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Pre-Heresy Ezekyle Abaddon was the First Captain, leader of the First Company of the Luna W olves.

He looked upon Horus as a leader and a father, eventually revering him as a god and holding him above even the Emperor. Not only was he First Captain of his legion, whose exploits were known throughou t the Imperium, he was also part of the Mournival, a group of four captains who acted as counsellors to the Warmaster, and indeed had been in the group since it s inception.1 Extremely proud and quick to anger, Abaddon's martial record was unsurpassed by that of any other Luna Wolf.1 One of Abaddon's greatest glories was the final ba ttle of the Ullanor Crusade, where only he and his Primarch Horus walked away fr om the speartip strike on the Ork Warlord's headquarters2. He took his position extremely seriously, but did enjoy sharing his sense of humour with his Mourniva l brothers. Imposing in almost every way, Abaddon possessed a particularly deep voice, was t aller, stronger and bulkier than the average Space Marine, and wore his long bla ck hair in a strikingly tall topknot when not using a helmet. He had similar fac ial features to those of Horus, particularly the widely spaced eyes and long, st raight nose. He often wore a large black wolf-pelt over his Power Armour, to whi ch he also attached a cloak upon occasion. Abaddon possessed both a suit of powe r armour and suit of Terminator Armour, the former being painted in the standard colours of his Legion, while the latter was primarily black in colouration. Thi s marked him out as a member of the 1st Company elite, all of whom wore black ar mour.1 Indeed, Abaddon's personal unit was the black-armoured Justaerin Terminat or Squad, but he normally left command of it to Captain Falkus Kibre. Little Hor us Aximand quipped that this was because Abaddon was actually too big to fit ins ide a Terminator suit.2 Towards the end of the Great Crusade, Abaddon would only be seen in his black Terminator garb. Abaddon had a dislike of aliens that was notable even for a Space Marine; his an tipathy for them was so strong that he actually argued against the Warmaster's i ntention to parley with the Interex, a human civilisation that allowed an alien species to co-exist with them.1 Abaddon eventually grew frustrated and angry at the Emperor's supposed 'abandonm ent' of the Space Marine Legions, feelings which swelled to the surface when Hor us lay near to death on Davin. A member of the warrior-lodge within the Sons of Horus, he went along with Erebus' plan to take the Warmaster to the Serpent Lodg e for healing. In this way was Abaddon's road to damnation begun. The Horus Heresy Abaddon during the Horus Heresy After Horus' recovery, Abaddon grew ever more protective of his Primarch and his Legion's reputation, to the point where he saw remembrancer criticism and Imper ial investigation into Legion activities as threats and insults that could not b e borne. He therefore sanctioned the murder of Ignace Karkasy and the blaming of Legion-caused civilian casualties upon Garviel Loken.2 This course of action wa s frustrated by the refusal of Tarik Torgaddon to accede to the plan, and the Mo urnival brotherhood was effectively broken as a result. Abaddon's thinking would prove to be in tune with that of his commander, who wou ld eventually order not only the death of Karkasy but also that of Loken. Seemin gly destined to be in lockstep with the Warmaster, when Horus came to the warrio r-lodge of his Legion to sway them into following him onto what would prove to b e the path of heresy, Abaddon was amongst the first to swear his unquestioning l oyalty.

Abaddon was present at several of the major actions of the Horus Heresy. During the purging of the loyalist Legionaries at Isstvan III, Abaddon notably took to the field to attend the final meeting of what had once been the Mournival, at wh ich he dueled with Garviel Loken. Though slightly wounded in the combat, Abaddon emerged the victor.3 As Horus was slain and the Emperor mortally wounded at the end of the Horus Here sy, Abaddon tore the Lightning Claw (the "Talon of Horus") from Horus's corpse a nd retreated with the Traitor Legions to the Eye of Terror. Post-Heresy Abaddon the Despoiler Within the Eye of Terror, civil war soon broke out amongst the traitor Legions. Becoming embroiled in a war against the Emperor's Children, the Sons of Horus' f ortress was destroyed and the Emperor's Children stole the corpse of Warmaster H orus himself. Eventually with the help of Fabius Bile, a number of clones of Hor us were created, an act which disgusted the Sons of Horus. At this point Abaddon , still Captain of the 1st Company, took the position of Warmaster and leader of his legion. Abaddon led his forces in a lightning raid on the Emperor's Childre n's stronghold, destroying all the clones of Horus.4a Now the unquestioned leader of the Sons of Horus, Abaddon eventually renamed the m the Black Legion to expunge the name of Horus, who failed in his attempt to ta ke over the Imperium. He eventually returned at the head of a diabolic horde whi ch ravaged entire systems around the Eye of Terror before the Imperium could mus ter the strength to halt it. During this first Black Crusade, Abaddon made many bloody pacts with the infernal powers. In the crypts below the Tower of Silence on Uralan, Abaddon recovered the Daemon Sword Drach'nyen.4 With the howling daem on blade in his fist Abaddon became nigh unstoppable. Whole cities were burned i n sacrifice to the ever-hungry daemons of Chaos, and entire armies were torn apa rt by gibbering Warp entities. Abaddon's power swelled to inhuman proportions as the gods of Chaos rewarded him lavishly and he undertook acts of fiendish brave ry which horrified those who stood against him. During the Gothic War Abaddon almost brought an entire sector to its knees. His fleets were augmented with a newly constructed flagship, known for good reason a s the Planet Killer. Alongside this he somehow activated and gained control of t he Blackstone Fortresses, mysterious constructions allegedly ?re-dating the Impe rium itself that combined to generate prodigious destructive firepower. Abaddon attacked while the sector was cut off from reinforcements by Warp storms and cau sed huge damage to the Imperial battlefleet, destroyed a number of planets and d evastated many more. Only the intervention of the Eldar enabled Imperial forces to stop the Chaos fleet. In the most recent assault, the 13th Black Crusade, Abaddon managed to gain a fo othold in the Cadian Gate, planning to extend the Eye of Terror to encompass eve n Terra in a plan known as The Crimson Path.[7] Although his ultimate victory ha s thus far been prevented, the High Lords of Terra live in fear of the day that Abaddon unites all of the Traitor Legions into an unstoppable horde and returns to play out the last acts of treachery begun by Horus ten thousand years ago.4Sh ould Abaddon's armies triumph, the floodgates will be open and a never ending ti de of Chaos will pour out of the Eye of Terror to despoil the Imperium, and perh aps once again strike at the most prized of worlds - Terra itself.5

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