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The passage provides a sample English exam paper for Year 4 students covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and writing skills.

The exam covers subjects like grammar, reading comprehension, spelling and writing skills with questions related to pictures and passages given.

The exam includes multiple choice questions, filling in blanks, identifying correct/incorrect statements and matching questions to pictures and situations.


Name: _______________________________
SECTION A Question 1-4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong.

Year: _________

1. Dinesh enjoys playing computer ___________. A games C mouse B diskette D keyboard 2. He has a toothache because he likes to eat _____________. A fruits C chocolates B chicken D vegetables 3. Every prefect must wear a ______________. A bandanna C bow B scarf D necktie 4. Johan likes to go jungle _____________ with his friends. A camping C trekking B hunting D climbing Question 5-7
Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Lihat gambar dengan teliti dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

Puan Jamilah is preparing breakfast for her family. She is __________. Encik Rahman, her husband, is drinking a ___________ newspaper. Lisa is putting two ____________ while reading the into the toaster.

5. A B 6. A B

boiling some eggs frying some eggs glass of juice cup of coffee


collecting some eggs carton of milk

7. A B

slices of bread slices of cheese

slices of tomato

Question 8-10
Study the pictures carefully. Then, choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Kemudian pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

8. A B C D 9. A B C D 10. A B C D

The chef is serving the customers. The chef is tasting his own cooking. The chef is washing the pots and pans. The chef is putting the chicken into the oven. The doctor is checking the boys teeth. The doctor is taking the boys temperature. The boy is taking some medicine fro the doctor. The nurse is giving some medicine to the boy. Those socks are smelly. My shoes are very tight. Your shoes are very dirty. There are holes in your shoes.

Question 11-15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

11. A

Please help me packing my things. B friends. C Can you please send me there? Im going camping with some

I am going to the market later.

12. A

When will the rain stop? 2

Its all right. Ill walk home. C D I cant cycle home in the rain. Youve forgotten to bring an umbrella.

13. A

Sorry, I dont like it. B No. You can swim in the pool. C you now. D No. You must I cannot save

change your attire first.

14. A

Where did you buy your shoes? B When do you wash your shoes? C D Why are your Whose shoes shoes so dirty?

are that?

15. A

I shall drink your coffee. B coffee. C You can add as much sugar as you like. Please learn to make your own

Youre right. We cannot take too much sugar.

Question 16-20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

16. Do not put too __________ salt into the bowl of noodles. 3


many much


some a little

17. Danny is resting under the tree. __________ is feeling very tired. A He C They B She D You 18. My brother buys a shirt. This shirt belongs to ________. A her C you B me D him 19. The three _________ belongs to my father. A lorry C lorries B lorrys D lorrie 20. Siti __________ coffee every morning. A drinks C drank B drink D drinking Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined. Pilih perkataan yang lawan erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

21. The ant saved the small bird from the hunter. i little iii poor ii big iv large A B i and iv ii and iii C D i and iii ii and iv

Question 22-23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

22. Mother bought me a pair of__________. A sneekers C sneekres B sneakers D snaekres 23. We must eat plenty of fruits and __________. A veggetables C vegetables B vegetabels D vegtables Question 24-25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.


A Aini and Salmah have a new computer. B Aini and salmah have a new computer. C aini and salmah have a new computer. D Aini and Salmah have a new computer


A Did you rinse your mouth after eating, asked mother. B Did you rinse your mouth after eating? asked mother. C Did you rinse your mouth, after eating? asked mother. D Did you rinse your mouth after eating. asked mother.

Question 26-30
Study the pie chart. Then, () for the correct statements and (x) for the wrong statements. Kaji carta pai di bawah. Kemudian, tanda () pada ayat yang betul dan (x) pada ayat yang salah.

26. The word FIT means healthy. 27. There are forty-nine pupils in Year 4 Cempaka. 28. Most of the pupils of Year 4 Cempaka like to play badminton. 29. 8 pupils have to wear uniform when they exercise. 30. 9 pupils from Year 4 Cempaka have bicycles.

Question 31-35
Based on the picture and the passage, fill in the blanks with correct answer. Berdasarkan gambar, isi ruang kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.

The children are in the kitchen. (31) __________ are making a salad for dinner. Suraya (32) __________ at the sink. She is washing some (33) ___________ and tomatoes. Rahim is holding a (34) ___________. He is using it to peel (35) ___________ onion. Encik Malik, their father, is watching them and smiling.

SECTION B Question 36-40

Read the passage and complete the table using the information given. Baca petikan di bawah dan isi tempat kosong berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi.

This is my aunt. Her name is Mary James. She is twenty-four years old. She works as a secretary in a bank. She drives to work. Her hobbies are reading and dancing. She is a kind and helpful person. She always brings me out during the weekends. I love her very much.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Name Age : ______________________________________________ (36) : ______________________________________________ (37) 6

Occupation : ______________________________________________ (38) Transport Hobbies : ______________________________________________ (39) : ______________________________________________ (40)


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