Club Handbook 2010-2011

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Whatcom Community College

Club Handbook

Welcome to the Office of Student Life!

It is our goal to provide you with many co-curricular and extracurricular activities to enhance the excellent experiences you will receive inside and outside the classroom at Whatcom Community College. The Clubs and Organizations available to you provide an excellent atmosphere of leadership opportunities, new friends, and of course, fun!

Our mission in the Office of Student Life is to provide you with experiences to help you succeed. By joining a Club or Organization through our office, you open the door to many wonderful experiences. Our faculty advisors care about your success and our clubs are designed to give you the support you need to excel academically and socially.

Above all, we want you to feel connected to your college and meet many new people from different backgrounds. We are excited youve chosen to create or join a club at WCC. Through this experience, you can expect to meet some fantastic students and advisors who care about you and your achievements. We look forward to helping you GET INVOLVED at Whatcom Community College!

Sincere regards,

Kristopher Baier, Director Office of Student Life

Whatcom Community College Club Handbook Table of Contents Office of Student Life Club Contact List.5 Starting and Maintaining a Club ASWCC Vision & Mission Statements.6 Recognition of Clubs ASWCC Bylaws: Article VI, Section 1..7 Maintaining Club Status ASWCC Bylaws: Article VI, Section 2.7 Whatcom Community College Disclaimer ...8 General Guidelines for Clubs....8 Club Actions Prohibited by the ASWCC..9 Revoking Club Recognition Status ...8 Club Quarterly Update Form .10 Club Officers and Advisors Club Organizational Structure.11 Responsibilities of Club Officer..12 Responsibilities of Club Advisors...13 Services Available for Clubs Services offered through the Office of Student Life ...14 Club Money and Fundraising Services and Activity Fees (S&A Fees)..15 Club Funding Process..15 Spending Club Money.15 Reimbursement ...16 Purchasing Food with S&A Funds..16 Process for Using Club Funds.16 Conferences and Presentations17 ASWCC Application for Conference Funding ...18 Funding Request Time Line ...19 Fundraising .20 Fundraising Request Form .21 3

Travel Travel Procedures .22 Travel Approval Form .23 Release/Hold Harmless Form .24 Consent to Hazards and Risks Form .25 Event Planning Project Planning Guide....................................................................................................... ...............................................................26 ASWCC Project Plan .......................................................................................................... ..............................................................30 Guidelines For Delegating.................................................................................................................................................................31

Office of Student Life Club Contact List

Student Life Staff: Kristopher Baier Chris Scrimsher Laura Singletary Josh Turpen Director of Student Life Athletics Coordinator Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator Activities Coordinator SSC208E PAV106 SSC208D SSC208C 360.383.3003 [email protected] 360.383.3006 [email protected] 360.383.3115 [email protected] 360.383.3008 [email protected]

Associated Students of Whatcom Community College Officers: Brad Widman Chandler Batiste Nate Vandermay Tim McClure Samantha Ladwig President Executive Vice President Chair of Programming and Diversity Chair of Budget and Finances Chair of Administration SSC208 SSC208 SSC208 SSC208 SSC208 SSC208 SSC208

360.383.3112 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Isaac Shantz-Kreutzkamp Chair of Clubs and Outreach

Laurel Johnson

Representative at Large

Other Contacts You May Need: Room Reservations Campus Safety The Horizon Copy & Mail Center Sodexho Custodial Support Monica Malcom Brian Keeley Toby Sonneman Rosemary Sterling Judy Vaz Sharon Maupin FND101 LDC144B SSC204 CAS124 SSC112B CAS154B 360.383.3313 360.383.3375 360.383.3101 360.383.3385 360.383.3341 360.383.3376 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Fax Number: 360.383.3112 (For official club business only)

ASWCC Vision & Mission

Vision Statement ASWCC aims to achieve a dynamic campus environment in which all students are represented and have an opportunity to participate.

Mission Statement To serve students by providing diverse opportunities for campus involvement to build campus community and represent student concerns in college decision-making.

Club Recognition ASWCC Bylaws: Article VI, Section 1 Section 1 RECOGNITION OF CLUBS Representatives of any group of individuals formed around a specific area of interest and wishing recognition as a subsidized activity or club may request recognition from the Council. Club recognition requests must include either a Plan of Action. The proposed club must have a faculty advisor and a minimum of 8 members who are WCC students. To obtain recognition, complete the procedures outlined in the club recognition packet. If a budget is desired, the Recognition Request must include a Budget Request. New clubs may receive a maximum of $100 upon ratification. The request will be presented to the Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The club may begin activities and must fulfill all requirements as soon as it is officially recognized by the Council. Membership in ASWCC clubs must be composed of students currently enrolled at Whatcom Community College who are registered by the tenth day of each quarter. In addition, club must be open to all enrolled Whatcom Community College students, with the exception of those students who do not meet G.P.A requirements established by national organizations with which clubs are affiliated (e.g., Phi Theta Kappa).

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

Maintaining Club Status ASWCC Bylaws: Article VI, Section 2 Section 2 MAINTENANCE OF STATUS FOR RECOGNIZED CLUBS To maintain recognition and access funding, a club must do the following: 1. Submit a list of officers or leaders, including contact information, within one month of receiving recognition, to the Director of Student Programs. 2. Submit any changes of the organizations Plan of Action, leadership, meeting times or advisor to the Director of Student Programs and the Chair of Clubs and Outreach. 3. Notify the Council by the last day of spring quarter each year if the organization intends to continue for the following year. If notification is not received, it will be assumed that the organization is inactive. If the organization remains inactive for 18 months it will be considered terminated and any remaining budget will revert to the S&A general budget. 4. Any Activities that are planned to raise money for the organization must be approved in advance by the Student Council. Club Summits: Each club is required to send one student to the Councils quarterly Club Summit. The student shall represent and speak on behalf of past, present, and future club activities or campus contributions. A student may represent one club only. Financial update/plan: Each club and organization is required to comply with all Budget Committee processes in accordance with their S&A budget requests. This includes preliminary and final hearings with the Committee in the budget development for the following year. Quarterly Council meeting reports: Each club is required to send one officer to a Council meeting at least once per quarter. The officer shall represent and speak on behalf of planned and ongoing club activities, including funding and budget. Activities Fair: Each club is required to have and man a booth every day of the fair. Failure to meet above requirements may result in the loss of club status.





E. F.

Whatcom Community College Disclaimer By recognizing a club, the college does not assume responsibility for the clubs action or activities; nor does it imply that the college in any way endorses the clubs stated aims, objectives, policies, or practices. Clubs may not lend their name to non-college groups for the purpose of procuring college facilities or services for non-college events. A club man not use the college name without the express written authorization of the college, except to identify its institutional recognition.

General Guidelines for Clubs 1. Clubs must maintain at least eight members to be recognized as an official club of ASWCC. Without eight members, a club may lose their recognition status and funding. 2. A club must have a Whatcom Community College employee (faculty, staff or administrator) serve as an advisor. 3. Potential clubs must complete the Club Recognition Packet, meet with the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator, and make a presentation to Student Council prior to becoming a recognized club. 4. Membership in the club/organization must be open to all students and may not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, mental or physical disability, age, religion, marital status, veteran status. Some organizations are chapters of national associations whose by-laws require certain limitations on membership. Membership limitation must be contained within the parent organizations by-laws and can only limit membership on class standing, academic standing, and/or major. 5. Clubs affiliated with a parent organization are considered a chapter of the parent organization and must submit operating documents of the parent organization, such as the constitution and bylaws, along with an ASWCC Club Recognition Packet. 6. When a club becomes recognized, it agrees: A. To abide by the ASWCC constitution and policies; B. Not to present a demonstrated danger, act of violence, or disruption of any ASWCC activity or any college facility; C. Not to violate state or federal laws; D. That no individual member of the club will personally profit from any activity affiliated with the club, or use approved, budgeted ASWCC funds for any expenses unrelated to club needs, nor solicit funds for personal use from other club members. 7. Failure to abide by Whatcom Community College policies and procedures, the ASWCC Constitution, and ASWCC Policies, will result in review and possible loss of ASWCC club charter status (See Revoking ASWCC Club Recognition Status for details.)

Club Actions Prohibited by the ASWCC

1. Off campus bank accounts of any kind are not allowed. 2. Personally profiting from a club or soliciting from club membership is prohibited. 3. The purchase, either with personal or S&A funds, and serving, or selling of alcoholic beverages at any club sponsored function, including meetings, conferences, and events is prohibited. 4. Individuals not employed by Whatcom Community College are prohibited from serving as a official club advisor. 5. Unapproved fundraising activities are not allowed. (See Fundraising Information for details.) 6. Hazing of any kind will not be tolerated. 7. Clubs may not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, mental or physical disability, age, religion, marital status, or veteran status. 8. Clubs/Programs may not use S&A funds for implementing fundraising activities for outside organizations (non-profits, political organizations, etc.) unless it is part of their parent organizations chapter. 9. Religiously affiliated clubs/programs may not use S&A funds for worship instruction or exercise. 10. Clubs may not use funds to purchase gifts.

Revoking Club Recognition Status ASWCC may revoke or deny club recognition status if the club: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Does not abide by the ASWCC constitution and/or bylaws, or policies set in this packet; Commits an act(s) of violence; Disrupts ASWCC activities or classes in session at Whatcom Community College; Violates state or federal law; Commits an action prohibited by the ASWCC as listed above; Does not abide by the Policies and Procedures set by Whatcom Community College.

The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator will notify the club representative and advisor when club recognition status is pending revocation. The club officers will have the opportunity to attend an ASWCC Student Council meeting, in order to respond to the allegations against them. The Council will then review the information and determine if club status should be revoked. The ASWCC President or Director of Student Life will notify the club representative and club advisor when club recognition status has been revoked. At this time, club funds, with the exception of revenue generated in addition to ASWCC dollars, will be returned to the general clubs budget, and the club will have to re-submit an application for recognized club status.

Student Clubs/Organizations Quarterly Update Form


Name of Club/Organization: ___________________________________ Club Advisor(s): ____________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Club President: _____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________

Quarter/Year: ________________________ Phone: _____________________________

Phone: _____________________________

Club Directory: The Office of Student Life will post on our website and hold in our office, a directory of student clubs/ organizations, which we provide to students, staff, faculty, and community members seeking to contact student clubs. Club Representative Please indicate below if you consent to having your email address listed in the online directory by placing your initials in the space given: _____ My e-mail address _____ Please do not list any contact information in the directory. Meeting Information: (Please Circle) S M T W T F S Time: ___________________ Location: ______________________ Activities Past Quarter Please list activities and events which have been presented by the organization during the past quarter. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Activities Upcoming Quarter Please list activities and events which you plan to present during the upcoming quarter (include dates if possible). __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________ Club Representative Date

__________________________________________ Club Advisor Date


Club Organizational Structure (suggested) Individuals willing to take on leadership roles should be aware of, and committed to, the time and energy required for the task. For these leadership roles, be sure students are ready and willing to take on the task. Here are some common responsibilities of officers: President Has overall responsibility for the operation of the club Calls and presides at all meetings Reviews and approves all financial activity Maintains complete and up-to-date files Vice President Performs the duties of President in his/her absence or inability to serve Assist President plan and conduct club activities Coordinates efforts to recruit new members Works closely with Treasurer and President to plan club events and fundraising activities Other duties as needed Treasurer Responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the club Responsible for the preparation of a budget Maintain up-to-date financial records Give a financial report at each meeting Secretary Keep an up-to-date membership roster Keep full minutes of all meetings and record all action taken by the club Maintain a complete file which includes minutes, copies of all contracts, current correspondence Be responsible for all official club correspondence Works closely with President, Vice President, and Treasurer to plan club events and fundraising activities Additional Help If you need help with meeting structure, or would like to create a Plan of Action for your club/organization, please contact the Office of Student Life. Leadership Development Course Club leaders may contact the Director of Student Life, if interested in enrolling in the Leadership Development Course HUMDV 105106. This is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills alongside other student leaders at Whatcom!


Responsibilities of Club Officers (suggested) Club Recognition: Make sure the club recognition form is filled out properly and turned in as soon as possible to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator in the Office of Student Life Syre 208. Clubs are responsible for notifying the Office of Student Life when there is a change in club name, club president/official representative or treasurer, club advisor, club purpose or club meeting times. The Office of Student Life will recognize only the club president, treasurer and advisor designated on the recognition form. Student Council Meetings: Clubs are required, at least one time per quarter, to send an officer to a Council meeting in order to report on the clubs budget, activities and status. (See Quarterly Report Form) Quarterly - Club Summit & Activity Fair: Participate in quarterly ASWCC sponsored Club Summit and Activities Fair. Liaison to Student Council and Student Life: Act as a liaison in matters dealing with the Office of Student Life and the Student Council. Submit appropriate paperwork and accurate information for expenditures to the Office of Student Life. Make sure to receive approval from the Office of Student life before spending club money. The club advisor and treasurer must first sign all financial forms before they can be approved. Enforcement of Policies: Be responsible for enforcing the ASWCC Constitution, bylaws, and Club Handbook. Record Keeping: Maintain minutes of each meeting, current roster of active member with phone numbers and email addresses, copies of all receipts for expenditures, club budgeting procedures, samples of all public relations work to advertise club meetings (posters, signs, fliers, correspondence). Club Meetings: Organize and chair club meetings. Publicity & Recruitment: Be in charge of club publicity. Create flyers and other advertising materials for club meetings and events. Develop and supervise a recruiting program for new club members.



Responsibilities of Club Advisors

To be asked to serve as an advisor is a wonderful compliment. However, it is also a significant responsibility, because the advisor is acting on behalf of the College in the event of an accident, injury, or disciplinary situation. Club advisors must be Whatcom Community College employees (faculty, staff, or administrators). The role of the advisor is based upon the nature and type of activities specific to each student organization and thus varies significantly according to the style demanded by individual student organizations. However, the specific responsibilities performed by each advisor are similar. Advisors should not perform the duties/tasks of clubs; rather, they are encouragers, resource referral agents, guides, and mentors. Interest and Familiarity: Be thoroughly familiar with the nature and objectives of the club. Read the Club Handbook and be familiar with the policies and procedures described in this document. Attend club meetings regularly. Take an active part in forming club policies and procedures of operation. Support the mission and focus of the students club on campus. Approve and Monitor Expenditures: Assure sound financial and business practices that comply with state and college policies regarding expenditures of club funds. Sign all paperwork authorizing expenditures. The Office of Student Life will not approve financial forms without the signatures of the club advisor and club treasurer. Refer to the Club Handbook and call the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator regarding financial transactions, fundraising, and other funding questions. Monitor Record Keeping: Monitor good record keeping of all club events, meetings, and plans. Any activity involving the exchange of money is particularly important and must meet college requirements for accountability and state auditing. Attend Club Activities: Attend all club trips and major events making sure to be present throughout the entire activity or make arrangements for another faculty or another faculty or staff member to attend if you are unable to participate. An advisor must be present when the WCC van is used for a club activity. Student Conduct: Be aware of the expectations set forth in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code, especially in regard to use of alcohol and narcotic substances at college sponsored events. Report any violations to the Office of Student Life. Resource/Liaison: Be a resource person for the club. Serve as a liaison with other campus offices and staff. Please notify the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator of any changes in the club officers or advisor.


Office of Student life services for clubs

The Office of Student Life offers the following services and resources to assist club leaders: Office/Event Supplies Basic office and event supplies (pens, markers, butcher paper) are provided to clubs. Additional supplies that require special purchase are charged to the organizations budget. Office Space (including computer, telephone) Clubs/Organizations are encouraged to use the ASWCC leadership room (SSC 209) in the Syre Student Center. There are computers for club leaders to create letters, memos, spreadsheets, and other printed documents. There is also a telephone for club use. This space is available for official business of the organization. Phone: 360-383-3112 Mail and Mailboxes Each organization will have a mailbox in the Office of Student Life Leadership area (SSC209). You may use the following address to receive mail:
Club/Organization Whatcom Community College Office of Student Life, SSC208 237 West Kellogg Rd Bellingham, WA 98226

Copying and Printing Large copy requests (over 10 copies) can be processed through the Copy Center. Forms are available in the Copy Center or the Office of Student Life. Be sure to check with your clubs advisor/treasurer for approval. This service may take up to 2-3 working days. Submit copy requests five days prior to the date needed. Fax Services There is a fax machine, available for club use, in the Office of Student Life. If you need to have something faxed, please stop by and ask someone in our office to assist you. You may only send and receive official club business documents with the Student Life fax machine. Fax: 360-383-3112 Screensavers, Plasma Screen, & Reader Board Clubs can post announcements on the campus plasma screens, the reader board outside of Laidlaw, and as screensavers on computers in the computer labs. Email the following people to have your event posted: Screen savers - Email a slide created in PowerPoint to Fran Hudson [email protected] Plasma Screen - Email a slide created in PowerPoint to Monica Malcolm - [email protected] Reader Board Email information to Monica Malcolm - [email protected] Sandwich Boards You can place the posters on sandwich boards. Sandwich boards are available for check out through the Office of Student Life. You may place these around campus as needed and return them after your event. Room Reservations Use of Whatcom Community College classrooms and conference rooms for meetings or events is at no charge to student clubs and organizations. Room reservations for weekly meeting are available on a quarterly basis, while reservations for events/activities are available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Conference and Event Services for more information - http://www.fidalgo/Conf_Event.htm Budget Management All club funds are administered through the ASWCC Student Council. The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator manages club budgets, approves club spending, and is available to answer budget questions and to help you with expenditure procedures. Clubs should also have a treasurer who manages their budget. Consultation Services The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator is available to provide club leaders and advisors with event planning advice, advertising and fundraising ideas, as well as guidance on how to effectively manage their organization.

Services and Activity Fee (S&A Fee)

The Service and Activity Fee (S&A Fee) is collected at the time tuition is paid and is for the purpose of funding nonacademic student activities and programs. Once collected, the S&A Fee is then allocated to the ASWCC budget through the Whatcom Community College Business Office. The ASWCC Budget Committee prepares the annual S&A budget. Once approved, a clubs budget is then monitored, and spending authorized, by the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. S&A Fees are considered pubic funds of the State of Washington and spending must follow specified guidelines.

Club Funding process Once a club is officially recognized by the Associated Students of Whatcom Community College, they may receive up to $100 in seed money. These funds are available to support club activities and events. Please note that all club funds must be processed through the ASWCC. Clubs are NOT allowed to maintain off-campus bank accounts. S&A Funds not used during the current school year will not be available after June 30th of the chartering year. Revenue generated through fundraising will still be available the succeeding year, as long as S&A monies were not used to seed the event. Active clubs that would like additional funding have a few options available to them: 1. The club may organize fundraising events or activities. See the club fundraising section for additional information. 2. The club may request financial support from the ASWCC. 3. The club may seek in kind or cash donations from outside sponsors, as long as this fundraising activity is approved by the Office of Student Life. 4. The club may submit a budget proposal to the Chair of Budget and Finances for consideration of additional funds for the following year. These forms will be available in the Office of Student Life in January of each year. *See the Club Recognition Pack for Funding Request

Spending club money It is important to remember that all club budgets are state dollars that are subject to college and state policies. 1. All expenditures must have the approval of the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator before the money is committed. 2. All funds generated by club activities must be turned in to the Campus Cashier within 24 hours and will be deposited into the club account. 3. If a club requests money and fails to use the allotted money for the stated purpose, the amount will be revoked and returned to the ASWCC. 4. Items purchased with S&A funds are property of the ASWCC. Personal use of these items outside of club or ASWCC related activities is not allowed. If a clubs recognition status is revoked or the club does not re-charter, supplies and equipment must be returned to the Office of Student Life. The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator will keep an inventory of purchases.


The Office of Student Life strongly discourages reimbursing personal funds spent by an advisor or a student for club/program expenditures. This is because: 1) if the item is not pre-approved by the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator, the expenditure may not meet S&A guidelines and isnt eligible for reimbursement 2) the purchaser may have to wait longer for the reimbursement than they expected, and 3) the preferred method of payment for the college is submitting a requisition with a vendor through the Business Office. If a student or advisor makes a pre-authorized expenditure, s/he must provide receipts in order to be reimbursed.

Purchasing Food with S&A Funds

Purchasing food with S&A funds (club money) is not allowed unless the Director of Student Life grants specific permission. Clubs (and other S&A funded programs) may not purchase food for regular meetings with S&A funds. Refreshments may be purchased and served at special meetings or events open to the general ASWCC population. Large events, such as BBQs are allowed only if the event is open and publicized to all Whatcom Community College students. Food servers must carry a Food Handlers Permit issued by the Whatcom County Health Department.

Process for Using Club Funds

1. Complete a Purchase Requisition, making sure to include details of the expenditure and include receipts for reimbursements the form is located on Club Moodle site or in the Office of Student Life. 2. Have the Purchase Requisition signed by your club advisor, giving permission to purchase item(s). 3. Return two copies to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator for authorization. 4. Once the request has been approved, the Purchase Requisition will be sent to the Business Office for processing. The Purchase Requisition will take approximately two weeks to be processed by the Business Office. The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator will call the specified Contact Person (on Purchase Requisition) to inform him/her that the Purchase Order is ready. The club will then pick up the Purchase Order from the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator and use it to purchase item(s) from the vendor. When purchasing item(s), KEEP COPIES OF ALL RECEIPTS AND PAPERWORK. Return original receipt(s) to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator IMMEDIATELY after purchase.

Conferences and Presentations The Conferences and Presentations budget line is set aside for students involved in a club/organization to attend and/or give a presentation at a conference. To maximize the impact of S & A funding, the club or organization is expected to present a program for the WCC community based on the conference. This program must be open to all students, and should highlight key learning from the conference. Disclaimer: This budget line will not fund airfare expenses and will fund hotel fees based on Washington instate per diem rates. Complete the ASWCC Application for Conference Funding form (sample attached, also available in the Student Programs office) and turn into the ASWCC Executive Vice President (through the Student Programs office). Contact the ASWCC President to be placed on the Student Council agenda ([email protected]) Make a presentation to the student council. Be prepared to address these points: - How much you are requesting - Dates of conference - How many students are attending - Current state of club budget - Fundraising for the trip - Anticipated benefits - Tentative date for presentation at WCC If the request exceeds $250.00, council will vote on the motion the following week. (As stated in the ASWCC by-laws, Article IV, Section 1, E1). You will need to be present at the next meeting to answer additional questions. The process of acquiring these funds takes time, so be sure to contact the ASWCC president at least a month prior to needing the funding.


ASWCC Application for Conference Funding ASWCC Council has a responsibility to allocate funds to benefit as many students as possible. In return for providing funds, council expects those who attend a conference to make a presentation open to all students after returning from the conference. Please sign the form below and submit to the ASWCC Executive Vice President. Name of Club/Organization:_________________________________________________ Date of Conference:_______________________________________________________ Purpose of Conference: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Itemize Expenses: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Total Amount Requested:______________________ Tentative date to present program at WCC: ___________________________________________ Club President_______________________________ Club Advisor________________________________

After this form is turned in, contact the ASWCC President ([email protected]) to be placed on the student council agenda. If the request exceeds $250.00, council will vote on the motion the following week. (As stated in the ASWCC by-laws, Article IV, Section 1, E1). Please be present at this meeting as well.

Funding Request Timeline

8 Weeks Before While planning your event/trip youll need to determine what you want to buy, from which vendor, and cost. Things to Remember: Tax information is required for each vendor. Each new vendor must complete a W-9 form and entered into the sys tem. The Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator can help you identify local vendors already in the system. Funding for you event/trip is only one part of the planning. Make sure you consult the Event Planning Steps in your Club Handbook. The Office of Student Life is here to help!

6 Weeks Before If you are requesting funding from the ASWCC, please contact the ASWCC President and request to be put on the agenda. Remember: ASWCC agendas are often set one to two weeks in advance. It may take several weeks before your proposal is heard. When presenting to Council, be prepared to answer questions about your event and how you intend to spend the money. According to the ASWCC By-laws, voting for funding requests with amounts over $250 will be held until the next Council meeting.

5 Weeks Before Please complete the following paperwork and return to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. A completed Purchase Requisition (youll need to get your advisors signature and make an itemized list of what you want to purchase, and from where). Note: Please turn in original and a copy. For travel: complete the Student Club/Organization Approval for Travel form (youll need to get your advisors sig nature). 4 Weeks Before Once your request has been approved and all documents have been submitted, the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator will submit the paperwork to the Business Office. If you would like to use the Campus credit card, contact the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. The Office of Student Life must reserve a time to check out and use the card. If your event includes food, contact Judy Vaz Sodexo to confirm your order. If you are submitting a reimbursement, make sure to include copies of all original receipts. Because of the time it takes to process paperwork and receive a reimbursement, it is strongly discouraged for students to use their personal finances to purchase items for club/college business.

1 Week Before Once the Business Office has approved the purchasing paperwork, you can go shopping for supplies. Your club will be notified and you can come to the Office of Student Life to pick up your Purchase Order. You will take the Purchase Order with you to make your purchase. When you have completed your shopping, return all original receipts to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. If you are using the WCC credit card, remember to schedule time with the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. There is only one credit card for the entire campus, so make your arrangements early!



The Whatcom Community College Financial Code, Office of Student Life, and the State of Washington mandate that certain procedures be followed for record-keeping and accountability. Any Whatcom Community College program or ASWCC recognized club supported by S&A dollars and engaging in fundraising, must comply with the Office of Student Life Fundraising policies. An example of the Fundraising Request Form is available in this handbook - for copies, check the Club Resources Website or the Office of Student Life. We realize that some programs or clubs may need to develop their own specific fundraising procedures. Programs may do so with the review and permission of the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator and the Business Office. Fundraisers: Auction Donation to Club/Organization Dues or Membership Fees Bake Sale Sale Tangible item(s) or Service(s) Event or Performance IMPORTANT Before any program or club generates revenue through a fundraising activity, it must complete and submit the Fundraising Request Form to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator at least four weeks prior to the fundraising activity. Clubs must have an Office of Student Life-approved system that tracks and documents all aspects of revenue collection. If a program or club does not abide by these instructions and policies, it could face delay or denial of future fundraising authorization. If you need a cash box for your fundraiser, request this on your Fundraising Request Form. It is state law that revenue generated by a fundraising event must be deposited within 24 hours of receipt of revenue. If a program or clubs event or activity ends after business hours, clubs/programs must secure funds on campus, and then make the deposit with the Business Office the next business day. A copy of the deposit receipt(s) generated by the business office is to be given to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. If a program or club needs an exception to this rule, it must be request an exception form the Director of Student Life. A reasonable exception to this rule might be a club that uses its student members as sales persons for tickets or tangible goods. The student may need to solicit sales over the period of a week, as opposed to coming in each day to deposit funds with the advisor. A rationale for an exception needs to accompany each authorization form. The Office of Student Life and/or the Business Office will then determine if such an exception is acceptable. Money raised from the fundraising and donations will be available after ten (10) working days of a request to spend the funds. This allows time for the Business Office to issues a check. Donated funds, if given for a specific activity may only be used for that specific activity.


Whatcom Community College Student Programs Club Fund Raising Event - Request for Approval Club Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Student Contact Name: ____________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: __________________________________________ Title of Proposed Fund Raising Event: ______________________________________________ Description of Event: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Start date/End date(s) of event: _________________________ Location: __________________ Explain how this fund raising event fits with the mission of the club: ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Income: $___________ Estimated Expenses: $___________ Est Net Profit $________ Will you need a change fund and cash box for the event? ________ How much? $____________ Describe the Planned Use of the Proceeds: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Advisor: Please review the two following statements and initial the applicable statement. Please initial only ONE of the statements, then sign the form below. _______ We will use S&A funds and/or other college funds to prepare for this event (as seed money, etc) and will follow all college and state guidelines for use of these funds. We will deposit the funds raised in our 264-xxxx Club Budget account with the college Business Office. I understand all proceeds become state funds and must be used in accordance with college policies and state law. _______ We will NOT use any S&A or other college funds to prepare for this event (as seed money, etc). We will deposit the funds raised in a 840 trust account for our club with the college Business Office. ____________________________________ Signature of Club Advisor _____________________________________ Printed Name Approved by Student Programs: _________________________________ _____________ Signature Date Revised 6/24/09 Distribution: One copy to Club One copy to Student Programs office _____________________ Date


Travel Procedures If your club/organization is planning to attend a workshop/conference or go on a retreat or field trip, all information regarding the event must be submitted to the Office of Student Life at least one month prior to the event or conference registration deadline. 2 months is necessary if you will travel out of the state/ country. This is in order for the proper paperwork to be submitted and payment processed on time. Club Organization Travel Approval Paperwork The ASWCC Clubs/Organization Travel Approval Form attached to this instruction sheet will give the Office of Student Life the information necessary to complete the business office forms for your trip. Conferences When attending workshops/conferences, please turn in the Travel Approval Form at least one month prior to the registration deadline. Other items that must be included with your Travel Approval Form include: A list of all students (with SID numbers) attending the event A completed registration form for the event A conference/workshop agenda A completed Hold Harmless Form signed by each participating student (if under 18, a parent signature is required) Out of state or out of country travel requires additional approval from the College President. All persons registered for the conference must be enrolled for at least one (1) credit at the time of registration and at the time of the conference. Retreats/Field Trips When planning a retreat or field trip, meet with the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator at least one month prior to the event. Items you will need for your retreat/field trip are: Field Trip Authorization Form This is a list of all students (with SID numbers) attending the retreat Retreat agenda, which must reflect the educational benefits of the retreat or field trip Hold Harmless Form signed by each participating student (if under 18, a parent signature is required) All persons planning to attend the retreat must be enrolled for at least one (1) credit at the time of approval and at the time of the retreat/field trip. **Retreats and field trips should not be held at resorts or facilities perceived as purely recreational. Conference centers are most appropriate for retreat purposes. Mode of Travel College-owned vehicle To secure a college-owned vehicle, contact Conference and Events Services. Privately-owned vehicle If using a privately-owned vehicle, submit proof of round trip mileage (attach MapQuest listing). Air travel or other methods If using air travel or other methods, contact the Director of Student Life before making arrangements. Air travel must be paid through fundraising. Upon Return The next business day following the trip, receipts from the hotel, van rental, and any other miscellaneous expenses must be submitted along with a Travel Expense Voucher to the Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator. This form can be obtained from the Moodle: Club Support Center or your advisor may find it on Fidalgo.

ASWCC Student Club/Organization Approval for Travel

Please attach a copy of the conference/retreat agenda & registration forms include specific written information verifying dates, location, fees, etc. A field trip authorization form should also be completed that includes a list of student/advisors planning to attend. This is due 1 month (30 days) prior to your event/trip If for international travel, this form is due 2 months prior to your event/trip.

Club Representative: _________________________________ Club/Organization Name: _____________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________

Todays Date: _____________________ Phone Number: ____________________

Trip Information Name of Conference/Retreat:________________________________________________ Location: __________________________________________ Date(s) of Trip: ____________________ Purpose of Trip How does this trip fit with the purpose of your club/organization and what do you members expect to gain from this experience? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Expenses & Source(s) of funds (S&A, fund-raised, personal funds) (Please give approximate costs) Transportation: Air Fare: _____________ Vehicle Mileage: _____________ Van Rental: _____________ Departure Date: _____________________ Departure Time: _____________________ Return Date: ________________________ Return Time: ______________________
**If the college van is being used, please write the driver(s) names:


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Lodging: Name: _________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ _________________________________ Meals: Number of days: __________ (the following number of meals should be based on one person)
**Per diem rates will be different based on your location - the Office of Student Life will calculate these rates. ** Do not include meals in this section if they are included in the cost of the conference/workshop

$________________ Number of Days: __________ Number of Rooms: ________

Address: _________________________________ $________________

Number of breakfasts: __________ Number of lunches: ____________ Number of dinners: ____________

Registration: $________________ Registration fee per person (student): ___________ Number of students: __________ Registration fee per person (advisor): ___________ Number of advisors: __________ Miscellaneous: $________________ Taxi, parking, ferry, etc. (please list any expected costs Signatures:
Club Representative: __________________________________________________ Club Advisor: _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________


I hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in a recreational activity or sports program (hereinafter called program) through Whatcom Community College Student Programs and Athletics. I understand the risk involved in the program. I recognize that the program and its activities involve risk of injury and I agree to accept any and all risks associated with it, including but not limited to property damage or loss, minor bodily injury, severe bodily injury, and death. Furthermore, I recognize that participation in the program involves activities and risks incidental thereto, including but not limited to, transportation related to the program, games, competitions, training, practices, scrimmages, plays, physical contact with other players, limited availability of medical assistance and the possible reckless conduct of other participants. I am voluntarily participating in the program with the knowledge of the risks involved and hereby agree to accept any and all inherent risks of property damage, bodily injury, or death. There is also the possibility of suffering emotional distress or psychological injury, simply from participation in recreational activities, or as a result of witnessing or actually inflicting injury to another. I further understand that protective equipment, no matter how well designed and maintained, cannot guarantee the prevention of bodily injury or death. I also recognize that no helmet, brace, padding or other protective equipment can absolutely prevent possible head, neck or other potentially serious injuries that are possible while participating in the program. I understand the risk of injury from using poorly fitting, worn or defective protective equipment, or from the use of misuse of protective equipment to deliberately injure a player. In consideration of my participation in the program and to the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Whatcom Community College, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns from and against all claims arising out of or resulting from my participation in the program. Claims as used in this agreement means any financial loss, claim, suit, action, damage or expense, including but not limited to attorneys fees, attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting there from. In addition, I hereby voluntarily hold harmless Whatcom Community College, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns from any and all claims, both present and future, that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns. I hereby expressly agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Whatcom Community College, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns for any claim arising out of or incident to my participation in the program, unless claim is caused by sole negligence or willful misconduct of Whatcom Community College. I also understand that Whatcom Community College does not provide any medical or dental insurance or life insurance to cover bodily injury, illness or death, nor insurance for personal property damage or loss, nor insurance for liability arising out of my negligent acts or omissions; and I acknowledge that I am completely responsible for my own insurance to cover these expenses. I further understand that this assumption of risk and hold harmless is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Washington and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, I agree that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in the full legal force and effect I agree that this acknowledgement of risk and hold harmless is effective for as long as I participate in this program. I have read and understand this acknowledgement of risk and hold harmless. Participants Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Participants Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________ Student ID #: ________________________ Year in school: __Fresh__Soph___ Graduation date: ________________ Name of recreation or sport _________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ________________________________________ Emergency Phone: _______________________

Parent Name: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________


I, __________________________________________, a student at Whatcom Community College, hereby acknowledge and certify the following: 1. I am voluntarily choosing to participate in the activity of: ________________________________________________________. 2. I hereby accept full personal responsibility for my own actions and conduct in this activity, including making sure that I know (a) all of the risks and dangers that I may encounter in this activity, and (b) how to exercise reasonable care to avoid or minimize those risks or dangers. 3. I agree to conduct myself in accordance with Whatcoms code of student conduct, including its rules on Student Rights and Responsibilities, Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 132U-120. 4. I understand that I am not permitted to use, and I specifically declare and agree that I will not use, any alcohol or illegal drugs in conjunction with this activity. This restriction will last from the moment I depart Whatcom Community College for the function until I return, 24 hours a day, and includes members of any age. There will also be no conveyance of alcohol or illegal drugs in state vehicles. 5. I certify that I am in good health and have no physical, medical, mental, emotional impairments, conditions, or concerns that might jeopardize or affect my safety, or the safety of others, related to my participation in this activity. 6. I understand that there are certain risks and dangers associated with my participation in this activity, including (but not limited to) risks of the following: illnesses, accidents, injuries, etc. I hereby voluntarily accept and choose to encounter these and all other risks and dangers arising from or associated with my participation in this activity. 7. I understand that neither the college nor any of its agents or employees may serve as guardians or insurers of my safety. I further understand that the college does not provide any special insurance for my protection, and that it is my responsibility to obtain any appropriate insurance. 8. I understand that if I drive my own motor vehicle or otherwise arrange my own transportation to, during, or from the activity, I am responsible for myself, my own safety, the safety of my passengers, and the security of my vehicle. By signing this, I also acknowledge that I have a valid drivers license and that my vehicle is insured in accordance with state law. The college doe s not pay for any damages or injury suffered in the course of traveling in private vehicles. 9. I understand and agree that neither the college nor any college personnel may be held liable in any way for any occurrences in connection with the activity named above. I hereby release and hold harmless the college, its officers, directors, employees, instructors, sponsors, and agents from any and all liability for injury to my person or property, whether foreseen or unforeseen caused in any manner by my participation in the activity. In case of emergency, I request the college contact: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ Cell: ___________________________________ I certify that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and am legally competent to sign this Acknowledgement and Consent. Alternatively, if I am under age 18, a parent or legal guardian must also sign. I HAVE READ, AND UNDERSTAND THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT, AND AM SIGNING IT VOLUNTARILY, UNDER NO COMPULSION. I KNOWINGLY ACCEPT AND CHOOSE TO ENCOUNTER ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS ACTIVITY. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, I HEREBY GIVE AUTHORIZATION TO WHATCOM COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR ME. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct: ___________________________________________
(Date and Place)

(Students Signature)

If the Student is under eighteen (18) years of age, I make the same certification on behalf of the Student and myself. In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact a parent or emergency contact. If no contact can be made, I hereby give authorization to Whatcom Community College ___________________________________________
(Date and Place)

(Students Signature)


ASWCC Project Planning Guide as of March 22, 2010 Introduction: Planning a major event or program is not as easy as you might think it is! You need a good process to ensure you include all the necessary elements to make your project successful. If you dont prepare a good plan in advance, youre almost certain to overlook some necessary actions. We define a project as planning and conducting a major one-time event or program. Examples of projects include visits by state officials, an election forum with local political candidates, and panel discussions or speakers on significant current issues. This Guide is intended to provide a process and helpful guidance to student-leaders to ensure successful events. Its important to have a plan on paper that puts together all required elements, lists the work to be accomplished, and communicates to your project team. This is especially important for projects involving state officials, other VIPs, public involvement or other high visibility or complex projects. Your project plan should document all the tasks to be completed, state who will be responsible, and set target dates and/or deadlines for each task. The items below are listed in general sequential order, but many items must be in work at the same time. You should review the entire Guide, then take the actions for your project. Creating the Project Plan: (Use attached template or plain paper and follow these steps to create your Project Plan. Have your advisor(s) review your Project Plan.) 1. Clearly state the purpose of your event. Write a one or two sentence purpose statement. (All planning and actions will be directed to accomplishing this purpose). 2. Identify your intended target audience. (Who do you want to attend the event? How many do you expect to attend?) 3. List the specific learning outcomes you want to achieve. (Discuss with your advisor). 4. Are there supporting events for the major program (for example, a poster contest to support a major speaker)? List all of the supporting events for the overall program (use bullet format). 5. Determine your preferred location, and date/time/duration of the event. 6. Determine the format for your event (physical lay-out of the space, how the sequence of events will flow). Create a preliminary draft of the agenda, and a diagram of the room/area set up (handwritten outline and diagram are fine). 7. List the Project Action Steps. Make a list of all the work tasks required to complete the project. (This should be modified and expanded as your planning proceeds). Be specific: state what is to be done and the end result to be achieved. For big tasks, break them down into smaller, intermediate steps. If there are several major elements of the project, or different supporting events for the major event, list the tasks required separately for each element or supporting event . Revise the list, placing the items in approximate order to complete. (These may be revised and refined as you proceed). Identify the person responsible to complete each task. For major tasks, estimate the time required to complete the task. Show relationships between tasks where needed, i.e., when one task must be completed before another can begin. Based on the planned date of the event, assign target dates to complete each of the task actions. Estimate the cost of each item, where applicable. See item 14 for possible actions to consider. Recommended: create a chart or timeline showing all task actions so all team members can view and

track progress.


List your team members, advisor(s), and key contacts outside WCC.
Include contact telephone numbers and email addresses. If your team is large and/or includes sub-teams, create a list of key job duties/ responsibilities for each member. Review and use the Guidelines for Delegating attachment.


Identify the resources required. Include: tables (by type), chairs, audio-visual (microphones, projectors, screens) computers, internet access, flags, internal communication radios.
If internet access is required, contact IT. If college vans are needed, reserve with Conference & Event Services.

10. Complete the Facility Reservation Request. Be sure to include all resources required. Have your advisor sign, then turn into Conference & Event Services. 11. Develop estimated budget.
Include costs (as required) for equipment rentals, advertisement, supplies and materials, printing, catering, speaker honorarium, performer fees, travel, hotels, meals, other. Identify sources of funds. These may include: existing S&A budget, institution budget, fund raising, admission charge, registration fee, special request to Council for S&A funds. Note: if admission will be charged or registration fees required, make arrangements with the Business

Office for procedures, change fund, tickets, cash box, etc. 12. Develop promotion strategies and make a written promotion plan.
Options include WCC web site, reader board, flyers, posters, sandwich boards, email, attending club meetings, Activities web page, event calendar, computer lab screen savers, social media (facebook, twitter, etc), press release, others. For press release, contact the college director of communications.

13. Create the event agenda/schedule.

Describe the sequence of events, list the participants and duties/roles, and timing of events. An example event format is attached. For some projects (such as a candidate forum), write a script for narrator/moderator and key individuals. (The Student Life staff can provide a copy of a sample event script)

14. Consider event and participant safety and risk. Review these considerations:
Staffing: Are any special qualifications or certifications needed? Communications: How will staff communicate with each other during the event? Will staff be in different locations? Equipment: Are all supplies/equipment in good repair? Do you have a first aid kit? Have you developed a plan in case someone is injured? Are there guidelines in place to keep the event organized and productive?

15. Consider potential problems and develop a Glitch Plan. Assess likely problems/issues/ contingencies and develop response plans to minimize or work-around potential problems. Include: staffing noshows, sickness, accidents, facility problems (power, heating, air conditioning), equipment malfunctions, transportation delays, weather (rain plan if an outdoor event).



Review the following list of additional planning considerations. This list is fairly comprehensive and intended to help you identify possible tasks for your event. List only the actions needed for your project and include them in your task list/action steps: Determine if admission cost or registration fee. Reserve special equipment -- media, sports, recreation equipment, etc. Prepare purchase requisitions and/or contracts for special services for all purchases and for speakers or performers fees or honorariums. (A-19, W-9) Arrange with Copy Center for printing of materials (posters, programs, registration materials, agendas, etc) Coordinate with Presidents office on any VIPs invited. Request a college or ASWCC official to give welcoming remarks. Prepare and distribute registration materials. Arrange for processing of registrations Determine supplies needed and order them (create a detailed list of supplies) Order awards or prizes. Prepare materials for special displays at the event Reserve space for rehearsal Arrange for photographer for event Prepare event programs Prepare and distribute publicity/promotion/advertising materials (list specific tasks). Make arrangements for catering (contact campus dining services). Special needs for disabled, hearing impaired, elderly, etc. Coordinate needs with Disability Support Services. Contact guest speakers or performers Arrange transportation and/or housing/meals for speakers or performers Arrange support from maintenance and/or custodial staff. If event is during evening or weekend hours, contact Director of Facilities to inform security officer and have building systems (lighting, heating, air conditioning) operating. Arrange for additional security Prepare decorations Prepare nametags, badges, place cards. Arrange for change fund, cash box, ticket, receipt book from Business Office Begin ticket sales Plan for training of staff/volunteers Prepare directional signs (sandwich boards at key locations on campus) Notify college Information Desk of your event Arrange reserved parking for guest speaker with Director of Facilities Send directions, campus maps, parking instructions to guests. Confirm all arrangements one week before event Day of event: Place directional signs on campus Meet guest speaker/presenters/performers Check facility arrangements (set-up, sound, lighting, equipment, decorations, seating, etc) in advance Distribute programs After the event: Clean up Make sure all equipment is returned. Write thank you notes Evaluate event (with your project team) Prepare a final report with a summary of the event, list of issues encountered and how your resolved them, and recommendations for student leaders planning future events. 28

Coordinating the Project (or Accomplishing Your Plan!)

Once youve completed your preliminary planning, youll start taking actions to carry out the plan to accomplish your project. (You can and should adjust the plan as you go). The basic steps in coordinating the project are: Control your resources (people, funds, and material) to carry out the plan. Meet regularly with key team members to review actions taken, and next actions to take. (Ensure you

follow the Guidelines for Delegating.) Recommended: After each meeting, send an email summary of the decisions made, tasks assigned, and deadlines established (if any). This Summary and Task Reminders email will be very helpful to keep the team focused on their responsibilities and the project schedule.
Track the progress of task action steps and milestones. Make adjustments as necessary to ensure you meet project objectives. Be proactive -- try to anticipate problems and take action to head-off or minimize problems. Stay involved, check first-hand on completion of task actions. Verify the completed work products.

Evaluating the Event When the event or program is completed, the final step in the project is evaluation. Evaluation (or Assessment) addresses the following questions. Did we accomplish our purpose? What went well? What could we have done better? What did we learn from this experience? What recommendations do we have for studentleaders who follow us? Keep in mind that the purpose of evaluation is to learn from the experience so we can do better next time. So Use constructive criticism -- dont take it personally, and dont be defensive Speak from your perceptions (observations), recognizing that others perceptions may be different. Keep it positive! Some areas to consider addressing are: How well did the project accomplish its purpose? Was team organization effective? Were assigned tasks accomplished well? Were priorities for actions established, and did we work our priorities (or did we get side-tracked on less important work)? Was there clear communication among team members and supporting staff offices? Were our goals realistic? Were there adequate resources available? What problems did we encounter and how did we address them? Did we make any assumptions that didnt prove true? What changes should we make in the future in (1) planning, (2) organizing, and (3) executing the event? Ways to collect evaluation information: Team discussion / de-briefing after the event Soliciting verbal feedback from participants and audience Evaluation form with objective questions Requesting written comments/feedback Create a Project Evaluation report which addresses the areas outlined above and includes: Strengths -- what was good about the process and the resulting event Areas for Improvement -- what could we have done better? What lessons did we learn? Specific Recommendations for future projects -- what would you do differently if you were to do it again?

ASWCC Project Plan

Format Revised Feb 2010

Projects are defined as planning and conducting a major one-time event or program. Refer to the ASWCC Project Planning Guide for information on creating a project plan. Use this template or plain paper to write up your Project Plan.

Title of Project: Purpose: Target Audience: Desired Learning Outcomes: Location, date/time, duration: List any supporting events: Draft preliminary event agenda and diagram of room/area set-up (attach to this form). List team members, advisor(s), other key contacts: Detailed list of action steps/work tasks: (may be attached) Resources Required: Complete Facility Reservation Request (attach a copy) Estimated budget: Promotional strategies/plans: Final event agenda/schedule (attach a copy) Safety/Risk considerations and plans: Potential problems and glitch plan: Evaluation of Event (attach a copy after event is completed)


DESIRED RESULTS Ensure a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished (focus on results, not methods). Have person describe the result. Make out a quality statement of what the results will look like, and by when they will be accomplished. GUIDELINES Identify the parameters within which the individual should operate. (As few as possible, but include any restrictions on what they may not do). Identify where any potholes or quicksand are. Keep the responsibility for results with them. RESOURCES - specify the resources available to accomplish the desired results Human Financial Technical Organizational ACCOUNTABILITY Agree on the standards of performance used to evaluate results. Specific times when progress reporting and evaluation will take place. CONSEQUENCES Specify what will happen, good and bad, as a result of the evaluation (financial, personal development, future job assignments, organizations mission).


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