to 250 mL final volume by withdrawing volume from bag equal to volume of drug to be added*142
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Interferon Alfa -2b 18 million units/3 mL (Schering) (F)(or up to 7 days at RT before use) 143 preservative144 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
6 million units/mL143
48 h F11,143
2 d F11,145
Greater than or equal to 0.3 million IU/mL143 50 mL NS143 Interferon Alfa -2b 10 million units/1 mL 25 million units/2.5 mL (Schering) (F)(or up to 7 days at RT before use) 143 preservative144 N/A 10 million units/mL143 48 h F11,143 syringe143
24 h F, RT145
2 d F11,145
24 h F, RT145
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Interferon Alfa -2b 10 million units (Schering) (F) 143 no preservative (unless reconstituted with BWI)144 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 million units/mL143
24 h F143
24 h F, RT145
48 h RT9,11
48 h F, RT11,143
14 d F, 48 h RT11,146
100 mL NS146 Interferon Alfa -2b 18 million units(Schering) (F) 143 no preservative (unless reconstituted with BWI)144 1 mL supplied diluent143 do not shake; roll to reconstitute143 18 million units/mL143 24 h F143 syringe143
48 h RT9,11 24 h F, RT145
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
> 0.1 million IU/mL147 100 mL NS146 1 mL BWI143 do not shake; roll to reconstitute143 100 mL NS146 48 h F, RT11 syringe143
48 h RT9,11
14 d F11,146
48 h RT9,11
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Ipilimumab 50 mg/10 mL 200 mg/40 mL (BMS Canada) (F)(PFL) no preservative148 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
5 mg/mL
24 h F,RT148
24 h F,RT148
OR undiluted in empty viaflex bag or glass bottle (allow vials to stand at RT for ~5 min prior to withdrawal of contents)148
- do NOT shake148 - administer with 0.2 or 0.22 low protein binding inline filter148 - vials may contain translucent-towhite amorphous particles148 - discard if cloudy or has pronounced colour change (should be clear to pale yellow)148 - flush line with NS or D5W after infusion148
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Irinotecan 40 mg/2 mL 100 mg/5 mL 500 mg/25 mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative149 Irinotecan 40 mg/2 mL 100 mg/5 mL (Pfizer) (RT)(PFL) no preservative152 Irinotecan 40 mg/2 mL 100 mg/5 mL (Sandoz) (RT)(PFL) no preservative153 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
20 mg/mL149
2 days RT11,150,151
20 mg/mL152
20 mg/mL153
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Ixabepilone 15 mg (contains 16 mg) 45 mg (contains 47 mg) (BMS) (F)(PFL) no preservative154 Leucovorin 50 mg/5 mL 500 mg/50 mL (Hospira) (F)(PFL) no preservative155 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mg/mL 2 mg/mL
1 h RT154
0.2 0.6 mg/mL in Lactated Ringers Injection USP (use non-PVC infusion container)154
6 h RT154
- use 0.2-1.2 micron in-line filter154 - use non-PVC (i.e., DEHP-free) administration set154
10 mg/mL155
7 d F156 48 h RT115,156
0.05-10 mg/mL155
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Leucovorin 50 mg/5 mL 500 mg/50 mL (Teva/Novopharm) (F)(PFL)157 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL157
8 h157,11
0.060-1.0 mg/mL157
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Mechlorethamine 10 mg (Ovation Pharmaceuticals/Merck) no preservative158 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
do NOT use if discoloured or water droplets form in vial before reconstitution158 10 mL SWI or NS158 record time of reconstitution
1 mg/mL158
100 mL NS51,158
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Melphalan 50 mg (GSK) (RT)(PFL) no preservative159 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10mL supplied diluent159 immediately after adding diluent, shake vigorously159 record time of reconstitution
5 mg/mL159
0.1 0.45 mg/mL in NS only159 (e.g., greater than 45 mg and less than or equal to 110 mg in 250 mL NS)*
100 mg/mL160
14 d F, RT11,160
48 h F, 24 h RT160
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
25 mg/mL161
2 d F, RT9,162,163
- for high-dose regimens (e.g., 1-8 g/m2 as a single dose)164 use preservative-free methotrexate9 - do not use for IT injection
0.42 mg/mL161 100 mL* NS, D5W high dose (e.g., 1-8 g/m2 as a single dose)164,165-167: 500 1000 mL* Methotrexate IT Injection161: Only preservative free methotrexate may be administered by the intrathecal route161 50 mg/2mL168 (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative161 N/A 25 mg/mL161 discard unused portion161 qs to 6 mL with preservative free NS69
24 h RT161
- auxiliary label70: IT - label to include route in full (i.e., INTRATHECAL injection) attached to both syringe and outer ziplock bag70
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
25 mg/mL161
14 d F169,54
14 d F115,162
- high-dose regimen(e.g., 1-8 g/m2 as a single dose)165-167: use preservative-free methotrexate9 - do not use for IT injection
0.42 mg/mL161 e.g., 100 mL*NS, D5W161 Mitomycin 5 mg 20 mg (Teva/Novopharm) (RT)(PFL) no preservative170 SWI 5 mg: 10 mL 20 mg: 40 mL shake well170 0.02-0.04 mg/mL170 NS, D5W, sodium lactate170 Mitomycin 5 mg 20 mg (BMS) (RT)(PFL) no preservative171 SWI 5 mg: 10 mL 20 mg: 40 mL shake well171 0.5 mg/mL171 48 h F, RT11,171 (PFL)171 syringe9 0.5 mg/mL170 48 h F, RT11,170 (PFL)170 syringe11
24 h RT169
14 d F, 48 h RT11,170
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) MitoXANTRONE 20 mg/10 mL 25 mg/12.5 mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) no preservative172 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
2 mg/mL172
MitoXANTRONE 20 mg/10 mL (Teva/Novopharm) (RT)(PFL) no preservative173 MitoXANTRONE 20 mg/10 mL (Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada) (RT) no preservative175
2 mg/mL173
24 h RT173 **(PFL)174
2 mg/mL175
24 h RT175
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
Octreotide 50 mcg/mL; 100 mcg/mL; 500 mcg/mL (Omega) (F)(PFL) no preservative176 multidose vials (5mL): 200 g/mL (F)(PFL) preservative176
24 h RT176
200 mcg/mL176
15 d F176
24 h RT176
Octreotide 50 mcg/mL; 100 mcg/mL; 500 mcg/mL (Teva/Novopharm) (F)(PFL) no preservative multidose vials (5mL): 200 g/mL (F)(PFL) preservative177
sc syringe177
single use vials: use within 4 h multidose vials: use within 14 d F54,177
200 mcg/mL177
14 d F54,177
infusion: NS177
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
200 mcg/mL15
24 h RT15
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Octreotide (Sandostatin) 50 mcg/1 mL 100 mcg/1 mL 500 mcg/1 mL (Novartis) (F)(PFL) no preservative15 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
50-100 mL9,179 NS15 SC infusion: adjust volume to ensure infusion rate of 25 mcg/h15
24 h RT15
2 mL supplied diluent gently run 2 mL down sides of the vial; do NOT disturb for 25 min, then swirl moderately15 record time of reconstitution
- do NOT shake
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
20 mg/mL180
1000 mL NS180 or alternatively, 2000 mg doses may be supplied in 2 x 500 mL NS180 withdraw volume from bag equal to volume of drug to be added180
48 h RT180
administer with 0.2 micron low protein binding in-line filter180 do NOT shake; mix by slow inversion to avoid formation of foam180 solution may contain a small quantity of drug particles; do not administer if solution is cloudy or discoloured180
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Oxaliplatin 50 mg/10 mL 100 mg/20 mL 200 mg/40 mL (Sanofi-Aventis) (RT)(PFL) no preservative181 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
5 mg/mL181
0.2-1.3 mg/mL182 1.32 mg/mL181,182 250500 mL D5W181 do NOT use NS or other chloridecontaining solution181 do NOT use aluminum-containing needle and syringe181
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Oxaliplatin 50 mg 100 mg (Sigmacon) (RT) no preservative184 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
SWI, D5W: 50 mg: 10 mL 100 mg: 20 mL do NOT use NS or other chloridecontaining solution184 do NOT use aluminumcontaining needle and syringe184
5 mg/mL184
24 h F184
500 mL D5W do NOT use NS or other chloridecontaining solutions (degrades)184 do NOT use aluminum-containing needle and syringe184
24 h F, 6 h RT184
6 mg/mL186
8 h RT186
44 h F, RT188
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
0.012-0.12 mg/mL in NS189 devices with spikes (e.g., chemo dispensing pins) may be used with vials190
16 h RT187
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) PACLitaxel 30 mg/5 mL 100 mg/16.7 mL 300 mg/50 mL (BMS) (RT)(PFL) no preservative191 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
6 mg/mL191
0.3-1.2 mg/mL in NS, D5W, D5NS, D5LR191 (e.g., 100-1000 mL)* 0.1-1 mg/mL in NS, D5W189 devices with spikes (e.g., chemo dispensing pins) should not be used with vials191
PACLitaxel 30 mg/5 mL 100 mg/16.7 mL 150 mg/25 mL 300 mg/50 mL (Hospira) (RT)(PFL) preservative192
6 mg/mL193
48 h RT193; 91;194
devices with spikes (e.g., chemo dispensing pins) should not be used with vials193
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
PACLitaxel, nanoparticle, albuminbound (nab) 100 mg (Abraxis BioScience Canada, Inc.) (RT)(PFL) no preservative195
20 mL NS195 - slowly direct diluent against side of vial (i.e., greater than or equal to1 min) during reconstitution195 - let stand for greater than or equal to 5 min to wet powder195 - gently swirl or invert for greater than or equal to 2 min 195
5 mg/mL195
- each vial contains 900 mg human albumin195 - to prevent foaming, do NOT inject NS directly onto the powder - some settling may occur. Use mild agitation to resuspend195 - discard if precipitation occurs195 - in-line filters are not recommended195
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
Pamidronate 30 mg/10 mL 60 mg/10 mL 90 mg/10 mL (PPC) (RT) no preservative200 Pamidronate 30 mg/10 mL 60mg/10 mL 90 mg/10 mL (Sandoz Canada) RT no preservative201 Panitumumab 100 mg/5 mL 200 mg/10 mL 400 mg/20 mL (Amgen) (F)(PFL) do not shake no preservative202
24 h RT200
NS; D5W201
24 h RT201
20 mg/mL202
Less than or equal to 1000 mg: 100 mL NS202 Greater than 1000mg: 150 mL NS202 1-10mg/mL202,203
24 h F, 6 h RT202,203
- administer with 0.2 or 0.22 micron low protein binding in-line filter202 - solution may contain particulates which do not affect product quality202 - do not administer if discoloured202
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Pemetrexed 100 mg 500 mg (Eli Lilly) (RT) no preservative204 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
25 mg/mL204
24 h F, RT204
100 mL preservative-free NS204 do NOT mix with calcium containing solution (e.g., Ringers)205 syringe206
24 h F, RT204
2.5 mg/mL206
24 h F (PFL)206
- avoid contact with skin and eyes; protect exposed area from light206
0.5 mg/mL208
24 h F, RT208
24 h F, RT208
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
Reovirus Serotype 3 Dearing Strain REOLYSIN Dose (viral titre) in each shipment may vary and must be checked closely (Oncolytics Biotech) (less than or equal to -70 C)(PFL) 209 no preservative
dose (viral titre) in each shipment may vary and must be checked closely209
time from thawing and dilution to patient administration should be less than 8 h; may be extended to 24 h if necessary209 thaw at room temperature or in fridge209 discard unused portion210
250 mL NS209
complete administration within 8 h of removal from freezer; may be extended to 24 h if necessary209 refrigerate diluted product until delivery to treatment room209
10 mg/mL210
24 h F, 36 h RT210
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Streptozocin 1g (Pfizer) (F)(PFL) no preservative211 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
100 mg/mL211
48 h F,211 24 h RT
48 h F, 24 h RT211
50-500 mL*NS, D5W, SWI211 Temozolomide 100 mg (Schering) (F) do not dilute212 do not shake212 no preservative212 Temsirolimus 30 mg/1.2 mL (Wyeth) (F)(PFL)213,214 no preservative215 41 mL SWI212 2.5 mg/mL212 14 h F, RT212 empty 250 mL PVC bag212
48 h F, 24 h RT211
14 h RT212
10 mg/mL213,214
24 h RT213,214 (PFL)213
250 mL NS213,214
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Teniposide 50 mg/5 mL (BMS) (RT) preservative216 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL216
- do not refrigerate - use non-PVC (non-DEHP) bag and tubing216 - do not use if precipitates216,217 - excessive agitation may cause precipitation216 - do not use if precipitates or remains opaque218 - do not use for IT injection
1.5 mL SWI218 filter through 0.22 micron filter218 record time of reconstitution
10 mg/mL218
8 h F218
50 mL* NS218
syringe: reconstituted solution is hypotonic and must be further diluted with NS prior to use218 (final concentration of 0.5-1 mg/ml is nearly isotonic)221
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Thiotepa IT injection: 15 mg (Bedford) (F)(PFL) no preservative218 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
diluents containing preservatives should NOT be used for intrathecal administration 1.5 mL SWI218 filter through 0.22 micron filter218 record time of reconstitution
10 mg/mL218
8 h F218
- auxiliary label69 IT - label to include route in full (i.e., INTRATHECAL injection) attached to both syringe and outer ziplock bag69 - cytotoxic223 - do not use if precipitates or remains opaque218
0.9 mg/mL224
24 h F224
24 h F224
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Tocilizumab 80 mg/4 mL 200mg/10 mL 400 mg/20 mL (Genentech) (F)(PFL) no preservative225 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
20 mg/mL225
6 h225, 18
100 mL NS dilute to 100 mL final volume by withdrawing volume of NS from 100 mL bag equal to volume of drug required for dose prior to adding drug225
- to prevent foaming: slowly add drug to infusion bag and gently invert bag to mix225
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Topotecan 4 mg (Hospira) (F)(PFL) single-use no preservative227 Topotecan 4 mg (Sandoz) (RT)(PFL) no preservative228 Trastuzumab 440 mg (Roche) (F) preservative229 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1 mg/mL227
6 h F, RT18
24 h F, RT227
4 mL SWI228
1 mg/mL228
24 h F, RT228
24 h F, RT228
20 mL supplied BWI229 swirl vial gently; allow to stand undisturbed for 5 min1
21 mg/mL229
14 d F229
24 h F, RT229
- do not shake229
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
100 mg vial: 5 mL SWI230 160 mg vial: 8 mL SWI230 swirl gently until completely dissolved; do NOT shake vigorously230
20 mg/mL230
8 h RT or 24 h F230
- vials should remain refrigerated until use230 - 0.2 micron in-line filter is required for infusions prepared in NS230 - minimum volume for dilution is 250 mL230
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
pre-heat SWI to 30C (not higher) shake vial carefully before adding the warmed SWI 1 g vial: 20 mL SWI, while slightly shaking vial and syringe; continue shaking the reconstituted solution for another 2 min231 5 g vial: 100 mL SWI, while slightly shaking vial and syringe; continue shaking the reconstituted solution for another 2 min231
50 mg/mL231
48 h RT11,231
undiluted232 dilute with NS or D5W in empty infusion bag for final concentration = 20 mg/mL231
48 h RT11,231
- compatible with polytetrafluoroethyl ene filters231 - may require vigorous shaking to reconstitute231
1 mg/mL177
4 h F, RT233,234
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
24 h F, RT233,234
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) VinCRIStine 2 mg/2 mL 5 mg/5 mL (Hospira) (F)(PFL) no preservative238 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
1 mg/mL238
8 h F, RT238
50 mL*NS, D5W238
24 h F, 6 h RT,238 **(PFL)238
1 mg/mL239
14 d F, RT239
50 mL*NS, D5W239
72 h F, 24 h RT73 **(PFL)239
10 mg/mL240
24 h F, RT240
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
0.5 2.0 mg/mL240 50 mL*NS, D5W, NS, D5NS, Ringers, Ringers Lactate240 Vinorelbine 10 mg/1 mL 50 mg/5 mL (Hospira) (F)(PFL) no preservative241 N/A 10 mg/mL241 discard unused portion241 syringe: 1.5 3.0 mg/mL in NS or D5W241
24 h F, RT240
24 h F, RT241
0.5 2.0 mg/mL241 50 mL* NS, D5W, NS, D5NS, Ringers, Ringers Lactate241
24 h F, RT241
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Vinorelbine 10 mg/1 mL 50 mg/5mL (PPC) (F)(PFL) no preservative242 Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
10 mg/mL242
24 h F, RT242
0.5-2.0 mg/mL242 NS, D5W, NS, D5NS, Ringers, Ringers Lactate242 Vinorelbine 10 mg/1 mL 50 mg/5mL (Pierre Fabre Pharma Canada) (F)(PFL) no preservative243 N/A243 10 mg/mL243 discard unused portion243 syringe: 1.5-3.0 mg/mL in D5W or NS243
24 h F, RT242
24 h F, RT243
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
BC CANCER AGENCY CHEMOTHERAPY PREPARATION AND STABILITY CHART DRUG & STRENGTH (Storage Prior to Use, Manufacturer, Preservative Status) Reconstitute With: To Give: Vial Stability Product Product Stability Special Precautions/Notes
24 h F, RT243
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
* Suggested volume based on usual dose range and any concentration range of stability data ** Protect from light means minimizing exposure to direct sunlight over a storage period. More specific information on protection from light (eg, protecting container and tubing during administration) will be indicated in the Under the Special Precautions/Notes column.
Centres are not to change the content locally but should forward suggestions to the Cancer Drug Manual staff. Explanatory Notes
Stability data assume products prepared using standard aseptic technique in biological safety cabinet at low risk for contamination according to the classification outlined in USP 797.18,244 Vial stability: Stability of solution after first puncture or reconstituted solution Storage temperature: If information states same stability with refrigerator and room temperature storage, then bold refrigerated as preferred (ie, to minimize growth of micro-organisms). Cytotoxic: hazardous (see Policy II-20 for more details). Discard unused portion: Unused portion from single use vials should be discarded at the end of the day. State overfill known if the manufacturer states overfill within acceptable limits is present.
PFL = protect from light RT = room temperature F = refrigerated SWI = sterile water for injection NS = normal saline D5W = dextrose 5% BWI = bacteriostatic water for injection
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
References 1. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. PROLEUKIN product monograph. Dorval, Quebec; 6 July 2006. 2. McEvoy GK, editor. AHFS 2008 Drug Information. Bethesda, Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. p. 917-925. 3. Rui Paiva. Personal communication. Business Unit Director, Transplant and Oncology; 1 June 2009. 4. Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals. MabCampath Package Insert. Toronto, Ontario; 1 September 2007. 5. Lundin J, Porwit-MacDonald A, Rossmann ED, et al. Cellular immune reconstitution after subcutaneous alemtuzumab (anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody, CAMPATH-1H) treatment as first-line therapy for B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Leukemia 2004(18):484-490. 6. Berlex Canada Inc. Campath Drug Information. San Antonio, Texas; undated. 7. Schering AG. MABCAMPATH Package Leaflet. Berlin, Germany; April 2002. 8. MedImmune Pharma B.V. Ethyol Package Insert. The Netherlands; 2003. 9. Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs. 13th ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.; 2005. 10. Erfa Canada Inc. AMSA PD injection product monograph. Westmount, Quebec; 16 August 2005. 11. BC Cancer Agency. Pharmacy Policy Number II-20: Guiding Principles for Chemotherapy Preparation Chart. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Cancer Agency; 6 January 2006. 12. Tanya Leduc. Personal communication. Acting editor, BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual; 2 June 2008. 13. Orphan Pharma International. Kidrolase Product Monograph. Limonest, France; 2005. 14. Robert Sarrazin B Pharm. Personal communication. Consultant, OPi Inc. February 2005. 15. Repchinsky C editor. Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. 12th ed. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2004. 16. OPi SAS. Kidrolase Product Monograph. Laval, Quebec; 2003. 17. Rhone-Poulenc Rorer. Kidrolase Package Insert. Montreal, Quebec; 2004. 18. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP). General Chapter 797: Pharmaceutical compounding - sterile preparations. USP 27-NF 22. Rockville, Maryland: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.; 2004. 19. Orphan Pharma International. Erwinase Product Monograph. Limonest, France; 2005. 20. Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc. Oncaspar Product Monograph. Bridgewater, New Jersey; 2003.
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
41. sanofi-aventis Canada Inc. JEVTANA product monograph. Laval, Quebec; 16 June 2011. 42. Mayne Pharma (Canada) Inc. Carboplatin Package Insert. Montreal, QC; Undated. 43. Nancy Grioriadis. Personal communication. Regulatory Affairs Associate, Mayne Pharma (Canada) Inc. 2 October 2006. 44. Nancy Griogoriadis. Personal communication. Regulatory Affairs Associate, Mayne Pharma (Canada) Inc. 2 October 2006. 45. Novopharm Limited. Carboplatin Package Insert. Toronto, Canada; Undated. 46. Manjinder S Kang. Personal communication. Regulatory Affairs Drug Information Pharmacist, Novopharm Canada. 14 March 2005. 47. Repchinsky C. Paraplatin-AQ, Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. 12th ed. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2004. 48. Bristol Laboratories of Canada. BiCNU Package Insert. Montreal, Canada; 2002. 49. ImClone Systems Incorporated and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. ERBITUX product monograph. Branchburg, NJ, USA; March 2009. 50. Mayne Pharma (Canada) Inc. Cisplatin Package Insert. Montreal, QC; Undated. 51. Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs. 12th ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.; 2003. 52. Repchinsky C. Cisplatin CPhA monograph, Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. 12th ed. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2004. 53. Sandoz Canada Inc. Cisplatin Injection BP product monograph. Boucherville, Quebec; 13 April 2011. 54. BC Cancer Agency. Pharmacy Policy Number II-20: Guiding Principles for Chemotherapy Preparation Chart. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Cancer Agency; 19 September 2007. 55. Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs. 16th ed. Bethesda, Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc; 2011. p. 378. 56. Janssen-Ortho Inc. LEUSTATIN Product Monograph. Toronto, Ontario; 31 July 2006. 57. BC Cancer Agency Lymphoma Tumour Group. (LYCDA) BCCA Protocol Summary for Treatment of Hairy Cell Leukemia with Cladribine. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Cancer Agency; 1 February 2007. 58. Myrna O'Brodovich. Personal communication. Senior Medical Information Associate Ortho Biotech; 2 April 2008. 59. de Lemos ML, Hamata L. Stability issues of parenteral chemotherapy drugs. J Oncol Pharm Pract 2007;13(1):27-31. 60. Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada, Inc. Cladribine For Injection product monograph. Richmond Hill, Ontario; 27 November 2008.
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
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BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013
241. Mayne Pharma (Canada) Inc. Vinorelbine Product Monograph. Montreal, QC; Undated. 242. Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada. Vinorelbine Injection product monograph. Richmond Hill, Ontario; 15 January 2008. 243. Pierre Fabre Pharma Canada Inc. Vinorelbine injection package insert. St Bruno de Montarville, Quebec; undated. 244. Kastango ES. The ASHP discussion guide for compounding sterile preparations. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.; 2004. p. 5.
BC Cancer Agency Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability Chart version 2.00 Activation Date: 2 March 2006 Revised Date: 01 Apr 2013